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The lower Mokelumne River (LMR), located in the California Central Valley, supports a population of natural-origin Oncorhynchus mykiss. In addition, the Mokelumne River Fish Hatchery (Hatchery) contributes hatchery produced O. mykiss to the system annually. We conducted a 3 year acoustic tagging study to evaluate the migratory characteristics of LMR hatchery and natural-origin O. mykiss to the Pacific Ocean. Specifically, we analyzed downstream movement and migration rates, routes, and success of acoustically tagged O. mykiss of hatchery and natural origin under variable release locations in non-tidal and tidal habitats. Results from our study suggest there are significant differences in the proportion of hatchery and natural O. mykiss that demonstrate downstream movement. Fish origin, size, and release location all had a significant effect on whether an individual demonstrated downstream movement. Mokelumne origin O. mykiss that initiated downstream movement utilized numerous migration routes throughout the Delta during their migration towards the Pacific Ocean. We identified four primary migration pathways from the lower Mokelumne River through the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta while the Delta Cross Channel was closed. However, several other pathways were utilized. Origin had a significant effect on O. mykiss success in reaching key points in the Delta and through the Estuary. Fish size had a significant effect on whether an individual reached the marine environment. Of the 467 O. mykiss tagged, 34 successfully reached the Pacific Ocean (Golden Gate Bridge), and of these, 33 were hatchery-origin and 1 was natural-origin. A higher proportion of hatchery-origin fish (10% of tagged) migrated to the ocean compared to natural-origin fish (<1%). Our study provides valuable information on the differences between hatchery and natural-origin O. mykiss migration characteristics as well as unique insight into the migratory behavior of little studied non-Sacramento River origin salmonids.  相似文献   

Off-channel habitat has become increasingly recognized as key for migratory fishes such as juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Hence, floodplain habitat has been identified as critical for the continued persistence of California’s Central Valley salmon, particularly the Yolo Bypass, the primary floodplain of the Sacramento River. To provide insight into factors supporting juvenile salmon use of this 240 km2, partially leveed floodplain, we examined inter- and intra-annual relationships between environmental correlates and residency time, apparent growth, emigration, migratory phenotype, and survival over more than a decade for natural-origin (“wild”) fish and experimentally-released hatchery fish. Flood duration was positively associated with hatchery juveniles residing longer and achieving larger size. Wild juveniles grew larger and emigrated later with cumulative temperature experience (accumulated thermal units) and warmer average annual temperatures during flood years. Within years, both wild and hatchery salmon departed the floodplain as flood waters receded. Parr-sized juveniles dominated outmigrant composition, though fry and smolt-sized juveniles were also consistently observed. Survival to the ocean fishery was not significantly different between hatchery fish that reared in the Yolo Bypass versus those that reared in the main stem Sacramento River. Our study indicates improved frequency and duration of connectivity between the Sacramento River and the Yolo Bypass could increase off-channel rearing opportunities that expand the life history diversity portfolio for Central Valley Chinook salmon.  相似文献   

We used acoustic telemetry to study the post-spawn movement of Oncorhynchus mykiss kelts released in April 2005 and 2006 from the Coleman National Fish Hatchery, Anderson, CA. Following release, O. mykiss kelts demonstrated both anadromous and non-anadromous life histories, with some fish alternating life history strategies between years. Anadromy was most common, characterized by a short-term residence near the release site, followed by sustained downstream emigration once initiated. O. mykiss kelts demonstrating anadromy arrived at the Golden Gate Bridge from April to mid-July. Repeat spawning migrations of anadromous O. mykiss kelts began from late-September through October of the year of release. High fidelity back to Battle Creek was observed, occurring from late-September through November. While most O. mykiss kelts were anadromous, at least 10 % remained in freshwater, or residualized. O. mykiss kelts that residualized demonstrated two distinct patterns of movement: 1) residency near the release location, and 2) potamodromy. Overall survival was high with 36 % and 48 % of O. mykiss kelts released making a repeat spawning migration and demonstrating iteroparity in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Increase in body lengths of O. mykiss kelts that returned to the Coleman NFH were significantly greater for anadromous fish, compared to fish that residualized, but survival was higher for fish that residualized. Release of hatchery O. mykiss kelts could result in both positive and negative genetic and ecological effects to hatchery- and naturally-producing salmonids. We believe the benefits of releasing O. mykiss kelts at the Coleman NFH, including increased numbers and size of fish in the recreational fishery and genetic and demographic benefits to the hatchery brood stock outweigh the limited risk to natural populations that would result from predation and competition of the relatively small number of O. mykiss kelts that resided in fresh water.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that individuals who have higher demands for spatially based behaviours should show increases in hippocampal attributes. Some avian species have been shown to use a spatially based representation of their environment during migration. Further, differences in hippocampal attributes have been shown between migratory and non-migratory subspecies as well as between individuals with and without migratory experience (juveniles versus adults). We tested whether migratory behaviour might also be associated with increased hippocampal neurogenesis, and whether potential differences track previously reported differences in hippocampal attributes between a migratory (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) and non-migratory subspecies (Z. l. nuttalli) of white-crowned sparrows. We found that non-migratory adults had relatively fewer numbers of immature hippocampal neurons than adult migratory birds, while adult non-migrants had a lower density of new hippocampal neurons than adult and juvenile migratory birds and juvenile non-migratory birds. Our results suggest that neurogenesis decreases with age, as juveniles, regardless of migratory status, exhibit similar and higher levels of neurogenesis than non-migratory adults. However, our results also suggest that adult migrants may either seasonally increase or maintain neurogenesis levels comparable to those found in juveniles. Our results thus suggest that migratory behaviour in adults is associated with maintained or increased neurogenesis and the differential production of new neurons may be the mechanism underpinning changes in the hippocampal architecture between adult migratory and non-migratory birds.  相似文献   

