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Developing objective tools for tracking progress of restored sites is of general concern. Here, we present an innovative approach based on principal response curves (PRC) and species classification according to their preferential habitats to monitor changes in community composition. Following large‐scale restoration of a cut‐over peatland, vegetation was surveyed biannually over 8 years. We evaluated whether the establishing plant communities fell within the range of natural variation. We used both general diversity curves and PRC applied on plant species grouped by preferred habitat to compare restored sites and unrestored sites to a reference ecosystem. After 8 years, diversity and richness differed between the sites, with Forest and Ruderal species more prominent in unrestored sites, and Peatland, Forest, and Wetland species dominant in restored sites. The PRC revealed that the restored site became rapidly dominated by typical peatland plants, the main drivers of temporal changes being Sphagnum rubellum, Pohlia nutans, and Mylia anomala. Some differences remained between the restored and the undisturbed species pools: the former had more herbaceous species associated with wetlands such as Calamagrostis canadensis and Typha latifolia and the latter had more forested species like Kalmia angustifolia throughout the study. PRC revealed to be an efficient tool identifying species driving changes at the community level after restoration. In our case study, examining PRC scores after classifying species according to their preferred habitat allowed to illustrate objectively how restoration promotes target species (associated to peatlands) and how lack of intervention benefits ruderal species.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, restoration techniques have been developed for milled and cutover peatlands in eastern Canada. These techniques are based on the active reintroduction of peatland plant diaspores, blocking drainage, and the use of straw mulch to improve surface conditions. This study examines the effectiveness of using shallow (20 cm deep) basins of various widths to improve the success of current peatland restoration techniques. It comprises three different experiments, each spanning three or four growing seasons and combining both small‐scale manual and large‐scale mechanized plant reintroductions. Cover data recorded in two of the experiments were regressed against a series of environmental factors to determine how Sphagnum establishment success was related to abiotic variables such as moisture, water ponding, surface roughness, and mulch cover. Results of these experiments demonstrate that shallow basins were generally effective at promoting Sphagnum establishment and that this effect extends beyond the positive impact that basins have on hydrological conditions. Basins of various widths were equally successful. Soil‐moisture content (linear positive effect) and duration and severity of flooding events (quadratic effect) were shown to be determinant of plant recovery. Other factors such as the density of straw cover (positive effect) and surface roughness (negative effect) were also instrumental in explaining local variation in Sphagnum cover. Plant cover after three and four growing seasons averaged 20–25% in mechanical reintroductions and 40–60% in manual reintroductions, demonstrating the overall effectiveness of the restoration techniques used.  相似文献   

Recent literature on peatland restorationindicates as a general goal repairing orrebuilding ecosystems by restoringecosystem structure, trophic organization,biodiversity, and functions to thosecharacteristic of the type of peatland towhich the damaged ecosystem belonged, or atleast to an earlier successional stage.Attainment requires provision of anappropriate hydrological regime,manipulating surface topography, improvingmicroclimate, adding appropriate diaspores,manipulating base status where necessary,fertilizing in some cases, excludinginappropriate invaders, adaptively managingthrough at least one flood/drought cycle toensure sustainability, and monitoring on ascale of decades. Several matchingconditions favoring or opposing restorationare suggested.In the restoration of peatlands, successeshave generally been those of short-termrepair. Periods of restoration have beenmuch too short to ensure progression to, oreven well toward, a fully functionalpeatland reasonably compatible with thepristine state of similar peatlandselsewhere, although with altered surfacepatterns.Long-term monitoring ofpeatland-restoration projects is essentialfor a better understanding of how to carryout such restoration successfully.Paleoecology is suggested as anunderutilized tool in peatlandrestoration.  相似文献   

