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综述中国蛭类研究如下内容:(1)生态学。山蛭生态学,包括山蛭的生态分布,海南山蛭(Hhainana)的种群动态,对温度、土壤湿度和pH值的适应,以及对温、光、湿的综合反应和人类经济活动对其种群数量的影响;山蛭行为生态学,山蛭的运动包括慢缩短、快缩短、身体摆动和转动、洗刷运动、亲吻运动、觅食行为6程序,影响山蛭行为的一些因素以及对环境因素刺激的生态学意义;淡水水蜂生态学,包括浙江水田蛭类生活习性、广州水牛光润金线蛭种群数量动态与水体化学因子关系、广州水田吸血菲牛蛭生活水体化学环境;山蛭和水生吸血菲牛蛭的觅食、生长动态、生命周期和生殖生物学;(2)形态学、分类学和动物地理学。形态学包括山蛭机能组织学、山蛭器官系统解剖;分类学,中国蛭类动物有2亚纲(蛭蚓亚纲、真蛭亚纲)、3目(蛭蚓目、吻蛭目、无吻目)、9科、33属、111种,占世界蛭类物种数约1/6;动物地理学,包括世界山蛭科属动物地理,中国山蛭科动物地理、中国医蛭科动物地理。(3)蛭类的防治和驱避,淡水吸血蛭类防治所用农药种类,不同农药对海南山蛭的毒力(LD50、LD95)及使用,并比较了12种驱避剂对海南山蛭的驱避效果。(4)蛭类的医学利用,蛭素是蛭类唾液腺分泌的一种抗凝物质,蛭素有水蛭素(Hirudin)、山蛭素(Haemadin)和吻蛭素(Hementin)。记述了蛭素的分离、纯化和功能以及有关分子生物学内容。  相似文献   

目前已知的蛭纲动物约有500种。分为四个目:棘蛭目(多寄生在鱼体上),吻蛭目(生活于海水或淡水中,寄生在脊椎动物和无脊椎动物体外或自由生活),咽蛭目(肉食性,可吞食昆虫幼虫或蠕虫,生活在淡水、湿土中,如石蛭、齿蛭)以及颚蛭目(包括一些吸血的种类,生活在淡水或湿地上,如医蛭、金线蛭、山蛭等)。多数种类靠吸食动物的血生活。  相似文献   

河南省的山蛭及其吸血习性观察陈广文陈晓虹和振武许人和朱东明(河南师范大学生物系新乡453002)关键词河南山蛭吸血习性1分类地位与地理分布山蛭俗称山蚂蟥,在动物分类上属环节动物门蛭纲(Hirudinea)、颚蛭目(Gnathobdelida)、山蛭科...  相似文献   

蚂蟥的医药学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨潼 《生物学通报》1996,31(3):46-46
蚂蟥的医药学意义杨潼(中国科学院水生生物研究所武汉430072)蚂螨是蛭纲动物(Hirudinea)的俗称,属于环节动物门的有环带亚门,全世界有500余种,我国也有近100种。其中无吻蛭目、医蛭科、黄蛭科和山蛭科的一些种类与人类有着更直接的关系。不仅...  相似文献   

云南蛭类的种类分布和区系组成初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蛭类动物俗称蚂蟥 ,在分类上属于环节动物门Anneli da、蛭纲Hirudinea、真蛭亚纲Euhirudinea。全世界现已知30 0余种 ,中国共有 2目、 8科、 33属、 77种。通过近 10年的调查 ,并结合前人的研究 ,现已初步查明云南有蛭类2 4种 ,分属于 2目、 7科、 14属 ,其中包括 4个新纪录 ,占中国蛭类的 31 17%。据此 ,本文还探讨了云南蛭类的区系组成特征 ,为进一步研究云南蛭类提供资料。1 云南蛭类的种类和分布云南现已知蛭类共 2 4种 ,隶属 2目、 7科、 14属 ,各种的分布和主要特点如下。①多突舌蛭Glossipho…  相似文献   

五种水蛭对不同P^H值的生物效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了使用常规试验方法研究5种水蛭:宽身舌蛭(Glossiphonia lata)、八目石蛭(Erpobdella octoculata)、光润金线蛭(Whitmania laevis)、尖细金线蛭(Whitmania acranulata)和日本医蛭(Hirudo nipponia)对12个pH值的24—96小时急性生物效应。结果表明:稻田3个种(尖细金线蛭,光润金线蛭和日本医蛭)均较湖泊近岸2个种(八目石蛭和宽身舌蛭)对pH值的变化要敏感,其中尖细金线蛭最敏感(pH6.0—7.2),八目石蛭的忍耐限度最宽(pH4.0—10.5);当pH值在9.5时,稻田3种水蛭的死亡率在40%以上,其中日本医蛭高达70%;当pH值在3.0时,湖泊近岸2种在24小时内全部死亡,日本医蛭仅死亡10%。日本医蛭是华中农村地区一种主要吸血蛭类,生石灰是一种从稻田消灭蛭类的有效手段,然而水的pH值必须不低于8.6。  相似文献   