Life history polymorphisms provide ecological and genetic diversity important to the long term persistence of species responding to stochastic environments. Oncorhynchus mykiss have complex and overlapping life history strategies that are also sympatric with hatchery populations. Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags and parentage analysis were used to identify the life history, origin (hatchery or wild) and reproductive success of migratory rainbow/steelhead for two brood years after barriers were removed from a small stream. The fluvial rainbow trout provided a source of wild genotypes to the colonizing population boosting the number of successful spawners. Significantly more parr offspring were produced by anadromous parents than expected in brood year 2005, whereas significantly more parr offspring were produced by fluvial parents than expected in brood year 2006. Although hatchery steelhead were prevalent in the Methow Basin, they produced only 2 parr and no returning adults in Beaver Creek. On average, individual wild steelhead produced more parr offspring than the fluvial or hatchery groups. Yet, the offspring that returned as adult steelhead were from parents that produced few parr offspring, indicating that high production of parr offspring may not be related to greater returns of adult offspring. These data in combination with other studies of sympatric life histories of O. mykiss indicate that fluvial rainbow trout are important to the conservation and recovery of steelhead and should be included in the management and recovery efforts.  相似文献   

Crane Prairie Reservoir in the upper Deschutes River Basin has historically supported a wild population of migratory Deschutes River redband trout. Owing to its status as a premier destination for recreational angling in Oregon, the reservoir has been stocked with domesticated hatchery rainbow trout since 1955. In recent years the wild redband trout population has experienced a substantial decline. Effects on productivity related to genetic interaction with naturally spawning hatchery-origin fish (fitness risks) have not been determined. The species Oncorhynchus mykiss has been characterized with substantial genetic diversity throughout the Deschutes River Basin that further heightens the challenge of identifying specific conservation needs of wild populations. A conservation plan for Crane Prairie wild redband trout requires a better understanding of the natural reproductive success of out-of-basin hatchery trout in the reservoir tributaries, and the similarity between Crane Prairie redband trout with other extant redband trout populations in the basin. Using a suite of 17 microsatellite nuclear DNA markers, we evaluated the genetic structure among Crane Prairie Reservoir redband trout, hatchery rainbow trout, and two adjacent populations of redband trout from within the Upper Deschutes River Basin. We observed significant heterogeneity between the hatchery and wild Crane Prairie populations that may reflect differences in life histories, differential productivity and assortative mating. The genetic distinctions observed among the three redband trout populations suggest restricted gene flow and genetic drift within the upper basin. Temporally stratified sampling and larger numbers of samples will be necessary to confirm these conclusions.  相似文献   

