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The extracellular promastigote stage of Leishmania donovani is inoculated by a phlebotomine sandfly into the skin of a susceptible host, after which visceral dissemination and clinical disease may ensue. Using a hamster model we examined the histopathology of early infection with L. donovani after intradermal inoculation of cultured promastigotes. The initial response was a mixed polymorphonuclear (PMN)-mononuclear phagocyte infiltrate, noted between 1 and 24 hr after inoculation, which became primarily mononuclear by 48 hr. Parasites were initially found intracellularly in both PMN's and mononuclear phagocytes, but by 48 hr they had assumed amastigote-like morphology and were found exclusively in macrophages. The number of parasites per infected macrophage increased during the first week after inoculation, suggesting that intracellular replication of the organism was taking place. This was followed by the formation of granulomas between 4 and 6 wk. By 8 wk intracellular parasites were largely gone. The histologic response was consistent with early destruction of parasites in PMN's, and survival and replication of L. donovani in macrophages. Cutaneous infection with the parasite was eventually controlled locally, coincident with granuloma formation. Despite these local responses, the organism was able to disseminate and eventually produce typical visceral leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which promastigotes of Leismania donovani enter hamster peritoneal macrophages was studied in vitro by light and electron microscopy. Quantitative light microscope studies showed a time-dependent increase of intracellular parasites, which had no preferable orientation during entry. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed striking host-parasite surface interactions marked by the formation of whorled pseudopodia around the promastigotes in the early stage and engulfment of the parasites akin to normal phagocytosis in the later phase. Early host-parasite interactions were categorized quantitatively by scanning electron microscopy into several types, of which “head-first entry” and “tail-first entry” were approximately equal in frequency of occurrence, confirming light microscope observations. Cytochalasin B at 10 μg/ml prevented the intracellular entry of the parasites and the formation of macrophage-originated pseudopodia normally seen to seize the promastigotes. Killed, but morphologically intact, promastigotes were poorly taken up by macrophages and lacked certain types of interactions normally encountered with macrophage pseudopodia. Motility of promastigotes and their affinity to the surface of macrophages are suggested as elements of importance which parasites contribute to aid the process of their entry. The above results indicate that promastigotes of L. donovani depend on phagocytic activity of macrophages to gain intracellular entrance, but parasite-specific activities and/or properties may also play a role. It is suggested that “facilitated phagocytosis” may be used to describe this unique type of endocytosis associated with leishmania-macrophage interactions.  相似文献   

Visceral leishmaniasis presents a serious health threat in many parts of the world. There is, therefore, an urgent need for an approved vaccine for clinical use to protect against infection. In this study, the ability of recombinant Leishmania donovani gamma-glutamyl cysteine synthetase protein (LdγGCS) alone or incorporated into a non-ionic surfactant vesicle (NIV) delivery system to protect against L. donovani infection was evaluated in a BALB/c mouse model. Immunization with LdγGCS alone or LdγGCS-NIV induced specific IgG1 and IgG2a antibodies compared to controls, with LdγGCS-NIV inducing significantly higher titers of both antibody classes (P < 0.05). Both formulations induced similar increases in splenocyte IFN-γ production following ex vivo antigen stimulation with LdγGCS compared with cells from control mice (P < 0.05). Similar levels of protection against infection were induced by LdγGCS alone and LdγGCS-NIV, based on their ability to suppress liver parasite burdens compared to control values (P < 0.01), indicating that using a carrier system did not enhance the protective responses induced by the recombinant protein. The results of this study indicate that LdγGCS may be a useful component in a vaccine against L. donovani.  相似文献   

