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4-coumarate:CoA ligase (4CL), the last enzyme of the general phenylpropanoid pathway, provides precursors for the biosynthesis of a large variety of plant natural products. 4 CL catalyzes the formation of CoA thiol esters of 4-coumarate and other hydroxycinnamates in a two step reaction involving the formation of an adenylate intermediate. 4 CL shares conserved peptide motifs with diverse adenylate-forming enzymes such as firefly luciferases, non-ribosomal peptide synthetases, and acyl:CoA synthetases. Amino acid residues involved in 4 CL catalytic activities have been identified, but domains involved in determining substrate specificity remain unknown. To address this question, we took advantage of the difference in substrate usage between the Arabidopsis thaliana 4 CL isoforms At4CL1 and At4CL2. While both enzymes convert 4-coumarate, only At4CL1 is also capable of converting ferulate. Employing a domain swapping approach, we identified two adjacent domains involved in substrate recognition. Both substrate binding domain I (sbd I) and sbd II of At4CL1 alone were sufficient to confer ferulate utilization ability upon chimeric proteins otherwise consisting of At4CL2 sequences. In contrast, sbd I and sbd II of At4CL2 together were required to abolish ferulate utilization in the context of At4CL1. Sbd I corresponds to a region previously identified as the substrate binding domain of the adenylation subunit of bacterial peptide synthetases, while sbd II centers on a conserved domain of so far unknown function in adenylate-forming enzymes (GEI/LxIxG). At4CL1 and At4CL2 differ in nine amino acids within sbd I and four within sbd II, suggesting that these play roles in substrate recognition.  相似文献   

3-Hydroxybenzoate:coenzyme A ligase, an enzyme involved in xanthone biosynthesis, was detected in cell-free extracts from cultured cells of Centaurium erythraea Rafn. The enzyme was separated from 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase by fractionated ammonium sulphate precipitation and hydrophobic interaction chromatography. The CoA ligases exhibited different substrate specificities. 3-Hydroxybenzoate:coenzyme A ligase activated 3-hydroxybenzoic acid most efficiently and lacked affinity for cinnamic acids. In contrast, 4-coumarate:CoA ligase mainly catalyzed the activation of 4-coumaric acid but did not act on benzoic acids. The two enzymes were similar with respect to their relative molecular weight, their pH and temperature optima, their specific activity and the changes in their activity during cell culture growth. Received: 23 September 1996 / Accepted: 28 November 1996  相似文献   

The phenylpropanoid enzyme 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) plays a key role in general phenylpropanoid metabolism. 4CL is related to a larger class of prokaryotic and eukaryotic adenylate-forming enzymes and shares several conserved peptide motifs with these enzymes. In order to better characterize the nature of 4CL gene families in poplar, parsley, and tobacco, we used degenerate primers to amplify 4CL sequences from these species. In each species additional, divergent 4CL genes were found. Complete cDNA clones for the two new poplar 4CL genes were obtained, allowing examination of their expression patterns and determination of the substrate utilization profile of a xylem-specific isoform. Phylogenetic analysis of these genes and gene fragments confirmed previous results showing that 4CL proteins fall into two evolutionarily ancient subgroups . A comparative phylogenetic analysis of enzymes in the adenylate-forming superfamily showed that 4CLs, luciferases, and acetate CoA ligases each form distinct clades within the superfamily. According to this analysis, four Arabidopsis 4CL-like genes identified from the Arabidopsis Genome Project are only distantly related to bona fide 4CLs or are more closely related to fatty acid CoA ligases, suggesting that the three Arabidopsis 4CL genes previously characterized represent the extent of the 4CL gene family in this species.  相似文献   

The enzyme 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) plays an important role in phenylpropanoid metabolism. The 5′-upstream regions of two Sm4CL genes were isolated from danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge) and their functions were characterized by promoter-directed GUS gene expression assay in transgenic Arabidopsis. Seedlings containing pSm4CL1 promoter:GUS fusions showed apparent GUS staining in hypocotyl and those harboring pSm4CL2 promoter:GUS fusions were clearly stained in cotyledon vasculars and roots. Mature Arabidopsis transformed with pSm4CL1 promoter:GUS exhibited GUS expression which was weak in the shoots and scarcely in roots and those modified with pSm4CL2 promoter:GUS displayed obvious GUS staining in roots, stigmatic papillae, stamens and sepal veins. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR revealed that Sm4CL2 was transcribed at the highest level in roots which was also shown to be the major accumulation site of salvianolic acid B. The results suggested that Sm4CL2 rather than Sm4CL1 might be responsible for the biosynthesis of salvianolic acid B in danshen roots.  相似文献   

