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对冀西北坝上地区蛾类进行了逐日灯诱监测,以微软系统的Excel列表、作图,进行蛾类群落的种-多度曲线作图及群落多样性(H')、均匀度(J')、物种丰富度(S)和个体数(N)的时间和空间分布的处理,并做了多样性分析。结果表明:该区蛾类已知16科173属247种,夜蛾科是该区蛾类的优势类群,旋幽夜蛾、网锥蛾野螟(草地螟)和小菜蛾为当地优势种。从5月到9月蛾类多样性指数、物种丰富度和个体数基本呈上升趋势,多样性指数与均匀度(r=0.9477)、物种数(r=0.7785)、个体数(r=0.9704)相一致。不同月份间的蛾类相似程度差异较大,种-多度关系符合对数正态分布模型,研究认为坝上地区蛾类赖以生存的生态环境稳定,生态环境条件保持较好。 相似文献
夜蛾科昆虫同工酶研究概况 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
夜蛾科 (Noctuidae)隶属于昆虫纲鳞翅目异脉亚目 ,是鳞翅目中最大的一科 ,包括 2万多种 ,其中有些是重要的经济昆虫 ,有些是粮食作物、果树及经济作物的害虫。由于夜蛾科种类多 ,形态特征区分又不很明显 ,给分类特别是种和种下分类带来麻烦 ,而幼虫和蛹的识别就更为困难 ,仅靠外部形态特征和生态差异 ,是很难解决的 ,更不用说更深层次的研究。利用同工酶电泳技术能够很好地解决这一难题。同工酶的研究是从基因产物认识基因的存在及表达 ,由生化表现型来推断其基因型 ,将宏观的遗传现象结合到微观的分子水平 ,为分类学提供了更为精确的依据 … 相似文献
在对1975年采自内蒙古扎兰屯的夜蛾科标本进行整理鉴定时,发现 2 种农业害虫:远东地夜蛾Agrotis desertorum Boisduval和网寡夜蛾Sideridis unicolor (Alphéraky),该 2 种害虫均为我国首次发现.简要记述了 2 个种的外部形态、雄性外生殖器特征,以及与近缘种的区别特征.研究标本保存在东北林业大学林学院昆虫标本室. 相似文献
通过解剖Oxaenanus scopigeralis正模标本和同种雌雄外生殖器,发现O.scopigeralis(Moore,1867),sp.rev.&comb.nov.,(模式产地:印度)命名有效,其曾被认为是O.brontesalis(Walker,1858)(模式产地:婆罗洲)的同物异名.张,韩二人2019年发表的云南奥胸须夜蛾O.yunnana(模式产地:云南)应为O.scopigeralis的同物异名.作者在海南省采集到了奥胸须夜蛾属Oxaenanus 1新种海南奥胸须夜蛾Oxaenanus hainana sp.nov.,其与O.scopigeralis近似,但海南奥胸须夜蛾的前后翅亚外缘线更加模糊,抱器端骨化突起更短更细,阳茎端膜也更加复杂多变. 相似文献
通过田间诱蛾试验发现,在北京郊区Z7-12:Ac+Z9-14:Ac(1:1)对瘦连纹夜蛾和黑点委夜蛾有引诱作用;Z9-14:Ac对朽木夜蛾和标俚夜蛾有引诱作用;Z7-12:Ac+Z11-16:OH(4:1)对陌夜蛾有引诱作用;而Z7-12:Ac+Z9-14:Ac+Z11-16:OH(3:1:1)是宽胫夜蛾的性诱剂。其中,标俚夜蛾、陌夜蛾和宽胫夜蛾性诱剂均为首次发现。 相似文献
夜蛾科卵的数值分类研究(鳞翅目:夜蛾科) 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文以34种卵作为分类单元,对41个性状了数值分类研究。结果表明卵的形态特征可以作为夜蛾科分属的重要依据,并支持把黄地老虎归入Agrotis属的观点。 相似文献
在整理采自云南省的蛾类标本时,发现中国瘤蛾亚科异皮夜蛾属Etanna Walker1新种:云南异皮夜蛾Etanna yunnanensis sp.nov.。对异皮夜蛾属作了简单介绍,编制了该属中国已知种类检索表,对新种的外部形态和雌性生殖器特征做了详细描述,模式标本保存在东北林业大学昆虫标本室。 相似文献
夜蛾科卵的分类(二) 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文记述了14种夜蛾的卵。注明每种产卵日期,形状,尺寸,颜色,精孔区的形态特征,卵孔数目,纵脊与横脊的数目,小室的形状与斑纹,气孔的位置与形状,以及卵的腹面的细微构造[1-6]。 相似文献
济南地区直翅目昆虫群落多样性 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
济南地区位于鲁中丘陵山区和黄河冲积平原交接地带 ,境内生境丰富多样。研究不同生境中直翅目昆虫群落的组成及多样性既有重要的理论意义又有现实的应用价值。近来对该地区直翅目昆虫的研究成果已有报道[2 ,3 ,6 ],但有关多样性的工作还少有研究。作者于 1 994年对本地区的直翅目昆虫做了较为全面的调查 ,应用生境型的概念[9,13],将直翅目昆虫分布的 1 3种生境划分为 5个生境型[2 ]。在此基础上本文着重研究了直翅目昆虫群落的多样性及环境等因素与群落多样性的关系。1 自然条件概况济南位于山东省中部 ,整个地势南高北低。南部为鲁中丘陵… 相似文献
坝上地区农田和恢复生境地表甲虫多样性 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
研究采用陷阱法对河北坝上崇礼县农田、禁牧草地及再造林地3种常见生境中地表甲虫进行了取样调查,分别从鞘翅目分科、步甲分种两个分类水平比较分析了不同生境中的生物多样性状况以评估生境恢复状况及其对生物多样性的影响,并探索在以生物多样性为指标评估生境恢复状况过程中,研究结论是否受分类水平的影响。结果显示,草地和林地具有较为相似鞘翅目和步甲的结构组成,但均显著不同于农田。农田较再造林地和禁牧草地具有更多的鞘翅目科数及步甲物种数,且均显著高于林地;农田中步甲群落的Fisher's α多样性指数也显著地高于林地,但鞘翅目分科水平上的Fisher's α多样性指数在各生境中没有差异。结果说明:(1)再造林和草地禁牧的生境修复活动在当前状态下对生物多样性恢复的作用尚不明显,仅是表现出促进了景观尺度上较高的Beta和Gamma多样性,而农田则在维持当地较高的生物多样性中扮演重要角色;(2)在鞘翅目分科和步甲科分种研究数据所反映的不同生境条件下的多样性和组成状况基本相同,因此在需要快速评估生境恢复状况且物种水平鉴定存在困难的时候,可以采用鞘翅目分科的数据替代指示生境恢复的状况并反映生境恢复对生物多样性影响的趋势,从而减少分类的难度并提高工作效率。但是物种水平的多样性状况更能显著反映生境间的差异。 相似文献
