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日益严重的细菌抗药性已成为人类健康的重要威胁,而更加全面深入地了解抗生素杀菌机制可以帮助我们更好地应对细菌抗药性问题。研究表明,ROS在抗生素的杀菌过程中起重要作用,涉及细菌胞内复杂的生理反应。现总结ROS在抗生素杀菌过程中作用机制及应用方面的一些最新研究进展,以期为寻找新的方法增强现有抗生素杀菌效果及开发新型药物提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

细菌药物耐受   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
细菌药物耐受(Drug tolerance)是指在没有发生耐药突变的情况下细菌耐受抗生素杀菌的能力,表现为细菌群体难以或不能被杀菌型药物清除。细菌药物耐受的调控机制包括群体异质性和压力应答两种途径。药物耐受性的本质是细菌通过调控或遗传突变的方式改变生理代谢状态,从而抵制药物引起的细胞死亡途径。比如,处于缓慢生长或生长停滞生理状态的细菌往往能够抵抗药物的杀菌作用。临床研究发现细菌药物耐受是导致持续性感染疾病迁延难愈、复发率高的病原学机制之一。同时,研究证明耐受性的形成是细菌耐药性(Drug resistance)产生的进化途径之一。因此,揭示细菌药物耐受的机制将有助于人们深入了解抗生素的杀菌机理,以及细菌耐药性形成的适应性进化机制,并为新型杀菌药物以及药物增效剂靶标的发现和抗生素合理使用策略的开发奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

【目的】细菌对抗生素的耐药性已成为全球公共卫生问题关注的热点。有研究表明外源添加化学物质可以增强耐药细菌对抗生素的敏感性。本研究比较了3种化学物质葡萄糖、丙氨酸、甘油对增强副溶血性弧菌抗生素敏感性的作用效果。【方法】在亚抑菌浓度抗生素胁迫条件下,通过比较副溶血性弧菌在添加终浓度为10 mmol/L葡萄糖、丙氨酸、甘油后细菌存活率随时间的变化水平,来观察弧菌对亚抑菌浓度抗生素敏感性作用效果的改变,并采用氧化磷酸化解偶联剂CCCP对实验结果进行验证。【结果】发现3种外源化学物质均能增强亚抑菌浓度氨基糖苷类抗生素对副溶血性弧菌的杀菌能力,其中外源添加葡萄糖对增强亚抑菌浓度卡那霉素的杀菌能力最为显著,而对其他种类抗生素的杀菌能力则无明显增强作用。加入氧化磷酸化解偶联剂CCCP后可消除由外源化学物质引发的弧菌抗生素敏感性作用增强的现象。【结论】通过调节细菌细胞代谢水平可提高耐药副溶血性弧菌对氨基糖苷类抗生素的敏感性,对多重耐药副溶血性弧菌的防控具有一定的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

细菌耐药性应对策略研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
细菌耐药性(Antimicrobial resistance,AMR)持续增长,但新上市抗生素数量却持续下降。抗生素耐药基因(Antimicrobial resistance gene,ARG)和抗生素耐药菌感染已严重威胁人类健康。因此,需要多方面联合采取措施来应对AMR所带来的各种挑战,包括创新生物医药、改善抗生素使用和抗生素耐药监测系统、减少抗生素耐药基因产生速度、阻止健康护理相关感染和多重抗生素耐药菌传播与扩散、开发微生物学快速诊断方法与设备、减少临床和兽医抗生素滥用等。庆幸的是,AMR已受到各国政要、科学家和企业家等的高度重视与支持,相信随着新技术、新产品的不断问世和管理新措施的不断出台,AMR问题一定会得到控制和缓解。  相似文献   

细菌的消毒剂耐药性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
细菌的消毒剂耐药性指细菌与消毒剂多次接触后,使该类消毒剂的最小抑菌浓度或最小杀菌浓度升高的现象。细菌的消毒剂耐药性普遍存在,多种细菌可对一种消毒剂耐药,一种细菌可对多种消毒剂耐药。消毒剂选择件压力是耐药性产生的外在原因,产生的机制包括生化结构、遗传学途径和酶学途径。消毒剂耐药与抗生素耐药之间存在一定的关系。应加强研究,制定统一标准,加强监测,并制定合理应用消毒荆规范,以减少消毒剂耐药性的发生。  相似文献   

