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Recent years have witnessed major upheavals in views about early eukaryotic evolution. One very significant finding was that mitochondria, including hydrogenosomes and the newly discovered mitosomes, are just as ubiquitous and defining among eukaryotes as the nucleus itself. A second important advance concerns the readjustment, still in progress, about phylogenetic relationships among eukaryotic groups and the roughly six new eukaryotic supergroups that are currently at the focus of much attention. From the standpoint of energy metabolism (the biochemical means through which eukaryotes gain their ATP, thereby enabling any and all evolution of other traits), understanding of mitochondria among eukaryotic anaerobes has improved. The mainstream formulations of endosymbiotic theory did not predict the ubiquity of mitochondria among anaerobic eukaryotes, while an alternative hypothesis that specifically addressed the evolutionary origin of energy metabolism among eukaryotic anaerobes did. Those developments in biology have been paralleled by a similar upheaval in the Earth sciences regarding views about the prevalence of oxygen in the oceans during the Proterozoic (the time from ca 2.5 to 0.6 Ga ago). The new model of Proterozoic ocean chemistry indicates that the oceans were anoxic and sulphidic during most of the Proterozoic. Its proponents suggest the underlying geochemical mechanism to entail the weathering of continental sulphides by atmospheric oxygen to sulphate, which was carried into the oceans as sulphate, fueling marine sulphate reducers (anaerobic, hydrogen sulphide-producing prokaryotes) on a global scale. Taken together, these two mutually compatible developments in biology and geology underscore the evolutionary significance of oxygen-independent ATP-generating pathways in mitochondria, including those of various metazoan groups, as a watermark of the environments within which eukaryotes arose and diversified into their major lineages.  相似文献   


The endosymbiont theory states that 1.5 billion years ago a primitive anaerobic cell ingested a neighbouring bacterium. A successful alliance was to develop that would dramatically change the nature of life on this planet. The ingested prey was no ordinary bacterium. It was able to respire, utilising the oxygen that was becoming more abundant in the earth's atmosphere to oxidise its food. The host cell was able to utilise the large amounts of energy produced during respiration to develop more complex regulatory mechanisms, eventually becoming the eukaryotic cell from which all multicellular plants and animals evolved. The aerobic bacterium and its descendants were destined to become mitochondria, the combustion engines of the eukaryotic cell. But these organelles are not just the life force of the cell; they are also its executioners. Mitochondria appear to sense a variety of cellular signals and stresses, and orchestrate the release of factors that trigger the host's suicide pathways. In June and July, two papers have appeared in the journal Nature that investigate these life and death pathways of mitochondria.1,2 They provide an opportunity to outline and compare the status of these two fundamental aspects of mitochondrial research.  相似文献   

Oxygen has two faces. On one side it is the terminal electron acceptor of aerobic respiration – the most efficient engine of energy metabolism. On the other hand, oxygen is toxic because the reduction of molecular O2 creates reactive oxygen species such as the superoxide anion, peroxide, and the hydroxyl radical. Probably most prokaryotes, and virtually all eukaryotes, depend on oxygen respiration, and we show that the ambiguous relation to oxygen is both an evolutionary force and a dominating factor driving functional interactions and the spatial structure of microbial communities.We focus on microbial communities that are specialised for life in concentration gradients of oxygen, where they acquire the full panoply of specific requirements from limited ranges of PO2 , which also support the spatial organisation of microbial communities. Marine and lake sediments provide examples of steep O2 gradients, which arise because consumption or production of oxygen exceeds transport rates of molecular diffusion. Deep lakes undergo thermal stratification in warm waters, resulting in seasonal anaerobiosis below the thermocline, and lakes with a permanent pycnocline often have permanent anoxic deep water. The oxycline is here biologically similar to sediments, and it harbours similar microbial biota, the main difference being the spatial scale. In sediments, transport is dominated by molecular diffusion, and in the water column, turbulent mixing dominates vertical transport.Cell size determines the minimum requirement of aerobic organisms. For bacteria (and mitochondria), the half‐saturation constant for oxygen uptake ranges within 0.05 – 0.1% atmospheric saturation; for the amoeba Acanthamoeba castellanii it is 0.2%, and for two ciliate species measuring around 150 μm, it is 1‐2 % atmospheric saturation. Protection against O2 toxicity has an energetic cost that increases with increasing ambient O2 tension. Oxygen sensing seems universal in aquatic organisms. Many aspects of oxygen sensing are incompletely understood, but the mechanisms seem to be evolutionarily conserved. A simple method of studying oxygen preference in microbes is to identify the preferred oxygen tension accumulating in O2 gradients. Microorganisms cannot sense the direction of a chemical gradient directly, so they use other devices to orient themselves. Different mechanisms in different prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes are described. In O2 gradients, many bacteria and protozoa are vertically distributed according to oxygen tension and they show a very limited range of preferred PO2. In some pigmented protists the required PO2 is contingent on light due to photochemically generated reactive oxygen species. In protists that harbour endosymbiotic phototrophs, orientation towards light is mediated through the oxygen production of their photosynthetic symbionts. Oxygen plays a similar role for the distribution of small metazoans (meiofauna) in sediments, but there is little experimental evidence for this. Thus the oxygenated sediments surrounding ventilated animal burrows provide a special habitat for metazoan meiofauna as well as unicellular organisms.  相似文献   

