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The principal insecticidal compounds from the herbal medicines Saishin, the root of Asarum sieboldii Miquel, and Sekishōkon, the rhizome of Acorus gramineus Soland, were isolated by successive silica gel column chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography. The active components, which work against larvae of the cigarette beetle, Lasioderma serricorne (F.), were identified as methyleugenol (4-allyl-1,2-dimethoxybenzene) and β-asarone {1,2,4-trimethoxy-5-[(Z)-prop-1-enyl]benzene} by gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analyses. These two compounds share some structural features, such as a benzene ring with o-dimethoxy groups and a propenyl group in the opposite position. Consequently, the insecticidal activities of 20 structurally related compounds were tested to evaluate their structure–activity relationship. We found myristicin (5-allyl-1-methoxy-2,3-methylenedioxybenzene) exhibited comparable insecticidal activity to methyleugenol and β-asarone, but the other tested compounds were less active. The lack of insecticidal activity of compounds with a hydrogen, hydroxy, or acetoxy substituent in place of one methoxy group indicates that o-dimethoxy groups are essential for insecticidal activity. The position and configuration of a double bond in the propenyl side chain affected the toxicity, but there was a lack of consistency in the structure–activity relationship for this.  相似文献   

In Iowa, the management of insect pests in soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., has been complicated by the arrival of the invasive species soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), and occasional outbreaks of bean leaf beetle, Cerotoma trifurcata (F?rster) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), populations leading to economic losses. Several insecticide programs designed to reduce abundance of the overwintered and first generation C. trifurcata and the incidence of bean pod mottle virus were evaluated over 3 yr (2004-2006) for their impacts on A. glycines populations, at three locations in Iowa (Floyd, Lucas, and Story counties). There was no significant overlap of either overwintered (early May) or the first (early July) generations of C. trifurcata with A. glycines, because aphids were first detected in June and they did not reach economically damaging levels until August, if at all. During this study, insecticides targeting the overwintered population or the first generation of C. trifurcata provided a limited impact on A. glycines populations compared with untreated controls, and they did not prevent economic populations from occurring. Furthermore, the highest populations of A. glycines were frequently observed when a low rate of lambda-cyhalothrin (178 ml/ha) was applied targeting the overwintered population of C. trifurcata. Soybean yields were not protected by any of the insecticide treatments. Our results indicate that the use of either early season foliar or seed-applied insecticides for C. trifurcata management is of limited value for A. glycines management.  相似文献   

Although the reasons why organisms age and die are generally well understood, it has recently been suggested that an optimal life span has evolved not only as the result of trade‐offs between reproductive performances early and late in life, but also that a balance between the costs and benefits of the number of mating has also played an important role in the evolution of ageing in both sexes. By using four seed beetle (Acanthoscelides obtectus) lines selected for different life history traits, but which have also inadvertently created monoandrous and polyandrous conditions, we showed that males evolved to affect the mortality patterns of females in a way consistent to the postmating sexual selection generated by sexually antagonistic co‐evolution theory. Monoandrous males, irrespectively of body weight and other life history traits specific to their lines, evolved to increase the longevity of control females kept under starvation and suppressed fecundity, compared with males that originated in the lines with effectively polyandrous conditions. When females were allowed to lay eggs, the effects of males from different lines and mating type history on the senescence of females were substantially weaker. We found that males in the line that was evolved to decelerate senescence and polyandrous conditions stimulate the earlier onset of females’ oviposition, relative to males stemmed from the line with accelerated senescence and monoandrous conditions. This fact may explain the absence of difference in the mean longevities between the control females mated to these males and highlight the importance of sexual selection in the evolution of ageing.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2002,23(2):103-107
Insular populations and their closest mainland counterparts commonly display body size differences that are considered to fit the island rule, a theoretical framework to explain both dwarfism and gigantism in isolated animal populations. The island rule is used to explain the pattern of change of body size at the inter-specific level. But the model implicitly makes also a prediction for the body size of isolated populations of a single species. It suggests that, for a hypothetical species covering a wide range of island sizes, there exists a specific island size where this species reaches the largest body size. Body size would be small (in relative terms) in the smallest islets of the species range. It would increase with island size, and reach a maximum at some specific island size. However, additional increases from such a specific island size would instead promote body size reduction, and small (in relative terms) body sizes would be found again on the largest islands. The biogeographical patterns predicted by the island rule have been described and analysed for vertebrates only (mainly mammals), but remain largely untested for insects or other invertebrates. I analyse here the pattern of body size variation between seven isolated insular populations of a flightless beetle, Asida planipennis (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae). This is an endemic species of Mallorca, Menorca and a number of islands and islets in the Balearic archipelago (western Mediterranean). The study covers seven of the 15 known populations (i.e., there are only 15 islands or islets inhabited by the species). The populations studied fit the pattern advanced above and we could, therefore, extrapolate the island rule to a very different kind of organism. However, the small sample size of some of the populations invites some caution at this early stage.  相似文献   

