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碳、水循环是沙质草地生态系统物质和能量循环的两个关键生态过程, 认识碳、水循环的变化对了解沙质草地生态系统结构与功能对区域气候变化和人类活动的响应具有重要作用。2013年利用箱式法对科尔沁围封和放牧的沙质草地进行了一个生长季的观测研究, 结果表明: (1)在观测周期内, 沙质草地生态系统生产力(GEP)、生态系统呼吸(ER)、蒸散量(ET)在围封和放牧样地之间存在显著差异(p < 0.05)。围封17年样地的GEPERET均最大, 其次为围封22样地的, 放牧样地的最小, 且最大值分别为最小值的2.23倍、1.65倍、1.94倍。(2)碳水(GEPET)之间存在显著的线性正相关关系(p < 0.01), ET可解释GEP 58%-60%的变异, 水分利用效率(WUE)从大到小依次为: 围封22年(2.85 μmol·nmol-1) >围封17年(2.75 μmol·nmol-1) >放牧(2.10 μmol·nmol-1)。(3) GEPER和土壤含水率之间有显著的线性正相关关系(p < 0.01、p < 0.05), 指数模型能够较好地模拟ER对土壤温度变化的响应, ER的温度敏感系数(Q10值)从大到小依次为: 围封17年(1.878) >围封22年(1.733) >放牧(1.477)。因此, 围封能够使退化沙质草地生态系统的碳水循环速率提高, 但围封时间不宜过久。  相似文献   

通过在高寒矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸为期4年的刈割(留茬1 cm、3 cm及不刈割)、施肥(尿素7.5 g·m-2·a-1+磷酸二铵1.8 g·m-2·a-1、不施肥)和浇水(20.1 kg·m-2·a-1、不浇水)控制实验, 对该生态系统中功能多样性与物种多样性的变化及其与初级生产力关系进行了研究。结果表明: 刈割和施肥显著影响植物性状和生产力, 而浇水作用微弱。刈割对物种多样性无影响, 但对不同功能多样性指数的影响不同; 施肥降低了物种多样性和以所有性状(除植株高度外)量化的功能多样性; 浇水仅对物种丰富度有微弱影响。各功能多样性的平均值能更好地反映群落物种间的功能差异。功能多样性和物种多样性呈正相关或不相关, 且二者与初级生产力的关系可表现为正相关、负相关和不相关, 说明三者间的关系是性状依赖的, 并受生境资源状况和刈割扰动的影响。植物功能性状对群落初级生产力有更加直接的影响。在考虑生物多样性对生态系统功能的影响时, 应更加注重对植物功能属性变化的研究。  相似文献   

在区域尺度上(25.14°-40.25° N, 99.87°-122.07° E), 采集20个栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)种群的种子样品, 测定种宽、种长, 并计算宽长比形态指标, 探讨了区域尺度上种子形态变异特点及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明, 栓皮栎种子的宽度和长度变化幅度分别为1.21-2.18 cm和1.20-2.96 cm; 宽长比的变化幅度为0.57-1.10。栓皮栎的种宽与种长呈显著的正相关关系。单因素方差分析表明, 种宽、种长和宽长比在种群间差异显著(p < 0.001)。种长与等效纬度呈负线性(R2 = 0.18; p = 0.05), 与经度呈凸型的变异关系(R2 = 0.43; p = 0.009)。种宽和种长与最热月平均气温呈极显著正相关(R2 = 0.35; p = 0.006; R2 = 0.30; p = 0.012), 而与最湿季降水量呈显著负相关(R2 = 0.28, p = 0.019; R2 = 0.24, p = 0.017)。种子宽长比没有明显的变化趋势, 大致趋于恒定(0.88 ± 0.08)。  相似文献   

