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观察不同强度恒定磁场对雄鼠睾丸、附睾重量、精子数量、精子活动度及精子形态的影响. 结果显示睾丸与附睾重量各组无显著差异, 精子数量在实验组与对照组中亦无明显改变. 在 0.12T磁场环境暴露下, 雄鼠精子畸形率增加及活动率下降, 与对照组相比有显著差异. (P< 0.01), 提示磁场对小鼠精子有一定毒性, 并且毒性与其强度有关.  相似文献   

以三叶木通(Akebia trifoliata)果实为试材,选取体重20~23g的昆明种小鼠作为试验对象,分别研究果皮、果肉、种子对小鼠的急性毒性效应。结果表明,三叶木通果实的果皮、果肉对小鼠无毒,果皮滤液的最大耐受量大于50g/k,果肉的最大耐受量大于100g/kg。而种子与蒸馏水1:1的混悬液却对小鼠有毒,LD50=12.83g/kg。灌胃后,绝大多数小鼠5~10min内自发活动减少,呈嗜睡状态,1~2h死亡,死亡前少数有轻度惊厥(后肢向后伸),呼吸先停,随后心跳停止;未死亡小鼠中毒症状持续约3—4h,随后小鼠的饮食、活动恢复正常。  相似文献   

目的 为探明丙烯酰胺对小鼠血液的毒性效应.方法 采用丙烯酰胺溶液连续灌胃小鼠16天,记录小鼠体重、器官系数变化并对小鼠血液成分进行检测.结果 当染毒剂量为120、150 mg/kg时,小鼠体重增重率、肝系数、WBC、LYM、RBC、MCHC、PLT、P-LCR显著降低(P<0.05),GRAN显著增加(P<0.05);...  相似文献   

本项研究的目的:是在一系列毒性试验的基础上进一步观察大鼠皮下给予由枯草芽孢杆菌BS224菌株制成的抑菌生后,对机体产生毒性反应的情况。结果表明:给药组大鼠饮食、活动正常。各项检测指标及病理组织学检查未发现异常,与对照组比较均无差异(P>0.05),说明抑菌生无毒性反应。  相似文献   

苦参碱的提取分离及对小鼠的毒性研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用酸性乙醇提取、乙醚萃取、硅胶柱层析分离等方法从苦参中分离到苦参碱单体.以小鼠为实验动物进行毒性测定,小鼠的死亡主要集中在48h内,48h后无小鼠的死亡现象.小鼠对苦参碱的耐受量大于30mg.k-g1,小于140mg.k-g1,致死中量LD50为64.01mg.kg-1,回归方程Y=-3.2370+4.5602X,LD50标准误差SE=6.14.适口性的测定表明,苦参碱对小鼠有较好的适口性,可以作为杀鼠剂使用.  相似文献   

通过小鼠单次给药急性毒性试验和Beagle犬重复给药毒性试验,评价益母草注射液(YMC)的安全性。用半数致死剂量法对小鼠进行急性毒性试验,观察小鼠的死亡情况和急性毒性症状,用Bills法计算半致死剂量(LD50)。将32只Beagle犬根据体质量、性别随机分为YMC 240.99 mg·kg~(-1)、120.50 mg·kg~(-1)、60.25 mg·kg~(-1)组和0.9%氯化钠注射液对照组,每组8只。静脉滴注给药,每周给药6 d,连续180 d,停药恢复30 d。对Beagle犬进行临床症状、体质量、心电图、血液学、血液生化学、血清电解质、尿液及组织病理学等检查。YMC小鼠静脉给药LD50为845.64 mg·kg~(-1),急性毒性症状主要表现为跳跃、烦躁、嗜睡、活动减少、阵挛性抽搐、眼球突出、尿失禁。重复给药毒性试验,Beagle犬出现呈剂量反应趋势的流涎、呕吐症状,未见肝、肾毒性,其余各项检测指标也均未见与药物毒性相关的明显异常。YMC小鼠静脉给药LD50相当于临床拟用剂量的394.6倍,YMC重复给药毒性试验对Beagle犬的安全剂量为120.50 mg·kg~(-1),相当于临床拟用剂量的56.2倍。提示YMC具有较高的安全性。  相似文献   