Coastal waters are a major source of marine methane to the atmosphere. Particularly high concentrations of this potent greenhouse gas are found in anoxic waters, but it remains unclear if and to what extent anaerobic methanotrophs mitigate the methane flux. Here we investigate the long-term dynamics in methanotrophic activity and the methanotroph community in the coastal oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica, combining biogeochemical analyses, experimental incubations and 16S rRNA gene sequencing over 3 consecutive years. Our results demonstrate a stable redox zonation across the years with high concentrations of methane (up to 1.7 μmol L−1) in anoxic bottom waters. However, we also measured high activities of anaerobic methane oxidation in the OMZ core (rate constant, k, averaging 30 yr−1 in 2018 and 8 yr−1 in 2019–2020). The OPU3 and Deep Sea-1 clades of the Methylococcales were implicated as conveyors of the activity, peaking in relative abundance 5–25 m below the oxic–anoxic interface and in the deep anoxic water respectively. Although their genetic capacity for anaerobic methane oxidation remains unexplored, their sustained high relative abundance indicates an adaptation of these clades to the anoxic, methane-rich OMZ environment, allowing them to play major roles in mitigating methane fluxes.  相似文献   

Summary: Major insights into the phylogenetic distribution, biochemistry, and evolutionary significance of organelles involved in ATP synthesis (energy metabolism) in eukaryotes that thrive in anaerobic environments for all or part of their life cycles have accrued in recent years. All known eukaryotic groups possess an organelle of mitochondrial origin, mapping the origin of mitochondria to the eukaryotic common ancestor, and genome sequence data are rapidly accumulating for eukaryotes that possess anaerobic mitochondria, hydrogenosomes, or mitosomes. Here we review the available biochemical data on the enzymes and pathways that eukaryotes use in anaerobic energy metabolism and summarize the metabolic end products that they generate in their anaerobic habitats, focusing on the biochemical roles that their mitochondria play in anaerobic ATP synthesis. We present metabolic maps of compartmentalized energy metabolism for 16 well-studied species. There are currently no enzymes of core anaerobic energy metabolism that are specific to any of the six eukaryotic supergroup lineages; genes present in one supergroup are also found in at least one other supergroup. The gene distribution across lineages thus reflects the presence of anaerobic energy metabolism in the eukaryote common ancestor and differential loss during the specialization of some lineages to oxic niches, just as oxphos capabilities have been differentially lost in specialization to anoxic niches and the parasitic life-style. Some facultative anaerobes have retained both aerobic and anaerobic pathways. Diversified eukaryotic lineages have retained the same enzymes of anaerobic ATP synthesis, in line with geochemical data indicating low environmental oxygen levels while eukaryotes arose and diversified.  相似文献   

We report aerobic eukaryotic microbial life in the dimly lit anoxic water layer of a small freshwater lake. The microbial eukaryote is the ciliated protozoon Histiobalantium natans . Electron microscopy of thin sections shows that the cytoplasm of the ciliate harbours sequestered chloroplasts and sequestered mitochondria. The sequestered chloroplasts are attached or in very close proximity to the ciliate's own mitochondria. The sequestered mitochondria also seem to be associated with host-ciliate mitochondria. We suggest that the oxygenic photosynthetic activity of sequestered chloroplasts, perhaps enhanced by respiration in sequestered mitochondria, contributes to servicing the respiratory oxygen requirements of the ciliate host in its anoxic habitat. Our observations are novel, with the discovery of an aerobic microbial eukaryote capable of thriving and completing its life cycle in an anoxic environment, fuelled by oxygen generated by sequestered chloroplasts. The acknowledged flexibility and functional diversity within eukaryotic microbial communities still have many secrets to release.  相似文献   

