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Two sets of cross-correlated relaxation rates involving chemical shift anisotropy and dipolar interactions have been measured in an RNA kissing complex. In one case, both the CSA and dipolar interaction tensors are located on the same nucleotide base and are rigidly fixed with respect to each other. In the other case, the CSA tensor is located on the nucleotide base whereas the dipolar interaction is located on the adjoining ribose unit. Analysis of the measured rates in terms of isotropic or anisotropic rotational diffusion has been carried out for both cases. A marked difference between the two models is observed for the cross-correlation rates involving rigidly fixed spin interactions. The influence of internal motions about the glycosidic linkage between the nucleotide base and the ribose unit on cross-correlated relaxation rates has been estimated by applying a model of restricted rotational diffusion. Local motions seem to have a more pronounced effect on cross-correlated relaxation rates when the two spin interactions are not rigidly fixed with respect to each other.  相似文献   

The global fold of maltose binding protein in complex with -cyclodextrin has been determined using a CNS-based torsion angle molecular dynamics protocol involving direct refinement against dipolar couplings and carbonyl chemical shift changes that occur upon alignment. The shift changes have been included as structural restraints using a new module, CANI, that has been incorporated into CNS. Force constants and timesteps have been determined that are particularly effective in structure refinement applications involving high molecular weight proteins with small to moderate numbers of NOE restraints. Solution structures of the N- and C-domains of MBP calculated with this new protocol are within 2 Å of the X-ray conformation.  相似文献   

The solution structure of d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 has been determined on the basis of an exceptionally large set of residual dipolar couplings. In addition to the heteronuclear 13C-1H and 15N-1H and qualitative homonuclear 1H-1H dipolar couplings, previously measured in bicelle medium, more than 300 quantitative 1H-1H and 22 31P-1H dipolar restraints were obtained in liquid crystalline Pf1 medium, and 22 31P chemical shift anisotropy restraints. High quality DNA structures can be obtained solely on the basis of these new restraints, and these structures are in close agreement with those calculated previously on the basis of 13C-1H and 15N-1H dipolar couplings. In the newly calculated structures, 31P-1H dipolar and 3Jsub H3 P sub couplings and 31P CSA data restrain the phosphodiester backbone torsion angles. The final structure represents a quite regular B-form helix with a modest bending of 10°, which is essentially independent of whether or not electrostatic terms are used in the calculation. Combined, the number of homo- and heteronuclear dipolar couplings significantly exceeds the number of degrees of freedom in the system. Results indicate that the dipolar coupling data cannot be fit by a single structure, but are compatible with the presence of rapid equilibria between C2-endo and C3-endo deoxyribose puckers (sugar switching). The C2-H2/H2 dipolar couplings in B-form DNA are particularly sensitive to sugar pucker and yield the largest discrepancies when fit to a single structure. To resolve these discrepancies, we suggest a simplified dipolar coupling analysis that yields N/S equilibria for the ribose sugar puckers, which are in good agreement with previous analyses of NMR JHH couplings, with a population of the minor C3-endo form higher for pyrimidines than for purines.  相似文献   

Molecular recognition models of both induced fit and conformational selection rely on coupled networks of flexible residues and/or structural rearrangements to promote protein function. While the atomic details of these motional events still remain elusive, members of the pancreatic ribonuclease superfamily were previously shown to depend on subtle conformational heterogeneity for optimal catalytic function. Human angiogenin, a structural homologue of bovine pancreatic RNase A, induces blood vessel formation and relies on a weak yet functionally mandatory ribonucleolytic activity to promote neovascularization. Here, we use the NMR chemical shift projection analysis (CHESPA) to clarify the mechanism of ligand binding in human angiogenin, further providing information on long-range intramolecular residue networks potentially involved in the function of this enzyme. We identify two main clusters of residue networks displaying correlated linear chemical shift trajectories upon binding of substrate fragments to the purine- and pyrimidine-specific subsites of the catalytic cleft. A large correlated residue network clusters in the region corresponding to the V1 domain, a site generally associated with the angiogenic response and structural stability of the enzyme. Another correlated network (residues 40–42) negatively affects the catalytic activity but also increases the angiogenic activity. 15N-CPMG relaxation dispersion experiments could not reveal the existence of millisecond timescale conformational exchange in this enzyme, a lack of flexibility supported by the very low-binding affinities and catalytic activity of angiogenin. Altogether, the current report potentially highlights the existence of long-range dynamic reorganization of the structure upon distinct subsite binding events in human angiogenin.  相似文献   