氧氟沙星对小鼠生殖毒性和致畸性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究氧氟沙星对昆明系小鼠胚胎和胎鼠发育的影响,确定其是否存在生殖毒性和致畸性。方法①雄鼠分别灌服各剂量氧氟沙星,连续10d,末次给药24h后与母鼠合笼,在妊娠第三天取胚胎,记录各剂量组胚胎发育率。②孕鼠妊娠零天给药,分别经口灌服高、中、低剂量[36、72和360mg(kg.bw)]氧氟沙星溶液,连续给药3d,在妊娠第三天收集胚胎,记录胚胎发育率。③孕鼠妊娠零天给药,分别经口灌服各剂量氧氟沙星溶液,连续给药10d,在妊娠第16天取出胎鼠,记录胎鼠体重、胎盘重、活胎数、胎鼠外观畸形和内脏畸形等指标。结果给药组与对照组相比,雄鼠服用高剂量组360mg(kg.bw)氧氟沙星对着床前胚胎发育影响显著(P<0.05),而中等剂量和低剂量组对着床前胚胎发育的影响不显著(P>0.05)。雌鼠服用不同剂量氧氟沙星对着床前胚胎发育影响不显著(P>0.05)。氧氟沙星对受孕鼠的活胎数和吸收胎数均无明显影响,给药组的活鼠体重、胎盘重均未见明显差异(P>0.05);药物组和对照组均未出现外观畸形和内脏畸形,也不存在剂量和效应关系。结论孕鼠服用不同剂氧氟沙星对昆明系小鼠胚胎和胎鼠发育无明显的影响,表明氧氟沙星对雌性鼠不具有明显的生殖毒性和致畸性;但雄鼠服用高剂量氧氟沙星对着床前胚胎发育影响显著。  相似文献   

通过对梨果仙人掌红花品系的小鼠急性毒性试验、小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验、小鼠精子畸形试验研究,梨果仙人掌红花品系雌、雄小鼠LD50均大于170.0g/kgBw,属无毒物质;小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验、小鼠精子畸形试验结果均为阴性。因此在本次实验条件下,梨果仙人掌红花品系为无毒物质,未显示有遗传毒性作用。  相似文献   

目的:进行归辛胶囊急性毒性实验,对小鼠和大鼠可能产生的毒性反应及严重程度,确定无毒反应剂量,为拟定人用安全剂量提供参考。方法:依据《中药、天然药物急性毒性研究技术指导原则》进行急性毒性实验。取小鼠、大鼠各40只,随机分为空白、归辛胶囊低、中、高剂量4个组,每组10只,分别对小鼠、大鼠灌胃给药,给药后连续地观察14天,于给药第1、7、14天称量动物体重,并观察动物饮食、外观、行为、分泌物、排泄物、死亡情况及中毒情况,测定半数致死量(LD50);在药物毒性较低无法测出LD50时测定小鼠、大鼠的最大耐受量(MTD)。取小鼠、大鼠各40只,随机分为空白组和归辛胶囊高剂量组,每组20只,给药后连续观察14天测定最大耐受量(MTD),观察指标同测定LD50结果:实验动物未出现死亡无法测出LD50,继而测定MTD,小鼠为24.0g/kg,大鼠为16.0g/kg,各组动物主要脏器均未发现明显病理学改变。结论:归辛胶囊推荐临床日用剂量为0.09g/kg,按此剂量用药具有安全性。  相似文献   

以黄根醇提物为实验药物,对其进行了最大耐受量试验(MTD)和小鼠实验性急性肝损伤的研究,结果表明黄根醇提物最大耐受量为2080g生药/kg,并能显著降低CCL4、D-GalN所致的小鼠血清中ALT、AST升高(P<0.01);亦能明显降低BCG和LPS致免疫性肝损伤小鼠血清中ALT、AST及肝组织中的MDA的水平(P<0.01),增加肝组织中SOD的活性和GSH的水平(P<0.01)。该实验属首次报道。  相似文献   

草酸在提高大豆磷吸收利用及抗铝性中的作用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
将1mmol/L草酸(pH=6.0)加入到4种难溶性含磷化合物(FePO4、CaHPO4、AlPO4和磷矿粉)的水溶液中,其溶出磷的含量均显著提高,溶磷量随着反应时间的延长首先增大,然后有所下降。水培条件下大豆利用磷矿粉中磷的能力很差,加入1mmol/L草酸(pH=6.0)能促进大豆对磷矿粉中磷的吸收利用,表明草酸可能通过螯溶磷矿粉中的磷而提高了其有效磷的含量。200μmol/L铝离子能显著抑制大豆根的生长,而60μmol/L草酸能基本解除其抑制作用。  相似文献   

