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Benny Chefetz 《Plant and Soil》2007,298(1-2):21-30
The sorption of organic compounds by plant cuticular matter has been extensively investigated; however, little has been studied regarding the effect of plant cuticle degradation on their role in the sorption of organic compounds in soils. The sorption of phenanthrene was studied in soil samples which had been incubated for up to 9 months with three different types of plant cuticle isolated from tomato fruits, pepper fruits and citrus leaves. The main change in the diffuse reflectance Fourier-transform infrared (DRIFT) spectra during incubation of the cuticles was related to cutin decomposition. The peaks assigned to methyl and ethyl vibration and C=O vibration in ester links decreased with decomposition. In general, with all samples, the phenanthrene sorption coefficients calculated for the whole incubated soils (K d) decreased with incubation time. In contrast, the carbon-normalized K d values (K oc) did not exhibit a similar trend for the different cuticles during incubation. The origin of the cuticle also affected the linearity of the sorption isotherms. With the tomato and citrus cuticle samples, the Freundlich N values were close to unity and were stable throughout incubation. However with the green pepper cuticle, the N values exhibited a significant decrease (from 0.98 to 0.70). This study demonstrates that the structural composition of the plant cuticle affects its biodegradability and therefore its ability to sorb organic compounds in soils. Of the residues originating from plant cuticular matter in soils, the cutan biopolymer and lignin-derived structures appear to play a dominant role in sorption as decomposition progresses. Responsible Editor: Alfonso Escudero.  相似文献   

Experimental limitations often prevent to perform biomechanical measurements on fresh arthropod cuticle samples. Hence, in many cases short- or long-term storage of samples is required. So far, it is not known whether any of the standard lab-techniques commonly used to fix or store insect cuticle samples in any way affects the biomechanical properties of the respective samples.In this paper we systematically address this question for the first time, with a focus on practical, easily accessible and common lab-methods including storage in water, ethanol, glutaraldehyde, freezing and desiccation. We performed a comprehensive and sensitive non-destructive Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) on locust hind leg tibiae using a three-point-bending setup. Our results show that from all tested treatments, freezing samples at −20 °C was the best option to maintain the original values for Young's modulus and damping properties of insect cuticle. In addition, our results indicate that the damping properties of locust hind legs might be mechanically optimized in respect to the jumping and kicking direction.  相似文献   

Full appreciation of the roles of the plant cuticle in numerous aspects of physiology and development requires a comprehensive understanding of its biosynthesis and deposition; however, much is still not known about cuticle structure, trafficking and assembly. To date, assessment of cuticle organization has been dominated by 2D imaging, using histochemical stains in conjunction with light and fluorescence microscopy. This strategy, while providing valuable information, has limitations because it attempts to describe a complex 3D structure in 2D. An imaging technique that could accurately resolve 3D architecture would provide valuable additions to the growing body of information on cuticle molecular biology and biochemistry. We present a novel application of 3D confocal scanning laser microscopy for visualizing the architecture, deposition patterns and micro-structure of plant cuticles, using the fluorescent stain auramine O. We demonstrate the utility of this technique by contrasting the fruit cuticle of wild-type tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum cv. M82) with those of cutin-deficient mutants. We also introduce 3D cuticle modeling based on reconstruction of serial optical sections, and describe its use in identification of several previously unreported features of the tomato fruit cuticle.  相似文献   

H Greven  H Robenek 《Tissue & cell》1983,15(2):329-340
The cuticles of the heterotardigrade Echiniscus testudo and the eutardigrades Macrobiotus hufelandi and Milnesium tardigradum have been studied using freeze-fracture technique. Most of the layers seen in conventional TEM micrographs can be visualized. There is no clear evidence that the trilaminar components of the cuticle such as the outer epicuticle and the tripartite layer separating epi- and intracuticle or procuticle (whose membranous origin has been suggested by previous authors) fracture like a lipid bilayer. Microfibres not resolved or only poorly resolved by TEM can be recognized in the procuticle of all three species. Obviously their visualization depends upon the fracture angle. In Echiniscus testudo and Milnesium tardigradum the intracuticle or at least parts of it show a wavy arrangement of microfibres. Parts of the ventral intracuticle of E. testudo fracture in an obviously non-random pattern revealing distinct sublayers.  相似文献   

