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We propose a coupled mathematical modelling system to investigate glioblastoma growth in response to dynamic changes in chemical and haemodynamic microenvironments caused by pre-existing vessel co-option, remodelling, collapse and angiogenesis. A typical tree-like architecture network with different orders for vessel diameter is designed to model pre-existing vasculature in host tissue. The chemical substances including oxygen, vascular endothelial growth factor, extra-cellular matrix and matrix degradation enzymes are calculated based on the haemodynamic environment which is obtained by coupled modelling of intravascular blood flow with interstitial fluid flow. The haemodynamic changes, including vessel diameter and permeability, are introduced to reflect a series of pathological characteristics of abnormal tumour vessels including vessel dilation, leakage, angiogenesis, regression and collapse. Migrating cells are included as a new phenotype to describe the migration behaviour of malignant tumour cells. The simulation focuses on the avascular phase of tumour development and stops at an early phase of angiogenesis. The model is able to demonstrate the main features of glioblastoma growth in this phase such as the formation of pseudopalisades, cell migration along the host vessels, the pre-existing vasculature co-option, angiogenesis and remodelling. The model also enables us to examine the influence of initial conditions and local environment on the early phase of glioblastoma growth.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis, the growth of a network of blood vessels, is a crucial component of solid tumour growth, linking the relatively harmless avascular growth phase and the potentially fatal vascular growth phase. As a process, angiogenesis is a well-orchestrated sequence of events involving endothelial cell migration, proliferation; degradation of tissue; new capillary vessel (sprout) formation; loop formation (anastomosis) and, crucially, blood flow through the network. Once there is blood flow associated with the nascent network, the subsequent growth of the network evolves both temporally and spatially in response to the combined effects of angiogenic factors, migratory cues via the extracellular matrix and perfusion-related haemodynamic forces in a manner that may be described as both adaptive and dynamic. In this paper we present a mathematical model which simultaneously couples vessel growth with blood flow through the vessels--dynamic adaptive tumour-induced angiogenesis (DATIA). This new mathematical model presents a theoretical and computational investigation of the process and highlights a number of important new targets for therapeutic intervention. In contrast to earlier flow models, where the effects of perfusion (blood flow) were essentially evaluated a posteriori, i.e. after generating a hollow network, blood flow in the model described in this paper has a direct impact during capillary growth, with radial adaptations and network remodelling occurring as immediate consequences of primary anastomoses. Capillary network architectures resulting from the dynamically adaptive model are found to differ radically from those obtained using earlier models. The DATIA model is used to examine the effects of changing various physical and biological model parameters on the developing vascular architecture and the delivery of chemotherapeutic drugs to the tumour. Subsequent simulations of chemotherapeutic treatments under different parameter regimes lead to the identification of a number of new therapeutic targets for tumour management.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) was originally identified as an endothelial cell specific growth factor stimulating angiogenesis and vascular permeability. Some family members, VEGF C and D, are specifically involved in lymphangiogenesis. It now appears that VEGF also has autocrine functions acting as a survival factor for tumour cells protecting them from stresses such as hypoxia, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The mechanisms of action of VEGF are still being investigated with emerging insights into overlapping pathways and cross-talk between other receptors such as the neuropilins which were not previously associated with angiogenesis. VEGF plays an important role in embryonic development and angiogenesis during wound healing and menstrual cycle in the healthy adult. VEGF is also important in a number of both malignant and non-malignant pathologies. As it plays a limited role in normal human physiology, VEGF is an attractive therapeutic target in diseases where VEGF plays a key role. It was originally thought that in pathological conditions such as cancer, VEGF functioned solely as an angiogenic factor, stimulating new vessel formation and increasing vascular permeability. It has since emerged it plays a multifunctional role where it can also have autocrine pro-survival effects and contribute to tumour cell chemoresistance. In this review we discuss the established role of VEGF in angiogenesis and the underlying mechanisms. We discuss its role as a survival