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东方大苇莺Acrocephalus orientalis是大杜鹃Cuculus canorus的主要寄主之一。本文对东方大苇莺的3个地理种群进行杜鹃寄生率的时空比较。发现不同东方大苇莺种群被大杜鹃的巢寄生率在21.4%和65.5%之间,差异显著;不过,地理位置相近的两个种群在巢寄生率上则没有显著差异。另外,同一地理种群的巢寄生率年间也存在显著差异。  相似文献   

2009年至2012年期间,在甘肃莲花山自然保护区共发现91个白腹短翅鸲(Hodgsonius phaenicuroides)巢,其中15巢被大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus)寄生,寄生率为16.48%。根据对13枚寄生的大杜鹃卵的观察,其中12枚卵色为浅蓝色,与白腹短翅鸲的深蓝绿色卵差异明显,仅1枚与白腹短翅鸲卵色一致。大杜鹃与白腹短翅鸲的卵重(t =11.208, df=38, P<0.001)和卵短径(t=0.970,df=38, P<0.001)差异极显著。白腹短翅鸲具有识别大杜鹃卵的能力,15巢中只有4巢接受寄生卵并继续孵化,7巢成功识别,剩余4巢无法确定是否识别。白腹短翅鸲为雌鸟单独孵卵,推测识别大杜鹃卵可能只与雌鸟有关。  相似文献   

巢寄生(brood parasitism):是某些鸟类将卵产在其他鸟的巢中,由其他鸟(义亲)代为孵化和育雏的一种特殊的繁殖行为。本图片为东方大苇莺在哺育大杜鹃雏鸟。  相似文献   

汪青雄  杨超  肖红 《四川动物》2013,(4):543-546
2012年5~7月,在陕西红碱淖对东方大苇莺的繁殖生态进行了研究。结果表明,东方大苇莺5月末迁来繁殖,营巢于芦苇丛中,巢口向上呈深杯状,由枯芦苇和芦苇絮编织而成。对17个巢的巢参数进行了测量:巢外径(11.85±0.216)cm,巢内径(5.87±0.101)cm,巢深(6.49±0.166)cm。巢距地面高度(106.00±4.421)cm,约位于芦苇高度的2/5处。平均窝卵数(4.67±0.188)枚,卵重为(2.70±0.044)g,卵长径为(21.93±0.13)mm,卵短径为(15.81±0.06)mm。孵化期为(15~18)d,孵化率为78.8%,巢雏成活率为95.2%。雏鸟的体重、体长的生长符合Logistic曲线方程拟合。芦苇的高度和密度是制约东方大苇莺巢址选择的主要因素,恶劣天气和大杜鹃巢寄生是影响繁殖成效的主要原因。  相似文献   

了解杜鹃对不同寄主的选择和利用,可为研究两者之间的协同进化提供重要基础资料。2012至2014年每年的3~6月,在广西弄岗地区共记录到3例八声杜鹃(Cacomantis merulinus)的寄生繁殖,其中,2例寄生于栗头缝叶莺(Orthotomus cuculatus)的巢(寄生率1.4%,n=142),其中2枚杜鹃卵均为白色具棕色斑点;1例寄生于黑喉缝叶莺(O.atrogularis)(寄生率10%,n=10),杜鹃卵为白色具棕色斑点。栗头缝叶莺为八声杜鹃寄主的首次报道,而两种缝叶莺均首次在中国记录到被八声杜鹃寄生。八声杜鹃的卵重为(1.45±0.09)g,卵体积为(1.46±0.07 cm3)(n=3),其卵大小和重量均显著大于栗头缝叶莺和黑喉缝叶莺的卵(t检验,P0.001)。  相似文献   

