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?????? 目的 以北京市医院为例,了解现阶段医务人员对积极性的认知现状,探索存在差异的影响因素。方法 问卷调查法并深入访谈法。结果 逾八成的医务人员对积极性至少有一定程度了解,积极性最重要体现前五项为:自觉履行救死扶伤的宗旨;良好的医疗质量;适宜的工作量使患者能得到妥善救治;快捷的服务效率;过度医疗。近八成的医务人员认为员工积极性正在削弱,积极性削弱最重要原因前五项为:付出与所得不相称;医患关系不和谐;缺乏职业安全感;工资待遇低;工作的不到应有的认可、重视、尊重。逾九成的医务人员认为应调动员工积极性,积极性调动最重要措施前五项为:建立健全公平公正、科学合理的薪酬机制;和谐医患关系;营造良好的执业环境;员工意见和建议受认可、重视、尊重的程度;建立健全公平公正、科学合理的绩效考评制度。对积极性认知的主要影响因素有性别、婚姻状况、文化程度、工作年限、岗位、部门、编制、月收入等。结论 积极性认知有较广泛的群众基础,开展医务人员服务积极性认知现状调查,熟悉相关影响因素,有利于从源头上为切实落实“调动积极性”提供一个参考的视角。  相似文献   

目的 探讨贫困地区医护人员对精准健康扶贫政策的知晓率情况以及对知晓率影响因素分析。方法 在文献分析和专家讨论基础上设计调查问卷,开展现场调查。利用SPSS19.0软件对数据进行统计分析。结果 仅有26.0%医护人员表示对目前健康扶贫及相关政策较为了解,但有近40%的人对其当前的精准健康扶贫政策感到不满意。logistic回归分析结果显示,“所在医院是否有上级医院帮扶”“所在医院是否帮扶下级乡镇卫生院”“所在医院对长期服务基层的员工是否有优惠政策倾斜”3个因素对医护人员精准健康扶贫政策满意度水平认知有影响。结论 医护人员对精准健康扶贫政策认知度和满意度尚有提高的空间。从供给方角度出发,从医院方面出发,完善上下级帮扶政策、建立紧密型县乡村一体化健康扶贫结构;创新管理模式,为长期服务基层的员工提供优惠政策倾斜,是提高精准健康扶贫效果的可行选择。  相似文献   

随着我国法治社会的发展及医疗体制的改革,医疗风险成为军队医院管理面临的难题和挑战。目前,我国现有的医疗法规不够完善,医务人员与患者的医疗风险防范意识不足,社会舆论导向性偏移等问题制约着我国医疗系统的发展。作为医疗卫生系事业的重要力量,军队医院要加强医疗风险管理,制定风险评估方法,完善风险管理体系以及加强风险教育,进一步提高医疗服务质量,从而有利维护军队医院在群众心中的信誉和形象。  相似文献   

A. C. Hardman 《CMAJ》1962,87(22):1142-1144
This paper outlines the development of emergency health planning as a function of government. Ten provinces have the basic responsibility for the organization, preparation and operation of medical, nursing, hospital and public health services in an emergency. The Department of National Health and Welfare is responsible for the provision of advice and assistance to the provincial and municipal governments in such matters. Eight provinces have now hired full-time planning staffs to co-ordinate the health planning of the Provincial Departments of Health and Provincial Emergency Measures Organization.Four major programs have been established. The first program provides for the continuity of leadership and guidance by health authorities at the federal, provincial and municipal level. Essential records have been developed and emergency legislation prepared. This program, however, will be of little use unless health services are organized at the municipal level. In this organizational program, advice and assistance have been provided to existing hospitals and departments of health in the conduct of disaster planning. The efforts of these agencies are co-ordinated by municipal health authorities into a community disaster plan. The third program deals with information and education of the general public and the health workers. This program is designed to make the family unit self-sufficient for up to seven days and the health worker prepared to undertake his emergency role. The first three programs are directed to the organization and training of manpower; the fourth program provides the necessary supplies. From the national medical stockpile of $18,000,000, some $12,000,000 has been received, packaged for long-term storage and distributed to regional depots across the country. To ensure their ready availability in time of emergency an agreement has been reached with seven provinces for the release of hospital disaster kits.  相似文献   

