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SYNOPSIS. Monolayer primary cultures of cells from bovine embryonic intestine (BEInt), kidney (BEK), spleen (BES), and thyroid (BETy) and cell line cultures of embryonic bovine trachea (EBTr) and synovium (BESy) as well as established cell line cultures of bovine kidney (Madin-Darby, MDBK), human intestine (Int 407) and Syrian hamster kidney (BHK) were inoculated with freshly excysted sporozoites of Eimeria alabamensis and observed for 4–5 days. Sporozoites penetrated all cell types; during the 1st 24 hr, intracellular sporozoites, trophozoites and binucleate schizonts were seen in all cell cultures. Mature schizonts were more numerous in BES and MDBK cells than in the others. Large schizonts, 14.2 (11–18.5) by 10.2 μ (8.5–11), with 6–14 short, stubby merozoites (each with 2 refractile bodies) occurred at 2 and 3 days in all cells except BESy, Int 407, and BHK. Small schizonts, 9.7 (5.5–13) by 6 μ (5–8.5), with 6–10 long, slender merozoites (each with 2 refractile bodies) were found 3 days after inoculation in all cell types. At 4 days, some intracytoplasmic merozoites and a few intranuclear 2nd generation trophozoites were found. After 4 days post-inoculation, intracellular parasites were rarely seen and these were apparently degenerate. Development within the host cell nucleus, the normal site of development in the host animal, was observed infrequently in cell cultures. Intranuclear sporozoites, found no earlier than 2 days after inoculation, developed similarly to those in the cytoplasm, and small intranuclear schizonts with 6–10 merozoites (each with 2 refractile bodies) occurred after 3 days in culture.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Monolayer cell line cultures of ovine trachea, thyroid, thymus, and kidney cells, as well as an established cell line (Madin-Darby) of bovine kidney cells, were inoculated with sporozoites of Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae and observed for a maximum of 24 days. Sporozoites were seen penetrating cells within 5 minutes after inoculation, as well as 2 and 3 days after inoculation, and leaving cells 3 days after inoculation. Transformation from sporozoites to trophozoites occurred by a widening or by a lateral outpocketing of the sporozoite body. Trophozoites and schizonts were first seen 3 days after inoculation in all ovine cell types. Large numbers of immature schizonts were observed, but only an estimated 0.4–4.3% of these became mature in the different kinds of cells. Usually, mature schizonts were first seen 10–11 days after inoculation in the ovine cells, but they sometimes occurred as early as 8 days. More mature schizonts were seen in the ovine kidney and trachea cells than in the others; the smallest number occurred in the bovine cells. The nucleoli of cells harboring large schizonts in each type of culture were enlarged and the chromatin clumps normally seen in the nuclei of non-infected cells were not visible. The cytoplasm of some infected cells was vacuolated. The formation of merozoites occurred by a budding process from blastophores, from the surface of schizonts, and/or from infoldings and invaginations of this surface. Merozoites were observed leaving host cells, but were not seen penetrating new cells. Intracellular first-generation merozoites were observed 13 and 15 days after inoculation in lamb trachea and kidney cells, respectively. No evidence of further development of such merozoites was found.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cell lines or established cell lines of bovine, ovine or human origin and primary cells from whole embryos of groundsquirrels were used in a study of the in vitro development of Eimeria callospermophili and E. bilamellata from the Uinta ground squirrel, Spermophilus armatus. Monolayers in Leighton tube cultures were inoculated with sporozoites of either of these 2 species and examined with phase-contrast microscopy at various intervals. After such examination, coverslips were fixed in Schaudinn's or Zenker's fluid and variously stained. E. callospermophi sporozoites penetrated cells and underwent development to mature 1st generation schizonts in most cell types. At different times after inoculation, both species formed sporozoite-shaped schizonts, which later became spheroidal. Intracellular movements of sporo zoite-shaped schizonts of E. callospermophili were observed and such schizonts penetrated cells when freed by mechanical disintegration of the host cells. Merozoites were formed at the periphery of the schizont in both species. Mature 1st generation schizonts of E. callospermophili, with 6–14 merozoites, were first seen 15 hr after inoculation; the corresponding values for E. bilamellata were 12–27 merozoites and 4 days. Merozoites of both had anterior and posterior refractile bodies. Exposure to a trypsin-bile solution stimulated motility in merozoites of E. callospermophili. Second generation trophozoites and immature schizonts of E. callospermophili were seen in cultures of primary cells of whole ground-squirrel embryos 20–24 hr and 44–48 hr, respectively, after inoculation of sporozoites.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Monolayer cell cultures of embryonic turkey intestine (primary) and bovine kidney (cell line, 20th passage), maintained at 40.6 and 43 C for alternating intervals of approximately 12 hours in Basal Medium Eagle and fetal calf serum at pH 7.0–7.4, were observed for 144 hours after inoculation of Eimeria meleagrimitis sporozoites.
In turkey intestine cultures, which consisted of fibroblast-like cells and patches of epitheliul-like cells, there were decreases of 80 and 81% in the numbers of parasites between 5 and 48 hrs; in bovine cultures, 21–41% decreases. Decreases in the turkey cultures, however, were due to the nonsurvival of sporozoites in fibroblast-like cells; in epitheliul-like cells there was a 42% dcrease between 5 and 48 hrs and only 27% between 48 and 144 hours.
Trophozoites were present in bovine cells at 5 hrs. Small, mature schizonts containing only 12-28 merozoites were present in the bovine cultures and in the epitheliul-like cells within turkey intestine cultures from 48-144 hrs. Larger schizonts (50-115 by 20-70 μ) were present in bovine but not in turkey cultures from 72–144 hrs. Many of these schizonts contained far more merozoites than schizonts of any of the 3 generations described from the host.
In bovine cultures, there was an abundance of liberated merozoites at 50, 52, 74, and 76 hrs; many had reinvaded cells, sometimes as many as 50–60 per cell. In turkey cultures, liberated merozoites were found once at 144 hrs and none were intracellular. At 120 and 144 hrs in bovine cultures, abnormally developed and degenerate forms appeared; in turkey cultures, all were normal.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Monolayer established cell line cultures of bovine kidney (Madin-Darby) and human intestine (Intestine 407), as well as embryonic bovine tracheal and embryonic spleen cell line cultures were inoculated with E. auburnensis sporozoites and observed for a maximum of 22 days. Mature 1st generation schizonts developed in the kidney, tracheal and spleen cells. In the intestine cells, trophozoites were seen in 3 of 4 experiments, but schizonts were not found. Sporozoites penetrated cells, beginning within a few minutes after inoculation. Penetration was usually accomplished within 10 seconds, and the body of the sporozoite underwent a slight constriction as it passed thru the host cell membrane. Some sporozoites left cells. Numerous intracellular sporozoites were observed in kidney, tracheal and spleen cultures. Crescent bodies were seen in the parasitophorous vacuole as early as 1 day after inoculation. At this time, the nuclei of most intracellular sporozoites had changed from vesicular to compact. Beginning 4 days after inoculation, enlarged sporozoites and parasites having a sporozoite shape, but with 2-5 nuclei, were frequently seen. These enlarged sporozoites and sporozoite-shaped schizonts evidently transformed into trophozoites and spheroidal schizonts by means of lateral outpocketings. Few trophozoites were seen. More immature schizonts developed in kidney cells than in the other cell types. The numbers of mature schizonts observed in kidney and tracheal cells were similar, but development occurred less consistently in the latter. Few immature and mature schizonts developed in spleen cells. Mature schizonts, first seen 9 days after inoculation, were considerably smaller than those reported from calves. Some motile merozoites were seen; evidently no development beyond these occurred. The nucleus and nucleolus of host cells were enlarged; this enlargement was not as pronounced as in infections in calves. Multiple host cell nuclei were frequently observed. Degenerative changes in the cultured cells and in the parasites usually occurred, beginning 9-17 days after inoculation; these were more pronounced in the spleen cells than in the others.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Sporozoites and 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-generation merozoites of Eimeria meleagrimitis were inoculated into primary cultures of turkey kidney cells. In vitro-excysted sporozoites developed into mature macrogamonts in 8 days; in vivo-excysted sporozoites developed into 2nd- or 3rd-generation schizonts within 5 to 7 days. First-generation merozoites obtained from infected turkeys produced mature 2nd-generation schizonts within 24 h. Second-generation merozoites from turkeys produced mature macrogamonts and oocysts within 72 h, whereas 3rd-generation merozoites produced these stages within 48 h. The oocysts that developed from 3rd-generation merozoites sporulated at 25 C and were infective for turkeys. The timing of the early stages and the intervals between schizogonic generations in cultures were comparable with those in turkeys. Morphologic parameters, however, indicated that some differences existed between in vitro and in vivo development. Second- and 3rd-generation schizonts and gamonts that developed after inoculation of cultures with merozoites were similar to stages in turkeys. Oocysts, however, were significantly smaller (P < 0.05) in cultures. All stages that developed after inoculation of cultures with sporozoites were smaller (P < 0.05) than their in vivo counter parts.  相似文献   

