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A highly repetitive long interspersed sequence from rat DNA has been isolated and partly characterized. This sequence comprises at least a 1300 base-pair and a 2400 base-pair EcoRI fragment and probably additional elements. The 2400 base-pair segment has been analyzed in detail. It appears to be part of the chromosomal DNA in rat cells. The 2400 base-pair repeat is likely to be distributed over several regions in the rat genome. The 2400 base-pair segment has been cloned, mapped for restriction sites, and part of its nucleotide sequence has been determined. The 2400 base-pair sequence is a member of a typical highly repetitive long interspersed sequence with high copy number and restriction site polymorphism. There are sequence homologies to mouse and human DNA. A striking homology has been detected to the flanking sequences of a repetitive mouse DNA sequence that has been described to be located adjacent to one of the kappa-immunoglobulin variable genes. Elements in the 2400 base-pair rat repeat are transcribed in cells from most rat organs and from several continuous rat cell lines. This RNA from rat cell lines was found polyadenylated or not polyadenylated. The nucleotide sequence of parts of the 2400 base-pair DNA segment revealed open reading frames for polypeptide sequences. Such open reading frames have been detected in two different segments of the 2400 base-pair DNA repeat. Open reading frames exist in the two complementary strands in the same DNA segment. The hypothetical polypeptide whose sequence has been determined in toto has a length of 190 amino acid residues and is enriched in hydrophobic amino acids, reminiscent of the amino acid composition in membrane proteins. Hence, it is conceivable that the 2400 base-pair repeat sequence from rat DNA, at least in part, encodes messenger RNAs that might be translated into functional proteins.  相似文献   

The structures of two cloned recombinants of bacteriophage lambda and mouse genomic DNA (lambda mA14 and lambda mA36) were compared by electron microscopic analysis of various heteroduplex DNAs, restriction endonuclease mapping and nucleotide sequence determination. Each clone was shown to be derived from a distinct region of the mouse genome, but the two exhibited structural similarity over a region of at least 11,000 bases which included a cytoskeletal gamma-actin processed pseudogene of approximately 1800 bases. It is concluded that the two genomic regions were derived from a common ancestral region by duplication or amplification. The homologous regions of the two clones contained members of the long interspersed repetitive L1Md (long interspersed repeated sequence 1 of Mus domesticus) family lying in opposite orientation to one another, so that single-stranded DNA from the clones could form intra-molecular heteroduplexes. The complete nucleotide sequences of three L1Md members in lambda mA14 were determined. The longest of these (L1Md-14LH) had inserted into the gamma-actin processed pseudogene and, although it contained internal deletions, appeared to possess intact 5' and 3' ends. A second L1Md member (L1Md-14RH1) also appeared to have an intact 5' end but had lost most of its 3' portion, and a third member (L1Md-14RH2) was an internal fragment. The repeated sequence at the 5' ends of L1Md-14LH and L1Md-14RH1 showed these to be members of the L1Md-A family.  相似文献   

R S Seelan  G Padmanaban 《Gene》1988,67(1):125-130
The biogenesis of eukaryotic cytochrome c oxidase involves the coordinate expression of nuclear and mitochondrial genes. Very little information is available on the gene structure of nuclear-coded cytochrome c oxidase subunits in mammalian systems. We report here the isolation and complete nucleotide sequence determination of a processed pseudogene for cytochrome c oxidase subunit VIc from rat liver. The pseudogene lacks introns and the coding region is intact with no deleterious lesions; however, there are 7 amino acid (aa) differences when compared to the sequence derived from cDNA clones. The pseudogene has the potential to code for a protein of 76 aa, containing a putative 3 aa N-terminal presequence when compared to the mature bovine heart VIc subunit. Potential regulatory regions, including a TATA box, are present in the 5'-flanking region.  相似文献   