【背景】草酸钙结石是一种临床常见且易复发的疾病,由于结石质地坚硬,只能通过外科手术的方法治疗,给患者带了很大的痛苦。已有研究证实,肠道菌群可影响草酸钙结石的形成,降低草酸钙结石的发病率。【目的】探究植物乳杆菌对小鼠草酸钙结石的干预效果。【方法】体外实验:在MRS培养基中加入0.02 mol/L草酸钠,制备菌株筛选培养基(MRS-OX)。接种200μL的3.48×1012CFU/L植物乳杆菌悬液至MRS-OX制备含菌培养基(B+MRS-OX)。将等体积MRS-OX和B+MRS-OX于37°C恒温培养2 d,测剩余草酸浓度。体内实验:以10周龄雄性昆明小鼠为实验动物,随机分为对照组、植物乳杆菌组、结石组和植物乳杆菌干预组,每组5只小鼠。通过乙醛酸诱导小鼠建立草酸钙结石模型,并给予200μL的3.48×1012CFU/L植物乳杆菌进行干预治疗以观察其预防小鼠草酸钙结石的效果。实验结束后,绘制各组小鼠平均体重变化趋势图并计算小鼠肾脏脏器指数,检测每只小鼠血液学指标和氧化应激指标总超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)和丙二...  相似文献   

Although aluminum (AI)-activated secretion of oxalate has been considered to be an Important AI-exclusion mechanism,whether it is a general response in oxalate accumulators and related to oxalate content in roots are still not clear.Here,we examined the oxalate secretion and oxalate content in some oxalate accumulators,and investigated the role of oxalate secretion in AI resistance.When oxalate content in amaranth roots was decreased by about 50% with the increased ratio of NH4 -N to NO3——N in nutrient solution,the amount of AI-activated oxalate secretion still remained constant.There was no relationship between the content of the water soluble oxalate in four species of oxalate accumulators and the amount of the AI-activated oxalate secretion in roots.Furthermore,oxalate secretion is poorly associated with AI resistance among these species.Based on the above results,we concluded that although all of the oxalate accumulators tested could secrete oxalate rapidly,the density of anion channels in plasma membrane may play a more important role in AI-activated oxalate secretion.Key words: aluminum toxicity; Amaranthus; anion channel; oxalate accumulator; oxalate secretion.  相似文献   

We used ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid dianhydride (EDTAD) to modify oxalate decarboxylase (OXDC) to improve its adsorption on calcium oxalate stones. The modified sites were identified by Ultra performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) and the adsorption mechanism of the EDTAD-modified OXDC on calcium oxalate (CaOx) was investigated. We investigated adsorption time, initial enzyme concentration, temperature and solution pH on the adsorption process. Data were analyzed using kinetics, thermodynamics and isotherm adsorption models. UPLC-MS showed that EDTAD was attached to OXDC covalently and suggested that the chemical modification occurred at both the free amino of the side chain and the α-NH2 of the peptide. The adsorption capacity of the EDTAD-OXDC on calcium oxalate was 53.37% greater than that of OXDC at the initial enzyme concentration of 5 mg/ml, pH = 7.0, at 37° C. The modified enzyme (EDTAD-OXDC) demonstrated improved oxalate degradation activity at pH 4.5?6.0. Kinetic data fitting analysis suggested a pseudo second order kinetic model. Estimates of the thermodynamic parameters including ΔG0, ΔH0 and ΔS0 of the adsorption process showed it to be feasible, spontaneous and endothermic. Isotherm data fitting analysis indicated that the adsorption process is reduced to monolayer adsorption at a low enzyme concentration and to multilayer adsorption at a high enzyme concentration. It may be possible to apply OXDC to degradation of calcium oxalate stones.  相似文献   

目的 研究眼镜蛇神经毒素 ( Cobra neurotoxin, N T) 的急性毒性和蓄积毒性。方法 测 N T 对小鼠的 L D50 ; 对大鼠、狗的1 次性最小中毒剂量和最大安全剂量; 计算 N T 在小鼠、狗体内的24h 蓄积率。结果  N T 经静注、肌注、腹腔、皮下 4 种途径给药对小鼠的 L D50 分别是 (195±95) μg/kg、(156±85) μg/kg、(151±19) μg/kg、(184±85) μg/kg, 对小鼠的最小致死剂量为975μg/kg。 N T 对大鼠、狗的1 次性中毒剂量分别为54μg/kg 和34μg/kg。对小鼠、大鼠和狗的安全剂量分别为815μg/kg、42μg/kg和30μg/kg, 分别约为人临床用剂量 (70μg/50kg·d- 1 ) 的582、30 和21 倍。 N T 在小鼠、狗体内的24h蓄积率分别为 57% 和30% 以上。结论  N T 在使动物中毒的剂量下有广泛的安全范围; N T 在动物体内存在弱蓄积毒性。  相似文献   

