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We used data from two troops of free-ranging vervet monkeys (Chlorocebus aethiops) to assess the proposition that the conspicuous chest rubbing observed in this species constitutes scent-marking behavior. Our data indicate that chest-rubbing behavior is associated with higher-ranking males who are more likely to do so during the breeding season in areas where territorial encounters occur. We found no indication that chest rubbing was triggered directly by encounters between troops. We conclude that these data, in conjunction with reports of chest rubbing from other Old World monkeys, are sufficiently suggestive of scent marking to warrant further, directed research and support the suspicion that olfactory cues remain important to catarrhines in a number of domains.  相似文献   

Rubbing behaviors are well known in several primate species and are usually seen as scent-marking behaviors, with several functions proposed but still widely debated. The genus Alouatta is highly sexually dimorphic and a suitable subject for the study of sexual and hierarchical divergences associated with rubbing behavior: males should mark more than females, and dominant individuals more than subordinate ones. Three wild groups of Southern brown howler monkeys, Alouatta guariba clamitans, were studied at Morro Geisler, Indaial, Brazil, from September 2004 to February 2005. One hundred and twenty-three rubbing episodes were registered; data on performers and associated contexts showed that anogenital, dorsum and hyoid regions were the most often rubbed. Adult males rubbed significantly above expected levels, whereas subordinated females and juveniles tended to rub below the expected levels. Females were the main performers of anogenital rubbing, often preceded by defecation. The predominance of rubbing in males probably serves an important function in intrasexual communication and social interactions. Intrasexual competition can also lead to a relationship between rubbing and social status in females. Hyoid and sternum rubbing by males are probably agonistic signals associated with extragroup conflict. The possible cleaning function of anogenital rubbing does not preclude a communicative function. Whether rubbing behavior in howlers is solely for the function of scent marking or can also be a visual signal (e.g. as a display or to color the substrate with pigment) requires further study.  相似文献   

Communication, an essential prerequisite for sociality, involves the transmission of signals. A signal can be defined as any action or trait produced by one animal, the sender, that produces a change in the behaviour of another animal, the receiver. Secondary sexual signals are often used for mate choice because they may inform on a potential partner's quality. Verreaux's sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi) is characterized by the presence of two different morphs of males (bimorphism), which can show either a stained or clean chest. The chest becomes stained by secretions of the sternal gland during throat marking (rubbing throat and chest on a vertical substrate while smearing the scent deposition). The role of the chest staining in guiding female mate choice was previously hypothesized but never demonstrated probably due to the difficulty of observing sifaka copulations in the wild. Here we report that stained-chested males had a higher throat marking activity than clean-chested males during the mating season, but not during the birth season. We found that females copulated more frequently with stained-chested males than the clean-chested males. Finally, in agreement with the biological market theory, we found that clean-chested males, with a lower scent-releasing potential, offered more grooming to females. This "grooming for sex" tactic was not completely unsuccessful; in fact, half of the clean-chested males copulated with females, even though at low frequency. In conclusion, the chest stain, possibly correlated with different cues targeted by females, could be one of the parameters which help females in selecting mates.  相似文献   

The correlates of chest-rubbing were studied in a captive group of woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha) to assess possible functions of territorial marking, spacing among competing groups or competing males, reproductive communication, marking to identify familiar environments, selfanointing, and displacement activity. Chest-rubbing was observed only in sexually mature monkeys and was a predominantly male activity. Females increased chest-rubbing when the original adult male died. Chest-rubbing by the first adult male was more common during the two months that he was mating with two females and at times when keepers were likely to be at the exhibit. The results suggest a reproductive function for chest-rubbing in both males and females. There is also support for chest-rubbing as a spacing activity.  相似文献   