The ability to distinguish captive-bred and natural-origin individuals in the wild is critical for evaluating the impact of captive breeding programs on natural populations. Continued persistence of endangered pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) in the Missouri River is largely dependent on captive breeding efforts that spawn natural-origin adults in fish hatcheries and release their progeny into the wild. Prior to release, hatchery-origin individuals are physically marked so they can be distinguished from natural-origin individuals when recaptured. During the years 2004–2006, 24 unmarked juvenile pallid sturgeon tissue samples were collected in the Missouri River downstream of Gavins Point Dam, South Dakota, USA that were presumed natural-origin. However, these individuals were similar in size to hatchery-origin fish released in this area raising concerns that these individuals were actually hatchery-origin fish with lost or malfunctioning tags. We used microsatellite based parentage analysis to determine if the unmarked fish were members of hatchery families that had been released in this area. This retrospective genetic tagging approach revealed that 23 of 24 unmarked fish were indeed hatchery-origin. The origin of the remaining individual remains unknown because genetic samples were not available from all of the families released below the dam and the unassigned fish may have originated from one of these un-sampled families. These results provide important insight into the conservation status of endangered pallid sturgeon as well as provide data important for guiding management decisions. Our results also demonstrate the efficacy of using genetic tags as an alternative or complimentary approach to physically marking individuals.  相似文献   


We evaluated how genotype (stock source, parental line, chromosomal sex) and temperature interact to influence gonad development and phenotypic sex of Oncorhynchus mykiss. Embryos were generated from single pair matings of natural-origin and first-generation hatchery-origin O. mykiss held at ambient or elevated (5 °C above ambient) water temperature. Exposure to elevated temperature lasted from fertilization until the onset of exogenous feeding, after which all experimental groups were maintained at ambient temperature. Sexual phenotype was determined by histology and sexual genotype by the OmyY1 marker. There was 99% concordance among fish sexed both phenotypically and genotypically, demonstrating that experimental factors, including elevated rearing temperatures, did not result in sex change. Approximately 10% of the histologically examined fish showed no evidence of gonad development beyond the indifferent stage. Most of these fish were from hatchery family lines.


Fish Communities Associated with Macrophytes in Brazilian Floodplain Lakes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The composition, diversity and similarity of fish communities associated with macrophytes of two oxbow lakes of Mogi-Guaçu River, São Paulo State, Brazil, were evaluated in the wet and dry seasons of 1994–1995. Fish species composition and relative abundance values were similar for both lakes, despite their difference in connection time to the river and the abundance of macrophytes. The fish communities were predominantly composed by small sized species typical of lentic environments (Characidae), juveniles of large non-migratory species (Erythrinidae and Gymnotidae) and a few juveniles of migratory species (Anostomidae and Curimatidae). These lakes are not characterized as nurseries for the young of migratory species and the zooplankton does not have an important role as food in the ontogenetic development of migratory species of fish.  相似文献   

A new, image‐based, tritiated ligand technique for measuring cardiac β2‐adrenoceptor (β2‐AR) binding characteristics was developed and validated with adult rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss hearts so that the tissue limitation of traditional receptor binding techniques could be overcome and measurements could be made in hearts nearly 14‐times smaller than previously used. The myocardial cell‐surface (functional) β2‐AR density of O. nerka smolts sampled at the headwaters of the Chilko River was 54·2 fmol mg protein?1 and about half of that previously found in return migrating adults of the same population, but still more than twice that of adult hatchery O. mykiss (21·1 fmol mg protein?1). This technique now opens the possibility of investigating cardiac receptor density in a much wider range of fish species and life stages.  相似文献   

The migratory behaviour of coho salmon was studied in the field. Coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch , exposed to synthetic odours in a hatchery and released into Lake Michigan as juveniles, were recaptured as migrating adults 18 months later. The movements of 43 individuals were followed in experiments examining the role of imprinted chemical cues in the homing migration. Movements in relation to controlled distributions of the imprinting odours revealed that chemical cues are used by the salmon in their upstream migration. Acting with the rheotactic response, fish were guided upstream by imprinting odours simulating their home stream. Coho salmon, in the absence of their imprinting odour, respond negatively to the current. Differential responses to current appear to serve in segregating fish imprinted to odours of different home streams.  相似文献   

Populations of juvenile salmon emigrating from natal rivers to the ocean must often traverse different migratory pathways that may influence survival. In regulated rivers, migration routes may consist of a network of channels such as in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, or of different passage structures at hydroelectric dams (e.g., turbines or spillways). To increase overall survival, management actions in such systems often focus on altering the migration routing of fish to divert them away from low-survival routes and towards high-survival routes. Here, we use a 3-year data set of route-specific survival and movement of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to quantify the sensitivity of survival to changes in migration routing at two major river junctions in the Sacramento River. Our analysis revealed that changes in overall survival in response to migration routing at one river junction depended not only differences in survival among alternative routes, but also on migration routing at the other river junction. Diverting fish away from a low-survival route at the downstream river junction increased population survival by less than expected, given the difference in survival among routes, because part of the population used an alternative migration route at the upstream river junction. We also show that management actions that influence only migration routing will likely increase survival by less than actions that alter both migration routing and route-specific survival. Our analysis provides an analytical framework to help fisheries managers quantify the suite of management actions likely to maximize increases in population level survival.  相似文献   