Rates of methane production by three anaerobic ciliates containing symbiotic methanogens (the marine Metopus contortus and Plagiopyla frontata, and the limnic Metopus palaeformis) were quantified. Hydrogen production by normal (containing active symbionts), aposymbiotic and BES-treated cells was also measured in the case of the marine species. Methanogenesis was closely coupled to host metabolism and growth; at maximum ciliate growth rates (20°C) each methanogen produced about 1 fmol CH4 per hour corresponding to about 7, 4 and 0.35 pmol per ciliate per hour for M. contortus, P. frontata and M. palaeformis, respectively. Normal cells produced traces of H2. Hydrogen production by BES-treated or aposymbiotic cells accounted for 75 and 45% of the methane production of normal M. contortus and P. frontata cells, respectively. However, it is possible that hydrogen production was partly inhibited in the absence of methanogens. Theoretical considerations suggest that hydrogen transfer is significant to the metabolism of larger anaerobic ciliates. Ciliates with methanogens produced CH4 under microaerobic conditions due to their ability to maintain an anoxic intracellular environment at low external oxygen tensions. Methanogenesis was still detectable at a pO2 of 0.63 kPa (3 %atm sat).  相似文献   

Understanding thermal limits and the ability of species to cope with changing temperatures is crucial for a cause and effect understanding of climate effects on organisms and ecosystems. Data available for marine species from various phyla and climates led to the hypothesis that a mismatch between oxygen demand and limited capacity of oxygen supply to tissues is the first mechanism to restrict survival at thermal extremes. Here we show that doubling the oxygen content of the ambient seawater from 160 mmHg partial pressure to 350 mmHg raised the upper temperature limits of the Antarctic marine bivalve Laternula elliptica by about 2.5°C. It reduced the accumulation of the anaerobic end product succinate or of total CO2 as a sign of respiratory distress. These findings provide further evidence that oxygen supply does limit thermal tolerance in marine animals. As water temperatures rise animals will face a double problem of progressively reduced oxygen solubility in the water and enhanced costs reflected in increased metabolic rates.  相似文献   

Mitochondria occur as aerobic, facultatively anaerobic, and, in the case of hydrogenosomes, strictly anaerobic forms. This physiological diversity of mitochondrial oxygen requirement is paralleled by that of free-living alpha-proteobacteria, the group of eubacteria from which mitochondria arose, many of which are facultative anaerobes. Although ATP synthesis in mitochondria usually involves the oxidation of reduced carbon compounds, many alpha-proteobacteria and some mitochondria are known to use sulfide (H2S) as an electron donor for the respiratory chain and its associated ATP synthesis. In many eubacteria, the oxidation of sulfide involves the enzyme sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (SQR). Nuclear-encoded homologs of SQR are found in several eukaryotic genomes. Here we show that eukaryotic SQR genes characterized to date can be traced to a single acquisition from a eubacterial donor in the common ancestor of animals and fungi. Yet, SQR is not a well-conserved protein, and our analyses suggest that the SQR gene has furthermore undergone some lateral transfer among prokaryotes during evolution, leaving the precise eubacterial lineage from which eukaryotes obtained their SQR difficult to discern with phylogenetic methods. Newer geochemical data and microfossil evidence indicate that major phases of early eukaryotic diversification occurred during a period of the Earth's history from 1 to 2 billion years before present in which the subsurface ocean waters contained almost no oxygen but contained high concentrations of sulfide, suggesting that the ability to deal with sulfide was essential for prokaryotes and eukaryotes during that time. Notwithstanding poor resolution in deep SQR phylogeny and lack of a specifically alpha-protebacterial branch for the eukaryotic enzyme on the basis of current lineage sampling, a single eubacterial origin of eukaryotic SQR and the evident need of ancient eukaryotes to deal with sulfide, a process today germane to mitochondrial quinone reduction, are compatible with the view that eukaryotic SQR was an acquisition from the mitochondrial endosymbiont.  相似文献   

