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Miniature endplate potentials (MEPC) were recorded from rat diaphragm muscle fiber. A positive correlation was found in controls between half-decay time and amplitude of individual MEPC, an effect enhanced by acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition (correlation coefficients: 0.29 and 0.49 respectively at a temperature of 28°C). Adding curare following AChE inhibition produced a reduction in the amplitude and duration of MEPC without influencing the correlation relationship between the above-mentioned parameters. This relationship declined significantly with a temperature reduction to 18°C in both the control and cases of AChE inhibition. The increase in MEPC half-decay time following AChE inhibition was greater at 28° than at 18°C; Q10 equalled about two for duration of rising time as compared with around three for MEPC half-decay time. Factors determining the time course of MEPC are discussed. The findings obtained are explained by postsynaptic potential (and cooperative binding of agonists to cholinoreceptors lies at the root of this) and by the pattern of ACh diffusion at the synaptic cleft.A. A. Ukhtomskii Institute of Physiology, A. A. Zhdanov State University, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 504–512, July–August, 1987.  相似文献   

Miniature end-plate currents (MEPC) were recorded in voltage clamped muscle fibers of the rat diaphragm at different degrees of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition with galanthamine. A model has been suggested connecting the increase in MEPC amplitude with the concentration of a competitive reversible AChE inhibitor. Using the model suggested, the changes in the junctional AChE activity inhibited with different concentrations of galanthamine were estimated. The calculated value of the inhibitory galanthamine constant is 2.8 X 10(-7) M.  相似文献   

A novel derivative of 6-methyluracil, C-547, increased the amplitude and prolonged the duration of miniature endplate currents (MEPCs) which is typical for acetylcholinesterase inhibition. In the soleus and extensor digitorum longus significant potentiation was detected at nanomolar concentrations. In contrast, in the diaphragm muscle, the increase in the amplitudes of the MEPCs and the decay time constant appeared only when the concentration of C-547 was elevated to 1 x 10(-7) M. Possible consequences for the exploitation of this drug, which can selectively inhibit AChE in particular synapses, are discussed.  相似文献   

The time course of effects of castration (5–60 days) and testosterone treatment (15–60 days) of adult male rats were examined on the endplate (+EP) and non-endplate (–EP) acetylcholinesterase (AChE) of the androgen-dependent levator ani (LA) muscle. The thiocholine method was used to determine the enzyme activity. Castration caused LA muscle atrophy within 5 days but reduced the –EP and +EP AChE after 10 and 20 days, respectively. Following 30 days castration –EP and +EP AChE reached respectively 41% and 35% of control activity. Testosterone retrieval restored the control values of both muscle weight and total AChE after 15 and 60 days, respectively. Recovery of the +EP AChE preceded that of –EP AChE by 30 days. The results showed that in the rat LA muscle, +EP and –EP AChE depend on a continuous testosterone regulation that predominates at +EP region spreading thereafter to –EP region. Those data suggest a hormone regulation of AChE exerted indirectly through the synthesis and release of neurotrophic substances.  相似文献   

Early postnatal development of rat diaphragm muscle (Dia(m)) is marked by dramatic transitions in myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform expression. We hypothesized that the transition from the neonatal isoform of MHC (MHC(Neo)) to adult fast MHC isoform expression in Dia(m) fibers is accompanied by an increase in both the maximum velocity of the actomyosin ATPase reaction (V(max) ATPase) and the ATP consumption rate during maximum isometric activation (ATP(iso)). Rat Dia(m) fibers were evaluated at postnatal days 0, 14, and 28 and in adults (day 84). Across all ages, V(max) ATPase of fibers was significantly higher than ATP(iso). The reserve capacity for ATP consumption [1 - (ratio of ATP(iso) to V(max) ATP(ase))] was remarkably constant ( approximately 55-60%) across age groups, although at day 28 and in adults the reserve capacity for ATP consumption was slightly higher for fibers expressing MHC(Slow) compared with fast MHC isoforms. At day 28 and in adults, both V(max) ATPase and ATP(iso) were lower in fibers expressing MHC(Slow) followed in rank order by fibers expressing MHC(2A), MHC(2X), and MHC(2B). For fibers expressing MHC(Neo), V(max) ATPase, and ATP(iso) were comparable to values for adult fibers expressing MHC(Slow) but significantly lower than values for fibers expressing fast MHC isoforms. We conclude that postnatal transitions from MHC(Neo) to adult fast MHC isoform expression in Dia(m) fibers are associated with corresponding but disproportionate changes in V(max) ATPase and ATP(iso).  相似文献   

