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A partial complementary DNA (cDNA) (DSA8) for a P-type ATPase was obtained from the halotolerant alga Dunaliella salina (Dunal) Teod. (Chlorophyceae). The cDNA exhibited greater than 90% homology to the cDNA for a H+-ATPase in D. bioculata Butcher. The expression of the gene that corresponded to DSA8 was decreased strongly by increases in NaCl concentration. The expression of a gene that corresponded to another ATPase (DSA1; possibly for a Ca2+-ATPase) from D. salina did not show the same decrease as did the DSA8. However, increased osmotic pressure due to glycerol resulted in the same decrease in the DSA8 gene. Under salt or osmotic stress, the activity of a H+-ATPase from microsomes of this alga also decreased. We suggest that expression of the gene for the plasma membrane H+-ATPase of D. salina is regulated by osmotic pressure rather than by the concentration of NaCl.  相似文献   

用水溶性多聚物 ( dextran T5 0 0 PEG 335 0 )两相法制备盐生杜氏藻细胞质膜 ,经检测质膜纯度较高 ,原位膜约占 78%。质膜 ATPase的动力学常数 Km 和 Vmax分别为0 5 8mmol L和 4 3 5 9μmol Pi ( mg protein· h) ;最适 p H值是 7 5。质膜 ATPase的活性随Mg Cl2 和 Ca Cl2 浓度的升高而增加 ,但较高浓度的 Mg Cl2 和 Ca Cl2 有轻微的抑制作用 ;KCl促进质膜 ATPase的活性 ,在 1 0 0 mmol L时达到最大 ,高于 1 0 0 mmol L时抑制效应显著。钒酸钠、DES、DCCD和 NEM明显地抑制质膜 ATPase的活性 ;而 Na N3、Na NO3、Na Mo O4和KCN对质膜 ATPase的活性影响不大。高渗震动刺激了质膜 ATPase的活性。  相似文献   

The unicellular green alga Dunaliella salina Teod. was frozen according to the following procedure: 3 days cold adaptation at 4°C, addition of 3.5 M glycerol as a cryoprotectant, slow cooling to –40°C, immersion in liquid nitrogen, and rapid thawing. The survival rate was higher when cells were grown, before freezing, in the presence of 2 M NaCl instead of 1 M NaCl (78 and 48% survival, respectively). This difference is probably due to the intracellular amount of glycerol, which increases with external NaCl concentration and, therefore, may enhance cell protection. Although cells grown in 4 M NaCl accumulated a large amount of glycerol in response to osmotic stress, they did not withstand freezing. The use of cryoprotectant was absolutely necessary for the cells to recover from storage at –196°C. Glycerol was used because it is naturally produced by Dunaliella salina and therefore is not toxic. Provided it was added slowly to avoid osmotic shock, 3.5 M glycerol gave better results than 1M glycerol (48 and 18% survival, respectively). Cold adaptation in the dark increased postthaw viability. Cells grown in 1 M or 2 M NaCl had a survival rate of 48 and 78%, respectively, when cold-adapted, against 10 and 42% when not cold-adapted. This adaptation could be due to the synthesis, at low temperature, of specific proteins because two bands (28–29 kDa) appeared when electrophoretically separated proteins from cold-adapted cells and control cells were compared. Also, it could be due to the degradation of starch that occurs in the dark and leads to glycerol accumulation. Our procedure has never been used to cryopreserve microalgae and could enhance reported survival rates.  相似文献   