Tubificoides benedii is regularly found in sulphide-rich sediments with extremely low oxygen tensions and can tolerate anaerobic conditions for several days. Although the anaerobic energy production of marine invertebrates has been well studied, almost nothing is known about the anaerobic metabolism of marine oligochaetes. Preliminary results after measuring end-products during anaerobic incubation show that in contrast to all previously examined marine facultative anaerobe invertebrates T. benedii degrades malate during anaerobiosis. Also, the concentration of free amino acids is extremely low for a marine organism. Low levels of free amino acids could be concomitant with malate utilization: the utilization of the amino acid aspartate (as observed in all other examined marine invertebrates) seems to be excluded by the low concentrations of aspartate and other amino acids in T. benedii.The physiological lab studies were supplemented by ecological investigations in the field and laboratory on the vertical distribution of T. benedii. 90% of the population was always found within the first few cm below the sediment surface. Aquarium observations showed that the posterior end of the worm projects above the sediment surface, where it slowly waves back and forth. This behavior points towards an intestinal respiration. The described orientation, an intestinal respiration and anaerobic energy production could be advantageous in sulphide-rich sediments where O2 only penetrates a few mm into the sediment. The worm can easily inhabit the first three to four cm by holding its tail in the upper oxygenated sediment and water. Here it would be able to feed on the rich quantities of bacteria at the anoxic-oxic interface and yet still keep up an aerobic metabolism. In addition, its ability to produce energy anaerobically would allow T. benedii to dwell in deeper anoxic sediments for limited periods of time or to survive complete O2 absence that could develop during low tide.The posterior ends of T. benedii found in a sulphide-rich habitat in the German Wadden Sea were covered with filamentous epibacteria (Dubilier, 1986). Electron microscopy showed that the bacteria were anchored in the cuticle. The association is apparently not pathogenic whereas positive forms of interaction can be envisioned.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of aerobic scope has been suggested to be a major determinant of how marine animals will cope with future rises in environmental temperature. Here, we present data suggesting that in some animals, the temperature dependence of anaerobic scope (i.e., the capacity for surviving severe hypoxia) may determine present‐day latitudinal distributions and potential for persistence in a warmer future. As a model for investigating the role of anaerobic scope, we studied two sibling species of coral‐dwelling gobies, Gobiodon histrio, and G. erythrospilus, with different latitudinal distributions, but which overlap in equal abundance at Lizard Island (14°40′S) on the Great Barrier Reef. These species did not differ in the temperature dependence of resting oxygen consumption or critical oxygen concentration (the lowest oxygen level where resting oxygen consumption can be maintained). In contrast, the more equatorial species (G. histrio) had a better capacity to endure anaerobic conditions at oxygen levels below the critical oxygen concentration at the high temperatures (32–33 °C) more likely to occur near the equator, or in a warmer future. These results suggest that anaerobic scope, in addition to aerobic scope, could be important in determining the impacts of global warming on some marine animals.  相似文献   

Scaphopods (tusk shells) are infaunal marine predators that occur at locally high densities in coastal and deep‐sea mud habitats, and as consumers of foraminifera they are important in carbon cycling. We investigated oxygen metabolism and burying behavior of the scaphopod Rhabdus rectius and its responses to altered temperatures. These are the first measurements of oxygen uptake rates for any member of this taxonomic class. In response to elevated temperatures, oxygen uptake rates increased, but the ability of animals to bury themselves in sediment was compromised. Female scaphopods were significantly larger than males and, when corrected for body mass, oxygen uptake rates were consistently higher for female individuals than for males. This is consistent with previous anecdotal observations of females in other scaphopod species being larger and potentially more active. In conditions of declining oxygen availability, individuals of Rhabdus rectius showed strong oxyregulatory ability by maintaining the same oxygen uptake rate displayed in normoxic conditions. The ability to maintain normal metabolic functioning even in conditions of oxygen limitation would benefit a species living in a benthic environment that may be prone to temporary or transient anoxic events. Yet the decrease in normal escape response in moderately elevated temperatures indicates these animals may be at risk from rising sea temperatures.  相似文献   

