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The internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and trnL-F region of the chloroplast DNA were sequenced for all ten species of Chloranthus and the outgroup Sarcandra (Chloranthaceae). Parsimony analyses of separate and combined data sets strongly suggest that Chloranthus is monophyletic and can be divided into two major clades: one containing C. erectus, C. spicatus, C. serratus, C. henryi, C. sessilifolius, and C. oldhamii (Clade A), and the other comprising C. angustifolius, C. fortunei, C. nervosus, and C. japonicus (Clade B). Taxonomically, these two clades correspond to Bentham and Hooker's sections Euchloranthus and Tricercandra. Within Clade A, two subclades, corresponding to Solms-Laubach's sections Triandri and Brachyuri, can be recognized. Solms-Laubach's subgenera Fruticosi and Herbacei, however, were resolved as paraphyletic, and thus the traditional division of Chloranthus on the basis of growth habit was not supported. Evidence from ITS and trnL-F sequences, in agreement with morphology, anatomy, and cytology, strongly suggest that Chloranthus consists of two groups that morphologically may be distinguished by their androecial characters. The present study also supports the hypothesis that the tripartite androecium of Chloranthus may have arisen by splitting of a single stamen with two marginal thecae.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic studies were conducted for Carpinus and the subfamily Coryloideae (Betulaceae) using sequences of the chloroplast matK gene, the trnL-trnF region (trnL intron, and trnL [UAA] 3' exon-trnF [GAA] intergenic spacer) and the psbA-trnH intergenic spacer, and the nuclear ribosomal ITS regions. The combined analyses of the three chloroplast regions suggest that Coryloideae is monophyletic; Ostryopsis is sister to the Carpinus - Ostrya clade; Corylus is monophyletic and sister to the Ostrya - Carpinus - Ostryopsis clade; Ostrya is paraphyletic; and within Carpinus, species of sect. Carpinus from eastern Asia form a monophyletic group, whereas the positions of C. betulus from Europe and C. caroliniana from eastern North America are unresolved within the Carpinus clade. The cpDNA tree generated in this study is largely congruent with the previously published ITS results, but the ITS tree places Carpinus sect. Distegocarpus as sister to the Ostrya - Carpinus sect. Carpinus clade. Future work is needed to examine the relationships within the Ostrya - Carpinus clade, evaluate the generic status of Ostrya, and test the phylogenetic position of Ostryopsis.  相似文献   

The genus Hesperodiaptomus Light, 1938, one of the most diverse groups of freshwater copepods that occur in North and Central America, plays a major role in the food webs of the alpine freshwater communities. Phylogenetic relationships of these taxa remain poorly understood due to difficulties in obtaining reliable morphological characters for phylogenetic analyses. To understand the phylogenetic relationships within this group, we reconstructed a partial phylogeny of the genus Hesperodiaptomus based on nuclear ribosomal gene sequences. Phylogenetic analyses based upon the taxa examined supported the monophyly the genus and revealed two clades. The eiseni clade comprised species that are morphologically similar to Hesperodiaptomus eiseni (Lilljeborg, 1889), and the shoshone clade included species morphologically similar to Hesperodiaptomus shoshone (S.A. Forbes, 1882). The two groups can be distinguished by a modification of the right basis, the arrangement of spinules on the distal pad of the second exopod, and the degree of presence the inner lamellar expansion of the right coxa. Handling editor: P. Spaak  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of the genus Omphalotus was inferred from DNA sequences of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA region. We analyzed 32 collections from different geographical areas: O. olearius (Europe), O. illudens (Europe, North America), O. subilludens (North America), O. olivascens var. olivascens (North America) and var. indigo (Mexico), O. mexicanus (Middle America), O. nidiformis (Australia), and O. japonicus (Japan). Phylogenetic analysis was performed declaring Nothopanus eugrammus as outgroup. Our analyses show that the genus Omphalotus is split into two major clades, the first consisting of O. illudens and O. mexicanus and the second comprising O. olearius, O. olivascens, O. japonicus, O. nidiformis and O. subilludens. Moreover, the often discussed synonymy of O. illudens and O. olearius is rejected. Omphalotus japonicus, a species formerly placed in the genus Lampteromyces Sing. for morphological reasons, clustered as the sister group of O. olearius.  相似文献   