The holophilic alga Dunaliella parva produces glycerol as a major product of photosynthetic 14CO2 incorporation and accumulates very large amounts of intracellular glycerol. A method was adopted for the determination of the cell water space based on the distribution of 14C sorbitol and 3H2O between the cells and the medium. Using these measurements the internal concentration of glycerol was found to be isoomotic with that of the medium over a broad range of 0.6 to 2.1 m NaCl. When the extracellular salt concentration of an algal suspension was increased or decreased, the intracellular water content immediately varied so as to keep an osmotic equilibrium between the cells and the medium. During the following 90 min under metabolic conditions, glycerol content changed until a new level was reached. Since no leakage of intracellular glycerol was observed above 0.6 m NaCl, these alterations in glycerol content are interpreted as due to metabolic formation and degradation of intracellular glycerol. Determination of the glycerol sensitivity of enzymic and photosynthetic reactions of cell-free preparations from D. parva showed a broad range of tolerance to high concentrations of glycerol. These results indicate that osmoregulation in Dunaliella depends on the synthesis or degradation of intracellular glycerol in response to the external salt concentration. A proposed scheme of glycerol synthesis in Dunaliella is suggested.  相似文献   

Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher was grown at two intensities (33, 150μEin · m?2· s?1) of blue light and white light at 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 M NaCl. Growth rates were used as an indication of the relative osmoregulatory ability of cells in the various treatments. There was no significant effect on growth rate due to various NaCl molarities. No significant difference in growth rate was found between blue- and white-light cultures at the high intensity, the average growth constant being 2.07 divisions/day. However, at the low intensity illumination, blue light produced a significant increase in growth rate; 1.42 vs. 0.93 divisions/day for blue light and white light grown cells respectively. The average glycerol content of exponentially dividing cells grown at 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 M NaCl was 0.12, 0.41 and 1.12 mg/108 cells, respectively, as measured by gas chromatography. The intracellular glycerol content was significantly reduced by blue light at both light intensities and at each NaCl molarity. However, high light intensity reduced cellular glycerol content more than the reduction effected by blue light. Glycerol accumulated in the medium throughout culture growth. Intracellular glycerol content also increased with cellular aging reaching 2.72 mg/108 cells in stationary phase, low intensity 1.00 M NaCl cultures. A negative correlation between glycerol content and growth rate was found. Total inhibition of glycerol production could not be obtained by treatment with blue light. However, this negative correlation possibly indicates that D. tertiolecta expends energy producing an excess amount of glycerol over that required for osmoregulation, leading to a reduction in the growth rate for the organism.  相似文献   

Dunaliella bardawil Ben-Amotz & Avron, a β-carotene-accumulating halotolerant alga, was analyzed for the effect of growth temperatures on its pigment content and on the stereoisomeric composition of β-carotene by the use of advanced liquid chromatography and photodiode array detection. Decreasing culture temperature from 30° to 10°C increased the β-carotene content twofold and the ratio of 9-cis to all-trans β-carotene fourfold, with no significant changes in the other cell pigments. The variation of total β-carotene content by temperature was correlated with the integral irradiance received by the algal culture during a cell division cycle, whereas the 9-cis stereoisomer increased over the amount expected by that integration. The massive accumulation of 9-cisβ-carotene within the β-carotene globules is interpreted as indicating that the oily 9-cis stereoisomer protects against the crystallization of all-trans β-carotene at low temperatures.  相似文献   

核基质附着区(Matrixattachmentregion,MAR)是一段与核基质结合的DNA序列。为分离杜氏盐藻核基质附着区,我们首次构建了杜氏盐藻MAR文库。首先用0.5%TritonX-100裂解细胞,经30%和70%Percoll不连续梯度离心分离盐藻细胞核,再用二碘水杨酸锂(lithiumdiiodosalicy-late,LIS)去除组蛋白和限制酶消化除去结合松弛的DNA片段,最后通过蛋白酶K消化和乙醇沉淀提取盐藻核基质DNA。采用4种限制酶酶切,T_4DNA连接酶连至用相应限制酶酶切的pUC18载体上,转化E.coliJM109感受态细胞,挑选阳性克隆,构建MAR文库。部分测序分析表明,克隆的DNA片段具有明显的MAR特征。为进一步研究MAR对基因表达的调控作用及其作用机制提供了基础。  相似文献   

