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 Selected Nicotiana tabacum Tobacco Introductions from the Nicotiana Germplasm Collection were crossed, back-crossed, and then selfed. When compared to parents, the new genotypes produce smaller plants with a shortened life-cycle that go from seed to seed in under 11 weeks. Received: 11 December 1998 / Revision accepted: 8 January 1999  相似文献   

The structure of spinach ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (EC has been investigated by tilted-view electron microscopy of negatively stained monolayer crystals and image processing. The structure determined consists of a cylinder of octagonal cross-section with a large central hole. Based on this and other available evidence a model for the arrangement of the large and small subunits is suggested with the eight small subunits arranged equatorially around the core of eight large subunits.Abbreviations LS large subunit - Rubisco ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - SS small subunit  相似文献   

Sperm cells of tobacco have been intensively studied as examples of isomorphic gametes in which major cellular and organellar parameters remain statistically indistinguishable in the two sperm cells. An examination of sperm cells late in maturation, however, displays that the sperm cell associated with the vegetative nucleus becomes statistically significantly smaller than the other sperm cell in tobacco. If late divergence occurs in the two sperms of other angiosperms, sperm dimorphism may be more prevalent than has previously been assumed and dimorphism may have a major influence on the pattern of double fertilization. Received: 15 December 2000 / Accepted: 4 May 2001  相似文献   

Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), a cationic detergent,more effectively inhibited the activity of membrane-bound epidermaladenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacumL. cv. Samsun) leaves than anionic or non-ionic detergents.The inhibition of ATPase activity was highly dependent on thelength of the alkyl chain of alkyltrimethylammonium: CTAB >dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide > n-octyltrimethylammoniumbromide trimethylammonium chloride cetyl bromide, comparedat 10–4 M. The last three derivatives hardly inhibitedthe activity. CTAB inhibition was equivalent to that due toother cationic detergents, cetylpyridinium bromide and cetylamine, but less than that by gramicidin S and tyrocidine andstronger than that by N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and vanadate. These results show that a certain length of the alkyl chain(Cn>12) and the combination of both hydrophobic and chargedgroups of a detergent moiety are indispensable for inhibitingthe membrane-bound epidermal ATPase activity. (Received January 26, 1982; Accepted April 10, 1982)  相似文献   

Summary The theoretically expected and experimentally observed phenotypic ratios have been compared in populations of haploids derived from chlorophyll mutants of Nicotiana tabacum L. with a known genotypic constitution. The frequencies of mutant genotypes were significantly lower than the expected values, proving the existence of selection in a system of haploid embryoids developing in the anther.The anthers from M1 plants of a diploidized Nicotiana tabacum haploid cv. Samsun, treated with various concentrations of N-nitroso-N-methylurea and n-butylmethane sulphonate, were cultivated in vitro. The number of anthers which gave rise to haploids (embryogenic anthers) was stimulated by lower concentrations of both the mutagens. The stimulation at the level of M1 sporophyte is explained by internal genetic heterogeneity induced by adequate mutagen concentration. The average number of haploids per embryogenic anther decreased in all the treatments. The frequency of haploid plants of the mutant phenotypes increased with increasing mutagen concentration.  相似文献   

The signals of fatty acids in the form of triglycerides were observed in the 13C NMR spectrum of an intact soybean seed. The major fatty acid component composition of triglycerides in a soybean seed, which includes linoleic acid, oleic acid and palmitic acid, was estimated by subtracting the spectra of authentic fatty acids from the spectrum of the intact soybean seeds. The fatty acid compositions of seeds of 11 Japanese soybean cultivars and 5 lines bred at the Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center (AVRDC) were estimated by this rapid (within lhr for one seed) and nondestructive analytical method.  相似文献   

Two glutamine synthetase (GS) polypeptides (44 and 39 kD) were immunodetected on western blots of leaf extracts from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), a plant that has been reported to contain only chloroplast GS in the leaves. By immunocytochemical methods, we confirmed the localization of GS in the cytosol of cells in the vascular tissue and in the chloroplasts of mesophyll cells.  相似文献   

Cuticular membranes (ca.0.04mg/cm2) were isolated from fresh and flue-cured tobacco leaves (Nicotiana tabacum) as clear, colorless and thin films by oxalic ammonium treatment and successive cellulase-pectinase digestion. GC-MS analyses, after hydrogenolysis and trimethylsilylation, revealed that the membranes are mainly built up of 10,16-dihydroxy hexadecanoic acid in a polyester network structure which survives postharvest-treatments.

