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We have characterized a phosphatase activity present on the external surface of Leishmania amazonensis, using intact living parasites. This enzyme hydrolyzes the substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate (p-NPP) at the rate of 25.70+/-1.17 nmol Pi x h(-1) x 10(-7)cells. The dependence on p-NPP concentration shows a normal Michaelis-Menten kinetics for this ecto-phosphatase activity present a V(max) of 31.93+/-3.04 nmol Pi x h(-1) x 10(-7)cells and apparent K(m) of 1.78+/-0.32 mM. Inorganic phosphate inhibited the ecto-phoshatase activity in a dose-dependent manner with the K(i) value of 2.60 mM. Experiments using classical inhibitor of acid phosphatase, such as ammonium molybdate, as well as inhibitors of phosphotyrosine phosphatase, such as sodium orthovanadate and [potassiumbisperoxo(1,10-phenanthroline)oxovanadate(V)] (bpV-PHEN), inhibited the ecto-phosphatase activity, with the K(i) values of 0.33 microM, 0.36 microM and 0.25 microM, respectively. Zinc chloride, another classical phosphotyrosine phosphatase inhibitor, also inhibited the ecto-phosphatase activity in a dose-dependent manner with K(i) 2.62 mM. Zinc inhibition was reversed by incubation with reduced glutathione (GSH) and cysteine, but not serine, showing that cysteine residues are important for enzymatic activity. Promastigote growth in a medium supplemented with 1mM sodium orthovanadate was completely inhibited as compared to the control medium. Taken together, these results suggest that L. amazonensis express a phosphohydrolase ectoenzyme with phosphotyrosine phosphatase activity.  相似文献   

In this work we demonstrated that promastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis exhibit an Mg-dependent ecto-ATPase activity, which is stimulated by heat shock. The Mg-dependent ATPase activity of cells grown at 22 and 28 degrees C was 41.0+/-5.2 nmol Pi/h x 10(7)cells and 184.2+/-21.0 nmol Pi/h x 10(7)cells, respectively. When both promastigotes were pre-incubated at 37 degrees C for 2h, the ATPase activity of cells grown at 22 degrees C was increased to 136.4+/-10.6 nmol Pi/h x 10(7) whereas that the ATPase activity of cells grown at 28 degrees C was not modified by the heat shock (189.8+/-10.3 nmol Pi/h x 10(7)cells). It was observed that Km of the enzyme from cells grown at 22 degrees C (Km=980.2+/-88.6 microM) was the same to the enzyme from cells grown at 28 degrees C (Km=901.4+/-91.9 microM). In addition, DIDS (4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene 2,2'-disulfonic acid) and suramin, two inhibitors of ecto-ATPases, also inhibited similarly the ATPase activities from promastigotes grown at 22 and 28 degrees C. We also observed that cells grown at 22 degrees C exhibit the same ecto-phosphatase and ecto 3'- and 5'-nucleotidase activities than cells grown at 28 degrees C. Interestingly, cycloheximide, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, suppressed the heat-shock effect on ecto-ATPase activity of cells grown at 22 degrees C were exposed at 37 degrees C for 2h. A comparison between the stimulation of the Mg-dependent ecto-ATPase activity of virulent and avirulent promastigotes by the heat shock showed that avirulent promastigotes had a higher stimulation than virulent promastigotes after heat stress.  相似文献   

The presence of Leishmania amazonensis ecto-nucleoside triphosphate triphosphohydrolase activities was demonstrated using antibodies against different NTPDase members by Western blotting, flow cytometry, and immunoelectron microscopy analysis. Living promastigote cells sequentially hydrolyzed the ATP molecule generating ADP, AMP, and adenosine, indicating that this surface enzyme may play a role in the salvage of purines from the extracellular medium. The L. amazonensis ecto-NTPDase activities were insensitive to Triton X-100, but they were enhanced by divalent cations, such as Mg(2+). In addition, the ecto-NTPDase activities decreased with time for 96 h when promastigotes were grown in vitro. On the other hand, these activities increased considerably when measured in living amastigote forms. Furthermore, the treatment with adenosine, a mediator of several relevant biological phenomena, induced a decrease in the reactivity with anti-CD39 antibody, raised against mammalian E-NTPDase, probably because of down regulation in the L. amazonensis ecto-NTPDase expression. Also, adenosine and anti-NTPDase antibodies induced a significant diminishing in the interaction between promastigotes of L. amazonensis and mouse peritoneal macrophages.  相似文献   