Resveratrol is a well-known polyphenol present in red wine and exerts antioxidative and anti-carcinogenic effects on the human body. To produce resveratrol in a food-grade yeast, the 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase gene (4CL1) from Arabidopsis thaliana and stilbene synthase gene (STS) from Arachis hypogaea were cloned and transformed into Saccharomyces cerevisiae W303-1A. The resveratrol produced was unglycosylated and secreted into the culture medium. A batch culture with 15.3mg/l p-coumaric acid used as precursor resulted in the production of 3.1mg/l resveratrol with 14.4 mol% yield. Deletion of the putative phenyl acrylic acid decarboxylase gene (PAD1) did not enhance resveratrol production.  相似文献   

We have determined the primary structures of two 4-coumarate: CoA ligase (4CL) isoenzymes in parsley (Petroselinum crispum) by sequencing near full-length cDNAs corresponding to the two 4CL genes, Pc4CL-1 and Pc4CL-2, present in this plant. Comparison of the cDNA and genomic nucleotide sequences showed that each 4CL gene is organized in five exons separated by introns of varying lengths. The positions of introns are the same in both genes and 97-99% of the corresponding nucleotide sequences are identical. The two isoenzymes, which are nearly identical in their primary structures, were separated by ion-exchange chromatography, and were found to be indistinguishable with regard to substrate specificity. Assignment to Pc4CL-1 and Pc4CL-2 was achieved by comparison with catalytically active 4CL proteins, isolated from Escherichia coli cells which had been transformed with plasmids harboring the corresponding cDNAs.  相似文献   

The evolutionary dynamics of the 4CL gene encoding 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase was investigated in the genus Larix (Pinaceae) by comparing copy number, GC content and codon usage, sequence divergence, and phylogenetic analysis. All 4CL clones of Larix formed a strongly supported monophyletic group, in which two robust clades (4clA and 4clB) derived from an ancient gene duplication event in the common ancestor of Larix were identified. Further gene duplication in the 4clA clade gave rise to two subclades 4clA(1) and 4clA(2). Frequent duplication/deletion appears to be a common evolutionary phenomenon in the 4CL gene family and paralogous genes differ greatly in their evolution rate. The existence of L. speciosa in subclades 4clA(1) and 4clA(2) suggests that this species may represent a primitive form of Larix or the closest relative of the common ancestor of the Eurasian Sect. Multiserialis. In addition, cpDNA and nrDNA ITS analyses support the hypothesis of an early separation of Larix into a North American and a Eurasian clade, which is congruent with the results of previous allozyme and very recent AFLP analyses. The unexpected close relationship between North American larches and the short-bracted species L. gmelinii in East Asia, based on the 4CL gene tree, may stem from lineage sorting.  相似文献   

D Lee  K Meyer  C Chapple    C J Douglas 《The Plant cell》1997,9(11):1985-1998
The phenylpropanoid enzyme 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) is considered necessary to activate the hydroxycinnamic acids for the biosynthesis of the coniferyl and sinapyl alcohols subsequently polymerized into lignin. To clarify the role played by 4CL in the biosynthesis of the guaiacyl (G) and syringyl (S) units characteristic of angiosperm lignin, we generated 4CL antisense Arabidopsis lines having as low as 8% residual 4CL activity. The plants had decreases in thioglycolic acid-extractable lignin correlating with decreases in 4CL activity. Nitrobenzene oxidation of cell walls from bolting stems revealed a significant decrease in G units in 4CL-suppressed plants; however, levels of S lignin units were unchanged in even the most severely 4CL-suppressed plants. These effects led to a large decrease in the G/S ratio in these plants. Our results suggest that an uncharacterized metabolic route to sinapyl alcohol, which is independent of 4CL, may exist in Arabidopsis. They also demonstrate that repression of 4CL activity may provide an avenue to manipulate angiosperm lignin subunit composition in a predictable manner.  相似文献   

4-Coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) is a key enzyme of general phenylpropanoid metabolism which provides the precursors for a large variety of important plant secondary products, such as lignin, flavonoids, or phytoalexins. To identify amino acids important for 4CL activity, eight mutations were introduced into Arabidopsis thaliana At4CL2. Determination of specific activities and K(m) values for ATP and caffeate of the heterologously expressed and purified proteins identified four distinct classes of mutants: enzymes with little or no catalytic activity; enzymes with greatly reduced activity but wild-type K(m) values; enzymes with drastically altered K(m) values; and enzymes with almost wild-type properties. The latter class includes replacement of a cysteine residue which is strictly conserved in 4CLs and had previously been assumed to be directly involved in catalysis. These results substantiate the close relationship between 4CL and other adenylate-forming enzymes such as luciferases, peptide synthetases, and fatty acyl-CoA synthetases.  相似文献   