1 无脊椎动物遗传(染色体、同功酶)、形态、分类、寄生虫学等 中国水螅属一新种(水螅虫纲:螅形目) 范学铭动物分类学报 2000,25(2):134~138 云南淡水水母一新种(淡水水母目:笠水母科) 和振武等动物分类学报 2000,25(2):139~142 玛利安蚓属一新种(环节动物门:寡毛纲:线蚓科) 谢志才等动物分类学报 2000,25(2):143~146 中国虹蛹螺科二新种(肺螺亚纲:柄眼目:虹蛹螺科) 罗泰昌等动物分类学报 2000,25(2):147~151 手绥螨属一新种(蜱螨亚纲:裂胸螨科) 马立名动物分类学报 2000,25(2):152~154 准脊甲螨属在中国首次发现及一新种记述(蜱螨亚纲:平脊甲螨科) 文在根等动物分类学报 2000,25(2):155~157 腹柱虫属一新种及其形态发生(纤毛动物门:腹毛目)徐朝晖等动物分类学报 2000,25(3):268~274 中国巴蜗牛科一新种(肺螺亚纲:柄眼目:巴蜗牛科) 陈德牛等动物分类学报 2000,25(3):275~276  相似文献   

蛭蚓科Branchiobdellidae是兼有蛭与蚓两者特征的一类动物。我国过去只在螯虾体上发现两属,即蛭形蚓属Branchiobdella和冠蛭蚓属Stephenodrilus;后来梁彦龄(1963)又于米虾体上发现一个新属——米虾蚓属Caridinophila。关于蛭形蚓属,日本和我国总共报告四种(山口,1934;刘思诚,1964)。今作者又于东北地区三种螯虾体上得到三个新种,报告于下。模式标本保存于中国医科大学卫生系。  相似文献   

山蛭俗称山蚂蟥,属环节动物门蛭纲,种类多,分布广,是危害人畜健康的有害动物。长期以来,人们对山蛭的生物学、生态学作过不少研究,如国内龚建章(1966年)、宋大祥(1977、1978年)、谭恩光(1980年)、刘联仁(1984年前后)均作过报道。但关于山蛭生化方面的分析研究国内还未见报道,国外也不多见。为了解山蛭的生化成分,提供开发利用的理论依据。本文对盐源山蛭的生化成分(水分、灰分、糖、脂、蛋白质及其氨基酸)作了测定分析,同时用凝胶等电聚焦电泳分离其蛋白质并测定了各蛋白质组分的等电点。  相似文献   

前言 蛭蚓是寄生于十足类河虾科(Potamobiidae)体表的一种环节动物;Odier(1823)第一次命名为Branchiobdella(蛭的一属);Pierantoni(1912)详细解剖观察之后,才定为寡毛纲的一科——蛭蚓科(Branchiobdellidae),并初步分为5个属:Cirrodrilus,Branchiob-della,Stephanodrilus,Bdellodrilus,Pterodrilus。其后,Michaelsen和Stephenson(1928—1930)又增添4个属:Cambarincola,Ceratodrilus,Xironodrilus,Xironogiton。总共9个属,亚洲只有冠蛭蚓(Stephanodrilus)和蛭形蚓(Branchiobdella)两属(山口,1935)。这两个属在我国仅分布于东北地区的螯虾体上,因此,关于蛭蚓的资料和报导不多。作者在  相似文献   