医院精神建设是医院品牌内涵建设的主要内容,是一个医院赖以生存和发展的关键,是在长期的历史发展中形成的文化传统,为全体医护工作者的道德规范和价值取向。我院坚持以病人为中心,以医疗质量和医疗安全管理为核心,推行以"德法为本、效能优先、严谨规范、求实创新"的管理理念,全体工作人员均在管理理念的督促下奋力工作。医院将管理理念深入到日常医院建设中,从文化建设、医院管理、医疗工作、科研学术、党群工作、廉政建设等方面进行全面改善,为提升医院的品牌内涵、缓和医患关系起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

公立医院是我国医疗服务的主体,同时也是社会责任的必然承担者。公益化视角下公立医院在获取自身生存和发展的同时,应最大程度地承担起“救死扶伤、生命至上”的社会责任新内涵。公立医院社会责任缺失与医疗市场越位、政府补偿缺位及医务人员宗旨意识错位有关。公益化视角下公立医院社会责任体系重建要改革公立医院运行机制、统筹利用社会各方力量、积极营造社会责任的文化氛围、提高医院综合管理水平及建立基于公益性的绩效考核方案。因此,要发挥公立医院社会责任要正确认识公立医院社会责任本质,应正确处理好社会责任与经营性之间的关系及充分发挥公立医院社会责任的利益相关方力量。有关企业社会责任及治理结构的理论和方法对研究医院相关问题有重要借鉴作用,但不能照搬,中国经济、管理和卫生领域专家在公立医院社会责任及实现机制方面的探索还有许多工作要做。  相似文献   



Knowledge, clinical practice, and professional motivation of medical providers relating to H5N1 infection have an important influence on care for H5N1 patients who require early diagnosis and early medical intervention.

Methods/Principal Findings

Novel educational programs including training and workshops for medical providers relating to H5N1 infection in Vietnam were originally created and implemented in 18 provincial hospitals in northern Vietnam between 2008 and 2010. A self-administered, structured questionnaire survey was conducted in 8 provincial hospitals where both educational training and workshops were previously provided. A total of 326 medical providers, including physicians, nurses, and laboratory technicians who attended or did not attend original programs were enrolled in the survey. Knowledge, clinical attitudes and practice (KAP), including motivation surrounding caring for H5N1 patients, were evaluated. The study indicated a high level of knowledge and motivation in all professional groups, with especially high levels in laboratory technicians. Conferences and educational programs were evaluated to be the main scientific information resources for physicians, along with information from colleagues. The chest radiographs and the initiation of antiviral treatment in the absence of RT-PCR result were identified as gaps in education. Factors possibly influencing professional motivation for caring for H5N1 patients included healthcare profession, the hospital where the respondents worked, age group, attendance at original educational programs and at educational programs which were conducted by international health-related organizations.


Educational programs provide high knowledge and motivation for medical providers in Vietnam caring for H5N1 patients. Additional educational programs related to chest radiographs and an initiation of treatment in the absence of RT-PCR are needed. Networking is also necessary for sharing updated scientific information and practical experiences. These enhanced KAPs by educational programs and integrated systems among hospitals should result in appropriate care for H5N1 patients and may reduce morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   



The lack of trained mental health workers is a primary contributor to the mental health treatment gap worldwide. Despite the great need to recruit and retain mental health workers in low-income countries, little is known about how these workers perceive their jobs and what drives them to work in mental health care. Using qualitative interviews, we aimed to explore factors motivating mental health workers in order to inform interventions to increase recruitment and retention.


We conducted 28 in-depth, open-ended interviews with staff in Ghana’s three public psychiatric hospitals. We used the snowballing method to recruit participants and the constant comparative method for qualitative data analysis, with multiple members of the research team participating in data coding to enhance the validity and reliability of the analysis. The use of qualitative methods allowed us to understand the range and depth of motivating and demotivating factors.


Respondents described many factors that influenced their choice to enter and remain in mental health care. Motivating factors included 1) desire to help patients who are vulnerable and in need, 2) positive day-to-day interactions with patients, 3) intellectual or academic interest in psychiatry or behavior, and 4) good relationships with colleagues. Demotivating factors included 1) lack of resources at the hospital, 2) a rigid supervisory hierarchy, 3) lack of positive or negative feedback on work performance, and 4) few opportunities for career advancement within mental health.


