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Employing an antigen-induced T cell-dependent lymph node cell (LNC) proliferative assay in the mouse we observed differences in the capacity of unstimulated and thioglycollate-activated peritoneal exudate cells (PECs) to present antigen. Antigen-primed LNCs can be induced to proliferate by a brief (2 hr) antigen exposure and the addition of various numbers of thioglycollate PECs (thio-PECs) modifies the proliferative response depending on the ratio of PECLNC in cultures. With ratios of 3–12% both DNA and protein synthesis were enhanced, but at ratios greater than 12% suppression was significant. Treatment of thio-PECs with mitomycin C, irradiation (3000 rad), anti-Thy 1.2, or anti-Ia plus complement did not alter suppression, suggesting the possibility that the Ia negative macrophages present in the PECs were involved in the suppression. An enhancing effect on the proliferative response was noted following the addition of small numbers of thio-PECs. This was comparable to that seen with an equivalent concentration of supernatant from thio-PECs suggesting that soluble factors play an important role. Two enhancing fractions (separated on a G-75 column) which were themselves mitogenic were identified which eluted with approximate molecular weights of 15,000 and 60,000.  相似文献   

The mitogenic response of murine T cells 2 to Con A, S-Con A and PHA was found to be macrophage-dependent. Optimal mitogenic responses were obtained when macrophage-depleted T-cell populations were reconstituted with 5% normal peritoneal macro-phages. Studies were carried out to investigate the effect of T- and B-cell mitogens on in vitro physical interactions between murine lymphocytes and macrophages. This was done by determining the number of T- or B cells binding to macrophages in the absence and in the presence of T- and B cell mitogens, and comparing the results of these experiments with the induction of lymphocyte proliferation. Con A increased the binding of T cells to macrophages when used in mitogenic doses (1–5 μg/ml). Dose response experiments showed that the same dose of Con A which produced maximal mitogenic stimulation also induced the greatest number of T cells to bind to macrophages. Nonmitogenic doses of Con A (20–50 μg/ml) did not enhance the binding of T cells, while identical doses of S-Con A both induced T cell mitogenesis and increased the number of T cells bound to macrophages. Similar results were obtained with PHA. None of the B-cell mitogens tested (LPS, EPO 127 and LAgl) increased the binding of either T or B cells to macrophages. PWM, which is mitogenic for both T and B cells, increased the binding of T cells to macrophages, but not that of B cells. In brief, the four T-cell mitogens tested (Con A, S-Con A, PHA, and PWM) induced specific physical interactions between T cells and macrophages, while none of the B-cell mitogens had any effect on the physical interactions between either B or T cells and macrophages when used in mitogenic doses.  相似文献   

The effects of a monoclonal antibody directed against immune response gene products on mouse NK activity were examined. In vivo administration of an anti-I-Ak antibody to C3H/He (H-2k) mice modulated their peritoneal cell (PC) and spleen cell (SC) natural killer (NK) activity against YAC-1 lymphoma target cells in vitro. No such effect was observed when BALB/c (H-2d) mice were treated with this antibody. Administration of anti-I-Ak antibody to mice before and after infection with Toxoplasma or treatment with poly(I:C) leads to suppression of NK activity in comparison to NK activity of mice infected with Toxoplasma or injected with poly(I:C) alone. A similar treatment regimen with M5/114 antibody which reacts with I-Ab, I-Ad, I-Ed, and I-Ek molecules resulted in decreased NK activity in B10.D2 (H-2d) but not in B10.BR (H-2k) mice. Serum and cell culture supernatant interferon (IFN) concentrations were not altered as a result of anti-I-Ak treatment. Removal of adherent cells did not restore NK activity of anti-I-Ak-treated Toxoplasma-infected mice to levels obtained with mice infected with Toxoplasma. In contrast, depletion of Ly 2.1+ cells from nylon-wool nonadherent SC of mice treated with anti-I-Ak antibody, before and after infection with Toxoplasma, resulted in restoration of NK activity to the same level as that observed in Toxoptasma-infected mice.  相似文献   