Tan Enguang 《生态学报》2008,(1):6272-6281
Hirudinea in China were reviewed. The ecological distribution of Hirudinea, the population dynamics of H. hainana, the adaptation of H. hainana to temperature, soil humidity and pH, the response of H. hainana to temperature, relative humidity and light, and the effects of human activities on H. hainana populations were discussed. The land-leeches' behavior ecology, including (1) the locomotion of H. hainana such as shortening, oscillating, rotating, sucking cleaning, rubbing and foraging behaviors; (2) the factors influencing these behaviors; (3) the ecological significance, was also discussed. The ecology of freshwater leeches including (1) behavior in paddy fields of Ninghsien, Zhejiang Province, China; (2) relationship between population dynamics of Whitmania laevis and chemical factors in paddy fields of Guangzhou, China; (3) chemical environment of blood-sucking Hirudinaria manillensis in paddy fields of Guangzhou was described. The study also discussed the foraging, growth dynamics, life recycle and biology of reproduction of blood-sucking land-leech H. hainana and freshwater leech Hirudinaria manillensis, the taxonomy and the zoogeography. In addition, the morphology including histology and anatomy of the organic system of H. hainana was described. The Hirudinea can be classified into 2 subclasses (Branchiobdellidea and Euhirudinea), 3 orders (Branchiobdellida, Rhynchobdellida and Arhynchobdellida), 9 families, 33 genera and 111 species. The response of leeches to pesticides, including toxicity (LD50, LD95) of different pesticides to H. hainana, was presented. Medical usage of the leech Hirudin from salivary glands as anticoagulant material was discussed. Hirudin (from Hirudo medicinalis), Haemadin (from land-leech), and hementi (from Hementeria ghilianii) were identified and isolated.  相似文献   

Tan Enguang 《农业工程》2008,28(12):6272-6281
Hirudinea in China were reviewed. The ecological distribution of Hirudinea, the population dynamics of H. hainana, the adaptation of H. hainana to temperature, soil humidity and pH, the response of H. hainana to temperature, relative humidity and light, and the effects of human activities on H. hainana populations were discussed. The land-leeches' behavior ecology, including (1) the locomotion of H. hainana such as shortening, oscillating, rotating, sucking cleaning, rubbing and foraging behaviors; (2) the factors influencing these behaviors; (3) the ecological significance, was also discussed. The ecology of freshwater leeches including (1) behavior in paddy fields of Ninghsien, Zhejiang Province, China; (2) relationship between population dynamics of Whitmania laevis and chemical factors in paddy fields of Guangzhou, China; (3) chemical environment of blood-sucking Hirudinaria manillensis in paddy fields of Guangzhou was described. The study also discussed the foraging, growth dynamics, life recycle and biology of reproduction of blood-sucking land-leech H. hainana and freshwater leech Hirudinaria manillensis, the taxonomy and the zoogeography. In addition, the morphology including histology and anatomy of the organic system of H. hainana was described. The Hirudinea can be classified into 2 subclasses (Branchiobdellidea and Euhirudinea), 3 orders (Branchiobdellida, Rhynchobdellida and Arhynchobdellida), 9 families, 33 genera and 111 species. The response of leeches to pesticides, including toxicity (LD50, LD95) of different pesticides to H. hainana, was presented. Medical usage of the leech Hirudin from salivary glands as anticoagulant material was discussed. Hirudin (from Hirudo medicinalis), Haemadin (from land-leech), and hementi (from Hementeria ghilianii) were identified and isolated.  相似文献   

Cheng C L  Liu S  Liao R S  Wu F P  Li J Q 《农业工程》2008,28(1):69-75
With colorimetric methods, the concentrations of total phenolics, flavonoids and condensed tannins were analyzed in 9 categories of organs in Populus euphratica, including lanceolate leaves, ovate leaves, green branches, branches (D < 5 mm in diameter), branches (5–10 mm in diameter), barks, roots (D < 2 mm in diameter), roots (2–5 mm in diameter) and roots (5–10 mm in diameter). The results showed that phenolic compounds were present throughout the collected organs with the higher total phenolics concentrations in barks (27.93 mg/g), and the mean total phenolics concentrations in two categories of leaves, three classes of roots and three classes of branches were 17.64, 16.72 and 12.19 mg/g, respectively. The higher flavonoids were present in barks (51.30 mg/g), and the mean flavonoid contents in two categories of leaves, three classes of roots and three classes of branches were 28.45, 39.99 and 23.67 mg/g, respectively. The higher condensed tannin contents were found in roots (mean = 22.10 mg/g for three categories of roots), and the average condensed tannin contents in barks, leaves in two categories and branches in three classes were 8.41, 4.03 and 4.47 mg/g, respectively. There was no significant difference between the phenolic compounds of lanceolate leaves and ovate leaves (P > 0.05). Phenolic compounds in branches decreased with the branches maturing, resulting in the following orders: green branches > branches (D < 5 mm) > branches (5–10 mm). Condensed tannins in roots increased with the root diameter decreasing, and the highest condensed tannin contents were found in small roots (D < 2 mm) (25.95 mg/g). By analyzing correlation between phenolic compounds in all collected organs and soil water contents, it was indicated that the phenolic compounds in ovate leaves had negative relation with soil water contents (P < 0.05), and the r values for total phenolics, flavonoids and condensed tannins were –0.949, –0.923 and –0.944, respectively. Data reported here revealed the variation of phenolic compounds in different organs of P. euphratica, and their relationships with the environmental factors in extremely arid areas were discussed.  相似文献   

