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经典的虫媒传粉植物个体大小依赖的性别分配模型通常预期:分配给雌性功能的资源比例将随着个体大小的增大而增加;但一些研究表明,花期个体大小依赖的性别分配模式表现出随个体大小增大而偏雄的趋势.我们以植株高度衡量个体大小,从花和花序两个水平上研究了雌花、两性花同株植物三脉紫菀(Aster ageratoides)花期个体大小依赖的性别分配策略.随着植株高度的增大,植株产生的头状花序数量增加,表明三脉紫菀投入到繁殖的资源不是固定不变的,而是随个体大小增大而增加的.在花和花序水平上,繁殖资源在雌雄性别功能之间的分配均表现为随个体大小的增大而更偏雄的模式,即花粉/胚珠比增加,产生花粉的两性花占两性花和雌花总花数的比例升高.这些结果与花期个体越大、性别分配越偏雄的预期一致.花期更偏雄的性别分配可能有助于植物在花期通过输出花粉提高雄性适合度,从而实现个体适合度的最大化.  相似文献   

徐旭剑  孙杉  操国兴 《广西植物》2017,37(3):335-341
两性花植物花序内的性分配常存在差异,资源竞争、结构效应、交配环境(雌雄异熟、传粉者定向访花行为等)或授粉不均匀等几种假说可以解释这种现象。为验证上述假说,该研究以云南草寇两种表型(雄先熟型和雌先熟型)为材料,分析了其花序内不同部位(基部、中部和顶部)的每花花粉数、胚珠数、花粉/胚珠比、结实率和结籽率,花序内传粉者的定向访花行为,以及人工辅助授粉和去花处理对结实率和结籽率的影响。结果表明:两种表型花序内每花花粉数不随部位而变化,每花胚珠数、结实率和结籽率由基部到顶部依次降低,每花花粉/胚珠比由基部到顶部依次增加,表明顶部花存在偏雄的性分配。人工辅助授粉后,结实率、结籽率仍由基部到顶部依次降低,表明授粉不均匀假说不能解释云南草寇花序内不同部位结实率、结籽率的差异。去除基部和中部花后,顶部花人工辅助授粉条件下的结实率、结籽率与基部花人工辅助授粉条件下的结实率、结籽率无差异,表明云南草寇花序内不同部位结实率、结籽率的差异主要由资源竞争引起。雌先熟表型每花花粉数、花粉/胚珠比高于雄先熟表型,表明两种表型存在性分配差异。传粉者主要先访问云南草寇基部的花,然后向顶部移动。云南草寇花序内顶部偏雄的性分配可能是由资源竞争和传粉者定向访花造成的。  相似文献   

Sex-allocation models predict that the evolution of self-fertilization should result in a reduced allocation to male function and pollinator attraction in plants. The evolution of sex allocation may be constrained by both functional and genetic factors, however. We studied sex allocation and genetic variation for floral sex ratio and other reproductive traits in a Costa Rica population of the monoecious, highly selfing annual Begonia semiovata. Data on biomass of floral structures, flower sex ratios, and fruit set in the source population were used to calculate the average proportion of reproductive allocation invested in male function. Genetic variation and genetic correlations for floral sex ratio and for floral traits related to male and female function were estimated from the greenhouse-grown progeny of field-collected maternal families. The proportion of reproductive biomass invested in male function was low (0.34 at flowering, and 0.07 for total reproductive allocation). Significant among-family variation was detected in the size (mass) of individual male and female flowers, in the proportion of male flowers produced, and in the proportion of total flower mass invested in male flowers. Significant among-family variation was also found in flower number per inflorescence, petal length of male and female flowers, and petal number of female flowers. Except for female petal length, we found no difference in the mean value of these characters between selfed and outcrossed progeny, indicating that, with the possible exception of female petal length, the among-family variation detected was not the result of variation among families in the level of inbreeding. Significant positive phenotypic and broad-sense genetic correlations were detected between the mass of individual male and female flowers, between male and female petal length, and between number of male and number of female flowers per inflorescence. The ratio of stamen-to-pistil mass (0.33) was low compared to published data for autogamous species with hermaphroditic flowers, suggesting that highly efficient selfing mechanisms may evolve in monoecious species. Our results indicate that the study population harbors substantial genetic variation for reproductive characters. The positive genetic correlation between investment in male and female flowers may reflect selection for maximum pollination efficiency, because in this self-pollinating species, each female flower requires a neighboring male flower to provide pollen.  相似文献   