We present the sequencing and annotation of the Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis genome, an etiological agent of human cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Amazon region of Brazil. L. (L.) amazonensis shares features with Leishmania (L.) mexicana but also exhibits unique characteristics regarding geographical distribution and clinical manifestations of cutaneous lesions (e.g. borderline disseminated cutaneous leishmaniasis). Predicted genes were scored for orthologous gene families and conserved domains in comparison with other human pathogenic Leishmania spp. Carboxypeptidase, aminotransferase, and 3′-nucleotidase genes and ATPase, thioredoxin, and chaperone-related domains were represented more abundantly in L. (L.) amazonensis and L. (L.) mexicana species. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that these two species share groups of amastin surface proteins unique to the genus that could be related to specific features of disease outcomes and host cell interactions. Additionally, we describe a hypothetical hybrid interactome of potentially secreted L. (L.) amazonensis proteins and host proteins under the assumption that parasite factors mimic their mammalian counterparts. The model predicts an interaction between an L. (L.) amazonensis heat-shock protein and mammalian Toll-like receptor 9, which is implicated in important immune responses such as cytokine and nitric oxide production. The analysis presented here represents valuable information for future studies of leishmaniasis pathogenicity and treatment.  相似文献   

Leishmania proteinase activity is known as parasite differentiation marker, and has been considered relevant for leishmanial survival and virulence. These properties suggest that Leishmania proteinases can be promising targets for development of anti-leishmania drugs. Here, we analyze the activities of four proteinases during the early phase of the Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes differentiation into amastigotes induced by heat shock. We have examined activities of cysteine-, metallo-, serine-, and aspartic-proteinase by hydrolysis of specific chromogenic substrates at pH 5.0 and at the optimal pH for each enzyme. Our results show that metallo-, serine-, and aspartic-proteinases activities were down-regulated during the shock-induced transformation of promastigotes into amastigotes. In contrast, cysteine-proteinase activity increased concomitantly with the promastigote differentiation. Immunocytochemical localization using two anti-cysteine-proteinase monospecific rabbit antibodies detected the enzyme in several cell compartments of both parasite stages. Our results show different proteinase activity modulation and expression during the early phases of the shock-induced parasite transformation.  相似文献   

Different species of Leishmania can cause a variety of medically important diseases, whose control and treatment are still health problems. Telomere binding proteins (TBPs) have potential as targets for anti-parasitic chemotherapy because of their importance for genome stability and cell viability. Here, we describe LaTBP1 a protein that has a Myb-like DNA-binding domain, a feature shared by most double-stranded telomeric proteins. Binding assays using full-length and truncated LaTBP1 combined with spectroscopy analysis were used to map the boundaries of the Myb-like domain near to the protein only tryptophan residue. The Myb-like domain of LaTBP1 contains a conserved hydrophobic cavity implicated in DNA-binding activity. A hypothetical model helped to visualize that it shares structural homology with domains of other Myb-containing proteins. Competition assays and chromatin immunoprecipitation confirmed the specificity of LaTBP1 for telomeric and GT-rich DNAs, suggesting that LaTBP1 is a new TBP.  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis is a tropical disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania which affects 12 million people worldwide. The discovery of drugs for the treatment of leishmaniasis is a pressing concern in global health programs. The aim of this study aim was to evaluate the leishmanicidal effect of piperine and its derivatives/analogues on Leishmania amazonensis. Our results showed that piperine and phenylamide are active against promastigotes and amastigotes in infected macrophages. Both drugs induced mitochondrial swelling, loose kinetoplast DNA, and led to loss of mitochondrial membrane potential. The promastigote cell cycle was also affected with an increase in the G1 phase cells and a decrease in the S-phase cells, respectively, after piperine and phenylamide treatment. Lipid analysis of promastigotes showed that piperine reduced triglyceride, diacylglycerol, and monoacylglycerol contents, whereas phenylamide only reduced diacylglycerol levels. Both drugs were deemed non toxic to macrophages at 50 μM as assessed by XTT (sodium 2,3,-bis(2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl)-5-[(phenylamino)-carbonyl]-2H-tetrazolium inner salt), Trypan blue exclusion, and phagocytosis assays, whereas low toxicity was noted at concentrations higher than 150 μM. None of the drugs induced nitric oxide (NO) production. By contrast, piperine reduced NO production in activated macrophages. The isobologram analysis showed that piperine and phenylamide acted synergistically on the parasites suggesting that they affect different target mechanisms. These results indicate that piperine and its phenylamide analogue are candidates for development of drugs for cutaneous leishmaniasis treatment.  相似文献   

