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We have obtained evidence for conformational communication between ubiquinol oxidation (center P) and ubiquinone reduction (center N) sites of the yeast bc1 complex dimer by analyzing antimycin binding and heme bH reduction at center N in the presence of different center P inhibitors. When stigmatellin was occupying center P, concentration-dependent binding of antimycin occurred only to half of the center N sites. The remaining half of the bc1 complex bound antimycin with a slower rate that was independent of inhibitor concentration, indicating that a slow conformational change needed to occur before half of the enzyme could bind antimycin. In contrast, under conditions where the Rieske protein was not fixed proximal to heme bL at center P, all center N sites bound antimycin with fast and concentration-dependent kinetics. Additionally, the extent of fast cytochrome b reduction by menaquinol through center N in the presence of stigmatellin was approximately half of that observed when myxothiazol was bound at center P. The reduction kinetics of the bH heme by decylubiquinol in the presence of stigmatellin or myxothiazol were also consistent with a model in which fixation of the Rieske protein close to heme bL in both monomers allows rapid binding of ligands only to one center N. Decylubiquinol at high concentrations was able to abolish the biphasic binding of antimycin in the presence of stigmatellin but did not slow down antimycin binding rates. These results are discussed in terms of half-of-the-sites activity of the dimeric bc1 complex.  相似文献   

A refinement of the protonmotive Q cycle mechanism is proposed in which oxidation of ubiquinol is a concerted reaction and occurs by an alternating, half-of-the-sites mechanism. A concerted mechanism of ubiquinol oxidation is inferred from the finding that there is reciprocal control between the high potential and low potential redox components involved in ubiquinol oxidation. The potential of the Rieske iron-sulfur protein controls the rate of reduction of the b cytochromes, and the potential of the b cytochromes controls the rate of reduction of the Rieske protein and cytochrome c(1). A concerted mechanism of ubiquinol oxidation reconciles the findings that the ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase kinetics of the bc(1) complex include both a pH dependence and a dependence on Rieske iron-sulfur protein midpoint potential.An alternating, half-of-the-sites mechanism for ubiquinol oxidation is inferred from the finding that some inhibitory analogs of ubiquinol that block ubiquinol oxidation by binding to the ubiquinol oxidation site in the bc(1) complex inhibit the yeast enzyme with a stoichiometry of 0.5 per bc(1) complex. One molecule of inhibitor is sufficient to fully inhibit the dimeric enzyme, and the binding is anti-cooperative, in that a second molecule of inhibitor binds with much lower affinity to a dimer in which an inhibitor molecule is already bound. An alternating, half-of-the-sites mechanism implies that, at least under some conditions, only half of the sites in the dimeric enzyme are reactive at any one time. This provides a raison d'être for the dimeric structure of the enzyme, in that bc(1) activity may be regulated and capable of switching between a half-of-the-sites active and a fully active enzyme.  相似文献   

Ritter M  Anderka O  Ludwig B  Mäntele W  Hellwig P 《Biochemistry》2003,42(42):12391-12399
The cytochrome bc(1) complex from Paracoccus denitrificans and soluble fragments of its cytochrome c(1) and Rieske ISP subunits are characterized by a combined approach of protein electrochemistry and FTIR difference spectroscopy. The FTIR difference spectra provide information about alterations in the protein upon redox reactions: signals from the polypeptide backbone, from the cofactors, and from amino acid side chains. We describe typical modes for conformational changes in the polypeptide and contributions of different secondary structure elements. Signals attributed to the different cofactors can be presented on the basis of selected potential steps. Modes associated with bound quinone are identified by comparison with spectra of quinone in solution at 1656, 1642, and 1610 cm(-1) and between 1494 and 1388 cm(-1), as well as at 1288 and 1262 cm(-1). Signals originating from the quinone bound at the Q(o) site can be distinguished. On the basis of the infrared data, the total quinone concentration is determined to be 2.6-3.3 quinones per monomer, depending on preparation conditions. The balance of evidence supports the double-occupancy model. Interestingly, the amplitude of the band at 1746 cm(-1) increases with quinone content, reflecting a protonation reaction of acidic groups. In this context, the involvement of glutamates and/or aspartates in the vicinity of the Q(o) site is discussed on the basis of recently determined crystal structures.  相似文献   