细菌响应过量活性氧的存活策略及相关研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
活性氧(Reactive Oxygen Species,ROS)是指基态氧分子获取电子后形成的一类具有高反应活性的物质。有氧呼吸电子传递链产生的内源ROS能维持细菌正常生理活性,而由消毒、抗生素和物理场等处理产生的外源ROS会随着处理时间和强度增加而累积产生。过量ROS会给细菌带来氧化压力,导致氧化损伤,甚至影响其活性。本文综述了过量ROS诱导细菌氧化应激反应并以非芽胞状态存活,阐述过量ROS与特殊状态的形成、复苏或修复甚至死亡过程的关联性,以期为有效控制腐败菌和致病菌的技术创新提供理论基础。  相似文献   

抗生素的不合理使用导致细菌耐药问题日趋严峻,给人类健康造成巨大威胁。学者们对抗生素抗性菌和抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes, ARGs)在多种环境介质中的环境行为开展了大量研究。气溶胶作为ARGs的潜在储存库,是抗生素抗性基因在环境中的重要传播途径之一。目前缺乏对其来源、传播、人类接触和健康风险系统性的梳理。本文针对人类生活功能场所、养殖场、城市污水处理厂和医院等4类气溶胶研究的典型场所,重点综述了上述4类典型场所中气溶胶ARGs的来源、传播途径及对人体的暴露和对健康的危害,为气溶胶中ARGs的预防和控制提供参考。  相似文献   

王棚涛  赵晶  余欢欢 《植物学报》2014,49(4):490-503
大量研究证明活性氧(ROS)在气孔运动中起信号分子的作用。保卫细胞中ROS的产生依赖于特定的酶, 其中NADPH氧化酶组分RBOH已得到深入研究, 并已证实其参与生物与非生物胁迫反应。植物激素包括脱落酸(ABA)、水杨酸(SA)、乙烯、生长素及细胞分裂素等, 它们均通过ROS的介导来调控气孔运动。生物胁迫(如毒性细菌和真菌)也会调控气孔运动。ROS参与这些调控过程。保卫细胞中存在多层次对ROS产生及其作用的调节, 抗氧化活性物质和ROS敏感蛋白(如蛋白激酶和磷酸酶)均可传递ROS信号并调节气孔运动。ROS对离子通道调节的证据也越来越多。保卫细胞由于可通过ROS整合复杂的信号途径, 已成为研究植物ROS信号转导过程的良好模式系统。  相似文献   

大量研究证明活性氧(ROS)在气孔运动中起信号分子的作用。保卫细胞中ROS的产生依赖于特定的酶,其中NADPH氧化酶组分RBOH已得到深入研究,并已证实其参与生物与非生物胁迫反应。植物激素包括脱落酸(ABA)、水杨酸(SA)、乙烯、生长素及细胞分裂素等,它们均通过ROS的介导来调控气孔运动。生物胁迫(如毒性细菌和真菌)也会调控气孔运动。ROS参与这些调控过程。保卫细胞中存在多层次对ROS产生及其作用的调节,抗氧化活性物质和ROS敏感蛋白(如蛋白激酶和磷酸酶)均可传递ROS信号并调节气孔运动。ROS对离子通道调节的证据也越来越多。保卫细胞由于可通过ROS整合复杂的信号途径,已成为研究植物ROS信号转导过程的良好模式系统。  相似文献   