factor and mechanisms whereby angiogenesis inhibition improves efficacy of chemotherapy regimes. Finally, we discuss the therapeutic implications of targeting angiogenesis and VEGF receptors, particularly in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Development of the retinal vasculature is controlled by a hierarchy of interactions among retinal neurons, astrocytes and blood vessels. Retinal neurons release platelet-derived growth factor (PDGFA) to stimulate proliferation of astrocytes, which in turn stimulate blood vessel growth by secreting vascular endothelial cell growth factor (VEGF). Presumably, there must be counteractive mechanisms for limiting astrocyte proliferation and VEGF production to prevent runaway angiogenesis. Here, we present evidence that the developing vessels provide feedback signals that trigger astrocyte differentiation--marked by cessation of cell division, upregulation of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and downregulation of VEGF. We prevented retinal vessel development by raising newborn mice in a high-oxygen atmosphere, which leads, paradoxically, to retinal hypoxia (confirmed by using the oxygen-sensing reagent EF5). The forced absence of vessels caused prolonged astrocyte proliferation and inhibited astrocyte differentiation in vivo. We could reproduce these effects by culturing retinal astrocytes in a low oxygen atmosphere, raising the possibility that blood-borne oxygen itself might induce astrocyte differentiation and indirectly prevent further elaboration of the vascular network.  相似文献   

Blood vascular networks in vertebrates are essential to tissue survival. Establishment of a fully functional vasculature is complex and requires a number of steps including vasculogenesis and angiogenesis that are followed by differentiation into specialized vascular tissues (i.e., arteries, veins, and lymphatics) and organ-specific differentiation. However, an equally essential step in this process is the pruning of excessive blood vessels. Recent studies have shown that pruning is critical for the effective perfusion of blood into tissues. Despite its significance, vessel pruning is the least understood process in vascular differentiation and development. Two recently published PLOS Biology papers provide important new information about cellular dynamics of vascular regression.Vascular biology is a rapidly emerging field of research. Given the critical role the vasculature frequently plays in a wide range of common and serious diseases such as arteriosclerosis, ischemic diseases, cancer, and chronic inflammatory diseases, a better understanding of the formation, maintenance, and remodeling of blood vessels is of major importance.A mature vascular network is a highly anisotropic, hierarchical, and dynamic structure that has evolved to provide optimal oxygen delivery to tissues under a variety of conditions. Whilst much has been learned about early steps in vascular development such as vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, we still know relatively little about how such anatomical and functional organization is achieved. Furthermore, the dynamic nature of mature vascular networks, with its potential for extensive remodeling and a continuing need for stability and maintenance, is even less understood. The issue of optimal vascular density in tissue is of particular importance as several recent studies demonstrated that excessive vascularity may, in fact, reduce effective perfusion [13]. Since all neovascularization processes initially result in the formation of excessive amounts of vasculature, be that capillaries, arterioles, or venules, pruning must occur to return the vascular density to its optimal value in order to achieve effective tissue perfusion.Yet despite its functional importance, little is known about how regression of the once formed vasculature actually happens. While several potential mechanisms have been proposed including apoptosis of endothelial cells, intussusception vascular pruning, and endothelial cell migration away from the regressing vessel, cellular and molecular understanding of how this might happen is conspicuously lacking. Two articles recently published in PLOS Biology describe migration of endothelial cells as the key mechanism of apoptosis-independent vascular pruning and place it in a specific biologic context. This important advance offers not only a new understanding of a poorly understood aspect of vascular biology but may also prove to be of considerable importance in the development of pro- and anti-angiogenic therapies.To put vessel regression in context, it helps to briefly outline the current understanding of vessel formation. During embryonic development, vasculature forms in several distinct steps that begin with vasculogenesis, a step that involves differentiation of stem cells into primitive endothelial cells that then form initial undifferentiated and nonhierarchically organized lumenized vascular structures termed the primary plexus [4]. The primary plexus is then remodeled, by the process termed angiogenesis, into a more mature vascular network [5]. This remodeling event involves both formation