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The increasing life expectancy and the increasingly advanced age of parenthood due to socio-economic conditions in developed countries, combined with progress in medically-assisted procreation techniques account for the recent interest in the fertility of ageing men. Hormonal changes (primary testicular deficiency, decreased amplitude of hypothalamic GnRH secretion peaks), morphological and histological testicular changes (arteriolar sclerosis, Leydig cell and Sertoli cell degeneration, rarefaction of germ cells, thickening of the testicular tunica albuginea) related to physiological ageing are relatively well documented. The repercussions of these physiological changes on the quality of the semen of ageing men is difficult to clearly establish because of the limited data available and the marked interindividual variability of semen parameters. Globally, the quality of semen gradually decreases with age, although a cut-off age cannot be defined. The alterations observed essentially concern the volume of the ejaculate, and the mobility and morphology of spermatozoa. The sperm count appears to be less markedly affected. However, all of the other pathological and psychosocial factors frequently observed in ageing men must be taken into account in the interpretation of the data (changes of the bladder neck and genital tract, chronic diseases, drug treatments, smoking, decreased frequency of sexual intercourse, partner’s age). Further comparative studies, including a larger number of elderly patients in clearly defined age-groups, with populations matched for other risk factors for alteration of semen quality, are necessary. Overall, a review of the literature does not reveal any specific prognostic criteria for age-related fertility. Regardless of the semen characteristics of an ageing man desiring possible paternity, a complete clinical and andrological assessment must be performed.  相似文献   

Résumé Pour la première fois, les rotifères de la Camargue sont examinés. Des échantillons ont été pris aux environs de Salin de Badon, le long de la digue de mer et dans l'étang de Beauduc.Les 15 espèces trouvées sont nouvelles pour la région. Pour chacune d'elles, nous donnons l'écologie et la distribution dans l'eau saumâtre dans le monde entier.La plupart des espèces sont cosmopolites; une espèce est particulièrement intéressante, notamment Epiphanes mollis, dont c'est la première capture dans l'eau saumâtre de l'Éurope occidentale.

Rijkuniversiteit Gent. Laboratorium voor Systematische Dierkunde.  相似文献   

Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a noninvasive way to produce an electric stimulation of the cerebral cortex. This stimulation results in many biological effects in the stimulated cortical zone and also at distant subcortical centers. Some of these effects are shared with antidepressants and electroconvulsive shocks. But some technical difficulties remain (e.g. to stimulate precisely the anatomic targets, in spite of interindividual variability) and stimulation protocols are in progression, which prevent a large use of TMS outside research labs. Clinical trials in depression show modest effects with resistant depressive episodes. The most important and lasting clinical effects of TMS seem to be the treatment of medication resistant auditive hallucinations in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Comparative anatomy of the skulls of Pan and Pongo using procruste superimposition shows that airorynchy, classically described as a change in palatal tilting, is a complex movement involving a downward shift of the posterior part and an upward shift of the anterior part. Our 3D analysis shows that airorynchy could be interpreted as the functional consequence of the anatomic differences between the temporal muscle mass of those two genera. It also appears that the palatal tilting and the morphology of the supra-orbital torus are two independent features. A statistical test shows that the torus development is dependant, at least partly, on the relationship between the orbital cavity and the frontal bone.  相似文献   

Résumé Deux modes d'associations des spermatozoïdes sont décrits dans l'ordre des Orthoptères.Chez les Tettigonides (Ensifères), les spermatozoïdes mûrs s'accrochent mécaniquement, les uns aux autres, par leurs acrosomes. Les faisceaux, ainsi formés, comprennent une dizaine de cellules sexuelles. Dans les voies déférentes, des sécrétions mucopolysaccharidiques, élaborées par les cellules glandulaires de la paroi et rejetées dans la lumière, enrobent le faisceau spermatique d'un manchon structuré. Le spermatodesme est alors constitué.Chez les Acridiens (Caelifères), le spermatodesme se forme dans le follicule testiculaire, avant la fin de la spermiogenèse. Les spermatides pénètrent dans le cytoplasme d'une cellule nourricière; celle-ci élabore une secrétion dense entourant les têtes des cellules sexuelles. A la maturité, la sécrétion se détache progressivement de la cellule nourricière et forme la coiffe d'un faisceau spermatique qui groupe environ deux cent cellules. Cette coiffe non structurée et opaque aux électrons est de nature mucoprotéique et contient des enzymes.Les deux formations décrites diffèrent donc à la fois par leur origine, leur structure et leur nature chimique. Leurs rôles physiologiques possibles sont envisagés.
On the types of sperm association in orthoptera
Summary Two types of sperm associations are described in Orthoptera.In Tettigonids (Ensifera), the mature spermatozoa are hooked together by their acrosomes. The bundles so formed are composed of about ten spermatozoa. In the genital ducts, mucopolysaccharidic secretions, elaborated by the glandular cells of the walls, and ejected in the lumen, form a muff around the bundle: The spermatodesm is then constituted.In Acridids (Caelifera), the spermatodesm is produced earlier, before the end of spermiogenesis, in testicular follicles. The spermatids enter the cytoplasm of a nurse cell; the latter elaborates a secretion which coats the sperms' heads. When maturity occurs, the secretion detaches from the nurse cell and makes up the cap of a sperm bundle which groups about 200 cells. This cap is a dense structureless substance, mucoproteic in nature and containing enzymes.The two types of formations described differ in origin, structure and chemical nature. Their physiological roles are discussed.