We have characterized a large repetitive element which has been found at seven different locations within the beta globin locus of the BALB/c mouse. This repeat has an unusual structure in that each of the different members has the same end of the element conserved while the other end terminates at a different point in each repeat member. The sequences within the repeats from the beta globin locus have homology with other repetitive families such as the MIF-1, Bam-5, R, and the BamH1 families. These were recently proposed (T. Fanning, (1983) Nucleic Acids Res. 11, 5073-5091) to be part of a structure with the same organization which we found in the globin locus. Probing plaques from a BALB/c genomic library with sequences derived from the repeats in the globin locus shows that virtually all of the repeats from this family are organized in a manner consistent with the proposed structure.  相似文献   

N J Bachman  M I Lomax  L I Grossman 《Gene》1987,55(2-3):219-229
We have isolated and analyzed 17 clones from a bovine genomic library in phage lambda Charon28 probed with a bovine liver cDNA for cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV. Restriction enzyme mapping and Southern analysis indicated that these clones represent only two genomic regions. One region was shown by nucleotide sequencing to contain a subunit IV pseudogene of the processed type. The other class of clones contained the 5' region of a putative expressed gene; the region consists of two exons and two introns, with one exon encoding exclusively the domain representing the presequence present on newly synthesized subunit-IV polypeptides. Genomic Southern analysis indicated that these two clones probably represent the only sequences in the bovine nucleus that share nucleotide sequence identity with the liver subunit IV cDNA when utilizing moderately stringent hybridization conditions.  相似文献   

Southern blot analysis of genomic DNA from different strains of rat indicated that there were multiple copies of the gene encoding the second enzyme of the heme biosynthetic pathway, delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase (ALA-D). Two types of genomic clones were isolated from a Sprague-Dawley rat library. One appears to be the expressed gene, whereas the nucleotide sequence of the other suggests that it contains an ALA-D processed pseudogene because (1) there are no introns, (2) there are multiple mutations that alter the predicted amino acid sequence of ALA-D and cause premature termination, (3) there is a 3' polyadenylated tract, and (4) there is an 8-bp direct repeat flanking the gene. The rat genome is unusual in this respect since ALA-D pseudogenes have not been detected in Southern blot analyses of other mammals, including human, gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan, rabbit, mouse, and Chinese hamster.  相似文献   

A long member of the highly repeated long interspersed DNA family L1Md (for L1 in Mus domesticus) has integrated by transposition into a target site which lies between the two adult beta globin genes of mouse. DNA hybridization and nucleotide sequence analysis show that this target site, which is part of the single copy DNA flanking the globin genes, is interrupted by the L1 element in one chromosome but is uninterrupted in both allelic and ancestral chromosomes. Other large DNA rearrangements of the region between the two adult beta globin genes are also associated with these allelic chromosomes, and include insertions or deletions of both single copy DNA and simple and complex repetitive DNA. This has caused extensive reorganization of this intergenic region. However, the distance between the two genes flanking this region remains conserved, suggesting that the spacing of the globin genes may be subject to conservative selection.  相似文献   

The sequence of a complementary DNA clone coding for a human autoimmune antigen has been determined. This DNA sequence predicts the amino acid sequence of a small protein ("E") which is associated with small nuclear RNA in human cells. Analysis of the predicted protein sequence suggests that the E protein is not closely related to other nucleic acid binding proteins. Screening of a human genomic DNA library has led to the isolation of several members of the E protein multigene family. Sequence analysis of one member of this family reveals that it is flanked by direct repeats and contains several mutations. One of these mutations, an insertion, terminates the long open reading frame. These features are compatible with the designation of this sequence as a processed pseudogene.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Haem-containing proteins are directly involved in electron transfer as well as in enzymatic functions. The nine-haem cytochrome c (9Hcc), previously described as having 12 haem groups, was isolated from cells of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774, grown under both nitrate- and sulphate-respiring conditions. RESULTS: Models for the primary and three-dimensional structures of this cytochrome, containing 292 amino acid residues and nine haem groups, were derived using the multiple wavelength anomalous dispersion phasing method and refined using 1.8 A diffraction data to an R value of 17.0%. The nine haem groups are arranged into two tetrahaem clusters, with Fe-Fe distances and local protein fold similar to tetrahaem cytochromes c3, while the extra haem is located asymmetrically between the two clusters. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first known three-dimensional structure in which multiple copies of a tetrahaem cytochrome c3-like fold are present in the same polypeptide chain. Sequence homology was found between this cytochrome and the C-terminal region (residues 229-514) of the high molecular weight cytochrome c from Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough (DvH Hmc). A new haem arrangement in domains III and IV of DvH Hmc is proposed. Kinetic experiments showed that 9Hcc can be reduced by the [NiFe] hydrogenase from D. desulfuricans ATCC 27774, but that this reduction is faster in the presence of tetrahaem cytochrome c3. As Hmc has never been found in D. desulfuricans ATCC 27774, we propose that 9Hcc replaces it in this organism and is therefore probably involved in electron transfer across the membrane.  相似文献   

