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Among osteichthyans, basal actinopterygian fishes (e.g. paddlefish and bowfins) have paired fins with three endoskeletal components (pro-, meso- and metapterygia) articulating with polybasal shoulder girdles, while sarcopterygian fishes (lungfish, coelacanths and relatives) have paired fins with one endoskeletal component (metapterygium) articulating with monobasal shoulder girdles. In the fin–limb transition, the origin of the sarcopterygian paired fins triggered new possibilities of fin articulation and movement, and established the proximal segments (stylopod and zeugopod) of the presumptive tetrapod limb. Several authors have stated that the monobasal paired fins in sarcopterygians evolved from a primitive polybasal condition. However, the fossil record has been silent on whether and when the inferred transition took place. Here we describe three-dimensionally preserved shoulder girdles of two stem sarcopterygians (Psarolepis and Achoania) from the Lower Devonian of Yunnan, which demonstrate that stem sarcopterygians have polybasal pectoral fin articulation as in basal actinopterygians. This finding provides a phylogenetic and temporal constraint for studying the origin of the stylopod, which must have originated within the stem sarcopterygian lineage through the loss of the propterygium and mesopterygium.  相似文献   

Synopsis To examine the relation between morphology and performance, notochordal morphology was correlated with notochordal mechanics and with steady swimming motions in white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus. In a still-water tank, motions of four sturgeon varied with changes in swimming speed and axial position along the body. For a 1..34 m sturgeon, slow and fast swimming modes were distinguished, with speeds at the fast mode more than two times those at the slow mode without changes in tailbeat frequency. This increase in speed is correlated with an increase in the body's maximal midline curvature (m–1), suggesting a role for curvature-related mechanical properties of the notochord. Maximal midline curvature also varied with axial position, and surprisingly was uncorrelated with axial changes in the notochord's cross-sectional shape - as measured by height, width, inner diameter, and lateral thickness of the sheaths. On the other hand, maximal midline curvature was negatively correlated with the axial changes in the notochord's angular stiffness (N m rad–1) and change in internal pressure (% change from baseline of 58.6 kPa), both of which were measured during in vitro bending tests. In vivo curvature and in vitro angular stiffness were then used to estimate the bending moments (Nm) in the notochord during swimming. In the precaudal notochord, the axial pattern of maximal stiffness moments was congruent with the pattern of maximal notochordal curvature in the precaudal region, but in the caudal notochord maximal angular stiffness was located craniad to maximal curvature. One interpretation of this pattern is that the precaudal notochord resists bending moments generated by the muscles and that the caudal notochord resists bending moments generated by hydrodynamic forces acting on the tail.  相似文献   

The vertebrate somite is the source of all trunk skeletal muscles. Myogenesis in avian embryos is thought to depend on signals from notochord and neural tube for the epaxial muscles, and signals from lateral mesoderm and surface ectoderm for the hypaxial muscles. However, this hypothesis has to be tested because in mouse mutants lacking a notochord the presence of a fused myotome beneath the neural tube has been reported. We have compared the expression pattern of myogenic markers and markers for the hypaxial muscle precursors in the mutants Brachyury curtailed, truncate, Danforth's short tail and Pintail. In regions lacking notochord and sclerotome, we found small, ventrally located domains of Myf5 and MyoD expression, concomitant with ventrally expanded Pax3 signals and upregulated expression of the hypaxial marker Lbx1, suggesting that only the hypaxial program is active. We therefore hypothesise that in mammals, as in birds, the formation of the epaxial musculature depends on the presence of notochord derived signals.  相似文献   

The notochord has important structural and signaling properties during vertebrate development with key roles in patterning surrounding tissues, including the foregut. The adriamycin mouse model is an established model of foregut anomalies where exposure of embryos in utero to the drug adriamycin leads to malformations including oesophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula. In addition to foregut abnormalities, treatment also causes branching, displacement, and hypertrophy of the notochord. Here, we explore the hypothesis that the notochord may be a primary target of disruption leading to abnormal patterning of the foregut by examining notochord position and structure in early embryos following adriamycin exposure. Treated (n = 46) and control (n = 30) embryos were examined during the crucial period when the notochord normally delaminates away from the foregut endoderm (6–28 somite pairs). Transverse sections were derived from the anterior foregut and analyzed by confocal microscopy following immunodetection of extracellular matrix markers E‐cadherin and Laminin. In adriamycin‐treated embryos across all stages, the notochord was abnormally displaced ventrally with prolonged attachment to the foregut endoderm. While E‐cadherin was normally detected in the foregut endoderm with no expression in the notochord of control embryos, treated embryos up to 24 somites showed ectopic notochordal expression indicating a change in characteristics of the tissue; specifically an increase in intracellular adhesiveness, which may be instrumental in structural changes, affecting mechanical and signaling properties. This is consistent with disruption of the notochord leading to altered signaling to the foregut causing abnormal patterning and congenital foregut malformations.  相似文献   

