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Two modes of chloroplast membrane post-illumination phosphorylation were detected, using the luciferin-luciferase ATP assay, one of which was not influenced by added permeable buffer (pyridine). That finding provides a powerful new tool for studying proton-membrane interactions during energy coupling. When ADP and Pi were added to the thylakoid suspension after a train of flashes [similar to the traditional post-illumination phosphorylation protocol (termed PIP here)], the post-illumination ATP yield was influenced by pyridine as expected, in a manner consistent with the ATP formation, in part, being driven by protons present in the bulk inner aqueous phase, i.e., through a delocalized protonmotive force. However, when ADP and Pi were present during the flash train (referred to as PIP+), and ATP formation occurred during the flash train, the post-illumination ATP yield was unaffected by the presence of pyridine, consistent with the hypothesis that localized proton gradients were driving ATP formation. To test this hypothesis further, the pH and flash number dependence of the PIP and PIP+ ATP yields were measured, the results being consistent with the above hypothesis of dual compartment origins of protons driving post-illumination ATP formation.Measuring proton accumulation during the attainment of the threshold energization level when no component was allowed to form (+ valinomycin, K+), and testing for pyridine effects on the proton uptake, reveals that the onset of ATP formation requires the accumulation of about 60 nmol H+ (mg Chl)–1. Between that level and about 110–150 nmol H+ (mg Chl)–1, the accumulation appears to be absorbed by localized-domain membrane buffering groups, the protons of which do not equilibrate readily with the inner aqueous (lumen) phase. Post-illumination phosphorylation driven by the dissipation of the domain protons was not affected by pyridine (present in the lumen), even though the effective pH in the domains must have been well into the buffering range of the pyridine. That finding provides additional insight into the localized domains, namely that protons can be absorbed by endogenous low pK buffering groups, and released at a low enough pH (5.7 when the external pH was 8, 4.7 at pH 7 external) to drive significant ATP formation when no further proton production occurs due to the redox turnovers. We propose that proton accumulation beyond the 110–150 nmol (mg Chl)–1 level spills over into the lumen, interacting with additional, lumenal endogenous buffering groups and with pyridine, and subsequent efflux of those lumenal protons can also drive ATP formation. Such a dual-compartment thylakoid model for the accumulation of protons competent to drive ATP formation would require a gating mechanism to switch the proton flux from the localized pathway into the lumen, as discussed by R. A. Dilley, S. M. Theg, and W. A. Beard (1987)Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. 38, 348–389, and recently suggested by R. D. Horner and E. N. Moudrianakis (1986)J. Biol. Chem. 261, 13408–13414. The model can explain conflicting data from past work showing either localized or delocalized gradient coupling patterns.  相似文献   

The great sensitivity of the luciferin-luciferase ATP detection system allows direct observation of ATP formation derived from single-turnover flashes in a thylakoid reaction mixture. The method can measure the energization threshold—the number of flashes required for the initiation of ATP formation—as well as detect post-illumination ATP formation after the last flash of a flash sequence. We describe the characteristics of this post-illumination phosphorylation which can be observed after a series of phosphorylating flashes (PIP+) or when the assay for ATP formation was performed in a traditional manner where the ADP and Pi were added after the flash-energization period (PIP).Comparing PIP+ yields and kinetics of the PIP+ decay under various treatments can give information about membrane energization events only if it is clearly established that different PIP+ yields and decay rates are not due to limitations of the luciferase-catalyzed reaction. Experiments showing that the PIP+ ATP yield and kinetics were due to membrane-limited deenergization events (proton efflux) rather than luciferase limitations include: (1) An uncoupler, nigericin, added after the last flash reduced the PIP+ yield, but had no effect on the luciferase reaction. (2) The kinetics of the luminescence after adding standard ATP were much faster than the PIP+ kinetics. (3) Valinomycin and K+ stimulated the PIP+ yield but had no influence on the luciferase reaction. (4) Lowering the pH from 8 to 7 increased both the PIP (an assay independent of luciferase kinetics) and the PIP+ ATP yields, an expected result owing to the greater endogenous buffering power encountered by the proton gradient when the external pH is 7.In spite of the last-mentioned point, the threshold flash number for ATP formation onset was the same for pH 7 and 8 (valinomycin, K+ present) at slow flash frequencies. This is consistent with a membrane-localized rather than a delocalized gradient. The accompanying reports (W. A. Beard, G. Chiang and R. A. Dilley, and W. A. Beard and R. A. Dilley,J. Bioenerg. Biomembr.) show that different conditions can lead to observing either localized or delocalized proton gradient coupling in the PIP+ event and the ATP onset threshold flash number.  相似文献   

