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The aim of this work is to explore the pattern of craniofacial morphometric variation and the relationships among five prehistoric Sardinian groups dated from Late Neolithic to the Nuragic Period (Middle and Late Bronze Age), in order to formulate hypotheses on the peopling history of Sardinia. Biological relationships with coeval populations of central peninsular Italy were also analysed to detect influences from and towards extra-Sardinian sources. Furthermore, comparison with samples of contemporary populations from Sardinia and from continental Italy provided an indication of the trend leading to the final part of the peopling history. Finally, Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic samples were included in the analyses to compare the prehistoric Sardinians with some of their potential continental ancestors. The analysis is based on multivariate techniques including Mahalanobis D2 distance, non-parametric multidimensional scaling (MDS) and principal component analysis (PCA). The results showed the tendency to progressive differentiation between Sardinian groups and peninsular Italian groups, with the possible exception of a discontinuity showed by the Bonnànaro (Early Bronze Age) Sardinian sample. Several aspects of the morphological results were found to agree with the current genetic evidence available for the present-day Sardinian population and a Nuragic sample: (1) biological divergence between the Sardinian and peninsular Italian populations; (2) similarity/continuity among Neolithic, Bronze Age and recent Sardinians; (3) biological separation between the Nuragic and Etruscan populations; (4) contribution of a Palaeo-Mesolithic gene pool to the genetic structure of current Sardinians.  相似文献   

Late Epigravettian postcranial human remains from the Arene Candide cave (Finale Ligure, Savona, Italy) were compared with the Neolithic sample found in the upper levels of the same site. Data on length, diaphyseal circumference and diameter of clavicle, humerus, radius, femur and tibia were collected from male specimens having all these bones. The Epigravettian sample is characterized by significantly greater tibial length, robustness and platycnemia, significantly lower circumferences in the upper limb bones and the clavicle, and a high degree of asymmetry. Variations observed in lower limb bones are those expected on the basis of the different functional requirements of a hunting and gathering economy compared to a more sedentary, food producing economy. Differences in the upper limb bones and the clavicle are less explicable. However, considering that in spite of a more slender structure, the Epigravettian bones show evidence of vigorous use, variation in upper limb could result from qualitatively different involvements.  相似文献   

The Upper Paleolithic burials currently known in Italy represent a rich and important group which constitutes the major part of the European sample. Among these burials, those attributed to the Gravettian are concentrated in two regions, Liguria and Puglia. Epigravettian burials were found in most parts of the peninsula and in Sicily. Grave goods are often very rich, especially in Gravettian burials. With regard to the anthropological characteristics of the buried, research has focused mainly on postcranial skeleton and on the information it can give us about weight, stature and somatic proportions. Among the Gravettians, Ligurian males reach the highest stature. The average height decreases from Gravettian to Epigravettian, as already observed in the European sample.  相似文献   

The Author summarizes data on Italian figurative evidence dated to the last 10,000 years of Late Glacial (Epigravettian culture) and describes the possible scenario conceivable after a multidisciplinary analysis of different archaeologica data. During Ancient Epigravettian, the rare evidence indicates the presence in Italy of “franco-cantabric style”. During Evolved (or Recent) Epigravettian the Italian visual productions appear more innovative and original in relation to a more polymorphic iconography. The variability of evidence is greater during the Final Epigravettian and the rich documentation allows to define in detail the visual culture during the last 4000 years of Palaeolithic.  相似文献   