of new vessels accomplished either by branching angiogenesis, a process dependent on tip cell-driven formation of new branches [6], or intussusception, a poorly understood process of splitting an existing vessel into two [7]. This incompletely differentiated and still nonhierarchical vasculature then further remodels into a number of distinctly different types of vessels such as capillaries, arteries, and veins. This requires fate specification, differentiation, and incorporation of various mural cells into evolving vascular structures. Finally, additional specialization of the vascular network occur in an organ-specific manner.Once formed, vascular networks require active maintenance as withdrawal of key signals, such as of ongoing fibroblast growth factor (FGF) or vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) stimulation, can lead to a rapid loss of vascular integrity and even changes in endothelial cell fate [812]. In addition, mature vessels retain the capacity for extensive remodeling and new growth as can be seen in a number of conditions from cancer to myocardial infarction and wound healing responses, among many others [5].A key issue common to both embryonic and adult vessel remodeling is how an existing lumenized vessel connected to the rest of the vasculature undergoes a change that results in its remodeling into something else. Such a change may involve either a new branch formation or regression of an existing branch, while the patency and integrity of the remaining circulation is maintained. Two types of cellular process leading to branching have been described—sprouting and intussusception. Formation of vascular branches by sprouting involves VEGF-A-induced expression of high levels of delta-like ligand 4 (Dll4) in a subset of endothelial cells at the leading edge of the vascular sprouts that are lying closest to the source of VEGF, thus converting them to a “tip cell” phenotype. Some of the key features of tip cells include the presence of cytoplasmic processes that extend into avascular (or hypoxic) tissue that form nascent branches. Dll4 expressed on tip cells binds Notch-1 receptor in neighboring endothelial cells, thereby activating their downstream Notch signaling. In turn, Notch signaling shuts down the formation of additional filopodia processes, converting these cells to a “stalk cell” phenotype and thereby avoiding excessive branching [1315]. The bone morphogenetic protein signaling pathway provides further input in determining stalk cell fate [16]. Importantly, tip cells are only partially lumenized; only once they have converted to a stalk phenotype does the lumen extend to what was a tip cell and its sprouts.An alternative mechanism of branching involves intussusception, a process by which a tissue pillar from the surrounding tissue splits the existing endothelial tube into two along its long axis, creating two adjusting vessels. While this process has been described morphologically, virtually nothing is known about its molecular and cellular regulation. In development, angiogenesis by intussusception occurs in vessels previously formed by sprouting angiogenesis [17,18]. Importantly, however, both sprouting angiogenesis and intussusception allow growth and remodeling of vascular network without any integrity compromise, thereby avoiding bleeding and related complications.There are certain parallels between vessel formation and branching and vessel regression. While growth occurs either via sprouting (a process linked to endothelial cell-migration) or intussusception, regression involves either “reverse intussusception,” endothelial migration-dependent regression, or apoptosis. The latter is the primary means of regression of the hyaloid vasculature in the eye and of the vascular loss seen in oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR). In the case of hyaloid vasculature, secretion of WNT7b by macrophages invading the hyaloid membrane induces apoptosis of hyaloid endothelial cells leading to the regression of the entire hyaloid vasculature [19]. This total apoptosis-induced loss of hyaloid blood vessels contrasts with a less extensive vascular regression seen in the setting of OIR. In this condition, exposure of the developing retinal vasculature to abnormally high oxygen levels leads to vascular damage characterized by capillary pruning [20]. The pruning is the consequence of apoptosis of endothelial cells due to the toxic effect of a combination of high oxygen and low VEGF level. Interestingly, larger vessels and mature capillaries are not sensitive to hyperoxia [21].Intussusception vascular pruning was also described in a low VEGF level context in the chick chorioallantoic membrane. Application of VEGF-releasing hydrogels to the membrane surface results in formation of an excessive vasculature. Removal or degradation of the hydrogel induces an abrupt VEGF withdrawal. In this context, formation of transluminal pillars, similar to the ones seen in intussusception angiogenesis, is observed in vessels undergoing pruning [22]. The same process is observed in the tumor vasculature in the setting of anti-angiogenic therapy [23]. Finally, apoptosis-independent