1. van Duinen et al. (Freshwater Biol., 2006) raise an interesting point regarding Mazerolle et al.’s (Freshwater Biol., 2006, 51 , p. 333) conclusion on the ability of invertebrates, especially sedentary species, to colonise newly created bogs pools. We wish to clarify that Mazerolle et al. (2006) targeted large arthropods and the absence of smaller sedentary species was purely a result of sampling design. 2. van Duinen et al. (2006) postulate that colonisation rates by bog specialists should be higher in Canada than in the Netherlands, given the extensive amount of intact peatlands in Canada. Here, we emphasise the importance of taking the regional context into account when assessing restoration success as our study site occurs in a landscape where most bog pools have been drained. 3. An evaluation of restoration efforts should focus on both sedentary and vagile invertebrates, to resolve the importance of persistence and colonisation. Such patterns are difficult to interpret, however, when sampling designs and analyses do not account for the probability of detection: an absence may be due to non‐detection or true absence. We strongly urge investigators to directly estimate detection probability in addition to the parameters of interest (e.g. presence, abundance) to provide the best information possible regarding restoration success.  相似文献   

Loss of native herbivores and introduction of livestock in many arid and semi‐arid ecosystems around the world has shifted the competitive balance from herbaceous to woody plants, leading to biodiversity loss, reduced plant productivity, and soil erosion. To restore functions of these ecosystems, ecological replacements have been proposed as substitutes for extinct native herbivores. Here we predict how an ecological replacement giant tortoise population (Chelonoidis spp.) would interact with woody plants on Pinta Island in the Galápagos Archipelago, where a small group of replacement tortoises was introduced in 2010 to initiate restoration of the island's plant community. We developed an individual‐based, spatially explicit simulation model that incorporated field‐derived tortoise behavior and tortoise–plant interaction data to test whether tortoise introductions could lead to broad‐scale changes in the plant community and, if so, at what tortoise densities. Tortoises reduced vegetation density in most (81%) 50‐year‐long simulations if the tortoise density was at least 0.7 per hectare, a value well below typical densities. In a smaller proportion of simulations (30%), tortoises increased local vegetation patchiness. Our results suggest that even moderate‐density tortoise populations can reverse woody plant encroachment. Deployment of ecological replacement giant tortoises may therefore be a viable approach for restoring other arid and semi‐arid ecosystems where a native herbivore that previously had strong interactions with the plant community has gone extinct .  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to help understand the interaction of rural people with tropical dry forests. It was based on social research conducted in the Chamela-Cuixmala region, on the Pacific coast of Mexico. The analytical tools used in the study included stakeholder identification, environmental history and social perceptions. The two main social groups in the study were ejidatarios, who own most of the territory, and avecindados, who possess no land but have high population numbers. Through an interpretative methodological approach we documented the vision and meaning that rural people give to their natural and social worlds. The agricultural development model promoted by the Mexican government for decades was identified as the main driver of ecosystem transformation. Rural people, who arrived recently in the region, were proud of the pasture-lands that were transformed from tropical forests. Conservation policies implemented during the last two decades were viewed as impositions although people recognized the value of services provided by ecosystems. This case study has helped to unravel the main dimensions of the human system and how it relates to structures of signification. The social panorama unveiled can be used as an initial basis to promote further research on the social-ecological system of the Chamela-Cuixmala region and to develop future participatory management schemes.  相似文献   