白头鹤孵卵后期的行为节律观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者于2003~2004年连续2年的4月末至5月初在黑龙江大沾河湿地自然保护区,对3对野生白头鹤(Grus monacha)的孵卵过程进行了定点观察,结果表明,白头鹤的卧巢行为(t=-4.92,P=0.00)和护巢行为(t=3.09,P=0.007)在雌、雄个体间存在极显著差异;不同孵卵阶段的卧巢行为(t=2.95,P<0.01)、护巢行为(t=4.29,P<0.01)和育雏行为(t=-6.79,P<0.01)表现出不同的节律性。天气状况是影响白头鹤孵卵期各行为的重要因素,晴天时的凉卵行为(t=1.55,P<0.01)和育雏行为(t=4.06,P>0.01)时间明显多于阴雨天。对雌、雄个体行为同时进行观察的结果表明,雌(雄)鹤卧巢行为的时间与雄(雌)鹤护巢行为的时间呈显著正相关(相关系数分别为R=0.94和R=0.86)。  相似文献   

马雯  刘迺发  丁未  王亮  包新康 《四川动物》2012,31(1):74-76,2
2010年5~7月在安西极旱荒漠国家级自然保护区发现3巢荒漠伯劳被大杜鹃寄生,寄生率10.34%.荒漠伯劳产白色和粉红色两种颜色的卵,大杜鹃产白色寄生卵于卵色为白色的宿主巢中.寄生卵均产于6月,当月寄生率达42.86%.大杜鹃雏鸟19日龄离巢,离巢时体重66.24 g.  相似文献   

为提高笼养绿尾虹雉(Lophophorus lhuysi)的繁殖能力,2018和2019年在四川蜂桶寨进行了笼养绿尾虹雉的人工繁育研究。8只(3♂,5♀)成年绿尾虹雉分别饲养在4个笼舍中,其中,2个笼舍1雄1雌,1笼舍1雄2雌,1笼舍1雌鸟单养。两年笼养绿尾虹雉共产受精卵16枚,受精率44.44%,人工孵化出雏12只,孵化率75%。孵卵过程中日卵重损失量(Y1)与孵卵天数(X)之间的回归方程:Y1=0.375+0.001 X(F=2.995,P>0.05),日卵重损失量与孵卵天数相关性不显著。卵重(Y2)与孵卵天数(X)极显著相关,Y2=83.451-0.385X(R2=1,P<0.01)。总之,在现有条件下,建造适宜的绿尾虹雉笼养设施,改进人工孵化条件,是目前提高笼养绿尾虹雉繁殖性能的关键。  相似文献   

2016年3~6月,在广西西南部龙州县弄岗村(22°26′35.20′′~22°30′46.90′′N,106°57′46.35′′~107°03′32.99′′E),通过野外观察和自动温度记录仪相结合的方法对褐翅鸦鹃(Centropus sinensis)的孵卵行为与节律进行了研究。结果表明,1)褐翅鸦鹃边筑巢边产卵,每2 d产1枚卵,卵长径和短径分别为(36.11±0.42)mm和(28.46±0.38)mm,卵重(16.35±0.51)g(n=44枚)。窝卵数3~5枚,孵卵期为(16.75±1.65)d(n=4巢),孵化率为45.45%(n=44枚)。孵卵期与窝卵数之间无显著相关性(r=0.865,P0.05);2)白天双亲共同参与孵卵,夜晚则由其中1只负责。夜间亲鸟的在巢时间从19时左右持续至翌日晨6时左右;3)亲鸟采取离巢次数少和离巢时间长的孵卵策略。亲鸟日活动时间在700 min以上(n=45 d),日离巢次数为(8.82±0.34)次(n=45 d),平均每次离巢持续时间为(52.91±2.35)min(n=397次),每次离巢持续时间与环境温度呈显著负相关关系(r=﹣0.113,P0.05);4)巢内平均孵卵温度为(31.7±0.3)℃(n=4巢),随孵卵天数增加而增加,并与环境温度(最高温r=0.566,最低温r=0.537,平均温r=0.706,P0.01)和日活动时间正相关(r=0.506,P0.01);5)有延迟孵卵行为。延迟孵卵期间夜晚巢内最低温是22.1℃。在桂西南北热带气候环境中,高的环境温度是保障褐翅鸦鹃孵卵成功的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