We have investigated the interaction between monomers of the dimeric yeast cytochrome bc(1) complex by analyzing the pre-steady and steady state activities of the isolated enzyme in the presence of antimycin under conditions that allow the first turnover of ubiquinol oxidation to be observable in cytochrome c(1) reduction. At pH 8.8, where the redox potential of the iron-sulfur protein is approximately 200 mV and in a bc(1) complex with a mutated iron-sulfur protein of equally low redox potential, the amount of cytochrome c(1) reduced by several equivalents of decyl-ubiquinol in the presence of antimycin corresponded to only half of that present in the bc(1) complex. Similar experiments in the presence of several equivalents of cytochrome c also showed only half of the bc(1) complex participating in quinol oxidation. The extent of cytochrome b reduced corresponded to two b(H) hemes undergoing reduction through one center P per dimer, indicating electron transfer between the two cytochrome b subunits. Antimycin stimulated the ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase activity of the bc(1) complex at low inhibitor/enzyme ratios. This stimulation could only be fitted to a model in which half of the bc(1) dimer is inactive when both center N sites are free, becoming active upon binding of one center N inhibitor molecule per dimer, and there is electron transfer between the cytochrome b subunits of the dimer. These results are consistent with an alternating half-of-the-sites mechanism of ubiquinol oxidation in the bc(1) complex dimer.  相似文献   

An enzyme complex with ubiquinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase, cytochrome c oxidase, and ubiquinol oxidase activities was purified from a detergent extract of the plasma membrane of aerobically grown Paracoccus denitrificans. This ubiquinol oxidase consists of seven polypeptides and contains two b cytochromes, cytochrome c1, cytochrome aa3, and a previously unreported c-type cytochrome. This c-type cytochrome has an apparent Mr of 22,000 and an alpha absorption maximum at 552 nm. Retention of this c cytochrome through purification presumably accounts for the independence of ubiquinol oxidase activity on added cytochrome c. Ubiquinol oxidase can be separated into a 3-subunit bc1 complex, a 3-subunit c-aa3 complex, and a 57-kDa polypeptide. This, together with detection of covalently bound heme and published molecular weights of cytochrome c1 and the subunits of cytochrome c oxidase, allows tentative identification of most of the subunits of ubiquinol oxidase with the prosthetic groups present. Ubiquinol oxidase contains cytochromes corresponding to those of the mitochondrial bc1 complex, cytochrome c oxidase complex, and a bound cytochrome c. Ubiquinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase activity of the complex is inhibited by inhibitors of the mitochondrial bc1 complex. Thus it seems likely that the pathway of electron transfer through the bc1 complex of ubiquinol oxidase is similar to that through the mitochondrial bc1 complex. The number of polypeptides present is less than half the number in the corresponding mitochondrial complexes. This structural simplicity may make ubiquinol oxidase from P. denitrificans a useful system with which to study the mechanisms of electron transfer and energy transduction in the bc1 and cytochrome c oxidase sections of the respiratory chain.  相似文献   

The cytochrome bc1 complex recycles one of the two electrons from quinol (QH2) oxidation at center P by reducing quinone (Q) at center N to semiquinone (SQ), which is bound tightly. We have analyzed the properties of SQ bound at center N of the yeast bc1 complex. The EPR-detectable signal, which reports SQ bound in the vicinity of reduced bH heme, was abolished by the center N inhibitors antimycin, funiculosin, and ilicicolin H, but was unchanged by the center P inhibitors myxothiazol and stigmatellin. After correcting for the EPR-silent SQ bound close to oxidized bH, we calculated a midpoint redox potential (Em) of approximately 90 mV for all bound SQ. Considering the Em values for bH and free Q, this result indicates that center N preferentially stabilizes SQ.bH(3+) complexes. This favors recycling of the electron coming from center P and also implies a >2.5-fold higher affinity for QH2 than for Q at center N, which would potentially inhibit bH oxidation by Q. Using pre-steady-state kinetics, we show that Q does not inhibit the initial rate of bH reduction by QH2 through center N, but does decrease the extent of reduction, indicating that Q binds only when bH is reduced, whereas QH2 binds when bH is oxidized. Kinetic modeling of these results suggests that formation of SQ at one center N in the dimer allows stabilization of SQ in the other monomer by Q reduction after intradimer electron transfer. This model allows maximum SQ.bH(3+) formation without inhibition of Q binding by QH2.  相似文献   

