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A significant number of parents are unaware or unconvinced of the health consequences of passive smoking (PS) in children. Physicians could increase parental awareness by giving personal advice.


To evaluate the current practices of three Dutch health professions (paediatricians, youth health care physicians, and family physicians) regarding parental counselling for passive smoking (PS) in children.


All physicians (n = 720) representing the three health professions in Limburg, the Netherlands, received an invitation to complete a self-administered electronic questionnaire including questions on their: sex, work experience, personal smoking habits, counselling practices and education regarding PS in children.


The response rate was 34%. One tenth (11%) of the responding physicians always addressed PS in children, 32% often, 54% occasionally and 4% reported to never attend to it. The three health professions appeared comparable regarding their frequency of parental counselling for PS in children. Addressing PS was more likely when children had respiratory problems. Lack of time was the most frequently mentioned barrier, being very and somewhat applicable for respectively 14% and 43% of the physicians. One fourth of the responders had received postgraduate education about PS. Additionally, 49% of the responders who did not have any education about PS were interested in receiving it.


Physicians working in the paediatric field in Limburg, the Netherlands, could more frequently address PS in children with parents. Lack of time appeared to be the most mentioned barrier and physicians were more likely to counsel parents for PS in children with respiratory complaints/diseases. Finally, a need for more education on parental counselling for PS was expressed.  相似文献   



The choice between palliative chemotherapy (defined as the use of cytotoxic medications delivered intravenously for the purpose of our study) and supportive care alone is one of the most difficult decisions in pediatric oncology, yet little is known about the preferences of parents and health care professionals. We compared the strength of these preferences by considering children’s quality of life and survival time as key attributes. In addition, we identified factors associated with the reported preferences.


We included parents of children whose cancer had no reasonable chance of being cured and health care professionals in pediatric oncology as participants in our study. We administered separate interviews to parents and to health care professionals. Visual analogue scales were shown to respondents to illustrate the anticipated level of the child’s quality of life, the expected duration of survival and the probability of cure (shown only to health care professionals). Respondents were then asked which treatment option they would favour given these baseline attributes. In addition, respondents reported what factors might affect such a decision and ranked all factors identified in order of importance. The primary measure was the desirability score for supportive care alone relative to palliative chemotherapy, as obtained using the threshold technique.


A total of 77 parents and 128 health care professionals participated in our study. Important factors influencing the decision between therapeutic options were child quality-of-life and survival time among both parents and health care professionals. Hope was particularly important to parents. Parents significantly favoured chemotherapy (42/77, 54.5%) compared with health care professionals (20/128, 15.6%; p < 0.0001). The opinions of the physician and child significantly influenced the parents’ desire for supportive care; for health care professionals, the opinions of parents and children were significant factors influencing this decision.


Compared with health care professionals, parents more strongly favour aggressive treatment in the palliative phase and rank hope as a more important factor for making decisions about treatment. Understanding the differences between parents and health care professionals in the relative desirability of supportive care alone may aid in communication and improve end-of-life care for children with cancer.Despite the substantial improvements in rates of cure among children with cancer, some children will have progressive or recurrent disease and will die.1 Cancer remains the second most common cause of death for North American children between 5 and 14 years of age.24 When cure becomes unlikely, parents and health care professionals are often faced with the decision to continue further aggressive treatments or to provide relief from symptoms alone.1The choice between palliative chemotherapy and supportive care alone is one of the most important and difficult decisions for parents of children whose disease cannot be cured.5 At this point, the goals of therapy are usually to maximize the child’s quality and length of life and to ensure respect for the family’s and child’s preferences.6Given the difficult nature of this decision, it is worthwhile to compare and contrast the perspectives of parents and health care professionals. Discordance in these perspectives could heighten the anxiety felt by patients and parents and might lead to their dissatisfaction with the care received. One qualitative study that interviewed parents of children with recurrent cancer found that “fearing disagreement with staff” was an important negative factor in decision-making.7 However, little is known as to whether the attitudes of parents and health care professionals toward therapeutic options are congruent.The goal of this study was to compare the strength of preference between parents and health care professionals for supportive care alone versus palliative chemotherapy for children whose cancer has no reasonable chance of being cured, and to determine how specific factors affect these preferences.  相似文献   