Leeches have long been considered potential vectors for the aquatic lineage of trypanosomes, while bloodsucking insects are generally considered as the vectors for the terrestrial lineage of trypanosomes. The freshwater leech, Hirudinaria manillensis, is a widely distributed species in southern China and could potentially act as the vector for trypanosomes. Prior to this study, no trypanosomes had been reported from this leech. However, in this study, leeches were collected from three different places in Guangdong province, China, and a large number of flagellates were isolated and successfully cultured in vitro. Based on morphology, these flagellates looked like a typical trypanosome species. Analysis was carried out on the molecular sequences of the 18S rRNA gene and the glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) gene. To our surprise, these flagellates were identified as likely to be a mammalian trypanosome belonging to the clade containing Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) theileri but they are significantly different from the typical TthI and TthII stocks. Analyses of blood composition indicated that the source of the blood meal in these leeches was from the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). To further test if this flagellate from the freshwater leech was indeed a mammalian trypanosome, we transferred the trypanosomes cultured at 27–37 °C and they were able to successfully adapt to this mammalian body temperature, providing further supporting evidence. Due to the significant genetic differences from other related trypanosomes in the subgenus Megatrypanum, we propose that this flagellate, isolated from H. manillensis, is a new species and have named it Trypanosoma bubalisi. Our results indicate that freshwater leeches may be a potential vector of this new mammalian trypanosome.  相似文献   

Unlike the European leechHirudo medicinalis, the Asian jawed leechHirudinaria manillensis is specialized for feeding on mammalian blood. In the salivary glands of both these leeches, there is a potent inhibitor of thrombin, called hirudin, which acts as an anticoagulant. We have reported previously the isolation and purification of a variant of hirudin, called bufrudin, from the head portions ofHirudinaria. In the present study, the complete amino acid sequence of bufrudin was determined by automated Edman degradation of peptide fragments generated after cleavage of protein with trypsin or thermolysin. Comparison of the primary structure of bufrudin, with hirudin HV1, show about 70% sequence identity with deletion of two amino acids, but the key amino acids at the C-terminus, involved in the inhibition of thrombin, are conserved. However, similar sequence comparison of bufrudin with hirullin P18, a hirudin variant isolated from the same leech species but from whole leech, instead of heads, reveals even less sequence identity of about 60%. From the amino acid sequence, it is suggested that the conformation of the C-terminal portion of bufrudin may be significantly different from hirullin P18, but similar to hirudin HV1, upon its interaction with thrombin. These results indicate that, as withHirudo leech, various isoforms of hirudin also exist inHirudinaria leech, with a significant change occurring in the structure of the molecule during the evolution of leeches.  相似文献   

Unlike the European leechHirudo medicinalis, the Asian jawed leechHirudinaria manillensis is specialized for feeding on mammalian blood. In the salivary glands of both these leeches, there is a potent inhibitor of thrombin, called hirudin, which acts as an anticoagulant. We have reported previously the isolation and purification of a variant of hirudin, called bufrudin, from the head portions ofHirudinaria. In the present study, the complete amino acid sequence of bufrudin was determined by automated Edman degradation of peptide fragments generated after cleavage of protein with trypsin or thermolysin. Comparison of the primary structure of bufrudin, with hirudin HV1, show about 70% sequence identity with deletion of two amino acids, but the key amino acids at the C-terminus, involved in the inhibition of thrombin, are conserved. However, similar sequence comparison of bufrudin with hirullin P18, a hirudin variant isolated from the same leech species but from whole leech, instead of heads, reveals even less sequence identity of about 60%. From the amino acid sequence, it is suggested that the conformation of the C-terminal portion of bufrudin may be significantly different from hirullin P18, but similar to hirudin HV1, upon its interaction with thrombin. These results indicate that, as withHirudo leech, various isoforms of hirudin also exist inHirudinaria leech, with a significant change occurring in the structure of the molecule during the evolution of leeches.  相似文献   

The leech Helobdella striata Kutschera (1985) is a protandrous hermaphrodite. It copulates by hypodermic injection: a spermatophore is attached to the skin of the partner and sperm injected through it. During their male phase, the leeches copulate repeatedly and with different partners. In the female phase, 3 to 7 cocoons, each containing 2 to 20 eggs, are produced from the female gonopore and attached to the ventral side of the parent. The larvae which hatch from these eggs cling to the ventral side of the parent. After they have used up their yolk supply and have developed into juvenile leeches they remain attached to the parent for a further three weeks. Helobdella striata capture Tubifex worms and give them to the young they carry. This access to food allows the juveniles to grow from a size of 1 mm to 6 mm length while being carried and protected by the parent. H. striata reared in isolation produce young; at present it is not known whether they reproduce by parthenogenesis or by self-fertilization. The probable phylogenetic development of parental care patterns in the Hirudinea is reviewed.  相似文献   