Today, chemiluminescence detection reactions have become popular in analytical biochemistry essentially due to their high sensitivity. A chemiluminescent synthetic system (luminol/porphyrin) was successfully used to measure serum oxalate by determination of hydrogen peroxide generated through oxalate oxidase (EC This new method is efficient and simple, highly sensitive and the results obtained in normal adult subjects are in good agreement with those of approved methods. This original application of such a chemiluminescent system allowed us to achieve a sensitive serum oxalate assay (detection limit of 0.2 μmol/L) characterized by a low serum volume (200 μL) required for analysis. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Oxalate in urine was analyzed using sorghum oxalate oxidase and horseradish peroxidase immobilized on alkylamine glass through glutaraldehyde. The minimum detection limit was 0.46 g/0.1 ml urine. The recovery of added oxalate was 97.5%. Within and between assay coefficients of variation were <3.5% and <6.5% respectively. A good correlation (r=0.9234) was found between oxalate values obtained by a commercial kit method and the present method. The method is unaffected by Cl– and NO3– found in urine.  相似文献   

Oxalates stimulate alterations in renal epithelial cells and thereby induce calcium oxalate (CaOx) stone formation. Bacillus subtilis YvrK gene encodes for oxalate decarboxylase (OxdC) which degrades oxalate to formate and CO2. The present work is aimed to clone the oxdC gene in a mammalian expression vector pcDNA and transfect into Human Embryonic Kidney 293 (HEK293) cells and evaluate the oxdC expression, cell survival rate and oxalate degrading efficiency. The results indicate cell survival rate of HEK293/pcDNAOXDC cells pre-incubated with oxalate was enhanced by 28%. HEK293/pcDNAOXDC cells expressing OxdC treated with oxalate, significantly restored antioxidant activity, mitochondrial membrane potential and intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation compared with HEK293/pcDNA. Apoptotic marker caspase 3 downregulation illustrates HEK293/pcDNAOXDC cells were able to survive under oxalate-mediated oxidative stress. The findings suggest HEK293 cells expressing oxdC capable of degrading oxalate protect cells from oxidative damage and thus serve as a therapeutic option for prevention of CaOx stone disease.


Domoic acid is a shellfish toxin which produces gastrointestinal distress, followed by neurological symptoms such as headache, confusion, disorientation and severe deficits in short-term memory. Domoic acid is an amino acid which contains three carboxylic groups, and one imino group, and its solubility, rate of absorption, and elimination would vary depending on the protonation of these groups at different pH's. We propose that domoic acid toxicity varies with pH of administered domoic acid solution. Domoic acid toxicity was measured in mice as the onset times for scratching behaviour, seizure activity, and death, after the intraperitoneal administration of domoic acid at different pH's. Results of the present study show that the scratching behaviour, seizure activity, and death, occurred at 12, 40, and 55 min, after intraperitoneal administration of domoic acid at pH 3.7. Apparently, the onset times for three types of behaviours were relatively long, and well separated from each ot her. Domoic acid toxicity was lowest at pH 3.7, and highest at pH 7.4, with intermediate toxicity at other pH's. The onset time of scratching behaviour was not influenced by pH of domoic acid solution at three different doses. In contrast, the onset times for seizure activity, and death were significantly affected by pH of domoic acid, toxicity being higher at pH 7.4 than at pH 3.7. The pH effect on domoic acid toxicity diminished as the dose of domoic acid was increased. In fact, at 14.5 mg/kg domoic acid toxicity was similar at both pH's of 3.7 and 7.4. It is concluded that in vivo toxicity of domoic acid varies depending on pH of the administered solution. The differential toxicity of domoic acid at different pH may be related to its solubility, rate of absorption, and elimination, depending on the degree of protonation of domoic acid molecule. Domoic acid toxicity would also vary depending on the age of animal, receptor sensitivity and density in different regions of brain. (Mol Ce ll Biochem 167: 179-185, 1997)  相似文献   

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