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The composition of the preexercise food intake is known to affect substrate utilization during exercise and thus can affect long-term changes in body weight and composition. These parameters were measured in male rats exercised 2 h daily over 5 wk, either in the fasting state or 1 h after they ingested a meal enriched with glucose (Glc), whole milk protein (WMP), or alpha-lactalbumin-enriched whey protein (CPalphaL). Compared with fasting, the Glc meal increased glucose oxidation and decreased lipid oxidation during and after exercise. In contrast, the WMP and CPalphaL meals preserved lipid oxidation and increased protein oxidation, the CPalphaL meal increasing protein oxidation more than the WMP meal. At the end of the study, body weight was larger in the WMP-, Glc-, and CPalphaL-fed rats than in the fasted ones. This resulted from an increased fat mass in the WMP and Glc rats and to an increased lean body mass, particularly muscles, in the CPalphaL rats. We conclude that the potential of the CPalphaL meal to preserve lipid oxidation and to rapidly deliver amino acids for use during exercise improved the efficiency of exercise training to decrease adiposity.  相似文献   

The synthesis and release of alanine and glutamine were investigated with an intact rat epitrochlaris muscle preparation. This preparation will maintain on incubation for up to 6 hours, tissue levels of phosphocreatine, ATP, ADP, lactate, and pyruvate closely approximating those values observed in gastrocnemius muscles freeze-clamped in vivo. The epitrochlaris preparation releases amino acids in the same relative proportions and amounts as a perfused rat hindquarter preparation and human skeletal muscle. Since amino acids were released during incubation without observable changes in tissue amino acids levels, rates of alanine and glutamine release closely approximate net amino acid synthesis. Large increases in either glucose uptake or glycolysis in muscle were not accompanied by changes in either alanine or glutamine synthesis. Insulin increased muscle glucose uptake 4-fold, but was without effect on alanine and glutamine release. Inhibition of glycolysis by iodacetate did not decrease the rate of alanine synthesis. The rates of alanine and glutamine synthesis and release from muscle decreased significantly during prolonged incubation despite a constant rate of glucose uptake and pyruvate production. Alanine synthesis and release were decreased by aminooxyacetic acid, an inhibitor of alanine aminotransferase. This inhibition was accompanied by a compensatory increase in the release of other amino acids, such as aspartate, an amino acid which was not otherwise released in appreciable quantities by muscle. The release of alanine, pyruvate, glutamate, and glutamine were observed to be interrelated events, reflecting a probable near-equilibrium state of alanine aminotransferase in skeletal muscle. It is concluded that glucose metabolism and amino acid release are functionally independent processes in skeletal muscle. Alanine release reflects the de novo synthesis of the amino acid and does not arise from the selective proteolysis of an alanine-rich storage protein. It appears that the rate of alanine and glutamine synthesis in skeletal muscle is dependent upon the transformation and metabolism of amino acid precursors.  相似文献   

Exercising men, compared with women, have a greater increase in leucine oxidation but not lysine rate of appearance. The cause for this sexual dimorphism is unknown; however, an inhibition of beta-adrenoreceptor activity has previously been shown to mediate amino acid metabolism (Lamont LS, McCullough AJ, and Kalhan SC. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 268: E910-E916, 1995; Lamont LS, Patel DG, and Kalhan SC. J Appl Physiol 67: 221-225, 1989). This study was a gender comparison of leucine and lysine kinetics during a beta-adrenoreceptor blockade (beta1,beta2-blockade) and a placebo control by using a double-blind crossover protocol. Subjects exercised at 50% of their trial-specific maximal O2 consumption (1 h) after 7 days of dietary control. During exercise with beta-blockade, men had an increased nonprotein respiratory exchange ratio (P < 0.001), whereas women had an increased circulation of free fatty acids (P < 0.001). The genders also displayed distinct differences in exercise amino acid kinetics. The men, but not the women, increased leucine oxidation (P < 0.005) and lysine rate of appearance (P < 0.009) when exercising during beta-adrenergic blockade. This study indicates that during beta-blockade, exercising men increase their need for amino acids (and carbohydrate) to fuel energy needs, whereas women increase their mobilization of fat, thereby requiring less alternative fuels such as carbohydrate and amino acids. Gender-specific fuel preferences during exercise are regulated by beta-adrenergic-receptor activity. Substrate availability during exercise appears to modulate the amino acid oxidation differences between genders.  相似文献   