该研究基于机载激光雷达(LiDAR)和高光谱数据, 从森林物种叶片的生理化学源头探寻生化特征与光谱特征的内在关联, 探讨生化多样性、光谱多样性与物种多样性之间的响应机制, 选择最优植被指数并结合最优结构参数, 通过聚类方法构建森林物种多样性遥感估算模型, 在古田山自然保护区开展森林乔木物种多样性监测。研究结果表明: (1)从16种叶片生化组分中, 筛选出叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素、叶片含水量、比叶面积、纤维素、木质素、氮、磷和碳可通过偏最小二乘法用叶片光谱有效模拟(R2 = 0.60-0.79, p < 0.01), 并选择有效的植被指数: 转换型吸收反射指数/优化型土壤调整指数(TCARI/OSAVI)、类胡萝卜素反射指数(CRI)、水波段指数(WBI)、比值植被指数(RVI)、生理反射指数(PRI)和冠层叶绿素浓度指数(CCCI)表征相应的最优生化组分; (2)基于机载LiDAR数据利用结合形态学冠层控制的分水岭算法获得高精度单木分离结果(R 2 = 0.77, RMSE = 16.48), 同时采用逐步回归方法从常用的森林结构参数中选取树高和偏度作为最优结构参数(R 2 = 0.32, p < 0.01); (3)基于6个最优植被指数和2个最优结构参数, 以20 m × 20 m为窗口通过自适应模糊C均值方法进行聚类, 实现了研究区森林乔木物种丰富度(Richness, R 2= 0.56, RMSE = 1.81)和多样性指数Shannon-Wiener (R 2 = 0.83, RMSE = 0.22)与Simpson (R 2 = 0.85, RMSE = 0.09)的成图。该研究在冠层尺度上获取了与物种多样性相关的生化、光谱和结构参数, 将单木个体作为最小单元, 利用聚类算法直接估算物种类别差异, 无需判定具体的树种属性, 是利用遥感数据进行区域尺度森林物种多样性监测与成图的实践, 可为亚热带地区常绿阔叶林的物种多样性监测提供借鉴。  相似文献   

该研究基于机载激光雷达(LiDAR)和高光谱数据, 从森林物种叶片的生理化学源头探寻生化特征与光谱特征的内在关联, 探讨生化多样性、光谱多样性与物种多样性之间的响应机制, 选择最优植被指数并结合最优结构参数, 通过聚类方法构建森林物种多样性遥感估算模型, 在古田山自然保护区开展森林乔木物种多样性监测。研究结果表明: (1)从16种叶片生化组分中, 筛选出叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素、叶片含水量、比叶面积、纤维素、木质素、氮、磷和碳可通过偏最小二乘法用叶片光谱有效模拟(R2 = 0.60-0.79, p < 0.01), 并选择有效的植被指数: 转换型吸收反射指数/优化型土壤调整指数(TCARI/OSAVI)、类胡萝卜素反射指数(CRI)、水波段指数(WBI)、比值植被指数(RVI)、生理反射指数(PRI)和冠层叶绿素浓度指数(CCCI)表征相应的最优生化组分; (2)基于机载LiDAR数据利用结合形态学冠层控制的分水岭算法获得高精度单木分离结果(R 2 = 0.77, RMSE = 16.48), 同时采用逐步回归方法从常用的森林结构参数中选取树高和偏度作为最优结构参数(R 2 = 0.32, p < 0.01); (3)基于6个最优植被指数和2个最优结构参数, 以20 m × 20 m为窗口通过自适应模糊C均值方法进行聚类, 实现了研究区森林乔木物种丰富度(Richness, R 2= 0.56, RMSE = 1.81)和多样性指数Shannon-Wiener (R 2 = 0.83, RMSE = 0.22)与Simpson (R 2 = 0.85, RMSE = 0.09)的成图。该研究在冠层尺度上获取了与物种多样性相关的生化、光谱和结构参数, 将单木个体作为最小单元, 利用聚类算法直接估算物种类别差异, 无需判定具体的树种属性, 是利用遥感数据进行区域尺度森林物种多样性监测与成图的实践, 可为亚热带地区常绿阔叶林的物种多样性监测提供借鉴。  相似文献   