Leukemic guinea pig lymphocytes (L2 C) synthesise cholesterol in vitro at a forty-fold greater rate than normal cells. Equilibration (18 h) with lecithin or lecithin-cholesterol liposomes, respectively, enhances or suppresses sterol manufacture by normal lymphocytes but does not influence sterol production by L2 C cells. In contrast, > 5·109 molecules/cell of a nitroxide-derivative of androstane, (17 β-hydroxy-4′,4′-dimethylspiro [5 α-androstan-3,2′-oxazolidin]-3′-yloxyl), commonly used as a membrane spin-probe, drastically inhibit sterol production by both normal and leukemic cells (maximum within 2 h). At < 5·109 molecules/cell, this sterol stimulates cholesterol synthesis. 25-Hydroxycholesterol at low concentrations also stimulates sterol manufacture, whereas high concentrations are also inhibitory in both cell types.  相似文献   

Antisera against sheep red blood cells (SRBC) specifically suppressed the direct anti-SRBC plaque-forming cell (PFC) response in mice when passively administered with the antigen. The suppressive activity of mouse and rabbit anti-SRBC sera was found to correlate with anti-SRBC opsonic activity but not with hemagglutination or hemolysin titers. Macrophage depletion of mice, using carrageenan treatment, inhibited antibody-mediated immune suppression. When mice immunized with SRBC were given 125I-labeled Udr, radiolabeled spleen lymphocytes were obtained which specifically formed rosettes with SRBC. These radiolabeled antigen-reactive cells (1ARC) were specifically opsonized in mice treated with antigen-antibody complexes but not in mice treated with antigen or antibody alone. These results suggest that antibody-mediated immune suppression may be due to specific opsonization (and subsequent destruction) of ARC in the presence of antigen-antibody complexes.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthetase, partially purified by gel filtration with Sepharose 4B from goose liver, showed the same relative rate of incorporation of methylmalonyl-CoA (compared to malonyl-CoA) as that observed with the purified fatty acid synthetase from the uropygial gland. In the presence of acetyl-CoA, methylmalonyl-CoA was incorporated mainly into 2,4,6,8-tetramethyldecanoic acid and 2,4,6,8,10-pentamethyl-dodecanoic acid by the enzyme from both sources. Methylmalonyl-CoA was a competitive inhibitor with respect to malonyl-CoA for the enzyme from the gland just as previously observed for fatty acid synthetase from other animals. Furthermore, rabbit antiserum prepared against the gland enzyme cross-reacted with the liver enzyme, and Ouchterlony double-diffusion analyses showed complete fusion of the immunoprecipitant lines. The antiserum inhibited both the synthesis of n-fatty acids and branched fatty acids catalyzed by the synthetase from both liver and the uropygial gland. These results suggest that the synthetases from the two tissues are identical and that branched and n-fatty acids are synthesized by the same enzyme. Immunological examination of the 105,000g supernatant prepared from a variety of organs from the goose showed that only the uropygial gland contained a protein which cross-reacted with the antiserum prepared against malonyl-CoA decarboxylase purified from the gland. Thus, it is concluded that the reason for the synthesis of multimethyl-branched fatty acids by the fatty acid synthetase in the gland is that in this organ the tissue-specific and substrate-specific decarboxylase makes only methylmalonyl-CoA available to the synthetase. Fatty acid synthetase, partially purified from the mammary gland and the liver of rats, also catalyzed incorporation of [methyl-14C]methylmalonyl-CoA into 2,4,6,8-tetramethyldecanoic acid and 2,4,6,8-tetramethylundecanoic acid with acetyl-CoA and propionyl-CoA, respectively, as the primers. Evidence is also presented that fatty acids containing straight and branched regions can be generated by the fatty acid synthetase from the rat and goose, from methylmalonyl-CoA in the presence of malonyl-CoA or other precursors of n-fatty acids. These results provide support for the hypothesis that, under the pathological conditions which result in accumulation of methylmalonyl-CoA, abnormal branched acids can be generated by the fatty acid synthetase.  相似文献   