1. Mobility is important for the understanding of how species survive in fragmented landscapes and cope with increasing rates of habitat and climate change. However, mobility is a difficult trait to explore and is poorly known in most taxa. Species traits have been studied in relation to range shifts, extinction risks, and responses to habitat area and isolation, and have also been suggested as good estimators of mobility. Here we explore the relation between mobility and species traits in noctuid moths. 2. We sampled noctuid moths by an automatic light‐trap on an island far out in the Baltic Sea. We compared traits of the non‐resident species on the island with traits of a species pool of assumed potential migrants from the Swedish mainland. 3. Mobility was significantly related to adult activity period, length of flight period, and the interaction between host‐plant specificity and distribution area. Widely distributed host‐plant generalists were more mobile than host‐plant specialists with more restricted distribution, and species with an adult activity period in August to September moved to the island to a higher extent than species with an adult activity period in May to July. Our results remained qualitatively robust in additional analyses, after controlling for phylogeny and including all species recorded on the island, except for the trait ‘length of flight period’. 4. Our results highlight the importance of the relation between mobility and species traits. Noctuid moths with certain traits move over longer distances than earlier known. This finding is important to include when predicting range dynamics in fragmented and changing landscapes, and when conservation measures of species are devised. 相似文献
Quantifying interspecific variation in dispersal ability of noctuid moths using an advanced tethered flight technique 下载免费PDF全文
Hayley B. C. Jones Ka S. Lim James R. Bell Jane K. Hill Jason W. Chapman 《Ecology and evolution》2016,6(1):181-190
Dispersal plays a crucial role in many aspects of species' life histories, yet is often difficult to measure directly. This is particularly true for many insects, especially nocturnal species (e.g. moths) that cannot be easily observed under natural field conditions. Consequently, over the past five decades, laboratory tethered flight techniques have been developed as a means of measuring insect flight duration and speed. However, these