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The pH gradient and membrane potential of submitochondrial particles from bovine heart were estimated by the uptake of [14C]ethylamine and [36Cl]perchlorate, using filtration through a glass fiber prefilter and Millipore filter without washing to separate the vesicles from the medium. An external volume probe of [3H] sucrose was also used. Internal volume of the vesicles was measured by the extent of uptake of glucose, which equilibrates slowly across the membrane. The electrochemical potential gradient of H+ (delta micro H+) calculated from uptake of ethylamine and perchlorate, assuming the ions taken up were free in solution inside the vesicles, was 23 to 24 kJ/mol of H+ (240-250 mV) during respiration in the absence of ATP. The ratio of the free energy of ATP synthesis (delta GATP) to delta micro H+ was 2.2 to 2.3 during oxidative phosphorylation and only slightly higher during ATP hydrolysis indicating that the H+-translocating ATPase is close to equilibrium under both conditions. The nonintegral ratio suggests there is a systematic error in the measurement of delta micro H+. The value of delta micro H+ calculated from ion uptake could be too high if some of the ions taken up are bound to the membrane or concentrated into the electric double layer at the inner membrane-water interface. The effects of vesicle volume (varied osmotically) and permeant ions (which affect internal ionic strength and pH) on the ratio of delta GATP to delta micro H+ suggested that ion association with the membrane in fact caused significant overestimation of delta micro H+. Association of ethylammonium and perchlorate ions with unenergized submitochondrial particles was measured by centrifugation, in the presence of a high concentration of impermeant salt to minimize association with the external surface. The results were used to estimate the extent of binding during the ion uptake assays, and delta micro H+ was recalculated taking this binding into account. The resulting values were between 19 and 20 kJ/mol of H+ (197-207 mV) during respiration in the absence of ADP, and the ratio of delta GATP to delta micro H+ was about 3 during oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The electrical and chemical components of the electrochemical proton gradient of submitochondrial particles can be monitored simultaneously by continuously recording optical signals from the probes oxonol-VI and 9-aminoacridine. Either respiration or ATP hydrolysis causes a red shift in the absorption spectrum of oxonol-VI indicative of a membrane potential and a decrease of the fluorescence of 9-aminoacridine indicative of a pH gradient. The magnitude of the membrane potential and pH gradient formed by respiring submitochondrial particles can be modulated by the thermodynamic phosphorylation potential (deltaGp) of the adenine nucleotide system. deltaGp is the Gibbs free energy of ATP synthesis and is defined by the relationship deltaGp = -deltaG'o + RTln([ATP]/[ADP][Pi] where deltaG'o is the standard free energy of ATP hydrolysis. Increasing values of deltaGp cause an increase in the steady state magnitudes of both the membrane potential and pH gradient. Thermodynamic phosphorylation potential titration experiments indicate that the electrochemical proton gradient normally maintained by respiring submitochondrial particles has an energy equivalent to 10.5 to 10.9 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

In the presence of ATP and oxidizable substrate, submitochondrial particles accumulate up to 7 nmol of picrate/mg of protein. Half of this value is reached at 5 μM picrate in the medium, and maximal energy-dependent accumulation occurs at 25 μM picrate. Mitochondrial proton fluxes calculated under such conditions are 0.80 and 1.08 pmol H+/cm2·sec at 10 μM and 25 μM picrate, respectively. These values are similar to those reported for state 4, and are therefore not large enough for uncoupling by picrate through proton translocation. The energy-dependent spectral response of oxonol VI is reversed to 50 % by 40 μM picrate, suggesting that abolishment of membrane potential is responsible for uncoupling of submitochondrial particles by picrate.  相似文献   

Mitochondria isolated from mung bean hypocotyls, possessing a significant level of cyanide and antimycin A — resistant respiration via an alternate pathway, were assayed for hydrogen peroxide production by yeast cytochrome c peroxidase compound II formation. Rates of antimycin A — insensitive hydrogen peroxide production of 0.7–3 nmol/mg/min were observed which were too low to account for the observed oxygen consumption via the alternate pathway. However, further investigations revealed the presence of significant levels of catalase, peroxidase and hydrogen donor to peroxidase, even in gradient purified mitochondria and these could easily utilize any hydrogen peroxide produced by the alternate pathway. Similar experiments performed upon submitochondrial particles demonstrated a rate of H2O2 production which could easily account for the net electron flux through the alternate pathway. From these results, we postulate that the alternate pathway reduces oxygen only partially to hydrogen peroxide, and that the peroxidase and catalase activities of the mitochondria prevent its accumulation.  相似文献   

Submitochondrial particles subjected to an artificially imposed electrochemical proton gradient consisting of a pH gradient (acid to base transition) and membrane potential (low to high K-+ transition in the presence of valinomycin) catalyzed the net synthesis of 2.5 nmol of [-32P]ATP per mg of protein from ADP and 32-Pi. Optimal reaction conditions included incubation of submitochondrial particles in malonate at pH 5.0 with valinomycin in the absence of added K-+, followed by a rapid transition to pH 7.5 and 100 mM K-+. ATP synthesis continued for about 6 s and was sensitive to uncouplers or oligomycin but insensitive to inhibitors of electron transport. Lower amounts of ATP were formed by either the pH gradient (25%) of K-+ gradient (15%) alone. These results demonstrate that an electrochemical gradient of protons can drive the synthesis of ATP by reversal of the proton-translocating ATPase independent of electron transport.  相似文献   