Dunaliella bardawil Ben-Amotz & Avron, but not most other Dunaliella species, has a unique property of being able to accumulate, in addition to glycerol, large amounts of β-carotene when cultivated under appropriate conditions. These include high light intensity, a high sodium chloride concentration, nitrate deficiency and extreme temperatures. Under conditions of maximal carotene accumulation D. bardawil contains at least 8% of its dry weight as β-carotene while D. salina grown under similar conditions contains only about 0.3%. Electron micrographs of D. bardawil grown under conditions of high β-carotene accumulation show many β-carotene containing globules located in the interthylakoid spaces of the chloroplast. The same algae grown under conditions where β-carotene does not accumulate, contain few to no β-carotene globules. The β-carotene-rich globules were released from the algae into an aqueous medium by a two-stage osmotic shock technique and further purified by centrifugal ion on 10% sucrose. The isolated purified globules were shown by electron microscopy to be free of significant contamination and composed of membrane-free osmiophilic droplets with an average diameter of 150 nm. Reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography of a total pigment extract of the cells revealed the presence of β-carotene as the major pigment, together with chlorophylls a and b, α-carotene and the xanthophylls lutein, neoxauthin and zeaxanthin. β-Carotene accounted for essentially all the pigment in the purified globules. Analysis of the algal and globule β-carotene fractions by HPLC showed that the β-carotene was composed of approximately equal amounts of all-trans β-carotene and of its 9-cis isomer. Intact D. bardawil cells contained on a dry weight basis about 30% glycerol, 30% protein, 18% lipid, 11% carbohydrate, 9%β-carotene and 1% chlorophyll. The β-carotene globules were composed of practically only neutral lipids, more than half of which was β-carotene. It is suggested that the β-carotene globules may serve to protect D. bardawil against injury by the high intensity irradiation to which this alga is usually exposed in nature.  相似文献   

Vegetative cells of Gonium pectorale have a fine structure similar to that of Chlamydomonas. In addition, three zones comprise an extracellular matrix; a fibrillar sheath and tripartite boundary surround individual cells, and a fragile capsule zone surrounds the entire colony. Cytokinesis is accomplished by a phycoplast and cleavage furrow. The flagellar apparatus of the immature vegetative cell of this colonial alga is similar to that of Chlamydomonas, but the basal bodies are slightly separated at their proximal ends. The four microtubular rootlets alternate between two and four members. During development, the basal bodies become further separated and nearly parallel. The distal fiber is stretched, but it remains attached to both basal bodies. At maturity, the basal bodies of peripheral cells of the colony have rotated in opposite directions on their longitudinal axes resulting in a displacement of the distal fiber to one side, an asymmetrical orientation of the rootlets and loss of 180° rotational symmetry. Central cells remain similar to Chlamydomonas in that basal bodies do not rotate, rootlets are cruciate, the distal fiber remains medially inserted and 180° rotational symmetry is conserved. A “pin-wheel” configuration of flagellar pairs and the orientation of parallel rootlets toward the colony perimeter probably accounts for the rotation of the colonies during forward swimming. In addition, these ultrastructural features support the traditional placement of G. pectorale as an intermediate between the unicellular Chlamydomonas and the more complex colonial volvocalean genera.  相似文献   

The first successful Agrobacterium‐mediated transformation of the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis Flot. using the binary vectors hosting the genes coding for GUS (β‐glucuronidase), GFP (green fluorescent protein), and hpt (hygromycin phosphotransferase) is reported here. Colonies resistant to hygromycin at 10 mg · L?1 expressed β‐glucuronidase. The greenish yellow fluorescence of GFP was observed when the hygromycin‐resistant cells were viewed with a fluorescent microscope. PCR was used to successfully amplify fragments of the hpt (407 bp) and GUS (515 bp) genes from transformed cells, while Southern blots indicated the integration of the hygromycin gene into the genome of H. pluvialis. SEM indicated that the cell wall of H. pluvialis was altered on infection with Agrobacterium. The transformation achieved here by Agrobacterium does not need treatment with acetosyringone or the wounding of cells. A robust transformation method for this alga would pave the way for manipulation of many important pathways relevant to the food, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical industries.  相似文献   