Summary Malpighian tubules of a desert tenebrionid beetle,Onymacris plana, have been studied as isolated preparations. Under control conditions tubules of female beetles secreted fluid at an average rate of 3.3 nl/min, but this rate was increased 20–25 times by a diuretic hormone (DH).Homogenates of the brain, corpora cardiaca (CC) and prothoracic ganglion induced striking increases in tubule secretion rates, which sometimes exceeded 100 nl/min. The increased rates were sustained for 3 h without renewal of the medium. Diuretic activity was also present in the other thoracic ganglia. High K treatment caused release of DH from the CC only.Exogenous cyclic AMP (1 mM) stimulated the isolated tubules ofO. plana, but to a lesser extent than the DH. The cationic composition of the secreted fluid resembled that of most other insect tubules, with high K and low Na concentrations. Stimulation with DH doubled the Na concentration.The DH was not inactivated by the tubules themselves, but was destroyed by contact with the haemolymph. An inactivation mechanism is vital in the apparently contradictory situation of a desert beetle possessing a diuretic hormone. The role of the cryptonephric system during diuresis is unknown.Abbreviations DH diuretic hormone - cAMP adenosine 3:5-cyclic monophosphoric acid - CC corpora cardiaca  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1990,20(4):365-371
Emergent females of the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae, contained five previously undetected volatiles: toluene, 4-methylene-6,6-dimethylbicyclohept-2-ene (verbenene), p-mentha-1,5,8-triene, o- and p-cymene. Exposure of wild or axenically reared beetles to protio- and deuterio-α-pinene or protio- and deuterio-trans-verbenol indicated that all compounds except toluene were produced from α-pinene, with trans-verbenol as a probable intermediate. The ratio between these α-pinene metabolites was insensitive to the level of α-pinene to which the beetles were exposed, suggesting a tightly regulated enzymatic and/or acid-catalyzed conversion of α-pinene. Exposure of females to either enantiomer of α-pinene or to the same amount of (±)-α-pinene indicated that female mountain pine beetles possess two enantiospecific enzyme systems for processing α-pinene. Production of p-cymene constitutes the first record in an insect of an aromatic volatile produced from a monoterpene hydrocarbon.  相似文献   

The cereal leaf beetle (CLB) Oulema melanopus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), was considered a high risk to Washington State’s cereal grain production when the pest was found there in 1999. Biological control agents, which had proven successful in the Midwest, were introduced beginning in 2000. The parasitoids were released into field insectaries that were modified for the region and set up at CLB hotspots across the state. The egg parasitoid, Anaphes flavipes (Förster) (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), failed to establish. The larval parasitoid, Tetrastichus julis (Walker) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), established successfully at all insectaries. Assays of commercial grain fields showed the parasitoid dispersing widely beyond the insectaries. A proactive Extension programme enabled farmers to benefit from the biocontrol without applying insecticides to manage the CLB. A modified insectary, consisting of oat strips seeded between commercial fields of winter and spring wheat, demonstrated potential as a way for farmers to increase parasitoid populations on their land. Within 5 years of first overwintering, T. julis had established across the state and was effectively suppressing CLB.  相似文献   

Jaskuła R 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):487-502
The tiger beetle fauna of the Balkan Peninsula is one of the richest in Europe and includes 19 species or 41% of the European tiger beetle fauna. Assembled by their biogeographical origins, the Balkan tiger beetle species fall into 14 different groups that include, Mediterranean, Middle Oriental, Central Asiatic, Euro-Siberian, South and East European, Pannonian-Sarmatian, West Palaearctic, Turano-European and Afrotropico Indo-Mediterranean species. The Mediterranean Sclerophyl and the Pontian Steppe are the Balkan biogeographical provinces with the highest species richness, while the Balkan Highlands has the lowest Cicindelidae diversity. Most species are restricted to single habitat types in lowland areas of the Balkan Peninsula and only Calomera aulica aulica and Calomera littoralis nemoralis occur in respectively 3 and 4 different types of habitat. About 60% of all Balkan Cicindelidae species are found in habitats potentially endangered by human activity.  相似文献   