毛翠雀花花序内的性分配和繁殖成功   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张新  安宇梦  史长莉  米兆荣  张婵 《广西植物》2021,41(8):1324-1332
两性花植物花序内不同位置的性分配和繁殖成功一般存在差异,通常认为资源竞争、结构效应和交配环境是形成这种差异的主要原因。为了研究雄性和雌性繁殖资源在花序内不同位置间的最优分配问题,该文以青藏高原高寒草甸典型高山植物毛翠雀花为材料,通过比较花序内不同位置的花部特征和种子性状,对其花序内的性分配模式和雌性繁殖成功进行研究,并通过观察传粉者运动特点以及人工去花和补授花粉实验,探讨花序内资源竞争和交配环境对繁殖资源分配的影响。结果表明:(1)不同位置间的雄蕊数、雄蕊鲜重/雌蕊鲜重、花粉数及花粉胚珠比从花序基部到上部显著增加,而雌蕊鲜重和胚珠数逐渐减少,表现出上部花偏雄的性分配;上部花的结籽率显著低于基部花和中部花,不同位置间的发育种子数/果实和发育种子重/果实随着花位置的升高而显著降低,说明基部花具有更佳的雌性繁殖成效。(2)去花处理后,剩余果实的单个种子重/果实显著增加,但发育种子数/果实没有显著增加;而给上部花人工补授异花花粉后,位置间结籽率的差异消失,说明传粉限制而非资源竞争导致了花序内位置依赖的种子生产模式。(3)毛翠雀花雄性先熟的开花特征,以及传粉者苏氏熊蜂从花序基部到上部的定向访花行为,导致了花序内交配环境的变化。综上结果表明,毛翠雀花花序内的性分配和繁殖成功差异是对交配环境适应的结果,对其在高山环境中实现雌雄适合度最优化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Flowering phenology and clonal growth are known to affect resource and pollen availability, and therefore select for adaptive or constrained sex allocation strategies to some degree. However, the consequences of temporal sex allocation patterns for reproductive fitness across the flower, inflorescence, and genet levels have rarely been examined. Moreover, experimental tests of the underlying regulatory mechanisms are scarce. We examined the association of flowering phenology and inflorescence position with temporal sex allocation and reproductive success in the protandrous perennial clonal herb, Aconitum kusnezoffii, over four consecutive growing seasons by examining more than 39 000 flowers. We also conducted controlled experiments to test the effects of resource and pollen limitation on the female reproductive success of lateral inflorescences. We found that some male functions were positively correlated with flowering phenology, whereas female reproductive success was negatively correlated with flowering phenology and inflorescence position. Lateral inflorescences invested more in male function than terminal inflorescences and therefore yielded fewer and smaller seeds. Resource limitation may serve as the key mechanism underlying this differentiated pattern. Decreased female reproductive success was consistently observed at the flower and inflorescence levels as flowering occurred later in the growth season. Late-blooming lateral inflorescences specialized in the male function, and their female reproductive success was constrained by early-blooming terminal inflorescences. This might be the first attempt to systematically demonstrate sex allocation strategy differentiation in a protandrous plant species at the inflorescence level. In addition, our study provides empirical evidence of dichogamy selecting for specialized sex allocation strategies among inflorescences.  相似文献   

Floral sex allocation (weight of male flower buds over weight of female flower buds) was examined at the levels of current-year shoot, individual tree and population, and the tree individual level and population level floral sex ratio was explained as a consequence of the behavior of current-year shoots in the shoot-level monoecious (flowering current-year shoots have both male and female flowers) species, Siberian alder (Alnus hirsuta var. sibirica). The current-year shoot level floral sex allocation was not size-dependent and not different over years. However, in the year when the reproductive intensity was high, individual tree level floral sex allocation was size-dependent and the population level floral sex allocation was relatively female-biased. The female-biased floral sex allocation at the population level resulted from many gynoecious shoots (current-year shoots which have only female flowers). These results suggest that the floral sex allocation of Siberian alder was controlled not by changing the floral sex allocation of each current-year shoot, but by shifting the sex expression of current-year shoots from shoot-level monoecy to shoot-level gynomonoecy.  相似文献   