物种丰富度分布格局的成因机制一直是宏观生态学研究的热点问题之一。中国西南地区喀斯特地貌区(以广西、云南和贵州为主)是世界上面积最大的喀斯特地貌区, 也是全球范围内34个生物多样性热点地区之一。为了解该区域两栖动物物种丰富度分布格局及其与环境因子之间的关系, 本研究根据中国科学院成都生物研究所标本馆、中国科学院昆明动物研究所标本馆、广西壮族自治区自然博物馆和中南林业科技大学动物标本室收藏的标本数据, 以及公开发表的文献数据, 共获得18,246条两栖动物记录(219个物种), 然后运用生态位模型估测每个物种的潜在分布区, 并把每个物种的潜在分布区叠加起来, 最终得到该区域在10 km ´10 km生态位模型空间尺度上的两栖物种丰富度地理分布格局图, 最后进行多元回归和模型选择分析。结果表明: 有12种两栖动物仅在喀斯特地貌区分布, 占物种总数的5.48%; 有104种两栖动物仅在非喀斯特地貌区分布, 占物种总数的47.49%; 有103种两栖动物在喀斯特地貌区和非喀斯特地貌区均有分布, 占物种总数的47.03%; 两栖动物物种丰富度随纬度的增高而降低; 地貌类型(喀斯特地貌和非喀斯特地貌)对两栖动物物种丰富度的分布格局有显著影响(χ2 = 36.47, P < 0.0001), 但模型拟合效果差(McFadden’s Rho square = 0.0037)。影响该区域两栖动物物种丰富度分布格局最大的环境因子是年均降雨量(R2 = 0.232, P < 0.001), 其次是最干月平均降雨量(R2 = 0.221, P < 0.001)。该区域两栖动物物种丰富度的格局主要是由地貌和不同的环境因子共同相互作用的结果, 不过仍有相当一部分物种丰富度的分布格局未被解释。因此, 要更全面地认识该区域两栖动物物种丰富度格局的形成机制, 有必要加强干扰、捕食、竞争等其他生物因子的影响研究。  相似文献   

功能多样性(FD)对群落地上净初级生产力(ANPP, g·m-2·a-1)有直接的影响, 但不同扰动因素对FD-ANPP关系将产生何种影响尚不明确。通过在青藏高原高寒矮生嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸连续7年(2007-2013)的刈割(3水平: 不刈割、留茬3 cm的中度刈割和留茬1 cm的重度刈割)和施肥(2水平: 施用12.75 g·m-2·a-1尿素+ 3.06 g·m-2·a-1 (NH4)2HPO4、不施肥)控制实验, 研究了刈割、施肥、年份及其交互作用对ANPPFD的影响以及FD-ANPP关系的变化。研究结果显示: (1)增加刈割强度和土壤养分均显著提高了ANPP, 但其效应随着年份的不同而有差异, ANPP随着时间呈波动下降趋势, 而FD则随年度增大; (2)施肥显著增加了FD, 而刈割对FD无显著影响(p > 0.05); (3)在6种刈割和施肥处理组合下, FD-ANPP关系随时间的变化主要受刈割扰动影响呈现正线性相关和无相关两种模式。无论施肥与否, 不刈割(C0)群落中FDANPP之间无相关(n = 90, p > 0.05); 而刈割群落中FDANPP之间为正相关(n = 90, p < 0.05)。由于刈割同时提高了FDANPP, 促使二者在刈割群落中呈现正线性相关。(4)尽管施肥不影响FDANPP的关系模式, 但与刈割共同作用, 影响FD-ANPP关系的截距或斜率。上述结果说明, 刈割扰动和土壤营养资源共同影响着FD-ANPP关系, 而刈割在改变其关系模式方面起主导作用。  相似文献   

植物多样性监测是开展生物多样性评估, 制定生物多样性保护政策的基础。传统的森林植物多样性监测以实地调查为主, 难以快速获取森林植物多样性的空间分布及其动态变化信息。遥感技术的发展为评估区域尺度森林植物多样性提供了重要工具。该研究选取凉水、丰林和珲春3个国家级自然保护区, 利用Sentinel-2A卫星影像和野外实测数据, 探讨了基于像元和聚类的光谱多样性直接估算方法, 以及基于随机森林回归的森林植物多样性反演方法。研究结果表明: (1)在像元尺度, 基于凸包面积计算的光谱多样性指数对Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的估算精度(R2 = 0.74)优于基于变异系数的方法(R2 = 0.60); (2)基于像元的光谱多样性估算方法对Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的估算精度优于聚类分析方法(R2 = 0.59); (3)基于6个特征变量, 利用随机森林回归算法对Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的估算精度最高(R2 = 0.79); (4)上述方法均不能精确估算Simpson多样性指数和物种丰富度。研究发现基于Sentinel-2A卫星影像能较好地反演Shannon-Wiener多样性指数, 为下一步能在大尺度上进行森林植物多样性估算提供了参考和依据。  相似文献   