The fossil record provides unique clues about the primitive pattern of lobed fins, the precursors of digit-bearing limbs. Such information is vital for understanding the evolutionary transition from fish fins to tetrapod limbs, and it guides the choice of model systems for investigating the developmental changes underpinning this event. However, the evolutionary preconditions for tetrapod limbs remain unclear. This uncertainty arises from an outstanding gap in our knowledge of early lobed fins: there are no fossil data that record primitive pectoral fin conditions in coelacanths, one of the three major groups of sarcopterygian (lobe-finned) fishes. A new fossil from the Middle-Late Devonian of Wyoming preserves the first and only example of a primitive coelacanth pectoral fin endoskeleton. The strongly asymmetrical skeleton of this fin corroborates the hypothesis that this is the primitive sarcopterygian pattern, and that this pattern persisted in the closest fish-like relatives of land vertebrates. The new material reveals the specializations of paired fins in the modern coelacanth, as well as in living lungfishes. Consequently, the context in which these might be used to investigate evolutionary and developmental relationships between vertebrate fins and limbs is changed. Our data suggest that primitive actinopterygians, rather than living sarcopterygian fishes and their derived appendages, are the most informative comparators for developmental studies seeking to understand the origin of tetrapod limbs.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of sclerotome and neural crest cells of avian embryos was studied by light and electron microscopy. Sclerotome cells radiated from the somites towards the notochord, to occupy the perichordal space. Neural crest cells, at least initially, also entered cell-free spaces. At the cranial somitic levels they moved chiefly dorsal to the somites, favouring the rostral part of each somite. These cells did not approach the perichordal space. More caudally (i.e. trunk levels), neural crest cells initially moved ventrally between the somites and neural tube. Adjacent to the caudal half of each somite, these cells penetrated no further than the myosclerotomal border, but opposite the rostral somite half, they were found next to the sclerotome almost as far ventrally as the notochord. However, they did not appear to enter the perichordal space, in contrast to sclerotome cells.When tested in vitro, sclerotome cells migrated towards notochords co-cultured on fibronectin-rich extracellular material, and on collagen gels. In contrast, neural crest cells avoided co-cultured notochords. This avoidance was abolished by inclusion of testicular hyaluronidase and chondroitinase ABC in the culture medium, but not by hyaluronidase from Streptomyces hyalurolyticus. The results suggest that sclerotome and neural crest mesenchyme cells have a different distribution with respect to the notochord, and that differential responses to notochordal extracellular material, possibly chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan, may be responsible for this.  相似文献   

The role of the notochord on the early development of ventral horn neuroblasts was investigated in chick embryos by implanting an additional notochord fragment near the right side of the thoracic neural tube. When the implant was located directly lateral to the neural tube, an enlargement of the right half of the neural tube and of the area of neuroblasts occurred, and axons were found to pass through the outer membrane of the neural tube over a broad dorsoventral trajectory. When the notochord was located ventrolaterally a population of neuroblasts including their efferent axons was found at a more dorsal location. It is concluded that a notochordal implant is able to influence the differentiation of neuroblasts.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the Golgi apparatus of avian notochord transplants excised from 2-day-old (E2) chick embryos and grafted isochronically into a chick host either in a medial-ventral position, next to the host notochord, or in a superficial position under the ectoderm laterally or dorsally to the neural tube. The operated embryos were examined from E2 to E8. The diameters, the cytoplasmic vacuolization and the immunostained Golgi apparatus were identical between the endogenous and ventrally grafted notochords, as well as between host-and superficially transplanted notochords when observed at E2. In contrast, from E4 to E8, the size of the notochords grafted dorsally or laterally to the neural tube was significantly smaller than the host, while the cytoplasmic vacuolization and the degree of fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus were significantly less than in the host notochords. These results show that environmental and position-specific factors influence the developmental program and the secretory activity of the notochordal cells.  相似文献   