During the Pleistocene, southern Calabria was the area through which several mammalian taxa dispersed into the Sicilian island via the Straits of Messina. The rich fossil record of Sicily allowed for the construction of a fairly detailed bio-chronological frame that is dated by correlation of vertebrate bearing deposits with marine deposits. At present five Faunal Complexes (F.C.), characterised by the occurrence of different taxa, have been recognised. The two older Faunal Complexes (Monte Pellegrino F.C.'xes Elephas falconeri F.C.) include taxa with differently marked endemic features denoting the occurrence of an insular system made up of geographically isolated small islands, with very difficult and sporadic connections with the mainland. The Lower Pleistocene physiographic evidence fits closely with data coming from palaeontologic evidence. In the younger F.C.'xes (Emnaidriensis F.C., Pianetti S. Teodoro F.C. and Castello F.C.), faunal composition is becoming more similar to that of the southern Italian peninsula, endemisation is more moderate becoming absent in the youngest assemblages. This behaviour denotes that temporary connections with southern Italy occurred more frequently and extensively during Late Middle Pleistocene and Late Pleistocene. Possibly a sort of filtering barrier affected the dispersals that gave rise to the former phase of population of the Emnaidriensis F.C. preventing small mammals from the mainland from entering the island. The vertebrate fossil record of southern Calabria is rather poor and no mammal deposit is apparently older than the Late Middle Pleistocene. The occurrence at Bovetto of a continental fallow deer (Dama dama cf. tiberina), closely related to the endemic Sicilian species Dcarburangelensis of the E. mnaidriensis F.C., may document the first Pleistocene connection of southern Calabria to the Italian peninsula and the dispersal of the forerunners of mammals of the E. mnaidriensis F.C. in Sicily. The well-diversified continental faunas coming from Archi and from Iannì di S. Calogero, both containing remains of Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, may document a post-Tyrrhenian dispersal event through the Catanzaro isthmus. Data are still lacking for the correlation of these faunal assemblages with the scarcely endemic faunas of the Late Pleistocene Contrada Pianetti–San Teodoro F.C. of Sicily. No record of the mammal assemblages that gave origin to the fauna of the Castello F.C. has been recovered so far in southern Calabria.  相似文献   

Vegetation reconstruction based on pollen from coprolites of extinct spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta spelaea, Goldfuss 1832) recovered from excavations carried out in 1998 at San Teodoro Cave (Sicily, Italy) supports previous indications of pre-Late Glacial conditions. Eight of the twelve coprolites analysed contained well-preserved pollen grains. There is a general similarity between the pollen contents from the coprolites but they show variability. They suggest a main vegetation type dominated by steppic taxa (Poaceae, Artemisia, Ephedra, Chenopodiaceae and Asteraceae) but also including arboreal taxa (Pinus and Cupressaceae). Low percentages of pollen of mesophilous woody taxa (Quercus, Betula, Abies, Alnus, Pistacia, among others) are noticeable, suggesting the existence of nearby refugia for temperate and Mediterranean vegetation. A reconstruction of the landscape, using the coprolite pollen record and other pollen records from Sicily and south Italy, shows the predominance, during the pre-Late Glacial, of a wooded steppe biome, with elements representing a variety of local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The genus Proasellus is widespread in ponds, ditches and rivers of Sicily. A detailed morphological analysis of several samples of asellids collected in Sicilian freshwaters resulted in the determination of three species of the Proasellus coxalis-group: P. banyulensis italicus (Dudich, 1925), P. montalentii n. sp. and P. wolfi (Dudich, 1925), which is elevated to specific rank. The three species can be distinguished on the basis of the sutures of pleopod V. exopod. Proasellus montalentii inhabits the western part of Sicily, while the range of P. wolfi is confined to the Iblean region. Both species are more closely related to the North African taxa of Proasellus coxalis-group, while Proasellus banyulensis italicus is very similar to the populations found in peninsular Italy. These patterns are explained supposing multiple colonizations of Sicily during Pliocene connections.  相似文献   