Unexpected cytolysis was encountered when nonactivated murine peritoneal macrophages were cultured with [3H]TdR-prelabeled syngeneic or allogeneic tumor cells at a 10:1 ratio. The level of specific cytolysis reached 70% within 48 hr of cocultivation. Similar killing was observed whether the macrophages were derived from untreated, thioglycollate-treated, or germ-free mice. Cytolytic activity was also demonstrated when bone marrow-derived or peritoneal macrophages from 9- and 5-day in vitro cultures, respectively, were employed rather than freshly harvested peritoneal macrophages. Thus, the macrophage-mediated killing was neither the result of in vivo preactivation nor a consequence of the presence of lymphocytes in the assay. Moreover, macrophages derived from different strains caused similar effects. Our study revealed that the neoplastic target cell cultures susceptible to cytolysis by nonactivated macrophages were contaminated with mycoplasma. A mycoplasma was isolated from the supernatant of a culture of the A9HT fibrosarcoma line, identified as Mycoplasma orale, and cultivated. Addition of viable mycoplasma from that isolate to mixed cultures of thioglycollate-elicited macrophages and [3H]TdR-prelabeled mycoplasma-free target cells resulted in specific cytolysis of transformed A9 cells, but not of normal mouse fibroblasts. The level of macrophage-dependent cytolysis correlated with the number of viable mycoplasma cells added and was higher than that attained by activation with LPS at optimal concentration. Similar specific cytolysis was observed with heat-killed mycoplasmas. Our results demonstrate that mycoplasmas may cause selective macrophage-mediated cytolysis of neoplastic but not of normal target cells, perhaps via activation of the macrophages. It is suggested that undetected infection of experimental systems by mycoplasmas may account for some reports on lysis of neoplastic cells by nonactivated macrophages.  相似文献   

The regulation of the in vitro generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) directed against hapten-modified syngeneic cells has been investigated. The results indicate that acute intravenous pretreatment with water-soluble hapten, trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS), can either positively or negatively affect the in vitro generation of trinitrophenyl (TNP)-specific CTLs. In general, mice bearing the H-2d haplotype are most likely to develop a reduced in vitro response pattern following a single acute in vivo TNBS treatment, wheras mice bearing the H-2k or H-2b haplotypes display either unchanged or augmented in vitro response patterns. We have shown that, in addition to the influences of H-2 genes, non-H-2 genes can also influence the in vitro hapten-specific CTL response following intravenous pretreatment with water-soluble hapten. Further, in two (H-2k X H-2d) F1 combinations between an H-2k strain displaying an unchanged in vitro response pattern following acute in vivo TNBS treatment and an H-2d strain displaying a reduced in vitro response pattern following similar treatment, it was observed that a single in vivo TNBS pretreatment did not induce the unresponsive state when F1-TNP stimulator cells were used. These results suggest that the mechanisms responsible for the reduced in vitro response pattern are not dominant within the F1 environment. However, when TNP-modified parental stimulators are used, a split-response pattern is observed in cells from TNBS-treated F1 mice which reflect the response patterns of the respective parents. These latter results again emphasize the influence of gene loci on the in vitro response patterns following acute TNBS treatment. In contrast to the significant influence of H-2 and non-H-2 genes on the in vitro TNP-specific response following acute in vivo TNBS treatment, these genes do not appear to significantly influence the in vitro TNP-specific response pattern following chronic TNBS treatment. Chronic TNBS treatment renders all strains tested specifically unresponsive.  相似文献   

The kinetics of oxidation of some aldoses by vanadium(V) in perchloric acid media have been investigated. Each reaction is first order with respect to both [Vanadium(V)] and [Aldose]. The reactions are catalysed by acid. The addition of sodium perchlorate accelerates the rate of reaction. Kinetic evidence for the formation of an intermediate compound between vanadium(V) and aldoses is insignificant, and a mechanism is suggested in which vanadium(V) reacts with the aldoses by a fast step to form a transition state, followed by the decomposition of the latter to give the products of reaction in a slow step. The formation of free-radical intermediates has been demonstrated, and one-electron reduction of vanadium(V) by aldoses seems to be the most plausible mechanism. The oxidation rates follow the order: xyloses arabinose galactose mannose. The activation parameters are reported.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A binds to and inhibits enzyme activity of the energy transducing ATPase from yeast mitochondria. Activity loss is completely reversed by glucose or α-methyl-d-mannose. Concanavalin A reacts with the F1 portion of the ATPase complex, suggesting that this enzyme unit may be a glycoprotein. A major concanavalin A binding site is associated with the largest subunit of the F1 enzyme.  相似文献   