vascular regression, driven by endothelial cell migration, has been described in the mouse retina, yolk vessels of the chick and mouse embryos, branchial arches, and the zebrafish brain [2428].In all of these cases, only a subset of vessels is designated for pruning, and the selection of these vessels is highly regulated. Yet, factors involved in choosing a particular vascular branch for pruning remain ill-defined. One such factor is low blood flow [27,28]. Another is Notch signaling that has been shown to at least partially control vascular pruning in mouse retina and in intersegmental vessels (ISVs) in zebrafish [24]. Loss of Notch-regulated ankyrin repeat protein (Nrarp), target gene of Notch signaling, leads to an increase in vascular regression in these tissues due to a decrease in Wnt signaling-induced stalk cell proliferation. Similarly, in Dll4 +/- mice, developmental retinal vascular regression and OIR-induced vascular pruning are reduced [29], confirming the involvement of the Notch pathway in the control of vascular regression.The two factors may be linked, as low flow can affect endothelial shear stress and lead to a decrease in Notch activation. Such a link is suggested by studies on vascular regression in mice with endothelial expression of dominant negative NFκB pathway inhibitor that demonstrate excessive vascular growth but reduced tissue perfusion [2]. Molecular studies showed inhibition of flow- or cytokine-induced NFκB activation results in decreased Dll4 expression [2].Another important issue is the fate of endothelial cells from vessels undergoing pruning. In PLOS Biology, two groups recently described endothelial cell behavior during vascular pruning in three different models: the mouse retina, the ISVs in zebrafish, and the subintestinal vessel in zebrafish [30,31]. Using a high resolution time-lapse microscopy technique, Lenard and collaborators showed that vascular pruning during the subintestinal vessel formation occurs in two different ways. In type I pruning, the first step is the collapse of the lumen. Once that occurs, endothelial cells migrate and incorporate into the neighboring vessels. In type II pruning, the lumen is maintained. One endothelial cell in the center of the pruning vessel undergoes self-fusion, leading to a unicellular lumenized vessel. At the same time, other endothelial cells migrate away and incorporate into the neighboring vessels. The eventual lumen collapse is the last step after which the remaining single endothelial cell migrates and incorporates into one of the major vessels.Franco and collaborators described a pruning mechanism similar to the type I pruning described by Lenard et al., showing lumen disruption as an initial step in pruning of retinal vasculature in mice and ISVs in zebrafish [31]. By analyzing the first axial polarity map of endothelial cells in these models, they demonstrated that axial orientation predicts endothelial cell migration, and that migration-driven pruning occurs in vessels with low flow. Interestingly, migrating endothelial cells in regressing vessel display a tip cell phenotype with filopodia.The cellular dynamic of vessel pruning described here is the reverse of the cellular dynamic during anastomosis and angiogenesis [32]. Given the crucial role of factors as VEGF for the migration of endothelial cells during angiogenesis, can we go further and propose that other cytokines or cell–cell signaling may be involved in the migration of these endothelial cells? Indeed, low blood flow seems to be the cause of vessel pruning, but how can we explain the direction of endothelial cell migration, moreover with a tip cell morphology? Also, what determines the choice between type I and type II pruning? The collapse of lumen suggests a reorganization of the cytoskeleton, and a loss of polarity and electrostatic repulsion of endothelial cells. Molecular mechanisms leading from low shear stress to loss of endothelial cell polarity need further investigation. As defective vascular pruning could be involved in poor recovery after injury or ischemic accident, a better understanding of the molecular control of this phenomenon appears to have medical consequences. Another question that is still unanswered is the fate of mural cells that surrounded the pruned vessels. Small vessels are covered by pericytes, which have strong interaction with endothelial cells. How and when are these interactions disrupted? Are pericytes integrated into the neighboring vessel, or do they undergo apoptosis? Further studies are needed to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms by which vasculature can adapt, even at the adult stage, to support the nutrient and oxygen needs of each cell.Overall, taking the results of these studies together with other recent developments in this field, the following picture is emerging (Fig 1). Under conditions of low blood flow in certain vascular tree branches, pruning will occur via endothelial cell migration out of these branches to the neighboring (presumably higher blood flow) vessels. This results in decreased total vascular cross-sectional area and increased average blood flow, thereby terminating further