植物角质膜的结构、组成和生物学功能研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于海宁  田英  方媛  彭励 《生命科学》2010,(8):729-735
植物角质膜是覆盖在植物最外层的一类有机混合物的总称,它是植物抵抗外界环境刺激的最后一道屏障,在植物生长发育过程中起重要作用。该文总结了近几十年来国内外关于角质膜的研究进展,通过植物角质膜的形态结构、化学组成、生物学功能等几个方面对角质膜的研究状况做系统综述,探讨目前研究中存在的一些问题,展望角质膜研究前景,以期为从事角质膜相关领域的研究提供可借鉴的参考依据。  相似文献   

角质层的离析及显微观察方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物角质层的离析方法很多,获取化石植物的角质层可以同时用几种化学处理方法。舒氏液浸解是最常用的方法,也是几种方法共用时最关键的步骤。浸解液浓度过大或处理时间过长有可能破坏角质层的结构。对于已经获取到的角质层,利用相差光学显微技术可以增加反差。利用微分干涉光学显微技术不仅反差增加,而且有立体感,背景颜色也可以调节。荧光显微分析技术在不破坏标本的前提下,可以获取到表皮的特征。扫描电子显微镜具有观察不透明物体,放大范围广以及高的分辨力等优越性,可作为光学显微镜的必要补充。  相似文献   

The assembly zone is a morphologically distinct region in the insect integument that lies between the epidermis and its principal secretory product, the lamellate cuticle. Despite its central location in the process of cuticle formation, little is known about its structure or function. Using various antisera we have shown that in Drosophila melanogaster larvae and pupae the assembly zone is antigenically distinct from the overlying lamellate cuticle. This observation suggests that this region does not contain lamellae in the process of assembling but rather is a stable and permeable matrix through which lamellar components travel in the process of cuticle formation. Curiously an antigen present in the assembly zone was also contained in the moulting gel, indicating a heretofore unsuspected chemical relationship between these two materials.  相似文献   

An overview of evolution in plant 5S DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

植物角质层蜡质的化学组成研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曾琼  刘德春  刘勇 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5133-5140
角质层是植物与外界的第一接触面,而角质层蜡质则是由位于角质层外的外层蜡质和深嵌在角质层中的内层蜡质两部分构成。植物角质层蜡质成分极其复杂,具有重要的生理功能。综述了有关植物角质层蜡质的化学组成信息,探讨了目前植物角质层蜡质化学成分研究中存在的一些问题,展望了角质层蜡质成分的研究前景。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A model of fruit surface conductance to water vapour diffusion driven by fruit growth is proposed. It computes the total fruit conductance by integrating each of its components: stomata, cuticle and cracks. METHODS: The stomatal conductance is computed from the stomatal density per fruit and the specific stomatal conductance. The cuticular component is equal to the proportion of cuticle per fruit multiplied by its specific conductance. Cracks are assumed to be generated when pulp expansion rate exceeds cuticle expansion rate. A constant percentage of cracks is assumed to heal each day. The proportion of cracks to total fruit surface area multiplied by the specific crack conductance accounts for the crack component. The model was applied to peach fruit (Prunus persica) and its parameters were estimated from field experiments with various crop load and irrigation regimes. KEY RESULTS: The predictions were in good agreement with the experimental measurements and for the different conditions (irrigation and crop load). Total fruit surface conductance decreased during early growth as stomatal density, and hence the contribution of the stomatal conductance, decreased from 80 to 20 % with fruit expansion. Cracks were generated for fruits exhibiting high growth rates during late growth and the crack component could account for up to 60 % of the total conductance during the rapid fruit growth. The cuticular contribution was slightly variable (around 20 %). Sensitivity analysis revealed that simulated conductance was highly affected by stomatal parameters during the early period of growth and by both crack and stomatal parameters during the late period. Large fruit growth rate leads to earlier and greater increase of conductance due to higher crack occurrence. Conversely, low fruit growth rate accounts for a delayed and lower increase of conductance. CONCLUSIONS: By predicting crack occurrence during fruit growth, this model could be helpful in managing cropping practices for integrated plant protection.  相似文献   