Two remarkable genera, Neophaedimus Lucas, 1870, and Herculaisia Seillière, 1910, that occur in China and Vietnam are reviewed. Neophaedimus castaneus Ma, 1989, n. syn. is regarded as a synonym of N. auzouxi Lucas, 1870. The genus Neophaedimus thus becomes monotypic again. N. auzouxi is newly recorded from Vietnam. Parameres of Herculaisia species, H. melaleuca (Fairmaire, 1899), originally described in Neophaedimus, and H. satanas Seillière, 1910, are illustrated for the first time. Presence in China of H. melaleuca, is confirmed, and its distribution in this country is specified. Color photographs of habitus and diagnostic characters for all species are provided, with comments on intraspecific variation. Lectotypes are designated for Neophaedimus melaleuca Fairmaire, 1899, and N. auzouxi Lucas, 1870, and distribution of each species is summarized.  相似文献   

Species living in open sandy habitats are declining in northern Europe because of habitat loss and degradation. However, mining of sand creates potential new habitats for these species in the form of sand pits. In this study we investigated the beetle fauna in sand pits in order to determine what kind of sand pits are the most valuable for conservation, in terms of sand pit area (primarily) and the proportion of sand material, vegetation cover, tree cover and edge habitats. Thirteen sand pits in Uppsala County, Sweden, ranging in size from 0.02 to 18 ha, were included in this study. A total of 2,500 individuals of beetles, belonging to 256 species, were sampled by pitfall traps. Thirty-nine of the species were classified as specialized sand-dwelling species and two were Swedish Red List species. We found that the area of sand pits affects both species number and species composition of beetles. A positive species-area relationship was found, best explained by a quadratic power function, for the habitat-specific species (i.e., sand species). Our recommendation is to prioritize sand pits with areas between 0.3 and 5 ha, with preference towards the lower end of this range, for conserving sand-dwelling beetles.  相似文献   

The following taxonomic or nomenclatural changes are proposed: Themus (s.str.) regalis (Gorham, 1889), nom. rest.; Themus (s.str.) scutulatus Wittmer, 1983 = Themus (s.str.) hmong Kazantsev, 2007, syn. n.; Themus (Telephorops) coelestis (Gorham, 1889) = Themus violetipennis Wang & Yang, 1992, syn. n.; Themus (Telephorops) uniformis Wittmer, 1983, stat. n. = Themus (Telephorops) cribripennis Wittmer, 1983, syn. n.; Themus (Haplothemus) licenti Pic, 1938, stat. rev., resurrected from synonymy with Themus coriaceipennis (Fairmaire, 1889); Lycocerus aenescens (Fairmaire, 1889) = Lycocerus tcheonanus (Pic, 1922), syn. n.; Lycocerus asperipennis (Fairmaire, 1891) = Lycocerus wangi (Švihla, 2004), syn. n.; Lycocerus borneoensis nom. n. for Athemellus atricolor (Wittmer, 1972); Lycocerus bilineatus (Wittmer, 1995) = Lycocerus amplus (Wittmer, 1995), syn. n.; Lycocerus fairmairei nom. n. et stat. rev. for Athemus dimidiaticrus (Fairmaire, 1889), originally in Telephorus, resurrected from synonymy with Lycocerus orientalis (Gorham, 1889); Lycocerus confossicollis (Fairmaire, 1891), comb. n. hereby transferred from Cantharis = Lycocerus multiimpressus (Wittmer, 1997), syn. n.; Lycocerus inopaciceps (Pic, 1926) = Athemus (Athemellus) bimaculicollis (Švihla, 2005), syn. n.; Lycocerus nigratus nom. n. for Lycocerus nigricolor (Wittmer, 1972), originally in Podabrinus; Lycocerus plebejus (Kiesenwetter, 1874) = Lycocerus brunneonotaticeps (Pic, 1922), syn. n. = Cantharis rufonotaticeps Pic, 1921 syn. n.; Lycocerus swampingatus (Pic, 1916), comb. n., hereby transferred from Cantharis. The neotypes of Themus violetipennis Wang & Yang, 1992 and Athemus (s.str.) maculithorax Wang & Yang, 1992 are designated respectively.  相似文献   