2009年3—10月对新疆艾比湖大白鹭(Egretta alba alba)的巢、卵及雏鸟的生长发育模式进行了研究。结果表明,大白鹭的巢基厚度大于巢深(t=6.06,P0.01),巢外径远大于巢内径(t=21.53,P0.01),其目的是增加巢的稳定性和减少幼鸟跌出巢外的概率;窝卵数3~5枚(3.86±0.69),卵重44.00~60.00g(53.94±3.96),卵体积47.18~62.00cm3(55.19±4.09);双亲孵卵(26~28d),共同育雏(55~60d)。测量了4巢13雏26日龄以内的生长发育数据,并利用Gompertz方程对雏鸟的主要生长指标进行拟合,拟合结果将雏鸟生长发育划分为3个阶段:1)器官形成,生长速度准备加快的时期;2)物质积累,生长速度加快并逐渐过渡到中速时期;3)由物质积累逐渐过渡到物质消耗大于积累,生长速度较慢,雏鸟准备出飞。  相似文献   

Rates of brood parasitism vary extensively among host species and populations of a single host species. In this study, we documented and compared parasitism rates of two sympatric hosts, the Oriental Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus orientalis) and the Reed Parrotbill (Paradoxornis heudei), in three populations in China. We found that the Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is the only parasite using both the Oriental Reed Warbler and Reed Parrotbill as hosts, with a parasitism rate of 22.4%-34.3% and 0%-4.6%, respectively. The multiple parasitism rates were positively correlated with local parasitism rates across three geographic populations of Oriental Reed Warbler, which implies that higher pressure of parasitism lead to higher multiple parasitism rate. Furthermore, only one phenotype of cuckoo eggs was found in the nests of these two host species. Our results lead to two conclusions: (1) The Oriental Reed Warbler should be considered the major host of Common Cuckoo in our study sites; and (2) obligate parasitism on Oriental Reed Warbler by Common Cuckoo is specialized but flexible to some extent, i.e., using Reed Parrotbill as a secondary host. Further studies focusing on egg recognition and rejection behaviour of these two host species should be conducted to test our predictions.  相似文献   

Brood parasitism represents a unique mode of avian reproduction that requires a number of adaptations. For example, to reduce chances of puncture ejection of their eggs by small hosts, brood parasites may have been selected for laying eggs of unusually great structural strength. However, great structural strength of eggshells should hinder hatching. The goals of our study were to establish if chicks of the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus have more difficulty with hatching out of their strong eggs than chicks of species with eggs of similar size, and whether they possess any mechanisms facilitating hatching. To achieve these goals, we compared hatching pattern and selected body characteristics of chicks of the Common Cuckoo with those of another altricial species with eggs of a similar size, the Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus . Although the rate of pecking was similar in the two species, the Common Cuckoo chicks started pecking earlier in relation to their emergence and consequently required more time and a greater cumulative number of pecks for breaking open their eggs than did young Great Reed Warblers. The two species also differed with respect to the pattern of opening their shells; in contrast to the warbler chicks, which enlarged the original pip circularly, the cuckoo chicks opened the egg by systematically creating a long narrow slit until they emerged. Finally, our study of hatched young revealed several differences; the Cuckoo hatchlings were significantly heavier, had a longer forearm, and their egg tooth was located significantly farther from the tip of the beak. The edge used for cutting through the shell was also significantly longer than that of hatchling Great Reed Warblers. To conclude, our data suggest that hatching is more difficult for a Cuckoo than for a Great Reed Warbler and that Cuckoos possess several mechanisms to overcome the problems of hatching from a structurally strong egg.  相似文献   