Objective: This study examined parents’ understanding of excess weight as a health risk, knowledge of healthy eating habits, and recognition of obesity in their children. Research Methods and Procedures: An anonymous questionnaire was distributed during well‐care visits involving children 4 to 8 years of age at a pediatric faculty practice. Parents indicated their level of concern about excess weight and other familiar health risks using a four‐point Likert scale, answered multiple‐choice questions concerning healthy eating patterns, and communicated their perceptions about their child's weight using a visual analog scale. A parent's perception was considered “accurate” if it deviated from the child's growth chart percentile by <30 points. Results: Of the 83 parents surveyed, 23% (19/83) had overweight children (≥95th percentile of age‐ and gender‐specific BMI growth charts). These parents did not differ from other parents in their level of concern about excess weight as a health risk or in their knowledge of healthy eating patterns, but the two groups of parents did differ in the accuracy of their perceptions about their children's weight. Only 10.5% of parents of overweight children (2/19) perceived their child's weight accurately compared with 59.4% of other parents (38/64; p < 0.001). Parents of overweight children invariably underestimated their children's weight. The median difference between their perception and the growth chart percentile was ?45 points. Discussion: Given that most parents of overweight children fail to recognize that their child has a weight problem, pediatricians should develop strategies to help these parents correct their misperceptions.  相似文献   



The quadrivalent HPV vaccination was approved for use in males ages 9 to 26 in 2009 and recommended for routine administration in 2011. The purpose of this study was to uncover predictable commonalities amongst parents who chose to vaccinate their 11–17 year old sons against HPV.


We compiled data from a U.S. national sample of 779 parents with sons 11–17 years old using a web-based survey to gather information about behavioral and sociodemographic factors which predicted receipt of 1 or more HPV vaccine doses based on parental report. Predictors were first modeled individually for univariable associations. Significant predictors (p<0.10) were combined in a multivariable model.


In the adjusted model, independent predictors included receipt of flu vaccination, health insurance coverage and sexual health topic discussions with sons. Sons who had received a flu shot in the last two years more frequently received at least one dose of the vaccine (OR 1.82; 95% CI 1.45–2.26). Sons covered by private health insurance had decreased odds of HPV vaccination (OR 0.56 95% CI 0.37–0.83). Lastly, parents who had discussed sexual health topics with their sons were more likely to vaccinate (OR 1.61; 95% CI 1.37–1.89).


Male vaccination rates in the U.S. have increased, but males continue to be under-immunized. Utilization of health care is an important factor in HPV vaccine uptake; therefore, health care providers should use every contact as an opportunity to vaccinate. Communication about sexual health topics may provide a forum for parents and health care providers to have conversations about HPV vaccination as those more comfortable discussing these topics may also be more comfortable discussing HPV vaccination.  相似文献   



We estimated the extent to which Canadian expectant parents would seek medical care in a febrile neonate (age 30 days or less). We also evaluated expectant parents’ knowledge of signs and symptoms of fever in a neonate, and explored the actions Canadian expectant parents would take to optimize the health of their child.


We conducted a cross-sectional survey of a sample of expectant parents from a large urban center in Canada. We recruited participants from waiting rooms in an obstetrical ultrasound clinic located in an urban tertiary care hospital in Montreal, Canada. We asked participants nine questions about fever in neonates including if, and how, they would seek care for their neonate if they suspected he/she were febrile.


Among the 355 respondents, (response rate 87%) we found that 75% of parents reported that they would take their febrile neonate for immediate medical assessment, with nearly one fifth of the sample reporting that they would not seek medical care. We found no significant associations between the choice to seek medical care and expectant parents socio-demographic characteristics.


