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Clara cells are nonciliated secretory cells lining the respiratory epithelium and are easily identified by the expression of Clara cell secretory protein (CCSP). To investigate molecular mechanism(s) regulating Clara cell function in the lungs, Cre recombinase was inserted into exon 1 of the CCSP, generating two novel mouse models, CCSP(Cre-Neo) and CCSP(Cre). These two models differ only by the inclusion of the neomycin resistance gene. These mice were bred to the R26R reporter mouse to investigate the tissue and cell specificity of Cre-mediated recombination. The efficiency of Cre recombination in the CCSP(Cre) mouse model was higher than in the CCSP(Cre-Neo) mouse model. Recombination was detected at D 4.5 in CCSP(Cre-Neo)/R26R mice and at D 0.5 in CCSP(Cre)/R26R mice. The CCSP(Cre-Neo) and CCSP(Cre) mouse models provide valuable tools for the ablation of genes in the postnatal mouse Clara cells.  相似文献   

Clara cells are the most reactive to xenobiotics among the mammalian respiratory tract cells. In this report, the response of Clara cells to acute or repetitive exposure to a commercial insecticide was studied, correlating the changes in the cell ultrastructure with the intracellular content of CC10 kDa protein as quantified by immunocytochemical morphometry. After a single exposure to insecticide, Clara cells reveal great expansion of their volume which is accompanied by a remarkable proliferation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, swelling of the mitochondria, and changes in the nucleus. Morphometric analysis of CC10 bronchiolar content showed significant increases in both the number of Clara cells and the immunostained areas in individual cells. By western blot, CC10 immunoreactive bands strongly increased in lungs after insecticide treatment, but they were only slightly higher than the control when the vehicle of the insecticide was tested. By repetitive exposure to the insecticide, the rat bronchiolar epithelium undergoes extensive alterations, particularly on Clara cells, the number of which is considerably reduced. The remaining Clara cells shrink in size and the typical dome-like cytoplasm is lost. Secretory granule release is no longer seen and the changes of their shape and secretory content reflect a marked degradation and condensation process. Repetitive exposures to the insecticide produced a severe blockage of the proteinopoietic activity, particularly on the synthesis of CC10. Results reported here reveal that the acute inhalation of a commercial insecticide produces hypertrophy of Clara cells, a significant augmentation of CC10 synthesis, and probably differentiation de novo of Clara cells, and morphological changes compatible with a detoxification process. By contrast, exposure for 5 days provoked a general inhibitory effect on Clara cell activity with the loss of cell capability to synthesize and secrete CC10 kDa protein. Accepted: 23 November 1999  相似文献   

The cellular localization, functional activities and structures of rat and human Clara cell 10 kDa proteins (CC10) are compared to rabbit uteroglobin. CC10 is present exclusively in the non-ciliated cells of the surface epithelium of the pulmonary airways, whereas uteroglobin is reported to be present in the lung and reproductive organs. There is about 55% identity between the amino acid sequences of rat CC10 and either rabbit uteroglobin or human CC10. The latter two have 61% identity. Using the known structure of uteroglobin as the model, correlations between the structure and function for this group of proteins are made. Substitution of the residues for the rat and human CC10 into the structure of uteroglobin suggests that these proteins may be members of a structurally homologous family. Some of the functional differences may be due to distortion of the hydrophobic pocket in the dimeric protein and a surface hypervariability located on one contiguous helix and beta turn. Rat CC10 and rabbit uteroglobin both, nearly equally, inhibit papain and bind progesterone. Human CC10 does not inhibit papain and has markedly lower progesterone binding (4.6% of rabbit uteroglobin). Antiinflammatory activity of synthetic peptides corresponding to a homologous sequence region of uteroglobin and the two Clara cell proteins was tested. The region chosen has sequence similarity to lipocortin I. The peptides not only failed to inhibit carrageenan-induced foot pad swelling but exacerbated it. All three proteins inhibit pancreatic phospholipase A2. The phospholipase A2 inhibitory effect of CC10 may be important in regulating the inflammatory responses in the lung.  相似文献   

