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成年太行山猕猴(Macaca mulatta tcheliensis)肩关节变量的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本项研究对成年太行山猕猴肩关节变量进行了测量和统计,作了异速生长分析,并对太行山猕猴(M.mulatta tcheliensis)、滇南猕猴(M.mulatta mulatta)、川西猕猴(M.mulatta lasiotis)、湘鄂猕猴(M.mulatta littoralis)肩关节变量进行了比较和聚类分析。与上述3个亚种相比,太行山猕猴较短的肩胛骨、较小的锁肱指数、较大的三角肌止点指数和较小的摆荡指数,表明太行山猕猴肩关节形态结构更适应于地面上的活动,说明其在地面上活动较多,在树上活动较少。  相似文献   

野生太行山猕猴血液生理生化指标测定与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猕猴华北亚种Macaca mulatta tcheliensis为中国特有亚种,目前主要分布于河南、山西两省交界的太行山南端,常被称为太行山猕猴.2009年11月~2010年1月,在太行山猕猴国家级自然保护区济源管理局所辖范围内对野生太行山猕猴进行生存状况调查的同时,对18只雌体、8只雄体的血液生理与生化指标进行了测定,结果表明:1)雌性的淋巴细胞数(P=0.019)、中间细胞数(P=0.017)均显著地高于雄性;而雌性的平均血小板体积则显著低于雄性(P=0.046);2)雌性的血糖(GLU)、总胆固醇(CH)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度胆固醇(HDL)、低密度胆固醇(LDL)的测定值均略高于雄性,但其差异未达到显著性水平.并与相关研究作了比较分析.  相似文献   

成年太行山猕猴肩关节变量的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本项研究对成年太行山猕猴桃肩并节变量进行了测量和统计,作了异速生长分析,并对太行山猕猴、滇南猕猴、川西猕猴、湘鄂猕猴肩并关节变量进行了比较和聚类分析,与上述3个亚种相比,太行山猕猴较短的肩胛骨,较小的锁肱指数,较大的三角肌止点指数和较小的摆荡指数,表明太行山猕猴肩关节形态结构更适应于地面上的活动,说明其在地面上活动较多,在树上活动较少。  相似文献   

成年太行山猕猴肱骨与锁骨的初步研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
本项研究对成年太行山猕猴的肱骨(33例)及锁骨(29例)进行了全面测量及观察,计算了5项指数。对太行山猕猴、滇南猕猴、川西猕猴、湘鄂猕猴的肱骨、锁骨和桡骨有关测量指标及指数进行聚类分析,分析结果表明:与其他3个猕猴亚种相比,太行山猕猴肱骨与锁骨的形态结构更适应于地面上的活动,说明其在地上活动较多,在树上活动较少。  相似文献   

太行山猕猴颅容量与颅骨其他变量的相关性研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在现生哺乳动物中,灵长类不仅因为其行为机制的复杂性,更因其与人类的近缘性,而受到诸多研究领域的重视。其生存的第一需要就是取食,不同的食物特性总是与头颅的形状变化有关系(Shea,1983),而颅形的变化必然会与颅容量或脑的体积变化相联系。有关的研究在太行山猕猴尚属空白。太行山猕猴目前仅分布于太行山南段和中条山部分地区,是目前我国分布最北的野生猕猴种群。初步研究表明,太行山猕猴在形态生态行为和遗传等方面与其他亚种均有明显差异(宋朝枢等,1996;薛德明等,1998)。基于保护其生物多样性的考虑,本文对太行山猕猴颅容量与颅骨其…  相似文献   

猕猴是人类的近亲,其形态结构、生理机能及生化代谢等与人类相似,因而长期以来被广泛用于医学科学实验研究。太行山猕猴是我国北方分布的一种数量最多的猕猴,许多学者对其形态、生理、生殖和遗传等做了大量研究,但未见有关血浆胰岛素含量的报道。本文以放射免疫法测定了太行山猕猴胰岛素含量,并与人血浆胰岛素含量进行比较,以便有效地利用猕猴探讨糖尿病的发病机理。1 材料与方法(1)动物来源 用于实验的29只猕猴均产于我国太行山区河南省济源市和辉县市境内。捕获后入河南师大猕猴养殖场饲养,经检疫和健康检查均系健康者。其中雄14只,雌15…  相似文献   