用分光光度计直接测定几种植物叶圆片和单细胞盐藻照强光(1500μmolm-2s-1)前后在505nm(玉米黄质吸收峰)的光一暗差示吸收变化。短期照光的时问进程中,芦荟(Aloevera)、芒果(Mangiferaindica)、白菜(BrassicaChinensiS)和苦卖菜(SonchusOleraceus)的AA505持续增高,达最大值后有所下降。加入抗坏血酸能刺激光下AA505增大。光诱导的AA505可在暗下消失。单细胞盐藻M50,受光诱导的变化趋势与高等植物叶片相似。研究表明,强光下植物体内出现活跃的与紫黄质去环氧化反应有关的光保护机制的运行,其状况可直接用M505作为检测指标。与白光相比,红色强光只有照射5min时才引·起盐藻AA505上升,在5-90min照光过程中对Fv/Fm的影响比白光小,对AA540的影响比白光大,但两种光反对光合色素的影响没有差异。  相似文献   

The phytoplankton cell surface reduces external copper(II) and iron(III) complexes and redox dyes. This reductive activity appears to be mediated by one or more plasmalemma redox enzymes. Trace metal complexes are directly reduced by the redox enzyme, therefore the reduction rate is not regulated by the metal free ion activity in solution. This is in direct contrast to previous measurements of trace metal interactions with the phytoplankton cell membrane. Half-saturation constants for the reduction of Cu(II) complexes with carbonate, phenanthroline and bathocuproinedisulfonate are in the range 2.3–14.7 μM, which suggests that trace metal complexes are not the main electron acceptor in natural waters. In the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii there is additional reductive activity associated with the cell wall.  相似文献   

The quadriflagellate snow alga Chlainomonas Christen, distributed in New Zealand and North America, has several unusual structural attributes. A process assumed to be cytokinesis involves extrusion of protoplasm from the parent through a narrow canal, C. kolii (J. T. Hardy et Curl) Hoham produces a net‐like outer envelope rather than a cell wall, and the flagellar basal apparatus of Chlainomonas consists of two semi‐independent pairs of basal bodies. Structural connections between basal body pairs appear minimal, but a connecting system different from that observed in other genera exists within each pair. Phylogenetic analysis using rbcL sequences places Chlainomonas in the Chloromonas clade, other known members of which are all biflagellate. Chlainomonas is split into two robust lineages, with New Zealand collections sharing an origin with northern North American collections. Although the quadriflagellate condition is regarded as ancestral in the Chlorophyceae, we speculate—based on ultrastructural and molecular data presented here—that Chlainomonas represents a derived form that has arisen from fusion of two ancestral biflagellate cells. Other explanations (for example, that Chlainomonas represents a diploid form of a biflagellate species) are remotely possible but are presently at odds with extensive observations of field material. Improvements in techniques for experimental manipulation of these sensitive cryophiles will be required to fully characterize their structure and progress our understanding of their biology.  相似文献   

Fluorescent labeling of the flagellar apparatus of Tetraselmis (Prasinophyceae) and Dunaliella (Polyblepharidaceae, Chlorophyceae) were successfully performed using fluorescein isothiocyanate–labeled lectins from Arachis hypogaea and Glycine maxima. These lectins specifically bound to the flagella and kinetosome of the cell but did not bind to the cell surface. Lectin binding on the flagellar apparatus remained constant under different culture media, temperatures, irradiances, cell division cycle, and culture aging. All the Tetraselmis and Dunaliella analyzed (five species, 20 clones) showed intense labeling of the flagellar apparatus. In contrast, no other species analyzed (46 clones of 25 species from four classes) showed binding to their flagellar apparatus. After the lectin treatment, many cells remained alive, and they were able to swim with the flagellar apparatus intensely labeled. The lectin binding indicates that the flagella and kinetosome of Tetraselmis are rich in Gal and GalNH2 moieties and that the flagella of Dunaliella are rich in Gal and GalNAc moieties. Apparently, this feature seems to be specific to these species.  相似文献   