To better understand the mechanism of divergent electron transfer from ubiquinol to the iron-sulfur protein and cytochrome b(L) within the cytochrome bc(1) complex, we have examined the effects of antimycin on the presteady state reduction kinetics of the bc(1) complex in the presence or absence of endogenous ubiquinone. When ubiquinone is present, antimycin slows the rate of cytochrome c(1) reduction by approximately 10-fold but had no effect upon the rate of cytochrome c(1) reduction in bc(1) complex lacking endogenous ubiquinone. In the absence of endogenous ubiquinone cytochrome c(1), reduction was slower than when ubiquinone was present and was similar to that in the presence of ubiquinone plus antimycin. These results indicate that the low potential redox components, cytochrome b(H) and b(L), exert negative control on the rate of reduction of cytochrome c(1) and the Rieske iron-sulfur protein at center P. If electrons cannot equilibrate from cytochrome b(H) and b(L) to ubiquinone, partial reduction of the low potential components slows reduction of the high potential components. We also examined the effects of decreasing the midpoint potential of the iron-sulfur protein on the rates of cytochrome b reduction. As the midpoint potential decreased, there was a parallel decrease in the rate of b reduction, demonstrating that the rate of b reduction is dependent upon the rate of ubiquinol oxidation by the iron-sulfur protein. Together these results indicate that ubiquinol oxidation is a concerted reaction in which both the low potential and high potential redox components control ubiquinol oxidation at center P, consistent with the protonmotive Q cycle mechanism.  相似文献   

The genes for the three subunits of the cytochrome bc1 complex from the bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans were identified by screening a gene library constructed in pBR 322 for expression using a cytochrome c1-specific antibody. These three genes coding for the FeS subunit, cytochrome b, and cytochrome c1 were located on contiguous sites on the genome in a presumed operon arrangement. The DNA-deduced amino acid sequence shows that all three subunits are homologous to corresponding polypeptides of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex. Cytochrome c1 of Paracoccus is much larger than its mitochondrial counterpart due to an extra 150 amino acids of unique, highly acidic composition; in addition, it is most likely synthesized as a precursor polypeptide.  相似文献   

Recent X-ray crystallographic analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex show ubiquinone binding at the Q(i) site, but attempts to show binding of ubiquinol or ubiquinone at the Q(o) site have been unsuccessful, even though the binding of noncompetitive Q(o) site inhibitors near the putative ubiquinol binding pocket is well established. We speculate that ubiquinol binds transiently to the Q(o) site only when both heme b(L) and the iron sulfur cluster are in the oxidized form, an experimental condition difficult to obtain since ubiquinol will be oxidized once bound to the site. Stable binding at the Q(o) site might be achieved by a nonoxidizable ubiquinol-like compound. For this purpose, the isomers 2,3,4-trimethoxy-5-decyl-6-methyl-phenol (TMDMP) and 2,3,4-trimethoxy-5-methyl-6-decyl-phenol (TMMDP) were synthesized from 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-6-decyl-1, 4-benzoquinol (Q0C10) by controlled methylation and separated by TLC and HPLC. The structures of TMDMP and TMMDP were established by 1H-13C-two-dimensional NMR. Both are competitive inhibitors of the cytochrome bc1 complex, with TMDMP being the stronger one. Preliminary results suggest that TMDMP binds tightly enough to make X-ray crystallography of inhibitor-bc1 complex co-crystals feasible. The binding site of TMDMP does not overlap with the binding sites of stigmatellin, MOA-stilbene (MOAS), undecylhydroxydioxobenzothiazole (UHDBT) and myxothaizol.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the initial reaction rate catalyzed by the isolated bovine heart ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase (bc1 complex) varying decylbenzoquinol (DBH) and decylbenzoquinone (DB) concentrations was determined. The affinity for DBH was increased threefold by the protonation of a group with pKa = 5.7 +/- 0.2, while the inhibition constant (Ki) for DB decreased 22 and 2.8 times when groups with pKa = 5.2 +/- 0.6 and 7.7 +/- 0.2, respectively, were protonated. This suggests stabilization of the protonated form of the acidic group by DBH binding. Initial rates were best fitted to a kinetic model involving three protonatable groups. The protonation of the pKa approximately 5.7 group blocked catalysis, indicating its role in proton transfer. The kinetic model assumed that the deprotonation of two groups (pKa values of 7.5 +/- 0.03 and approximately 9.2) decreases the catalytic rate by diminishing the redox potential of the iron-sulfur (Fe-S) cluster. The protonation of the pKa approximately 7.5 group also decreased the reaction rate by 80-86%, suggesting its role as acceptor of a proton from ubiquinol. The lack of effect on the Km for DBH when the pKa 7.5-7.7 group is deprotonated suggests that hydrogen bonding to this residue is not the main factor that determines substrate binding to the Qo site. The possible relationship of the pKa 5.2-5.7 and pKa 7.5-7.7 groups with Glu272 of cytochrome b and His161 of the Fe-S protein is discussed.  相似文献   