Most biomarkers of lung toxicity presently available require a bronchoahreolar lavage (BAL). Such a procedure cannot be applied for monitoring populations at risk in the industry or environment nor for a regular follow-up of patients with lung disorders. A lung biomarker, measurable in serum, BAL fluid and sputum has recently been identified. This biomarker is a microptotein initially isolated from urine (Urine Protein 1) and subsequently identified as the major secretory product of lung Clara cells which are non-ciliated cells localized predominantly in terminal bronchioles. This protein called Clara cell protein (CC16) is a homodimer of 15.8 kDA. Several lines of evidence indicate that CC16 is a natural immunoregulator protecting the respiratory tract from unwanted inflammatory reactions. CC16 secreted in the respiratory tract diffuses passively by transudation into plasma from where it is rapidly eliminated by glomerular filtration before being taken up and catabolized in proximal tubule cells. Studies reviewed here suggest that CC16 in BAL fluid or serum is a sensitive indicator of acute or chronic bronchial epithelium injury. A significant reduction of CC16 has been found in serum and BAL fluid of asymptomatic smokers. On average serum CC16 decreases by 15% for each 10 pack-year smoking history. Serum CC16 was also found to be decreased in several occupational groups chronically exposed to different air pollutants (silica, dust, welding fumes). A dose—effect relationship with the intensity of exposure to dust has been found in one study on foundry workers. The concentration of CC16 in serum can also be used to detect an acute or chronic disruption of the bronchoalveolar/blood barrier integrity. While confirming the potential interest of CC16 as a lung biomarker, clinical investigations indicate that CC16 might be an important mediator in the development of lung injury. These findings open new perspectives in the assessment of lung toxicity by suggesting that readily diffusible lung-specific proteins may serve as peripheral markers of pneumotoxicity.  相似文献   

Expression of sonic hedgehog (Shh) is required for normal development of the lung during embryogenesis. Loss of Shh expression in mice results in tracheoesophageal fistula, lung hypoplasia, and abnormal lung lobulation. To determine whether Shh may play a role later in lung morphogenesis, immunostaining for Shh was performed in mouse lung from embryonic day (E) 10.5 to postnatal day (PD) 24. Shh was detected in the distal epithelium of the developing mouse lung from E10.5 to E16.5. From E16.5 until PD15, Shh was present in epithelial cells in both the peripheral and conducting airways. Although all cells of the developing epithelium uniformly expressed Shh at E10.5, Shh expression was restricted to subsets of epithelial cells by E16.5. Between E16.5 and PD15, non-uniform Shh staining of epithelial cells was observed in the conducting airways in a pattern consistent with the distribution of non-ciliated bronchiolar cells (i.e., Clara cells) and the Clara cell marker CCSP. Shh did not co-localize with hepatocyte nuclear factor/forkhead homologue-4 (HFH-4), beta-tubulin, or with the presence of cilia. These results support the concept that Shh plays a distinct regulatory role in the lung later in morphogenesis, when it may influence formation or cytodifferentiation of the conducting airways.  相似文献   