Management of soils on areas subjected to planned disturbance, such as surface mine sites, is crucial to post‐disturbance restoration. We conducted a study to determine which of the following two topsoil management strategies resulted in less of a negative impact to the soil and vegetation resources and better promoted site restoration on in situ uranium wellfields: (1) removal of topsoil from an entire wellfield and stockpiling until mining activity is complete; or (2) leaving the majority of topsoil on the wellfield and allowing it to be exposed to disturbance associated with wellfield development activity (primarily heavy vehicle traffic). Our study compared selected soil properties from areas on in situ uranium wellfields managed by the two strategies stated above and with adjacent, relatively undisturbed sites. Vegetation reestablishment was assessed on sites where topsoil was left in place. Results indicated that levels of vehicular traffic on wellfields did not cause significant soil compaction and that removal and stockpiling of topsoil results in more negative impacts than disturbance inflicted when topsoil is left in place.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic disturbances of forest ecosystems are increasingly recognized as fundamental ecological processes with important long-term implications for biogeochemical cycles and vegetation patterns. This article aims at reconstructing the extent and intensity of the two most common types of traditional forest uses—forest litter collecting and wood pasture—in the Swiss Rhone valley (Valais) by (i) identifying the spatiotemporal patterns, and (ii) modeling the biomass removal through these practices. Detailed information on agricultural practices and socio-economic context were essential to develop reliable estimates of anthropogenic disturbance regimes. In the Valais, predominately goats and sheep grazed in the forests. The intensity of grazing was a function of the number of grazing animals and the available grazing area. Forest litter was used as bedding for farm animals during the winter. Key factors determining the intensity of litter collecting were the number of animal units, the amount of available substitute products (straw), and the area where litter raking could be practiced. The results show that wood pasture and forest litter collecting were practiced on a significant proportion of the forested landscape in the Valais up to the second half of the 20th century. Until the implementation of forest management plans in the 1930s, almost half of the forests in the study area were affected by wood pasture and/or forest litter collecting. The regulations in the management plans led to an essential reduction of the area available for these traditional practices but likewise to an increased pressure on the remaining areas. The results suggest that the notion of a slow but steady disappearance of traditional non-timber forest uses and the associated effects on forest ecosystems is oversimplified. Quantitative reconstructions of biomass output resulting from these practices confirm the importance of traditional non-timber forest uses for ecosystem development in this region. Furthermore, it is very likely that similar effects have been widespread throughout regions with similar natural and socio-economic context, for example, throughout a significant proportion of the European Alps. This study underlines the importance of environmental history for ecological sciences as well as for forest management and conservation planning.  相似文献   

In this article, some occupational risk analyses are summarized, and then the possible occupational accidents, and their causes and effects are discussed. In the second section, an idea on risk analysis called Failure-Consequence Analysis is proposed to be applied in workplaces. In the third section, a case study about the implementation of this method in a marble factory is given as an example. In the final section, advantages and disadvantages of the proposal are discussed.

As a result, it's suggested that the proposal is simple, easy, and can be applied quickly. It can identify the possible accident spots, severities, and causes in a single pass in the facility.  相似文献   

Restoration of seminatural habitats in the rural agricultural landscape has become an urgent matter in environmental conservation. We propose here a procedure for predicting the trajectory of species recovery and for specifying the priority of habitat types for restoration of a rural agricultural landscape. We then apply it as a case study to the recovery of dragonfly species in the Azame restoration project that began in 2003 in northern Kyushu, Japan. We examined the nestedness of the regional distribution of dragonflies using a national database on wildlife distribution and listed the recorded species in order of their prevalence in the region. We also conducted a census of adult dragonflies currently found at the restoration site to assess species richness. By comparing these data, we identified species potentially capable of inhabiting the restoration site and, based on their habitat requirements, suggest what type of habitat (e.g., bogs and marshes, ponds, and bodies of slow‐moving water) should be restored preferentially. We observed significant nestedness in the presence–absence matrix for dragonfly species and thus predict that species recovery at the restoration site will follow the regional order of prevalence of the species. The required habitat types did not differ significantly between the currently observed species and the potential species, which indicates that all these habitat types should be restored in the project.  相似文献   

Cabin (2007) asks whether formal science is an effective framework and methodology for designing and implementing ecological restoration programs. He argues that beyond certain ancillary benefits, restoration science has little of practical value to offer the practice of restoration. He goes on to suggest that restoration science most often represents an impediment to restoration practice because an “ivory tower” mentality limits the utility of experiments and diverts research dollars away from answering practical questions. His conclusion is that a nonscientific gardening approach may be more effective at restoring degraded ecosystems. We disagree with this perspective because: (1) restoration science has moved beyond exclusively using “square grids” placed on small patches of land to examine treatment effects on species representation; (2) Cabin’s critique greatly undervalues the contribution of science to restoration practice even where the input of restoration scientists is not directly evident; and (3) the practice of restoration is unlikely to advance beyond small‐scale and truly haphazard successes without well‐designed studies that can provide peer‐reviewed and widely accessible published information on the mechanisms underlying both successes and failures. We conclude that through integration with other disciplines, restoration science increasingly will provide novel approaches and tools needed to restore ecosystem composition, structure, and function at stand to landscape scales. As with the broader role of science in the human enterprise ( Sagan 1996 ), the contribution of restoration science to restoration practice can only grow as the discipline matures.  相似文献   