光能利用率(LUE)是陆地生态系统总初级生产力(GPP)估算的一个重要参数。LUE的准确估算对于在区域甚至全球尺度上使用LUE模型估算GPP是非常重要的。一个基于通量塔的观测视场与通量观测足迹在时空上相匹配的自动多角度遥感平台为LUE在站点尺度上的准确估算提供了一个好方法。该文基于通量塔涡度相关(EC)和自动多角度高光谱连续观测获取的连续30 min的数据, 在站点空间尺度和0.5 h与日时间尺度上, 探讨了城市绿地生态系统秋季光化学反射植被指数(PRI)与LUE之间的关系。研究发现, 反映植被叶面积和色素变化的植被绿度指数在秋季呈现逐渐下降的趋势, 表征了植被冠层的状态与结构变化, 叶片从绿色逐渐变黄凋落, 植被冠层叶片的叶绿素逐渐减少, 裸露的枝干增多; 用空气温度和代表物候过程的绝对绿度指数(2G_RB)做线性回归分析, 得到回归系数(R2)为0.60 (p < 0.001)。说明在城市绿地生态系统中, 空气温度是决定植被物候过程的主要驱动因素, 随着植被物候变化, 叶片的凋落导致的裸露土壤的增多以及随时间变化的色素含量和其比例的变化将影响PRILUE的关系; 采用植被生长模型(logistic曲线), 拟合时间与2G_RB, 得到曲率变化最快的点, 确定为秋季植被落叶期的初日, 即第290天。在0.5 h和日时间尺度上, PRI都可以捕捉LUE的变化。但是日尺度上不同物候期, PRILUE的关系发生了急剧的变化。在秋季植被正常生长期, PRILUE之间的关系最密切(R2 = 0.70, p < 0.001)。当土壤温度大于15 ℃、光合有效辐射(PAR)大于300 μmol·m-2·s-1以及饱和水汽压差(VPD)大于700 Pa的情况下, PRI能够更好地预测LUE。基于通 量塔尺度上时空尺度相匹配, 利用半经验的核驱动二向反射分布函数模型得到的高光谱PRI和通量观测得到的LUE在不同环境条件下的关系以及考虑到在植被的不同物候期对PRILUE的关系的优化, 将会更加准确地估算城市绿地生态系统的LUE。  相似文献   

为揭示海南热带雨林国家公园大型真菌多样性及不同植被类型对真菌群落的影响, 本研究于2020年和2021年湿季对海南热带雨林国家公园内7个管理局辖区开展了大型真菌多样性调查, 比较了不同植被类型(山地雨林、低地雨林、低地雨林次生林、人工林)的大型真菌生活型(共生型、腐生型)组成差异。从设置的58条1 km长的样带内采集到1,869份子实体标本, 根据子实体形态与ITS rDNA序列分析, 从中鉴定出562种真菌, 涉及17目64科174属, 其中80%以上的物种由伞菌目、牛肝菌目、红菇目、多孔菌目、鸡油菌目、锈革孔菌目和炭角菌目构成。大型真菌的营养型以腐生型(占48.2%物种)和共生型(44.8%)为主。每条样带的平均物种丰富度和多度以中海拔的山地雨林最高, 分别为28 ± 5种和33 ± 6个, 而人工林最低, 分别为11 ± 1种和11 ± 2个。植被类型主要影响共生型大型真菌物种丰富度(P = 0.026)和子实体多度(P = 0.019)及Shannon-Wiener多样性(P = 0.028), 但对腐生型大型真菌的影响并不显著。多响应置换过程(multiple response permutation procedure, MRPP)检验结果表明, 不同植被类型对共生型与腐生型大型真菌群落物种组成均有显著影响(腐生型: P = 0.004, 共生型: P = 0.041)。冗余分析(redundancy analysis, RDA)的结果表明, 植被类型对腐生型和共生型真菌群落物种组成差异的解释度均较低(共生型: R2 = 0.068, P = 0.004; 腐生型: R2 = 0.067, P = 0.004)。海拔仅对腐生型真菌群落物种组成产生微弱影响(R2 = 0.029, P = 0.001), 而对共生型真菌影响不显著(R2 = 0.024, P = 0.072)。在不同保护地之间, 共生型(R2 = 0.148, P = 0.001)与腐生型(R2 = 0.123, P = 0.002)真菌物种组成均具显著差异; 基于样带‒真菌矩阵的网络图显示, 海南热带雨林国家公园内尖峰岭、霸王岭、五指山等国家级自然保护区的山地雨林是共生型大型真菌多样性较高区域, 应作为共生型真菌与宿主的优先保护区域。  相似文献   