The notochord and notochordal sheath of 10 adult amphioxus were investigated ultrastructurally and histochemically. The notochord in amphioxus consists of parallel notochordal cells (plates) and each plate consists of parallel thicker and thinner fibrils and numerous profiles of smooth endoplasmic reticulum situated just beneath the cell membrane. Histochemical staining shows that the notochordal plates resemble neither the connective tissue notochordal sheath nor the typical muscular structure myotomes. The notochordal sheath has a complex three-layered organization with the outer, middle and inner layer The outer and middle layer are composed of collagen fibers of different thickness and course, that correspond to collagen type I and collagen type III in vertebrates, respectively, and the inner layer is amorphous, resembles basal lamina, and is closely attached to the notochord by hemidesmosome junctions. These results confirm the presence of collagen fibers and absence of elastic fibers in amphioxus.  相似文献   

Coelacanths are well-known sarcopterygian (lobe-finned) fishes, which together with lungfishes are the closest extant relatives of land vertebrates (tetrapods). Coelacanths have both living representatives and a rich fossil record, but lack fossils older than the late Middle Devonian (385-390 Myr ago), conflicting with current phylogenies implying coelacanths diverged from other sarcopterygians in the earliest Devonian (410-415 Myr ago). Here, we report the discovery of a new coelacanth from the Early Devonian of Australia (407-409 Myr ago), which fills in the approximately 20 Myr 'ghost range' between previous coelacanth records and the predicted origin of the group. This taxon is based on a single lower jaw bone, the dentary, which is deep and short in form and possesses a dentary sensory pore, otherwise seen in Carboniferous and younger taxa.  相似文献   

The chondrocranium of the suckermouth armored catfish Ancistrus cf. triradiatus was studied. Its development is described based on specimens ranging from small prehatching stages with no cartilage visible, to larger posthatching stages where the chondrocranium is reducing. Cleared and stained specimens, as well as serial sections, revealed a cartilaginous skeleton with many features common for Siluriformes, yet several aspects of A. cf. triradiatus are not seen as such in other catfishes, or to a lesser extent. The skull is platybasic, but the acrochordal cartilage is very small and variably present, leaving the notochord protruding into the hypophyseal fenestra in the earlier stages. The ethmoid region is slender, with a rudimentary solum nasi. A lateral commissure and myodomes are present. The larger posterior myodome is roofed by a prootic bridge. The maxillary barbel is supported by a conspicuous cartilaginous rod from early prehatching stages. The ceratohyal has four prominent lateral processes. Infrapharyngobranchials I-II do not develop. During ontogeny, the skull lengthens, with an elongated ethmoid, pointing ventrally, and a long and bar-shaped hyosymplectic-pterygoquadrate plate. Meckel's cartilages point medially instead of rostrally.  相似文献   

The medulla of the unconstricted notochords of the shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostratus, and African lungfish, Protopterus annectens, and the cellular component of the intervertebral joint tissue of the teleost fish, Perca flavescens, are comprised of cells with a large central vacuole. Previous studies on the fine structure of this tissue revealed that the cytoplasm surrounding these vacuoles consists of 10-nm-diameter intermediate filaments. Since in mammals there are a large number of tissue-specific types of intermediate filaments, this study uses antibodies to mammalian intermediate filaments to determine the type of filaments present in the notochord cells of bony fishes. Positive labeling using a polyclonal antibody to human skin keratins is observed in the cytoplasm of the notochord cells in the intervertebral tissues of Perca. These tissues are also probed with the AE series antibodies that label keratins found in mammalian epithelial cells. In both Protopterus and Acipenser the peripheral cytoplasm of the notochord cells is labeled with all three AE antibodies. In Perca only the AE3 antibody probe produces positive staining. These staining patterns are consistent with previous studies on the localization of cytokeratins in fish tissues and indicate that the intermediate filaments in the notochord cells of bony fishes are immunologically similar to the mammalian keratins. J. Morphol. 236:105–116, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The notochord develops from notochord progenitor cells (NPCs) and functions as a major signaling center to regulate trunk and tail development. NPCs are initially specified in the node by Wnt and Nodal signals at the gastrula stage. However, the underlying mechanism that maintains the NPCs throughout embryogenesis to contribute to the posterior extension of the notochord remains unclear. Here, we demonstrate that Wnt signaling in the NPCs is essential for posterior extension of the notochord. Genetic labeling revealed that the Noto-expressing cells in the ventral node contribute the NPCs that reside in the tail bud. Robust Wnt signaling in the NPCs was observed during posterior notochord extension. Genetic attenuation of the Wnt signal via notochord-specific β-catenin gene ablation resulted in posterior truncation of the notochord. In the NPCs of such mutant embryos, the expression of notochord-specific genes was down-regulated, and an endodermal marker, E-cadherin, was observed. No significant alteration of cell proliferation or apoptosis of the NPCs was detected. Taken together, our data indicate that the NPCs are derived from Noto-positive node cells, and are not fully committed to a notochordal fate. Sustained Wnt signaling is required to maintain the NPCs’ notochordal fate.  相似文献   