pruning. Importantly, this occurs without the loss of luminal integrity and without reduction in the total endothelial cell mass. At the same time, vessels that suddenly find themselves in a low VEGF environment will regress either by apoptosis of endothelial cells or by intussusception. In both cases, there is a reduction in the total vasculature without an increase in blood flow to this tissue. Thus, the local context determines the mechanism: migratory regression and remodeling in low shear stress versus apoptotic pruning in low VEGF milieu.Open in a separate windowFig 1Vessel regression under low flow versus low VEGF conditions.Vessel regression under low flow conditions proceeds by endothelial cell (EC) migration-driven regression, resulting in a decrease in total vessel areas but an increase in blood flow (left panel). Vessel regression under low VEGF conditions proceeds by EC apoptosis or intussusception regression, resulting in decreased vessel number and decreased flow to tissues subtended by the regressing vasculature (right panel). Image credit: Nicolas Ricard & Michael Simons.This distinction is likely to be of a significant practical importance, in particular in the context of therapies designed to facilitate vessel normalization in tumors after VEGF-targeting treatments and therapies designed to promote vascularization of mildly ischemic tissues as occurs, for example, in the setting of chronic stable angina and other similar conditions. In the former case, a precipitous drop in VEGF levels is likely to induce vascular regression by induction of endothelial apoptosis, and further promotion of apoptosis may facilitate this process. In contrast, in the latter case, low flow in newly formed collateral arteries may induce their regression by stimulating outmigration of endothelial cells, thereby limiting their beneficial functional impact. Therapies designed to inhibit this mechanism, therefore, may promote growth of the new functional vasculature.  相似文献   

The adult vasculature results from a network of vessels that is originally derived in the embryo by vasculogenesis, a process whereby vessels are formed de novo from endothelial cell (EC) precursors, known as angioblasts. During vasculogenesis, angioblasts proliferate and come together to form an initial network of vessels, also known as the primary capillary plexus. Sprouting and branching of new vessels from the preexisting vessels in the process of angiogenesis remodel the capillary plexus. Normal angiogenesis, a well-balanced process, is important in the embryo to promote primary vascular tree as well as an adequate vasculature from developing organs. On the other hand, pathological angiogenesis which frequently occurs in tumors, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic retinopathy and other circumstances can induce their own blood supply from the preexisting vasculature in a route that is close to normal angiogenesis. Vascular permeability factor/vascular endothelial growth factor (VPF/VEGF) is perhaps the most important of pro-angiogenic cytokine because of its ability to regulate most of the steps in the angiogenic cascade. The main goal of this review article is to discuss the complex nature of the mode of action of VPF/VEGF on vascular endothelium. To this end, we conclude that more research needs to be done for completely understanding the VPF/VEGF biology with relation to angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Blood vessel development is a vital process during embryonic development, during tissue growth, regeneration and disease processes in the adult. In the past decade researchers have begun to unravel basic molecular mechanisms that regulate the formation of vascular lumen, sprouting angiogenesis, fusion of vessels, and pruning of the vascular plexus. The understanding of the biology of these angiogenic processes is increasingly driven through studies on vascular development at the cellular resolution. Single cell analysis in vivo, advanced genetic tools and the widespread use of powerful animal models combined with improved imaging possibilities are delivering new insights into endothelial cell form, function and behavior angiogenesis. Moreover, the combination of in silico modeling and experimentation including dynamic imaging promotes insights into higher level cooperative behavior leading to functional patterning of vascular networks. Here we summarize recent concepts and advances in the field of vascular development, focusing in detail on the endothelial cell.  相似文献   