Sporocysts of Hepatozoon griseisciuri obtained from laboratory-reared spiny rat mites (Echinolaelaps echidninus) and laboratory-reared squirrel mites (Haemogamasus reidi) were made bacteria-free and incubated in trypsin-bile for 30 min at 37 C to release sporozoites. Hepatozoon griseisciuri sporozoites were inoculated into monolayer cultures of primary adult squirrel kidney (PSK) cells and cell line cultures of neonatal squirrel kidney (SK), heart (SH), and spleen (SS) cells. Extracellular sporozoites underwent flexing, gliding, and pivoting movements similar to other coccidian sporozoites. Sporozoites entered cells in all the cultures used and were found intracellularly as early as 1 hr and as late as 10 days after inoculation. In SK, SH, and SS cells, development proceeded only to the trophozoite stage. In PSK cells, immature schizonts and mature schizonts containing 12–40 merozoites were present from 5 through 10 days after inoculation. The finding of pairs of intracellular organisms within a single parasitophorous vacuole in PSK cells suggested that endodyogeny or limited schizogony had occurred.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Monolayer primary and secondary cultures of embryonic bovine kidney, spleen, intestinal and testicle cells, and secondary cultures of embryonic bovine thymus, maintained in lactalbumin hydrolysate, Earle's balanced salt solution and ovine serum were observed for a maximum of 21 days after inoculation of E. bovis sporozoites. The sporozoites entered the cells in all of these cultures but underwent development only in primary cultures of kidney and intestinal cells and in secondary cultures of kidney, spleen, thymus, intestinal, and testicle cells. In acellular media, the sporozoites retained motility no longer than 21 hr. In the cell cultures, free motile sporozoites were seen for as long as 18 days after inoculation. Sporozoites entered cells anterior end first; the process of penetration required a few seconds to about a minute. Sporozoites were also observed leaving host cells. Intracellular sporozoites were first seen 3 min after inoculation; they were observed at various intervals up to 18 days after inoculation. In transformation of sporozoites into trophozoites a marked change in size and appearance of the nucleus took place before the change in shape of the body occurred. Trophozoites were first found 7 days after inoculation, multinucleate schizonts after 8 days, and schizonts with merozoites after 14 days. Schizonts containing merozoites were seen only in kidney, spleen, and thymus cells. The mature schizonts were smaller and represented a much lower proportion of the total number than in comparable stages of infections in calves. Schizonts with many nuclei occurred in intestinal cells; the most advanced stage seen in testicle cells was the binucleate schizont. Nuclear and cytoplasmic changes were observed in the infected cells.  相似文献   