There are 60 species of blood-feeding land leeches, 50 species belonging to the family Haemadipsidae and 10 species belonging to the family Xerobdellidae. Despite recent papers on the land leeches, their taxonomic identification is not fully understood, especially at a species level. In Korea, there have been no historical records of the terrestrial leeches, but recently an unrecorded blood-feeding land leech was discovered at Gageo-do (Island), Korea. Molecular analysis was used to identify the species of 29 leeches collected from Mt. Dock-Sil in Gageo-do. Conventional PCR was conducted using nuclear 18S rRNA and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) genetic marker. The 18S rRNA sequences revealed that the leeches share 99.9% identity with Haemadipsa rjukjuana (inhabiting Taiwan), and the CO1 sequences revealed that the leeches are very close to H. rjukjuana (inhabiting Taiwan). The CO1 sequences were separated into 2 categories, 1 with 94.6% and the other with 94.3% similarity to the H. rjukjuana L00115A (inhabiting Taiwan). This new finding of the land leech is the first record in Korea. In addition, the north range of the distribution of the blood-feeding leech (Hirudiniformes: Haemadipisidae) should be reconsidered including Korea.  相似文献   


Erpobdella octoculata (Clitellata, Hirudinea, Erpobdellidae) has paired ovarian sacs, each containing several rod-shaped structures termed ovarian bodies. Oogenesis takes place within the ovarian bodies. We show that in the apical part of the bodies the germ-line cells form syncytial cysts of cells interconnected by stable intercellular bridges. Germ-line cyst architecture is broadly similar to that of other clitellate annelids; that is, each germ cell has only one intercellular bridge connecting it to the anuclear cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore. Unlike germ-line cysts described in other leech species, the cytophore in cysts of E. octoculata is poorly developed, taking the form of thin cytoplasmic strands. Oogenesis in E. octoculata is meroistic because the germ cells forming the cysts (cystocytes) have diverse fates, i.e., nurse cells and oocytes appear. One large ramified cell (apical cell) occurs within the apical part of the ovarian body. We compare the ultrastructure of the apical cell found in E. octoculata with that of apical cells described recently in some hirudiniform leeches. The germ-line cysts as well as the oocytes are enveloped by somatic follicular cells. As in other leeches, the follicular cells surrounding the growing oocytes have cytoplasm perforated by intracellular canals. In view of the many similarities between E. octoculata ovarian bodies and the ovary cords described in glossiphoniids and especially in hirudiniform leeches, we suggest that the ovarian bodies found in E. octoculata are in fact modified ovary cords.  相似文献   

Martin  A. J.  Seaby  R. M. H.  Young  J. O. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,273(2):67-75
The effect of predator and prey body size on the feeding success of the British lake-dwelling leeches Glossiphonia complanata and Helobdella stagnalis was examined in the laboratory, and any involvement of size difference between the leeches in allowing coexistence in the field assessed. G. complanata breeds in advance of H. stagnalis and maintains a body size advantage throughout their annual life-cycle. In experiments, conducted at 14 °C and a photoperiod of 16 hrs L: 8 hrs D, three size classes of leeches of each species were each exposed to each of three size classes of each of five prey species, viz. Tubifex sp., Chironomus sp., Asellus aquaticus, Lymnaea peregra and Potamopyrgus jenkinsi. For each prey species, three different types of experiments were performed: one leech exposed to four prey individuals; four leeches of the same species with sixteen prey; and two leeches of each species with sixteen prey. In the first experiment, all sizes of G. complanata were capable of feeding on all sizes of the prey types offered; the same was true for H. stagnalis with exceptions of feeding on large A. aquaticus and large L. peregra. For both species, but especially for G. complanata, there was a trend within each size class of leech for decreasing proportions of fed leeches with increasing prey size, and within each size class of prey for an increasing proportion of fed leeches with increasing leech size; however there were several exceptions to these trends. Both leeches fed extensively on Tubifex sp. but there were significant differences in the proportions feeding on other prey types; G. complanata fed more on A. aquaticus and the two snail species, and less on Chironomus, than H. stagnalis. The effect of increasing the number of leech individuals from one to four individuals, of the same or mixed species, had little effect on the proportion of leeches which had fed. It is concluded that large G. complanata will have access to large individuals of certain prey taxa denied H. stagnalis, which may lessen the intensity of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

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