As a biological invasion proceeds, the spread of the alien may promote dispersal ability at the front by direct and indirect selection, thereby altering the dynamics of the invasion. Morphology correlates with dispersal in numerous taxa, and represents a relevant integration of temporal or geographical changes in dispersal. Using data from Laparie et al. (Biol Invasions 12:3405–3417, 2010) in a ground beetle introduced to a single location of the Kerguelen Islands in 1913, we examined the quantitative relationship between distance in residence time and morphological distance (computed from a multivariate combination of parameters). A consistent relationship depicted a quantitative match between differences in morphology and residence time. Body size increased from the founder population to successive child populations (femur, thorax, abdomen and head), which may indicate increasing dispersal ability along the colonization history of the species. The morphological differentiation may result from a combination of both dispersal pattern and residency effect in former populations, the latter leading to decreasing size when residence time increases, due to alteration of trophic conditions following invasion by the beetle. Our results offer a fertile ground for investigating spatial selection and promotion of dispersers on front margins, as they highlight the dynamic fashion of dispersal ability during invasions.  相似文献   

A microsporidium from Hippodamia convergens was transmitted horizontally to three non-target coccinellid hosts (Adalia bipunctata L., Coccinella septempunctata L. and Harmonia axyridis Pallas) under laboratory conditions. For all species examined, microsporidia-infected larvae took significantly longer to develop than did uninfected larvae but the microsporidium had no effect on larval mortality. Adult sex ratios of uninfected and microsporidia-infected adults were about 1:1 (♀:♂) and did not differ significantly. At the end of a 90-day trial, microsporidia-infected H. convergens produced significantly fewer eggs and did not live as long as uninfected individuals. Differences in fecundity and longevity were not observed for the three non-target coccinellids that were examined. Mean spore counts from smear preparations of microsporidia-infected A. bipunctata did not differ significantly from H. convergens, suggesting that A. bipunctata (a native coccinellid) is a suitable host for the microsporidium but infection was lighter in C. septempunctata and H. axyridis (introduced species). Vertical transmission of the pathogen was observed during the 90-day trial by examining eggs and larvae that were produced by microsporidia-infected adults. For all species examined, 100% vertical transmission of the pathogen was eventually observed. Three eugregarines were found in two adult A. bipunctata: Gregarine A trophozoites are similar in size to those of Gregarina katherina Watson (described earlier from Coccinella spp.), Gregarine B trophozoites are similar in size to those of Gregarine A but are morphology distinct, and Gregarine C trophozoites are similar in size to G. barbarara Watson (described earlier from A. bipunctata).  相似文献   

Smith CI  Farrell BD 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(10):3049-3065
Although it has been suggested that Pleistocene climate changes drove population differentiation and speciation in many groups of organisms, population genetic evidence in support of this scenario has been ambiguous, and it has often been difficult to distinguish putative vicariance from simple isolation by distance. The sky island communities of the American Southwest present an ideal system in which to compare late Pleistocene range fragmentations documented by palaeoenvironmental studies with population genetic data from organisms within these communities. In order to elucidate the impact of Pleistocene climate fluctuations on these environments, biogeographic patterns in the flightless longhorn cactus beetle, Moneilema appressum were examined using mitochondrial DNA sequence data. Gene tree relationships between haplotypes were inferred using parsimony, maximum-likelihood, and Bayesian analysis. Nested clade analysis, Mantel tests, and coalescent modelling were employed to examine alternative biogeographic scenarios, and to test the hypothesis that Pleistocene climate changes drove population differentiation in this species. The program mdiv was used to estimate migration and divergence times between populations, and to measure the statistical support for isolation over ongoing migration. These analyses showed significant geographic structure in genetic relationships, and implicated topography as a key determinant of isolation. However, although the coalescent analyses suggested that a history of past habitat fragmentation underlies the observed geographic patterns, the nested clade analysis indicated that the pattern was consistent with isolation by distance. Estimated divergence times indicated that range fragmentation in M. appressum is considerably older than the end of the most recent glacial, but coincided with earlier interglacial warming events and with documented range expansions in other, desert-dwelling species of Moneilema.  相似文献   