Selection favoring avoidance of stigma clogging, pollen discounting, self-fertilization, and other negative effects of self-pollination can produce intricate patterns of intra- and interfloral dichogamy in plants bearing numerous flowers. Here we report an extensive study of the relationships among dichogamy, floral sex allocation (pollen-to-ovule ratios), nectar production, floral visitors, mating system, and fruit set in natural populations of Schefflera heptaphylla, a widespread paleotropical secondary forest tree that produces thousands of flowers in a blooming season. Each tree produces 15?C30 sequentially blooming, paniculate, compound inflorescences. Each compound inflorescence has up to three orders of umbellets, which also bloom sequentially. While hand-pollinations showed that S. heptaphylla was capable of self-fertilization, our observations of thousands of flowers showed that strong intra- and interfloral protandry severely restricts both autogamous and geitonogamous self-pollination. All flowers were bisexual, thus the sexual system of the populations we studied was hermaphroditism. The pollen-to-ovule (P/O) ratios were characteristic of outcrossing species, and P/O ratios of flowers in the last-maturing (third order) umbellets were significantly higher than those in earlier-maturing (first and second order) umbellets. Floral visitors were primarily flies (Chrysomya sp. and Syrphinae sp.) and wasps (Vespula sp. and Eumenes sp.). Flowers produced nectar during both the male (pollen presentation) and female (stigma receptivity) stages of their development, and the volume of nectar production was higher in the female stage. Nevertheless, flowers received fewer visits in the female stage than they did in the male stage, and natural fruit set was low, especially in first and third order umbellets. Fruit set from hand cross- and self-pollinations was significantly higher than natural fruit set, indicating pollen limitation of fruit set. Schefflera heptaphylla has also been reported to be andromonoecious. Both hermaphroditism and andromonoecy are consistent with theoretical predictions for variation in sex allocation among sequentially maturing flowers in protandrous species. Further studies comparing hermaphroditic and andromonoecious populations of S. heptaphylla could elucidate the selective factors affecting sex expression, nectar production, and fruit set in species with numerous flowers displaying both intra- and interfloral dichogamy.  相似文献   

Floral sex allocation at the individual and first-order branch levels and the relation between these levels were examined in Betula platyphylla var. japonica, a wind-pollinated monoecious tree. Floral sex allocation at the individual level varied with resource availability in a pattern similar to that predicted by the Masaka and Takada model (Journal of Theoretical Biology 240: 114-125). Thus, individual trees with few reproductive resources produced only female or male inflorescences, whereas individuals with many resources rarely had a high male ratio (i.e., number of male inflorescences/total number of inflorescences). Furthermore, the number of male inflorescences tended to reach an upper limit, whereas the number of female inflorescences increased monotonically with increasing reproductive investment. The patterns of floral sex allocation at the first-order branch level were analogous to those at the individual level. Thus, each first-order branch of B. platyphylla var. japonica behaves like an individual, and the floral sex allocation of a given branch does not necessarily represent the individual tree. The effect of the individual-level floral sex ratio on branch-level floral sex allocation indicates that branch behavior is controlled by the individual.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory forecasts that larger plant size may modify the balance in fitness gain in both genders, leading to uneven optimal male and female allocation. This reasoning can be applied to flowers and inflorescences, because the increase in flower or inflorescence size can differentially benefit different gender functions, and thus favour preferential allocation to specific floral structures. We investigated how inflorescence size influenced sexual expression and female reproductive success in the monoecious Tussilago farfara, by measuring patterns of biomass, and N and P allocation. Inflorescences of T.?farfara showed broad variation in sex expression and, according to expectations, allocation to different sexual structures showed an allometric pattern. Unexpectedly, two studied populations had a contrasting pattern of sex allocation with an increase in inflorescence size. In a shaded site, larger inflorescences were female-biased and had disproportionately more allocation to attraction structures; while in an open site, larger inflorescences were male-biased. Female reproductive success was higher in larger, showier inflorescences. Surprisingly, male flowers positively influenced female reproductive success. These allometric patterns were not easily interpretable as a result of pollen limitation when na?vely assuming an unequivocal relationship between structure and function for the inflorescence structures. In this and other Asteraceae, where inflorescences are the pollination unit, both male and female flowers can play a role in pollinator attraction.  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas L. is a commercially important plant with biodiesel and medicinal potential. It is a monoecious plant with staminate and pistillate flowers in same inflorescence with number of staminate flowers being higher than pistillate ones resulting in very low fruit yield. Altering sex ratio to increase the number of female flowers would lead to better yield. Phytohormones are most important factors known to alter sex ratio in plants. The mechanism by which phytohormones alter sex ratio differs in different plant species. Among phytohormones, GA plays an important role in sex alteration. In this study, we report the effect of exogenous application of GA on sex modification in J. curcas. There was considerable increase in number of female flowers by application of GA. At lower concentrations (10 and 100 ppm), increase in number of female flowers and fruit yield was proportionate to the concentration of hormone used but at higher concentration (1,000 ppm) though there was an increase in number of female flowers, fruit yield decreased. This was due to an increased peduncle length and enhanced cell death as a consequence of endogenous release of hydrogen peroxide in response to increased GA, resulting in withering of fruits.  相似文献   