The estuary of the Elwha River, on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula, has been degraded and simplified over the past century from sediment retention behind two large dams, levee construction, and channelization. With the removal of Elwha Dam and initiation of Glines Canyon Dam’s removal in fall 2011, sediment deposits will change the estuary and affect anadromous and nearshore marine fishes. Juvenile Chinook salmon commonly use estuaries and the river’s population is part of an Evolutionarily Significant Unit listed as Threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. This study reports on monthly sampling in part of the river’s estuary from March 2007 through September 2011 to characterize the seasonal changes in relative abundance of yearlings and sub-yearlings, and size distributions prior to dam removal. Most (69 %) of the yearlings were caught in April, when this life history type was released from the hatchery, and to a lesser extent in May (28 %) and June (3 %). Yearlings caught in the estuary were smaller than those released from the hatchery (means: 153 mm?±?28 SD vs. 175 mm?±?5 SD), suggesting more rapid departure by larger fish. Sub-yearlings were much more abundant in the estuary, and were caught from March through November, increasing in mean fork length by 8.7 mm month-1. The hatchery-origin sub-yearlings were not marked externally and so were not distinguishable from natural origin fish. However, 39 % of the sub-yearlings were caught prior to June, when sub-yearlings were released from the hatchery, indicating substantial use of the estuary by natural-origin fish. Thus, even in a reduced state after a century of dam operation, the highly modified estuary was used over many months by juvenile Chinook salmon. The information on juvenile Chinook salmon prior to dam removal provides a basis for comparison to patterns in the future, when the anticipated increase in estuarine complexity may further enhance habitat use by juvenile Chinook salmon.  相似文献   

We used compound-specific isotope analysis of carbon isotopes in amino acids (AAs) to determine the biosynthetic source of AAs in fish from major tributaries to California's Sacramento-San Joaquin river delta (i.e., the Sacramento, Cosumnes and Mokelumne rivers). Using samples collected in winter and spring between 2016 and 2019, we confirmed that algae are a critical component of floodplain food webs in California's Central Valley. Results from bulk stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen in producers and consumers were adequate to characterize a general trophic structure and identify potential upstream and downstream migration into our study site by American shad Alosa sapidissima and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, respectively. However, owing to overlap and variability in source isotope compositions, our bulk data were unsuitable for conventional bulk isotope mixing models. Our results from compound-specific carbon isotope analysis of AAs clearly indicate that algae are important sources of organic matter to fish of conservation concern, such as Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha in California's Central Valley. However, algae were not the exclusive source of energy to metazoan food webs. We also revealed that other sources of AAs, such as bacteria, fungi and higher plants, contributed to fish as well. While consistent with the well-supported notion that algae are critical to aquatic food webs, our results highlight the possibility that detrital subsidies might intermittently support metazoan food webs.  相似文献   

Migratory species take advantage of multiple habitats during their life cycle to optimize growth, survival, and reproduction. However, migration also makes them vulnerable to habitat degradation and exploitation in each habitat, and loss of connection between habitats. Partially migratory species (i.e., migration is facultative rather than obligate) can persist after loss of connectivity and may then resume migration after the habitats are reconnected. We analyzed stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen to investigate the possible use of marine habitats for foraging by bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus, in years immediately after removal of impassable hydroelectric dams on the Elwha River, Washington State, USA. Juveniles in the Elwha River estuary were similar in δ15N and δ13C values to those in the estuary of the free-flowing Dungeness River nearby, and the values of fish from the estuaries were higher than those of juveniles collected in the river, consistent with use of marine food sources. Adult bull trout collected in each of the rivers had values indicating extensive reliance on marine prey - similar to those of adult Pacific salmon that had spent several years at sea. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the Elwha River bull trout, almost entirely landlocked for a century, are rapidly resuming anadromy and that the marine prey contribute substantially to their trophic ecology and likely their growth. More broadly, the results reveal the importance of connectivity for migratory fishes, their ability to resume anadromy once the connection between habitats is restored, and the population resilience that partial migration provides for them.  相似文献   

