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In 2007 an unusual crayfish found in food markets in the capital of Madagascar was preliminarily identified as Procambarus ‘Marmorkrebs’: a new world taxa and the only decapod known to reproduce by parthenogenesis. We present information on the identity, distribution and ecology of this recent invader and attempt to evaluate the threat it poses to Madagascar’s biodiversity and to livelihoods. The species appears to be currently limited to the area close to Antananarivo, but is being sold alive on major transport routes. We present molecular evidence of its taxonomic relationships and confirm that the Procambarus present in Madagascar is indeed the parthenogenic taxa. We investigate its reproductive ecology and find Procambarus ‘Marmorkrebs’ to have an extremely high fecundity; more than six times that of the native crayfish Astacoides. The limited evidence we have suggests that this species poses a serious threat to freshwater biodiversity and that it is likely to damage human livelihoods (through its impact on fishing and possibly rice agriculture). More research is urgently needed but in the meantime action is needed to reduce the rate of spread before it is too late.  相似文献   

Shifts in phenology are a well‐documented ecological response to changes in climate, which may or may not be adaptive for a species depending on the climate sensitivity of other ecosystem processes. Furthermore, phenology may be affected by factors in addition to climate, which may accentuate or dampen climate‐driven phenological responses. In this study, we investigate how climate and population demographic structure jointly affect spawning phenology of a fish species of major commercial importance: walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus). We use 32 years of data from ichthyoplankton surveys to reconstruct timing of pollock reproduction in the Gulf of Alaska and find that the mean date of spawning has varied by over 3 weeks throughout the last >3 decades. Climate clearly drives variation in spawn timing, with warmer temperatures leading to an earlier and more protracted spawning period, consistent with expectations of advanced spring phenology under warming. However, the effects of temperature were nonlinear, such that additional warming above a threshold value had no additional effect on phenology. Population demographics were equally as important as temperature: An older and more age‐diverse spawning stock tended to spawn earlier and over a longer duration than a younger stock. Our models suggest that demographic shifts associated with sustainable harvest rates could shift the mean spawning date 7 days later and shorten the spawning season by 9 days relative to an unfished population, independent of thermal conditions. Projections under climate change suggest that spawn timing will become more stable for walleye pollock in the future, but it is unknown what the consequences of this stabilization will be for the synchrony of first‐feeding larvae with production of zooplankton prey in spring. With ongoing warming in the world’s oceans, knowledge of the mechanisms underlying reproductive phenology can improve our ability to monitor and manage species under changing climate conditions.  相似文献   

1. The freshwater crayfish Cherax dispar (Decapoda: Parastacidae) inhabits coastal regions and islands of South East Queensland, Australia. We hypothesised that populations of C. dispar on different islands would be more genetically divergent from each other than populations from different drainages within the same island or on the mainland. 2. Phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses were conducted on two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome oxidase subunit I & 16S ribosomal DNA) and one nuclear gene (Internal Transcribed Spacer region 2). Phylogeographic patterns were compared with those for other freshwater organisms in the area. 3. Deep genetic divergences were found within C. dispar, including four highly divergent (up to 20%) clades. The geographic distribution of each of the clades revealed strong latitudinal structuring along the coast rather than structuring among the islands. The high genetic divergence observed among the C. dispar clades was estimated to have pre‐dated island formation and may represent ancient river drainage patterns. 4. A restricted distribution was observed for the most divergent clade, which was discovered only on two of the sand islands (North Stradbroke Island and Moreton Island). Furthermore, strong phylogeographic structuring was observed within this clade on North Stradbroke Island, where no haplotypes were shared between samples from opposite sides of the island. This low connectivity within the island supports the idea that C. dispar rarely disperse terrestrially (i.e. across watersheds).  相似文献   