蒙古沙冬青花序内性分配的变化、传粉者运动与繁殖成功   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性分配理论主要研究繁殖资源在雌雄功能间的最优分配,从雌雄功能的角度考虑其个体适合度.对花序内不同部位花的雌性与雄性资源分配变化的研究,对于我们理解植物采取哪种繁殖对策保障繁殖成功具有重要意义.本文对生长在中国科学院吐鲁番沙漠植物园内的蒙古沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus)连续开花花序内不同部位...  相似文献   

In this study we dissect the causes of variation in intra-inflorescence allocation in a sexually polymorphic species, Fragaria virginiana. We separated out the effects of resource competition during flowering from those of inflorescence architecture, as well as identified the effects of sex morph and genotype. We found position-based variation in petal length, ovule, pollen, and flower number to be influenced more by architecture than by our resource manipulations during flowering. We also found both genotype- and sex-specific intra-inflorescence patterns. Furthermore, our data indicate that the sex morph-specific intra-inflorescence patterns result from architectural modifications of the basic pattern. In fact, sex-differential intra-inflorescence patterns suggest that fitness through male and female function may be maximized by different resource distribution patterns within the inflorescence and may have been modified by past selection. Specifically, females invested heavily in ovules at positions where fruit set was most likely (primary and secondary), at the expense of flower number and allocation per flower at more distal positions. Whereas functional males invested minimally in ovules at all flower positions and produced the most abundantly flowered inflorescences, hermaphrodites, on the other hand, showed intermediate patterns, implying a compromise between sex functions. We suggest that consideration of intra-inflorescence allocation and inflorescence architecture may reveal the mechanism underlying sexual dimorphism in flower allocation and number.  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas L. as a bio energy plant belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family is gaining progressive importance over the last years. In 2012 and 2014 field experiments were carried out to assess the effects of cytokinins 6-Benzyladenine (BA) and Forchlorfenuron (CPPU) acting as plant growth regulators (PGRs). Number of flowers per inflorescence, female-to-male ratio of flowers, fruits per infructescence, fruiting rate, number of seeds per fruit, seed size and weight as well as seed oil content were determined. It was suggested that concerning effectiveness of exogenous application of PGRs the developmental stage of flower is very important. Due to that, special interest was laid on the age of inflorescences at the time of application. Our experiments revealed a strong dependence of cytokinin effectiveness on the developmental stage of flowering. So treatment of plants with 6-Benzyladenine at the beginning of flower formation (stage 1) significantly increased the number of male and female flowers per inflorescence, whereas treatment at an advanced flowering stage (stage 2) or at the stage of fully developed flowers (stage 3) had only slight or no effects. In contrast, fruit retention was progressively increased by treatment in stage 2 and 3. Application of Forchlorfenuron significantly increased female-to-male ratio in stage 1 flowers but showed no effects on stage 2 and 3. 6-Benzyladenine as well as Forchlorfenuron showed equal effects on number of fruit inflorescences treated in stage 1. Our results show a significant decrease in seed weight due to BA- and CPPU-application while kernel weight remained stable. Concerning fruits, clusters and oil yield per tree, BA-application showed significant increasing effects. This study indicates that 6-Benzyladenine and Forchlorfenuron can improve yield affecting parameters in J. curcas when the phenological stage of flowering at time of application is precisely considered.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that parents bias the offspring sex ratio strategically. In avian species, the offspring sex ratio can be biased at multiple growth stages, although the mechanisms are not well known. It is crucial to reveal a cause and timing of biased offspring sex ratio. We investigated (i) offspring sex ratio at multiple growth stages, from laying to fledging; and (ii) the stage at which offspring sex ratio became biased; and (iii) the cause of biased offspring sex ratio in Eurasian tree sparrows Passer montanus. Sex determination of 218 offspring, including hatchlings and unhatched eggs from 41 clutches, suggested that the offspring sex ratio was not biased at the egg‐laying stage but was significantly female‐biased after the laying stage due to higher mortality of male embryos. Half of the unhatched eggs showed no sign of embryo development (37/74, 50.00%), and most undeveloped eggs were male (36/37, 97.30%). Additional experiments using an incubator suggested that the cause of embryo developmental failure was a lack of developmental ability within the egg, rather than a failure of incubation. This study highlights the importance of clarifying offspring sex ratio at multiple stages and suggests that offspring sex ratio is adjusted after fertilization.  相似文献   