Sporozoites and 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-generation merozoites of Eimeria meleagrimitis were inoculated into primary cultures of turkey kidney cells. In vitro-excysted sporozoites developed into mature macrogamonts in 8 days; in vivo-excysted sporozoites developed into 2nd- or 3rd-generation schizonts within 5 to 7 days. First-generation merozoites obtained from infected turkeys produced mature 2nd-generation schizonts within 24 h. Second-generation merozoites from turkeys produced mature macrogamonts and oocysts within 72 h, whereas 3rd-generation merozoites produced these stages within 48 h. The oocysts that developed from 3rd-generation merozoites sporulated at 25 C and were infective for turkeys. The timing of the early stages and the intervals between schizogonic generations in cultures were comparable with those in turkeys. Morphologic parameters, however, indicated that some differences existed between in vitro and in vivo development. Second- and 3rd-generation schizonts and gamonts that developed after inoculation of cultures with merozoites were similar to stages in turkeys. Oocysts, however, were significantly smaller (P less than 0.05) in cultures. All stages that developed after inoculation of cultures with sporozoites were smaller (P less than 0.05) than their in vivo counter parts.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In vitro development of Eimeria canadensis from cattle was studied in monolayer cultures of various bovine cell lines grown on coverslips in Leighton tubes. Excysted sporozoites were used for inoculation of the cell cultures. Sporozoites entered the host cells within a few minutes, but apart from a reduction in the number of refractile bodies, changed little in appearance during the first 9 days. Beginning at 91/2 days postinoculation, sporozoites developed into sporozoite-shaped schizonts or, less frequently, transformed into trophozoites. Sporozoite-shaped schizonts with as many as 8 nuclei were observed transforming into spheroid schizonts. At 111/2 days, intermediate schizonts had a characteristic single mass of refractile granules and 60–80 nuclei. Deep invaginations, which resulted in the formation of several blastophores, usually occurred when schizonts had about 100 nuclei. Merozoites were formed as a result of radial outgrowth from the surface of spheroid schizonts as well as of blastophores. Mature merozoites were seen 1st after 13 days.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cell lines of embryonic lamb trachea (LETr), lamb thyroid (LETh), and bovine liver (BEL) as well as an established cell line of Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) were used in a study of the in vitro development of Eimeria crandallis from sheep. Excysted sporozoites were inoculated into Leighton tubes containing coverslips with monolayers of the different cell types. Coverslips were examined with phase-contrast and interference-contrast at various intervals up to 20 days after inoculation; thereafter the monolayers were fixed and stained in various ways. Freshly excysted sporozoites, with 2–10 spheroidal refractile bodies, entered all of the cell types in relatively small numbers; intracellular sporozoites were first seen 2 min after inoculation. After 24 hr, most intracellular sporozoites had only 1 or 2 refractile bodies. Before and during transformation of sporozoites, the nucleus and peripheral nucleolus increased markedly in size. Transformation resulted in usually spheroid but sometimes ellipsoid trophozoites. Trophozoites were seen first 3–4 days, and binucleate schizonts at 4–5 days after inoculation. Immature schizonts increased considerably in size and eventually had large numbers of nuclei. Some of the parasites became lobulated and the lobules often separated to form individual schizonts. In BEL, LETr and LETh cells, mature schizonts, up to 150 μm in diameter, were seen first 11–14 days after inoculation. The BEL cells were the most favorable for development. Merozoites were formed by a budding process from the surface of the schizonts as well as from blastophores. Some merozoites were seen leaving mature schizonts, but no further development was observed. Merozoites frequently were motile and had a sharply bent posterior end. Marked nuclear and cytoplasmic changes were observed in parasitized cells.  相似文献   