The biochemical basis of specializations for dispersal vs. reproduction is an understudied aspect of dispersal polymorphism in insects. Using a radiolabelled amino acid, we quantified differences in in vivo amino acid metabolism between morphs of the wing-polymorphic cricket, Gryllus firmus, that trade-off early age reproduction and dispersal capability. Studies were conducted in crickets fed a variety of diets expected to influence amino acid and lipid metabolism. On the day of molt to adulthood, prior to the morph-specific trade-off between ovarian growth and biochemical preparation for flight (e.g. biosynthesis of triglyceride flight fuel), morphs did not differ in any aspect of amino acid metabolism. However, on day 5 of adulthood, when the morph-specific trade-off between ovarian growth and flight fuel production was manifest, the morphs differed substantially in each of the three aspects of amino acid metabolism studied: conversion to protein, oxidation, and conversion to lipid. Morphs also differed in degree of allocation of products of amino acid metabolism to ovaries vs. the soma. Most importantly, morphs differed in the relative metabolism of radiolabelled glycine through these pathways (i.e. biochemical trade-offs), and in the relative allocation of end products of amino acid metabolism to the soma vs. ovaries (allocation trade-offs). A functionally important interaction between amino acid and lipid metabolism was noted: greater oxidation of amino acids in the flight-capable morph spared fatty acids for enhanced conversion into triglyceride flight fuel. By contrast, greater oxidation of fatty acids by the flightless morph spared amino acids for enhanced conversion into ovarian protein. Diet significantly affected amino acid metabolism. However, MORPHxDIET interactions were rare and morphs differed in amino acid metabolism to a similar degree under the range of diets tested.  相似文献   

Although the differential flow of metabolites through alternate pathways of intermediary metabolism is thought to be an important functional cause of life-history trade-offs, this phenomenon remains understudied. Using a radiolabeled amino acid, we quantified genetic differences in in vivo amino acid metabolism between morphs of the wing-polymorphic cricket Gryllus firmus that trade off early-age reproduction and dispersal capability. Lines selected for the flight-capable morph, which delays reproduction, oxidized a greater proportion of radiolabeled glycine and converted a greater amount into somatic lipid, mainly triglyceride (flight fuel). By contrast, lines selected for the flightless, reproductive morph converted a substantially greater proportion of glycine into ovarian protein. Compensatory interactions between amino acid and lipid metabolism make up a key aspect of specialization for dispersal versus reproduction in G. firmus: increased oxidation of amino acids by the flight-capable morph spares fatty acid for enhanced conversion into triglyceride flight fuel. By contrast, increased oxidation of fatty acid by the flightless morph spares amino acids for enhanced biosynthesis of ovarian protein. Studies of amino acid and lipid metabolism in G. firmus currently represent the most detailed analyses of genetic modifications of intermediary metabolism that underlie a functionally important life-history trade-off found in natural populations.  相似文献   