This work tested the hypothesis that thylakoid localized proton-binding domains, suggested to be involved in localized -driven ATP formation, are maintained with the involvement of several membrane proteins, including the LHCII (Laszlo, J. A., Baker, G. M., and Dilley, R. A. (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 764, 160–169), which comprises about 50% of the total thylakoid protein. The concept we have in mind is that several membrane proteins cooperate to shield a localized proton diffusion pathway from direct contact with the lumen, thus providing a physical barrier to H+ equilibration between the sequestered domains and the lumen. A barely mutant,chlorina f 2, that lacks Chl b and does not accumulate some of the LHCII proteins, was tested for its capacity to carry out localized-proton gradient-dependent ATP formation. Two previously developed assays permit clear discrimination between localized and delocalized gradient-driven ATP formation. Those assays include the effect of a permeable buffer, pyridine, on the number of single-turnover flashes needed to reach the energetic threshold for ATP formation and the more recently developed assay for lumen pH using 8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrene trisulfonic acid as a lumenally loaded pH-sensitive fluorescent probe. By those two criteria, the wild-type barley thylakoids revealed either a localized or a delocalized energy coupling mode under low- or high-salt storage conditions, respectively. Addition of Ca++ to the high-salt storage medium caused those thylakoids to maintain a localized energy-coupling response, as previously observed for pea thylakoids. In contrast, thechlorina f 2 mutant thylakoids had an active delocalized energy coupling activity but did not show localized energy coupling under any conditions, and added Ca++ to the thylakoid storage medium did not alter the delocalized energy coupling mode. One interpretation of the results is that the absence of the LHCII polypeptides produces a leaky pathway for protons which allows the gradient to equilibrate with the lumen under all conditions. Another interpretation is possible but seems less likely, that being that the absence of the LHCII polypeptides in some way causes the proposed Ca++ -gated H+ flux site on the membrane sector (CF0) of the energy coupling complex to lose its gating function.  相似文献   

J.Michael Gould  S. Izawa 《BBA》1974,333(3):509-524
1. By using dibromothymoquinone as the electron acceptor, it is possible to isolate functionally that segment of the chloroplast electron transport chain which includes only Photosystem II and only one of the two energy conservation sites coupled to the complete chain (Coupling Site II, observed P/e2 = 0.3–0.4). A light-dependent, reversible proton translocation reaction is associated with the electron transport pathway: H2O → Photosystem II → dibromothymoquinone. We have studied the characteristics of this proton uptake reaction and its relationship to the electron transport and ATP formation associated with Coupling Site II.

2. The initial phase of H+ uptake, analyzed by a flash-yield technique, exhibits linear kinetics (0–3 s) with no sign of transient phenomena such as the very rapid initial uptake (“pH gush”) encountered in the overall Hill reaction with methylviologen. Thus the initial rate of H+ uptake obtained by the flash-yield method is in good agreement with the initial rate estimated from a pH change tracing obtained under continuous illumination.

3. Dibromothymoquinone reduction, observed as O2 evolution by a similar flash-yield technique, is also linear for at least the first 5 s, the rate of O2 evolution agreeing well with the steady-state rate observed under continuous illumination.

4. Such measurements of the initial rates of O2 evolution and H+ uptake yield an H+/e ratio close to 0.5 for the Photosystem II partial reaction regardless of pH from 6 to 8. (Parallel experiments for the methylviologen Hill reaction yield an H+/e ratio of 1.7 at pH 7.6.)

5. When dibromothymoquinone is being reduced, concurrent phosphorylation (or arsenylation) markedly lowers the extent of H+ uptake (by 40–60%). These data, unlike earlier data obtained using the overall Hill reaction, lend themselves to an unequivocal interpretation since phosphorylation does not alter the rate of electron transport in the Photosystem II partial reaction. ADP, Pi and hexokinase, when added individually, have no effect on proton uptake in this system.

6. The involvement of a proton uptake reaction with an H+/e ratio of 0.5 in the Photosystem II partial reaction H2O → Photosystem II → dibromothymoquinone strongly suggests that at least 50% of the protons produced by the oxidation of water are released to the inside of the thylakoid, thereby leading to an internal acidification. It is pointed out that the observed efficiencies for ATP formation (P/e2) and proton uptake (H+/e) associated with Coupling Site II can be most easily explained by the chemiosmotic hypothesis of energy coupling.  相似文献   

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