Inconsistent 13C and 15N chemical shift referencing is a continuing problem associated with protein chemical shift assignments deposited in BioMagResBank (BMRB). Here we describe a simple and robust approach that can quantitatively determine the 13C and 15N referencing offsets solely from chemical shift assignment data and independently of 3D coordinate data. This novel structure-independent approach permitted the assessment and determination of 13C and 15N reference offsets for all protein entries deposited in the BMRB. Tests on 452 proteins with known 3D structures show that this structure-independent approach yields 13C and 15N referencing offsets that exhibit excellent agreement with those calculated on the basis of 3D structures. Furthermore, this protocol appears to improve the accuracy of chemical shift-derived secondary structural identification, and has been formally incorporated into a computer program called PSSI (http//www.pronmr.com).Supplementary material to this paper is available in electronic form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10858-004-7441-3  相似文献   

Random coil chemical shifts are commonly used to detect protein secondary structural elements in chemical shift index (CSI) calculations. Though this technique is widely used and seems reliable for folded proteins, the choice of reference random coil chemical shift values can significantly alter the outcome of secondary structure estimation. In order to evaluate these effects, we present a comparison of secondary structure content calculated using CSI, based on five different reference random coil chemical shift value sets, to that derived from three-dimensional structures.Our results show that none of the reference random coil data sets chosen for evaluation fully reproduces the actual secondary structures. Among the reference values generally available to date, most tend to be good estimators only of helices. Based on our evaluation, we recommend the experimental values measured by Schwarzinger et al.(2000), and statistical values obtained by Lukin et al. (1997), as good estimators of both helical and sheet content.  相似文献   

NMR chemical shifts provide important local structural information for proteins. Consistent structure generation from NMR chemical shift data has recently become feasible for proteins with sizes of up to 130 residues, and such structures are of a quality comparable to those obtained with the standard NMR protocol. This study investigates the influence of the completeness of chemical shift assignments on structures generated from chemical shifts. The Chemical-Shift-Rosetta (CS-Rosetta) protocol was used for de novo protein structure generation with various degrees of completeness of the chemical shift assignment, simulated by omission of entries in the experimental chemical shift data previously used for the initial demonstration of the CS-Rosetta approach. In addition, a new CS-Rosetta protocol is described that improves robustness of the method for proteins with missing or erroneous NMR chemical shift input data. This strategy, which uses traditional Rosetta for pre-filtering of the fragment selection process, is demonstrated for two paramagnetic proteins and also for two proteins with solid-state NMR chemical shift assignments. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Current approaches to 15N relaxation in proteins assume that the 15N-1H dipolar and 15N CSA tensors are collinear. We show theoretically that, when there is significant anisotropy of molecular rotation, different orientations of the two tensors, experimentally observed in proteins, nucleic acids, and small peptides, will result in differences in site- specific correlation functions and spectral densities. The standard treatments of the rates of longitudinal and transverse relaxation of amide 15N nuclei, of the 15N CSA/15N-1H dipolar cross correlation, and of the TROSY experiment are extended to account for the effect of noncollinearity of the 15N-1H dipolar and 15N CSA (chemical shift anisotropy) tensors. This effect, proportional to the degree of anisotropy of the overall motion, (D/D–1), is sensitive to the relative orientation of the two tensors and to the orientation of the peptide plane with respect to the diffusion coordinate frame. The effect is negligible at small degrees of anisotropy, but is predicted to become significant for D/D1.5, and at high magnetic fields. The effect of noncollinearity of 15N CSA and 15N-1H dipolar interaction is sensitive to both gross (hydrodynamic) properties and atomic-level details of protein structure. Incorporation of this effect into relaxation data analysis is likely to improve both precision and accuracy of the derived characteristics of protein dynamics, especially at high magnetic fields and for molecules with a high degree of anisotropy of the overall motion. The effect will also make TROSY efficiency dependent on local orientation in moderately anisotropic systems.  相似文献   

Major urinary protein (MUP) is a pheromone-carrying protein of the lipocalin family. Previous studies by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) show that the affinity of MUP for the pheromone 2-methoxy-3-isobutylpyrazine (IBMP) is mainly driven by enthalpy, with a small unfavourable entropic contribution. Entropic terms can be attributed in part to changes in internal motions of the protein upon binding. Slow internal motions can lead to correlated or anti-correlated modulations of the isotropic chemical shifts of carbonyl C′ and amide N nuclei. Correlated chemical shift modulations (CSM/CSM) in MUP have been determined by measuring differences of the transverse relaxation rates of zero- and double-quantum coherences ZQC{C′N} and DQC{C′N}, and by accounting for the effects of correlated fluctuations of dipole–dipole couplings (DD/DD) and chemical shift anisotropies (CSA/CSA). The latter can be predicted from tensor parameters of C′ and N nuclei that have been determined in earlier work. The effects of complexation on slow time-scale protein dynamics can be determined by comparing the temperature dependence of the relaxation rates of APO-MUP (i.e., without ligand) and HOLO-MUP (i.e., with IBMP as a ligand). Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