The fruit skins of solanaceaes; sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum), eggplant (Solanum melongena) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), have similar membranes which are essentially composed of 9,16- and 10,16-dihydroxy hexadecanoic acid.  相似文献   

The effect of ionophores and tyrocidine on membrane-bound adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) activity in epidermal cells from tobacco(Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Samsun) leaves was investigated. GramicidinS inhibited Mg2$-K$-ATPase activity in the epidermal membraneof tobacco leaves. Its half-maximal inhibition was found at2.4?10–5 M (under conditions of 370 µg membraneprotein per 2 ml reaction mixture). The degree of inhibitionof the epidermal ATPase was in the following order: tyrocidine>gramicidinS>DCCD>vanadate>DES>gramicidin D, all at 10–4M. The ionophores, valinomycin, nigericin and salinomycin, inhibitedthe epidermal ATPase activity only slightly or not at all. TheATPase solubilized from the membrane with detergents was negligiblyinhibited by gramicidin S and tyrocidine. Thus, gramicidin Sacts in the manner of tyrocidine rather than as an ionophoreand may disturb the organization of the lipoprotein membrane,which in turn inactivates the membranebound epidermal ATPase. (Received July 13, 1981; Accepted December 4, 1981)  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on Nicotiana tabacum, L. to study the relation in the grana among chlorophylls, carotenoids, and proteins. The effect of iron chlorosis on protein and pigment synthesis was studied at different stages of chlorosis using glycine-U-C14. Pigments were separated by thin layer chromatography.

Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, carotenoid, and protein contents of chloroplasts from chlorotic tissue were less than those of normal tissues. A 25% decrease in protein labeling and a 45% decrease in chlorophyll labeling was noted in deficient tissue compared to normal tissue even before chlorosis was perceptible. Both normal and iron deficient leaf discs which received iron in the incubation medium incorporated higher amounts of radioactive glycine into chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b at all stages of development than their respective counterparts not supplied with iron in the incubation medium. The presence of iron in the incubation medium reduced the amount of glycine incorporated into carotenes and xanthophylls, except where the tissue was severely chlorotic. This may be attributed to active competition for glycine between the iron-dependent- (chlorophyll) and iron-independent-(carotenoid) biosynthetic pathways. Incorporation of glycine into chloroplast pigments was lowest at severe chlorosis, probably due to a reduction in the overall enzyme activity.


Developmental physiology of floral initiation in Nicotiana tabacum L.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The central process in the making of a multicellular organismis the fating of cells and tissues for their terminal phenotypes.The formation of a flower from a shoot apical meristem completesa sequence of fating processes initiated in embryogenesis. Thefating of a vegetative meristem of Nicotiana tabacum L. to initiatea flower involves at least two signals and two developmentalstates. A signal from the roots maintains vegetative growth,or prevents flowering, in the young seedling. As the plant grows,the vegetative meristem gains greater competence to respondto the floral stimulus from the leaves until it is evoked, byfloral stimulus, into a florally determined state. The florallydetermined state is then expressed. These developmental processesnot only establish the time of floral initiation, but also regulateplant size as measured by the number of nodes produced. Key words: Plant size, floral stimulus, competence, floral determination, induction  相似文献   

Biological effects of ion beams in Nicotiana tabacum L.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The biological effects of ion beams on Nicotiana tabacum L., particularly the induction of chromosome aberrations, were investigated. Dry seeds were exposed to 12C5+, 4He2+ and 1H+ beams with linear energy transfer (LET) ranging from 1 to 111 keV/μm and irradiated with gamma-rays. Ion beams were more effective in reducing germination and survival of the seeds than gamma-rays. The LD50 for 12C5+ beams, 4He2+ beams and gamma-rays were 35, 60 and 500 Gy, respectively. The frequencies of mitotic cells with chromosome aberrations, such as chromosome bridges, acentric fragments and lagging chromosomes in the root tip cells of the exposed seeds, increased linearly with increasing doses. Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) values, based on the doses that induced a survival inhibition of 50% and a 10% frequency of aberrant cells, were 14.3–17.5 for the 12C5+ beams, 7.0–8.3 for the 4He2+ beams and 7.8 for the 1H+ beams. Furthermore, the relative ratios of the chromosome aberration types were significantly different between the ion beam and the gamma-ray regimes: chromosome fragments were more frequent in the former, and chromosome bridges in the latter. Based on these results, we concluded that the repair process of initial lesions induced by ion beams may be different from that induced by low- LET radiation. Received: 29 October 1998 / Accepted in revised form: 25 March 1999  相似文献   