Plant 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligases, acyl-CoA ligases, peptide synthetases, and firefly luciferases are grouped in one family of AMP-binding proteins. These enzymes do not only use a common reaction mechanism for the activation of carboxylate substrates but are also very likely marked by a similar functional architecture. In soybean, four 4-coumarate:CoA ligases have been described that display different substrate utilization profiles. One of these (Gm4CL1) represented an isoform that was able to convert highly ring-substituted cinnamic acids. Using computer-based predictions of the conformation of Gm4CL1, a peptide motif was identified and experimentally verified to exert a critical influence on the selectivity toward differently ring-substituted cinnamate substrates. Furthermore, one unique amino acid residue present in the other isoenzymes of soybean was shown to be responsible for the incapability to accommodate highly substituted substrates. The deletion of this residue conferred the ability to activate sinapate and, in one case, also 3,4-dimethoxy cinnamate and was accompanied by a significantly better affinity for ferulate. The engineering of the substrate specificity of the critical enzymes that activate the common precursors of a variety of phenylpropanoid-derived secondary metabolites may offer a convenient tool for the generation of transgenic plants with desirably modified metabolite profiles.  相似文献   

Silber MV  Meimberg H  Ebel J 《Phytochemistry》2008,69(13):2449-2456
Since the early evolution of land plants from primitive green algae, phenylpropanoid compounds have played an important role. In the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids, 4-coumarate:CoA ligase (4CL; EC has a pivotal role at the divergence point from general phenylpropanoid metabolism to several major branch pathways. Although higher plant 4CLs have been extensively studied, little information is available on the enzymes from bryophytes. In Physcomitrella patens, we have identified a 4CL gene family consisting of four members, taking advantage of the available EST sequences and a draft sequence of the P. patens genome. The encoded proteins of three of the genes display similar substrate utilization profiles with highest catalytic efficiency towards 4-coumarate. Interestingly, the efficiency with cinnamate as substrate is in the same range as with caffeate and ferulate. The deduced proteins of the four genes share sequence identities between 78% and 86%. The intron/exon structures are pair wise similar. Pp4CL2 and Pp4CL3 each consists of four exons and three introns, whereas Pp4CL1 and Pp4CL4 are characterized each by five exons and four introns. Pp4CL1, Pp4CL2 and Pp4CL3 are expressed in both gametophore and protonema tissue of P. patens, unlike Pp4CL4 whose expression could not be demonstrated under the conditions employed. Phylogenetic analysis suggests an early evolutionary divergence of Pp4CL gene family members. Using Streptomyces coelicolor cinnamate:CoA ligase (ScCCL) as an outgroup, the P. patens 4CLs are clearly separated from the spermatophyte proteins, but are intercalated between the angiosperm 4CL class I and class II. A comparison of three P. patens subspecies from diverse geographical locations shows high sequence identities for the four 4CL isoforms.  相似文献   

Lysine decarboxylase (LDC, EC from Selenomonas ruminantium has decarboxylating activities towards both L-lysine and L-ornithine with similar K(m) and Vmax. Here, we identified four amino acid residues that confer substrate specificity upon S. ruminantium LDC and that are located in its catalytic domain. We have succeeded in converting S. ruminantium LDC to an enzyme with a preference in decarboxylating activity for L-ornithine when the four-residue of LDC were replaced by the corresponding residues of mouse ornithine decarboxylase (EC  相似文献   

The gene encoding the endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase from Flavobacterium sp. (Endo-Fsp) was sequenced. The Endo-Fsp gene was overexpressed in Escherichia coli cells, and was purified from inclusion bodies after denaturation by 8 M urea. The renatured Endo-Fsp had the same optimum pH and substrate specificity as the native enzyme. Endo-Fsp had 60% sequence identity with the endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase from Streptomyces plicatus (Endo-H), and the putative catalytic residues were conserved. Site-directed mutagenesis was done at conserved residues based on the three-dimensional structure and mutagenesis of Endo-H. The mutant of Glu-128, corresponding to Glu-132 in Endo-H and identified as an active site residue, was inactivated. Mutagenesis around the predicted active site of Endo-Fsp reduced the enzymatic activity. Moreover, the hydrolytic activity toward hybrid-type oligosaccharides was decreased compared to that toward high-mannose type oligosaccharides by mutagenesis of Asp-126 and Asp-127. Therefore, site-directed mutagenesis of some of these conserved residues indicates that the predicted active sites are essential to the enzymatic activity of Endo-Fsp, and may have similar roles in catalysis as their counterparts in Endo-H.  相似文献   