质粒介导tet(X4)基因的出现和流行,严重影响替加环素(tigecycline)对临床多重耐药细菌感染的治疗效果,急需寻找有效的佐剂遏制替加环素耐药性。本研究采用微量棋盘稀释法、时间-杀菌曲线测定β-桧木醇(β-thujaplicin)和替加环素的体外联合抗菌表征,通过测定细菌细胞膜通透性、细菌胞内活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)含量、铁含量以及替加环素含量等指标,来探究β-桧木醇和替加环素联合使用对tet(X4)基因阳性大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)的抗菌作用机制。结果表明,β-桧木醇联合替加环素对tet(X4)基因阳性大肠杆菌具有体外协同抗菌效果,且β-桧木醇在抗菌作用浓度范围内无显著溶血性和细胞毒性。机制研究发现,β-桧木醇能显著增大细菌细胞膜的通透性,降低细菌胞内铁含量,干扰铁稳态,诱导细胞内ROS显著增加,从而发挥抗菌效果。进一步研究发现,β-桧木醇可通过干扰细菌铁代谢和增大细菌细胞膜通透性,协同增强替加环素的抗菌效果。本研究结果为β-桧木醇联合替加环素治疗tet(X4)基因阳性大肠杆菌感染提供了理论和实践基础。  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS; superoxide, peroxide, and hydroxyl radical) are thought to contribute to the rapid bactericidal activity of diverse antimicrobial agents. The possibility has been raised that consumption of antioxidants in food may interfere with the lethal action of antimicrobials. Whether nutritional supplements containing antioxidant activity are also likely to interfere with antimicrobial lethality is unknown. To examine this possibility, resveratrol, a popular antioxidant dietary supplement, was added to cultures of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus that were then treated with antimicrobial and assayed for bacterial survival and the recovery of mutants resistant to an unrelated antimicrobial, rifampicin. Resveratrol, at concentrations likely to be present during human consumption, caused a 2- to 3-fold reduction in killing during a 2-hr treatment with moxifloxacin or kanamycin. At higher, but still subinhibitory concentrations, resveratrol reduced antimicrobial lethality by more than 3 orders of magnitude. Resveratrol also reduced the increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) characteristic of treatment with quinolone (oxolinic acid). These data support the general idea that the lethal activity of some antimicrobials involves ROS. Surprisingly, subinhibitory concentrations of resveratrol promoted (2- to 6-fold) the recovery of rifampicin-resistant mutants arising from the action of ciprofloxacin, kanamycin, or daptomycin. This result is consistent with resveratrol reducing ROS to sublethal levels that are still mutagenic, while the absence of resveratrol allows ROS levels to high enough to kill mutagenized cells. Suppression of antimicrobial lethality and promotion of mutant recovery by resveratrol suggests that the antioxidant may contribute to the emergence of resistance to several antimicrobials, especially if new derivatives and/or formulations of resveratrol markedly increase bioavailability.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance is a global threat to public health. The use of antibiotics at sub-inhibitory concentrations has been recognized as an important factor in disseminating antibiotic resistance via horizontal gene transfer. Although non-antibiotic, human-targeted pharmaceuticals are widely used by society (95% of the pharmaceuticals market), the potential contribution to the spread of antibiotic resistance is not clear. Here, we report that commonly consumed, non-antibiotic pharmaceuticals, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac), a lipid-lowering drug (gemfibrozil), and a β-blocker (propranolol), at clinically and environmentally relevant concentrations, significantly accelerated the dissemination of antibiotic resistance via plasmid-borne bacterial conjugation. Various indicators were used to study the bacterial response to these drugs, including monitoring reactive oxygen species (ROS) and cell membrane permeability by flow cytometry, cell arrangement, and whole-genome RNA and protein sequencing. Enhanced conjugation correlated well with increased production of ROS and cell membrane permeability. Additionally, these non-antibiotic pharmaceuticals induced responses similar to those detected when bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, such as inducing the SOS response and enhancing efflux pumps. The findings advance understanding of the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes, emphasizing the concern that non-antibiotic, human-targeted pharmaceuticals enhance the spread of antibiotic resistance among bacterial populations.Subject terms: Antibiotics, Public health  相似文献   