previous designs have tended to focus on single species (typically migrant pests), and here we describe an improved apparatus that allows the study of flight ability in a wide range of insect body sizes and types. Obtaining dispersal information from a range of species is crucial for understanding insect population dynamics and range shifts. Our new laboratory tethered flight apparatus automatically records flight duration, speed, and distance of individual insects. The rotational tethered flight mill has very low friction and the arm to which flying insects are attached is extremely lightweight while remaining rigid and strong, permitting both small and large insects to be studied. The apparatus is compact and thus allows many individuals to be studied simultaneously under controlled laboratory conditions. We demonstrate the performance of the apparatus by using the mills to assess the flight capability of 24 species of British noctuid moths, ranging in size from 12–27 mm forewing length (~40–660 mg body mass). We validate the new technique by comparing our tethered flight data with existing information on dispersal ability of noctuids from the published literature and expert opinion. Values for tethered flight variables were in agreement with existing knowledge of dispersal ability in these species, supporting the use of this method to quantify dispersal in insects. Importantly, this new technology opens up the potential to investigate genetic and environmental factors affecting insect dispersal among a wide range of species. 相似文献
三种夜蛾成虫口器感器的超微形态 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为确定不同种类夜蛾口器及其感器在超微结构上的差异, 采用扫描电子显微镜对棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner)、 烟夜蛾H. assulta (Guenée)和银纹夜蛾Argyrogramma agnata (Staudinger)3种鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)夜蛾科(Noctuidae)重要农业害虫雌、 雄成虫口器感器的超微形态进行了观察和比较。结果表明: 3种夜蛾雌、 雄成虫口器感器类型均无明显差异。棉铃虫和烟夜蛾口器感器在类型和形状上十分类似, 均具有毛形、 锥形和栓锥形感器; 喙管末端的栓锥感器粗、 密, 棱纹明显。银纹夜蛾口器感器与两种铃夜蛾区别明显, 除上述3类感器外, 还具有腔锥形感器; 其喙管末端的栓锥感器细、 疏, 棱纹不明显。结果显示口器感器可用于夜蛾的分类及亲缘关系研究。 相似文献
冀西北高原植被生产力与退耕对策 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
依据冀西北高原的气候与土壤条件,进行了区域内不同类型农田农林草现实生产力状况的比较研究.结果表明,就不同植被而言,不论是草甸栗钙土还是砂质栗钙土,农田和草地与林地相比具有明显的生物产量优势,而农田和人工草地之间的生物产量差异相对较小.就不同农田类型而言,草甸栗钙土植被生产力明显高于砂质栗钙土.在明确不同植被现实生产力间差异的基础上,提出了要首先实施砂质栗钙土农田的退耕,退耕地只能还草,不能还林,退耕后必须进行植被生产结构的战略性调整等兼顾保护生态环境与发展农村经济的退耕对策. 相似文献
为了研究小兴安岭地区不同植被类型的森林恢复区域和原始林区域的蛾类群落结构和多样性,对位于凉水自然保护区的4个典型区域的蛾类群落进行了系统调查。共采集蛾类标本56079号,隶属于28科598种,其中夜蛾科、尺蛾科为优势类群,豆卷叶野螟、头橙荷苔蛾、一色兜夜蛾等为小兴安岭地区优势种。对蛾类群落的种-多度关系分析得知,4个区域均符合对数正态分布假说。多样性指数分析表明,多样性和均匀度均为ⅣⅢⅡⅠ;优势集中性指数为ⅠⅢⅡⅣ。相似性分析和群落排序结果表明各植被恢复区域与原始林蛾类群落均存在差异,但差异不大。研究认为小兴安岭地区蛾类赖以生存的生态系统稳定,环境条件良好。 相似文献