The protozoan community in eleven activated sludge wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the greater Dublin area has been investigated and correlated with key physio-chemical operational and effluent quality parameters. The plants represented various designs, including conventional and biological nutrient removal (BNR) systems. The aim of the study was to identify differences in ciliate community due to key design parameters including anoxic/anaerobic stages and to identify suitable bioindicator species for performance evaluation. BNR systems supported significantly different protozoan communities compared to conventional systems. Total protozoan abundance was reduced in plants with incorporated anoxic and anaerobic stages, whereas species diversity was either unaffected or increased. Plagiocampa rouxi and Holophrya discolor were tolerant to anoxic/anaerobic conditions and associated with high denitrification. Apart from process design, influent wastewater characteristics affect protozoan community structure. Aspidisca cicada was associated with low dissolved oxygen and low nitrate concentrations, while Trochilia minuta was indicative of good nitrifying conditions and good sludge settleability. Trithigmostoma cucullulus was sensitive to ammonia and phosphate and could be useful as an indicator of high effluent quality. The association rating assessment procedure of Curds and Cockburn failed to predict final effluent biological oxygen demand (BOD5) indicating the method might not be applicable to treatment systems of different designs.  相似文献   

Marine sediments contain eukaryotic DNA deposited from overlying water columns. However, a large proportion of deposited eukaryotic DNA is aerobically biodegraded in shallow marine sediments. Cold seep sediments are often anaerobic near the sediment–water interface, so eukaryotic DNA in such sediments is expected to be preserved. We investigated deeply buried marine sediments in the Japan Sea, where a methane hydrate deposit is associated with cold seeps. Quantitative PCR analysis revealed the reproducible recovery of eukaryotic DNA in marine sediments at depths up to 31.0 m in the vicinity of the methane hydrate deposit. In contrast, the reproducible recovery of eukaryotic DNA was limited to a shallow depth (8.3 m) in marine sediments not adjacent to the methane hydrate deposit in the same area. Pyrosequencing of an 18S rRNA gene variable region generated 1,276–3,307 reads per sample, which was sufficient to cover the biodiversity based on rarefaction curves. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that most of the eukaryotic DNA originated from radiolarian genera of the class Chaunacanthida, which have SrSO4 skeletons, the sea grass genus Zostera, and the seaweed genus Sargassum. Eukaryotic DNA originating from other planktonic fauna and land plants was also detected. Diatom sequences closely related to Thalassiosira spp., indicative of cold climates, were obtained from sediments deposited during the last glacial period (MIS‐2). Plant sequences of the genera Alnus, Micromonas, and Ulmus were found in sediments deposited during the warm interstadial period (MIS‐3). These results suggest the long‐term persistence of eukaryotic DNA from terrestrial and aquatic sources in marine sediments associated with cold seeps, and that the genetic information from eukaryotic DNA from deeply buried marine sediments associated with cold seeps can be used to reconstruct environments and ecosystems from the past.  相似文献   

The polychaete worms Marenzelleria viridis (Verrill 1873) and Hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller) form the main part of the macro-zoobenthos in soft-bottomed shallow inlets of the Baltic Sea. Due to high eutrophication within these waters the animals are exposed to low oxygen and high sulphide concentrations. Specimens of both species from a low salinity location (S 8 ‰) were compared concerning their physiological abilities in coping with this hostile environment. Sulphide detoxification occurred in both polychaetes even during severe hypoxia with the main end-product being thiosulphate. In absence of sulphide nearly no end-products of anaerobic metabolism were found in the worms during moderate hypoxia (pO2=7 kPa). In presence of hydrogen sulphide, succinate, a sensitive indicator of anaerobic metabolism, was accumulated in higher amounts at low sulphide concentrations (0.3 mM) already. Oxygen consumption and ATP production was determined in isolated mitochondria of both species. Both polychaetes were able to perform enzymatic sulphide oxidation in the mitochondria at concentrations up to 50 μM. This process was coupled with oxidative phosphorylation. At least in M. viridis sulphide respiration was not completely inhibited by cyanide, suggesting an alternative oxidation pathway, which by-passes the cytochrome-c-oxidase. The two species did not differ in the rate of sulphide detoxification, but H. diversicolor produced about as twice as much ATP from mitochondrial sulphide oxidation. Differences in mitochondrial sulphide oxidation are probably related to the different life strategies of the worms.  相似文献   

Fungi have been reported to be the dominant eukaryotic group in anoxic sub-seafloor sediments, but how fungi subsist in the anoxic sub-marine sedimental environment is rarely understood. Our previous study demonstrated that the fungus, Schizophyllum commune 20R-7-F01 isolated from a ~2 km sediment below the seafloor, can grow and produce primordia in the complete absence of oxygen with enhanced production of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), but the primordia cannot be developed into fruit bodies without oxygen. Here, we present the individual and synergistic effects of oxygen and BCAAs on the fruit-body development of this strain. It was found that the fungus required a minimum oxygen concentration of 0.5% pO2 to generate primordia and 1% pO2 to convert primordia into mature fruit body. However, if BCAAs (20 mM) were added to the medium, the primordium could be developed into fruit body at a lower oxygen concentration up to 0.5% pO2 where genes fst4 and c2h2 playing an important role in compensating oxygen deficiency. Moreover, under hypoxic conditions, the fungus showed an increase in mitochondrial number and initiation of auto-phagocytosis. These findings suggest that the fruit-body formation of S. commune may have multiple mechanisms, including energy and amino acid metabolism in response to oxygen concentrations.  相似文献   