Beta-lactam antibiotics are the cornerstone of our antibiotic armamentarium. By inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis, they are highly effective against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Unfortunately, bacteria have evolved sophisticated resistance mechanisms to combat the lethal effects of beta-lactam antibiotics. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneumoniae are all able to evade killing by penicillins, cephalosporins and carbapenems. This multi-drug resistant phenotype that challenges health care workers worldwide is caused by an array of resistance determinants. These include altered expression of outer membrane proteins and efflux pumps, along with an increasing arsenal of beta-lactamases. Future strategies in beta-lactam design must take into account the complex nature of resistance in Gram-negative pathogens.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus infections present an enormous global health concern complicated by an alarming increase in antibiotic resistance. S. aureus is among the few bacterial species that express nitric-oxide synthase (bNOS) and thus can catalyze NO production from l-arginine. Here we generate an isogenic bNOS-deficient mutant in the epidemic community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) USA300 clone to study its contribution to virulence and antibiotic susceptibility. Loss of bNOS increased MRSA susceptibility to reactive oxygen species and host cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides, which correlated with increased MRSA killing by human neutrophils and within neutrophil extracellular traps. bNOS also promoted resistance to the pharmaceutical antibiotics that act on the cell envelope such as vancomycin and daptomycin. Surprisingly, bNOS-deficient strains gained resistance to aminoglycosides, suggesting that the role of bNOS in antibiotic susceptibility is more complex than previously observed in Bacillus species. Finally, the MRSA bNOS mutant showed reduced virulence with decreased survival and smaller abscess generation in a mouse subcutaneous infection model. Together, these data indicate that bNOS contributes to MRSA innate immune and antibiotic resistance phenotypes. Future development of specific bNOS inhibitors could be an attractive option to simultaneously reduce MRSA pathology and enhance its susceptibility to commonly used antibiotics.  相似文献   

基于代谢组学的抗生素与细菌间作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
抗生素杀菌是一个复杂的生理过程,杀菌抗生素与靶点作用后的下游代谢变化与抗生素作用效果紧密联系,其通过干扰细菌代谢状态加速死亡进程,而细菌改变代谢状态也能影响抗生素的有效性.代谢组学通过监测细菌在抗生素作用下的变化提供全面代谢信息,我们回顾近年来基于代谢组学对抗生素与细菌间作用的研究进展,以期为开发抗生素佐剂提高抗生素效...  相似文献   

The global emergence of drug-resistant bacteria leads to the loss of efficacy of our antibiotics arsenal and severely limits the success of currently available treatments. Here, we developed an innovative strategy based on targeted-antibacterial-plasmids (TAPs) that use bacterial conjugation to deliver CRISPR/Cas systems exerting a strain-specific antibacterial activity. TAPs are highly versatile as they can be directed against any specific genomic or plasmid DNA using the custom algorithm (CSTB) that identifies appropriate targeting spacer sequences. We demonstrate the ability of TAPs to induce strain-selective killing by introducing lethal double strand breaks (DSBs) into the targeted genomes. TAPs directed against a plasmid-born carbapenem resistance gene efficiently resensitise the strain to the drug. This work represents an essential step toward the development of an alternative to antibiotic treatments, which could be used for in situ microbiota modification to eradicate targeted resistant and/or pathogenic bacteria without affecting other non-targeted bacterial species.  相似文献   

The penetration ability of 12 antimicrobial agents, including antibiotics and biocides, was determined against biofilms of B. cereus and P. fluorescens using a colony biofilm assay. The surfactants benzalkonium chloride (BAC) and cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), and the antibiotics ciprofloxacin and streptomycin were of interest due to their distinct activities. Erythromycin and CTAB were retarded by the presence of biofilms, whereas ciprofloxacin and BAC were not. The removal and killing efficacies of these four agents was additionally evaluated against biofilms formed in microtiter plates. The most efficient biocide was CTAB for both bacterial biofilms. Ciprofloxacin was the best antibiotic although none of the selected antimicrobial agents led to total biofilm removal and/or killing. Comparative analysis of the results obtained with colony biofilms and microtiter plate biofilms show that although extracellular polymeric substances and the biofilm structure are considered a determining factor in biofilm resistance, the ability of an antimicrobial agent to penetrate a biofilm is not correlated with its killing or removal efficiency. Also, the results reinforce the role of an appropriate antimicrobial selection as a key step in the design of disinfection processes for biofilm control.  相似文献   