Summary Using dry weight biomass we examined the patterns of investment in male and female functions (prezygotic cost) in plants with different mating systems. All the flower parts of both xenogamous and facultatively xenogamous species were heavier, i.e., larger, than those of facultatively autogamous species. Likewise, the dry weights of all the flower parts of xenogamous species exceeded those of facultatively xenogamous species. On a relative basis, xenogamous species invested less in calyces and more in corollas compared to species with the other mating systems. Facultatively autogamous species invested relatively more in pistils. Xenogamous species invested relatively more in stamens than do facultatively autogamous species. The ratios of dry weight stamens to dry weight pistils were equivalent in xenogamous and facultatively xenogamous species.The available data from xenogamous species suggest a pattern of resource allocation that is independent of sexual system (perfect-flowered, monoecious, or dioecious) and pollen vector. The cost of mating (prezygotic cost) was male biased and frequently exceeded by parental investment (postzygotic cost). These results are not consistent with models that predict equal allocation of resources to male and female sexual function but are consistent with those that predict unequal allocation of resources to those functions in outbreeding hermaphroditic angiosperms. Two additional lines of evidence are inconsistent with the expectations of sex allocation theory. First, resource allocation to sexual function was not equal in wind-pollinated species. Second, relative amounts of the resources allocated to male vis-à-vis female function did not decrease between xenogamy and facultative xenogamy i.e., with an increase in the selfing rate.  相似文献   

Toshihiko Sato 《Oikos》2000,88(2):309-318
The effects of two phenological constraints in resource investment to reproduction – resource limitation at the flowering stage and unpredictability of resources gained after flowering – on the resource allocation between male and female functions in monocarpic plants are considered using the ESS (evolutionarily stable strategy) approach. The model predicts that the sex allocation including the seed maturation stage has a female bias, when the quantity of reproductive resources available at flowering is small compared with that which is obtained after flowering, or when the cost of seed maturation relative to ovule production is low. The fluctuation of the quantity of resources available for seed maturation favors overproduction of ovules. As a result, more resources are allocated to female function and less to male function at flowering. The ESS allocation depends on the variability of resources and the cost of seed maturation relative to ovule production. The probability that total resource allocation has a female bias becomes higher than 0.5, and it depends on the cost of seed maturation relative to ovule production rather than resource variability. On the other hand, the probability that resource allocation has a female bias decreases with resource variability if we assume that the floral sex ratio is fixed. Future studies of plant sex allocation would profit by taking account of the phenological process of reproduction such as ovule production or seed maturation.  相似文献   