We compared growth rate, cell glucose turnover and expression of ATP-binding-cassette (ABC) transporters in Leishmania amazonensis (LTB0016; LTB) versus LTB(160) selected for resistance against the ABC transporter blocker glibenclamide. Additionally, we evaluated the influence of drug-resistance on Leishmania sensitivity against 2-mercaptoacetate and 2-deoxyglucose. Our data demonstrate that (1) LTB(160) and LTB constitutively express ABC transporters for neutral substrates, (2) glibenclamide resistance induces the expression of organic anion ABC transporters, members of the drug resistance associated transporters subfamily, (3) LTB(160) parasites use less glucose as energy substrate and exhibit a slower glucose uptake than LTB cells, and (4) LTB(160) parasites are less sensitive to 2-mercaptoacetate and 2-deoxyglucose than the glibenclamide-sensitive Leishmania LTB. Together these and previous results indicate that the metabolic adaptations expressed in drug-resistant LTB(160) differ from those described for mammalian drug resistant cells and constitute general mechanisms that underlie drug resistance in Leishmania and may be helpful for identifying alternative strategies to circumvent drug resistance in leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Antiparasitic effect of a lectin isolated from Synadenium carinatum latex (ScLL) was evaluated against Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis promastigotes/amastigotes. Pretreatment of murine inflammatory peritoneal macrophages with ScLL reduced by 65.5% the association index of macrophages and L. (L) amazonensis promastigotes. Expression of cytokines (IL-12, IL-1 and TNF-α) was detected in infected macrophages pretreated with ScLL (10 μg/mL). ScLL also reduced the growth of L. (L) amazonensis amastigote intracellular forms, showing no in vitro cytotoxic effects in mammalian host cells. ScLL treatment in infected murine inflammatory peritoneal macrophages did not induce nitric oxide production, suggesting that a nitric oxide independent pathway is activated to decrease the number of intracellular Leishmania.  相似文献   

We characterized ouabain-insensitive Na+-ATPase activity present in the plasma membrane of Leishmania amazonensis and investigated its possible role in the growth of the parasite. An increase in Na+ concentration in the presence of 1mM ouabain, increased the ATPase activity with a V(max) of 154.1+/-13.5nmol Pi x h(-1) x mg(-1) and a K0.5 of 28.9+/-7.7mM. Furosemide and sodium orthovanadate inhibited the Na+-stimulated ATPase activity with an IC(50) of 270microM and 0.10microM, respectively. Furosemide inhibited the growth of L. amazonensis after 48h incubation, with maximal effect after 96h. The IC50 for furosemide was 840. On the other hand, ouabain (1mM) did not change the growth of the parasite. Taken together, these results show that L. amazonensis expresses a P-type, ouabain-insensitive Na+-ATPase that could be involved with the growth of the parasite.  相似文献   