This review focuses on recent research on the metabolic function of fish brain. Fish brain is isolated from the systemic circulation by a blood-brain barrier that allows the transport of glucose, monocarboxylates and amino acids. The limited information available in fishes suggests that oxidation of exogenous glucose and oxidative phosphorylation provide most of the ATP required for brain function in teleosts, whereas oxidation of ketones and amino acids occurs preferentially in elasmobranchs. In several agnathans and benthic teleosts brain glycogen levels rather than exogenous glucose may be the proximate glucose source for oxidation. In situations when glucose is in limited supply, teleost brains utilize other fuels such as lactate or ketones. Information on use of lipids and amino acids as fuels in fish brain is scarce. The main pathways of brain energy metabolism are changed by several effectors. Thus, several parameters of brain energy metabolism have been demonstrated to change post-prandially in teleostean fishes. The absence of food in teleosts elicits profound changes in brain energy metabolism (increased glycogenolysis and use of ketones) in a way similar to that demonstrated in mammals though delayed in time. Environmental factors induce changes in brain energy parameters in teleosts such as the enhancement of glycogenolysis elicited by pollutants, increased capacity for anaerobic glycolysis under hypoxia/anoxia or changes in substrate utilization elicited by adaptation to cold. Furthermore, several studies demonstrate effects of melatonin, insulin, glucagon, GLP-1, cortisol or catecholamines on energy parameters of teleost brain, although in most cases the results are quite preliminary being difficult to relate the effects of those hormones to physiological situations. The few studies performed with the different cell types available in the nervous system of fish allow us to hypothesize few functional relationships among those cells. Future research perspectives are also outlined.  相似文献   

During prolonged exercise, carbohydrate oxidation may result from decreased pyruvate production and increased fatty acid supply and ultimately lead to reduced pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) activity. Pyruvate also interacts with the amino acids alanine, glutamine, and glutamate, whereby the decline in pyruvate production could affect tricarboxycylic acid cycle flux as well as gluconeogenesis. To enhance our understanding of these interactions, we studied the time course of changes in substrate utilization in six men who cycled at 44+/-1% peak oxygen consumption (mean+/-SE) until exhaustion (exhaustion at 3 h 23 min+/-11 min). Femoral arterial and venous blood, blood flow measurements, and muscle samples were obtained hourly during exercise and recovery (3 h). Carbohydrate oxidation peaked at 30 min of exercise and subsequently decreased for the remainder of the exercise bout (P<0.05). PDH activity peaked at 2 h of exercise, whereas pyruvate production peaked at 1 h of exercise and was reduced (approximately 30%) thereafter, suggesting that pyruvate availability primarily accounted for reduced carbohydrate oxidation. Increased free fatty acid uptake (P<0.05) was also associated with decreasing PDH activity (P<0.05) and increased PDH kinase 4 mRNA (P<0.05) during exercise and recovery. At 1 h of exercise, pyruvate production was greatest and was closely linked to glutamate, which was the predominant amino acid taken up during exercise and recovery. Alanine and glutamine were also associated with pyruvate metabolism, and they comprised approximately 68% of total amino-acid release during exercise and recovery. Thus reduced pyruvate production was primarily associated with reduced carbohydrate oxidation, whereas the greatest production of pyruvate was related to glutamate, glutamine, and alanine metabolism in early exercise.  相似文献   

The changes in both the levels of some free amino acids and their metabolism in the rat brain during the first 24 hr of postnatal life were studied. The content of glutamic acid decreased for the first 2 hr; it remained at the lowest level for the next 4 hr, when it began to increase. The content of alanine decreased for the first 6 hr and approached the adult level. Oxygen consumption, glucose oxidation, and pyruvate formation in the cerebral slices of the 24-hr-old rats were as much as 150% of that of the 19-day-old fetus. The distribution profile of radioactivity incorporated into the cerebral amino acids from the subarachnoid-injected [U14C]glucose was also changed. In the 2- and 6-hr-old rats, 50% of the total radio-activity recovered in the free amino acids was in alanine. Its rate decreased to 30% in the 24-hr-old and was 2% in the adult, while the radioactivity incorporated into glutamic acid increased. Alanine aminotransferase activity started to increase at birth and had the highest level at 24 hr after birth. It then decreased and finally reached the same level as shown at birth. However, aspartate aminotransferase increased during the first 6 hr after birth and did not change until the end of the first day of life.  相似文献   