(13)C NMR solid-state structural analysis of the anomeric center in carbohydrates was performed on six monosaccharides: glucose (Glc), mannose (Man), galactose (Gal), galactosamine hydrochloride (GalN), glucosamine hydrochloride (GlcN), and N-acetyl-glucosamine (GlcNAc). In the 1D (13)C cross-polarization/magic-angle spinning (CP/MAS) spectrum, the anomeric center C-1 of these carbohydrates revealed two well resolved resonances shifted by 3-5ppm, which were readily assigned to the anomeric alpha and beta forms. From this experiment, we also extracted the (13)C chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) tensor elements of the two forms from their spinning sideband intensities, respectively. It was found out that the chemical shift tensor for the alpha anomer was more axially symmetrical than that of the beta form. A strong linear correlation was obtained when the ratio of the axial asymmetry of the (13)C chemical shift tensors of the two anomeric forms was plotted in a semilogarithmic plot against the relative population of the two anomers. Finally, we applied REDOR spectroscopy to discern whether or not there were any differences in the sugar ring conformation between the anomers. Identical two-bond distances of 2.57A (2.48A) were deduced for both the alpha and beta forms in GlcNAc (GlcN), suggesting that the two anomers have essentially identical sugar ring scaffolds in these sugars. In light of these REDOR distance measurements and the strong correlation observed between the ratio of the axial asymmetry parameters of the (13)C chemical shift tensors and the relative population between the two anomeric forms, we concluded that the anomeric effect arises principally from interaction of the electron charge clouds between the C-1-O-5 and the C-1-O-1 bonds in these monosaccharides.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that the averaged chemical shift (ACS) of a nucleus in the protein backbone correlates well empirically to its secondary structure content (SSC). This allows the estimation of SSC directly from the NMR spectrum without the time intensive process of chemical shift assignment. Here, we present an empirical correlation that accounts both for contributions to the relevant protein and chemical shift databases made subsequent to the original analysis, and for missing or inconsistently referenced resonances. Our results affirm that this method provides a significant tool for initial structural prediction from NMR data prior to complete chemical shift assignment.  相似文献   

Residual dipolar coupling (RDC) and residual chemical shift anisotropy (RCSA) report on orientational properties of a dipolar bond vector and a chemical shift anisotropy principal axis system, respectively. They can be highly complementary in the analysis of backbone structure and dynamics in proteins as RCSAs generally include a report on vectors out of a peptide plane while RDCs usually report on in-plane vectors. Both RDC and RCSA average to zero in isotropic solutions and require partial orientation in a magnetic field to become observable. While the alignment and measurement of RDC has become routine, that of RCSA is less common. This is partly due to difficulties in providing a suitable isotopic reference spectrum for the measurement of the small chemical shift offsets coming from RCSA. Here we introduce a device (modified NMR tube) specifically designed for accurate measurement of reference and aligned spectra for RCSA measurements, but with a capacity for RDC measurements as well. Applications to both soluble and membrane anchored proteins are illustrated.  相似文献   

The algorithm PLATON is able to assign sets of chemical shifts derived from a single residue to amino acid types with its secondary structure (amino acid species). A subsequent ranking procedure using optionally two different penalty functions yields predictions for possible amino acid species for the given set of chemical shifts. This was demonstrated in the case of the -spectrin SH3 domain and applied to 9 further protein data sets taken from the BioMagRes database. A database consisting of reference chemical shift patterns (reference CSPs) was generated from assigned chemical shifts of proteins with known 3D-structure. This reference CSP database is used in our approach for extracting distributions of amino acid types with their most likely secondary structure elements (namely -helix, -sheet, and coil) for single amino acids by comparison with query CSPs. Results obtained for the 10 investigated proteins indicates that the percentage of correct amino acid species in the first three positions in the ranking list, ranges from 71.4% to 93.2% for the more favorable penalty function. Where only the top result of the ranking list for these 10 proteins is considered, 36.5% to 83.1% of the amino acid species are correctly predicted. The main advantage of our approach, over other methods that rely on average chemical shift values is the ability to increase database content by incorporating newly derived CSPs, and therefore to improve PLATON's performance over time.  相似文献   

Proteins with high‐sequence identity but very different folds present a special challenge to sequence‐based protein structure prediction methods. In particular, a 56‐residue three‐helical bundle protein (GA95) and an α/β‐fold protein (GB95), which share 95% sequence identity, were targets in the CASP‐8 structure prediction contest. With only 12 out of 300 submitted server‐CASP8 models for GA95 exhibiting the correct fold, this protein proved particularly challenging despite its small size. Here, we demonstrate that the information contained in NMR chemical shifts can readily be exploited by the CS‐Rosetta structure prediction program and yields adequate convergence, even when input chemical shifts are limited to just amide 1HN and 15N or 1HN and 1Hα values.  相似文献   