Aim To infer the evolutionary history of Rana (Pelophylax) lessonae Camerano within its inferred Quaternary refugial range, and to shed light on the processes that have contributed to shaping the patterns of diversity within the southern European peninsulas. Location The Italian peninsula south of the Alps and Sicily. Methods Sequence analysis of a mitochondrial cytochrome b gene fragment in 149 individuals sampled from 25 localities. Results Three mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) phylogroups were identified, distributed in northern Italy, the whole Italian peninsula south of the northern Apennines, and Sicily. Syntopy between the northern and peninsular lineages was observed close to the northern Apennines. The northern lineage was the most differentiated, showing a net sequence divergence of 4.8 ± 0.8% with respect to the two others, whereas the net divergence between peninsular and Sicilian lineages was 2.6 ± 0.6%. Analysis of molecular variance (amova ) revealed that 93% of the overall variation occurred between these three groups. Historical demographic statistics support a recent expansion for both the northern and peninsular groups, but not for the Sicilian group. In both northern and peninsular Italy, such an expansion was likely to have occurred during the last glaciation. Main conclusions Our results suggest that a number of microevolutionary processes were involved in shaping the present genetic structure of R. lessonae in Italy. These encompass allopatric differentiations in three distinct Pleistocene refugia, recent population expansions and secondary contacts. Our results, together with some previous work, support (1) the existence of a suture zone in the northern Apennines, and (2) the possibility of population expansions during the last glacial phase, when a vast widening of the lowland floodplain habitats followed sea‐level fall, particularly in northern Italy. When compared with previous analyses of allozyme data, it appears that the peninsular mtDNA lineage has recently replaced the Sicilian one in southern Calabria, and we suggest that this event occurred due to selective introgression. The implications of such an occurrence for the study of factors underlying the patterns of diversity within this southern European biodiversity hotspot are discussed. Taxonomic implications of the results are also evaluated.  相似文献   

The study of cranial material is an important source of information for biological reconstruction of past human populations. Such cranial data used for solving prehistoric problems (Buikstra et al, 1990). Cranial samples from the prehistoric population of Crete were studied to try to answer an archaeological problem (the hypothesis of the Mycenean invasion in the island during Late Bronze Age period). Historical and archaeological evidence suggests that Myceneans invaded Crete after the destroy caused by the eruption of the Thera Volcano (15th century b.C.). The samples were analysed by Discriminant Analysis, and classification factor was the Era. It is concluded that: a) It is not abvious an entry of another population during the transitional period between NL/MM, because there is a common morphometric pattern, and b) the entrance and installation of the Myceneans during the Late Minoan period is possible because a different morphometric pattern was found. This last conclusion is in accordance with the archaeological evidence.  相似文献   

Over the past fifteen years of research in the alpine area, the Dalmeri Rockshelter, located on the northeastern edge of the Sette Comuni Plateau (Trento, Italy), has become a key site for reconstructing the exploitation of the mountain territories by the human groups of the end of the Upper Palaeolithic. Excavations, carried out between 1991 and 2005, brought to light a sequence of Recent Epigravettian anthropic levels, which were radiocarbon dated to the Allerød interstadial. The well-preserved paleosurfaces provided the opportunity to carry out a thorough analysis on the faunal and lithic remains, enabling us to reconstruct the palaeoeconomy, the function and the internal organisation of the site. In the past five years, the discovery of a notable quantity of red ochre painted stones, which are linked to the earliest settlement phase, revealed different representations, both naturalistic paintings as well as signs. Following this discovery, the interpretation of the site began to touch the artistic-religious sphere, providing new insights into Epigravettian art.  相似文献   