CBA/J mice are resistant to Leishmania major and susceptible to Leishmania amazonensis. Early events determine infection outcome. Until now, PIV (in vitro priming) immune response to L. amazonensis has not been assessed. Herein, we have shown that compared to L. major, L. amazonensis induced higher parasite burden associated to similar IL-4, IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha mRNA expressions and IFN-gamma and IL-10 levels. Although similar amounts of IL-10 were detected, the frequency of intracellular IL-10 positive B cells was enhanced in spleen cells stimulated with anti-CD3/anti-CD28, or anti-CD3/anti-CD28 and L. amazonensis, compared to L. major-stimulation. Interestingly, IL-10- producing B cells were reduced in response to anti-CD3/anti-CD28 stimulation combined with L. major compared to the other groups. L. amazonensis may favor T regulatory cell development, since 40% of all the CD4+CD25+ were CD25(high) cells. These data suggest that in PIV, susceptibility to L. amazonensis is not related to Th cell polarization, but to the presence and activity of regulatory T and B cells.  相似文献   

With the purpose of studying the antigenic role that factors excreted by Leishmania amastigotes might have during murine infection, immunoblots were carried out with sera from C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice infected with two strains of Leishmania (L.) amazonensis, NR and IFLA/BR. Both strains differ widely in virulence in BALB/c mice. BALB/c but not C57BL/6 sera recognized several excretion products. The excreted antigens showed a strong response towards IgG1 and IgG2a isotypes whilst they reacted only weakly against IgG2b and IgG3. A low-molecular weight antigen (about 20 kDa) excreted by both Leishmania strains was strongly recognized by IgG1 from BALB/c mice sera infected with IFLA/BR, the most virulent strain. Sera from NR infected mice were incapable of recognizing this antigen in spite of its presence in NR excreted products. The results indicate that the humoral immune response to excreted antigens of amastigotes depends on both the host genetic background and the parasite strain.  相似文献   

The genomic organisation of the gene encoding Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis arginase as well as its flanking regions were characterised. The size of the transcribed RNA was determined, allowing us to map the genomic sites signalling for RNA trans-splicing and putative polyadenylation regions. The general organisation was compared with genes encoding other proteins already described in organisms of the Trypanosomatid family. The complete nucleotide sequence of the arginase open reading frame was obtained and the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme was inferred by a computational analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence, based on the established crystal structure described for Rattus norvergicus arginase. The human liver arginase sequence was analysed in the same way and the comparison of the presumed structure of both the Leishmania and human enzymes identified some differences that may be exploited in chemotherapeutic studies.  相似文献   

Leishmania amazonensis causes a wide spectrum of leishmaniasis. There are no vaccines or adequate treatment for leishmaniasis, therefore there is considerable interest in the identification of new targets for anti-leishmania drugs. The central role of telomere-binding proteins in cell maintenance makes these proteins potential targets for new drugs. In this work, we used a combination of purification chromatographies to screen L. amazonensis proteins for molecules capable of binding double-stranded telomeric DNA. This approach resulted in the purification of a 38kDa polypeptide that was identified by mass spectrometry as Rbp38, a trypanosomatid protein previously shown to stabilize mitochondrial RNA and to associate with nuclear and kinetoplast DNAs. Western blotting and supershift assays confirmed the identity of the protein as LaRbp38. Competition and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays confirmed that LaRbp38 interacted with kinetoplast and nuclear DNAs in vivo and suggested that LaRbp38 may have dual cellular localization and more than one function.  相似文献   

We infected Swiss and C57BL/6 female mice in the left hind footpad with 104Leishmania (L.) amazonensis promastigotes in stationary phase. The macroscopic examination showed a nodular non-ulcerated lesion at the site of inoculation and hepatic and spleenic enlargement. Histopathologically, the primary lesion showed an extensive liquefactive necrosis and inflammatory infiltrate, mainly consisting of macrophages filled with amastigotes, and rare lymphocytes. The inflammatory reaction in liver, spleen and kidney showed amyloid deposits. Additionally, C57BL/6 had accentuated amyloidosis in both ovarian cortical and medullar region and inflammatory infiltrates in the pancreas and adrenal gland.  相似文献   