Clones of the filamentous green alga Ctenocladus circinnatus Borzi were isolated from algae collected at Abert Lake (Oregon) and Mono Lake (California). Stock cultures were exposed to varied salinities of natural lake water to examine the effects on growth rate, cell form, chlorophyll a, and water content. Growth rates were reduced in both clones with increased salinity over the range 25–100 g·L?1 and were almost completely inhibited at 150 g·L?1. Chlorophyll a increased between salinities of 25 and 100 g·L?1, reflecting slower growth, higher proportions of akinetes, and smaller cell sizes as salinity increased. Tissue water content remained essentially constant from 25 to 100 g·L?1 salinity. Shorter cell dimensions with increased salinity suggest that a lower surface-to-volume ratio may reduce the potential for passive loss of cell water. Prior acclimation of stock cultures to elevated salinity provided no enhancement of growth response at any salinity. The results indicate that environmental salinity can limit the productivity and distribution of Ctenocladus in nature.  相似文献   

The effects of long term exposure to suboptimal growth temperature on the photosynthetic apparatus of Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher were investigated using carbon fixation rate versus irradiance curves and the variable fluorescence induction method. Carbon fixation rates per unite chlorophyll a at saturating (pBm) and subsaturating (αB) irradiances were 55% and 39% lower, respectively, at 12° C than at 20° C. Chlorophyll a quotas and the spectrally averaged in vivo absorption cross section normalized to chlorophyll a (a*) were not significantly different at these two temperatures. Analysis of the fluorescence kinetics revealed 1) no significant variations of the amount of PSII photoactive reaction centers per unit chlorophyll a, 2) a 14% decrease of the PSII quantum yield(+) and 3) a 29% decrease of the energy transfer efficiency between the light harvesting chlorophyll a pigment bed and the PSII reaction centers. The decrease in energy transfer efficiency between the antennae and the PSII reaction centers at 12° C was interpreted as a mechanism to avoid photoinhibition.  相似文献   

Dunaliella bardawil Ben-Amotz & Avron accumulates high concentrations of β-carotene when grown under high light intensity. The β-carotene is composed mainly of 9-cis and all-trans β-carotene. Accumulation of β-carotene and an increase in the ratio of the 9-cis to the all-trans isomer are strongly dependent on the light intensity under which the algae are cultivated but are independent of light quality within the photosynthetically active radiation range. Cells grown under continuous red (>645 nm) or white light of 500 W·m?2 reach a value of about 32 pg β-carotene·cell?1 and a ratio of 9-cis to all-trans β-carotene of around 2, whereas cells grown under low red or white light intensity of 25 W·m?2 contain about 3 pg·cell?1 and a ratio of isomers of around 0.3.  相似文献   

Numerous isolates of the green halophile Dunaliella were studied as part of a survey of microbial diversity at the Great Salt Plains (GSP) in Oklahoma, USA. The GSP is a large (~65 km2) salt flat with extreme temporal and spatial fluctuations in salinity and temperature. Although the flagellate halophile Dunaliella is common worldwide, nearly all cultured isolates are from saline habitats that are primarily aquatic rather than primarily terrestrial. The diverse GSP Dunaliella strains exhibit three morphotypes: a predominantly motile form, a motile form with a prominent palmelloid phase (nonmotile, mucilage rich), and a palmelloid form with a weakly motile phase. All had broad salinity optima well below typical in situ salinities at the GSP, and two of the palmelloid isolates grew as well in freshwater as in highly saline media. Molecular phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses revealed that Dunaliella from the GSP (and two similar habitats in the Great Basin, USA) are allied with D. viridis Teodor. but possess phylogenetic diversity in excess of existing global isolates from aquatic habitats. In addition, isolates from primarily terrestrial habitats exhibit statistically higher rates of nucleotide substitution than the phylogenetically homogeneous set of primarily aquatic Dunaliella taxa. We hypothesize that dynamically extreme saline soil habitats may select for different and more diverse Dunaliella lineages than more stable saline aquatic habitats. We also propose Dunaliella as a tractable microbial model for in situ testing of evolutionary and phylogeographic hypotheses.  相似文献   

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