Lipidation catalyzed by protein prenyltransferases is essential for the biological function of a number of eukaryotic proteins, many of which are involved in signal transduction and vesicular traffic regulation. Sequence similarity searches reveal that the alpha-subunit of protein prenyltransferases (PTalpha) is a member of the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) superfamily. This finding makes the three-dimensional structure of the rat protein farnesyltransferase the first structural model of a TPR protein interacting with its protein partner. Structural comparison of the two TPR domains in protein farnesyltransferase and protein phosphatase 5 indicates that variation in TPR consensus residues may affect protein binding specificity through altering the overall shape of the TPR superhelix. A general approach to evolutionary analysis of proteins with repetitive sequence motifs has been developed and applied to the protein prenyltransferases and other TPR proteins. The results suggest that all members in PTalpha family originated from a common multirepeat ancestor, while the common ancestor of PTalpha and other members of TPR superfamily is likely to be a single repeat protein.  相似文献   

The cytochrome c553 from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (DvH c553) is of importance in the understanding of the relationship of structure and function of cytochrome c due to its lack of sequence homology with other cytochromes, and its abnormally low oxido-reduction potential. In evolutionary terms, this protein also represents an important reference point for the understanding of both bacterial and mitochondrial cytochromes c. Using the recently determined nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structure of the reduced protein we compare the structural, dynamic, and functional characteristics of DvH c553 with members of both the mitochondrial and bacterial cytochromes c to characterize the protein in the context of the cytochrome c family, and to understand better the control of oxido-reduction potential in electron transfer proteins. Despite the low sequence homology, striking structural similarities between this protein and representatives of both eukaryotic [cytochrome c from tuna (tuna c)] and prokaryotic [Pseudomonas aeruginosa c551 (Psa c551)] cytochromes c have been recognized. The previously observed helical core is also found in the DvH c553. The structural framework and hydrogen bonding network of the DvH c553 is most similar to that of the tuna c, with the exception of an insertion loop of 24 residues closing the heme pocket and protecting the propionates, which is absent in the DvH c553. In contrast, the Psa c551 protects the propionates from the solvent principally by extending the methionine ligand arm. The electrostatic distribution at the recognized encounter surface around the heme in the mitochondrial cytochrome is reproduced in the DvH c553, and corresponding hydrogen bonding networks, particularly in the vicinity of the heme cleft, exist in both molecules. Thus, although the cytochrome DvH c553 exhibits higher primary sequence homology to other bacterial cytochromes c, the structural and physical homology is significantly greater with respect to the mitochondrial cytochrome c. The major structural and functional difference is the absence of solvent protection for the heme, differentiating this cytochrome from both reference cytochromes, which have evolved different mechanisms to cover the propionates. This suggests that the abnormal redox potential of the DvH c553 is linked to the raised accessibility of the heme and supports the theory that redox potential in cytochromes is controlled by heme propionate solvent accessibility.  相似文献   

This paper describes the characterization and chromosomal distribution of new long repetitive sequences present in all species of the genus Zea. These sequences constitute a family of moderately repetitive elements ranging approximately from 1350 to 1700 copies per haploid genome in modern maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) and teosinte (Zea diploperennis), respectively. The elements are long, probably larger than 9 kb, and they show a highly conserved internal organization among Zea subspecies and species. The elements are present in all maize chromosomes in an interspersed pattern of distribution, are absent from centromeric and pericentric heterochromatin, and with some clustering in the distal regions of chromosome arms.  相似文献   

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