Microvascular networks undergo patterning changes that determine and reflect functional adaptations during tissue remodeling. Alterations in network architectures are a result of complex and integrated signaling events. To understand how two growth factor signals interact to stimulate angiogenesis and arterialization, we engineered spatially directed microvascular pattern changes in vivo by using combinations of focally delivered exogenous growth factors. We implanted microdelivery beads containing recombinant vascular endothelial growth factor-164 (VEGF(164)) and recombinant angiopoietin-1* (Ang-1*) into the dorsal subcutaneous tissue of fully anesthetized male Fischer 344 rats implanted with backpack window chambers, and we quantified vascular patterning changes by using intravital microscopy, a combination of architectural metrics, and immunohistochemistry. Focal delivery of VEGF(164) caused spatially directed increases in both the total number and the density of vessels with diameters <25 microm 7 days after microbead implantation. Increases were maintained out to 14 days but were reduced to control values by day 21. The addition of Ang-1* on day 7 maintained these increases out to day 21, induced vessel order ratios comparable to control levels, and was accompanied by increases in the length density of smooth muscle alpha-actin-positive vessels. We achieved spatial control of patterning changes in vivo by using multisignal stimulation via focal delivery of exogenous growth factor combinations and conclude that Ang-1* administered subsequent to VEGF(164) stimulation induces vascular growth while maintaining a network pattern consistent with native patterns that persist in the presence of vehicle control stimulation.  相似文献   

We investigate a three-dimensional multiscale model of vascular tumour growth, which couples blood flow, angiogenesis, vascular remodelling, nutrient/growth factor transport, movement of, and interactions between, normal and tumour cells, and nutrient-dependent cell cycle dynamics within each cell. In particular, we determine how the domain size, aspect ratio and initial vascular network influence the tumour's growth dynamics and its long-time composition. We establish whether it is possible to extrapolate simulation results obtained for small domains to larger ones, by constructing a large simulation domain from a number of identical subdomains, each subsystem initially comprising two parallel parent vessels, with associated cells and diffusible substances. We find that the subsystem is not representative of the full domain and conclude that, for this initial vessel geometry, interactions between adjacent subsystems contribute to the overall growth dynamics. We then show that extrapolation of results from a small subdomain to a larger domain can only be made if the subdomain is sufficiently large and is initialised with a sufficiently complex vascular network. Motivated by these results, we perform simulations to investigate the tumour's response to therapy and show that the probability of tumour elimination in a larger domain can be extrapolated from simulation results on a smaller domain. Finally, we demonstrate how our model may be combined with experimental data, to predict the spatio-temporal evolution of a vascular tumour.  相似文献   

The development of blood vessels (angiogenesis) is critical throughout embryogenesis and in some normal postnatal physiological processes. Pathological angiogenesis has a pivotal role in sustaining tumour growth and chronic inflammation. Vascular endothelial growth factor-B (VEGF-B) is a member of the VEGF family of growth factors that regulate blood vessel and lymphatic angiogenesis. VEGF-B is closely related to VEGF-A and placenta growth factor (PlGF), but unlike VEGF-A, which binds to two receptor tyrosine kinases VEGFR-1 (Flt-1) and VEGFR-2 (Flk-1/KDR), VEGF-B and PlGF bind to VEGFR-1 and not VEGFR-2. There is growing evidence of a role for VEGF-B in physiological and pathological blood vessel angiogenesis. VEGF-B may provide novel therapeutic strategies for the treatment of vascular disease and be a potential therapeutic target in aberrant vessel formation. To help understand at the molecular level the differential receptor binding profile of the VEGF family of growth factors we have determined the crystal structure of human VEGF-B(10-108) at 2.48 Angstroms resolution. The overall structure is very similar to that of the previously determined cysteine-knot motif growth factors: VEGF-A, PlGF and platelet-derived growth factor-B (PDGF-B). We also present a predicted model for the association of VEGF-B with the second domain of its receptor, VEGFR-1. Based on this interaction and the present structural data of the native protein, we have identified several putative residues that could play an important role in receptor recognition and specificity.  相似文献   

Abnormal angiogenesis is associated with a broad range of medical conditions, including cancer. The formation of neovasculature with functionally defective blood vessels significantly impacts tumor progression, metastasis, and the efficacy of anticancer therapies. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) potently induces vascular permeability and vessel growth in the tumor microenvironment, and its inhibition normalizes tumor vasculature. In contrast, the signaling of the small GTPase R-Ras inhibits excessive angiogenic growth and promotes the maturation of regenerating blood vessels. R-Ras signaling counteracts VEGF-induced vessel sprouting, permeability, and invasive activities of endothelial cells. In this study, we investigated the effect of R-Ras on VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2) activation by VEGF, the key mechanism for angiogenic stimulation. We show that tyrosine phosphorylation of VEGFR2 is significantly elevated in the tumor vasculature and dermal microvessels of VEGF-injected skin in R-Ras knockout mice. In cultured endothelial cells, R-Ras suppressed the internalization of VEGFR2, which is required for full activation of the receptor by VEGF. Consequently, R-Ras strongly suppressed autophosphorylation of the receptor at all five major tyrosine phosphorylation sites. Conversely, silencing of R-Ras resulted in increased VEGFR2 phosphorylation. This effect of R-Ras on VEGFR2 was, at least in part, dependent on vascular endothelial cadherin. These findings identify a novel function of R-Ras to control the response of endothelial cells to VEGF and suggest an underlying mechanism by which R-Ras regulates angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Neural driven angiogenesis by overexpression of nerve growth factor   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Mechanisms regulating angiogenesis are crucial in adjusting tissue perfusion on metabolic demands. We demonstrate that overexpression of nerve growth factor (NGF) in brown adipose tissue (BAT) of NGF-transgenic mice elevates both mRNA and protein levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and VEGF-receptors. Increased vascular permeability, leukocyte–endothelial interactions (LEI), and tissue perfusion were measured using intravital microscopy. NGF-stimulation of adipocytes and endothelial cells elevates mRNA expression of VEGF and its receptors, an effect blocked by NGF neutralizing antibodies. These data suggest an activation of angiogenesis as a result of both: stimulation of adipozytes and direct mitogenic effects on endothelial cells. The increased nerve density associated with vessels strengthened our hypothesis that tissue perfusion is regulated by neural control of vessels and that the interaction between the NGF and VEGF systems is the critical driver for the activated angiogenic process. The interaction of VEGF- and NGF-systems gives new insights into neural control of organ vascularization and perfusion.  相似文献   

Beilmann M  Birk G  Lenter MC 《Cytokine》2004,26(4):178-185
Therapeutic angiogenesis aims to induce blood vessel growth in acute or chronic ischemic tissues and has gained tremendous interest over the last years. To study factors and combinations thereof that potentially induce or modify angiogenesis and to evaluate their therapeutic potential, various in vitro assays have been developed. Although endothelial cells have attracted most attention in these assays, they alone cannot complete vessel maturation since extracellular matrix (ECM) components and mesenchymal cells also play an important role in vascular development. To address this complexity we focussed on a human co-culture angiogenesis assay comprising primary endothelial cells as well as primary ECM-producing fibroblasts. In this assay HGF and VEGF as single factors and combined were tested for the potential to induce an angiogenic response, which was detected by image analysis assessing the area, length and branches of the formed vascular structures. The results show that the cytokines HGF and VEGF both promote angiogenesis in this co-culture assay by inducing distinguishable patterns of vascular structures. VEGF increases the length, area and branch point number of induced vessels whereas HGF mediates exclusively vascular area growth resulting in vascular structures of enlarged diameter. Moreover, the combination of both cytokines results in an additive increase of vascular diameter.  相似文献   

Autoimmunity, microangiopathy and tissue fibrosis are hallmarks of systemic sclerosis (SSc). Vascular alterations and reduced capillary density decrease blood flow and impair tissue oxygenation in SSc. Oxygen supply is further reduced by accumulation of extracellular matrix (ECM), which increases diffusion distances from blood vessels to cells. Therefore, severe hypoxia is a characteristic feature of SSc and might contribute directly to the progression of the disease. Hypoxia stimulates the production of ECM proteins by SSc fibroblasts in a transforming growth factor-β-dependent manner. The induction of ECM proteins by hypoxia is mediated via hypoxia-inducible factor-1α-dependent and -independent pathways. Hypoxia may also aggravate vascular disease in SSc by perturbing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor signalling. Hypoxia is a potent inducer of VEGF and may cause chronic VEGF over-expression in SSc. Uncontrolled over-expression of VEGF has been shown to have deleterious effects on angiogenesis because it leads to the formation of chaotic vessels with decreased blood flow. Altogether, hypoxia might play a central role in pathogenesis of SSc by augmenting vascular disease and tissue fibrosis.  相似文献   