Sensitized allogeneic aggressor lymphocytes caused a marked loss of plasma-membrane protein in target L cells of a subline sensitive to lymphocyte- or lymphotoxin-induced lysis. By sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide electrophoretic analysis, this loss was shown to be general and not restricted to specific membrane fractions. Target L cells of a subline partially resistant to attack by lymphocytes or lymphotoxin showed little or no loss of membrane protein after incubation with sensitized lymphocytes. These observations suggest that target-cell plasma-membrane damage plays an important role in lymphocyte-mediated cytolysis.  相似文献   

The activity of pure human epidermal transglutaminase was enhanced 3- to 10-fold by various treatments. Incubation with trypsin caused a time-dependent enhancement in activity, up to 3 times the initial activity, with no apparent change in electrophoretic mobility as detected by disc and sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis, and with no apparent change in immunological properties. This enhancement was specific for trypsin among the several enzymes tested. Preincubation of transglutaminase with 0.1 to 2.0 m potassium thiocyanate or potassium iodide, and with 10 to 50% solutions of alcohols and other organic solvents caused a time-dependent enhancement of activity up to 10-fold over control. The presence of calcium was required for the observed enhancement. Kinetic studies suggest that the Km values of the substrates putrescine and casein determined for the native enzyme are similar to those for the stimulated forms of the enzyme. These in vitro methods of altering enzyme activity may be indications of potential in vivo controls of transglutaminase activity.  相似文献   

Cortical and papillary microsomes prepared from feline kidneys perfused with parathyroid hormone (PTH) showed an enhanced ability to accumulate calcium (Ca+2). PTH was unable to stimulate Ca+2 uptake into microsomes prepared from outer medulla. These data suggest that renal microsomes may be a valid model system for studying the action of PTH on Ca+2 transport in the kidney.  相似文献   

A partially purified fraction from supernatants of macrophage cultures from BCG-infected guinea pigs, which is rich in anti-Listeria activity, was cytotoxic to malignant and not normal cells. The susceptibility of target cells to this material varied considerably. Concentrations of egg white lysozyme, equal to those of the macrophage product, had considerably less effect on line 1 hepatoma cells.  相似文献   

The results presented here indicate that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) synthesis occurs on the inner mitochondrial membrane and that a membrane-DNA complex, enriched in newly synthesized DNA, can be isolated. The complex is able to synthesize DNA in vitro. Enrichment studies demonstrated that mtDNA synthesis occurs on an intact membrane-DNA complex in vitro and that pulse-labeled mtDNA could be chased from the membrane-DNA complex to the top fraction of the discontinuous sucrose gradient. The membrane-DNA complex was also shown to carry out replicative synthesis of mtDNA in vitro. Replication was shown to be asynchronous with heavy-strand synthesis preceding light-strand synthesis. The progression of mtDNA replication by the membrane-DNA complex was shown to be from small fragments (<13 S) to larger fragments (14–24 S) liberated from closed circular molecules, to a heat-stable 27 S molecule, and finally to a 38 S heat-stable molecule. The time estimated to progress from small fragments to the 38 S molecule is 120 min.  相似文献   

Liposomes prepared with human LS174T colon tumor cell membranes induce specific primary and secondary xenogeneic immune responses in BALB/c splenocytes in vitro. The multilamellar vesicular liposomes were prepared by adding sonicated membrane fragments in 8 mM CaCl2 to a dried lipid film. Cytotoxic splenocytes generated in vivo exhibited specificity for the LS174T cell; liposomes elicited higher levels of cytotoxicity than did membranes (P < 0.01). Secondary blastogenic responses elicited in in vivo-primed spleen cells by liposome-antigens also produced a significantly greater (P < 0.005) response than membranes. Subsequently, in vitro induction of primary blastogenic and cytotoxic responses by liposome-antigens were accomplished and revealed similar kinetics to that of whole LS174T cell immunogens. Specificity of the in vitro-primed spleen cells was clearly demonstrated (P < 0.01) on a variety of human tumor cells using both the primed lymphocyte and cell-mediated cytotoxicity assays. The results of competitive inhibition tests with autologous lymphoblasts demonstrated that 30% of the cytotoxic activity was directed against lymphocyte antigens. Incorporation of tumor antigens into liposomes has thus enabled primary immunization in vitro to human colon cancer antigens and may afford an adaptable means to evaluate and to select desired immune responses, as well as to identify colon tumor-specific determinants.  相似文献   