Many mammalian species which exhibit scent-marking behaviour show a pronounced sexual dimorphism in marking behaviour and scent gland morphology. However, several species of marmosets and tamarins do not show dimorphism in these traits. We examined sex differences in scent-marking structures and behaviour in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus o. oedipus; Primates: Callitrichidae). While body size and weight were virtually identical in adult males and females, there were pronounced sex differences in scent gland size and in rates of marking behaviour. Females possessed larger anogenital and suprapubic glands and showed 10-fold higher rates of anogenital marking and slightly higher rates of suprapubic marking than males. Observations on the development of anogenital marking revealed a lack of dimorphism during the first 2 years. Adult rates of anogenital marking in females were only observed in females housed separately from their natal family group. The onset of adult levels of marking behaviour corresponds with the adoption of the role of a breeding adult female, suggesting that anogenital marking plays a role in sexual communication.  相似文献   

In this study we compared the scent-marking rates of females with those of males. Specifically, we examined the ability of season, dominance status, and natal status to explain the frequency of scent marking in female sifakas living wild in Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar, and compared the results with those published for males [Pochron et al., American Journal of Primatology, in press]. We also sought to determine whether vulnerability to infanticide affects marking frequency in adults of either sex, and whether female reproductive status affects female marking behavior. We found that males marked at twice the rate of females, and like males, females in single-female groups marked at the highest rates. Dominant females and non-natal females marked at higher rates than did subordinate females and natal females, a pattern also seen in males. This suggests that scent marks may convey important information about status. Neither females nor males varied their marking frequency with the presence of vulnerable infants. Females did not alter marking frequency with reproductive state, and like males, they marked at higher rates in the period prior to the mating season than they did in the mating season itself. This implies that females may use scent marks more for intrasexual aggression or territoriality than for mate attraction.  相似文献   

Scent marking can provide behavioral and physiological information including territory ownership and mate advertisement. It is unknown how mating status and pair cohabitation influence marking by males from different social systems. We compared the highly territorial and monogamous California mouse (Peromyscus californicus) to the less territorial and promiscuous white-footed mouse (P. leucopus). Single and mated males of both species were assigned to one of the following arenas lined with filter paper: control (unscented arena), male scented (previously scent-marked by a male conspecific), or females present (containing females in small cages). As expected, the territorial P. californicus scent marked and overmarked an unfamiliar male conspecific's scent marks more frequently than P. leucopus. Species differences in responses to novel females were also found based on mating status. The presence of unfamiliar females failed to induce changes in scent marking in pair bonded P. californicus even though virgin males increased marking behavior. Pair bonding appears to reduce male advertisement for novel females. This is in contrast to P. leucopus males that continue to advertise regardless of mating status. Our data suggest that communication through scent-marking can diverge significantly between species based on mating system and that there are physiological mechanisms that can inhibit responsiveness of males to female cues.  相似文献   

Is Self‐Grooming by Male Prairie Voles a Predictor of Mate Choice?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Self-grooming by mammals is a form of scent dissemination in which individuals anoint themselves with salivary, anogenital, and other body odours. Self-grooming has been proposed to be a sexually selected trait favoured in reproductive competition and sexual attraction. We tested the hypothesis that females would show a mating preference for males that self-groomed more than a reproductive competitor that groomed less. In mate-choice experiments in which females had a choice of two tethered males, non pair-bonded females did not choose males based on their frequency of self-grooming. In a second experiment in which pair-bonded females in postpartum oestrus had access to their current mate and two strange males, strange males groomed significantly more than pair-bonded mates, yet attained the fewest copulations. Non pair-bonded females and pair-bonded males and females groomed significantly less often than did non pair-bonded males. Self-grooming behaviour was consistent with the sexual attraction hypothesis, but the frequency of self-grooming did not increase a male's mating success. We conclude that the frequency and time spent self grooming are not good predictors of mating success.  相似文献   