DNA excision repair, as measured by unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS), was examined in different cell types of rabbit lung exposed to nitropolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (NO-PAH) in vitro. Dose-related increases in UDS were observed. 1,6-Dinitropyrene (1,6-DNP) and 1,8-dinitropyrene (1,8-DNP) induced UDS more effectively in alveolar type-II cells compared with Clara cells. On the other hand, 1-nitropyrene (1-NP) caused a weak UDS response in Clara cells but no DNA repair in alveolar type-II cells.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which the duodenal mucosa absorbs iron are unknown. Insorption into absorptive cells of luminal iron bound to transferrin via receptor-mediated endocytosis has been hypothesized, but transferrin and transferrin receptor are absent in apical microvillous brush borders of small bowel biopsies taken from fasted patients and normal volunteers. We hypothesized that a normal iron-containing diet might induce the transient appearance of transferrin and transferrin receptor in apical brush borders of small intestinal absorptive cells in a normal mouse that was provided iron-containing chow until the moment of sacrifice. Light and electron microscopic immunolocalization of transferrin and transferrin receptor in proximal small intestinal absorptive cells was limited to basolateral membranes and coated pits of cells predominantly in the crypts and basal regions of the villi. Transferrin and transferrin receptor were not detected in apical microvillous brush border membranes of these enterocytes. In parallel immunolocalization protocols designed to show the ability to immunodetect other antigens at these locations, maltase and proteoglycan were demonstrated in apical microvillous brush border membranes and in basolateral membranes, respectively, in absorptive cells of small intestinal villous tip, base, and crypt regions. Furthermore, transferrin and transferrin receptor were immunolocalized in hepatocyte sinusoidal microvillus membranes. We conclude that food does not induce the appearance of immunodetectable transferrin and transferrin receptor in the apical microvilli of small intestinal absorptive cells and, therefore, that these iron transport proteins are not involved in the apical microvillous membrane transport of luminal dietary iron.  相似文献   

Amino-acid and cDNA nucleotide sequences of human Clara cell 10 kDa protein   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A human lung cDNA expression library was screened by using a rabbit antiserum specific for a human Clara cell 10 kDa protein. The cDNA from two positive clones was sequenced by the dideoxy chain termination method. The nucleotide and primary amino-acid sequence deduced therefrom are presented. The N-terminal amino-acid sequence of the Clara cell 10 kDa protein, purified from bronchoalveolar lavage, was also determined. The deduced and experimentally determined sequences were identical where data for both were available. From the amino-acid composition, deduced and experimentally determined amino-acid sequences, it was determined that the 10 kDa protein in bronchoalveolar lavage consists of two identical 70-amino-acid long polypeptide chains joined by two cystine residues. The size of mRNA for the protein was found to be about 0.6 kb and the monomeric nascent protein, obtained by in vitro translation of lung mRNA was about 7.3 kDa in size. The 10 kDa protein recovered from bronchoalveolar lavage has 61% sequence identity with rabbit uteroglobin, the two proteins have common predicted secondary structures with marked surface differences when comparing predicted and actual structure determined by X-ray diffraction. The differences imply similarity of structure but, not identity of function.  相似文献   

Crystals of recombinant human Clara cell 10-kDa protein were grown both from ammonium sulfate and polyethylene glycol (PEG) solutions. Crystals grown from ammonium sulfate solution have been characterized by X-ray diffraction studies as monoclinic with the space group C2 and lattice constants a = 69.2 Å, b = 83.0 Å, c = 58.3 Å, and β = 99.7°. The monoclinic crystals diffract to beyond 2.5 Å. Some of the crystals grown from PEG were of a similar habit to those grown from ammonium sulfate, but others were triclinic with the space group P1 and cell constants a = 40.3 Å, b = 46.3 Å, c = 51.3 Å, α = 117.7°, β = 102.3°, and γ = 71.4°. These crystals diffract to beyond 3.2 Å. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

It is known that many heart diseases are accompanied by a significant increase in the level of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), a regulator of cardiovascular homeostasis, in the pericardial fluid. Cellular sources of ANP in pericardial cavity remain uncertain. By EM immunocytochemistry, we have examined the presence and localization of ANP in rat and human pericardium. ANP-immunoreactive material was revealed in granules of mast cells (MCs) situated in connective tissue of the pericardium. MCs have an oval form and measure about 6.5 x 12.5 and 9.1 x 13.6 microm in the rat and human pericardium, respectively. Density of MC population makes up about 50 and 10 cells/mm2 in the rat and human pericardium, respectively. Our data suggest possible participation of the pericardial MCs in endocrine function of pericardium and in control of the ANP level in pericardial cavity.  相似文献   