Cilia have been observed in cells of the chick embryonic notochord in different developmental stages. The ciliated notochordal cells were present both at the center and at the periphery of the organ. A well outlined central cavity in the notochord was not observed.  相似文献   

In order to characterize human notochordal tissue we investigated notochords from 32 human embryos and fetuses ranging between the 5th and 13th gestational week, using immunohistochemistry to detect intermediate filament proteins cytokeratin, vimentin and desmin, the cytokeratin subtypes 7, 8, 18, 19 and 20, epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), and adhesion molecules pan-cadherin and E-cadherin. Strong immunoreactions could be demonstrated for pan-cytokeratin, but not for desmin or EMA. Staining for pan-cadherin and weak staining for E-cadherin was found on cell membranes of notochordal cells. Also it was demonstrated that notochordal cells of all developmental stages contain the cytokeratins 8, 18 and19, but not 7 or 20. Some cells in the embryonic notochord also contained some vimentin. Vimentin reactivity increased between the 8th and 13th gestational week parallel to morphological changes leading from an epithelial phenotype to the chorda reticulum which represents a mesenchymal tissue within the intervertebral disc anlagen. This coexpression reflects the epithelial-mesenchymal transformation of the notochord, which also loses E-cadherin expression during later stages. Our findings cannot elucidate a histogenetic germ layer origin of the human notochord but demonstrate its epithelial character. Thus, morphogenetic inductive processes between the human notochord and its surrounding vertebral column anlagen can be classified as epithelial-mesenchymal interactions.  相似文献   

Korzh VP 《Ontogenez》2001,32(3):196-203
During gastrulation in vertebrate embryos, three definitive germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) are formed by organized and coordinated cell movements. In zebrafish, further subdivision of the mesoderm gives rise to the axial, adaxial and paraxial mesoderm. The axial mesoderm contributes to the prechordal plate and notochord whereas the adaxial and paraxial cells give rise to slow and fast muscles, respectively (Devoto et al., 1996; Blagden et al., 1997; Currie and Ingham, 1998). An inductive interaction in which the notochord plays an essential role will also provide an input in forming other specialized types of tissue contributing to the axial structures: the floor plate located dorsally to the notochord in the ventral spinal cord and the hypochord located ventrally of the notochord and deriving probably from the endoerm. It is known that despite the difference in developmental roles (Str?hle et al., 1993; Krauss et al., 1993), the floor plate and hypochord co-express a number of common molecular markers (Jan et al., 1995; our unpublished results) that may illustrate a certain similarity of their origin. Their close proximity to the notochord determines specialized features of these structures that differ substantially from the rest of the neural tube and endoderm, correspondingly. Once formed under the influence of the notochordal signaling, the floor plate will acquire an ability, similar to the notochord, to express genes of the Hedgehog family and several other groups of genes and to induce specification of ventral cell types in the neural tube during later development (for review, see Korzh, 1998). The biology of the hypochord is much less understood. It seems that the hypochord develops slightly later than the floor plate. It may be required for proper positioning of the dorsal aorta as well as induction of some other endoderm derivatives.  相似文献   

Members of the netrin gene family have been identified in vertebrates, Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans and found to encode secreted molecules involved in axon guidance. Here I use the conserved function of netrins in triploblasts, coupled with the phylogenetic position of amphioxus (the closest living relative of the vertebrates), to investigate the evolution of an axon guidance cue in chordates. A single amphioxus netrin gene was isolated by PCR and cDNA library screening and named AmphiNetrin. The predicted AmphiNetrin protein showed high identity to other netrin family members but differed in that the third of three EGF repeats found in other netrins was absent. Molecular phylogene-tic analysis showed that despite the absent EGF repeat AmphiNetrin is most closely related to the vertebrate netrins. AmphiNetrin expression was identified in embryonic notochord and floor plate, a pattern similar to that of vertebrate netrin-1 expression. AmphiNetrin expression was also identified more widely in the posterior larval brain, and in the anterior extension of the notochord that underlies the anterior of the amphioxus brain. All of these areas of expression are correlated with developing axon trajectories: The floor plate with ventrally projecting somatic motor neurons and Rohde cell projections, the posterior brain with the ventral commissure and primary motor centre and the anterior extension of the notochord with ventrally projecting neurons associated with the median eye. Amphioxus is naturally cyclopaedic and also lacks the ventral brain cells that the induction of which results in the splitting of the vertebrate eye field and, when missing, result in cyclopaedia. These cells normally express netrins required for developing axon tracts in the brain, and the expression of AmphiNetrin in the anterior extension of the notochord underlying the brain may explain how amphioxus is able to maintain ventral guidance cues while lacking these cells. Received: 15 November 1999 / Accepted: 27 January 2000  相似文献   