Chinese Araliaceae consist of 20 genera and ca. 175 species. To assess the evolutionary relationships of Araliaceae and their biogeographic diversification in China, the phylogeny of Chinese Araliaceae was constructed by sampling 96 accessions representing 20 genera and 50 species of Chinese Araliaceae and 45 closely related taxa using sequences of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and six plastid regions (the ndhF gene, the trnL-trnF region, the rps16intron, the atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer, the rpl16 intron, and the psbA-trnH intergenic spacer). Phylogenetic analyses of the combined plastid and ITS data supported the results of the previously studies that the Chinese members of Araliaceae were scattered within the Asian Palmate group and the Aralia-Panax group withOsmoxylon at the base of core Araliaceae. The generic status of Pentapanax and Tupidanthus is not supported. Our analysis clearly places them in Aralia and AsianSchefflera, respectively. In a broader phylogenetic framework of Araliaceae, based on the fossil-calibrated Bayesian dating, Chinese Araliaceae was inferred to have originated in Asia and underwent a rapid radiation in its evolutionary history. Its diversification is hypothesized to have been driven largely by the orogenies in Asia during the Cenozoic. In China, the distribution pattern of the phylogenetic diversity of Araliaceae corresponds with its taxonomic diversity across the entire region.  相似文献   

The tubificid clitellates are a common component in the freshwater bottom fauna and are also the most abundant oligochaete group in marine habitats. There are over 800 described species classified in six subfamilies; Tubificinae, Limnodriloidinae, Rhyacodrilinae, Telmatodrilinae, Phallodrilinae, and Naidinae. In this study we examine the phylogenetic relationships in Tubificidae using a combination of mitochondrial 16S rDNA and nuclear 18S rDNA sequence data. Sequences were obtained from five outgroup and 56 ingroup taxa, including five of the six subfamilies of Tubificidae. The data were analysed by maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. The resulting tree topologies are virtually without conflict. Several associations traditionally recognized within the family Tubificidae are supported, in the Bayesian analysis including a sister group relationship between Tubificinae and Limnodriloidinae. The results also indicate that Rhyacodrilinae is polyphyletic--some of its members (Heterodrilus spp.) fall into a clade with Phallodrilinae, all other groups with Naidinae. Naidinae is also polyphyletic with two rhyacodriline genera, Monopylephorus and Ainudrilus, nested within. Most of the tubificid genera included in the study are supported as monophyletic; however, Tubifex and Limnodriloides are refuted, and Tubificoides is unresolved from other tubificine taxa.  相似文献   

Passerida is a monophyletic group of oscine passerines that includes almost 3500 species (about 36%) of all bird species in the world. The current understanding of higher-level relationships within Passerida is based on DNA-DNA hybridizations [C.G. Sibley, J.E. Ahlquist, Phylogeny and Classification of Birds, 1990, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT]. Our results are based on analyses of 3130 aligned nucleotide sequence data obtained from 48 ingroup and 13 outgroup genera. Three nuclear genes were sequenced: c-myc (498-510 bp), RAG-1 (930 bp), and myoglobin (693-722 bp), as well one mitochondrial gene; cytochrome b (879 bp). The data were analysed by parsimony, maximum-likelihood, and Bayesian inference. The African rockfowl and rockjumper are found to constitute the deepest branch within Passerida, but relationships among the other taxa are poorly resolved--only four major clades receive statistical support. One clade corresponds to Passeroidea of [C.G. Sibley, B.L. Monroe, Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World, 1990, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT] and includes, e.g., flowerpeckers, sunbirds, accentors, weavers, estrilds, wagtails, finches, and sparrows. Starlings, mockingbirds, thrushes, Old World flycatchers, and dippers also group together in a clade corresponding to Muscicapoidea of Sibley and Monroe [op. cit.]. Monophyly of their Sylvioidea could not be corroborated--these taxa falls either into a clade with wrens, gnatcatchers, and nuthatches, or one with, e.g., warblers, bulbuls, babblers, and white-eyes. The tits, penduline tits, and waxwings belong to Passerida but have no close relatives among the taxa studied herein.  相似文献   