R. Mieusset 《Andrologie》1999,9(2):272-285
Non descended testes in the low scrotum is a common anomaly at birth, with about 4% of the newborn males affected. Only one quarter of these newborn babies will still have non descended testes when one year old. However, the testes that will descend within the first year of life seem no more to be considered as normally descended testes. Moreover, the retractile testis, which represents a secondary anomaly of testicular position occuring after the babies are older than one year, is no more to be regarded as a physiological variant of the normally descended testis, since several reports indicate histological and clinical modifications in such cases. The testicular non descent can be associated with two consequences in adult life. Firstly, an history of non descended testis is the only known risk factor for the testicular cancer. Secondly, such an history is a risk factor for the male fertility because of spermatogenesis alterations, as indicated by qualitative and quantitative histological analyses of the testicular tissue, and by depressed spermatozoa output and quality (motility, normal forms); moreover, testicular volumes are reduced, and the time to pregnancy as well as the rate of infertility are increased. Time is arrived for a reappraisal of the consequences in adult life of the abnormal testicular location (either congenital or acquired) during childhood.  相似文献   

The distribution of lysine-derived alkaloids in the genus Lycopodium (s.l.) supports the separation of the following taxa, Huperzia (= Urostachys), Lycopodiella s.l. (= Lepidotis, excl. L. volubile and L. deuterodensum) from Lycopodium s. str. Within the latter, the Fastigiatum group and the Complanata section (= Diphasiastrum) can be distinguished. The results obtained are in good agreement with the classification proposed by Wilce.  相似文献   

R. Mieusset 《Andrologie》1997,7(4):419-426
Spermatozoa morphology is one of the qualitative characteristics of spermatogenesis. However, because of both the variations in the definition of normal morphology and the existence of different kinds of sperm abnormalities as well as the use of various techniques of morphology assessment, such a parameter is poorly used in usual laboratory work. Morphological sperm anomalies can be from testicular or post-testicular origines, while the latter is still unproved. The causes of such anomalies are either from genetic origines, but in these cases any spermatozoa demonstrate this anomaly, or due to an endogenous factor with varicocele the most usually quoted but unproved pathology, But exogenous factors, either chemical such as drugs and pesticides or physical such as heat, are also responsible for morphological sperm anomalies. Analysis of sperm morphology is indicative of both the testicular health status (in cases of occupational exposure to chemical or physical toxics) and the fertility potential since morphology is correlated to sperm motility and involved in fertilization through the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Semen analysis, as defined by World Health Organisation (WHO), is a fundamental step in the work-up of infertile couples. Spermatozoa morphology has been recognised as the best predictive factor in natural fertility, and in intrauterine insemination and classicalin vitro fertilisation. Ultrastructural spermatozoa abnormalities are the only sperm alterations likely to influence the outcome of ICSI. However, these abnormalities cannot be detected by conventional microscopy (¥100 or ¥200–400). Bartoov et al. (2002) developed a real-time spermatozoa observation system using a ¥6600 magnification called MSOME (Magnification Motile Sperm Morphology Examination). Spermatozoa abnormalities detected with this technique are vacuoles localised on spermatozoa heads with variable number, size and site (nucleus or acrosome). Spermatozoa evaluation using MSOME could be performed to predict the probability of fertilisation by these spermatozoa either spontaneously or after assisted reproductive technology.  相似文献   

Résumé Les mitoses de l'adénohypophyse du rat mâle ont été examinées comparativement après fixation par perfusion et après fixation par immersion.Après fixation par perfusion la répartition topographique des mitoses dans le parenchyme est homogène, et l'index mitotique est de 1,85 pour 1 000 cellules.Après fixation par immersion, la densité des mitoses décroit de la périphérie vers le centre, et l'index mitotique n'est que de 0,80 mitoses pour 1 000 cellules.La lenteur de pénétration du fixateur pendant l'immersion est tenue pour principal responsable des différences observées. Elle entraîne une modification de l'aspect des mitoses, telle que plus de la moitié d'entre elles ne sont pas identifiables et échappent aux comptages.
Influence of fixation on the observation of mitoses in the male rat adenohypophysis
Summary The mitoses of the adenohypophysis in male rats have been observed comparatively after fixation by perfusion and fixation by immersion.After fixation by perfusion, the topographic distribution of mitoses throughout the parenchyma is homogenous and the mitotic index is 1.85 for 1 000 cells.After fixation by immersion, the density of the mitoses is decreasing from the periphery towards the center and the mitotic index is only 0.80 for 1 000 cells.The slow penetration of the fixative during fixation by immersion is considered to be the main cause in the differences observed. This slow action causes a modification in the aspect of the mitoses, and more than fifty percent of them cannot be identified and escape to the counts.
Avec la collaboration technique de Mademoiselle J. Rameau.  相似文献   