During axial undulatory swimming in fishes and salamanders muscular forces are transmitted to the vertebral axis and to the tail. One of the major components of force transmission is the myoseptal system. The structure of this system is well known in actinopterygian fishes, but has never been addressed in sarcopterygian fishes or salamanders. In this study we describe the spatial arrangement and collagen fiber architecture of myosepta in Latimeria, two dipnoans, and three salamanders in order to gain insight into function and evolution of the myoseptal system in these groups. Salamander myosepta lack prominent cones, and consist of homogenously distributed collagen fibers of various orientations that never form distinct tendons. Fiber orientations are difficult to homologize with those of fish myosepta. The myosepta of Latimeria and dipnoans (Protopterus and Neoceratodus) illustrate that major changes in architecture occurred in the sarcopterygian clade (loss of horizontal septum), in the rhipidistian (dipnoans + tetrapods) clade (loss of epineural and epipleural tendon), and in tetrapods (loss of lateral tendons and myoseptal folding). When compared to fishes, the myosepta of wholly aquatic salamanders (Ambystoma mexicanum, Amphiuma tridactylum, Necturus maculosus) do not have the lateral tendons we suppose serve to transfer muscular forces posteriorly. We propose that alternative structures (most conspicuously present in Ambystoma) perform this function: posteriorly the relative amount of connective tissue increases considerably, and myosepta are disintegrated to horizontal lamellae of connective tissue. The structures thought to be involved in modulation of body stiffness in fishes during swimming are also absent in salamanders. Our data also have implications for the hypothesis that salamander hypaxial myosepta are designed to increase shortening amplification of the hypaxial muscle fibers. The posterior hypaxial myosepta of all three salamander species possess only mediolaterally directed collagen fibers, which would indeed amplify the shortening of the associated muscle.  相似文献   

Histological characterization of spinal fusions in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) has demonstrated shape alterations of vertebral body endplates, a reduced intervertebral space, and replacement of intervertebral cells by ectopic bone. However, the significance of the notochord during the fusion process has not been addressed. We have therefore investigated structural and cellular events in the notochord during the development of vertebral fusions. In order to induce vertebral fusions, Atlantic salmon were exposed to elevated temperatures from fertilization until they attained a size of 15 g. Based on results from radiography, intermediate and terminal stages of the fusion process were investigated by immunohistochemistry and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Examination of structural extracellular matrix proteins such as Perlecan, Aggrecan, Elastin, and Laminin revealed reduced activity and reorganization at early stages in the pathology. Staining for elastic fibers visualized a thinner elastic membrane surrounding the notochord of developing fusions, and immunohistochemistry for Perlecan showed that the notochordal sheath was stretched during fusion. These findings in the outer notochord correlated with the loss of Aggrecan- and Substance-P-positive signals and the further loss of vacuoles from the chordocytes in the central notochord. At more progressed stages of fusion, chordocytes condensed, and the expression of Aggrecan and Substance P reappeared. The hyperdense regions seem to be of importance for the formation of notochordal tissue into bone. Thus, the remodeling of notochord integrity by reduced elasticity, structural alterations, and cellular changes is probably involved in the development of vertebral fusions.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(7):587-597
The Devonian (Frasnian) of Colombia has provided important information on the taxonomical diversity and palaeobiogeographic relationships of the Late Devonian marginal marine vertebrate faunas of South America (northwestern margin of Gondwana). This fauna is mostly composed of Gondwanan endemics, but includes two taxa also known in Euramerica: the antiarchan placoderm Asterolepis and the porolepiform sarcopterygian Holoptychius. The occurrence of holoptychiid porolepiforms in Colombia was previously suggested based solely on the presence of scales attributed to Holoptychius, although with caution. Here, we describe further holoptychiid remains that include a large isolated tooth with dendrodont microstructure, typical of porolepiforms, and additional Holoptychius scales. These new findings increase the record of holoptychiid porolepiform occurrences in Gondwana and suggest that dispersion of fish faunas between Euramerica and Gondwana by the beginning of the Late Devonian was possible through South America.  相似文献   

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