Trogidae constitute a monophyletic and biologically unique family within Scarabaeoidea, being the only keratinophagous group in the superfamily. Traditionally, the family has been divided into three distinctive genera, Polynoncus Burmeister, Omorgus Erichson and Trox Fabricius. Although the taxonomy of the group is relatively well studied, changes to the existing classification have recently been proposed and the family as currently constituted has not been subjected to phylogenetic analyses. Here we present a molecular phylogeny for this cosmopolitan family based on three partially sequenced gene regions: 16S rRNA, 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA (domain 2). Included in the analyses are representatives belonging to four of the five extant genera (and three of the four subgenera) from all major zoogeographic regions, representing about 20% of the known trogid species diversity in the family. Phylogenetic analyses performed included parsimony and Bayesian inference. We deduce their historical biogeography by using trogid fossils as calibration points for divergence estimates. Our analyses resolved relationships between and within genera and subgenera that are largely congruent with existing phylogeny hypotheses based on morphological data. We recovered four well‐supported radiations: Polynoncus, Omorgus, Holarctic Trox and African Phoberus MacLeay. On the basis of this study, it is proposed that taxonomic changes to the generic classification of the family be made. The subgenera Trox and Phoberus should be elevated to genera to include the Holarctic and all the Afrotropical species, respectively, and Afromorgus returned to subgeneric rank. Estimates of divergence time are consistent with a Pangaean origin of the family in the Early Jurassic. The subsequent diversification of the major lineages is largely attributed to the break‐up of Pangaea and Gondwana in the Middle Jurassic and early Late Cretaceous, respectively.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of calcareous dinoflagellates (i.e., Calciodinellaceae and Thoracosphaera) are investigated. Molecular data from the ribosomal 5.8S rRNA and highly conserved motifs of the ITS1 show Calciodinellaceae s.l. to be monophyletic when few non-calcareous taxa are included. They segregate into three monophyletic assemblages in a molecular analysis that considers the 5.8S rRNA and both the Internal Transcribed Spacer regions ITS1 and ITS2: a clade comprising species of Ensiculifera and Pentapharsodinium (E/P-clade), Scrippsiella s.l. (including fossil-based taxa such as Calciodinellum and Calcigonellum), and a heterogeneous group (T/P-clade) of calcareous (e.g., Thoracosphaera) and non-calcareous taxa (e.g., the highly toxic Pfiesteria). The potential to produce calcareous structures is considered as apomorphic within alveolates, and non-calcareous taxa nesting with calcareous dinoflagellates may have reduced calcification secondarily. Molecular results do not contradict general evolutionary scenarios provided by previous morphological (mainly paleontological) investigations.  相似文献   

Mysticetes or baleen whales are comprised of four groups: Eschrichtiidae, Neobalaenidae, Balaenidae, and Balaenopteridae. Various phylogenetic hypotheses among these four groups have been proposed. Previous studies have not satisfactorily determined relationships among the four groups with a high degree of confidence. The objective of this study is to determine the relationships among the mysticete whales. Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA were sequenced for phylogenetic analysis. Most species relationships determined using these data were well resolved and congruent. Balaenidae is the most basal group and Neobalaenidae is the second most basal and sister group to the balaenopterid-eschrichtiid clade. In this phylogenetic study, the resolution of Eschrichtiidae with two main lineages of Balaenopteridae was problematic. Some data partitions placed this group within the balaenopterids, and other partitions placed it as a sister taxon to the balaenopterids. An additive likelihood approach was used to determine the most optimal trees. Although it was not found in the combined phylogenetic analyses, the "best" tree found under the additive likelihood approach was one with a monophyletic Balaenopteridae.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of Saururaceae based on mitochondrial matR gene sequence data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA sequences of matR gene from three species of Saururaceae and the selected outgroups, Chloranthus holostegius and Zippelia begoniaefolia, are reported. All DNA sequences of six species in four genera of Saururaceae and the two outgroups are analyzed on PAUP 4.0 8b to reconstruct the phylogeny. A single matR gene tree is generated from parsimony, distance, and likelihood analyses, respectively. The three trees with the same topology are slightly different in bootstrapping support for some clades. The result indicates that Saururaceae is monophyletic. Anemopsis is sister to Houttuynia, and the two genera form the first diverging lineage of the family. The sister group relationship between Saururus and Gymnotheca is also supported by a relatively high bootstrap value. The result is different from all the former phylogenetic opinions on Saururaceae based on morphology, but it is supported by the evolution of flower-bract stalk in Saururaceae. In addition, some characteristics of the matR gene are analyzed. The MatR gene is a relatively better tool to reconstruct the molecular clock because the base substitution bias greatly decreases in the gene.  相似文献   