Because many of the factors are related to relationships, these findings suggest that strengthening the interpersonal and team dynamics may be a critical and relatively low cost way to increase worker motivation. The data also allowed us to highlight key areas for resource allocation to improve both recruitment and retention, including risk pay, adequate tools for patient care, improved hospital work environment, and stigma reduction efforts.  相似文献   


Background and Objectives

This paper analyses why and how conflicts occur and their influence on doctors and nurse-anaesthetists'' motivation in the provision of maternal and neonatal health care in a specialist hospital.


The study used ethnographic methods including participant observation, conversation and in-depth interviews over eleven months in a specialist referral hospital in Ghana. Qualitative analysis software Nvivo 8 was used for coding and analysis of data. Main themes identified in the analysis form the basis for interpreting and reporting study findings.

Ethics Statement

Ethical clearance was obtained from the Ghana Health Service Ethics Review board (approval number GHS-ERC:06/01/12) and from the University of Wageningen. Written consent was obtained from interview participants, while verbal consent was obtained for conversations. To protect the identity of the hospital and research participants pseudonyms are used in the article and the part of Ghana in which the study was conducted is not mentioned.


Individual characteristics, interpersonal and organisational factors contributed to conflicts. Unequal power relations and distrust relations among doctors and nurse-anaesthetists affected how they responded to conflicts. Responses to conflicts including forcing, avoiding, accommodating and compromising contributed to persistent conflicts, which frustrated and demotivated doctors and nurse-anaesthetists. Demotivated workers exhibited poor attitudes in collaborating with co-workers in the provision of maternal and neonatal care, which sometimes led to poor health worker response to client care, consequently compromising the hospital''s goal of providing quality health care to clients.


To improve health care delivery in health facilities in Ghana, health managers and supervisors need to identify conflicts as an important phenomenon that should be addressed whenever they occur. Effective mechanisms including training managers and health workers on conflict management should be put in place. Additionally promoting communication and interaction among health workers can foster team spirit. Also resolving conflicts using the collaborating response may help to create a conducive work environment that will promote healthy work relations, which can facilitate the delivery of quality maternal and neonatal health care. However, such an approach requires that unequal power relations, which is a root cause of the conflicts is addressed.  相似文献   

摘要目的:近年来医务人员工作压力过重而引起的心理疾病日益突出,引起社会各界的关注。本研究针对军队医院医务人员的 心理压力及工作满意度情况展开调查,分析影响该群体心理健康的因素,探讨改善心理环境的有效方法,为提升军队医院管理提 供参考。方法:对我院312 名医务人员的基本资料、心理应激及工作满意度情况进行问卷调查,分析影响军队医院医务人员心理 健康的危险因素。结果:医务人员的心理压力主要表现为焦虑、抑郁、敏感和偏执,工作中普遍不满的是工资福利、工作负荷、晋升 及人际关系。医务人员所处的岗位和职称等级不同,其心理压力与工作满意度也不同。临床医师与护理人员的心理压力均较高, 医技与行政人员的工作满意度较高(P<0.05);初级职称与中级职称医务人员的心理压力较高,副高级职称与高级职称人员的工作 满意度较高,组间数据比较差异显著(P<0.05)。结论:军队医院的管理人员应完善管理机制,创造良好的发展平台,改善军队医院 医务人员的心理环境,促进医院的发展。  相似文献   

医院整体医疗管理模式是以医学整体论、生物—心理—社会医学模式为指导,为满足社会民众的健康需求而创新的医院医疗管理新模式。经过10多年的实践与探索,拓宽了院前院后医疗保健功能,提升了医疗质量与医疗服务效能,融洽了医患关系,为医院赢得了良好的声誉,成效显著。  相似文献   