A case study concerning the reclamation of a brownfield for residential purposes is presented. Because a high contamination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) was detected in soil, a remediation process is necessary. Bench-scale treat-ability tests were carried out in order to evaluate performances of some remediation technologies on this specific matrix, and particularly for the removal of high-molecular-weight PAHs. Biodegradation studies allowed the evaluation of PAH abatement in a slurry phase treatment, the amount of abiotic losses and the effect of macronutri-ents and bioaugmentation on the removal efficiency. The experimental study was performed in compliance with a Quality System, based on ISO 9001:2000 and ISO/ EC 17025:1999; validation of the analytical method provided the expanded uncertainty of the removal efficiency, varying from nearly 13 to 21%, depending on the compound considered. Experimental results showed a high removal efficiency for all PAHs; the addition of nitrogen and phosphorous increased the removal rate and the efficiency for high-molecular-weight PAHs, whereas no remarkable differences were observed in total (abiotic + biotic) removal of light compounds.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, watershed restoration has dramatically increased internationally. California has been at the forefront, allocating billions of dollars to restoration activities through legislation and voter-approved bonds. Yet, the implications of restoration remain ambiguous because there has been little examination of restoration accomplishments and almost no analysis of the political context of restoration. This article addresses these gaps, utilizing a case study of the Russian River basin in Northern California. We identify trends that shed light on both the ecological and the political implications of restoration at a basin scale by examining a database of 787 restoration projects implemented in the Russian River basin since the early 1980s. Although a total of over $47 million has been spent on restoration in the basin, dominant forms of restoration are limited in scope to small-scale projects that focus on technical solutions to site-specific problems. The majority of restoration efforts are devoted to road repair, riparian stabilization, and in-stream structures, accounting for 62% of all projects. These types of projects do not address the broader social drivers of watershed change such as land and water uses. We suggest that restoration can become more effective by addressing the entire watershed as a combination of social and ecological forces that interact to produce watershed conditions.  相似文献   

We conducted systematic postproject appraisals (PPAs) of seven compound channel restoration projects, supplementing available data with new field data and analyses to produce comparable datasets for all seven projects. We describe how systematic PPAs can be developed and illustrate a systematic PPA for compound channel projects organized around performance with respect to geomorphic, habitat, and conveyance objectives. We found that preexisting monitoring programs for a group of similar restoration projects can be supplemented with relatively low‐effort data collection and analyses to produce lessons on a “class” of restoration projects. Using this approach to assess a set of seven compound channel projects, we found that two fully achieved geomorphic objectives, three appear likely to achieve geomorphic objectives with additional time and/or minor interventions, and two did not achieve geomorphic objectives. Further, four projects achieved habitat objectives and three projects appeared likely to achieve objectives if given more time to develop and/or a minor intervention to mitigate limitations on critical ecological processes. Finally, four of the projects satisfied conveyance objectives, and the remaining three appeared likely to satisfy objectives with minor interventions to maintain design roughness and geometry conditions. Based on observations from our new systematic PPA approach applied to compound channels in Mediterranean climates, we suggest application of systematic PPAs for other classes of river restoration projects to evaluate scale and geomorphic setting issues in project design, to refine postproject monitoring guidelines, and to predict vegetation recruitment, growth, and succession patterns to avoid potential vegetation problems.  相似文献   