The development of Caryospora bigenetica in vitro is described by light microscopy. Sporozoites from snake-derived oocysts were purified and inoculated onto cultures of primary testicle cells of the cotton rat, cotton rat kidney cells, and human fetal lung cells. Intracellular sporozoites were observed one and two days postinoculation (DPI). Motile, extracellular first-generation merozoites were present 3 DPI, and second-generation merozoites were present 5 DPI. Mature gamonts were observed 9 DPI and developed into unsporulated oocysts by 10 DPI. Oocysts sporulated in vitro, and excystation was observed. Cells that were penetrated by in vitro-produced sporozoites formed caryocysts by 16 DPI. To test infectivity of in vitro-derived stages, merozoites were removed from cultured cells 5 DPI and inoculated intraperitoneally into a mouse; infection resulted. Sporulated oocysts removed from cell cultures 12 DPI produced facial swelling in an orally inoculated cotton rat.  相似文献   

Lambs reared coccidia-free were inoculated orally with various numbers of sporulated oocysts of E. crandallis and were killed between 1 and 22 days after inoculation; tissues were examined histologically. Sporozoites were seen 1, 2 and 3 days after inoculation (DAI) in crypt epithelial cells in the mid-jejunum. Infected cells migrated into the lamina propria where the parasite within them developed into a firstgeneration meront containing about 250,000 merozoites at 10 DAI. A second generation of meronts was seen at 10–12 DAI, each containing up to about 10 merozoites, situated mainly at the bases of crypts in the jejunum and ileum but also in the caecum. From 11 DAI pro-gamonts were seen which were enveloped by the host cell nucleus and which divided in synchrony with the host cell for an undetermined number of generations. Mature gamonts began to develop from them by 16 DAI. Oocyst output began at 16 DAI and rose to a peak at about 22 DAI. Up to 108 oocysts were produced per oocyst inoculated. They showed wide variation in size and colour.  相似文献   