易蕊  郝楠  王娟  程齐波  郭晓东 《生物磁学》2014,(8):1565-1568
目的:近年来医务人员工作压力过重而引起的心理疾病日益突出,引起社会各界的关注。本研究针对军队医院医务人员的心理压力及工作满意度情况展开调查,分析影响该群体心理健康的因素,探讨改善心理环境的有效方法,为提升军队医院管理提供参考。方法:对我院312名医务人员的基本资料、心理应激及工作满意度情况进行问卷调查,分析影响军队医院医务人员心理健康的危险因素。结果:医务人员的心理压力主要表现为焦虑、抑郁、敏感和偏执,工作中普遍不满的是工资福利、工作负荷、晋升及人际关系。医务人员所处的岗位和职称等级不同,其心理压力与工作满意度也不同。临床医师与护理人员的心理压力均较高,医技与行政人员的工作满意度较高(P〈0.05);初级职称与中级职称医务人员的心理压力较高,副高级职称与高级职称人员的工作满意度较高,组间数据比较差异显著(P〈0.05)。结论:军队医院的管理人员应完善管理机制,创造良好的发展平台,改善军队医院医务人员的心理环境,促进医院的发展。  相似文献   

目的:通过提高防护意识和进一步完善防护体系实现对传染病医院的全面管理.方法:随机将我院2009年3月至2011年11月的两个病区患者及医护人员作为研究对象,向所有患者发放调查表对政策调整前后的满意程度进行调查,通过针对医护人员防护意识的强化教育和医院设施及防护体系的调整与完善以评估对患者住院期间的临床效应与影响.结果:全院上下的积极防护意识普遍增强并完善健全了防护体系,从而显著降低了感染率,患者满意度反馈良好.结论:通过提高医护人员防护意识和健全医院防护体系有助于进一步减少院内感染,提高医院医疗质量和服务水平.  相似文献   

The subject of this Socio-Economic Report is of tremendous importance to the medical profession because physicians should be aware that future programs for the expansion of health care services will be based and, in fact, are being based upon information which this Report contains. The relationship between poverty and accessibility of health care services is therefore quite direct. So, too, will be the impact upon the profession and the organization of medical practice.The 1966 amendments to the Poverty Act are concerned with neighborhood health centers and a vast array of other programs which will touch every physician and every community which can be identified by the standards indicated in this Report as low income, poor, or near poor. For this reason the California Medical Association Committee on Welfare Medical Programs, among several others concerned with aspects of this problem, is trying to alert every county medical society of developments as well as of the responsibilities they should assume in working with the Office of Economic Opportunity and other community organizations in providing guidance and leadership in structuring programs compatible with the interests of the public and the health care professions.This Report on poverty presents a current and prospective view of the problems and issues to be faced. Unless physicians see the relationship and join in a community effort to aid in resolving an issue which underlies public policy, we shall be looking back five or ten years from now to point out that we failed to take advantage of opportunities to assist in the development of a rational system of medical care for low-income groups.Individual physicians, component medical societies on a grass-roots level and CMA as a state organization should all be concerned with and aware of the facts.  相似文献   

目的 通过实证调查采集患者、医务工作者和志愿者对医务社工及志愿者工作的评价,解析医务社工及志愿者在医院服务管理中的作用。方法 采用问卷调查、文献查阅、深度访谈法,调研上海市三家三级甲等公立医院获取第一手资料。结果 调查结果显示,患者、医务人员及医务管理人员高度认可医务社工与志愿者在医院服务管理的作用。结论 医务社工和志愿者在医院服务管理中能发挥独特的作用,可以增进医患沟通,缓解或预防医患矛盾,给患者更多人文关怀和增值服务,一定程度上解决医患之间的诊治经费问题,提升服务品质、降低人力成本,应当得到全社会更多的重视。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Influenza-vaccination rates among healthcare workers (HCW) remain low worldwide, even during the 2009 A(H1N1) pandemic. In France, this vaccination is free but administered on a voluntary basis. We investigated the factors influencing HCW influenza vaccination. METHODS: In June-July 2010, HCW from wards of five French hospitals completed a cross-sectional survey. A multifaceted campaign aimed at improving vaccination coverage in this hospital group was conducted before and during the 2009 pandemic. Using an anonymous self-administered questionnaire, we assessed the relationships between seasonal (SIV) and pandemic (PIV) influenza vaccinations, and sociodemographic and professional characteristics, previous and current vaccination statuses, and 33 statements investigating 10 sociocognitive domains. The sociocognitive domains describing HCWs' SIV and PIV profiles were analyzed using the classification-and-regression-tree method. RESULTS: Of the HCWs responding to our survey, 1480 were paramedical and 401 were medical with 2009 vaccination rates of 30% and 58% for SIV and 21% and 71% for PIV, respectively (p<0.0001 for both SIV and PIV vaccinations). Older age, prior SIV, working in emergency departments or intensive care units, being a medical HCW and the hospital they worked in were associated with both vaccinations; while work shift was associated only with PIV. Sociocognitive domains associated with both vaccinations were self-perception of benefits and health motivation for all HCW. For medical HCW, being a role model was an additional domain associated with SIV and PIV. CONCLUSIONS: Both vaccination rates remained low. Vaccination mainly depended on self-determined factors and for medical HCW, being a role model.  相似文献   

Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5 commits us to reducing maternal mortality rates by three quarters and MDG 4 commits us to reducing child mortality by two-thirds between 1990 and 2015. In order to reach these goals, greater access to basic emergency obstetric care (EmOC) as well as comprehensive EmOC which includes safe Caesarean section, is needed.. The limited capacity of health systems to meet demand for obstetric services has led several countries to utilize mid-level cadres as a substitute to more extensively trained and more internationally mobile healthcare workers. Although this does provide greater capacity for service delivery, concern about the performance and motivation of these workers is emerging. We propose that poor leadership characterized by inadequate and unstructured supervision underlies much of the dissatisfaction and turnover that has been shown to exist amongst these mid-level healthcare workers and indeed health workers more generally. To investigate this, we conducted a large-scale survey of 1,561 mid-level cadre healthcare workers (health workers trained for shorter periods to perform specific tasks e.g. clinical officers) delivering obstetric care in Malawi, Tanzania, and Mozambique. Participants indicated the primary supervision method used in their facility and we assessed their job satisfaction and intentions to leave their current workplace. In all three countries we found robust evidence indicating that a formal supervision process predicted high levels of job satisfaction and low intentions to leave. We find no evidence that facility level factors modify the link between supervisory methods and key outcomes. We interpret this evidence as strongly supporting the need to strengthen leadership and implement a framework and mechanism for systematic supportive supervision. This will promote better job satisfaction and improve the retention and performance of obstetric care workers, something which has the potential to improve maternal and neonatal outcomes in the countdown to 2015.  相似文献   

This article examines distinctive aspects of medical care experienced by a 55-year-old hospitalized for quintuple coronary artery bypass surgery who was also a senior physician-administrator (chief of gastroenterology) at the same hospital. The article describes eight distinctive aspects of administrator-physicians as patients, including special patient treatment; exalted patient expectations by hospital personnel; patient suppression of emotions; patient denial; self-doctoring; job stress contributing to disease; self-sacrifice to achieve better health; and rational medical decisions when not under stress. Health-care workers should recognize how these distinctive aspects of medical care and behavior affect administrator-physicians as patients, in order to mitigate their negative effects, potentiate their positive effects, and optimize the care of these patients.  相似文献   

通过对北京市某医改试点单位医务人员工作积极性进行问卷调查,分析影响医务人员工作积极性的主要因素,从医务人员职业发展的内外在需求出发,完善管理措施,建立健全激励机制,充分调动医务人员的工作积极性,以期为公立医院改革全面推进提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

Much anthropology has considered the social embeddedness of medical systems, personnel, and practices and the political subjectivities that may arise among health workers. I explore what medical citizenship looks like under conditions of settler colonialism in West Papua based on an ethnographic study of Dani (Balim) and Lani HIV nurses and NGO volunteers who see themselves and their activities as part of a broader effort to save Papuans from extinction. In particular, HIV work emerges as a biosocial obligation, meaning that workers give their expertise, attention, compassion, and treatment networks to people with HIV in the name of ensuring the vitality of the wider population, but giving care is not altruistic. As HIV workers respond to erasure, constraints, and racism, they put themselves at the centre of HIV care webs. ‘Traditional’ technologies transform healthcare encounters and challenge strategic ignorance about the epidemic. A close navigation of global health and settler power allows for flexible, independent, even surreptitious HIV practices that are deceptively radical and disruptive. Papuan HIV workers’ medical citizenship is encompassed by and expresses vernacular sovereignties.  相似文献   

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