Migratory behavior of related moose   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a Swedish moose population containing both migratory and non-migratory individuals, 15 cows, 19 first generation and 2 second generation offspring were radiocollared and monitored during 1980–87 to determine their migratory behavior. The migratory behavior of offspring was evaluated when they were > 1 year old and independent of their dams. All 11 migratory cows produced migratory offspring (10♀, 3♂). Two migratory offspring produced female calves (grandchildren to the originally sampled cows) that were also migratory. Four of the originally sampled cows were non-migratory and they produced six non-migratory offspring (3♀, 3♂). Distances migrated by independent offspring were related to those of their dam. No moose changed its migrant or non-migrant nature during the study. Results indicate that the proportion of migratory moose in the population is determined by the survival and reproductive success of migratory versus non-migratory cows. Migratory and non-migratory moose may be regarded as two distinct phenotypes in this population.  相似文献   

Steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations have declined dramatically in many parts of their range in North America, most critically in Southern California, where these anadromous trout are now classified as ‘Endangered’ under the United States Endangered Species Act. The widespread introduction of hatchery rainbow trout, the domesticated freshwater resident form of the species O. mykiss, is one factor threatening the long-term persistence of native steelhead and other trout populations. To identify where native fish of coastal steelhead lineage remained, we performed a population genetic analysis of microsatellite and SNP genotypes from O. mykiss populations at the extreme southern end of their range in Southern California, USA and Baja California, Mexico. In the northern part of this region, nearly all populations appeared to be primarily descendants of native coastal steelhead. However, in the southern, more urbanized part of this region, the majority of the sampled populations were derived primarily from hatchery trout, indicating either complete replacement of native fish or a strong signal of introgression overlaying native ancestry. Nevertheless, these genetically introgressed populations represent potentially critical genetic resources for the continued persistence of viable networks of O. mykiss populations, given the limited native ancestry uncovered in this region and the importance of genetic variation in adaptation. This study elucidates the geographic distribution of native trout populations in this region, and serves as a baseline for evaluating the impacts of hatchery trout on native O. mykiss populations and the success of steelhead conservation and recovery efforts.  相似文献   

Restoration of river connectivity favors the spread of native but also of exotic invasive populations, mainly freshwater fish. This has rarely been studied, and never between migrating cyprinids. To harmonize both objectives, the feasibility of a selective leaping barrier for migratory cyprinids is studied through the measurement of fish leaping capabilities while freely migrating at a weir in the Guadiana River of southwest Spain. A cross-population analysis provided the cost-benefit outcomes of completely blocking the invasive Carassius auratus while allowing negotiation for most of the native Luciobarbus sp. populations. Larger fish reached higher leap heights, the highest being attained by the native barbel species. Barbels reached up to four times its total length and a maximum height of approximately 150 cm, while the figures for the invasive goldfish were double total length with a maximum of approximately 80 cm. The selective obstacle height (SOH) for goldfish was 81.2 cm, the estimated maximum height that the tip of a jumping goldfish could reach. Facility designs (whether culvert, weir or fish pass) with this SOH criterion guarantees complete migration failure of goldfish. Also, most (95–99%) of the barbels migrating populations will surpass the SOH regardless of body length; only the less capable or those in poor condition will be blocked. Advice on SOH utility to evaluate existing instream structures—and their position within the cost-benefit balance—is provided.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that memory-demanding ecological conditions might result in enhanced memory and an enlarged hippocampus, an area of the brain involved in memory processing, either via extensive memory experience or through evolutionary changes. Avian migration appears to represent one of such memory-demanding ecological conditions. We compared two subspecies of the white-crowned sparrow: migratory Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii and non-migratory Z. l. nuttalli. Compared to non-migratory Z. l. nuttalli, migratory Z. l. gambelii showed better memory performance on spatial one-trial associative learning tasks and had more hippocampal neurons. Migratory subspecies also had larger hippocampi relative to the remainder of the telencephalon but not relative to body mass. In adults, the differences between migratory and non-migratory sparrows were especially pronounced in the right hippocampus. Juvenile migratory Z. l. gambelii had relatively larger hippocampal volume compared to juvenile non-migratory Z. l. nuttalli. Adult migratory Z. l. gambelii had more neurons in their right hippocampus compared to juveniles but such differences were not found in non-migratory Z. l. nuttalli. Our results suggest that migratory behaviour might be related to enhanced spatial memory and an enlarged hippocampus with more neurons, and that differences in the hippocampus between migratory and non-migratory sparrows might be experience-dependent. Furthermore, for the first time our results suggest that the right hippocampus, which encodes global spatial information, might be involved in migratory behaviour.  相似文献   

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