First-generation development of Eimeria tuskegeensis was evaluated using light microscopy. Sporozoite-shaped meronts containing a prominent refractile body were observed in small intestinal cells of an experimentally infected cotton rat at 24 h post inoculation (PI). Mature spherical or subspherical meronts containing crescent-shaped merozoites were observed at 36 h PI. Refractile bodies were observed in some of these merozoites. Sporozoite-shaped meronts that were isolated from host intestinal cells and inoculated onto human fetal lung cell cultures penetrated the cultured cells by 2 h PI. A mature, subspherical, first-generation meront containing seven merozoites was observed at 9 h PI in cell culture, indicating that sporozoite-shaped meronts isolated from the host retained their infectivity.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A pure strain of Isospora felis derived from a single oocyst was used to study the endogenous cycle. One and a half to two-month-old laboratory-reared, coccidia-free kittens were used thruout the study. The endogenous stages occurred in the epithelial cells of the distal parts of the villi in the ileum and occasionally duodenum and jejunum. All stages lay above the host cell nucleus. There were 3 asexual generations. The 1st generation schizonts were 11–30 by 10–23 μ when mature and contained 16–17 banana-shaped merozoites 11–15 by 3–5 μ. They became mature in 96 or sometimes in 120 hours. The 1st generation merozoites entered new host cells, rounded up and formed 2nd generation schizonts. These formed within themselves 2–10 or more spindle-shaped bodies resembling 1st generation merozoites in shape and size. These were 2nd generation merozoites. They were uninucleate 120 hours after inoculation, but by 144 hours they became larger, multinucleate and some lost their elongate shape and became ovoid. They were then 3rd generation schizonts. They were 12–16 by 4–5 μ. Each formed up to 6 or more banana-shaped merozoites 6–8 by 1–2 μ. The 3rd generation schizonts and merozoites developed within the same host cell and parasitophorous vacuole as the 2nd generation schizonts and merozoites. Mature schizonts containing only 3rd generation merozoites appeared 144 hours after inoculation, were most abundant 168 hours after inoculation, and might be present as late as 216 hours after inoculation. They were 14–36 by 13–22 μ and contained 36 to more than 70 merozoites. The 3rd generation merozoites entered the sexual cycle. The mature microgametocytes were 24–72 by 18–32 μ and contained a central residuum and a large number of microgametes 5–7 by 0.8 μ with 2 posteriorly-directed flagella. The mature macrogametes were 16–22 by 8–13 μ. Gametogony occurred 144–216 hours after inoculation. The prepatent period was 168–192 hours and the patent period 10–11 days. Peak oocyst production occurred on the 6th day of the patent period.  相似文献   

Lambs reared coccidia-free were inoculated orally with various numbers of sporulated oocysts of E. crandallis and were killed between 1 and 22 days after inoculation; tissues were examined histologically. Sporozoites were seen 1, 2 and 3 days after inoculation (DAI) in crypt epithelial cells in the mid-jejunum. Infected cells migrated into the lamina propria where the parasite within them developed into a firstgeneration meront containing about 250,000 merozoites at 10 DAI. A second generation of meronts was seen at 10–12 DAI, each containing up to about 10 merozoites, situated mainly at the bases of crypts in the jejunum and ileum but also in the caecum. From 11 DAI pro-gamonts were seen which were enveloped by the host cell nucleus and which divided in synchrony with the host cell for an undetermined number of generations. Mature gamonts began to develop from them by 16 DAI. Oocyst output began at 16 DAI and rose to a peak at about 22 DAI. Up to 108 oocysts were produced per oocyst inoculated. They showed wide variation in size and colour.  相似文献   

The development of Caryospora bigenetica in vitro is described by light microscopy. Sporozoites from snake-derived oocysts were purified and inoculated onto cultures of primary testicle cells of the cotton rat, cotton rat kidney cells, and human fetal lung cells. Intracellular sporozoites were observed one and two days postinoculation (DPI). Motile, extracellular first-generation merozoites were present 3 DPI, and second-generation merozoites were present 5 DPI. Mature gamonts were observed 9 DPI and developed into unsporulated oocysts by 10 DPI. Oocystes sporulated in vitro, and excystation was observed. Cells that were penetrated by in vitro-produced sporozoites formed caryocysts by 16 DPI. To test infectivity of in vitro-derived stages, merozoites were removed from cultured cells 5 DPI and inoculated intraperitoneally into a mouse; infection resulted. Sporulated oocysts removed from cell cultures 12 DPI produced facial swelling in an orally inoculated cotton rat.  相似文献   