Uteroplacental tissues have been shown to have a high rate of metabolism under in vivo steady-state conditions. Fully two-thirds of the glucose and one-half of the oxygen consumed by the uterus are utilized by these tissues rather than by the fetus. Its high metabolic rate must be borne in mind in any analysis of tracer kinetics, which prohibits the exclusion of these tissues and the use of a two-compartment model for analysis of carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism. Current techniques permit determination of utilization rates of nutrients in all three compartments (fetal, uteroplacental, and maternal) with considerable precision. Using tracer amino acids one can determine rates of protein synthesis and protein breakdown as well as rates of amino acid oxidation. These techniques should prove useful in investigating the role of various trophic factors in fetal life and in assessing the impact of changes in placental function or maternal nutritional state on fetal growth and metabolism.  相似文献   

Myocardial ischemia is the leading cause of all cardiovascular deaths in North America. Myocardial ischemia is accompanied by profound changes in metabolism including alterations in glucose and fatty acid metabolism, increased uncoupling of glucose oxidation from glycolysis and accumulation of protons within the myocardium. These changes can contribute to a poor functional recovery of the heart. One key player in the ischemia-induced alteration in fatty acid and glucose metabolism is 5'AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Accumulating evidence suggest that activation of AMPK during myocardial ischemia both increases glucose uptake and glycolysis while also increasing fatty acid oxidation during reperfusion. Gain-of-function mutations of AMPK in cardiac muscle may also be causally related to the development of hypertrophic cardiomyopathies. Therefore, a better understanding of role of AMPK in cardiac metabolism is necessary to appropriately modulate its activity as a potential therapeutic target in treating ischemia reperfusion injuries. This review attempts to update some of the recent findings that delineate various pathways through which AMPK regulates glucose and fatty acid metabolism in the ischemic myocardium.  相似文献   

The utilization of amino acids and glucose by ascites tumour cells has been studied in order to elucidate which are their relative roles as energy substrates or building blocks for biosynthetic purposes, as well as the quantitative contribution of the different metabolic pathways involved. 1. Glucose is utilized at a rate of 1.1 mumol x min-1 x g cells-1. 93% is transformed into lactate, 0.7% used by the pentose phosphate pathway, 1.5% by the tricarboxylic acid cycle and 2% is for lipid synthesis. 2. ATP production is derived: 78% from glucose conversion into lactate, 1% from glucose oxidation and 19% from glutamine oxidation. 3. Glucose starvation, in the presence of all amino acids, leads to a 70% decrease in the rate of protein synthesis, due to the drop in ATP levels. 4. Pentose phosphate pathway flux increases by 75% when glycolysing cells are incubated in the presence of all amino acids. 5. Pyruvate is decarboxylated at a rate of 66 nmol x min-1 x g cells-1, 45-80% of it is incorporated into lipids instead of being oxidized, depending on the incubation conditions. 6. Non-essential amino acids (aspartate and glutamate) are oxidized at a low rate. Glutamine is oxidized at a rate 20-times and 35-times that of glucose and glutamate respectively. Glutamine can not replace glucose as the main energy source. 7. Leucine utilization, 28 nmol x min-1 x g cells-1, is very high compared with normal cells, due to the high rate of lipid and protein synthesis. Its oxidation is similar to that of non-tumoural cells. 8. Sterols account for 80% of the lipids synthesized either from leucine or glucose.  相似文献   