Aims Over the past twenty years, most biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF) research has focused on the effects of species diversity on single or just a few ecosystem functions. However, ecosystems are primarily valued for their ability to maintain multiple functions and services simultaneously (i.e. multifunctionality here- after). This paper first introduced the constantly perfected concept of “multifunctionality”, and then tried to make some modifications to the current mainstream quantitative method in order to evaluate the multifunctionality of grassland communities with the management of clipping, enclosure and grazing in Inner Mongolia, investigating the relationship between the multifunctionality and species diversity. Methods In free grazing grassland, four sites were set and each site was divided into two parts to conduct enclosure and clipping management respectively. After seven years, 15 quadrats (1 m × 1 m) were established for each type of management in each site (total 60 quadrats for each type) using the regular arrangement method; as a control, we also established 20 quadrats (two sites) in grazing grassland. For each quadrat, we carried out plants census and collected soil mixture sample, measuring 16 soil variables, and then calculated the biodiversity indices and multifunctionality index (M-index) by means of factor analysis. Important findings The results showed that M-indexes by the two evaluation methods were strongly correlated at both quadrat and site scale, suggesting that our modified method was reliable. Over-grazed communities had the lowest biodiversity indices and their most soil indicators were also low, showing obvious degradation features. Enclosure and clipping communities (seven years) had higher biodiversity and better soil indicators. The rank of M-indexes was clipping community (0.2178) > enclosure community (0.0704) > grazing community (-0.8031). The vegetation was distributed mainly along the gradients of water and fertility. Among the biodiversity indices, evenness (Pielou) index and richness (Margelf) index were most strongly correlated with multifunctionality, and their explanatory power (R2) for M-index were higher at site scale (R2 = 0.5921, p = 0.0093; R2 = 0.7499, p = 0.0007) than at quadrat scale (R2 = 0.1871, p < 0.0001; R2 = 0.1601, p < 0.0001), indicating study scale played an important role in the determinants of multifunctionality. At both quadrat and site scales, M-indexes is a linear positive function with species evenness and a hump-shaped function of species richness. Therefore, in contrast to enclosure, clipping was more conducive to maintain the ecosystem multifunctionality in this region, and the ecosystem with moderate specie richness, where these species are evenly distributed might have better multifunctionality.  相似文献   