Ten genera of Physoderina from the Oriental Region are diagnosed and described, and twenty six species representing eight genera (Paraphaea Bates, Anchista Nietner, Metallanchista gen. n., Diamella nom. n., Allocota Motschulsky, Orionella Jedlička, Endynomena Chaudoir and Dasiosoma Britton (Oriental species only)) are revised. Keys to genera and species are provided, along with distribution maps, habitus images, photographs of the name-bearing types, and illustrations of male and female genitalia of available species. The female internal reproductive system is illustrated for fourteen species. Two genera, Anchista and Taicona, previously placed in Calleidina, are moved into Physoderina. One new genus is described: Metallanchista, gen. n. (type species Metallanchista laticollis, sp. n.). Two new generic synonyms are proposed: Taicona Bates, 1873, junior synonym of Allocota Motschulsky, 1859; Teradaia Habu, 1979a, junior synonym of Dasiosoma Britton, 1937. A new generic replacement name is proposed: Diamella, nom. n. for Diamella Jedlička, 1952 (junior homonym of Diamella Gude, 1913). The status of Paraphaea Bates, 1873 is resurrected from synonym of Anchista Nietner, 1856. Five new species are described: Paraphaea minor Shi & Liang, sp. n. (Hoa-Binh, Tonkin, Vietnam), Anchista pilosa Shi & Liang, sp. n. (Chikkangalur, Bangalore, India), Metallanchista laticollis Shi & Liang, sp. n. (PhaTo env., Chumphon prov., Thailand), Allocota bicolor Shi & Liang, sp. n. (Dengga to Mafengshan, Ruili, Yunnan, China), Dasiosoma quadraticolle Shi & Liang, sp. n. (Menglun Botanical Garden, Yunnan, China). Fourteen new combinations are proposed: Paraphaea binotata (Dejean, 1825), comb. n. from Anchista; Paraphaea formosana (Jedlička, 1946), comb. n. from Anchista; Paraphaea philippinensis (Jedlička, 1935b), comb. n. from Allocota; Metallanchista perlaeta (Kirschenhofer, 1994), comb. n. from Allocota; Physodera andrewesi (Jedlička, 1934), comb. n. from Allocota; Diamella cupreomicans (Oberthür, 1883), comb. n. from Physodera; Diamella arrowi (Jedlička, 1935a), comb. n. from Allocota; Allocota aurata (Bates, 1873), comb. n. from Taicona; Dasiosoma bellum (Habu, 1979a), comb. n. from Teradaia; Dasiosoma indicum (Kirschenhofer, 2011), comb. n. from Diamella; Dasiosoma maindroni (Tian & Deuve, 2001), comb. n. from Lachnoderma; Dasiosoma hirsutum (Bates, 1873), comb. n. from Lachnoderma; Orionella discoidalis (Bates, 1892), comb. n. from Anchista; Orionella kathmanduensis (Kirschenhofer, 1994), comb. n. from Lachnoderma. Five names are newly placed as junior synonyms: Paraphaea eurydera (Chaudoir, 1877), junior synonym of Paraphaea binotata (Dejean, 1825); Anchista glabra Chaudoir, 1877, and Anchista nepalensis Kirschenhofer, 1994, junior synonyms of Anchista fenestrata (Schmidt-Göbel, 1846); Allocota caerulea Andrewes, 1933, junior synonym of Allocota viridipennis Motschulsky, 1859; Allocota perroti (Jedlička, 1963), junior synonym of Allocota aurata (Bates, 1873). One new replacement name is proposed: Dasiosoma basilewskyi, nom. n. for Dasiosoma hirsutum Basilewsky, 1949 (secondary junior homonym of Dasiosoma hirsutum (Bates, 1892)). One species is downgraded to subspecies rank: Anchista fenestrata subpubescens Chaudoir, 1877, new rank.  相似文献   

Gonad maturation in wild Cybister brevis Aubé, 1838 from Japan was investigated to determine the physiological mating season. Breeding experiments showed that hatching occurred from May to September, and the peak was observed in July. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) in collected females (ovary development) showed the highest value in May. The GSIs were low in other seasons. On the other hand, the GSIs in collected males (testes and accessory glands) remained at constant values during the experimental period. Interestingly, high sperm motility was exhibited in May and September, whereas it was low in December and March. This indicates the maturation difference between females and males. Females mature only at the beginning of the breeding season (May), but males do so from May to September. This result suggests that males have a wide-ranging maturation period and earlier sexual maturation than females, ensuring a successful fertilization.  相似文献   

Convergent lady beetles, Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville, are collected from overwintering sites in California and redistributed for aphid control in home gardens and agroecosystems. The effects of an unidentified microsporidium on the life history characteristics of commercially available H. convergens were examined. Mean development for microsporidia-infected and uninfected H. convergens was 15.40+/-0.14 and 14.76+/-0.16 days, respectively (P=0.01). Larval mortality did not differ significantly. Cumulative mean egg production for microsporidia-infected and uninfected females was 545.8+/-92.6 and 928.3+/-86.4 eggs, respectively (P=0.004) and mean survival was 64.5+/-5.6 and 77.1+/-4.5 days, respectively (P=0.04). Microsporidian spores (3.6x2.4 microm) are similar in size to those of Nosema hippodamiae.  相似文献   

The leaf-beetle Leptomona russica (Gmelin, 1790) known from the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, and Middle Asia was found in Orenburg Province for the first time. It is the first record of this species from Europe and the first record of the genus Leptomona from European Russia. The diagnostic characters of the two Russian Leptomona species are included.  相似文献   

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