On a B10 (Lshs) genetic background the development of acquired T-cell-mediated immunity to Leishmania donovani infection in mice is under H-2-linked genetic control. Three phenotypic patterns of recovery were previously observed: "early cure" (H-2s, H-2r), "cure" (H-2b) and "noncure" (H-2d, H-2q, H-2f), with cure behaving as a recessive trait in H-2b/H-2d mice. In this study the long-term response to L. donovani is followed over 130 days of infection in eight recombinant haplotype strains and in six further heterozygous haplotype combinations. Noncure in B10.HTG mice, which carry d alleles for loci at the K end and b alleles for loci at the D end of H-2, confirms that H-2-linked genetic control of the acquired response to L. donovani infection is located in the K end. The complex pattern of dominance relationships observed in the additional heterozygous haplotypes studied, the variable phenotypic response of H-2k mice and of recombinant haplotype strains carrying IEk in common, and the differential early curing activity observed in heterozygotes involving the s but not the r early cure haplotype and in recombinant haplotype mice carrying s alleles to the left of IE suggest, however, that more than one subregion (IE and presumably IA) are involved. Results are interpreted in the light of immunoregulatory T-cell populations previously demonstrated in noncure, cure, and early cure strains.  相似文献   

In this report, we investigated the effect of ODN containing immunostimulatory CG motifs as adjuvant with soluble antigen (SA) from Leishmania donovani. BALB/c mice were vaccinated with the soluble antigen with or without CpG-ODN as adjuvant and then challenged with L. donovani metacyclic promastigotes. CpG-ODN alone resulted in partial protection against challenge with L. donovani. Immunization of mice with SA and CpG-ODN showed enhanced reduction in parasite load ( approximately 60%) when compared to SA ( approximately 40%) immunized mice. Immunization with SA by itself resulted in a mixed Th1/Th2 response whereas co-administration of SA with CpG-ODN resulted in a strong Th1 promoting isotype as they together promoted production of immunoglobulin G2a. Leishmania-specific Th1 cytokine response was induced by co-administering CpG-ODN and SA as they together promoted production of IFN-gamma and IL-12. In the present study, we demonstrate that immunostimulatory phosphorothioate-modified ODN are promising immune enhancers for vaccination against visceral leishmaniaisis.  相似文献   

Promastigotes of Leishmania donovani that had been subcultured in modified Tobie's medium for 2 to 3 years showed decreased infectivity and lack of virulence for hamsters and mice compared to newly transformed promastigotes. Amastigotes derived from these long-term promastigote cultures decreased in number rapidly in hamsters, but only slightly in mice, over a 48-day period. In cultured mouse and hamster macrophages infected in vitro, amastigotes derived from long-term cultures rapidly decreased to low numbers, which persisted. The same pattern was seen in macrophages treated with catalase, an inhibitor of the oxygen-dependent killing mechanism of the macrophage. Promastigotes from long-term cultures also differed from virulent first-passage promastigotes in size, growth patterns in Tobie's medium, and in the quantities of some of their antigens.  相似文献   

In this study, the pattern of interleukin-1alpha (IL-1alpha) production by both peritoneal (PM) and bone marrow macrophages (BMM) from resistant (C3H/HeJ) and susceptible (BALB/c) mice was investigated, using a bioassay and an IL-1alpha-specific ELISA kit. PM from normal uninfected mice showed either an initial high (C3H/HeJ) or a neglected (BALB/c) level of IL-1alpha activity, respectively, probably due to thioglycollate stimulation. Infection with Leishmania major induced only a marginal effect on IL-1 production by both cells. Normal, uninfected and unstimulated BMM from both mice did not produce IL-1alpha over a 7-day period of cultivation in vitro. Upon stimulation with either lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (BALB/c) or concanavalin A (Con A) (C3H/HeJ), both cell types produced IL-1alpha that peaked within the first 12-24 h following stimulation. BMM from C3H/HeJ and BALB/c mice failed to produce IL-1alpha when infected in vitro with L. major or L. donovani promastigotes. However, infection with these two parasites did not interfere with the capability of the host cell to produce IL-1alpha when stimulated with LPS or Con A. The level of IL-1alpha production was independent of the degree of parasitization of the macrophages. Similar results were observed with IL-1beta and IL-6 production by BMM, even though their levels were generally slightly higher than those obtained with IL-1alpha.  相似文献   