放牧和围封通过影响植物群落结构和土壤微环境来调控草地生态系统的碳循环。该研究在内蒙古温带草原设置轻度放牧后围封、轻度放牧、重度放牧后围封、重度放牧4种样地, 通过测定干旱年(2011年)和湿润年(2012年)地上、地下凋落物产量、质量及其分解速率和土壤养分含量, 分析不同放牧强度对凋落物形成和分解的影响, 以及围栏封育对生态系统恢复的作用。结果表明: 重度放牧地上凋落物产量和分解速率均高于轻度放牧。干旱年轻度放牧样地地下凋落物产量和分解速率高于重度放牧, 湿润年相反。短期围封显著提高了凋落物产量, 轻度放牧样地围封后地上凋落物分解速率和养分循环加快, 而重度放牧样地围封后地上凋落物分解减慢。因此, 与重度放牧相比, 轻度放牧草地的恢复更适合采用围栏封育措施; 而重度放牧草地的恢复可能还需辅以必要的人工措施。降水显著促进地上、地下凋落物形成和分解。地下凋落物的生产和分解受降水年际波动影响较大, 重度放牧草地对降水变化的敏感度比轻度放牧草地高。地上凋落物分解速率与凋落物N含量显著正相关, 与土壤全N显著负相关, 与地上凋落物C:N和木质素:N相关性不大; 地下凋落物分解速率与凋落物C、C:N和纤维素含量显著负相关。该研究结果将为不同放牧强度的草地生态系统恢复和碳循环研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Aims Grazing intensity and grazing exclusion affect ecosystem carbon cycling by changing the plant community and soil micro-environment in grassland ecosystems. The aims of this study were: 1) to determine the effects of grazing intensity and grazing exclusion on litter decomposition in the temperate grasslands of Nei Mongol; 2) to compare the difference between above-ground and below-ground litter decomposition; 3) to identify the effects of precipitation on litter production and decomposition. Methods We measured litter production, quality, decomposition rates and soil nutrient contents during the growing season in 2011 and 2012 in four plots, i.e. light grazing, heavy grazing, light grazing exclusion and heavy grazing exclusion. Quadrate surveys and litter bags were used to measure litter production and decomposition rates. All data were analyzed with ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation procedures in SPSS. Important findings Litter production and decomposition rates differed greatly among four plots. During the two years of our study, above-ground litter production and decomposition in heavy-grazing plots were faster than those in light-grazing plots. In the dry year, below-ground litter production and decomposition in light-grazing plots were faster than those in heavy-grazing plots, which is opposite to the findings in the wet year. Short-term grazing exclusion could promote litter production, and the exclusion of light-grazing could increase litter decomposition and nutrient cycling. In contrast, heavy-grazing exclusion decreased litter decomposition. Thus, grazing exclusion is beneficial to the restoration of the light-grazing grasslands, and more human management measures are needed during the restoration of heavy-grazing grasslands. Precipitation increased litter production and decomposition, and below-ground litter was more vulnerable to the inter-annual change of precipitation than above-ground litter. Compared to the light-grazing grasslands, heavy-grazing grasslands had higher sensitivity to precipitation. The above-ground litter decomposition was strongly positively correlated with the litter N content (R2 = 0.489, p < 0.01) and strongly negatively correlated with the soil total N content (R2 = 0.450, p < 0.01), but it was not significantly correlated with C:N and lignin:N. Below-ground litter decomposition was negatively correlated with the litter C (R2 = 0.263, p < 0.01), C:N (R2 = 0.349, p < 0.01) and cellulose content (R2 = 0.460, p < 0.01). Our results will provide a theoretical basis for ecosystem restoration and the research of carbon cycling.  相似文献   

Aims Light-use efficiency (LUE) is one of critical parameters in the terrestrial ecosystem production studies. Accurate determination of LUE is very important for LUE models to simulate gross primary productivity (GPP) at regional and global scales. We used eddy covariance technique measurement and tower-based, multi-angular spectro-radiometer observations in autumn 2012 to explore the relationship between bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) corrected photochemical reflectance index (PRI) and LUE in different phenology and environment conditions in urban green-land ecosystems. Methods Using the eddy covariance technique, we estimated the temporal changes in GPP during the autumn 2012 over Beijing Olympic Forest Park. LUE was calculated as the ratio of GPP to the difference between incoming photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and PAR reflected from the canopy. Daily PRI values were averaged from the BRDF using semi-empirical kernel driven models. The absolute greenness index (2G_RB) was made by webcam at a constant view zenith and view azimuth angle at solar noon. The logistic function was used to fit the time series of the greenness index. The onset of phonological stages was defined as the point when the curvature reached its maximum value. Important findings Webcamera-observed greenness index (2G_RB) showed a decreasing trend. There was a highly significant relationship between 2G_RB and air temperature (R2 = 0.60, p < 0.001). This demonstrates that air temperature is the main driving factor to determine the phenology. PRI estimated from multi-angle hyper-spectrum can estimate LUE in urban green-land ecosystems in vigorous photosynthetic period. The correlation was the strongest (R2 = 0.70, p < 0.001) in the peak photosynthetic period. PRI relates better to LUE under high temperature (>15 °C) with high vapour pressure deficit (VPD) (>700 Pa) and high PAR (>300 μmol·m-2·s-1). The LUE was up-scaled to landscape/regional scales based on these relationships and phenology. It can also be used for the estimation of GPP of urban green-land with high accuracy.  相似文献   