Capparaceae and Brassicaceae have long been known to be closely related families, with the monophyly of Capparaceae more recently questioned. To elucidate the relationship between Brassicaceae and Capparaceae as well as to address infrafamilial relationships within Capparaceae, we analyzed sequence variation for a large sampling, especially of Capparaceae, of these two families using two chloroplast regions, trnL-trnF and ndhF. Results of parsimony and likelihood analyses strongly support the monophyly of Brassicaceae plus Capparaceae, excluding Forchhammeria, which is clearly placed outside the Brassicaceae and Capparaceae clade and suggest the recognition of three primary clades-Capparaceae subfamily (subf.) Capparoideae, subf. Cleomoideae, and Brassicaceae. Capparaceae monophyly is strongly contradicted with Cleomoideae appearing as sister to Brassicaceae. Two traditionally recognized subfamilies of Capparaceae, Dipterygioideae and Podandrogynoideae, are embedded within Cleomoideae. Whereas habit and some fruit characteristics demarcate the three major clades, floral symmetry, stamen number, leaf type, and fruit type all show homoplasy. Clades within Capparoideae show a biogeographical pattern based on this sampling. These results are consistent with several alternative classification schemes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The genus Bupleurum has long been recognized as a natural group, but its infrageneric classification is controversial and has not yet been studied in the light of sequence data. METHODS: Phylogenetic relationships among 32 species (35 taxa) of the genus Bupleurum were investigated by comparative sequencing of the ITS region of the 18-26S nuclear ribosomal DNA repeat. Exemplar taxa from all currently accepted sections and subsections of the genus were included, along with outgroups from four other early branching Apioideae genera (Anginon, Heteromorpha, Physospermum and Pleurospermum). RESULTS: Phylogenies generated by maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighbour-joining methods show similar topologies, demonstrating monophyly of Bupleurum and the division of the genus into two major clades. This division is also supported by analysis of the 5.8S coding sequence alone. The first branching clade is formed by all the species of the genus with pinnate-reticulate veined leaves and B. rigidum with a unique type of leaf venation. The other major clade includes the remaining species studied, all of which have more or less parallel-veined leaves. CONCLUSIONS: These phylogenetic results do not agree with any previous classifications of the genus. Molecular data also suggest that the endemic Macaronesian species B. salicifolium is a neoendemic, as the sequence divergence between the populations in Madeira and Canary Islands, and closer mainland relatives in north-west Africa is small. All endemic north-west African taxa are included in a single unresolved but well-supported clade, and the low nucleotide variation of ITS suggests a recent radiation within this group. The only southern hemisphere species, B. mundii (southern Africa), is shown to be a neoendemic, apparently closely related to B. falcatum, a Eurasian species.  相似文献   

Peterson KR  Pfister DH 《Mycologia》2010,102(6):1398-1416
Cyttaria species (Leotiomycetes, Cyttariales) are obligate, biotrophic associates of Nothofagus (Hamamelididae, Nothofagaceae), the southern beech. As such Cyttaria species are restricted to the southern hemisphere, inhabiting southern South America (Argentina and Chile) and southeastern Australasia (southeastern Australia including Tasmania, and New Zealand). The relationship of Cyttaria to other Leotiomycetes and the relationships among species of Cyttaria were investigated with newly generated sequences of partial nucSSU, nucLSU and mitSSU rRNA, as well as TEF1 sequence data and morphological data. Results found Cyttaria to be defined as a strongly supported clade. There is evidence for a close relationship between Cyttaria and these members of the Helotiales: Cordierites, certain Encoelia spp., Ionomidotis and to a lesser extent Chlorociboria. Order Cyttariales is supported by molecular data, as well as by the unique endostromatic apothecia, lack of chitin and highly specific habit of Cyttaria species. Twelve Cyttaria species are hypothesized, including all 11 currently accepted species plus an undescribed species that accommodates specimens known in New Zealand by the misapplied name C. gunnii, as revealed by molecular data. Thus the name C. gunnii sensu stricto is reserved for specimens occurring on N. cunninghamii in Australia, including Tasmania. Morphological data now support the continued recognition of C. septentrionalis as a species separate from C. gunnii. Three major clades are identified within Cyttaria: one in South America hosted by subgenus Nothofagus, another in South America hosted by subgenera Nothofagus and Lophozonia, and a third in South America and Australasia hosted by subgenus Lophozonia, thus producing a non-monophyletic grade of South American species and a monophyletic clade of Australasian species, including monophyletic Australian and New Zealand clades. Cyttaria species do not sort into clades according to their associations with subgenera Lophozonia and Nothofagus.  相似文献   