Carbocyclic inosine is a potent inhibitor for the growth of the promastigote form of Leishmania tropica and Leishmania donovani. In culture, the EC50 values of carbocyclic inosine are 8.3 X 10(-8) and 1.3 X 10(-7) M for the promastigotes of L. tropica and L. donovani, respectively. On the other hand, it is less toxic towards mouse mammary tumor FM3A cells: the EC50 value is 2.7 X 10(-4)M. Carbocyclic inosine is metabolized by Leishmania promastigotes to give carbocyclic adenosine-5'-triphosphate(aristeromycin-5'-triphosphate) and carbocyclic guanosine-5'-triphosphate. This metabolic conversion provides a mechanism for the parasite-selective toxicity of carbocyclic inosine. Carbocyclic inosine was found to be active against L. donovani amastigotes in an in vivo-like cultivation in vitro.  相似文献   

Using models of ex vivo infection of murine, rat, and human primary hepatocytes by Leishmania donovani, we showed that hepatocytes are permissive for Leishmania at a low level. We then modeled the in vitro infection of a human hepatoma-derived cell line to examine the parasite's capability to proliferate and to cause direct damage to hepatocytes. Results showed that L. donovani can infect hepatocytes, but do not massively proliferate. This slight infection under our experimental conditions resulted in limited damage to hepatocytes. These results bring into question a possible role for hepatocytes as a parasite reservoir during latent infection.  相似文献   

Activation of the Janus-activated kinase 2 (JAK2)/STAT1alpha signaling pathway is repressed in Leishmania-infected macrophages. This represents an important mechanism by which this parasite subverts the microbicidal functions of the cell to promote its own survival and propagation. We recently provided evidence that the protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) SHP-1 was responsible for JAK2 inactivation. However, STAT1 translocation to the nucleus was not restored in the absence of SHP-1. In the present study, we have used B10R macrophages to study the mechanism by which this Leishmania-induced STAT1 inactivation occurs. STAT1alpha nuclear localization was shown to be rapidly reduced by the infection. Western blot analysis revealed that cellular STAT1alpha, but not STAT3, was degraded. Using PTP inhibitors and an immortalized bone marrow-derived macrophage cell line from SHP-1-deficient mice, we showed that STAT1 inactivation was independent of PTP activity. However, inhibition of macrophage proteasome activity significantly rescued Leishmania-induced STAT1alpha degradation. We further demonstrated that degradation was receptor-mediated and involved protein kinase C alpha. All Leishmania species tested (L. major, L. donovani, L. mexicana, L. braziliensis), but not the related parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, caused STAT1alpha degradation. Collectively, results from this study revealed a new mechanism for STAT1 regulation by a microbial pathogen, which favors its establishment and propagation within the host.  相似文献   

In Old World Leishmania infections, Leishmania donovani is responsible for fatal visceral leishmaniasis, and L. major is responsible for non-fatal cutaneous leishmaniasis in humans. The genetic differences between these species which govern the pathology or site of infection are not known. We have therefore carried out detailed analysis of the A2 loci in L. major and L. donovani because A2 is expressed in L. donovani but not L. major, and A2 is required for survival in visceral organs by L. donovani. We demonstrate that although L. major contains A2 gene regulatory sequences, the multiple repeats that exist in L. donovani A2 protein coding regions are absent in L. major, and the remaining corresponding A2 sequences appear to represent non-expressed pseudogenes. It was possible to restore amastigote-specific A2 expression to L. major, confirming that A2 regulatory sequences remain functional in L. major. Although L. major is a cutaneous parasite in rodents and humans, restoring A2 expression to L. major inhibited its ability to establish a cutaneous infection in susceptible BALB/c or resistant C57BL6 mice, a phenotype typical of L. donovani. There was no detectable cellular immune response against L. major after cutaneous infection with A2-expressing L. major, suggesting that the lack of growth was not attributable to acquired host resistance but to an A2-mediated suppression of parasite survival in skin macrophages. These observations argue that the lack of A2 expression in L. major contributed to its divergence from L. donovani with respect to the pathology of infection.  相似文献   