云量以及大气气溶胶含量变化引起的阴天和晴天会对局地的微气候环境产生综合效应, 影响地面接收的太阳辐射强度, 同时引起环境因子的变化, 最终对净生态系统CO2交换(NEE)产生影响。该文通过涡度相关系统以及微气象梯度观测系统, 对黄河三角洲芦苇(Phragmites australis)湿地NEE以及环境要素进行了观测。在自然条件下选择12对相邻阴天和晴天数据, 在生物要素(生物量、叶面积指数)、土壤水分以及养分特征保持不变的前提下, 揭示了阴天和晴天变化对湿地生态系统NEE的光响应和温度响应的影响。结果表明: 12对阴天和晴天生态系统NEE的日平均动态均呈“U”型曲线, 但阴天NEE的变幅较小。晴天条件下湿地生态系统NEE的日均值显著高于阴天(p < 0.01)。阴天和晴天湿地生态系统NEE与光合有效辐射(PAR)之间均呈直角双曲线关系, 但晴天条件下, 最大光合速率(Amax)显著大于阴天(p < 0.01), 同时白天生态系统呼吸(Reco,daytime)也显著大于阴天(p < 0.01)。不论阴天还是晴天, Reco,daytime与气温均呈显著的指数关系。晴天湿地生态系统呼吸的温度敏感系数Q10 (5.5)远大于阴天(1.9)。阴天和晴天昼间PAR差值以及气温差值对NEE差值的协同影响达到63%。  相似文献   

Aims Stoichiometric homeostasis is an important mechanism in maintaining ecosystem structure, function, and stability. The invasion of exotic species, Spartina alterniflora, has largely threatened the structure and function of native ecosystems in the Minjiang River estuarine wetland. However, how S. alterniflora invasion affect plant stoichiometric homeostasis is largely unknown. This could enhance our understanding on wetland ecosystem stability and expand the applications of ecological stoichiometry theory.
Methods Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents of plant organs and soils in the S. alterniflora, Cyperus malaccensis var. brevifolius, and S. alterniflora-C. malaccensis var. brevifolius mixture were measured, and the homeostatic index (H) was calculated according to the stoichiometric homeostasis theory.
Important findings Our results showed that the invasion of S. alterniflora significantly increased soil N:P ratio (p < 0.05), but did not affect soil N or P contents. The N and P contents of leaf and stem were the highest for S. alterniflora, and those of the stem were the highest for C. malaccensis var. brevifolius. At the ecosystem level, the average of homeostatic index (H) of N (HN, 25.31) was larger than those of P (HP, 10.33) and N:P (HN:P, 2.50). At the organ level, root HN was significantly larger than stem HN (p < 0.05) and sheath HN:P was greater than root HN:P (p < 0.05), while there was no significant difference for HP among root, stem, leaf, and sheath (p > 0.05). As for species, root HN of S. alterniflora was significantly larger than that of C. malaccensis var. brevifolius in the mixture community (p < 0.05). In the monoculture, stem HN:P of S. alterniflora was significantly higher than that of C. malaccensis var. brevifolius (p < 0.05). Furthermore, root HN, leaf HN and sheath HN of S. alterniflora in the mixed community was significantly larger than that of S. alterniflora in the monoculture (p < 0.05), suggesting that S. alterniflora invasions increased their stoichiometric homeostasis. Meanwhile, the stoichiometric homeostasis of invasive and native plants were influenced by multiple factors, such as nutrients, organs, vegetation, and invasion. However, larger homeostasis was found in S. alterniflora than in C. malaccensis var. brevifolius in some particular organs either in mixture or monoculture communities. Therefore, the successful invasion of S. alterniflora may result from higher homeostatic index than the native species, C. malaccensis var. brevifolius.  相似文献   

Total syntheses of (±)-ovalicin, its C4(S*)-isomer 44, and C5-side chain intermediate 46 were accomplished via an intramolecular Heck reaction of (Z)-3-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)-1-iodo-1,6-heptadiene and a catalytic amount of palladium acetate. Subsequent epoxidation, dihydroxylation, methylation, and oxidation led to (3S*,5R*,6R*)-5-methoxy-6-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)-1-oxaspiro[2.5]octan-4-one (2), a reported intermediate. The addition of a side chain with cis-1-lithio-1,5-dimethyl-1,4-hexadiene (27) followed by oxidation afforded (±)-ovalicin. The functional group manipulation afforded a number of regio- and stereoisomers, which allow the synthesis of analogs for bioevaluation. The structure of 44 was firmly established via a single-crystal X-ray analysis. The stereochemistry at C4 generated from the addition reactions of alkenyllithium with ketones 2, 40, and 45 is dictated by C6-alkoxy functionality. Anti-trypanosomal activities of various ovalicin analogs and synthetic intermediates were evaluated, and C5-side chain analog, 46, shows the strongest activity. Compound 44 shows antiproliferative effect against HL-60 tumor cells in vitro. Compounds 46 and a precursor, (3S*,4R*,5R*,6R*)-5-methoxy-4-[(E)-(1′,5′-dimethylhexa-1′,4′-dienyl)]-6-(tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy)-1-oxaspiro[2.5]octan-4-ol (28), may be explored for the development of anti-parasitic drugs.  相似文献   