Lung resistance-related protein (LRP) is an integral part of the multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotype involved in cell resistance toward xenobiotics or chemotherapy. The aim of this study was to compare the intracellular localization and cell expression of LRP in normal bronchial cells and their tumoral counterparts from non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). LRP expression was also investigated concurrently with DNA ploidy and chromosome 16 (lrp gene locus) aberrations. Confocal microscopy showed that LRP localization was exclusively intracytoplasmic regardless of the cell type and was never observed in the nuclear pore complex. Flow cytometry demonstrated a similar level of LRP expression in normal bronchial cells and in cancer cells from NSCLC samples. FISH analysis, performed to evaluate the number of chromosome 16 and lrp loci, demonstrated a significant gain of chromosome 16 in DNA aneuploid tumors. Furthermore, we did not find any link between LRP expression and DNA ploidy status or chromosome 16 number. These results suggest that LRP expression observed in NSCLC, maintained through the carcinogenesis process of respiratory cells, is not altered by the increased number of copies of chromosome 16 and probably controlled by mechanisms different from those of MRP1 expression, whereas both proteins are associated with the MDR phenotype.  相似文献   

The CC16 microprotein is the main secretory product of Clara cells, which are epithelial cells lining lung airways. In crossing through the bronchoalveolar/blood barrier, CC16 diffuses passively into plasma. Serum CC16 (sCC16) has recently been proposed as a biomarker for detecting Clara cell impairments. The aim of this study was to assess if sCC16 concentrations are reduced in a group of healthy young smokers. A group of 118 healthy young males volunteered to take part in the study. Each subject answered a questionnaire, and provided blood and urine samples. Serum CC16, urinary cotinine and creatinine were measured. Median serum CC16 concentrations were lower in smokers than in non-smokers (11.3 mug l-1 vs 14.6 mug l-1; p = 0.005; N = 89 and 29, respectively) but did not correlate with either the daily or the life-time cigarette consumption, or with urinary cotinine concentrations. sCC16 did not correlate with age or body mass index in the whole study population or in the groups of smokers and non-smokers. These results suggest the reduction in sCC16 concentrations in a group of healthy young smokers may be an early effect of cigarette smoking.  相似文献   

The CC16 microprotein is the main secretory product of Clara cells, which are epithelial cells lining lung airways. In crossing through the bronchoalveolar/blood barrier, CC16 diffuses passively into plasma. Serum CC16 (sCC16) has recently been proposed as a biomarker for detecting Clara cell impairments. The aim of this study was to assess if sCC16 concentrations are reduced in a group of healthy young smokers. A group of 118 healthy young males volunteered to take part in the study. Each subject answered a questionnaire, and provided blood and urine samples. Serum CC16, urinary cotinine and creatinine were measured. Median serum CC16 concentrations were lower in smokers than in non-smokers (11.3 mug l-1 vs 14.6 mug l-1; p = 0.005; N = 89 and 29, respectively) but did not correlate with either the daily or the life-time cigarette consumption, or with urinary cotinine concentrations. sCC16 did not correlate with age or body mass index in the whole study population or in the groups of smokers and non-smokers. These results suggest the reduction in sCC16 concentrations in a group of healthy young smokers may be an early effect of cigarette smoking.  相似文献   