Despite universal access to high quality health care in Canada, our study highlights concerning gaps in the knowledge of the care of the febrile infant in one fifth of expectant parents. Physicians and health providers should strive to provide early education to expectant parents about how to recognize signs of fever in the neonate and how best to seek medical care. This may improve neonatal health outcomes in Canada.  相似文献   

K Capen 《CMAJ》1997,156(3):393-395
Lawyer Karen Capen says funding cutbacks that have affected the services physicians can provide may cause legal problems for Canada''s doctors. If cutbacks affect the care that is being provided, they should be discussed with the patient and noted on the chart. She says physicians have "good reason to be concerned" about increasing pressures that create an imbalance between health care resources and the demand and need for services. For some doctors, these have resulted in court cases.  相似文献   

The goal is to present how shared decision-making in paediatric oncology occurs from the viewpoints of parents and physicians. Eight Swiss Pediatric Oncology Group centres participated in this prospective study. The sample comprised a parent and physician of the minor patient (<18 years). Surveys were statistically analysed by comparing physicians’ and parents’ perspectives and by evaluating factors associated with children’s actual involvement. Perspectives of ninety-one parents and twenty physicians were obtained for 151 children. Results indicate that for six aspects of information provision examined, parents’ and physicians’ perceptions differed. Moreover, parents felt that the children were more competent to understand diagnosis and prognosis, assessed the disease of the children as worse, and reported higher satisfaction with decision-making on the part of the children. A patient’s age and gender predicted involvement. Older children and girls were more likely to be involved. In the decision-making process, parents held a less active role than they actually wanted. Physicians should take measures to ensure that provided information is understood correctly. Furthermore, they should work towards creating awareness for systematic differences between parents and physicians with respect to the perception of the child, the disease, and shared decision-making.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although it is generally recognized that poverty and depression can coexist among single parents receiving social assistance, there is insufficient research on this topic. The goals of this study therefore were to investigate the prevalence, correlates and health care expenditures associated with depression among sole-support parents receiving social assistance. METHODS: Sole-support parents who had applied for social assistance in 2 regions of southwestern Ontario were included in the study. Depression was diagnosed with the 1994 University of Michigan Composite International Diagnostic Interview short forms. RESULTS: The 12-month prevalence rate of depressive disorder among the parents interviewed was 45.4% (345/760). A total of 247 (32.5%) had major depressive disorder alone, 19 (2.5%) had dysthymia, and 79 (10.4%) had both major depressive disorder and dysthymia ("double depression"). Those with major depressive disorder, particularly double depression, had significantly higher rates of coexisting psychiatric disorder than those without depressive disorders. Parents with depression reported higher rates of developmental delay and behaviour problems in their children than parents without depression. Expenditures for health care services were higher for parents with depression and for their children than for parents without depressive disorder and their children. INTERPRETATION: Single parents receiving social assistance have high rates of depression. Such parents with depression also have higher rates of other psychiatric disorders and higher expenditures for health care services, and their children have higher rates of developmental delay and behaviour problems.  相似文献   



Health literacy influences individual and family health behaviour, health services use, and ultimately health outcomes and health care costs. In Hong Kong, people are at risk of seasonal influenza infection twice a year for three-month periods. Seasonal influenza is significantly associated with an increased number of hospitalized children. There is no research that provides an understanding of parents’ health knowledge and their access to health information concerning seasonal influenza, nor their capacity to effectively manage influenza episodes in household. Such knowledge provides valuable insight into enhancing parents’ health literacy to effectively communicate health messages to their children and support healthy behaviour development through role modelling.


A multiple case study was employed to gain a multifaceted understanding of parents’ health literacy regarding seasonal influenza prevention. Purposive intensity sampling was adopted to recruit twenty Hong Kong Chinese parents with a healthy three-to-five year old preschool child from three kindergartens. A content analysis was employed to categorize, tabulate and combine data to address the propositions of the study. Comprehensive comparisons were made across cases to reveal the commonalities and differences.


Four major themes were identified: inadequate parents'' knowledge and reported skills and practices related to seasonal influenza prevention; parental knowledge seeking and exchange practices through social connection; parents’ approaches to health information and limited enabling environments including shortage of health resources and uneven resource allocation for health promotion.