M. Mäder  Y. Meyer  M. Bopp 《Planta》1976,129(1):33-38
Summary Mesophyll-protoplasts of tobacco show increasing peroxidase-activity immediately after isolation. This is due to an enhancement of activity of the constitutive isoenzymes of GIII (=slow migrating cathodic group) and to a new formation of GII-isoenzymes (=slow migrating anodic group). (GII is not present in intact leaves.) As both processes are inhibited by actinomycin and actidion it is assumed that there is a new synthesis of peroxidase enzymes —The peroxidase reaction is independent of the further development of the protoplasts, as was evidenced by culturing protoplasts in different media which regulate the development of the protoplasts. Peroxidase reaction is always the same whether or not there is cell-wall synthesis and cell division. This leads to the conclusion that peroxidases in this case have no relation to synthesis of primary cell-walls. On the other hand they could be related to the dedifferentiation processes that always take place in isolated protoplasts.In the protoplasts GII is localized in the cytoplasma as GIII is, because GII appears before cell walls are synthesised and there is no lack of GII isoenzymes when protoplasts are remazerated after having formed new cell walls.GI (fast migrating anodic group), which is not detectable in isolated protoplasts, appears again after small calluses have developed out of protoplasts. Therefore as far as function is concerned GI is quite different from GII and GIII. The results confirm the hypothesis that GI is localized in intercellular spaces only. It is discussed whether all of the isoenzymes of peroxidase detectable in crude extracts are cytoplasmic ones.  相似文献   

A pectin isolated from tobacco midrib contained residues of d-galacturonic acid (83.7%), L-rhamnose (2.2%), l-arabinose (2.4%) and d-galactose (11.2%) and small amounts of d-xylose and d-glucose. Methylation analysis of the pectin gave 2, 3, 5-tri- and 2, 3-di-O-methyl-l-arabinose, 3, 4-di- and 3-O-methyl-l-rhamnose and 2, 3, 6-tri-O-methyl-d-galactose. Reduction with lithium aluminum hydride of the permethylated pectin gave mainly 2, 3-di-O-methyl-d-galactose and the above methylated sugars. Partial acid hydrolysis gave homologous series of β-(1 → 4)-linked oligosaccharides up to pentaose of d-galactopyranosyl residues, and 2-O-(α-d-galactopyranosyluronic acid)-l-rhamnose, and di- and tri-saccharides of α-(1 → 4)-linked d-galactopyranosyluronic acid residues.

These results suggest that the tobacco pectin has a backbone consisting of α-(1 → 4)-linked d-galactopyranosyluronic acid residues which is interspersed with 2-linked l-rhamnopyranosyl residues. Some of the l-rhamnopyranosyl residues carry substituents on C-4. The pectin has long chain moieties of β-(1 → 4)-linked d-galactopyranosy] residues.  相似文献   

1 吸烟习俗的起源和传播当今遍布于全世界各地的烟草原产于美洲 ,最早栽培并吸食的是当地印第安人。美洲印第安人从什么时候开始吸烟 ,迄今还不很清楚。目前已发现最早的资料是在墨西哥恰帕斯州的帕伦克 ,有在公元 4 32年修建的玛雅文化的古典神庙中的一块浮雕 ,可以看到古代玛雅人在宗教的仪式中有人用管状烟斗来吸烟 ,而且还在喷出烟雾。在美国阿利桑那州的帕布罗城发现公元 6 5 0年前后印第安人居住的洞穴遗址 ,其中有烟叶实物和烟斗 ,烟斗中还存有烟灰。在墨西哥马德雷山上海拔 12 0 0m处的一个山洞中 ,发现一个塞有烟草的空心草管 ,…  相似文献   

