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Glucosamine induced insulin resistance in 3T3-L1 adipocytes, which was associated with a 15% decrease in cellular ATP content. To study the role of ATP depletion in insulin resistance, we employed sodium azide (NaN3) and dinitrophenol (DNP), which affect mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, to achieve a similar 15% ATP depletion. Unlike glucosamine, NaN3 and DNP markedly increased basal glucose transport, and the increased basal glucose transport was associated with increased GLUT-1 content in the plasma membrane without changes in total GLUT-1 content. These agents, like glucosamine, did not affect the early insulin signaling that is implicated in insulin stimulation of glucose transport. In cells with a severe 40% ATP depletion, basal glucose transport was similarly elevated, and insulin-stimulated glucose transport was similar in cells with 15% ATP depletion. In these cells, however, early insulin signaling was severely diminished. These data suggest that cellular ATP depletion by glucosamine, NaN3, and DNP exerts differential effects on basal and insulin-stimulated glucose transport and that ATP depletion per se does not induce insulin resistance in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.  相似文献   

Summary In rat adipocytes, the insulin stimulation of the rate of glucose uptake is due, at least partially, to the recruitment of glucose transporter proteins from an intracellular compartment to the plasma membrane.Vanadate is a known insulin mimetic agent and causes an increase in the rate of glucose transport in rat adipocytes similar to that seen with insulin. The objective of the present study was to determine whether vanadate exerts its effect through the recruitment of glucose transporters to the plasma membrane.We report that under conditions where vanadate stimulates the rate of 2-deoxyglucose uptake to the same extent as insulin, the concentration of GLUT-4 in the plasma membrane was increased similarly by both insulin and vanadate, and its concentration was decreased in the low density microsomal fraction. These results suggest that vanadate induces the recruitment of GLUT-4 to the plasma membrane. The effects of vanadate and insulin on the stimulation of 2-deoxyglucose uptake and recruitment of GLUT-4 were not additive.This is the first report of an effect of vanadate on the intracellular distribution of the glucose transporter.  相似文献   

Although sphingomyelin (SM) is a major phospholipid in lipoproteins as well as in the membrane rafts where the scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) is localized, its possible role in the selective uptake of cholesteryl ester (CE) by the SR-BI-mediated pathway is unknown. We investigated the effect of SM in lipoproteins and cell membranes on the selective uptake in three different cell lines: SR-BI-transfected CHO cells, hepatocytes (HepG2), and adrenocortical cells (Y1BS1). Incorporation of SM into recombinant high density lipoprotein (rHDL) containing labeled CE resulted in up to 50% inhibition of the selective uptake of CE in all three cell lines. This inhibition was completely reversed by treatment of rHDL with sphingomyelinase (SMase). Selective uptake from plasma HDL was activated by 22-72% after treatment of HDL with SMase. In addition, pretreatment of the cells with SMase resulted in stimulation of CE uptake from rHDL by CHO and Y1BS1, although not by HepG2. Incorporation of ceramide into rHDL resulted in up to 2-fold stimulation of CE uptake, although pretreatment of cells with egg ceramide had no significant effect. These results show that SM and ceramide in the lipoproteins and the cell membranes regulate the SR-BI-mediated selective uptake of CE, possibly by interacting with the sterol ring or with SR-BI itself.  相似文献   

We have shown that membrane sphingomyelin (SM) is an independent predictor of the variance of fasting plasma insulin (FPI) concentrations and the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) estimate of insulin resistance in obese women. The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-gamma) is a key component in adipocyte differentiation that may also contribute to the sensitivity of cells to insulin. PPAR-gamma is activated by fatty acids, and the membrane composition may have an impact on the activity of PPAR-gamma and thus on the sensitivity of adipocytes to insulin. We investigated these possible links by determining the phospholipid contents of adipocyte membranes, the mRNA expression of PPAR-gamma, and the FPI and HOMA estimate of insulin resistance in obese women. The mRNA levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), which is suspected to play a role in insulin resistance and which downregulates PPAR-gamma expression, were also quantified. FPI and HOMA were strongly positively correlated with membrane SM (P < 0.005) and cholesterol (P < 0.005). PPAR-gamma mRNA levels were negatively correlated with FPI (P < 0.05) and HOMA (P < 0.05) and positively correlated with high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (P < 0.05), membrane SM (P < 0.05), and cholesterol contents (P < 0.05). TNF-alpha mRNA levels were not correlated with membrane parameters. In stepwise multiple regression analysis, the variations in PPAR-gamma mRNA levels were mainly explained by HDL cholesterol (31.9%) and membrane SM (17.7%). Our study shows that the expression of PPAR-gamma, a major factor controlling adipocyte functions, the lipid composition of the membrane, and insulin sensitivity are probably closely associated in the adipose tissue of obese women.  相似文献   