The findings recommend that community health professionals can play a critical role in increasing parents’ functional, interactive and critical health literacy; important elements when planning and implementing seasonal influenza health promotion.  相似文献   

Forty-one couples facing the prospect of separation by death were interviewed about how the nature and prognosis of their illness had been discussed with them by their general practitioner hospital staff, and the staff of the continuing care unit to which they were admitted. Communication between husband and wife and how they coped with telling their parents and their children was also assessed. Treatment was given when they were anxious or dissatisfied about the quality of communication in any of these areas. The couples found hospital doctors least successful at communication. Almost all who were dissatisfied wanted more information, not less. The wish to protect dependent relatives conflicted with the wish to be open, making decisions very difficult. Considerable suffering is caused by poor communication, and much of this is avoidable.  相似文献   



A child’s obesity is generally perceived by the public to be under the control of the child’s parents. While the health consequences of childhood obesity are well understood, less is known about psychological and social effects of having an obese child on parents. We set out to characterize stigma and courtesy stigma experiences surrounding obesity among children with Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS), a multisystem genetic disorder, and their parents.


Twenty-eight parents of children with BBS participated in semi-structured interviews informed by social stigmatization theory, which describes courtesy stigma as parental perception of stigmatization by association with a stigmatized child. Parents were asked to describe such experiences.


Parents of children with BBS reported the child’s obesity as the most frequent target of stigmatization. They perceived health care providers as the predominant source of courtesy stigma, describing interactions that resulted in feeling devalued and judged as incompetent parents.


Parents of children with BBS feel blamed by others for their child’s obesity and described experiences that suggest health care providers may contribute to courtesy stigma and thus impede effective communication about managing obesity. Health care providers may reinforce parental feelings of guilt and responsibility by repeating information parents may have previously heard and ignoring extremely challenging barriers to weight management, such as a genetic predisposition to obesity. Strategies to understand and incorporate parents’ perceptions and causal attributions of their children’s weight may improve communication about weight control.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate a palliative care home support team based on an inpatient unit. DESIGN--Randomised controlled trial with waiting list. Patients in the study group received the service immediately, those in the control group received it after one month. Main comparison point was at one month. SETTING--A city of 300,000 people with a publicly funded home care service and about 200 general practitioners, most of whom provide home care. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Pain and nausea levels were measured at entry to trial and at one month, as were quality of life for patients and care givers'' health. RESULTS--Because of early deaths, problems with recruitment, and a low compliance rate for completion of questionnaires, the required sample size was not attained. CONCLUSION--In designing evaluations of palliative care services, investigators should be prepared to deal with the following issues: attrition due to early death, opposition to randomisation by patients and referral sources, ethical problems raised by randomisation of dying patients, the appropriate timing of comparison points, and difficulties of collecting data from sick or exhausted patients and care givers. Investigators may choose to evaluate a service from various perspectives using different methods: controlled trials, qualitative studies, surveys, and audits. Randomised trials may prove to be impracticable for evaluation of palliative care.  相似文献   

An increasing number of children are adopted in the United States from countries where both medical care and environmental conditions are extremely poor. In response to worries about the accuracy of medical histories, prospective adoptive parents increasingly request genetic testing of children prior to adoption. Though a general consensus on the ethics of pre-adoption genetic testing (PAGT) argues against permitting genetic testing on children available for adoption that is not also permitted for children in general, a view gaining traction argues for expanding the tests permitted. The reasoning behind this view is that the State has a duty to provide a child with parents who are the best “match,” and thus all information that advances this end should be obtained. While the matching argument aims to promote the best interests of children, I show how it rests on the claim that what is in the best interests of children available for adoption is for prospective adoptive parents to have their genetic preferences satisfied such that the “genetics” of the children they end up adopting accurately reflects those preferences. Instead of protecting a vulnerable population, I conclude, PAGT contributes to the risks of harm such children face as it encourages people with strong genetic preferences to adopt children whose genetic backgrounds will always be uncertain.  相似文献   