Csaba Moskát  & Marcel Honza 《Ibis》2002,144(4):614-622
An unusually high frequency (64%) of European Cuckoo Cuculus canorus parasitism was found in Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus clutches in central Hungary. Sixty-four per cent of the parasitized clutches contained one Cuckoo egg, 23% contained two, 10% had three and 3% had four. This means that 58% of the Cuckoo eggs were found in multiply parasitized clutches. In multiple parasitism the laying second Cuckoo removed an egg from the clutch randomly, so preferred neither the host eggs, nor the concurrent Cuckoo egg. Host response towards the parasitic eggs showed 66% acceptance, 12% ejection, 20% desertion and 2% egg burial. We found great variation in both the host and the parasitic egg colour and pattern. This reduces the chance that the parasitic egg's appearance matched that of the hosts' but, in spite of this, almost perfect mimesis was found in 28% of the Cuckoo eggs. Poorly mimetic Cuckoo eggs were more frequently rejected by Great Reed Warblers than parasite eggs that were very similar to the host eggs. This high level of mimicry sometimes makes it difficult for the observer to identify the parasitic egg, especially when it is similar in size to the host eggs. It is also difficult for the host, as shown by the relatively high recognition error and ejection cost.  相似文献   

This study is based on continuous video recordings made at 53 Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus nests each day during the laying period. Egg-laying by the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus was recorded in 14 (26.4%) of these nests. By analysing the activity of the host birds around and at the nest, we found that this is probably not the only cue used by the Common Cuckoo when locating suitable nests to parasitize. Furthermore, in most cases there was no significant difference between the length of time the host birds spent at the nest in the morning and afternoon, thus providing little support for the hypothesis that the Common Cuckoo lays in the afternoon because it is less likely to be seen by the nest owners then. Parasitized Reed Warblers rejected the Common Cuckoo egg more frequently when they observed the parasite at their nests. However, contrary to what should be expected, most Common Cuckoos laid their eggs in the presence of the host(s), and in general their egg-laying behaviour (for example duration of stay at the nest) was less secretive than described earlier. When partially depredating host clutches, Cuckoos showed the same behavioural pattern at parasitized and unparasitized nests, indicating that the latter may act as a potential reserve for egg-laying.  相似文献   

We assessed whether nest size affects the probability of nest loss using dyads of large and small (large being twice the size of small) inactive Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus nests placed at similar sites in Great Reed Warbler territories. Large nests were not predated significantly more frequently than small nests. Experimentally enlarged active Great Reed Warbler nests suffered non‐significantly higher predation compared with non‐manipulated control nests. Our experiments did not support the nest‐size hypothesis and suggested that nest size does not appear to be a factor affecting the risk of nest predation in this species. The probability of brood parasitism by the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus was also unaffected by experimental nest enlargement, supporting the commonly accepted hypothesis that the Common Cuckoo searches for suitable host nests by host activity during nest building rather than nest size.  相似文献   

H. Higuchi  S. Sato 《Ibis》1984,126(3):398-404
We have studied in northern Japan the hitherto unidentified eggs of a species of cuckoo in the nests of the Bush Warbler Cettia diphone . The cuckoo in question appeared to be the Himalayan Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus which parasitizes mainly the Willow Warbler Phylloscopus occipitalis in southern Japan. The egg colour in this northern Cuckoo was chocolate-brown or orange-brown, similar to that of the Bush Warbler but unlike that of the southern Himalayan Cuckoo. Egg size was significantly larger than that of the southern Himalayan Cuckoo and instead similar to that of the Little Cuckoo C. poliocephalus which uses the same host species in southern Japan, to which the Little Cuckoo is confined. The shift in host species and egg colour in the northern Himalayan Cuckoo seems to be a case of character release in the absence of the Little Cuckoo.  相似文献   

Capsule Brood parasitic Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus chicks hatch earlier than the nestlings of their Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus hosts, but hatching priority is less consistent when Cuckoo eggs are laid after the onset of host incubation.

Aim To reveal by field observations what the optimal stage is for Cuckoos to lay their eggs in relation to the host laying cycle to ensure prior hatching of the parasitic chicks.