Raul Covian  Bernard L. Trumpower 《BBA》2008,1777(7-8):1044-1052
Energy transduction in the cytochrome bc1 complex is achieved by catalyzing opposite oxido-reduction reactions at two different quinone binding sites. We have determined the pre-steady state kinetics of cytochrome b and c1 reduction at varying quinol/quinone ratios in the isolated yeast bc1 complex to investigate the mechanisms that minimize inhibition of quinol oxidation at center P by reduction of the bH heme through center N. The faster rate of initial cytochrome b reduction as well as its lower sensitivity to quinone concentrations with respect to cytochrome c1 reduction indicated that the bH hemes equilibrated with the quinone pool through center N before significant catalysis at center P occurred. The extent of this initial cytochrome b reduction corresponded to a level of bH heme reduction of 33%–55% depending on the quinol/quinone ratio. The extent of initial cytochrome c1 reduction remained constant as long as the fast electron equilibration through center N reduced no more than 50% of the bH hemes. Using kinetic modeling, the resilience of center P catalysis to inhibition caused by partial pre-reduction of the bH hemes was explained using kinetics in terms of the dimeric structure of the bc1 complex which allows electrons to equilibrate between monomers.  相似文献   

We describe in detail the conformations of the inhibitor stigmatellin in its free form and bound to the ubiquinone-reducing (Q(B)) site of the reaction center and to the ubiquinol-oxidizing (Q(o)) site of the cytochrome bc(1) complex. We present here the first structures of a stereochemically correct stigmatellin in complexes with a bacterial reaction center and the yeast cytochrome bc1 complex. The conformations of the inhibitor bound to the two enzymes are not the same. We focus on the orientations of the stigmatellin side-chain relative to the chromone head group, and on the interaction of the stigmatellin side-chain with these membrane protein complexes. The different conformations of stigmatellin found illustrate the structural variability of the Q sites, which are affected by the same inhibitor. The free rotation about the chi1 dihedral angle is an essential factor for allowing stigmatellin to bind in both the reaction center and the cytochrome bc1 pocket.  相似文献   

L Zhang  C Snyder  B L Trumpower  L Yu  C A Yu 《FEBS letters》1999,460(2):349-352
Based on the high electron transfer rate between the [2Fe-2S] cluster and heme c(1) and the elevation of the redox midpoint potential of iron sulfur protein (ISP) upon binding of certain Qo inhibitors, the binding rate constants of stigmatellin and UHDBT to the cytochrome bc(1) complex were determined using a stopped-flow rapid scanning technique. Assuming that the intramolecular electron transfer from ISP to cytochrome c(1) is much faster than the binding of inhibitors, the rate of the inhibitor binding can be determined by the rate of cytochrome c(1) oxidation. The binding rate constants were calculated to be 1.0x10(5) and 2.3x10(5) M(-1) s(-1) at pH 7.5 for stigmatellin and UHDBT, respectively. The binding rate constant of UHDBT is pH dependent and that of stigmatellin is not.  相似文献   

Energy transduction in the cytochrome bc(1) complex is achieved by catalyzing opposite oxido-reduction reactions at two different quinone binding sites. We have determined the pre-steady state kinetics of cytochrome b and c(1) reduction at varying quinol/quinone ratios in the isolated yeast bc(1) complex to investigate the mechanisms that minimize inhibition of quinol oxidation at center P by reduction of the b(H) heme through center N. The faster rate of initial cytochrome b reduction as well as its lower sensitivity to quinone concentrations with respect to cytochrome c(1) reduction indicated that the b(H) hemes equilibrated with the quinone pool through center N before significant catalysis at center P occurred. The extent of this initial cytochrome b reduction corresponded to a level of b(H) heme reduction of 33%-55% depending on the quinol/quinone ratio. The extent of initial cytochrome c(1) reduction remained constant as long as the fast electron equilibration through center N reduced no more than 50% of the b(H) hemes. Using kinetic modeling, the resilience of center P catalysis to inhibition caused by partial pre-reduction of the b(H) hemes was explained using kinetics in terms of the dimeric structure of the bc(1) complex which allows electrons to equilibrate between monomers.  相似文献   