The five phosphates of the deoxynucleotide d(CpGpTpApCpG)2 have been assigned by two-dimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. The chemical shift anisotropy and correlation time of each phosphate group has been determined from measurements of the spin-lattice, spin-spin relaxation rate constants and the 31P-{1H} nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) at three magnetic field strengths (4.7 T, 9.4 T, and 11.75 T) and two temperatures (288 K and 298 K). As expected, the relaxation data require two mechanisms to account for the observed rate constants, i.e. dipole-dipole and chemical shift anisotropy. At 9.4 T and 11.75 T, the latter mechanism dominates the relaxation, leading to insignificant NOE intensities. The correlation time, chemical shift anisotropy and effective P-H distance were obtained from least-squares fitting to the data. Comparison of the fitted value for the correlation time with that obtained from 1H measurements shows that the molecule behaves essentially as rigid rotor on the nanosecond timescale. Large amplitude motions observed in long segments of DNA are due to bending motions that do not contribute significantly to relaxation in short oligonucleotides.Abbreviations CSA chemical shift anisotropy - NOE nuclear Overhauser enhancement Offprint requests to: A. N. Lane  相似文献   

Summary The parameters for HN chemical shift calculations of proteins have been determined using data from high-resolution crystal structures of 15 proteins. Employing these chemical shift calculations for HN protons, the observed secondary structure chemical shift trends of HN protons, i.e., upfield shifts on helix formation and downfield shifts on -sheet formation, are discussed. Our calculations suggest that the main reason for the difference in NH chemical shifts in helices and sheets is not an effect from the directly hydrogen-bonded carbonyl, which gives rise to downfield shifts in both cases, but arises from an additional upfield shift predicted in helices and originating in residues i-2 and i-3. The calculations also explain the well-known relationship between amide proton shifts and hydrogen-bond lengths. In addition, the HN chemical shifts of the distorted amphipathic helices of the GCN4 leucine zipper are calculated and used to characterise the solution structure of the helices. By comparing the calculated and experimental shifts, it is shown that in general the agreement is good between residues 15 and 28. The most interesting observation is that in the N-terminal half of the zipper, although both calculated and experimental shifts show clear periodicity, they are no longer in phase. This suggests that for the N-terminal half, in the true average solution structure the period of the helix coil is longer by roughly one residue compared to the NMR structures.  相似文献   

van Dijk AD  Fushman D  Bonvin AM 《Proteins》2005,60(3):367-381
When classical, Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE)-based approaches fail, it is possible, given high-resolution structures of the free molecules, to model the structure of a complex in solution based solely on chemical shift perturbation (CSP) data in combination with orientational restraints from residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) when available. RDCs can be incorporated into the docking following various strategies: as direct restraints and/or as intermolecular intervector projection angle restraints (Meiler et al., J Biomol NMR 2000;16:245-252). The advantage of the latter for docking is that they directly define the relative orientation of the molecules. A combined protocol in which RDCs are first introduced as intervector projection angle restraints and at a later stage as direct restraints is shown here to give the best performance. This approach, implemented in our information-driven docking approach HADDOCK (Dominguez et al., J Am Chem Soc 2003;125:1731-1737), is used to determine the solution structure of the Lys48-linked di-ubiquitin, for which chemical shift mapping, RDCs, and (15)N-relaxation data have been previously obtained (Varadan et al., J Mol Biol 2002;324:637-647). The resulting structures, derived from CSP and RDC data, are cross-validated using (15)N-relaxation data. The solution structure differs from the crystal structure by a 20 degrees rotation of the two ubiquitin units relative to each other.  相似文献   

We develop a simple but rigorous model of protein-protein association kinetics based on diffusional association on free energy landscapes obtained by sampling configurations within and surrounding the native complex binding funnels. Guided by results obtained on exactly solvable model problems, we transform the problem of diffusion in a potential into free diffusion in the presence of an absorbing zone spanning the entrance to the binding funnel. The free diffusion problem is solved using a recently derived analytic expression for the rate of association of asymmetrically oriented molecules. Despite the required high steric specificity and the absence of long-range attractive interactions, the computed rates are typically on the order of 10(4)-10(6) M(-1) sec(-1), several orders of magnitude higher than rates obtained using a purely probabilistic model in which the association rate for free diffusion of uniformly reactive molecules is multiplied by the probability of a correct alignment of the two partners in a random collision. As the association rates of many protein-protein complexes are also in the 10(5)-10(6) M(-1) sec(-1) range, our results suggest that free energy barriers arising from desolvation and/or side-chain freezing during complex formation or increased ruggedness within the binding funnel, which are completely neglected in our simple diffusional model, do not contribute significantly to the dynamics of protein-protein association. The transparent physical interpretation of our approach that computes association rates directly from the size and geometry of protein-protein binding funnels makes it a useful complement to Brownian dynamics simulations.  相似文献   

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