为探讨现生太行山猕猴与猕猴化石骨指数的差异,对太行山猕猴与广西崇左早更新世猕猴化石的肢间指数(Intermembral index,IM)、臂指数(Brachial index,BI)、股指数(Crural index,CI)和股骨粗壮指数(Robusticity index,RI)等指数进行比较。结果表明,猕猴化石IM值(96)高于太行山猕猴,BI值(94.5)和CI值(88.5)均低于太行山猕猴,推测该猕猴化石在早更新世时期可能地栖生活,适合于陆地四足行走,同时也验证了太行山猕猴主要为半树栖生活。结合对猕猴化石伴生哺乳动物习性的分析,推测广西崇左早更新世的气候温暖潮湿并有一定的水域,植被以森林和灌木为主,有局部的草地或草坡,其自然环境非常适宜高等灵长类生息繁衍。  相似文献   

太行山猕猴的食性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
猕猴 (Macacamulatta)是世界上地理和生态地位分布最广泛的非人灵长类。我国是唯一的地跨热带、亚热带、暖温带均有猕猴分布的国家。直到1987年 ,亚洲最北部的猴群在河北兴隆绝灭以后[12 ] ,自然分布于河南省与山西省交界处的太行山及中条山南段的猕猴就成为亚洲猕猴分布的最北界 ,位于N35°11'~ 35°17',E112°0 3'~ 112°33',地处暖温带。经 1981年以来的调查研究发现 ,太行山猕猴在形态、生理、生态等方面与其它地区的猕猴不同 ,是最具研究意义的种群[5] 。猕猴同其它动物一样 ,通过食物与其它动物 ,周围环境及人类物质…  相似文献   

以太行山猕猴牙齿为对象,主要研究各牙齿的性差大小及分布模式.测量43例太行山猕猴牙齿的2个主要变量.数据通过SPSS统计分析软件处理.性差大小用雄雌差值(Dif)和性差百分比(P.D)表示.结果表明,太行山猕猴牙齿性差主要表现在犬齿性差"区"和第3臼齿,主要是MD径,越靠近犬齿其性差越大,下颌的更为明显.表明太行山猕猴牙齿的不同变量、不同位置性差程度不同.本研究在进行性差推断和种间比较时有一定的实用价值和理论价值.  相似文献   

基于PAE 编码系统的太行山猕猴行为谱   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2009 年2 月至2010 年3 月,在河南太行山猕猴国家级自然保护区济源管理局愚公管理分局所辖的天坛山
动作- 环境”(Posture-act-environment,PAE)为轴心、以行为生态功能为依据的PAE 编码系统,对野生太行山
猕猴的行为进行分类和系统编码并构建PAE 行为谱。结果:1)研究中分辨并记录到猕猴的14 种姿势,93 种动
作,121 种行为;2)将所记录到的行为分别划归于摄食、排遗、调温、配对、交配、育幼、竞争、亲密、聚群、
通讯、休息、运动和其他等13 个类别中;3)得到了基于PAE 编码系统的野生太行山猕猴行为谱。  相似文献   

Rhesus and bonnet macaques are the 2 most common and widely distributed of the 8 macaque species of India. Rhesus macaques are widely distributed across southern and southeastern Asia, whereas bonnet macaques are restricted to peninsular India. We studied the current distributional limits of the 2 species, examined patterns of their coexistence in the interspecific border zones, and evaluated losses in the distributional range of bonnet macaques over the last 3 decades. Our results indicate that whereas rhesus macaques have extended their geographical range into the southern peninsula, bonnet macaques have been displaced from many areas within their former distributional range. The southern and the northern distributional limits for rhesus and bonnet macaques, respectively, currently run parallel to each other in the western part of the country, are separated by a large gap in central India, and converge on the eastern coast of the peninsula to form a distribution overlap zone. This overlap region is characterized by the presence of mixed-species troops, with pure troops of both species sometimes occurring even in close proximity to one another. The range extension of rhesus macaque—a natural process in some areas and a direct consequence of introduction by humans in other regions—poses grave implications for the endemic and declining populations of bonnet macaques in southern India.  相似文献   