Deletion of QCR9, the nuclear gene encoding subunit 9 of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, results in inactivation of the bc1 complex and inability of the yeast to grow on non-fermentable carbon sources. The loss of bc1 complex activity is due to loss of electron transfer activity at the ubiquinol oxidase site (center P) in the complex. Electron transfer at the ubiquinone reductase site (center N), is unaffected by the loss of subunit 9, but the extent of cytochrome b reduction is diminished. This is the first instance in which a supernumerary polypeptide, lacking a redox prosthetic group, has been shown to be required for an electron transfer reaction within the cytochrome bc1 complex.  相似文献   

Structures of mitochondrial ubihydroquinone:cytochrome c oxidoreductase (bc(1) complex) from several animal sources have provided a basis for understanding the functional mechanism at the molecular level. Using structures of the chicken complex with and without inhibitors, we analyze the effects of mutation on quinol oxidation at the Q(o) site of the complex. We suggest a mechanism for the reaction that incorporates two features revealed by the structures, a movement of the iron sulfur protein between two separate reaction domains on cytochrome c(1) and cytochrome b and a bifurcated volume for the Q(o) site. The volume identified by inhibitor binding as the Q(o) site has two domains in which inhibitors of different classes bind differentially; a domain proximal to heme b(L), where myxothiazole and beta-methoxyacrylate- (MOA-) type inhibitors bind (class II), and a distal domain close to the iron sulfur protein docking interface, where stigmatellin and 5-n-undecyl-6-hydroxy-4,7-dioxobenzothiaole (UHDBT) bind (class I). Displacement of one class of inhibitor by another is accounted for by the overlap of their volumes, since the exit tunnel to the lipid phase forces the hydrophobic "tails" to occupy common space. We conclude that the site can contain only one "tailed" occupant, either an inhibitor or a quinol or one of their reaction products. The differential sensitivity of strains with mutations in the different domains is explained by the proximity of the affected residues to the binding domains of the inhibitors. New insights into mechanism are provided by analysis of mutations that affect changes in the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum of the iron sulfur protein, associated with its interactions with the Q(o)-site occupant. The structures show that all interactions with the iron sulfur protein must occur at the distal position. These include interactions between quinone, or class I inhibitors, and the reduced iron sulfur protein and formation of a reaction complex between quinol and oxidized iron sulfur protein. The step with high activation energy is after formation of the reaction complex, likely in formation of the semiquinone and subsequent dissociation of the complex into products. We suggest that further progress of the reaction requires a movement of semiquinone to the proximal position, thus mapping the bifurcated reaction to the bifurcated volume. We suggest that such a movement, together with a change in conformation of the site, would remove any semiquinone formed from further interaction with the oxidized [2Fe-2S] center and also from reaction with O(2) to form superoxide anion. We also identify two separate reaction paths for exit of the two protons released in quinol oxidation.  相似文献   

The protonation state of residues around the Q(o) binding site of the cytochrome bc(1) complex from Paracoccus denitrificans and their interaction with bound quinone(s) was studied by a combined electrochemical and FTIR difference spectroscopic approach. Site-directed mutations of two groups of conserved residues were investigated: (a) acidic side chains located close to the surface and thought to participate in a water chain leading up to the heme b(L) edge, and (b) residues located in the vicinity of this site. Interestingly, most of the mutants retain a high degree of catalytic activity. E295Q, E81Q and Y297F showed reduced stigmatellin affinity. On the basis of electrochemically induced FTIR difference spectra, we suggest that E295 and D278 are protonated in the oxidized form or that their mutation perturbs protonated residues. Mutations Y302, Y297, E81 and E295, directly perturb signals from the oxidized quinone and of the protein backbone. By monitoring the interaction with the inhibitor stigmatellin for the wild-type enzyme at various redox states, interactions of the bound stigmatellin with amino acid side chains such as protonated acidic residues and the backbone were observed, as well as difference signals arising from the redox active inhibitor itself and the replaced quinone. The infrared difference spectra of the above Q(o) site mutations in the presence of stigmatellin confirm the previously established role of E295 as a direct interaction partner in the enzyme from P.denitrificans as well. The protonated residue E295 is proposed to change the hydrogen-bonding environment upon stigmatellin binding in the oxidized form, and is deprotonated in the reduced form. Of the residues located close to the surface, D278 remains protonated and unperturbed in the oxidized form but its frequency shifts in the reduced form. The mechanistic implications of our observations are discussed, together with previous inhibitor binding data, and referred to the published X-ray structures.  相似文献   