Hermaphroditic plants allocate their reproductive resources to different functions: male, female and pollinator attraction. While earlier sex-allocation models considered only male and female functions, more recent ones can divide reproductive resources into multiple functions. The basic predictions derived from these models are similar. While most models predict sex allocation at the fruit stage (pollen and seeds), some have examined allocation at the flower stage (pollen and ovules). Selfing rate, mode of pollination and competition among offspring of the same parent are some of the factors that can influence sex allocation among populations. Although the empirical evidence lags behind the theoretical development, sex-allocation theory has been quite successful at predicting trends among populations.  相似文献   

The importance of ecological factors such as sex lability, spatial segregation, and resource allocation in the evolution of dioecy were examined in Schiedea globosa. S. globosa is a subdioecious species with equal numbers of plants possessing strictly male or female function and a small proportion of hermaphrodites. The propensity for labile sex expression was under both environmental and genetic control; some plants with male function became hermaphroditic (by producing female flowers) under better growing conditions in the field and in the greenhouse. There was some spatial segregation of the sexes. Because of sex lability, more hermaphrodites than males occurred on moister slopes. Although there were not measurable sex-related differences in mortality within or between two flowering seasons, more females than males and hermaphrodites occurred at the bottom of slopes. Males and females produced the same number of ramets and inflorescences, but females had a greater number of flowers per inflorescence. Males and females had the same number of ovules (vestigial in males), but females had larger ovules and longer stigmas. Hermaphrodites and males had the same amount of pollen per flower despite the production of fruit by the hermaphrodites. In hermaphrodites, there was no apparent tradeoff within flowers between pollen production and ovule production. These results indicate that spatial segregation, sex lability, and environmental conditions influence allocation patterns of S. globosa, and in combination with high inbreeding depression and selling rates, may promote the further evolution of dioecy in S. globosa.  相似文献   

Here we examined the roles of sex-differential plasticity (SDP) and gene flow in sex ratio evolution of subdioecious Fragaria virginiana. We assessed whether female frequency varied with resource availability in 17 natural populations and then characterized plasticity and mean investment in allocation to female function at flower and plant levels in the sex morphs in the glasshouse. We estimated patterns of population divergence using five microsatellite markers. We reveal SDP in fruit production substantial enough to translate into a higher equilibrium female frequency at low resources. Thus SDP can account, in part, for the strong negative relationship between female frequency and resources found in the field. Pollen-bearing morphs varied in plasticity across populations, and the degree of plasticity in fruit number was positively correlated with in situ variation in nitrogen (N) availability, suggesting an adaptive component to sex-allocation plasticity. Low neutral genetic differentiation, indicating high gene flow or recent divergence, may contribute to the absence of population differentiation in fruit-setting ability of pollen-bearing morphs despite considerable sex ratio variation. We consider how these processes, in addition to other features of this system, may work in concert to influence sex ratios and to hinder the evolution of dioecy in F. virginiana.  相似文献   

Japanese red maple, Acer pycnanthum, is an endangered wetland species having dioecious sex expression. Prior studies conclude that land development has caused severe loss of habitat, and seedling regeneration is rare. However, information is lacking on sexual reproduction, which is the first critical stage of regeneration. My research objective was to describe flowering and fruiting characteristics of Japanese red maple, focusing on tree sizes at the onset of flowering, factors affecting flowering regularity and fruit abundance, periodicity of fruit production, and sex ratio. In a study of a young population, Japanese red maple initiated flowering at a small size under 100% light intensity. Initiation of flowering occurred at relatively lower height in males than females, and males flowered more regularly than females. A survey of 1,106 clones from 46 natural populations revealed that male clones were significantly more abundant than female clones. In a 4-year study of mature populations, nearly all clones flowered regularly, and fruit abundance of dominant females was typically high. Fruit abundance at the population level also remained high, although fruit abundance of individual female clones varied year by year. Therefore, sexual reproductive ability is highly vigorous. Sex ratio exhibited a major deviation from a 1:1 ratio in populations with a small number of clones. In conservation planning, we should prioritize avoidance of an unbalanced sex ratio by increasing population sizes. In addition, populations having many clones >40 cm dbh with large, well-lighted crowns have a high potential of regular and abundant seed production.  相似文献   

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