Bronchiolar Clara cells are integral components of lung homeostasis, predominantly distributed in distal airways. In addition to the 16 kDa Clara cell protein, a major secretory product with anti-inflammatory effects, rat Clara cells express the glycan-binding protein galectin-3 and secrete it into the airways. Given the essential role of galectin-3 in the control of inflammation and the well-established function of glucocorticoids (GCs) in lung physiology, here we investigated whether galectin-3 is a target of the regulatory effects of GCs. Adult male rats were subjected to bilateral adrenalectomy and the lungs were processed for light and transmission electron microscopy, immunoelectron microscopy and Western blot analysis. Profound changes in bronchiolar Clara cells and macrophage morphology could be observed by electron microscopy after adrenalectomy. While specific galectin-3 staining was detected in the nucleus and cytoplasm of Clara cells and macrophages from control animals, cytoplasmic galectin-3 expression was dramatically reduced after adrenalectomy in both cell types. This effect was cell-specific as it did not affect expression of this lectin in ciliated cells. After dexamethasone treatment, galectin-3 expression increased significantly in the nucleus and cytoplasm of macrophages and Clara cells. Western blot analysis showed a clear decrease in galectin-3 expression in ADX animals, which was recovered after a 7-day treatment with dexamethasone. In peritoneal macrophages, galectin-3 expression was also dependent on the effects of GCs both in vivo and in vitro. Our results identify a cell type-specific control of galectin-3 synthesis by GCs in lung bronchiolar Clara cells and interstitial macrophages, which may provide an alternative mechanism by which GCs contribute to modulate the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Immunolocalization of WNK4 in mouse kidney   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Initial reports claim that WNK4 localization is mainly at intercellular junctions of distal convoluted tubules (DCT) and cortical collecting ducts (CCD) in the kidney. However, we recently clarified the major targets of WNK4 kinase to be the OSR1/SPAK kinases and the Na–Cl co-transporter (NCC), an apical membrane protein in the DCT, thus raising the question of whether the cellular localization of WNK4 is at intercellular junctions. In this study, we re-evaluate the intrarenal and intracellular immunolocalization of WNK4 in the mouse kidney using a newly generated anti-WNK4 antibody. By performing double immunofluorescence of WNK4 with several nephron-segment-specific markers, we have found that WNK4 is present in podocytes in glomeruli, the cortical thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop including macula densa, and the medullary collecting ducts (MCD), in addition to the previously identified nephron segments, i.e., DCT and CCD. These results are consistent with the finding that WNK4 constitutes a kinase cascade with OSR1/SPAK and NCC in the DCT, and highlights a novel role for WNK4 in nephron segments newly identified as being WNK4-positive in this study.  相似文献   

It is known that various heart disorders are accompanied by an elevated level of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), a regulator of cardiovascular homeostasis, in the pericardial fluid. Which cells produce ANP in the pericardial cavity is unclear. Using immunoelectron microscopy, we examined ANP localization in human and rat pericardium. ANP-immunobinding material was found in granules of mast cells (MC) localized in pericardial connective tissue. In rat pericardium, the average MC size is 6.5 × 12.5 μm and the MC density is about 50 cells per 1 mm2 section area. For the human pericardium, these parameters are 9.1 × 13.6 μm and 10 cells per 1 mm2, respectively. The results show that MCs are probably implicated in the pericardial endocrine function and in controlling the ANP level in the pericardial cavity.  相似文献   

The recently described CC chemokine, 6C-kine, is unique in that it contains -six rather than the usual four conserved cysteines typical of this family. Furthermore, murine 6C-kine binds to one of the CXC chemokine receptors CXCR3, in addition to its other known receptor CCR7. We have shown that two other ligands of CXCR3, IP-10 and MIG, are potent inhibitors of tumor growth in severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice. We postulated that murine 6C-kine may also inhibit tumor growth via inhibition of angiogenesis in this model. SCID mice (n=6 per group) inoculated with A549 human lung cancer cells were treated with either 6C-kine (100 ng intra-tumor injection every other day) or control protein for 8 weeks. Tumors from murine 6C-kine-treated mice (288 ± 26 mm3) were significantly smaller than tumors from control treated mice (788 ± 156 mm3, P=0.005). Additionally, murine 6C-kine reduced metastases compared with controls (0.5 ± 0.3 vs 3.0 ± 1.2 metastases per animal, P=0.05). Tumor vascularity (as assessed by vessel density counting) was reduced in murine 6C-kine-treated mice compared with controls. Murine 6C-kine had no direct effect on proliferation of A549 cells, and there were no differences in the infiltration of leukocyte sub-populations, assessed by flow cytometry, in the treatment groups. Interestingly, human 6C-kine, unlike murine 6C-kine, does not bind CXCR3 and had no anti-tumor effect in the same model. These data suggest that murine 6C-kine has anti-tumor effects independent of its leukocyte-recruiting activity. Furthermore, while not confirmatory, these data lend further support to the fact that CXCR3 may be the receptor for angiostatic CXC chemokines. Received: 15 June 2000 / Accepted: 18 August 2000  相似文献   

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