Replication protein A (RPA) is a highly conserved heterotrimeric single-stranded DNA-binding protein involved in different events of DNA metabolism. In yeast, subunits 1 (RPA-1) and 2 (RPA-2) work also as telomerase recruiters and, in humans, the complex unfolds G-quartet structures formed by the 3' G-rich telomeric strand. In most eukaryotes, RPA-1 and RPA-2 bind DNA using multiple OB fold domains. In trypanosomatids, including Leishmania, RPA-1 has a canonical OB fold and a truncated RFA-1 structural domain. In Leishmania amazonensis, RPA-1 alone can form a complex in vitro with the telomeric G-rich strand. In this work, we show that LaRPA-1 is a nuclear protein that associates in vivo with Leishmania telomeres. We mapped the boundaries of the OB fold DNA-binding domain using deletion mutants. Since Leishmania and other trypanosomatids lack homologues of known telomere end binding proteins, our results raise questions about the function of RPA-1 in parasite telomeres.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) using Methylene Blue (MB) as the photosensitizing compound and a Light-Emitting Diode (LED) in American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL). Hamsters were experimentally infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis. After the development of the lesions in the footpad, the animals were treated with MB three times a week for 3 months. Ten minutes after each application of MB, the lesions were irradiated with LED for 1 h. The lesions were evaluated weekly by the measurement of the hamster footpad thickness. At the end of the treatment the parasitic load was quantified in the regional lymph node of the hamsters. The treatment promoted a decrease in the thickness of infected footpad (P = 0.0001) and reduction in the parasitic load in the regional lymph node (P = 0.0007) of the animals from group treated with MB + LED. PDT using MB + LED in ACL caused by L. amazonensis shows a strong photodynamic effect. This therapy is very promising, once it is an inexpensive system and the own patient can apply it in their wound and in their house without the need of technical assistance.  相似文献   

Leishmaniasis is a severe public-health problem, with high rates of morbidity and mortality. Efforts to find new, effective and safe oral agents for the treatment of leishmaniasis have been ongoing for several decades, in order to avoid the problems with the currently used antimonials. In the present study, we found that a copaiba oil oral treatment (Group IV) caused a significant reduction in the average lesion size (1.1 ± 0.4 mm) against Leishmania amazonensis lesions compared with untreated mice (Group I) (4.4 ± 1.3 mm). To prove the safety of the oil, the toxicity and genotoxicity were also determined. Histopathological evaluation did not reveal changes in the copaiba oil-treated animals compared to the control animals. In the mutagenicity evaluation, (micronucleus test) the dose tested (2000 mg/kg) showed no genotoxic effects. Morphological and ultrastructural analyses demonstrated notable changes in parasite cells treated with this oleoresin. The main ultrastructural effect was mitochondrial swelling. We also demonstrated that in vitro copaiba oil treatment of L. amazonensis led to an increase in plasma membrane permeability, and depolarization in the mitochondrial membrane potential in parasite cells. Although the mechanism of action of the oleoresin is still unclear, these findings indicate that copaiba oil is a possible new drug, which would provide a safer, shorter, less-expensive, and more easily administered treatment for leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Various Leishmania species were engineered with green fluorescent protein (GFP) using episomal vectors that encoded an antibiotic resistance gene, such as aminoglycoside geneticin sulphate (G418). Most reports of GFP-Leishmania have used the flagellated extracellular promastigote, the stage of parasite detected in the midgut of the sandfly vector; fewer studies have been performed with amastigotes, the stage of parasite detected in mammals. In this study, comparisons were made regarding the efficiency for in vitro G418 selection of GFP-Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes and amastigotes and the use of in vivo G418 selection. The GFP-promastigotes retained episomal plasmid for a prolonged period and G418 treatment was necessary and efficient for in vitro selection. In contrast, GFP-amastigotes showed low retention of the episomal plasmid in the absence of G418 selection and low sensitivity to antibiotics in vitro. The use of protocols for G418 selection using infected BALB/c mice also indicated low sensitivity to antibiotics against amastigotes in cutaneous lesions.  相似文献   

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