土壤pH值对烤烟叶片生理生化特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
烟草生长初期,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性及丙二醛(MDA)含量与pH增长呈正相关,而过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性则随着pH的增加而下降,pH值6.5和7.5时叶绿素含量和净光合速率(Pn)较高,旺长期达到高峰;生长后期,各处理的MDA含量和POD活性最高,SOD、CAT活性最低.各pH值处理的叶片中,叶绿素含量、Pn下降,比叶重达到高峰,但pH 8.5下的烟叶中叶绿素含量高,Pn大,比叶重较小.pH 6.5和7.5下的烟叶中蛋白质和可溶性糖总体含量高于其它pH的.烟碱含量在pH 5.5时最高,pH 8.5时最低.  相似文献   

Summary Tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.) of four varieties (Badischer Burley, White Burley, Techne, Kupchunos) were raised at different temperatures and daylengths and the effect of genotype on embryogenic pollen grain formation in situ and on pollen plant formation in anther and pollen cultures from these plants was studied. Genotype controlled embryogenic pollen grain and pollen plant formation by defining productivity under standard growth conditions (long days at 24 °C). Kupchunos was the most productive variety, followed by White Burley, Techne, and Badischer Burley. Furthermore, genotype defined which environmental factor was able to affect embryogenic pollen grain and pollen plant formation and also to which degree. In anther cultures, in addition to these effects, genotype controlled the formation of (an) inhibitory substance(s) in the anther wall in interaction with the plant growth conditions. In Badischer Burley and Techne, inhibitor action could be prevented by isolation of the pollen after one week of anther culture. Finally, direct pollen cultures in Badischer Burley and Techne produced embryos were only when the pollen was isolated from nearly mature anthers, while in White Burley and Kupchunos, embryos also produced at earlier stages and at higher yields. This indicated that genotype controls the time when the embryogenic pollen grains become ready to divide. The results are discussed in relation to strategies to overcome recalcitrance of species and genotypes.  相似文献   

Summary A chimeric gene containing a cloned human metallothionein-II (MT-II) processed gene was introduced into Brassica napus and Nicotiana tabacum cells on a disarmed Ti-plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Transformants expressed MT protein as a Mendelian trait and in a constitutive manner. Seeds from self-fertilized transgenic plants were germinated on media containing toxic levels of cadmium and scored for tolerance/ susceptibility to this heavy metal. The growth of root and shoot of transformed seedlings was unaffected by up to 100 M CdCl2, whereas control seedlings showed severe inhibition of root and shoot growth and chlorosis of leaves. The results of these experiments indicate that agriculturally important plants such as B. napus can be genetically engineered for heavy metal tolerance/sequestration and eventually for partitioning of heavy metals in non-consumed plant tissues.  相似文献   

Nicotiana tabacum (2n=48) is a natural amphidiploid with component genomes S and T. We used non-radioactive in situ hybridization to provide physical chromosome markers for N. tabacum, and to determine the extant species most similar to the S and T genomes. Chromosomes of the S genome hybridized strongly to biotinylated total DNA from N. sylvestris, and showed the same physical localization of a tandemly repeated DNA sequence, HRS 60.1, confirming the close relationship between the S genome and N. sylvesfris. Results of dot blot and in situ hybridizations of N. tabacum DNA to biotinylated total genomic DNA from N. tomentosiformis and N. otophora suggested that the T genome may derive from an introgressive hybrid between these two species. Moreover, a comparison of nucleolus-organizing chromosomes revealed that the nucleolus organizer region (NOR) most strongly expressed in N. tabacum had a very similar counterpart in N. otophora. Three different N. tabacum genotypes each had up to 9 homozygous translocations between chromosomes of the S and T genomes. Such translocations, which were either unilateral or reciprocal, demonstrate that intergenomic transfer of DNA has occurred in the amphidiploid, possibly accounting for some results of previous genetic and molecular analyses. Molecular cytogenetics of N. tabacum has identified new chromosome markers, providing a basis for physical gene mapping and showing that the amphidiploid genome has diverged structurally from its ancestral components.  相似文献   

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