In order to compare the incorporation of several saturated fatty acids into the brain, radioactive palmitic, stearic and lignoceric acids were injected into mice. The radioactivity was measured in lipids from isolated neurons, astrocytes and myelin.Our data indicate that specific radioactivity of lignoceric acid after its injection was very high in neurons and astrocytes when comparing with serum lignoceric acid specific radioactivity: evidence of the uptake of exogenous lignoceric acid by brain cells and myelin is provided.The incorporation of exogenous palmitic acid into brain cells was much higher than the incorporation of exogenous stearic acid. We hypothesize that exogenous saturated fatty acid uptake is selective in relation with the acyl chain length and the intracerebral synthesis.  相似文献   

High affinity binding sites for the calcium channel inhibitor [3H]nitrendipine have been identified in microsomes from pig coronary arteries (KD=1.6 nM; Bmax=35 fmol/mg) and in purified sarcolemma from dog heart (KD=0.11 nM; Bmax=230 fmol/mg). [3H]nitrendipine binding to coronary artery microsomes was completely inhibited by nifedipine, partially by verapamil and D600 and, surprisingly, was stimulated by d-cis-diltiazem but not by 1-cis-diltiazem, a less active isomer. Half-maximal relaxation of KCl-depolarized coronary rings occurred in a slow process at 1 nM nitrendipine or 100 nM d-cis-diltiazem. In dog trabecular strips, nitrendipine caused a negative inotropic response (ED50=1μM). These results suggest that there may be multiple binding sites for different “subclasses” of calcium channel inhibitors, and that drug binding sites may be different molecular entities from the putative calcium channels.  相似文献   

Activated macrophages exhibit extrinsic antiviral activity (inhibition of virus replication in other cells) which may involve mechanisms similar to macrophage antitumor activity or macrophage-mediated immunosuppression. Peritoneal macrophages elicited in mice by Corynebacterium parvum vaccine suppressed the growth of herpes simplex virus (HSV) in infected cells by an interferon-independent mechanism. This was demonstrated by expression of activity against HSV-infected xenogeneic (Vero) cells. Culture supernatant fluids also did not mediate antiviral activity, and did not contain detectable levels of interferon (< 3 IU/ml). Moreover, antiviral activity was not affected by the presence of anti-mouse interferon IgG. Antiviral activity was expressed at 12–16 hr after infection, at the end of the first cycle of virus replication. Cell contact was required for optimal activity. No enhanced adsorption or phagocytosis of HSV by C. parvum macrophages could be detected nor was macrophage cytotoxicity responsible for the activity. Cytotoxicity (51Cr release) by macrophages for virus infected cells was low (< 6% specific cytotoxicity), and was not significantly higher with C. parvum macrophages than with resident macrophage controls. Although C. parvum macrophages were not cytotoxic at the macrophage-host cell ratio employed, they did significantly inhibit uptake of [3H]leucine by the host Vero cells. This suggests that inhibition of host cell metabolism by the macrophage, similar to macrophage immunosuppression, may be responsible for the antiviral activity in this system.  相似文献   

Male and female rats were exposed to the aromatization inhibitor 1,4,6-androstatriene-3, 17-dione (ATD) in utero via prenatal injections to the pregnant mother. In adulthood, lordosis behavior was measured in response to ovarian hormones. Males and females exposed prenatally to ATD showed enhanced lordosis behavior in response to estrogen alone and in response to estrogen plus progesterone when compared to controls. These data lend further support to the idea of a prenatal, androgen-sensitive phase of sexual differentiation in which defeminization normally occurs in both male and female rats. Further, these data support the concept that androgen aromatization is an important process in this defeminization.  相似文献   

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