The adipocytokine resistin impairs glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. Here, we examine the effect of resistin on glucose uptake in human trophoblast cells and we demonstrate that transplacental glucose transport is mediated by glucose transporter (GLUT)-1. Furthermore, we evaluate the type of signal transduction induced by resistin in GLUT-1 regulation. BeWo choriocarcinoma cells and primary cytotrophoblast cells were cultured with increasing resistin concentrations for 24 hrs. The main outcome measures include glucose transport assay using [3H]-2-deoxy glucose, GLUT-1 protein expression by Western blot analysis and GLUT-1 mRNA detection by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. Quantitative determination of phospho(p)-ERK1/2 in cell lysates was performed by an Enzyme Immunometric Assay and Western blot analysis. Our data demonstrate a direct effect of resistin on normal cytotrophoblastic and on BeWo cells: resistin modulates glucose uptake, GLUT-1 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and protein expression in placental cells. We suggest that ERK1/2 phosphorylation is involved in the GLUT-1 regulation induced by resistin. In conclusion, resistin causes activation of both the ERK1 and 2 pathway in trophoblast cells. ERK1 and 2 activation stimulated GLUT-1 synthesis and resulted in increase of placental glucose uptake. High resistin levels (50–100 ng/ml) seem able to affect glucose-uptake, presumably by decreasing the cell surface glucose transporter.  相似文献   

To study molecular mechanisms for glucosamine-induced insulin resistance, we induced complete and reversible insulin resistance in 3T3-L1 adipocytes with glucosamine in a dose- and time-dependent manner (maximal effects at 50 mM glucosamine after 6 h). In these cells, glucosamine impaired insulin-stimulated GLUT-4 translocation. Glucosamine (6 h) did not affect insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate-1 and -2 and weakly, if at all, impaired insulin stimulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Glucosamine, however, severely impaired insulin stimulation of Akt. Inhibition of insulin-stimulated glucose transport was correlated with that of Akt activity. In these cells, glucosamine also inhibited insulin stimulation of p70 S6 kinase. Glucosamine did not alter basal glucose transport and insulin stimulation of GLUT-1 translocation and mitogen-activated protein kinase. In summary, glucosamine induced complete and reversible insulin resistance in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. This insulin resistance was accompanied by impaired insulin stimulation of GLUT-4 translocation and Akt activity, without significant impairment of upstream molecules in insulin-signaling pathway.  相似文献   

A basis for the insulin mimetic effect of sphingomyelinase on glucose transporter isoform GLUT4 translocation remains unclear. Because sphingomyelin serves as a major determinant of plasma membrane cholesterol and a relationship between plasma membrane cholesterol and GLUT4 levels has recently become apparent, we assessed whether GLUT4 translocation induced by sphingomyelinase resulted from changes in membrane cholesterol content. Exposure of 3T3-L1 adipocytes to sphingomyelinase resulted in a time-dependent loss of sphingomyelin from the plasma membrane and a concomitant time-dependent accumulation of plasma membrane GLUT4. Degradation products of sphingomyelin did not mimic this stimulatory action. Plasma membrane cholesterol amount was diminished in cells exposed to sphingomyelinase. Restoration of membrane cholesterol blocked the stimulatory effect of sphingomyelinase. Increasing concentrations of methyl--cyclodextrin, which resulted in a dose-dependent reversible decrease in membrane cholesterol, led to a dose-dependent reversible increase in GLUT4 incorporation into the plasma membrane. Although increased plasma membrane GLUT4 content by cholesterol extraction with concentrations of methyl--cyclodextrin above 5 mM most likely reflected decreased GLUT4 endocytosis, translocation stimulated by sphingomyelinase or concentrations of methyl--cyclodextrin below 2.5 mM occurred without any visible changes in the endocytic retrieval of GLUT4. Furthermore, moderate loss of cholesterol induced by sphingomyelinase or low concentrations of methyl--cyclodextrin did not alter membrane integrity or increase the abundance of other plasma membrane proteins such as the GLUT1 glucose transporter or the transferrin receptor. Regulation of GLUT4 translocation by moderate cholesterol loss did not involve known insulin-signaling proteins. These data reveal that sphingomyelinase enhances GLUT4 exocytosis via a novel cholesterol-dependent mechanism. vesicular trafficking; signal transduction; sphingolipids  相似文献   