Abstract The respective role of factors acting on population functioning can be inferred from a variety of approaches, including population genetics and demography. We here investigated the role of four of these factors (mating systems, population size, bottlenecks and migration) in the hermaphroditic freshwater snail Physa acuta. Twenty-four populations were sampled either around Montpellier (local scale), or at the scale of France (global scale). At local scale, eight populations were sampled twice, before and after summer drying out. The genetic structure of these populations was studied using microsatellite loci. Populations were classified according to openness (ponds vs. rivers) and water regime (permanent vs. temporary) allowing predictions on genetic patterns (e.g. diversity within populations and differentiation). At local scale, progeny-arrays analysis of the selfing rate was conducted, and size distributions of individuals were followed over two years. Results with regard to the four factors mentioned above were: (i) Estimates of population selfing rates derived from inbreeding coefficients were only slightly higher than those from progeny-arrays. (ii) More variation was detected in rivers than in ponds, but no influence of water regime was detected. One reason might be that permanent populations are not going less often through low densities than those from temporary habitats at the time scale studied. (iii) There was limited evidence for genetic bottlenecks which is compatible with the fact that even marked reduction in water availability was not necessarily associated with demographic bottlenecks. More generally, bottlenecks reducing genetic variation probably occur at population foundation. (iv) Lower genetic differentiation was detected among rivers than among ponds which might be related to limitations on gene flow. Demographic and temporal genetic data further indicates that flooding in rivers is unlikely to induce marked gene flow explaining the strong genetic differentiation at short geographical scale in such habitats. Finally, the demographic data suggest that some populations are transitory and subject to recurrent recolonization, a pattern that was also detected through genetic data.  相似文献   

Population studies: Animal ecology and demography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This concluding survey of the problems considered in the Symposium naturally falls into three sections. In the first brief section certain of the areas in which there is considerable difference in outlook are discussed with a view to ascertaining the nature of the differences in the points of view of workers in different parts of the field; no aspect of the Symposium has been more important than the reduction of areas of dispute. In the second section a rather detailed analysis of one particular problem is given, partly because the question, namely, the nature of the ecological niche and the validity of the principles of niche specificity has raised and continues to raise difficulties, and partly because discussion of this problem gives an opportunity to refer to new work of potential importance not otherwise considered in the Symposium. The third section deals with possible directions for future research. Concluding remarks reprinted from theCold Spring Harbor Symposia on quantitative Biology, Vol. 22, pp. 415–427 (1957) with the permission of the Long Island Biological Association.  相似文献   

Invasive species often have instable population dynamics and are known to collapse or oscillate heavily after passing through the initial lag/growth phases. Long-term data-series documenting these fluctuations are however rare. We use long-term (starting in the early 1960s), semi-quantitative data on the invasive signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus), capturing its population development after introduction in 44 Swedish lakes. In total 18 (41 %) of these populations had experienced a collapse. A stepwise discriminant function analysis including 20 different ecological or physicochemical characteristics identified three variables explaining collapses in the following order: stocking year, population age and mean air temperature. Populations stocked in the 1980s were more likely to collapse than populations stocked in the 1970s. Lakes with collapses were located in areas with 0.4 °C higher yearly mean air temperatures than the still viable populations. Collapses also depended on the time phase of the population and started to occur 12 years after stocking and were most frequent in the interval 16–20 years after stocking and after 11–15 years duration of the established phase with harvestable densities. An analysis of prevalence and pathogen load of Aphanomyces astaci was conducted in eight of the studied populations. A. astaci was present in all populations but neither the level of prevalence nor the pathogen load in infested specimens differed significantly between lakes with collapses and lakes without. Our results highlight the potential sensitivity and instability of introduced crayfish. The importance of density-dependence and temperature suggest that both climate variability and/or fisheries can influence these processes.  相似文献   

Four species of turbellarian temnocephalan symbionts (Platyhelminthes: Temnocephalida) are reported for the first time from the external surfaces of Cherax quadricarinatus, a freshwater crayfish from northern Australia. Three of these species — Temnocephala rouxii Merton, 1913, Notodactylus handschini (Baer, 1945), and Diceratocephala boschmai Baer, 1953 — are known previously from related crayfish in New Guinea. The newly discovered fourth species, Decadidymus gulosus n. gen., n. sp., has an unusual combination of characters linking it with both the Temnocephalidae and the Scutariellidae. Together the four species possess an array of characters that challenges current concepts of families in the order. D. boschmai has an almost completely ciliated epidermis, a feature otherwise unknown in the order.  相似文献   