The Samnites are an Iron Age protohistoric people from the central region of Italy. The skeletal remains are from the Alfedena necropolis, 6th through 5th centuries B.C. Macchiarelli et al. (Antropologia Contemporanea 4 (1981) 239-243) were the first to report on cranial trauma for this population, presenting four cases with extreme injuries. We re-examined this well documented skeletal population for additional examples of trauma. Previously unexamined remains from Alfedena, excavated at the turn of the 20th century, are also included in our analysis (Mariani. 1901. "Aufidena", ricerche archeologiche e storiche del Sannio settentrionale. Roma: Acc Naz Dei Lincei). Of the 209 adult crania examined, 12.9% of them exhibited trauma. Analysis of location and frequency of cranial trauma revealed that cranial injuries to the head appear to originate from all directions. The high rate of cranial trauma underscores the violent circumstances experienced during the Iron Age protohistoric period of central Italy. Males are much more likely to exhibit cranial injury than females (P = 0.009). We conclude that the injuries received by Samnite male farmer-warriors occurred while defending pastoral-agricultural resources. Trauma rates are similar for some Iron Age populations and not for others. Behavior associated with violence during the Iron Age period can not be generalized for all populations found in Italy.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was analyzed in Chalcides chalcides populations from peninsular Italy, Sardinia, Sicily and Tunisia by sequencing 400 bp at the 5' end of the mitochondrial gene encoding cytochrome b (cyt b) and by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of two mitochondrial DNA segments (ND-1/2 and ND-3/4). The results of the phylogenetic analysis highlighted the presence of three main clades corresponding with three of the four main geographical areas (Tunisia, Sicily and the Italian peninsula), while Sardinia proved to be closely related to Tunisian haplotypes suggesting a colonization of this island from North Africa by human agency in historical times. On the contrary, the splitting times estimated on the basis of cyt b sequence data seem to indicate a more ancient colonization of Sicily and the Italian Peninsula, as a consequence of tectonic and climatic events that affected the Mediterranean Basin during the Pleistocene. Finally, the analysis of the genetic variability of C. chalcides populations showed a remarkable genetic homogeneity in Italian populations when compared to the Tunisian ones. This condition could be explained by a rapid post-glacial expansion from refugial populations that implied serial bottlenecking with progressive loss of haplotypes, resulting in a low genetic diversity in the populations inhabiting the more recently colonized areas.  相似文献   

The distribution of AB0, RH, KELL, ADA, GLO1, AK, 6PGD, ESD, ACP, G6PD, C3, GC and APOB markers were studied in a sample coming from the province of Trapani (western Sicily, Italy). The results were discussed in the contest of the Mediterranean populations. Our analysis confirms the existence of a certain genetic differentiation within Sicily and suggests a strong heterogeneity between our sample and the North African populations. Moreover our data point out the genetic affinity among Sicily, Southern Italy and Greece.  相似文献   

Summary A sample of healthy unrelated individuals (882 from Continental Italy and Sicily, and 139 from Sardinia) were typed for HLA and Bf polymorphisms. Bf gene frequencies in Continental Italy and Sicily show an intermediate position among European populations, with Lapps on one side and Basques on the other side; while a very peculiar pattern is observed among Sardinians, with an impressive similarity with French Basques and with the highest F1 gene frequency so far observed. The HLA: Bf gametic associations in Italy and Sardinia are also reported, which confirm the different ethnic background of these populations.This work was supported by Centro di Immunogenetica ed Istocompatibilità, C.N.R., Torino, Italy and by a grant of Ministero Pubblica Istruzione (M.P.I., Cap. 8551/1980).  相似文献   

In the lignite sediments of Pietrafitta (Tiberino Basin, Umbria, Central Italy), a rich fossil assemblage of vertebrate, invertebrate and plant remains belonging to the Farneta Faunal Unit (Late Villafranchian, Early Pleistocene) was collected. Among them fossil beaver cranial remains are relatively abundant. Western-Central Europe Villafranchian beaver remains were assigned to C. plicidens by some authors because molar occlusal surface patterns show complex enamel crenulations. Several recent authors have classified them as C. fiber while analysing other morphological patterns. Our samples have been compared to Plio-Pleistocene fossil remains and to living European populations of the genus Castor. New morphometric parameters on molar occlusal surfaces have been defined and statistical analyses (One-Way MANOVA, Principal Component Analysis and Canonical Discriminant Analysis) have been performed on them. The results point out a subspecific separation between the Late Villafranchian beaver of Pietrafitta, Quarata and San Giovanni in Valdarno (Umbria and Tuscany) and C. fiber populations. St. Vallier (France) Late Pliocene and Mosbach 2 (Germany) Middle Pleistocene beavers classified respectively by Viret and Friant as C. plicidens, show a C. f. fiber molar teeth pattern. Therefore, C. fiber plicidens did not occur in Central-Western Europe and this subspecific name may be used only for the local populations of Valdarno and Tiberino Basin (San Giovanni in Valdarno, Quarata, Pietrafitta and a few localities of the same area), at that time peripheral populations, probably semi-isolated during the Late Villafranchian, and at the southern limit of the geographic range of C. fiber.  相似文献   