After the euphoria of the antibiotic discovery and their tremendous action on bacterial infections outcomes, arrives a period of fear with the continuous emergence of bacteria that are resistant to almost all antibiotic treatments. It is becoming essential to better understand antibiotic resistance mechanisms to find new approaches to prevent the worldwide problem of multiresistance. The role of antibiotics on the direct induction of resistance acquisition is known. Recent studies have shown that some antibiotics, by inducing the bacterial SOS response, global repair response after DNA damages, are involved on a broader level in the induction, acquisition and dissemination of resistances in bacteria. We discuss here the role of antibiotics in resistance acquisition via the SOS response through several examples and the interest of identifying the SOS response regulators as the future targets of new families of antimicrobial molecules.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe worldwide emergence of antibiotic resistance represents a serious medical threat. The ability of these resistant pathogens to form biofilms that are highly tolerant to antibiotics further aggravates the situation and leads to recurring infections. Thus, new therapeutic approaches that adopt novel mechanisms of action are urgently needed. To address this significant problem, we conjugated the antibiotic kanamycin with a novel antimicrobial peptide (P14LRR) to develop a kanamycin peptide conjugate (P14KanS).MethodsAntibacterial activities were evaluated in vitro and in vivo using a Caenorhabditis elegans model. Additionally, the mechanism of action, antibiofilm activity and anti-inflammatory effect of P14KanS were investigated.ResultsP14KanS exhibited potent antimicrobial activity against ESKAPE pathogens. P14KanS demonstrated a ≥ 128-fold improvement in MIC relative to kanamycin against kanamycin-resistant strains. Mechanistic studies confirmed that P14KanS exerts its antibacterial effect by selectively disrupting the bacterial cell membrane. Unlike many antibiotics, P14KanS demonstrated rapid bactericidal activity against stationary phases of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens. Moreover, P14KanS was superior in disrupting adherent bacterial biofilms and in killing intracellular pathogens as compared to conventional antibiotics. Furthermore, P14KanS demonstrated potent anti-inflammatory activity via the suppression of LPS-induced proinflammatory cytokines. Finally, P14KanS protected C. elegans from lethal infections of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens.ConclusionsThe potent in vitro and in vivo activity of P14KanS warrants further investigation as a potential therapeutic agent for bacterial infections.General significanceThis study demonstrates that equipping kanamycin with an antimicrobial peptide is a promising method to tackle bacterial biofilms and address bacterial resistance to aminoglycosides.  相似文献   

Ciprofloxacin (CPX), a second generation fluoroquinolone antibiotic, is used as a primary antibiotic for treatment against gastroenteritis, drug-resistant tuberculosis, and malignant otitis externa. CPX is a broad spectrum antibiotic that targets the DNA gyrase of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Irrational and improper usage of CPX results in emergence of CPX resistant organisms emphasizing the importance of using lethal doses of CPX. Here, we have systematically analysed the effect of CPX at sub lethal concentrations on live E. coli membrane and growth dynamics. As a result of CPX interaction at sub-lethal concentrations, we detected filamentation of the bacterial cells during cell division. Although CPX is a DNA targeting antibiotic and did not result in considerable increase of live E. coli cell surface roughness, we observed significant enhancement in the lipid diffusion coefficients possibly due to disrupted lipid packing or altered lipid composition. Interestingly, we seem to observe slightly higher extent of lipid diffusion alteration when bacterial inner membrane specific label FM4-64 was used in comparison to the non-specific membrane dye. Both these results are contrary to that observed in bacterial cells for colistin, a membrane targeting antibiotics. Our work highlights the need for using multiple, complementary surface and depth sensitive techniques to obtain information on the realistic nature of bacterial cell membrane remodelling due to non-membrane targeting antibiotics. Our work could have implications for identification of potential biomembrane markers at sub-lethal concentrations even for antibiotics which are non-membrane targeting that could help in unravelling pathways for emergence of antimicrobial resistance.  相似文献   

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