Sequence data from the nuclear encoded ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region were used to determine monophyly of tribes, tribal limits, and tribal relationships of 96 so far unassigned or tentatively assigned genera (represented by 101 taxa/accessions) within the Brassicaceae. Maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses of 185 ITS Brassicaceae sequences, which also included representatives of each of the 34 currently recognized tribes, supported the separate phylogenetic distinctness of these tribes and permitted the tribal assignment of all but 12 of the unassigned genera into tribal clades. The data support the recognition of eight new, well-resolved, uni- or oligogeneric tribes recognized herein as the Alyssopsideae [96% bootstrap support (BS); including the central and southwestern Asian Alyssopsis and Calymmatium], Asteae (100% BS; including the Mexican Asta), Eudemeae (97% BS; South American Brayopsis, Eudema, and Xerodraba), Kernereae (96% BS; European Kernera and Rhizobotrya), Notothlaspideae (100% BS; New Zealandic Notothlaspi), Oreophytoneae (100% BS; eastern African Oreophyton and southern European Murbeckiella), and Yinshanieae (100% BS; Chinese Yinshania), as well as the moderately supported Microlepidieae (75% BS; Australian Microlepidium and Carinavalva). Furthermore, the results fully support the recent findings that the tribes Schizopetaleae and Thelypodieae ought to be recognized as two distinct tribes instead of a single tribe, as well as provide some support for the re-establishment of the tribe Cremolobeae, bringing the total number to 44 tribes in the family. Nearly 92% (308) of the 336 genera in the family have been assigned to a tribe. The earlier-published Anastaticeae is taken here to replace the Malcolmieae.  相似文献   

The cosmopolitan and ecologically diverse genus Veronica with approximately 450 species is the largest genus of the newly circumscribed Plantaginaceae. Previous analyses of Veronica DNA sequences were in stark contrast to traditional systematics. However, analyses did not allow many inferences regarding the relationship between major groups identified, hindering further analysis of diversification and evolutionary trends in the genus. To resolve the backbone relationships of Veronica, we added sequences from additional plastid DNA regions to existing data and analyzed matching data sets for 78 taxa and more than 5000 aligned characters from nuclear ribosomal DNA and plastid DNA regions. The results provide the best resolved and supported estimate of relationships among major groups in the Northern (Veronica s. str.) and Southern Hemisphere (hebes). We present new informal names for the five main species groups within the Southern Hemisphere sect. Hebe. Furthermore, in two instances we provide morphological and karyological characters supporting these relationships. Finally, we present the first evidence from nuclear low-copy CYCLOIDEA2-region to compare results from the plastid genome with the nuclear genome.  相似文献   

Fish parasites of the Multivalvulida (Myxozoa, Myxosporea) are widespread and can be associated with mortality or poor flesh quality in their commercially important marine hosts. Traditional classifications divide members of this order into families based on spore valve and polar capsule numbers. Analyses of the small-subunit (SSU) ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequences from all representative families in the order (Trilosporidae, Kudoidae, Pentacapsulidae, Hexacapsulidae, and Septemcapsulidae) indicate that a revision of the taxonomy and nomenclature is warranted. In our phylogenetic analysis of (SSU and large subunit) rDNA sequences, members of Pentacapsula, Hexacapsula, and Septemcapsula root within a clade of Kudoa species with Unicapsula (Trilosporidae) as an outlier to these genera. Therefore, we propose to synonymize Pentacapsulidae, Hexacapsulidae, and Septemcapsulidae with Kudoidae alter the diagnosis of Kudoidae and Kudoa to accommodate all marine myxozoan parasites having 4 or more shell valves and polar capsules.  相似文献   

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