We investigated the geographical patterns of genetic diversity in the Italian treefrog through sequence analysis of a mitochondrial cytochrome b gene fragment. Three main mitochondrial lineages were identified, distributed in northern, central and southern Italy, respectively. Their divergence appears indicative of a split time largely predating Late Pleistocene climatic oscillations, and syntopy between them was only observed in the geographically intermediate populations. The historical demographic reconstructions suggest that in both northern and central Italy, an expansion occurred during the last major glacial phase, when a vast widening of the lowland habitats followed the glaciation-induced fall of the sea level. Instead, in southern Italy an expansion event likely followed the end of the last glaciation, although the inference of expansion appears less reliable for the southern clade than for the others. Within this geographical area, a sharp phylogeographic discontinuity separated peninsular from Sicilian populations, and the overall pattern of diversity suggests that the latter derived from a recent colonization of the island, probably through a Late Pleistocene land bridge. Phylogenetic, phylogeographic and historical demographic analyses thus concur in delineating a scenario of multiple refugia, with four groups of populations which survived the last glacial-interglacial cycles in at least three distinct refugia arranged along peninsular Italy, and have recently come into contact following range expansions. Therefore, these results support the hypothesis that a plethora of microevolutionary processes, rather than the prolonged stability of populations, were mainly responsible for shaping the patterns of diversity within this major biodiversity hotspot.  相似文献   

Severe climatic changes during the Pleistocene shaped the distributions of temperate‐adapted species. These species survived glaciations in classical southern refuges with more temperate climates, as well as in western and eastern peripheral Alpine temperate areas. We hypothesized that the European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) populations currently distributed in Italy differentiated in, and expanded from two distinct glacial refuges, located in the southern Apennines and at the periphery of the eastern Alps. This hypothesis was tested by genotyping 235 presumed European wildcats using a panel of 35 domestic cat‐derived microsatellites. To provide support and controls for the analyses, 17 know wildcat x domestic cat hybrids and 17 Sardinian wildcats (F. s. libyca) were included. Results of Bayesian clustering and landscape genetic analyses showed that European wildcats in Italy are genetically subdivided into three well‐defined clusters corresponding to populations sampled in: (1) the eastern Alps, (2) the peninsular Apennines, and (3) the island of Sicily. Furthermore, the peninsular cluster is split into two subpopulations distributed on the eastern (Apennine mountains and hills) and western (Maremma hills and lowlands) sides of the Apennine ridge. Simulations indicated Alpine, peninsular, and Sicilian wildcats were isolated during the Last Glacial Maximum. Population subdivision in the peninsula cluster of central Italy arose as consequence of a more recent expansions of historically or ecologically distinct European wildcat subpopulations associated with distinct the Continental or Mediterranean habitats. This study identifies previously unknown European wildcat conservation units and supports a deep phylogeographical history for Italian wildcats.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a geoarchaeological study developed at the Epigravettian settlement of Mezhyrich (Ukraine) in the frame of the French ANR project “Mammouths”. Based on a microstratigraphic analysis of a complex loess sequence, this approach has provided a large set of complementary data focusing on archaeology, environment and chronology, which document the activities of the Epigravettian hunters at the site between ca 18,300 and 17,400 before present, during a cold period characterized by strong climatic and environmental contrast.  相似文献   

Morphometric analyses were carried out for 14 cave dwelling populations of Dolichopoda (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae) from peninsular Italy belonging to the laetitiae-geniculata complex. The selected set of variables includes linear measures of body parts and appendages whose variation is expected to be adaptive and to reflect the degree of specialization to the cave environment.
Inter-population morphometric variation was compared with the patterns of allozyme variation, investigated electrophoretically in a previous paper, by means of ordination and classification multivariate analyses. Results from this comparison reject the hypothesis of parallel geographic variation of morphometric indices and allele frequencies, revealing independent trends for the two sets of characters.  相似文献   

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