Lipid rafts and ceramide (Cer)-platforms are membrane domains that play an important role in several biological processes. Cer-platforms are commonly formed in the plasma membrane by the action of sphingomyelinase (SMase) upon hydrolysis of sphingomyelin (SM) within lipid rafts. The interplay among SMase activity, initial membrane properties (i.e., phase behavior and lipid lateral organization) and lipid composition, and the amount of product (Cer) generated, and how it modulates membrane properties were studied using fluorescence methodologies in model membranes. The activity of SMase was evaluated by following the hydrolysis of radioactive SM. It was observed that 1), the enzyme activity and extent of hydrolysis are strongly dependent on membrane physical properties but not on substrate content, and are higher in raft-like mixtures, i.e., mixtures with liquid-disordered/liquid-ordered phase separation; and 2), Cer-induced alterations are also dependent on membrane composition, specifically the cholesterol (Chol) content. In the lowest-Chol range, Cer segregates together with SM into small (∼8.5 nm) Cer/SM-gel domains. With increasing Chol, the ability of Cer to recruit SM and form gel domains strongly decreases. In the high-Chol range, a Chol-enriched/SM-depleted liquid-ordered phase predominates. Together, these data suggest that in biological membranes, Chol in particular and raft domains in general play an important role in modulating SMase activity and regulating membrane physical properties by restraining Cer-induced alterations.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that chromium supplementation may alleviate symptoms associated with diabetes, such as high blood glucose and lipid abnormalities, yet a molecular mechanism remains unclear. Here, we report that trivalent chromium in the chloride (CrCl3) or picolinate (CrPic) salt forms mobilize the glucose transporter, GLUT4, to the plasma membrane in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Concomitant with an increase in GLUT4 at the plasma membrane, insulin-stimulated glucose transport was enhanced by chromium treatment. In contrast, the chromium-mobilized pool of transporters was not active in the absence of insulin. Microscopic analysis of an exofacially Myc-tagged enhanced green fluorescent protein-GLUT4 construct revealed that the chromium-induced accumulation of GLUT4-containing vesicles occurred adjacent to the inner cell surface membrane. With insulin these transporters physically incorporated into the plasma membrane. Regulation of GLUT4 translocation by chromium did not involve known insulin signaling proteins such as the insulin receptor, insulin receptor substrate-1, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, and Akt. Consistent with a reported effect of chromium on increasing membrane fluidity, we found that chromium treatment decreased plasma membrane cholesterol. Interestingly, cholesterol add-back to the plasma membrane prevented the beneficial effect of chromium on both GLUT4 mobilization and insulin-stimulated glucose transport. Furthermore, chromium action was absent in methyl-beta-cyclodextrin-pretreated cells already displaying reduced plasma membrane cholesterol and increased GLUT4 translocation. Together, these data reveal a novel mechanism by which chromium may enhance GLUT4 trafficking and insulin-stimulated glucose transport. Moreover, these findings at the level of the cell are consistent with in vivo observations of improved glucose tolerance and decreased circulating cholesterol levels after chromium supplementation.  相似文献   