S Mobashery  E T Kaiser 《Biochemistry》1988,27(10):3691-3696
Two peptide-based affinity inactivators Ac-Leu-(BrAc)Orn-Arg-Ala-Ser-Leu-Gly (4) and Ac-Leu-Arg-(BrAc)Orn-Ala-Ser-Leu-Gly (5) were prepared as probes for the study of the nature of the active-site residues in the catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP dependent protein kinase. Under conditions of inhibitor in excess, both peptides inactivated the catalytic subunit by an apparent biphasic process. A fast phase, which inactivated the protein by approximately 40%, was followed by a slow phase that accounted for the loss of the remaining enzyme activity. Protection experiments with the kinase substrates showed that the slow phase of inactivation was active site directed, while the fast phase was not. Studies with radioactively labeled peptides 4 and 5 indicated incorporation of two peptide residues per molecule of the catalytic subunit upon complete inactivation. This observation is consistent with the occurrence of one alkylation event in each phase of the inactivation. The protein was proteolyzed subsequent to its modification with radioactive peptides. High-performance liquid chromatography afforded two radioactive peptide fragments in each case, which were sequenced by Edman degradation. Peptide 4 alkylated Thr-197 and Glu-346, while peptide 5 modified Cys-199 and also Glu-346. Data are presented to support the conclusion that Thr-197 and Cys-199 are located at or near the active site.  相似文献   

Mammalian cationic amino acid transporters (CAT) differ in their substrate affinity and sensitivity to trans-stimulation. The apparent Km values for cationic amino acids and the sensitivity to trans-stimulation of CAT-1, -2B, and -3 are characteristic of system y+. In contrast, CAT-2A exhibits a 10-fold lower substrate affinity and is largely independent of substrate at the trans-side of the membrane. CAT-2A and -2B demonstrate such divergent transport properties, even though their amino acid sequences differ only in a stretch of 42 amino acids. Here, we identify two amino acid residues within this 42-amino acid domain of the human CAT-2A protein that are responsible for the apparent low affinity of both the extracellular and intracellular substrate-binding sites. These residues are located in the fourth intracellular loop, suggesting that they are not part of the translocation pathway. Rather, they may be responsible for the low affinity conformation of the substrate-binding sites. The sensitivity to trans-stimulation is not determined by the same amino acid residues as the substrate affinity and must involve a more complex interaction between individual amino acid residues. In addition to the 42-amino acid domain, the adjacent transmembrane domain X seems to be involved in this function.  相似文献   

The functional significance of amino acid residues Lys-265, Asp-270, Lys-277, Asp-288, Asp-347, Glu-349, and Arg-351 of Bacillus kaustophilus leucine aminopeptidase was explored by site-directed mutagenesis. Variants with an apparent molecular mass of approximately 54 kDa were overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity by nickel-chelate chromatography. The purified mutant enzymes had no LAP activity, implying that these residues are important for the catalytic reaction of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) is a major feedstock for commercial bioethanol production. The recent integration of conversion technologies that utilize lignocellulosic sugarcane residues as well as sucrose from stem internodes has elevated bioethanol yields. RNAi suppression of lignin biosynthetic enzymes is a successful strategy to improve the saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass. 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase (4CL) is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoid metabolites, such as lignin and flavonoids. Identifying a major 4CL involved in lignin biosynthesis among multiple isoforms with functional divergence is key to manipulate lignin biosynthesis. In this study, two full length 4CL genes (Sh4CL1 and Sh4CL2) were isolated and characterized in sugarcane. Phylogenetic, expression and RNA interference (RNAi) analysis confirmed that Sh4CL1 is a major lignin biosynthetic gene. An intragenic precision breeding strategy may facilitate the regulatory approval of the genetically improved events and was used for RNAi suppression of Sh4CL1. Both, the RNAi inducing cassette and the expression cassette for the mutated ALS selection marker consisted entirely of DNA sequences from sugarcane or the sexually compatible species Sorghum bicolor. Field grown sugarcane with intragenic RNAi suppression of Sh4CL1 resulted in reduction of the total lignin content by up to 16.5?% along with altered monolignol ratios without reduction in biomass yield. Mature, field grown, intragenic sugarcane events displayed 52–76?% improved saccharification efficiency of lignocellulosic biomass compared to wild type (WT) controls. This demonstrates for the first time that an intragenic approach can add significant value to lignocellulosic feedstocks for biofuel and biochemical production.  相似文献   

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