Natural resistance to the growth of Leishmania donovani in mice is controlled by a gene (Lsh) which is expressed, in an unknown fashion, in macrophages. Early net growth rate of the parasite is much higher in mice strains bearing the susceptible allele (Lshs) than in resistant (Lshr) mice. Intracellular events occurring in the Kupffer cells during this period have been studied at the ultrastructural level. It was found that the number of dividing amastigotes per thin section of infected cell was approximately 10-fold greater in susceptible (B10.A SgSn) than in resistant (A/J) strains of mice, both 7 and 14 days following infection. These findings support the hypothesis that high natural resistance to leishmaniasis (Lshr) is expressed as a microbistatic effect, exerted within the parasitized macrophage of the host.  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease caused by protozoan parasites belonging to the genus Leishmania for which there are no approved human vaccines. Infections localise to different tissues in a species-specific manner with the visceral form of the disease caused by Leishmania donovani and L. infantum being the most deadly in humans. Although Leishmania spp. parasites are predominantly intracellular, the visceral disease can be prevented in dogs by vaccinating with a complex mixture of secreted products from cultures of L. infantum promastigotes. With the logic that extracellular parasite proteins make good subunit vaccine candidates because they are directly accessible to vaccine-elicited host antibodies, here we attempt to discover proteins that are essential for in vitro growth and host infection with the goal of identifying subunit vaccine candidates. Using an in silico analysis of the Leishmania donovani genome, we identified 92 genes encoding proteins that are predicted to be secreted or externally anchored to the parasite membrane by a single transmembrane region or a GPI anchor. By selecting a transgenic L. donovani parasite that expresses both luciferase and the Cas9 nuclease, we systematically attempted to target all 92 genes by CRISPR genome editing and identified four that were required for in vitro growth. For fifty-five genes, we infected cohorts of mice with each mutant parasite and by longitudinally quantifying parasitaemia with bioluminescent imaging, showed that nine genes had evidence of an attenuated infection although all ultimately established an infection. Finally, we expressed two genes as full-length soluble recombinant proteins and tested them as subunit vaccine candidates in a murine preclinical infection model. Both proteins elicited significant levels of protection against the uncontrolled development of a splenic infection warranting further investigation as subunit vaccine candidates against this deadly infectious tropical disease.  相似文献   

Culture supernatants of metabolically labeled Leishmania donovani promastigotes were shown to contain approximately 40 electrophoretically distinct released protein compounds. Of these, approximately 20 were glycoproteins which contained terminal mannose residues, as judged by their specific binding to concanavalin A-agarose beads. Smaller subsets of the released glycoproteins were bound by agarose-conjugated Lens culinaris, Ricinus communis, and peanut lectins. Promastigote mannose-containing released glycoproteins were isolated by concanavalin A affinity chromatography and used to immunize a rabbit. This antiserum recognized the parasite-released mannose-containing glycoproteins, including the soluble acid phosphatase, both by immunoprecipitation from solution and in immunoblot analyses. In an antibody bridged enzyme assay this polyspecific serum was also capable of binding native acid phosphatase out of solution and bridging it to the denatured enzyme on SDS-PAGE transblots. Although this antiserum was raised against all 20 released glycoproteins, in agarose gels its major precipitin activity was against the secreted soluble acid phosphatase.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to isolate and evaluate the withanolides in inducing apoptotic like death in Leishmania donovani in vitro. Withanolides were fractionated and isolated from the leaves of Withania somnifera and LC-MS/MS analysis of two fractions namely, F5 and F6 of ethanolic extracts, obtained through column chromatography with silica gel, was performed. The antileishmanial effect of withanolides on L. donovani promastigotes was assessed in vitro using PI dye exclusion test. The effect of withanolides on promastigote morphology was determined by scanning electron microscopy. To understand their mode of action against L. donovani, DNA fragmentation, quantification of parasites at sub G0/G1 phase, determination of phosphatidylserine externalization, measurement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and mitochondrial membrane potential (Ψm) were done. Results showed that LC–MS/MS analysis confirmed the presence of withanolides in isolated fractions. Treatment with withanolides resulted in morphological alterations from spindle to round shape and loss of flagella/cell integrity in promastigotes. Moreover, it induced DNA nicks, cell cycle arrest at sub G0/G1 phase and externalization of phosphatidylserine in dose and time dependent manner via increase in ROS and decrease in Ψm. Results of this study indicate that withanolides induce apoptotic like death through the production of ROS from mitochondria and disruption of Ψm in promastigotes of L donovani.  相似文献   

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