Acridines were compared regarding their ability to be taken up by submitochondrial particles under energized conditions. pH dependence of uptake was explored, and it was found that acridines fell into three classes independently of their pKa value: acridines which are not taken up, acridines taken up at all pH values, and acridines taken up only at alkaline pH. Partition measurements between H2O and chloroform phase showed a similar pattern, and affinity for the organic phase seemed to parallel uptake. Acridines which are taken up by submitochondrial particles at acidic pH under energized conditions despite a high pKa value could also be extracted into chloroform at acidic pH, thus implying that the dye's uncharged form has a high affinity for the organic phase. By supplementing the aqueous medium with lipophilic anions, the dye may also be extracted in its charged form. The data support a mechanism for acridine uptake in which diffusion of the uncharged form across the membranes is an obligatory step. Some previously reported inhibitory anion effects on uptake may be explained by ion pair formation, which allows release of the accumulated charged form.  相似文献   

Adriamycin (doxorubicin), an anticancer agent, stimulated the formation of superoxide in submitochondrial particles isolated from bovine heart. Superoxide formation was detected by oxygen uptake, by the cooxidation of epinephrine to adrenochrome and by the reduction of acetylated cytochrome c. These processes were sensitive to superoxide dismutase (SOD). Rotenone-insensitive oxidation of NADH by the mitochondrial respiratory chain in the presence of oxygen caused the formation of approx 4 nmol of superoxide per min/mg of protein. Adriamycin at a concentration of 400 micron stimulated the rate of superoxide formation 6-fold to 25 nmol.min-1.mg-1, but this was not a maximum rate. Approximately 50 micron adriamycin was estimated to be sufficient for obtaining one-half maximal stimulation. Hydrogen peroxide accumulated as a final reaction product. Measurements of the relative catalase activity of blood-free tissues of rabbits and rats indicated that heart contained 2 to 4% of the catalase activity of liver or kidney. An enhanced production of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide and the relatively low catalase content of heart tissue may be factors in the cardiotoxicity induced by adriamycin chemotherapy if a similar reaction occurs in vivo.  相似文献   

1. F1-ATPase has been extracted by the diphosphatidylglycerol procedure from mitochondrial ATPase complexes that differ in ATPase activity, cold stability, ATPase inhibitor and magnesium content. 2. The ATPase activity of the isolated enzymes was dependent upon the activity of the original particles. In this respect, F1-ATPase extracted from submitochondrial particles prepared in ammonia (pH 9.2) and filtered through Sephadex G-50 was comparable to the enzyme purified by conventional procedures (Horstman, L.L. and Racker, E. (1970) J. Biol. Chem. 245, 1336--1344), whereas F1-ATPase extracted from submitochondrial particles prepared in the presence of magnesium and ATP at neutral pH was similar to factor A (Andreoli, T.E., Lam, K.W. and Sanadi, D.R. (1965) J. Biol. Chem. 240, 2644--2653). 3. No systematic relationship has been found in these F1-ATPase preparations between their ATPase inhibitor content and ATPase activity. Rather, a relationship has been observed between this activity and the efficiency of the ATPase inhibitor-F1-ATPase association within the membrane. 4. It is concluded that the ATPase activity of isolated F1-ATPase reflects the properties of original ATPase complex provided a rapid and not denaturing procedure of isolation is employed.  相似文献   

Cation binding to submitochondrial particles   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

Studies with ubiquinone-depleted submitochondrial particles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Light scattering was employed to monitor configurational changes of submitochondrial particles. Such changes were induced by ATP but not by analogues of this nucleotide. Mg-2+ in an equimolar concentration to ATP enhanced the effect of the nucleotide. The ATP-induced changes were inhibited by oligomycin and uncouplers. Atractyloside was effective as an inhibitor only when loaded within the particles. The ATP-induced changes were decreased by phosphate. The effect of phosphate was partially inhibited by mersalyl. Sodium phosphate and ammonium phosphate were more effective than potassium phosphate. The observed changes in light scattering were due to (a) events involved in energization and de-energization of the membrane, and (b) events concerning transport over the particulate membrane. The changes were specific for adenine nucleotides and phosphate.  相似文献   

Energy-linked swelling of EDTA submitochondrial particles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The osmotic properties of EDTA submitochondrial particles have been studied by means of light-scattering measurements and radioisotopic determination of water distribution. It is shown that EDTA particles exhibit a respiration-linked swelling which: (i) requires oligomycin and NO3?; (ii) is promoted by nigericin and inhibited by valinomycin in the presence of K+ but not in the presence of Na+; and (iii) is reversed by FCCP. It is concluded that the energy-linked swelling of EDTA particles is caused by energy-linked influx of salts.  相似文献   

Influx and efflux measurements of carnitine with submitochondrial particles lead to the conclusion that carnitine can cross the inner mitochondrial membrane by either facilitated diffusion or more rapidly by a carnitine-carnitine exchange. Both, the facilitated diffusion and the exchange are inhibited by N-ethylmaleimide or mersalyl at low concentrations. Reconstituted particles prepared from liposomes and either submitochondrial particles or an octyl β-glucoside-solubilized preparation were active in catalyzing carnitine-carnitine exchange.  相似文献   

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