Primatologists have classified rhesus macaques of the Taihangshan Mountains area as Macaca mulatta tcheliensis, a subspecies confined to China. The northernmost area of its distribution is in the southern part of the Taihangshan Mountains, which includes a National Nature Reserve established in 1998. To investigate the current status of the subspecies, we surveyed the population and distribution of macaque groups in Jiyuan, Henan, China. In addition, we investigated habitat preferences and the food items foraged by macaques during winter and early spring. The results show that: 1) ca. 2100 macaques currently inhabit the Taihangshan Mountains National Nature Reserve, mainly in Jiyuan; 2) fragmentation of habitats of rhesus macaques have become severe in recent years; and 3) food resources are very poor during the long winter and the early spring. Macaques in the Taihangshan Mountains feed mainly on seeds, twigs, and bark and the eggs of some insects.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of sympatric species are essential in understanding those species’ behavioral and ecological adaptations as well as the mechanisms that can reduce resource competition enough to allow coexistence. We collected data on diet, activity budget and habitat use from two sympatric macaque species, the Assamese macaque (Macaca assamensis) and the rhesus macaque (M. mulatta), in a limestone seasonal rainforest of Nonggang Nature Reserve, southwestern Guangxi, China. Our results show that the two sympatric macaques differ in diet, activity budget, and habitat use: (1) out of the 131 plant species that were used by both macaque species as food over the year, only 15 plant species (11 %) were shared. Rhesus macaques used more plant species as major foods, and had higher dietary diversity and evenness indexes than Assamese macaques. (2) Assamese macaques fed predominantly on leaves, whereas rhesus macaques fed more selectively on fruits. The rhesus macaques’ diet varied according to season, and was significantly correlated to season fluctuation in fruit availability. (3) Assamese macaques devoted more time to resting, and less time to feeding than rhesus macaques (4) Assamese macaques were present mostly on the cliff, and tended to stay on the ground, whereas rhesus macaques were present mostly on the hillside, and showed preference to lower and middle canopy. The observed differences in diet and habitat use between the two macaque species represent behavioral patterns enabling their coexistence.  相似文献   

Native throughout Asia, rhesus macaques are believed to have the widest native range of any non-human primate and are capable of adapting to an extensive diversity of habitats. Rhesus macaques have caused environmental degradation in introduced habitats, including decreasing bird populations through nest predation. In the 1930s, rhesus macaques were intentionally introduced into what is today Silver Springs State Park (SSSP), central Florida, in an effort to increase tourism. Our objective was to determine whether introduced rhesus macaques in SSSP would consume eggs presented in artificial nests. We used camera traps adjacent to 100 open-cupped artificial bird nests baited with quail eggs near the Silver River. Nests were placed in shrubs and left in the field site for 12 days, representative of the incubation period of native passerine species. Twenty-one nests were depredated by rhesus macaques, nine by nest predators other than macaques, and five nests by an unidentified predator. Nests were more likely to be depredated by macaques when located in areas of high macaque relative abundance. This study suggests introduced rhesus macaques may influence nest predation rates of native bird species in natural areas.  相似文献   

The eighth edition of The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals establishes social housing as the 'default' for social species including non-human primates. The advantages of social housing for primates have been well established, but small research facilities housing few primates in indoor cages have struggled with social housing as a result of limitations on appropriate housing and availability of compatible monkeys. Here, we report a novel approach to pair housing macaques - crossing species. We have successfully pair housed an intact male rhesus macaque with an intact male cynomolgus macaque, and an adult female rhesus macaque with numerous subadult female cynomolgus macaques. Monkeys in these pairs established dominant-subordinate relationships similar to same-species pairs. Rhesus and cynomolgus macaques can be successfully paired for the purpose of social housing in facilities with limited numbers of monkeys.  相似文献   

河南太行山自然保护区猕猴冬春季食性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年11月-2009年4月,在太行山猕猴国家级自然保护区采集了40份太行山猕猴粪样和38科91种植物标本,用粪便显微组织学分析法研究了太行山猕猴的冬春季食性。结果表明:1)太行山猕猴在冬季采食植物13科21种,其中栓皮栎、青冈、羊胡草、露珠草、大叶榉是其冬季的主要采食植物,共占所采食植物总量的55.4%;小叶榉、千金榆、南蛇藤、君迁子等10种是常见采食植物,共占所采食植物总量的39.1%;第三类是少见采食植物,包括板栗、毛栗、辽东栎,蒙古栎、黄荆等5种,共占所采食植物总量的5.2%;2)共记录到猕猴春季采食植物24科37种,其中栓皮栎、青冈、早熟禾、大叶榉、小叶榉、千金榆、鹅耳枥、枳椇、构树、博落回等10种为主要采食植物,共占所采食植物总量的70.8%;唐松草、白丁香、紫丁香等14种是常见采食植物,共占所采食植物总量的23.4%,少见采食植物包括马齿苋、铁线莲、槐、胡枝子等16种,共占所采食植物总量的5.7%;3)部分植物在冬季和春季均被猕猴取食,但在2个季节所取食的部位有所不同,在冬季主要取食嫩芽和果实,在春季则主要取食花和叶。太行山猕猴在春季的取食植物比冬季更广泛。  相似文献   