The cytochrome bc(1) complex is a dimeric enzyme that links electron transfer from ubiquinol to cytochrome c by a protonmotive Q cycle mechanism in which ubiquinol is oxidized at one center in the enzyme, referred to as center P, and ubiquinone is re-reduced at a second center, referred to as center N. To understand better the mechanism of ubiquinol oxidation, we have examined the interaction of several inhibitory analogs of ubiquinol with the yeast cytochrome bc(1) complex. Stigmatellin and methoxyacrylate stilbene, two inhibitors that block ubiquinol oxidation at center P, inhibit the yeast enzyme with a stoichiometry of 0.5 per bc(1) complex, indicating that one molecule of inhibitor is sufficient to fully inhibit the dimeric enzyme. This stoichiometry was obtained when the inhibitors were titrated in cytochrome c reductase assays and in reactions of quinol with enzyme in which the inhibitors block pre-steady state reduction of cytochrome b. As an independent measure of inhibitor binding, we titrated the red shift in the optical spectrum of ferrocytochrome b with methoxyacrylate stilbene and thus confirmed the results of the inhibition of activity titrations. The titration curves also indicate that the binding is anti-cooperative, in that a second molecule of inhibitor binds with much lower affinity to a dimer in which an inhibitor molecule is already bound. Because these inhibitors bind to the ubiquinol oxidation site in the bc(1) complex, we propose that the yeast cytochrome bc(1) complex oxidizes ubiquinol by an alternating, half-of-the-sites mechanism.  相似文献   

Native structures of ubihydroquinone:cytochrome c oxidoreductase (bc(1) complex) from different sources, and structures with inhibitors in place, show a 16-22 A displacement of the [2Fe-2S] cluster and the position of the C-terminal extrinsic domain of the iron sulfur protein. None of the structures shows a static configuration that would allow catalysis of all partial reactions of quinol oxidation. We have suggested that the different conformations reflect a movement of the subunit necessary for catalysis. The displacement from an interface with cytochrome c(1) in native crystals to an interface with cytochrome b is induced by stigmatellin or 5-n-undecyl-6-hydroxy-4,7-dioxobenzothiazole (UHDBT) and involves ligand formation between His-161 of the [2Fe-2S] binding cluster and the inhibitor. The movement is a rotational displacement, so that the same conserved docking surface on the iron sulfur protein interacts with cytochrome c(1) and with cytochrome b. The mobile extrinsic domain retains essentially the same tertiary structure, and the anchoring N-terminal tail remains in the same position. The movement occurs through an extension of a helical segment in the short linking span. We report details of the protein structure for the two main configurations in the chicken heart mitochondrial complex and discuss insights into mechanism provided by the structures and by mutant strains in which the docking at the cytochrome b interface is impaired. The movement of the iron sulfur protein represents a novel mechanism of electron transfer, in which a tethered mobile head allows electron transfer through a distance without the entropic loss from free diffusion.  相似文献   

By means of the method of fluorimetric titration it has been shown that mucidin does not affect the attachment of antimycin to membranes from anaerobically grown Paracoccus denitrificans. The fluorimetric titration with antimycin can be used in the determination of the amount of the cytochrome bc1 complex in the membrane. In cells inhibited with antimycin, the oxidation of cytochromes c was accompanied by the reduction of cytochrome b; in the presence of mucidin this effect did not take place. The results, which indicated a difference in binding sites, were interpreted in terms of the Q-cycle [Mitchell (1976) J. Theor. Biol. 62, 327-367; Trumpower (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 639, 129-155]. Comparable sensitivity towards antimycin and mucidin was shown by other typical denitrifying bacteria: Pseudomonas stutzeri and Alcaligenes xylosoidans, subspecies denitrificans.  相似文献   

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