Members of the population of black-handed spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, use the leaves of three Rutaceae species in a behavior that resembles fur rubbing in the white faced capuchin (Cebus capucinus). This behavior has not been reported from other sites where Ateles has been studied. During more than 1,200 hours of observation, 30 episodes of this behavior were recorded ad libitum. Adult males engage in this behavior more than adult females. Season did not impact the frequency of the behavior. The behavior described here differs in many respects from that reported for Cebus capucinus, and does not fit the hypotheses that the behavior functions in repelling insects or other antiseptic purposes. It is proposed that fur rubbing in this group of spider monkeys is a modification of a behavior previously recorded in Ateles and may function in scent marking.  相似文献   

For species of primates in which females emigrate, we would expect males within groups to be related to one another. Kin selection theory suggests that these males should associate preferentially with one another, be more affiliative and cooperative with one another than females are, and compete less overtly with one another over reproductive opportunities than males in female philopatric taxa do. Precisely these patterns of social behavior characterize well-studied populations of 2 of the 3 atelin primate genera: spider monkeys (Ateles) and muriquis (Brachyteles). For the third atelin genus, Lagothrix, patterns of intragroup social behavior have been less well-documented. We studied the social and reproductive behavior of lowland woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha poeppigii) in Ecuador during a one-year observational study and subsequently used molecular techniques to investigate population genetic structure and dispersal patterns for this taxon. Among adult male woolly monkeys, both affiliative and agonistic interactions were rare, and males were seldom in close proximity to one another. Relationships among male woolly monkeys are best characterized as tolerant, especially in the context of mating wherein direct competition among males was minimal despite the fact that females mated with multiple males. Relationships among females were likewise generally tolerant but nonaffiliative, though females often directed harassment towards copulating pairs. Affiliative interactions that did occur among woolly monkeys tended to be directed either between the sexes—primarily from female to male—or from younger towards older males, and the proximity partners of females tended to be members of the opposite sex. These results suggest that bonds between the sexes may be more important than same-sex social relationships and that direct female-female competition is an important feature of woolly monkey reproductive biology. Our genetic results indicate that, as in other atelins, dispersal by females is common, but some male dispersal likely occurs as well. In some but not all groups we studied, nonjuvenile males within social groups were more closely related to one another on average than females were, which is consistent with greater male than female philopatry. However, differences in these patterns among our study groups may reflect local variation in dispersal behavior.  相似文献   

Scent marking is common among male and female rodents and might be used in male-male competition and as a mechanism for mate attraction. I tested the hypotheses that females would choose males based on their frequency and placement of scent marks, and that a female would advertise interest in a particular male by placing her scent marks on or near those of a preferred mating partner. In a series of experiments conducted with prairie voles, Microtus ochrogaster, females did not choose mates based on the frequency or placement of scent marks by males nor did they advertise their interest in a particular male through the frequency or placement of scent marks. The number of males chosen that scent-marked more than their opponents did not differ significantly between females exposed (11 of 15) and not exposed (10 of 15) to scents of males. Females exposed and not exposed to scents of males preferred seven of the same males that had scent-marked more than their opponents. When a third group of females was exposed to four times more scent of the less preferred than preferred males, they still chose the preferred males. Thus, the frequency and placement of scent marks by males were not used to assess males for mate choice nor did female prairie voles use scent to advertise their preference for a mating partner. In that scent marking is common in male and female mammals, scent quality might be more important than quantity in male-male competition and mate attraction.Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved .  相似文献   

Male primates in species with pronounced secondary sexual adornments can exhibit reversible or irreversible bimorphism, i.e., striking variation in the degree to which males express the adornments. Verreaux’s sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi verreauxi) use scent marking as a form of communication and exhibit sex differences in scent glands. Some males exhibit a pronounced brown staining around their sternal gland, whereas others do not. We studied morphological and behavioral characteristics of males in 6 social groups in Kirindy Forest, Madagascar, from November 2000 to March 2002 to evaluate the hypotheses that the bimorphism in male sifaka chest status represents alternative mating tactics and is a badge of status. Males are clearly divided into 2 categories: clean and stained chests, with rare, but informative, intermediate males. The chest staining probably results from the males scent marking with their sternal glands, because stained-chested males scent marked significantly more often than clean-chested males. Though sample sizes are small, chest status did not appear to depend on body size. Chest status is reversible and related to dominance rank. In each group, only 1 male, the dominant, was stained-chested, whereas all other (subordinate) males were clean-chested. These findings suggest that stained chests are visual and olfactory signals of dominance rank and that clean chests signal lack of competitive intent. Thus, this bimorphism may reflect alternative mating tactics used by males to maximize their reproductive success based upon their social environment.  相似文献   