Metabolism of radiolabelled energy-yielding substrates by rat Sertoli cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rates of metabolism in vitro of 3H- or 14C-labelled glucose, pyruvate, glutamine and leucine by Sertoli cells from immature rats were estimated. The overall rate of glucose utilization exceeded by far the rates of oxidation of pyruvate (derived from glucose) via the citric acid cycle and glucose metabolism via the oxidative branch of the pentose phosphate pathway. This pattern of glucose metabolism was not markedly altered after stimulation of glucose metabolism by FSH. The rate of oxidation of exogenous pyruvate indicated that the energy yield from glucose metabolism by Sertoli cells could be dependent on the extracellular concentrations of pyruvate and lactate. There is no evidence that a high rate of aerobic glycolysis is of vital importance for Sertoli cells. In medium containing glucose and all amino acids, 14C-labelled glutamine and leucine were converted to 14CO2 at considerable rates. It was calculated that the oxidation of glutamine and leucine in addition to glucose and fatty acids can yield much of the required energy of Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted to study the interrelation of free amino acid metabolism and root formation in etiolated pea stem sections as dependent on time and on inhibition of root formation by kinetin and ethionine. The rise in the level of aspartic acid and increase in the rate of conversion of14C-labeled glucose to free amino acids were found to be characteristic features of the formation of foci of meristematic cells in pericyclo region. The formation of roots was reflected, in general, much more in the rate of conversion of labeled glucose to free amino acids than in the levels of corresponding amino acids. The total amount of free amino acids was not significantly changed during incubation of stem sections in a solution of kinetin (5×10?5 m). A rapid fall in their level was recorded in the next 24 hours. The incorporation of14C from glucose into a precursor of lignin, phenylalanine, was completely inhibited by kinetin which stimulated simultanously the growth of adjacent buds. Stimulation of secondary xylem formation, which appeared later, was accompanied by the resumption of14C-incorporation into phenylalanine. Inhibition of root formation by ethionine resulted in the rapid fall of the level of most amino acids and in a significant decrease in the rate of incorporation of14C from glucose into amino acids. A decreasing level of ethionine in tissues during cultivation of ethionine-treated stem sections was accompanied by a gradual rise in the individual amino acids and in the rate of conversion of glucose into free amino acids.  相似文献   

1. The effects of treatment with thyroid hormone (tri-iodothyronine) and of neonatal thyroidectomy on the cerebral metabolism of [U-14C]leucine were investigated during the period of functional maturation of the rat brain extending from 9 to 25 days after birth. 2. Age-dependent changes in the labelling of brain constituents under normal conditions appear to depend on changes in the availability of blood-borne [14C]leucine resulting from differential rates of growth of body and brain; but developmental changes in the pool size of free leucine and in the rates of protein synthesis and oxidation of leucine are also involved. 3. Treatment with thyroid hormone had no significant effect on the conversion of leucine carbon into proteins and lipids; and the age-dependent changes in the concentration and specific radioactivity of leucine were similar to controls. On the other hand there was an acceleration in the conversion of leucine carbon into amino acids associated with the tricarboxylic acid cycle. These observations indicate that leucine oxidation was the process mainly affected. 4. The specific radioactivity of glutamine relative to that of glutamate was used as an index of metabolic compartmentation in brain tissue. Treatment with thyroid hormone advanced the development of metabolic compartmentation. 5. Neonatal thyroidectomy led to a marked decrease in the conversion of leucine carbon into proteins and lipids and to a significant increase in the amount of 14C combined in the amino acids associated with the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The age-dependent increase in the glutamate/glutamine specific-radioactivity ratio was strongly retarded. 6. The increased conversion of leucine carbon into cerebral amino acids applied to glutamate and aspartate, but not to glutamine and γ-aminobutyrate. This observation facilitated the understanding of the effects of thyroid deprivation on brain metabolism and provided new evidence for the allocation of morphological structures to the metabolic compartments in brain tissue. 7. In contrast with the marked effects of the thyroid state on metabolic compartmentation, it had relatively little effect on the developmental changes in the concentration of amino acids in the brain. 8. The rate of conversion of leucine carbon into the `cycle amino acids' both under normal conditions and in thyroid deficiency indicated a special metabolic relationship between glutamate and aspartate on the one hand, and glutamine and γ-aminobutyrate on the other.  相似文献   