Genetic characterization of wild and captive rhesus macaques in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genetic structures of wild and captive rhesus macaque populations within China were compared by analyzing the mtDNA sequences of 203 captive-bred Chinese rhesus macaques with 77 GenBank sequences from wild-caught animals trapped throughout China. The genotypes of 22 microsatellites of captive Chinese rhesus macaques were also compared with those of captive Indian animals. The Chinese population is significantly differentiated from the Indian population and is more heterogeneous. Thus, compared with Indian rhesus macaques the phenotypic variance of traits with high heritability will be inflated in Chinese animals. Our data suggest that the western Chinese provinces have more subdivided populations than the eastern and southern Chinese provinces. The southern Chinese populations are the least structured and might have been more recently established. Human-mediated interbreeding among captive Chinese populations has occurred, implying that Chinese breeding strategies can influence the interpretation of biomedical research in the USA.  相似文献   

Rhesus macaques and stump-tailed macaques are sympatric in western Yunnan (China), coexisting or occupying habitats that show little difference. This paper tests hypotheses based on theoretical expectation from the differing biomechanical demands of terrestrial and arboreal quadrupedalism in stump-tailed macaques and rhesus macaques, respectively. Individuals of these two macaque taxa were markedly separated by the first two principal components and discriminant analyses based on 18 variables of the upper limb. The rhesus macaques appear to be more adapted for arboreal quadruped habits because of elongation of the clavicle and forearm, a larger humeral head and greater midshaft sagittal diameters of the radius and ulna.  相似文献   

In rodent studies, the gut microbiota has been implicated in facilitating both radioresistance, by protecting the epithelium from apoptotic responses and radiosensitivity, inducing endothelial apoptotic responses. Despite the observation that large animal models, such as the Chinese Rhesus macaque and the Gottingen Minipig, demonstrate similarity to human physiologic responses to radiation, little is known about radiation-induced changes of the gut microbiome in these models. To compare the two models, we used bioequivalent radiation doses which resulted in an LD50 for Gottingen Minipigs and Chinese Rhesus macaques, 1.9 Gy and 6.8 Gy, respectively. Fecal samples taken prior and 3 days post-radiation were used for 16S rRNA gene sequence amplicon high throughput sequencing (Illumina MiSeq). Baseline gut microbiota profiles were dissimilar between minipigs and rhesus macaques. Irradiation profoundly impacted gut microbiota profiles in both animals. Significant increases of intracellular symbionts were common to both models and to reported changes in rodents suggesting universality of these findings post-radiation. Remarkably, opposite dynamics were observed for the main phyla, with increase of Firmicutes and decrease of Bacteroidetes and Proteobacteria in minipigs but with enrichment of Bacteroidetes in rhesus macaques. Minipig changes in magnitude and in variety of species affected were more extensive than those observed in rhesus macaques. This pilot study provides an important first step in comparing the radiosensitive pig model to the comparatively more radioresistant macaque model, for the identification of microbial elements which may influence radiosensitivity.  相似文献   

中国的灵长类学研究始于19世纪中期之后,而兴盛于20世纪80年代至今。猕猴(Macaca mulatta)是世界及中国分布最为广泛的一种非人灵长类动物,在中国境内分布于17个省(市、区),已被列为国家二级重点保护野生动物。迄今为止,学者们已对猕猴进行了包括地理分布、种群动态、食性、社会生态、保护生态等多方面的研究。本文拟对国内有关猕猴生态学方面的研究工作进行回顾与综述,以期通过对以往工作的汇总,梳理关于猕猴的研究线索与动态,并对今后的研究有所启示。  相似文献   

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