Whereas glucose transporter 1 (GLUT-1) is thought to be responsible for basal glucose uptake in cardiac myocytes, little is known about its relative distribution between the different plasma membranes and cell types in the heart. GLUT-4 translocates to the myocyte surface to increase glucose uptake in response to a number of stimuli. The mechanisms underlying ischemia- and insulin-mediated GLUT-4 translocation are known to be different, raising the possibility that the intracellular destinations of GLUT-4 following these stimuli also differ. Using immunogold labeling, we describe the cellular localization of these two transporters and investigate whether insulin and ischemia induce differential translocation of GLUT-4 to different cardiac membranes. Immunogold labeling of GLUT-1 and GLUT-4 was performed on left ventricular sections from isolated hearts following 30 min of either insulin, ischemia, or control perfusion. In control tissue, GLUT-1 was predominantly (76%) localized in the capillary endothelial cells, with only 24% of total cardiac GLUT-1 present in myocytes. GLUT-4 was found predominantly in myocytes, distributed between sarcolemmal and T tubule membranes (1.84 +/- 0.49 and 1.54 +/- 0.33 golds/microm, respectively) and intracellular vesicles (127 +/- 18 golds/microm(2)). Insulin increased T tubule membrane GLUT-4 content (2.8 +/- 0.4 golds/microm, P < 0.05) but had less effect on sarcolemmal GLUT-4 (1.72 +/- 0.53 golds/microm). Ischemia induced greater GLUT-4 translocation to both membrane types (4.25 +/- 0.84 and 4.01 +/- 0.27 golds/microm, respectively P < 0.05). The localization of GLUT-1 suggests a significant role in transporting glucose across the capillary wall before myocyte uptake via GLUT-1 and GLUT-4. We demonstrate independent spatial translocation of GLUT-4 under insulin or ischemic stimulation and propose independent roles for T-tubular and sarcolemmal GLUT-4.  相似文献   

The mechanism via which diacylglycerol-sensitive protein kinase Cs (PKCs) stimulate glucose transport in insulin-sensitive tissues is poorly defined. Phorbol esters, such as phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), are potent activators of conventional and novel PKCs. Addition of PMA increases the rate of glucose uptake in many different cell systems. We attempted to investigate the mechanism via which PMA stimulates glucose transport in 3T3-L1 adipocytes in more detail. We observed a good correlation between the rate of disappearance of PKCbetaII during prolonged PMA treatment and the increase in glucose uptake. Moreover, inhibition of PKCbetaII with a specific myristoylated PKCbetaC2-4 peptide inhibitor significantly increased the rate of glucose transport. Western blot analysis demonstrated that both PMA treatment and incubation with the myristoylated PKCbetaC2-4 pseudosubstrate resulted in more glucose transporter (GLUT)-1 but not GLUT-4 at the plasma membrane. To our knowledge, we are the first to demonstrate that inactivation of PKC, most likely PKCbetaII, elevates glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. The observation that PKCbetaII influences the rate of glucose uptake through manipulation of GLUT-1 expression levels at the plasma membrane might reveal a yet unidentified regulatory mechanism involved in glucose homeostasis.  相似文献   

Exposure of insulin-sensitive tissues to free fatty acids can impair glucose disposal through inhibition of carbohydrate oxidation and glucose transport. However, certain fatty acids and their derivatives can also act as endogenous ligands for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma), a nuclear receptor that positively modulates insulin sensitivity. To clarify the effects of externally delivered fatty acids on glucose uptake in an insulin-responsive cell type, we systematically examined the effects of a range of fatty acids on glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Of the fatty acids examined, arachidonic acid (AA) had the greatest positive effects, significantly increasing basal and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by 1.8- and 2-fold, respectively, with effects being maximal at 4 h at which time membrane phospholipid content of AA was markedly increased. The effects of AA were sensitive to the inhibition of protein synthesis but were unrelated to changes in membrane fluidity. AA had no effect on total cellular levels of glucose transporters, but significantly increased levels of GLUT1 and GLUT4 at the plasma membrane. While the effects of AA were insensitive to cyclooxygenase inhibition, the lipoxygenase inhibitor, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, substantially blocked the AA effect on basal glucose uptake. Furthermore, adenoviral expression of a dominant-negative PPARgamma mutant attenuated the AA potentiation of basal glucose uptake. Thus, AA potentiates basal and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes by a cyclooxygenase-independent mechanism that increases the levels of both GLUT1 and GLUT4 at the plasma membrane. These effects are at least partly dependent on de novo protein synthesis, an intact lipoxygenase pathway and the activation of PPARgamma with these pathways having a greater role in the absence than in the presence of insulin.  相似文献   