Newborn screening (NBS) involves the collection of blood from the heel of a newborn baby and testing it for a list of rare and inheritable disorders. New biochemical screening technologies led to expansions of NBS programs in the first decade of the 21st century. It is expected that they will in time be replaced by genetic sequencing technologies. These developments have raised a lot of ethical debate. We reviewed the ethical literature on NBS, analyzed the issues and values that emerged, and paid particular interest to the type of impacts authors think NBS should have on the lives of children and their families. Our review shows that most authors keep their ethical reflection confined to policy decisions, about for instance (a) the purpose of the program, and (b) its voluntary or mandatory nature. While some authors show appreciation of how NBS information empowers parents to care for their (diseased) children, most authors consider these aspects to be ‘private’ and leave their evaluation up to parents themselves. While this division of moral labor fits with the liberal conviction to leave individuals free to decide how they want to live their private lives, it also silences the ethical debate about these issues. Given the present and future capacity of NBS to offer an abundance of health‐related information, we argue that there is good reason to develop a more substantive perspective to whether and how NBS can contribute to parents’ good care for children.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--Comparison of day hospital attendance and home physiotherapy for stroke patients leaving hospital to determine which service produces greater functional and social improvement for the patient, reduces emotional stress for the care giver, and lessens the need for community support. DESIGN--Stratified, randomised trial of stroke patients attending day hospital two days a week or receiving home treatment from a community physiotherapist. The six month assessment results are reported in this paper. SUBJECTS--Patients over 60 years old resident within the Bradford metropolitan district discharged home after a new stroke with residual disability. SETTING--Four day hospitals in two health authorities and domiciliary work undertaken by experienced community physiotherapists. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Barthel index, functional ambulatory categories, Motor Club assessment, Frenchay activities index, and Nottingham health profile were used. Carers'' stress was indicated by the general health questionnaire. Treatment given and community care provided were recorded. RESULTS--Of 124 patients recruited, 108 were available for reassessment at six months. Both treatment groups had significantly improved in functional abilities between discharge and six months. The improvements were significantly greater for patients treated at home (Mann-Whitney test; Barthel index, median difference 2 (95% confidence interval 0 to 3) p = 0.01; Motor Club assessment, median difference 2 (1 to 5), p = 0.01). The home treated patients received less treatment (median difference 16 (11 to 21) treatments, p less than 0.001). More than a third of patients in both groups showed depressed mood, and a quarter of care givers were emotionally distressed. CONCLUSIONS--Home physiotherapy seems to be slightly more effective and more resource efficient than day hospital attendance and should be the preferred rehabilitation method for aftercare of stroke patients. New strategies are needed to address psychosocial function for both patients and care givers.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine parental perceptions of primary care efforts aimed at childhood obesity prevention Methods and Procedures: We interviewed 446 parents of children, aged 2–12 years, with an age‐ and sex‐specific BMI ≥85th percentile; interviews occurred within 2 weeks of their child's primary care visit. We assessed parental ratings of the nutrition and physical activity advice received. Using children's clinical heights and weights and parents' self‐reported heights and weights, we classified children into three categories: BMI 85th–94th percentile without an overweight parent, BMI 85th–94th percentile with an overweight parent (adult BMI ≥25 kg/m2), and BMI ≥95th percentile. Results: In multivariate analyses, compared to parents of children with BMI ≥95th percentile, overweight parents with children whose BMI was 85th–94th percentile were more likely to report receiving too little advice on nutrition and physical activity (odds ratio (OR) 3.05; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.49, 6.25) and to rate as poor or fair the quality of advice they received (OR 2.23; 95% CI 1.18, 4.24). Independently, African‐American (OR 2.55; 95% CI 1.18, 5.51) and Hispanic/Latino (OR 2.78; 95% CI 1.27, 6.10) parents were more likely than white parents to rate as poor or fair the quality of advice they received. Discussion: Parental overweight is associated with low subjective ratings of overweight counseling in pediatric primary care. Our findings of poorer perceived quality among racial/ethnic minority parents need further investigation.  相似文献   