Placental insufficiency decreases fetal amino acid uptake from the placenta, plasma insulin concentrations, and protein accretion, thus compromising normal fetal growth trajectory. We tested whether acute supplementation of amino acids or insulin into the fetus with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) would increase net fetal protein accretion rates. Late-gestation IUGR and control (CON) fetal sheep received acute, 3-h infusions of amino acids (with euinsulinemia), insulin (with euglycemia and euaminoacidemia), or saline. Fetal leucine metabolism was measured under steady-state conditions followed by a fetal muscle biopsy to quantify insulin signaling. In CON, increasing amino acid delivery rates to the fetus by 100% increased leucine oxidation rates by 100%. In IUGR, amino acid infusion completely suppressed fetal protein breakdown rates but increased leucine oxidation rate by only 25%, resulting in increased protein accretion rates by 150%. Acute insulin infusion, however, had very little effect on amino acid delivery rates, fetal leucine disposal rates, or fetal protein accretion rates in CON or IUGR fetuses despite robust signaling of the fetal skeletal muscle insulin-signaling cascade. These results indicate that, when amino acids are given directly into the fetal circulation independently of changes in insulin concentrations, IUGR fetal sheep have suppressed protein breakdown rates, thus increasing net fetal protein accretion.  相似文献   

Ingestion of carbohydrate during exercise may blunt the stimulation of fat oxidative pathways by raising plasma insulin and glucose concentrations and lowering plasma free fatty acid (FFA) levels, thereby causing a marked shift in substrate oxidation. We investigated the effects of a single 2-h bout of moderate-intensity exercise on the expression of key genes involved in fat and carbohydrate metabolism with or without glucose ingestion in seven healthy untrained men (22.7 +/- 0.6 yr; body mass index: 23.8 +/- 1.0 kg/m(2); maximal O(2) consumption: 3.85 +/- 0.21 l/min). Plasma FFA concentration increased during exercise (P < 0.01) in the fasted state but remained unchanged after glucose ingestion, whereas fat oxidation (indirect calorimetry) was higher in the fasted state vs. glucose feeding (P < 0.05). Except for a significant decrease in the expression of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-4 (P < 0.05), glucose ingestion during exercise produced minimal effects on the expression of genes involved in carbohydrate utilization. However, glucose ingestion resulted in a decrease in the expression of genes involved in fatty acid transport and oxidation (CD36, carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1, uncoupling protein 3, and 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase-alpha(2); P < 0.05). In conclusion, glucose ingestion during exercise decreases the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism rather than increasing genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

Li  Xinyu  Zheng  Shixuan  Han  Tao  Song  Fei  Wu  Guoyao 《Amino acids》2020,52(11):1491-1503

Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides, a carnivorous fish native to North America) prefers to utilize amino acids as energy sources rather than glucose and fatty acids. However, little is known about the nutritional regulation of substrate oxidation in the fish. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine whether the oxidation of glutamate, glutamine, glucose and palmitate in its tissues might be influenced by dietary protein intake. Juvenile largemouth bass (initial weight 18.3 ± 0.1 g) were fed three isocaloric diets containing 40%, 45% and 50% protein for 8 weeks. The growth performance, energy retention, and lipid retention of juvenile fish increased with increasing dietary protein levels. The rate of oxidation of glutamate by the intestine was much greater than that of glutamine, explaining why increasing the dietary protein content from 40% to 50% had no effect on the serum concentration of glutamate but increased that of glutamine in the fish. The liver of fish fed the 50% protein diet had a higher (P < 0.05) rate of glutamine oxidation than that in the 40% and 45% protein groups. In contrast, augmenting dietary protein content from 40% to 45% increased (P < 0.05) both glutamine and glutamate oxidation in the proximal intestine of the fish and renal glutamine oxidation, without changes in intestinal or renal AA oxidation between the 45% and 50% protein groups. Furthermore, the rates of glucose oxidation in the liver, kidney, and intestine of largemouth bass were decreased in response to an  increase in dietary  protein content   from 40% to 45% and a concomitant decrease in dietary starch content from 22.3% to 15.78%, but did not differ between the 45% and 50% protein groups.   The rates of oxidation of glucose in skeletal muscle and those of palmitate in all tissues (except for the  kidney) were not affected by the diets. Collectively, these results indicate that the largemouth bass can regulate substrate metabolism in a  tissue-specific manner to favor protein and lipid gains as dietary protein content increases from 40% to 50% and have a lower ability to oxidize fatty acids and glucose than amino acids regardless of the dietary protein intake. 