探讨海岛植物功能性状的演变机制,对福州市平潭岛和福州国家森林公园的野生植物功能性状进行了比较。结果表明,平潭岛和公园植物的共有科占总科数的63%,共有种占总种数的19%。海岛植物为适应强风、干旱、贫瘠的环境,以草本植物为主,占65.75%。海岛植物的叶级明显小于大陆植物,叶被毛植物占62.39%,并呈木质化和肉质化特征。海岛植物的繁殖能力提高,海岛植物花期长于大陆,以r-繁殖策略为主。海岛植物的传播能力提高,颖果和瘦果比例高于大陆植物,而核果和浆果比例相反;微型果为79.20%,以风力和蚁类传播为主。总体而言,大陆性海岛与大陆野生植物具有相同起源,海岛植物为适应脆弱的生态环境,其适应-繁殖-传播相关的功能性状发生演变,呈现出适应能力增强、繁殖和传播能力提高的特点。  相似文献   

Recent improvements in online information communication and mobile location-aware technologies have led to the production of large volumes of volunteered geographic information. Widespread, large-scale efforts by volunteers to collect data can inform and drive scientific advances in diverse fields, including ecology and climatology. Traditional workflows to check the quality of such volunteered information can be costly and time consuming as they heavily rely on human interventions. However, identifying factors that can influence data quality, such as inconsistency, is crucial when these data are used in modeling and decision-making frameworks. Recently developed workflows use simple statistical approaches that assume that the majority of the information is consistent. However, this assumption is not generalizable, and ignores underlying geographic and environmental contextual variability that may explain apparent inconsistencies. Here we describe an automated workflow to check inconsistency based on the availability of contextual environmental information for sampling locations. The workflow consists of three steps: (1) dimensionality reduction to facilitate further analysis and interpretation of results, (2) model-based clustering to group observations according to their contextual conditions, and (3) identification of inconsistent observations within each cluster. The workflow was applied to volunteered observations of flowering in common and cloned lilac plants (Syringa vulgaris and Syringa x chinensis) in the United States for the period 1980 to 2013. About 97% of the observations for both common and cloned lilacs were flagged as consistent, indicating that volunteers provided reliable information for this case study. Relative to the original dataset, the exclusion of inconsistent observations changed the apparent rate of change in lilac bloom dates by two days per decade, indicating the importance of inconsistency checking as a key step in data quality assessment for volunteered geographic information. Initiatives that leverage volunteered geographic information can adapt this workflow to improve the quality of their datasets and the robustness of their scientific analyses.  相似文献   

1. We determined whether two sympatric mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages of freshwater shrimp (Decapoda: Atyidae: Paratya australiensis) represent biological species and if they had concerted or independent population responses to hydrographic factors in small streams (the Granite Creeks) in southeastern Australia. 2. Allozyme data indicated the presence of two gene pools at sites where the P. australiensis lineages were co‐occurring and the gene pools were statistically assigned with high probability to each respective lineage. This indicated that these mtDNA lineages in P. australiensis were reproductively isolated and thus biological species. 3. Populations of both lineages were genetically homogeneous among lowland sites within streams, but were isolated by steep stream gradients among upland sites and for lowland–upland site comparisons. However, the magnitude of differentiation was markedly different between the two lineages. Allozyme diversity also differed between the two lineages, suggesting that they have different effective population sizes. Thus, differences in the magnitude of genetic divergence among populations were probably because of different life‐history characteristics, including dispersal ability and population size. 4. Genetic population structure was mostly temporally stable, despite the extreme effects of drought during the first year and substantial stream‐flow during the second. However, stable isotope analyses revealed greater local movement in both lineages during the second year, as greater hydrological connectivity provided more opportunities for dispersal. Thus, although lowland populations within streams were genetically homogeneous, stable isotope data indicated that connections may be sporadic and result from accumulated small‐scale movements among refugial pools. 5. Both lineages were therefore found to have similar small‐scale population responses to the unstable habitats of the Granite Creeks. Results highlight the importance of refugia for the capacity of biota to recover from drought and the need for multiple restored patches to reinstate natural population processes (e.g. resilience, recolonization) in degraded systems.  相似文献   

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