The adult vasculature results from a network of vessels that is originally derived in the embryo by vasculogenesis, a process whereby vessels are formed de novo from endothelial cell (EC) precursors, known as angioblasts. During vasculogenesis, angioblasts proliferate and come together to form an initial network of vessels, also known as the primary capillary plexus. Sprouting and branching of new vessels from the preexisting vessels in the process of angiogenesis remodel the capillary plexus. Normal angiogenesis, a well-balanced process, is important in the embryo to promote primary vascular tree as well as an adequate vasculature from developing organs. On the other hand, pathological angiogenesis which frequently occurrs in tumors, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic retinopathy and other circumstances can induce their own blood supply from the preexisting vasculature in a route that is close to normal angiogenesis. Vascular permeability factor/vascular endothelial growth factor (VPF/VEGF) is perhaps the most important of pro-angiogenic cytokine because of its ability to regulate most of the steps in the angiogenic cascade. The main goal of this review article is to discuss the complex nature of the mode of action of VPF/VEGF on vascular endothelium. To this end, we conclude that more research needs to be done for completely understanding the VPF/VEGF biology with relation to angiogenesis. (Mol Cell Biochem 264: 51–61, 2004)  相似文献   

VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) is the master regulator of blood vessel growth. However, it displayed substantial limitations when delivered as a single gene to restore blood flow in ischaemic conditions. Indeed, uncontrolled VEGF expression can easily induce aberrant vascular structures, and short-term expression leads to unstable vessels. Targeting the second stage of the angiogenic process, i.e. vascular maturation, is an attractive strategy to induce stable and functional vessels for therapeutic angiogenesis. The present review discusses the limitations of VEGF-based gene therapy, briefly summarizes the current knowledge of the molecular and cellular regulation of vascular maturation, and describes recent pre-clinical evidence on how the maturation stage could be targeted to achieve therapeutic angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis has been proposed to play a role in the inflammation observed in Sjögren’s Syndrome (SS). However, no studies have validated the degree of angiogenesis in salivary glands with SS. Therefore, the goal of this study was to determine the presence and localization of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis in salivary glands with SS. We used frozen tissue sections from human minor salivary glands (hMSG) with and without SS in our analyses. To investigate signs of angiogenesis, hMSG tissue lysates were used to detect levels of the pro-angiogenic protein vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) by western blot analyses. Additionally, we labeled blood vessels using antibodies specific to platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) and von Willebrand Factor (vWF) to determine blood vessel organization and volume fraction using fluorescence microscopy. Lymphatic vessel organization and volume fraction were determined using antibodies specific to lymphatic vessel endothelial hyaluronan receptor (LYVE-1). Our results suggest that expression levels of VEGF are decreased in hMSG with SS as compared with controls. Interestingly, there were no significant differences in blood or lymphatic vessel organization or volume fraction between hMSG with and without SS, suggesting that angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis have little impact on the progression of SS.  相似文献   

In the female reproductive system, as in a few adult tissues, angiogenesis occurs as a normal process and is essential for normal tissue growth and development. In the ovary, new blood vessel formation facilitates oxygen, nutrients, and hormone substrate delivery, and also secures transfer of different hormones to targeted cells. Ovarian follicle and the corpus luteum (CL) have been shown to produce several angiogenic factors, however, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is thought to play a paramount role in the regulation of normal and abnormal angiogenesis in the ovary. Expression of VEGF in ovarian follicles depends on follicular size. Inhibition of VEGF expression results in decreased follicle angiogenesis and the lack of the development of mature antral follicles. The permeabilizing activity of VEGF is thought to be involved in follicle antrum formation and in the ovulatory process. In the CL, VEGF expression corresponds to different patterns of angiogenesis during its lifespan. In most the species, higher VEGF expression in the early luteal phase is essential for the development of a high-density capillary network in the CL. However, high VEGF expression may be still maintained in the mid-luteal phase to increase vascular permeability that results in enhancement of luteal function. During gestation, VEGF is thought to be important for the persistence of the CL function for a longer than in the nonfertile cycle period of time. Further elucidation of specific roles of VEGF in ovarian physiology may help to understand the phenomenon of luteal insufficiency and reveal novel strategies of ovarian angiogenesis manipulation to alleviate infertility or to control fertility.  相似文献   

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