1. Apparatus is described in which rat extensor digitorum longus muscle can be incubated in buffer under conditions of light tension and be subject to contractures induced by electrical stimulation in vitro. Under these conditions the tissue retains its weight, its content of potassium and size of the extracellular space at values similar to those in vivo. 2. Though uptake of glucose was enhanced on addition of insulin, there was little increase in glucose consumption on stimulation. Breakdown of glycogen and enhancement of lactate output were found on stimulation. 3. Incorporation into protein of several labelled amino acids was diminished during stimulation. Accumulation of [(14)C]leucine was enhanced whereas that of glycine was decreased. 4. There were no very consistent changes in the content of free unlabelled amino acids during incubation with or without stimulation. Comparison of actual amino acid concentrations in tissue and incubation mixture with accumulation of (14)C-labelled amino acid indicated that full equilibration of the cell pool of amino amino acids with the medium is slow. 5. Substantial oxidation of several (14)C-labelled acids was observed. 6. The ATP content of the tissue declined a little during incubation and somewhat faster after a period of stimulation. 7. The results are discussed in relation to the way in which exercise can induce muscle hypertrophy.  相似文献   

A model has been developed to measure the effects of dietary protein on daily fluctuations in the rate of endogenous amino acid oxidation in meal-fed and starved rats. In addition, N tau-methylhistidine and hydroxyproline were utilized to determine changes in the rate of degradation of myofibrillar and collagen proteins. In rats meal-fed a normal diet of 18% (w/w) casein, a diurnal response was observed in rate of oxidation of radioactive amino acids contained in endogenous labelled body protein, with a nadir 16--20 h and maximum 4--8 h after beginning the feeding. This observation in part may be related to alterations in flux of amino acids from non-hepatic tissues to site of oxidation in liver, as well as alterations in rates of amino acid oxidation after a protein meal. When meal-fed a 70% protein diet, the maximal rates of endogenous amino acid oxidation were significantly increased by 4--8 h after meal-feeding, with no change in fractional rates of degradation of myofibrillar- or collagen-protein breakdown. This could suggest increases in activities of enzymes involved in amino acid oxidation, in rats meal-fed 70% compared with 18% dietary protein. In contrast, meal-feeding of a protein-free diet muted the diurnal response in the rate of oxidation of endogenously labelled amino acids, which correlated with a decrease in the fractional rate of degradation of myofibrillar or collagen protein. Thus dietary protein is apparently responsible for the observed diurnal rhythm rhythms in the rate of amino acid oxidation, whereas carbohydrates tend to mute the response.  相似文献   

The n-3 fatty acids contribute to regulation of hepatic fatty acid oxidation and synthesis in adults and accumulate in fetal and infant liver in variable amounts depending on the maternal diet fat composition. Using 2D gel proteomics and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry, we recently identified altered abundance of proteins associated with glucose and amino acid metabolism in neonatal rat liver with increased n-3 fatty acids. Here, we extend studies on n-3 fatty acids in hepatic metabolic development to targeted gene and metabolite analyses and map the results into metabolic pathways to consider the role of n-3 fatty acids in glucose, fatty acid, and amino metabolism. Feeding rats 1.5% compared with <0.1% energy 18:3n-3 during gestation led to higher 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3 in 3-day-old offspring liver, higher serine hydroxymethyltransferase, carnitine palmitoyl transferase, and acyl CoA oxidase and lower pyruvate kinase and stearoyl CoA desaturase gene expression, with higher cholesterol, NADPH and glutathione, and lower glycine (P < 0.05). Integration of the results suggests that the n-3 fatty acids may be important in facilitating hepatic metabolic adaptation from in utero nutrition to the postnatal high-fat milk diet, by increasing fatty acid oxidation and directing glucose and amino acids to anabolic pathways.  相似文献   

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