The life cycle of I. canis Nemeséri, 1959 was studied in experimentally infected dogs. Freshly sporulated oocysts were ovoid and 34–40 × 28–32 μm. The endogenous stages were found directly beneath the epithelium of the distal portion of the small intestinal villi. Most of the endogenous stages were in the lower 1/3 of the small intestine, but occasionally they were found in other portions of the small intestine. Three asexual generations were present. First-generation schizonts were 16–38 × 11–23 μm and contained 4–24 merozoites; mature 1st-generation merozoites were 8–11 × 3–5 μm. First-generation schizogony lasted up to 7 days after inoculation. Second-generation schizonts were 12–18 × 8–13 μm and contained up to 12 merozoites which were 11–13 × 3–5 μm. Second-generation schizogony was present on postinoculation days 6 and 7. Third-generation schizonts were formed by nuclear division of 2nd-generation merozoites. Most 2nd-generation merozoites underwent nuclear division without leaving the parasitophorous vacuole of the 2nd-generation schizont. Mature 3rd-generation schizonts were 13–38 × 8–24 μm and contained 6–72 merozoites. Third-generation merozoites were 8–13 × 1–3 μm. Third-generation schizogony was present on days 6–8 after inoculation. Mature macrogametes were 22–29 × 14–23 μm. Mature microgametocytes were 20–38 × 14–26 μm. Gametes were present on postinoculation days 7–10. Oocysts were present in tissue sections on postinoculation days 8–10 and 12. The prepatent period was 9–11 days.  相似文献   

First-generation development of Eimeria tuskegeensis was evaluated using light microscopy. Sporozoite-shaped meronts containing a prominent refractile body were observed in small intestinal cells of an experimentally infected cotton rat at 24 h post inoculation (PI). Mature spherical or subspherical meronts containing crescent-shaped merozoites were observed at 36 h PI. Refractile bodies were observed in some of these merozoites. Sporozoite-shaped meronts that were isolated from host intestinal cells and inoculated onto human fetal lung cell cultures penetrated the cultured cells by 2 h PI. A mature, subspherical, first-generation meront containing seven merozoites was observed at 9 h PI in cell culture, indicating that sporozoite-shaped meronts isolated from the host retained their infectivity.  相似文献   

Complete development of Cryptosporidium parvum in host cell-free culture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present study describes the complete in vitro development of Cryptosporidium parvum (cattle genotype) in RPMI-1640 maintenance medium devoid of host cells. This represents the first report in which Cryptosporidium is shown to multiply, develop and complete its life cycle without the need for host cells. Furthermore, cultivation of Cryptosporidium in diphasic medium consisting of a coagulated new born calf serum base overlaid with maintenance medium greatly increased the total number of Cryptosporidium stages. Type I and II meronts were detected giving rise to two morphologically different merozoites. Type I meronts, which appear as grape-like clusters as early as 48 h post culture inoculation, release merozoites, which are actively motile, and circular to oval in shape. Type II meronts group in a rosette-like pattern and could not be detected until day 3 of culturing. Most of the merozoites released from type II meronts are generally spindle-shaped with pointed ends, while others are rounded or pleomorphic. In contrast to type I, merozoites from type II meronts are less active and larger in size. Sexual stages (micro and macrogamonts) were observed within 6-7 days of culturing. Microgamonts were darker than macrogamonts, with developing microgametes, which could be seen accumulating at the periphery. Macrogamonts have a characteristic peripheral nucleus and smooth outer surface. Oocysts at different levels of sporulation were seen 8 days post culture inoculation. Cultures were terminated after 4 months when the C. parvum life cycle was still being perpetuated with the presence of large numbers of excysting and intact oocysts. Culture-derived oocysts obtained after 46 days p.i. were infective to 7- to 8-day-old ARC/Swiss mice. The impact of C. parvum developing in cell-free culture is very significant and will facilitate many aspects of Cryptosporidium research.  相似文献   

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