Composition of the cuticle of developing sweet cherry fruit   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The composition of wax and cutin from developing sweet cherry (Prunus avium) fruit was studied by GC-MS between 22 and 85 days after full bloom (DAFB). In this and our previous study, fruit mass and surface area increased in a sigmoidal pattern with time, but mass of the cuticular membrane (CM) per unit fruit surface area decreased. On a whole fruit basis, mass of CM increased up to 36 DAFB and remained constant thereafter. At maturity, triterpenes, alkanes and alcohols accounted for 75.6%, 19.1% and 1.2% of total wax, respectively. The most abundant constituents were the triterpenes ursolic (60.0%) and oleanolic acid (7.5%), the alkanes nonacosane (13.0%) and heptacosane (3.0%), and the secondary alcohol nonacosan-10-ol (1.1%). In developing fruit triterpenes per unit area decreased, but alkanes and alcohols remained essentially constant. The cutin fraction of mature fruit consisted of mostly C16 (69.5%) and, to a lower extent, C18 monomers (19.4%) comprising alkanoic, omega-hydroxyacids, alpha,omega-dicarboxylic and midchain hydroxylated acids. The most abundant constituents were 9(10),16-dihydroxy-hexadecanoic acid (53.6%) and 9,10,18-trihydroxy-octadecanoic acid (7.8%). Amounts of C16 and C18 monomers per unit area decreased in developing fruit, but remained approximately constant on a whole fruit basis. Within both classes of monomers, opposing changes occurred. Amounts of hexadecandioic, 16-hydroxy-hexadecanoic, 9(10)-hydroxy-hexadecane-1,16-dioic and 9,10-epoxy-octadecane-1,18-dioic acids increased, but 9,10,18-trihydroxy-octadecanoic and 9,10,18-trihydroxy-octadecenoic acids decreased. There were no qualitative and minor quantitative differences in wax and cutin composition between cultivars at maturity. Our data indicate that deposition of some constituents of wax and cutin ceased during early fruit development.  相似文献   

This study presents a novel experimental approach to the characterization of the deformation of a mineralized biological composite using arthropod cuticle as a model material. By performing tensile tests combined with a detailed strain analysis via digital image correlation, the elastic-plastic deformation behavior of the endocuticle of the American lobster Homarus americanus is examined. The test specimens originate from the pincher and crusher claws. For evaluating the effect of moisture on the deformation behavior, the samples are tested both in dry and in wet state. Sample characterization using the digital image correlation method requires a stochastic spot pattern on the sample surface. Digital images are then taken at subsequent deformation stages during the mechanical test. These images are used to calculate the displacement, the displacement gradient, and the strain fields via pattern correlation. The method is applied both, at a global scale to measure with high precision the stress-strain behavior of the bulk cuticle and at a microscopic scale to reveal strain heterogeneity, strain patterning, and strain localization phenomena.  相似文献   

The study aims to investigate the effect of foliar spray with three plant growth regulators (PGRs) p-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid (CPA) at 20 and 40 ppm; Gibberellic acid (GA3) at 20 and 30 ppm, 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) at 10 and 20 ppm on the response of fruit set, yield, and fruit quality of some hot pepper cultivars (Chillina, Parbirian, Shampion, and Hyffa) grown in sandy soil under plastic tunnels as compared to the control. Spraying Chillina cultivar GA3 at 30 ppm significantly increased the number of fruits/ plant and fruit set (%), yield/plant, and total yield/fad. In addition, the contents of TSS and Vit C, furthermore, maximum capsaicin content were observed in chili fruits in both seasons. However, the interaction between Chillina cultivar and spraying with GA3 at 20 ppm ranked second in yield and quality. The interaction between Parbirian cultivars and spraying with GA3 at 20 or 30 ppm increased the number of flowers/plants in both seasons. On the other hand, the interaction between Shampion cultivar and spraying with tap water (control) gave the lowest values of the number of flowers/ plants, the number of fruits/ plant and fruit set (%), yield, and its components, and fruit quality in both seasons.  相似文献   

Polarization was examined in laser light reflected from samples of plant leaves. Elliptical polarization is supposed to result from multiple total reflections of the incident light on the inhomogeneities of the leaf cuticle. A model of the phase-shifting ability of the scattering layer allows assessment of the refractive index and the mean facet slope of cuticular roughness.  相似文献   