Parents and family doctors were questioned about the management of 150 infants with acute illness before their admission to hospital. When 108 of the children were first assessed the family doctor did not consider that admission was necessary, but follow-up was arranged in only 14 of these cases. Thus in 94 cases the initiative for recall was left to the parents, who in 44 cases already wanted their child to be admitted. Forty-eight infants were referred because the doctors thought that the parents could not cope. The parents of 31 of the children delayed in seeking help. As over half the children were ill for more than three days before they were admitted to hospital, regular follow-up could have been arranged. Doctors should normally retain the initiative for this rather than leave it to the parents'' discretion.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To show that the exclusion from conventional class based analyses of child mortality of children whose parents are classified as "unoccupied" produces a misleading picture of health inequalities. DESIGN--Reanalysis of data published in the childhood supplement of the registrar general''s decennial supplement on occupational mortality in England and Wales, which compares numerator data for registrations of deaths in children over the age of 1 but below their 16th birthday in 1979, 1980, 1982, and 1983 with data about children aged 1-15 who were enumerated at the 1981 census. RESULTS--Parents who are classified as "unoccupied" largely consist of economically inactive single mothers. Their children are estimated to represent 89% of the 614,000 aged 1-15 classified as "unoccupied" in the childhood supplement. They have the worst mortality record of all social groups--an age specific death rate of 68.8/100,000 a year, 42% worse than in social class V (48.4/100,000) and worse than that of social class I (22.8) by a factor of 3. At older ages (10-15 years) these children have a relative risk of death of 4.14 relative to classes I and II; the risk is 2.58 in children 0-4 and 2.56 in those 5-9. Relative risks of child mortality in social classes I and II in comparison to classes IV and V suggests a progressive shallowing from 2.08 at ages 1-4 to 1.37 at ages 10-15. When unoccupied parents were combined with classes IV and V and compared with classes I and II, however, inequalities seemed to be pervasive throughout childhood; the relative risks were 2.21 for those aged 1-4 and 1.98 for those aged 10-15. CONCLUSION--Children classified as unoccupied are almost certainly living in poverty as well as experiencing relatively high risks of mortality. Class based analyses which exclude them therefore produce a misleading picture of inequalities in child health. The implications for health policy are profound. Strategies to promote the nation''s health should acknowledge the importance of material and social deprivation more explicitly.  相似文献   



Preventive care in the United States has been a priority, especially for children under 18 years of age. The objective of this analysis was to determine which predisposing, enabling, and need factors affect access to preventive health care for children.


Data were obtained from the National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH), a cross-sectional study of children in the United States. The current analysis examined whether predisposing, enabling, and need factors included in Andersen's Socio-Behavioral Model significantly affect having received preventive medical care among children 3–17 years of age. Logistic regression was used to compute odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals.


63,924 out of 85,151 subjects were reported as having received preventive medical care. After stratifying by geographical region, the following factors were significant for predicting having received preventive care. Age was negatively associated with having received care in all four regions. Household education of less than a college degree and being white (compared to black) were negatively associated with having received care in the Northeast, Midwest, and South. Having fewer than 4 children was negatively associated in Northeast but positively associated in the West with having received care. Being male, having less than 3 children in the household, having less than 3 adults in the household, and being Hispanic were positively associated with having received care in the West only. Not having insurance and having a lower socioeconomic status were negatively associated with having received care; while, having a personal doctor or nurse was positively associated in all four regions. Primary language other than English was negatively associated with having received care in the Northeast only. Currently needing medicine was also positively associated with having received care in all four regions; while, having limited abilities to do things was positively associated in the West only.


Older children whose family resides in Northeast, Midwest, and South regions with low household education and poverty levels experience insufficient preventive health care. Medicaid or SCHIP coverage should be expanded for children who are still uninsured. For children in the West, gender, family size, ethnicity, and their ability to do things should also be considered when providing assistance for receiving preventive care.  相似文献   

Motor skills development is an inherent part of clinical training in health disciplines. The conscious use of educational theory to ground learning is receiving increasing attention across health care education. There are three distinct, yet overlapping, stages of motor skill learning; the cognitive, the integrative or associative, and the autonomous; in which a contextual framework for learning content may be structured. The learning is associated with a mapping of changes within the central nervous system by the interactive mechanisms of adaptation, use-dependent plasticity and operant reinforcement. Successful skill learning requires a sufficient amount of practice and the implementation of relevant feedback strategies in the form of knowledge of performance (KP) or knowledge of results (KR). There is a natural maturation of skills that may be accelerated by feedback. Several factors contribute to stronger skills development. "Mixture-of-experts" models systematically sequence tasks into logical blocks of theory, practice and student reflection on performance. Feedback should involve both KP and KR that compares performance to a tangible standard. Rehearsals should balance use of simulators and volunteer simulated patients to provide the full range of safe and effective learning opportunities prior to students accepting a role as care givers to the public in any clinical setting.  相似文献   

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