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The technique ofmicrocasting to unravel certain aspects of the three-dimensionalanatomy of animals (especially man) and plants goes back a longtime, but it is only recently that it has been perfected intoa fine art and a useful operational tool in plant anatomy, moreor less simultaneously by Jean-Pierre André in Franceand by Tomoyuki Fujii and co-workers in 相似文献
This book comprisesfour parts, the first three as identified in the title, anda fourth described as newer seed biotechnologies. Almost halfof the book is devoted to seed production, 相似文献
Abiotic stress has a very highprofile in the plant sciences at the moment. The problem offeeding many more people (perhaps 4 to even 6 billion by theend of the century) may have a potential solution in the formof molecular biological manipulation. This, it is frequentlyclaimed, will give plants able to produce large amounts of biomassand edible material with minimal resources under what are, currently,very adverse conditions. Well, is it true? I looked to thisbook to find out more 相似文献
This book introduces readers toa whole range of topics associated with ecological geneticsby covering such subjects as genetic markers and sampling, geneticdiversity, gene flow, hybridization and phylogeny construction.Within these chapters 相似文献
In photosynthesis, CO2 enters theleaf from the atmosphere and moves to the active site of thecarboxylating enzyme, to be bound in an organic compound. Theprocess is largely diffusional and the pathway, although complicatedin detail, is usually split into sections related to differentanatomic structures, such as chloroplasts, cell walls, intercellularair space, stomatal pores and, finally the leaf boundary layer.Biologists have mainly been concerned with those sections thatare embedded within the leaf, considering the boundary layeras something external, not under the control by biological processes.Well, light is also not controlled 相似文献
The InstantNotes series from Bios will probably be familiar to manyreaders. The series' success is evident in the second editionsthat are appearing, e.g. the current volumealbeit nowunder the Taylor and Francis label. Content This book does what it says on the label; it provides noteson (probably) all of the topics within the compass of present-dayplant biology. Primarily, it deals with anatomy,growth and development, physiology, reproduction, and economicuses and ecology of flowering plants (angiosperms). However,it does cover other phyla of the Kingdom Plantae (principallyin two taxonomy/evolution sections), and algae(along 相似文献
All but five of the 46 contributionsin this symposium volume have been published already as a specialissue in Volume 255 of Plant and Soil in 2003. They are reproducedin exactly the same format and with the same pagination as inthe journal. To anyone who has access to Plant and Soil thisbook would therefore not be a sensible purchase. This is allthe more true because the editor has not provided any commentaryon the papers or subdivided them 相似文献
Googling the termmolecular ecotoxicology results in less than 1000hits compared to more than 8·5 million for moleculargenetics. Hence, we are dealing with a rather new orless well-defined and less propagated field of science. Springer'sbook Molecular ecotoxicology of plants edited by H. Sandermannmay therefore fill a gap and it is unique in focusing on plants.A first introductory chapter sets the stage and tries to definethe term for a broad 相似文献
The motivationfor producing this book is summed up in its last chapter byone of the editors: Life sciences concentrate on lifeand death; this simple statement stands for most of the urgentethical problems these sciences are confronted with ... Thelife sciences cannot escape from ethical issues, controversies,dilemmas even ... In this collection of papers we have intensivelydiscussed the new and often uncertain aspects of 相似文献
This book contains articles writtenby speakers and selected participants who attended the AdvancedResearch Workshop in 2002. The workshop was dedicated to thecentenary of the birth of the distinguished Russian plant physiologistMikhail Khristoforovich Chailakhyan who is best known for proposingthe existence of a universal flowering hormone that he namedflorigen. The opening article by N. 相似文献
Robert Shoeman 《Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society》2004,13(9):2564-2565
Few areas of science have progressed as rapidly, or have hadsuch an impact on public consciousness and governments, as recentadvances in plant biotechnology. These exciting scientific discoveriesand their increasing application are continuing to generateconsiderable economic, social and ethical considerations. Particularconcerns have been expressed, however, about potential foodsafety and environmental impact implications,in particular, of this revolution in biology inagriculture and the food 相似文献
The motto of the PhotosynthesisCongress in Brisbane in 2001 was that photosynthesissimply sustains all life on Earth. For this reason, photosynthesisis a large, well-researched area, so it is especially ambitiousto put together a handbook that attempts to cover the wholesubject. This volume is definitely not a handbook in the sensethat it provides a compendium for the novice, but instead itis a conspectus of areas of 相似文献
Sulphur metabolism of plants (I'll stick with British Englishspelling here) has always received less attention and attractedless funding than has research on nitrogen and phosphorus. Oneof the most important reasons no doubt is that, unlike nitrogenand phosphorus, sulphur availability to plants was rarely aproblem. As the post-World War II use of fertilizer 相似文献