极小种群野生植物黄梅秤锤树群落结构与动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以极小种群野生植物黄梅秤锤树(Sinojackia huangmeiensis)当前唯一的野生种群为依托建立了1 ha的固定样地, 研究了黄梅秤锤树野生植物群落的物种组成、优势种的径级结构、黄梅秤锤树的空间分布格局、种内与种间空间关联性和种群更新特征。样地内共记录到胸径 ≥ 1.0 cm的木本植物31种, 隶属于21科28属。群落更新良好, 样地中所有1,225株个体中小径木占比为67.18%。群落优势种为麻栎(Quercus acutissima)、枸骨(Ilex cornuta)、朴树(Celtis sinensis)和黄梅秤锤树。麻栎的径级结构呈单峰型, 为衰退型种群; 枸骨、朴树和黄梅秤锤树的径级结构呈倒“J”型或偏倒“J”型, 表明更新良好。黄梅秤锤树的空间分布格局在小尺度上呈聚集分布, 在大尺度上呈随机或均匀分布, 并且与其他3个优势种(麻栎、枸骨、朴树)在空间上主要呈负关联性。黄梅秤锤树的成树和幼苗、幼树和幼苗都是在小尺度上呈负关联性, 在大尺度上关联性不显著, 而成树和幼树在整体上关联性不显著。黄梅秤锤树的萌蘖现象非常明显, 萌蘖数与母株胸径具有极显著的正相关性(R2 = 0.330, P < 0.001), 萌蘖率与相对幼苗密度具有极显著的负相关性(R2 = 0.438, P < 0.001)。总体来说, 高比例的小径木和普遍的种间负关联均表明该群落处于演替的早中期, 物种组成和群落结构还未达到稳定阶段。作为长江中下游冲积平原区具有代表性的残存风水林, 该野生植物群落在生物多样性维持和珍稀植物保护方面具有重要的作用, 应加强保护和管理。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the utility of deletion spectrum and mutant frequency (MF) of the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase gene (HPRT) as indicators of radiation exposure in Russian Liquidators who served in 1986 or 1987 in the clean up effort following the nuclear power plant accident at Chernobyl. HPRT MF was determined using the cloning assay for 117 Russian Controls and 122 Liquidators whose blood samples were obtained between 1991 and 1998. Only subjects from whom mutants were obtained for deletion analysis are included. Multiplex PCR analysis was performed on cell extracts of 1080 thioguanine resistant clones from Controls and 944 clones from Liquidators. Although the deletion spectra of Liquidators and Controls were similar overall, the Liquidator deletion spectrum was heterogeneous over time. Most notable, the proportion of total gene deletions was higher in 1991–1992 Liquidators than in Russian Controls (χ2=10.5, p=0.001) and in 1993–1994 Liquidators (χ2=8.3, p=0.004), and was marginally elevated relative to 1995–1996 Liquidators (χ2=3.3, p=0.07). This type of mutation has been highly associated with radiation exposure. Total gene deletions were not increased after 1992. Band shift mutations were also increased in the 1991–1992 Liquidators but were associated with increased MF of both Liquidators and Controls (p=0.009), not with increased MF in 1991–1992 Liquidators (p=0.7), and hence are not believed to be associated with radiation exposure. Regression analysis demonstrated that relative to Russian Controls HPRT MF was elevated in Liquidators overall when adjusted for age and smoking status (37%, p=0.0001), and also was elevated in Liquidators sampled in 1991–1992 (72%, p=0.0076), 1993–1994 (22%, p=0.037), and 1995–1996 (62%, p=0.0001). In summary, HPRT MF was found to be the more sensitive and persistent indicator of radiation exposure, but the specificity of total gene deletions led to detection of probable heterogeneity of radiation exposure within the exposed population.  相似文献   

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