The study aims to investigate the effect of foliar spray with three plant growth regulators (PGRs) p-Chlorophenoxyacetic acid (CPA) at 20 and 40 ppm; Gibberellic acid (GA3) at 20 and 30 ppm, 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) at 10 and 20 ppm on the response of fruit set, yield, and fruit quality of some hot pepper cultivars (Chillina, Parbirian, Shampion, and Hyffa) grown in sandy soil under plastic tunnels as compared to the control. Spraying Chillina cultivar GA3 at 30 ppm significantly increased the number of fruits/ plant and fruit set (%), yield/plant, and total yield/fad. In addition, the contents of TSS and Vit C, furthermore, maximum capsaicin content were observed in chili fruits in both seasons. However, the interaction between Chillina cultivar and spraying with GA3 at 20 ppm ranked second in yield and quality. The interaction between Parbirian cultivars and spraying with GA3 at 20 or 30 ppm increased the number of flowers/plants in both seasons. On the other hand, the interaction between Shampion cultivar and spraying with tap water (control) gave the lowest values of the number of flowers/ plants, the number of fruits/ plant and fruit set (%), yield, and its components, and fruit quality in both seasons.  相似文献   

Seven fungi associated with fruit rot of tomato were isolated includingFusarium equiseti, F. chlamydosporum, Alternaria solani, Geotrichum candidum, Acremonium recifei, Aspergillus flavus andA. niger. They were all pathogenic on tomato fruits, most pathogenic beingGeotrichum candidum followed byA. niger. Least rot was caused byAlternaria solani. The optimum temperature for maximum rotting caused byG. candidum, A. niger andA. flavus was 30°C. The relative humidity for maximum rot ranged from 70–90%. Tomato fruits stored well at 0–10°C and rather poorly at 20–30°C. Fruits stored at 35°C showed blemishes. The best RH for storage ranged between 60 and 90%.  相似文献   

Staining cuticular membranes ofAgave americana andClivia miniata en bloc with potassium permanganate results in a strong contrast in the interior cuticular layer while the exterior part remains unstained. This is not caused by a selective chemical reaction with the interior part but by the unidirectional penetration of the reagent from the interior side, the outside being protected by the cuticle proper. In transverse cryosections of the cuticular membrane, permanganate penetrates nearly as easily into the exterior cuticular layer as into the interior one giving the same contrast. However, compared with the periclinal penetration into the cuticle proper this penetration is accelerated five-to tenfold by the polysaccharide network within the cuticular layer which serves as a distribution-channel system. Periclinal penetration into the cuticle proper occurs independently in each cutin penetration unit included between two obvious lucent lamellae and further divided into subunits.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the cuticle in four species of the marine Heterodrilus (H. paucifascis, H. pentcheffi, H. flexuosus, H. minisetosus) is investigated with transmission electron microscopy. The noncellular cuticle consists of several parts; closest to the epidermis is a thick zone of collagen fibers embedded in a matrix. The matrix continues outside the fiber zone, forming a layered epicuticle. The external surface of the epicuticle is covered by evenly distributed, membrane-bound bodies, termed epicuticular projections. The epicuticular projections have their longitudinal axis perpendicular to the surface of the cuticle and are attached to the surface by either the surrounding membrane itself or by short pedestals. Microvilli, extensions from the epidermal cells, penetrate and sometimes pass completely through the cuticle. There is interspecific variation in the morphology of the cuticle. The four studied species differ in the arrangement of the collagen fibers, from irregularly distributed fibril bundles to orthogonally arranged fiber layers, as well as in the number and density of layers in the epicuticle. One of the studied species, H. paucifascis, shows intraspecific variation, which is associated with sample locality. The Bahamian specimens of H. paucifascis have four layers in the epicuticle, club-shaped epicuticular projections, and collagen fibers forming a less defined orthogonal grid, while the Belizean specimens have three layers in the epicuticle, epicuticular projections with a bulging part at midlevel, and a distinct orthogonal grid. Based on these findings the variation in the morphology of the cuticle appears to be dependent on both phylogenetic constraints, and functional and environmental factors.  相似文献   

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