Biosynthetic pathways, gene replacement and the antiquity of life   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The appearance of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere, a by‐product of oxygenic photosynthesis invented by primitive cyanobacteria, stands as one of the major events in the history of life on Earth. While independent lines of geological data suggest that oxygen first began to accumulate in the atmosphere c. 2.2 billion years ago, a growing body of biomarker data purports to push this date back fully 500 million years, based on the presumption that an oxygen‐dependent biochemistry was functional at this time. Here, we present a cautionary tale in the extension of modern biochemistry into Archean biota, identifying a suite of examples of evolutionary convergence where an enzyme catalysing a highly specific, O2‐requiring reaction has an oxygen‐independent counterpart, able to carry out the same reaction under anoxic conditions. The anaerobic enzyme has almost certainly been replaced in many reactions by the more efficient and irreversible aerobic version that uses O2. We suggest that the unambiguous interpretation of Archean biomarkers demands a rigorous understanding of modern biochemistry and its extensibility into ancient organisms.  相似文献   

Lysophospholipids are important signaling molecules in animals and metazoan cells. They are widely distributed among marine invertebrates, where their physiological roles are unknown. Sea cucumbers produce unique lysophospholipids. In this study, two lysophospholipids were detected in Holothuria atra for the first time, lyso-platelet activating factor and lysophosphatidylcholine, with nuclear magnetic resonance and liquid chromatography–time-of-flight mass spectrometric analyses. The lipid fraction of H. atra contained lyso-platelet activating factor and lysophosphatidylcholine, and inhibited H2O2-induced apoptosis in the macrophage cell line J774A.1. The antioxidant activity of the lysophospholipid-containing lipid fraction of H. atra was confirmed with the oxygen radical absorbance capacity method. Our results suggest that the lysophospholipids from H. atra are potential therapeutic agents for the inflammation induced by oxidative stress.  相似文献   

It is widely held that sterols are key cyclic triterpenoid lipids in eukaryotic cell membranes and are synthesized through oxygen‐dependent multienzyme pathways. However, there are known exceptions―ciliated protozoans, such as Tetrahymena, along with diverse low‐oxygen‐adapted eukaryotes produce, instead of sterols, the cyclic triterpenoid lipid tetrahymanol that does not require molecular oxygen for its biosynthesis. Here, we report that a number of anaerobic microbial eukaryotes (protists) utilize neither sterols nor tetrahymanol in their membranes. The lack of detectable sterol‐like compounds in their membranes may provide an opportunity to reconsider the physiological function of sterols and sterol‐like lipids in eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Rates of organic matter mineralization in peatlands, and hence production of the greenhouse gases CH4 and CO2, are highly dependent on the distribution of oxygen in the peat. Using laboratory incubations of peat, we investigated the sensitivity of the anoxic production of CH4 and CO2 to a transient oxic period of a few weeks’ duration. Production rates during 3 successive anoxic periods were compared with rates in samples incubated in the presence of oxygen during the second period. In surface peat (5–10‐cm depth), with an initially high level of CH4 production, oxic conditions during period 2 did not result in a lower potential CH4 production rate during period 3, although production was delayed ~1 week. In permanently anoxic, deep peat (50–55‐cm depth) with a comparatively low initial production of CH4, oxic conditions during period 2 resulted in zero production of CH4 during period 3. Thus, the methanogens in surface peal—but not in deep peat—remained viable after several weeks of oxic conditions. In contrast to CH4 production, the oxic period had a negligible effect on anoxic CO2 production during period 3, in surface as well as deep peat. In both surface and deep peat, CO2 production was several times higher under oxic than under anoxic conditions. However, for the first 2 weeks of oxic conditions, CO2 production in the deep peat was very low. Still, deep peat obviously contained facultative microorganisms that, after a relatively short period, were able to maintain a considerably higher rate of organic matter mineralization under oxic than under anoxic conditions.  相似文献   

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