The hormonal control of scent marking and related behavior and morphology was examined in female gray short-tailed opossums. Females rarely scent marked when intact or following ovariectomy. Testosterone (T) but not estradiol (E) treatment stimulated chest marking while either hormone stimulated head marking in ovariectomized females tested alone. When the same females were tested with males, T-treated females showed little scent marking of any type; E-treated females showed hip marking in significantly more tests than females in the other treatment groups. Suprasternal scent glands (absent in intact females) and phalluses of females that received T were significantly larger than those of animals that received E or control animals. These findings are discussed with respect to similarities and differences between marsupial and eutherian females and between male and female gray opossums in the hormonal control of sexually dimorphic behavior and morphology.  相似文献   

We investigated sexual and seasonal patterns in scent-marking behaviour of the honey badger, by direct observations of habituated individuals (five females, four adult males, two young males). Four categories of scent-marking behaviour were identified: (1) scent marking at latrines; (2) token urination in holes along the foraging path; (3) squat marking at single-use sites; and (4) functional excretion. Females and young males used all four types of scent marking, but adult males were not observed to use token urination. A strategy of hinterland scent marking was used, as was predicted from the large home ranges of both male and female honey badgers. There were significant sexual differences in marking rate: adult males primarily used latrines and adult females favoured token urination. Latrine scent marking in adult male honey badgers provides support for the ‘scent-matching’ hypothesis. Females visited latrines when they were in oestrus. However, the low level of marking activity during a visit and the intensive smelling suggested a scent-matching function rather than reproductive advertisement. Token urination appeared to be related to the maintenance of spatiotemporal separation in females, although we also observed token urination in young males. While the placement of urine in foraging holes and its relation with successful digging attempts offer some support for the foraging efficiency hypothesis, we consider this unlikely, because we did not observe it in adult males and there was no seasonal pattern. Squat marking occurred under a wide range of conditions in both males and females and may be related to marking valuable resources. It is likely that scent marking in honey badgers has many functions.  相似文献   

Scent-marking displays provide honest signals of health and infection   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Males of many species produce scent marks and other olfactorysignals that function to intimidate rivals and attract females.It has been suggested that scent marks provide an honest, cheat-proofdisplay of an individual's health and condition. Here we reportseveral findings that address this hypothesis in wild-derivedhouse mice (Mus musculus domesticus). (1) We exposed males tofemale odor, which induces an increase in testosterone, andfound that sexual stimulation significantly increased the males'scent-marking and the attractiveness of their scent marks tofemales. (2) We challenged sexually stimulated males with anonreplicating strain of bacteria (Salmonella enterica C5TS)to activate immunity and found that this significantly decreasedthe males' scent-marking and the attractiveness of their scentmarks to females. (3) We collected scent marks from infectedand sham-infected males when they were sexually stimulated ornot, and we found that females could significantly discriminatethe scent marks of infected versus control males, but only whenthe males were sexually stimulated. Taken together, our resultsindicate that male mice modulate their scent-marking displaydepending on their health and perceived mating opportunities.Increased scent marking enhances males' attractiveness to females,scent marks provide an honest indicator of bacterial infection(and perhaps immune activation), and females are able to assessthe health of males more easily when males mark at a high rate.  相似文献   

The Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae) is a rare rodent living in patchy grassy areas of the Iberian Peninsula where unpaired individuals of both sexes use scent marking primarily to increase their mate-finding likelihood. Cabrera voles establish long-term pair bonds with opposite-sex conspecifics constituting a breeding pair, which is expected to reduce the efforts in searching for a new mate. Under such circumstances, scent marking as a strategy to increase mate-finding likelihood became useless. Accordingly, we hypothesise that pair bonded Cabrera voles suppress mate-finding scent marking to reduce energetic costs and predation risk. To test this hypothesis, we compared scent-marking behaviour towards a clean substrate, in both paired and non-paired voles. No differences were found in the scent marks’ type and the amount of marks placed by voles in both conditions. We also analysed the scent-marking behaviour of both sex pair bonded voles when exposed simultaneously to a clean substrate, a substrate pre-marked by males and a substrate pre-marked by females. We found no significant differences in scent-marks (urine-marked area and number of faecal boli) across the three types of substrate types. In accordance with our prediction, these results suggest that pair bonded Cabrera voles did not use scent marking for mate finding, thus providing further support to the existence of a monogamous mating strategy. Furthermore, our results fail to support the use of scent marking for territorial defence purposes.  相似文献   

We conducted an experiment using the prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster) to test predictions associated with the proposed functions of scent marking as a sexual attractant, in reproductive competition, and as a self-advertisement. We allowed an oestrous female, an anoestrous female, and an adult male to scent mark three portions of a clean substrate and then exposed a second male to this substrate for secondary marking. We did not support a sexual attraction hypothesis in that males did not place more scent marks in response to oestrous than anoestrous females. Similarly, we did not support a reproductive competition hypothesis in that males did not place more scent marks in response to marks of males than to those of females or bare substrate. Males did not overmark the scent of males or females and thus we did not support a scent-masking or scent-blending hypothesis. In that males deposited scent similarly in response to males, females, and on bare substrate, our results suggest that the frequency and placement of scent marks by males function primarily to advertise individual identity in an area.  相似文献   

Two captive male Lemur fulvus were presented with scents of conspecific males and females, outside the mating season. Both subjects sniffed male scents significantly more than female scents. Male and female scents did not elicit significantly different amounts of scent marking. None of the responses of either subject suggested any discrimination of sub-species by scent.  相似文献   

We conducted an experiment to test three alternative hypotheses for the function of frequency of scent marking in male prairie voles, MICROTUS OCHROGASTER: (1) sexual attraction (to advertise male quality for mating); (2) reproductive competition; and (3) self-advertisement or individual identity. In laboratory experiments, males deposited scent on all areas of a bare substrate, and more in an area next to a stimulus animal than other areas, regardless of the stimulus animal's sex. Females did not choose mates based on their frequency of scent marking and scent marking did not antagonize or stimulate aggression between males. The frequency of scent marking by males supports the individual identity hypothesis, and is less consistent with the sexual attraction or reproductive competition hypotheses. Mate choice is likely based on a complex suite of characters, but at least in prairie voles, the frequency of scent marking by males does not appear to be one of them.  相似文献   

The function of an odour may be reflected in its fade-out time in the environment. In this study, we investigated fade-out times of two specific odours, the anogenital area scent and that of the posterolateral region. These two odours support opposite-sex preferences in male and female meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, but convey nonidentical information to conspecifics during the breeding season. The first experiment tested whether meadow voles respond preferentially to scents that were aged for 15 min (fresh) to 30 d. Males preferred female anogenital area scent to male anogenital area scent if both scents were ≤ 10 d old. By comparison, females preferred male anogenital area scent to female anogenital area scent if the scents were ≤ 25 d old. However, male and female voles preferred the posterolateral scent of males to that of females if the scents were ≤ 1 d old. Thus, fade-out times for these two scents differ for males and females, suggesting different functions. In the second experiment, male and female voles preferred fresh anogenital area scent and fresh posterolateral region scent compared with those same scents that were older. This result suggests that older scents may have lost information over time about the sex of the donor. Overall, data from both experiments indicate that voles may use specific scents for communication in different social contexts.  相似文献   

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