Focal extracellular recordings were made of postjunctional currents produced at synapses of the inferior rectus eye muscle fibers by the spontaneous release of quanta of transmitter. These consisted of miniature endplate currents, or MEPC, in phasic fibers and miniature postjunctional currents, or MPJC, in tonic fibers. Open time of ionic channels (chan) was also registered. In tonic fibers, MPJC lasted considerably longer than MEPC did in phasic fibers: rising time, decay time, and chan in the former measured respectively 2.5, 4–5, and 2.2 times higher than in the latter. Acetylcholinesterace (AChE) inhibition produced a much greater (4.4-fold extension of current decay in phasic than in tonic fibers, where a 1.8-fold increase was seen, thereby reducing the gap between the decay time of currents in these fibers to a difference of 1.6 times. The more protracted decay of MPJC in tonic fibers compared with MEPC in phasic fibers is determined by the lower functional activity of AChE as well as the higher value of chan. Duration of MEPC and magnitude of chan in the "slow" phasic fibers of rat skeletal muscles fell well below the same parameters measured in the tonic fibers of the ocular muscle.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 120–129, January–February, 1987.  相似文献   

In muscle fibers from the rat diaphragm, 85% of the resting membrane ion conductance is attributable to Cl-. At 37 degree C and pH 7.0, GCl averages 2.11 mmho/cm2 while residual conductance largely due to K+ averages 0.34 mmho/cm2. The resting GCl exhibits a biphasic temperature dependence with a Q10 of 1.6 between 6 degree C and 25 degree C and a Q10 of nearly 1 between 25 degree C and 40 degree C. Decreasing external pH reversibly reduced GCl; the apparent pK for groups mediating this decrease is 5.5. Increasing pH up to 10.0 had no effect on GCl. Anion conductance sequence and permeability sequence were both determined to be Cl-greater than Br-greater than or equal to I-greater than CH3SO4-. Lowering the pH below 5.5 reduced the magnitude of the measured conductance to all anions but did not alter the conductance sequence. The permeability sequence was likewise unchanged at low pH. Experiments with varying molar ratios of Cl- and I- indicated a marked interaction between these ions in their transmembrane movement. Similar but less striking interaction was seen between Cl- and Br-. Current-voltage relationships for GCl measured at early time-points in the presence of Rb+ were linear, but showed marked rectification with longer hyperpolarizing pulses (greater than 50ms) due to a slow time-and voltage-dependent change in membrane conductance to Cl-. This nonlinear behavior appeared to depend on the concentration of Cl- present but cannot be attributed to tubular ion accumulation. Tubular disruption with glycerol lowers apparent GCl but not GK, suggesting that the transverse tubule (T-tubule) system is permeable to Cl- in this species. Quantitative estimates indicate that up to 80% of GCl may be associated with the T tubules.  相似文献   

Nerve-evoked end-plate currents were recorded intracellularly in rat diaphragm when acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was intact or in the presence of galanthamine which reduces AChE activity up to 50% or 75%. Coefficient of correlation of the dependence between half-decay time and amplitude of end-plate currents during short tetanic stimulation pulse (20, 50 and 100 impulses per second) of motor nerve and the slope of this dependence were used to estimate the postsynaptic potentiation. Our results indicate that postsynaptic potentiation shows up clearly when AChE is fully active and grows significantly when AChE activity is slightly reduced. It is proposed that the modulation of the synaptic transmission can be performed by means of postsynaptic potentiation and synaptic AChE can take part in such way of modulation when varying its own activity under the influence of any endogenous factors.  相似文献   