Despite their widespread use as model organisms, the phylogenetic status of the around 520 species of freshwater crayfish is still in doubt. One hypothesis suggests two distinct origins of freshwater crayfish as indicated by their geographical distribution, with two centres of origin near the two present centres of diversity; one in south-eastern United States and the other in Victoria, Australia. An alternative theory proposes a single (monophyletic) origin of freshwater crayfish. Here we use over 3000 nucleotides from three different gene regions in estimating phylogenetic relationships among freshwater crayfish and related Crustacea. We show clear evidence for monophyly of freshwater crayfish and for the sister-group relationship between crayfish and clawed lobsters. Monophyly of the superfamilies Astacoidea and Parastacoidea is also supported. However, the monophyly of the family Cambaridae is questioned with the genus Cambaroides being associated with the Astacidae.  相似文献   

Björn Söderbäck 《Oecologia》1994,100(3):229-235
Two freshwater crayfish species, Astacus astacus L. and Pacifastacus leniusculus Dana, co-occur in some Swedish lakes. Observational studies indicate that the introduced, North American species P. leniusculus may gradually replace the native A. astacus, but the mechanism behind the replacement is not known. This study examined the direct effects of interspecific competition between the crayfish, and indirect effects of competitive interactions and fish (European perch, Perca fluviatilis L.) predation. Three different experiments with young-of-the-year (YOY) crayfish were performed. P. leniusculus was strongly dominant over similar-sized A. astacus in interference competition for shelter in a laboratory experiment. However, in a 35-day experiment in outdoor pools, A. astacus growth and survival were about equally affected by interactions with conspecifics and P. leniusculus. In contrast, P. leniusculus was significantly more affected by intraspecific competition than by competition with A. astacus, suggesting asymmetric competition between the two species. The presence of perch in outdoor ponds with mixed-species groups of the two crayfish species resulted in considerably higher predation rates on A. astacus than on P. leniusculus. Both species showed strong antipredator responses to perch by increasing refuge use. I suggest that higher perch predation rates on A. astacus originate from P. leniusculus being the superior species in interspecific competition for shelter. Because of displacement from refuges, A. astacus individuals become more exposed to the predator. This indirect effect of interactions among the two cray-fish species and the predator may be important in the observed in situ replacement of A. astacus by P. leniusculus.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The pathway leading to the excretion of ammonia in the crustacean, Cherax destructor, has been investigated.
  • 2.2. Injection of ammonium chloride and of serine into the haemolymph always led to a rapid increase in the excretion of ammonia. This was not the case with other amino acids. Isolated gills incubated with serine and threonine but not glutamate and glutamine produced ammonia.
  • 3.3. Serine dehydratase was present in the gills, midgut gland and tail muscle and serine (0.1 mM) was present in the haemolymph.
  • 4.4. The hypothesis is put forward that serine may be the ultimate source of ammonia and that this deaminating reaction is not restricted to the gill. Such a hypothesis sees the formation and deamination of serine—from 3-phosphoglycerate to pyruvate (lactate) as a modified glycolytic pathway.

Eulemur fulvus rufus has been described as having stable multi-male/multi-female groups, a male-biased sex ratio, and female philopatry. However, in a 16-year study of this subspecies we documented a great deal of demographic change as several groups permanently fissioned, some groups disappeared, and new groups formed. We split the dataset into two periods, 1988 to 1993 and 1994 to 2003, which coincided with the first disappearance of a study group (in August 1994) and the first permanent group fission (in December 1994). The average group size decreased by nearly half between the study periods (10.5-5.6), while the frequency of group membership changes increased (2.0-8.3 times/year), and the birth rate decreased (0.56-0.38). Females, as well as males, immigrated into study groups and transferred between groups, something that has been rarely seen in this subspecies. We also found a significant decline in the amount of fruit from the earliest part of the study to the latter part of the study. Study groups did not switch to other types of foods during periods of fruit shortage, but traveled outside of their home range areas more often over the study period. Finally, the density E. f. rufus decreased in the study area while the densities of their main food competitors, Varecia variegata and Eulemur rubriventer, increased. Although few primate populations are numerically stable over time, we suggest that female behavioral responses to decreases in fruit availability may have influenced some of the demographic changes we witnessed in this study.  相似文献   