选择山西蟒河猕猴国家级自然保护区针阔叶混交林、阔叶落叶林、杂木林和灌木林4种植被类型为调查样地来初步了解蛾类群落结构及多样性。共采集蛾类标本4709只,隶属24科184种,其中螟蛾科种类和个体数量最多。在4种植被类型中,灌木林的蛾类种数最多,有20科132种,灌木林中螟蛾科为优势科;阔叶落叶林中最少,14科74种,尺蛾科为优势科;针阔叶混交林和杂木林居中,其中前者优势科不明显,后者以草螟科占优势。对4种植被类型中蛾类物种丰富度、多度、多样性和均匀度指数进行了计算和分析,结果表明:蛾类的多度指数在阔叶落叶林中显著低于其余3种植被类型;蛾类的丰富度、多样性和均匀度指数在灌木林中均最高,在针阔叶混交林和杂木林中则相近。蛾类种-多度曲线在针阔叶混交林、杂木林和灌木林中符合对数正态分布模型,而在阔叶落叶林中不符合对数正态分布模型。 相似文献
纳帕海高原湿地真菌群落多样性和组成的分布 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
【背景】位于滇西北的纳帕海高原湿地,是我国唯一的低纬度、高海拔、季节性半封闭型高原湿地。真菌在湿地生态系统的维持和稳定中发挥着特殊作用,然而关于纳帕海高原湿地真菌群落多样性和组成的研究目前仍无报道。【目的】对纳帕海高原湿地不同季节和土壤类型真菌群落多样性和组成及与环境因子的关系开展系统研究分析,促进对高原湿地微生物多样性的深入认识。【方法】采用荧光定量PCR和高通量测序技术,分析了纳帕海高原湿地不同季节和土壤类型中真菌的数量、群落多样性和组成及其与环境因子的关系。【结果】真菌数量级的变化对于人为干扰下的湿地土壤退化是敏感的响应指标。在真菌群落组成中,约有60%以上未确定的分类信息,40%有确定分类信息的包括6个门17个纲37个目53个科63个属,大部分分类信息集中在Ascomycota门,相对优势属为Gibberella。通过分类水平、OTU水平和β多样性分析比较,在纳帕海高原湿地整体真菌群落多样性和组成受季节变化影响不显著,但不同土壤类型的变化呈显著差异,推测是由于不同采样区植物根际效应和种类的影响。CCA (Canonical correlation analysis)分析表明,在不同采样区受不同土壤理化因子的影响。【结论】揭示了纳帕海高原湿地土壤真菌群落多样性和组成的区域特征,从微生物学角度进一步提出了对纳帕海高原湿地环境保护和恢复的重要性。 相似文献
Anders Forsman Per-Eric Betzholtz Markus Franzén 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2015,282(1808)
Theory and recent reviews state that greater genetic and phenotypic variation should be beneficial for population abundance and stability. Experimental evaluations of this prediction are rare, of short duration and conducted under controlled environmental settings. The question whether greater diversity in functionally important traits stabilizes populations under more complex ecological conditions in the wild has not been systematically evaluated. Moths are mainly nocturnal, with a large variation in colour patterns among species, and constitute an important food source for many types of organisms. Here, we report the results of a long-term (2003–2013) monitoring study of 115 100 noctuid moths from 246 species. Analysis of time-series data provide rare evidence that species with higher levels of inter-individual variation in colour pattern have higher average abundances and undergo smaller between-year fluctuations compared with species having less variable colour patterns. The signature of interspecific temporal synchronization of abundance fluctuations was weak, suggesting that the dynamics were driven by species-specific biotic interactions rather than by some common, density-independent factor(s). We conclude that individual variation in colour patterns dampens population abundance fluctuations, and suggest that this may partly reflect that colour pattern polymorphism provides protection from visually oriented predators and parasitoids. 相似文献