C R Bader  D Bertrand  E Cooper  A Mauro 《Neuron》1988,1(3):237-240
Muscle satellite cells play an important role in the postnatal growth of skeletal muscle and in the regeneration of damaged muscle during adult life. Little is known about the physiological properties of satellite cells in their dormant state as they lie adjacent to the intact muscle fibers, underneath the basement membrane. Our recent experiments, using patch clamp techniques, indicate that no tight electrical coupling is present between satellite cells and the muscle fiber dissociated from rat flexor digitorum brevis. Satellite cells possess sodium channels with low sensitivity to tetrodotoxin and at a much lower density than muscle. In addition, satellite cells are insensitive to acetylcholine (ACh) for at least 24 hr after having been removed from the animal, even when detached from their muscle fiber. However, we could measure ACh-evoked currents from satellite cells 48-72 hr in culture, indicating that ACh sensitivity develops with time.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that 1) hypothyroidism (Hyp) decreases myosin heavy chain (MHC) content per half-sarcomere in diaphragm muscle (Dia(m)) fibers, 2) Hyp decreases the maximum specific force (F(max)) of Dia(m) fibers because of the reduction in MHC content per half-sarcomere, and 3) Hyp affects MHC content per half-sarcomere and F(max) to a greater extent in fibers expressing MHC type 2X (MHC(2X)) and/or MHC type 2B (MHC(2B)). Studies were performed on single Triton X-permeabilized fibers activated at pCa 4.0. MHC content per half-sarcomere was determined by densitometric analysis of SDS-polyacrylamide gels and comparison with a standard curve of known MHC concentrations. After 3 wk of Hyp, MHC content per half-sarcomere was reduced in fibers expressing MHC(2X) and/or MHC(2B). On the basis of electron-microscopic analysis, this reduction in MHC content was also reflected by a decrease in myofibrillar volume density and thick filament density. Hyp decreased F(max) across all MHC isoforms; however, the greatest decrease occurred in fibers expressing fast MHC isoforms (approximately 40 vs. approximately 20% for fibers expressing slow MHC isoforms). When normalized for MHC content per half-sarcomere, force generated by Hyp fibers expressing MHC(2A) was reduced compared with control fibers, whereas force per half-sarcomere MHC content was higher for fibers expressing MHC(2X) and/or MHC(2B) in the Hyp Dia(m) than for controls. These results indicate that the effect of Hyp is more pronounced on fibers expressing MHC(2X) and/or MHC(2B) and that the reduction of F(max) with Hyp may be at least partially attributed to a decrease in MHC content per half-sarcomere but not to changes in force per cross bridge.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that 1) the effect of denervation (DNV) is more pronounced in fibers expressing fast myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms and 2) the effect of DNV on maximum specific force reflects a reduction in MHC content per half sarcomere or the number of cross bridges in parallel. Studies were performed on single Triton X-100-permeabilized fibers activated at a pCa (-log Ca2+ concentration) of 4.0. MHC content per half sarcomere was determined by densitometric analysis of SDS-PAGE gels and comparison to a standard curve of known MHC concentrations. After 2 of wk DNV, the maximum specific force of fibers expressing MHC2X was reduced by approximately 40% (MHC(2B) expression was absent), whereas the maximum specific force of fibers expressing MHC2A and MHC(slow) decreased by only approximately 20%. DNV also reduced the MHC content in fibers expressing MHC2X, with no effect on fibers expressing MHC2A and MHC(slow). When normalized for MHC content per half sarcomere, force generated by DNV fibers expressing MHC2X and MHC2A was decreased compared with control fibers. These results suggest the force per cross bridge is also affected by DNV.  相似文献   

The effect of exogenous acetylcholine (ACh) on potassium currents in the motor nerve ending (NE) has been studied in neuromuscular preparations of the frog cutaneous-sternal muscle by extracellular recording of evoked electrical potentials from the NE. The investigation was performed during inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity by specific inhibitors and AChE removal from the synaptic cleft by collagenase. After AChE inhibition by either armine or proserine, or after treatment of the preparation with collagenase, no effect of exogenous ACh in concentrations of 1·10–4–6·–4 mole/liter was observed, in contrast to results from preparations with intact AChE. However, under the same conditions, as in the case of active AChE, ACh in concentrations of 7·10–4–2·10–3 mole/liter inhibited Ca-activated potassium current of the NE membrane. Experiments with dipyroxim, a synaptic AChE reactivator, have shown that the ACh effect on the potential-dependent potassium current is mediated by specific AChE. The role of AChE is discussed in respect to its significance for realization of the ACh action on potential-dependent potassium current in NE.Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 146–149, March–April, 1993.  相似文献   

Velocity sedimentation patterns of acetylcholinesterase (AChE, EC in endplate-free regions of the diaphragm were studied in rats during early postnatal development. A significant amount of 16 S AChE, comprising 20% total activity, was found in endplate-free regions of the diaphragm of 8- and 19-day-old rats. By 32 days after birth, 16 S AChE accounted for less than 5% total AChE activity in endplate-free regions. 16 S AChE is, therefore, not strictly an endplate-specific molecular form. Instead, it becomes restricted to the motor endplate region of the rat diaphragm by the end of the first month of life.  相似文献   

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