Methods We monitored the hatching of Cuckoo chicks in relation to the hosts’ laying stage at which the Cuckoo eggs appeared and also monitored host incubation behaviour.

Results Great Reed Warblers incubated more on day 5 after the host's onset of laying relative to day 3. All Cuckoo eggs hatched earlier than hosts when they were laid prior to the onset of host incubation (day 4). Cuckoo eggs also maintained hatching priority in about 2/3 of the nests when laid on days 5–6.

Conclusions Most Cuckoo eggs are laid prior to the onset of host incubation and this, together with other adaptive mechanisms, ensures the prior hatching of Cuckoo eggs. Cuckoo eggs laid after the onset of incubation lose the advantage of prior hatching in approximately 30% of nests.  相似文献   

Capsule Reed Warblers in a regularly parasitized population do not recognize Cuckoo Cuculus canorus as a special enemy and do not change their behaviour at nest immediately after being parasitized.

Aims To assess if an intruder near the nest influences the behaviour of the Cuckoo host.

Methods Host responses to Cuckoo, control Pigeon dummies and human intruder were observed. Host behaviour at 71 nests was video-recorded for 30 minutes at four experimental groups of nests: Cuckoo dummy, Cuckoo dummy + Cuckoo egg, Pigeon dummy, human intruder.

Results Reed Warblers did not respond differently to the Cuckoo and the control species. The experimental procedure had no significant effect on the behaviour of hosts during the study period. We were unable to find any differences in the time spent at the nest, clutch inspection behaviour and nest defence behaviour between morning and afternoon experimental groups. Our results do not support the hypothesis that afternoon laying by the Cuckoo is maintained by a selection pressure from the host. We observed no ejection or egg-pecking during the 30-min period after the experimental parasitism.

Conclusions Low aggression and non-specificity of host responses in our study area are in line with the fact that the Reed Warbler is an intermediate rejecter of Cuckoo eggs as expected from the spatial habitat structure hypothesis.  相似文献   

Summary The Reed Warbler,Acrocephalus scirpaceus, in the Lednice area, Southern Moravia in the Czech Republic, was parasitized by the Cuckoo,Cuculus canorus, at a rate of at least 18.0 %. The Cuckoo eggs showed poor mimesis with the Reed Warbler eggs, but showed a greater resemblance to the eggs of other species breeding in the area, including the Great Reed Warbler,A. arundinaceus. This latter species was also parasitized, but we did not find enough nests to obtain a reliable estimate for the rate of parasitism. The parasitized Reed Warblers rejected the Cuckoo eggs at a high rate (42.1 %) and therefore both the hatching success and the breeding success of the Cuckoo was considerably lower than shown by comparable results from Britain. On the background of these results (poor mimesis of the Cuckoo eggs and a high rejection rate by the hosts) the question of the degree of specialization versus generalism in the Cuckoo's host preference is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Teichrohrsänger im Gebiet von Lednice (Südmähren, Tschechei) waren mindestens zu 18 % vom Kuckuck parasitiert. Die Kuckuckseier glichen jenen der Teichrohrsänger nur wenig, waren jedoch den Eiern anderer im Gebiet brütender Arten einschließlich des Drosselrohrsängers ähnlicher. Drosselrohrsänger waren auch parasitiert; wir fanden jedoch nicht genug Nester, um eine Parasitierungsrate ermitteln zu können. 42,1 % der Kuckuckseier wurden vom Teichrohrsänger nicht angenommen; daher waren Schlüpf- und Ausfliegerate des Kuckucks merklich geringer als in vergleichbaren Ergebnissen aus Großbritannien. Vor dem Hintergrund unserer Ergebnisse — geringe Angleichung der Kuckuckseier und hohe Ablehnungsrate durch die Wirtsart — wird die Frage von Spezialisierung und Generalismus in der Wirtswahl des Kuckucks diskutiert.

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