In many dimorphic bird species, offspring sex ratio is skewed towards the production of the smaller sex. Offspring sex ratio can be biased in monomorphic birds however, and the demographic consequences of such bias are unknown. Sex-specific mortality and dispersal are fundamental mechanisms of sex ratio adjustment at the population level, but evidence for adjustments is weak and feedback into population dynamics poorly understood. Here, we link sex ratio at fledging with sex-specific subadult return and recruitment at the Banter See common tern Sterna hirundo colony. Using molecular sexing methods and a remote detection system, we permanently tracked individuals from four complete cohorts (n=1171 fledglings) across these life-history stages at their natal colony site, which permitted a structured analysis of sex ratio across multiple seasons. Sex ratio shifted significantly from significant daughter dominance at fledging to higher proportions of natal males among recruits; return and recruitment rates of sons were significantly higher than daughters (p≤0.002). No significant between-year differences were detected. 47.4% of natal male recruits were paired with a non-natal female, but only 37.0% of natal female recruits had a non-natal partner. Elasticity analysis suggested that natal males have a greater influence on natal population growth rate than natal females. Sex biased dispersal is the most probable reason for these results indicating higher emigration to and immigration from other colonies in females, the less territorial and less philopatric sex. This pattern may be related to different gender roles in parental duties and with respect to competition for local resources.  相似文献   

Limited dispersal may favor the evolution of helping behaviors between relatives as it increases their relatedness, and it may inhibit such evolution as it increases local competition between these relatives. Here, we explore one way out of this dilemma: if the helping behavior allows groups to expand in size, then the kin-competition pressure opposing its evolution can be greatly reduced. We explore the effects of two kinds of stochasticity allowing for such deme expansion. First, we study the evolution of helping under environmental stochasticity that may induce complete patch extinction. Helping evolves if it results in a decrease in the probability of extinction or if it enhances the rate of patch recolonization through propagules formed by fission of nonextinct groups. This mode of dispersal is indeed commonly found in social species. Second, we consider the evolution of helping in the presence of demographic stochasticity. When fecundity is below its value maximizing deme size (undersaturation), helping evolves, but under stringent conditions unless positive density dependence (Allee effect) interferes with demographic stochasticity. When fecundity is above its value maximizing deme size (oversaturation), helping may also evolve, but only if it reduces negative density-dependent competition.  相似文献   

The human colonization of Madagascar is associated with the extinction of numerous lemur species. However, the degree to which humans have negatively influenced the historical population dynamics of extant lemur species is not well understood. This study employs genetic and demographic analyses to estimate demographic parameters relating to the historical population dynamics of a wild lemur population, Verreaux’s sifaka (Propithecus verreauxi). The genetic analyses are used to determine whether this population experienced a historically recent (i.e., within the last 2000 years) population bottleneck, as well as to estimate the historical population growth rate and the timing of any changes in population size in the past. In addition, a retrospective demographic analysis is used to determine sources of variation and covariation in the sifaka life cycle and how variation in life-cycle transitions contributes to variation in population growth rate. The genetic analyses indicate that the sifaka population did not experience a recent population bottleneck; however, the historical population growth rate was negative, indicating that the ancestral population size was much larger than the current size. The timing of the ancestral population decline has a point estimate of 2300 years ago, but with large credible intervals: 3611–1736 years ago. This point estimate corresponds with the first evidence for human arrival to Madagascar. Climatic variation has also likely influenced past (and current) population dynamics due to stochastic annual rainfall patterns and climatic desiccation, the latter of which began in southwestern Madagascar around 4000 years ago. Variation in the survival of 2-year-old animals as well as large adult females makes the largest contribution to variation in population growth rate. In the absence of more explicit models pertaining to historical population dynamics, it is difficult to attribute the negative population growth rate of this species solely to a single factor (e.g., hunting, habitat destruction).  相似文献   

Crayfish hemocytes displayed cytotoxic capacity towards all tested mammalian tumor and nontumor cell lines. The ratio required for the cytotoxic action of effector cells to target cells was at least 1:1. The lysis of the target cells required a minimum of 1 hr to become detected. After separation and isolation of the hemocyte populations of crayfish, the semigranular and granular cells retained their cytotoxic capacity. These cells contain the prophenoloxidase activating (proPO) system, a complement-like pathway, which in an activated form lyses semigranular cells in vitro, but failed to kill the tested target cells.  相似文献   

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