C. Guillemin 《Genetica》1985,67(3):193-200
Analysis of metaphasic meiotic karyotypes in male of Pleurode les waltlii(Amphibia, Urodela) after silver ammoniacal staining of chromosomes. In the newtPleurodeles waltlii, the ammoniacal silver staining technique was applied to the male meiotic chromosomes at metaphase I and II. A specific staining of paracentromeric heterochromatin and of the centromere is observed on each chromosome of the complements. The two karyotypes are analysed and the homology between meiotic and mitotic chromosomes is established.
Analyse des caryotypes métaphasiques méiotiques chez le male dePleurodeles waltlii (Amphibien, Urodèle) après coloration des chromosomes par l'argent ammoniacal

Most of the numerous techniques used to assess sperm viability only have research applications, while only two classical tests, i.e. eosin-Y and hypo-osmotic swelling test (HOST), are currently used in routine sperm analysis to determine the percentage of viable sperm. A viability rate below 50% of living sperm defines necrozoospermia, a condition whose clinical significance is fairly difficult to assess as the mechanisms of sperm cell death are still poorly understood. However, even when a precise cause for necrozoospermia cannot be identified, abnormal viability requires further andrological investigations with particular emphasis on clinical and laboratory signs of chronic infection of the male reproductive tract. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can yield very good pregnancy rates, even in couples with the most severe forms of male infertility. However, when no motile sperm are available after sperm preparation, the outcome of ICSI is seriously impaired, probably because of a high risk of injecting dead sperm. In these patients, sperm viability could therefore be assessed by the hypo-osmotic swelling test in order to select only viable sperm for ICSI. However, the long incubation time of sperm in the hypo-osmotic solution, as recommended in the classical HOST procedure, has been shown to be detrimental to the spermatozoa. A single sperm test able to assess the viability of each individual spermatozoon within microdroplets covered by mineral oil therefore seems to be preferable. This selection procedure is less suitable in the case of immotile frozen-thawed sperm, as viability does not appear to be reliably predicted by HOST in cryopreserved sperm. Examination of sperm viability now also evaluates programmed cell death or apoptosis, as apoptotic alterations can be detected in spermatozoa by several techniques. The percentage of apoptotic sperm is correlated with deficient sperm parameters and poor outcome of assisted reproductive techniques. More effective selection procedures are therefore needed in order to identify spermatozoa not only with intact membranes but also with an intact genome to be used for ICSI.  相似文献   

Anaemia is common in patients older than 75 years. Patho-physiologic mechanisms of anaemia are similar to that involved in younger patients even though certain mechanisms are more common in the elderly. Practical decisional algorithms have to be used for the diagnosis of anaemia. Risk factors for anaemia have been identified in this age group: institutionalization, bad socio-economic conditions, co-morbid conditions. Particular emphasis is given to several points:
  1. The clinical tolerance of anaemia is the most important feature to take into account in older patients, rather than the decline of the haemoglobin level. Even if the haemoglobin level is only slightly decreased, evaluation of anaemia should be performed by the geriatrician, including, if needed, the achievement of a bone-marrow aspiration.
  2. Causes of anaemia are often multiple, due to frequent comorbid conditions and acute illnesses, associated with nutritional deficiencies, inflammation… Chronic kidney disease and dysthyroidia are also common.
  3. Nutritional deficiencies (iron, folate and/or B12 deficiency) are frequent and their cause has to be identified.
  4. The prevalence of myelodysplastic syndromes, which are clonal diseases, is probably underestimated in this age group.

Galperin  H. 《Human genetics》1967,4(1):6-12
Human Genetics - Ce travail comporte des analyses de la variance de la longueur et de l'indice brachial des chromosomes 1, 2 et 3, de cellules ayant subi une endoréduplication.  相似文献   

Leaves of Holarrhena febrifuga from East Africa contain 1·5% of alkaloids, mostly of the amino-3α ceto-20 pregnane-5α type. Six alkaloids have been isolated: funtumine (I), holamine (II), dimethyl- and monomethyl-funtumine (Ia) and (Ib), dimethyl- and monomethylholamine (IIa) and (IIb); these methyl derivatives have been isolated for the first time from natural source. Pregnane-3,20-dione has been isolated from the same leaves.  相似文献   

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