Human placental syncytiotrophoblast basal membrane plays an important role in transfer of nutrients from the mother to the growing fetus all throughout gestation. The membrane lipid composition together with the bilayer fluidity is found to be the major index in modulation of these transport processes. In the present study, the effects of changing lipid composition on the placental basal membrane fluidity and the modulating influence of the latter on membrane enzyme and transport functions with progress of gestation,were investigated. Steady-state fluorescence analysis using 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5 hexatriene as the probe, indicated a decrease in fluorescence anisotropy of both labeled native membrane vesicles and liposomes prepared from lipids extracted from the basal membrane vesicles, signifying increased bilayer fluidity with progress of gestation. This in turn, was successfully correlated to the lowering of cholesterol content and enhanced phospholipid concentration with a steady decrease in cholesterol/phospholipid ratio during placental development. Enhanced Na+-K+-ATPase activity and steady-state glucose uptake across basal membrane with gestational progress suggested modulation of membrane protein functions by the fluidity, which was further corroborated by the increased bilayer fluidity and enzyme activity in benzyl alcohol treated basal membrane in each gestational age group.  相似文献   

Sphingomyelin hydrolysis during apoptosis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Sphingolipid breakdown products are now being recognized as important players in apoptosis. Ceramide, which is considered to serve as second messenger, is mainly generated by hydrolysis of the membrane sphingophospholipid sphingomyelin (SM) through the action of a sphingomyelinase (SMase). However, little is known about the localization and regulation of this phenomenon. Here, we summarize the current knowledge on the function of SM hydrolysis in apoptosis signaling. In particular, the present review focuses on the role of neutral sphingomyelinase (N-SMase) in the generation of the proapoptotic ceramide. This enzyme is regulated by several mechanisms, including the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated protein FAN (for factor associated with N-SMase activation) and oxidative stress. These observations place SMase activation and SM hydrolysis as early events in the apoptosis signaling cascade.  相似文献   

In order to delineate the insulin-independent (constitutive) and insulin-dependent regulations of the plasma membrane glucose transporter concentrations in rat adipocytes, we introduced purified human erythrocyte GLUT-1 (HEGT) into rat adipocytes by poly(ethylene glycol)-induced vesicle-cell fusion and its transport function and subcellular distribution in the host cell were measured. HEGT in adipocytes catalysed 3-O-methylglucose equilibrium exchange with a turnover number that is indistinguishable from that of the basal adipocyte transporters. However, insulin did not stimulate significantly the HEGT function in adipocytes where it stimulated the native transporter function by 7-8-fold. The steady state distribution and the transmembrane orientation assays revealed that more than 85% of the HEGT that were inserted in the physiological, cytoplasmic side-in orientation at the adipocytes plasma membrane were moved into low-density microsomes (LDM), while 90% of the HEGT that were inserted in the wrong, cytoplasmic side-out orientation were retained in the plasma membrane. Furthermore, more than 70% of the LDM-associated HEGT were found in a small subset of LDM that also contained 80% of the LDM-associated GLUT-4, the insulin-regulatable, native adipocyte glucose transporter. However, insulin did not cause redistribution of HEGT from LDM to the plasma membrane under the condition where it recruited GLUT-4 from LDM to increase the plasma membrane GLUT-4 content 4-5-fold. These results demonstrate that the erythrocyte GLUT-1 introduced in adipocytes transports glucose with an intrinsic activity similar to that of the adipocyte GLUT-1 and/or GLUT-4, and enters the constitutive GLUT-4 translocation pathway of the host cell provided it is in physiological transmembrane orientation, but fails to enter the insulin-dependent GLUT-4 recruitment pathway. We suggested that the adipocyte plasma membrane glucose transporter concentration is constitutively kept low by a mechanism where a cell-specific constituent interacts with a cytoplasmic domain common to GLUT-1 and GLUT-4, while the insulin-dependent recruitment requires a cytoplasmic domain specific to GLUT-4.  相似文献   

In order to delineate the insulin-independent (constitutive) and inssulin-dependent regulations of the plasma membrane glucose transporter concentrations in rat adipocytes, we introduced purified human erythrocyte GLUT-1 (HEGT) into rat adipocytes by poly(ethylene glycol)-induced vesicle-cell fusion and its transport function and subcellular distribution in the host cell were measured. HEGT in adipocytes catalysed 3-O-methylglucose equilibrium exchange with a turnover number that is indistinguishable from that of the basal adipocyte transporters. However, insulin did not stimulate significantly the HEGT function in adipocytes where it stimulated the native transporter function by 7-8-fold. The steady state distribution and the transmembrane orientation assays revealed that more than 85% of the HEGT that were inserted in the physiological, cytoplasmic side-in orientation at the adipocytes plasma membrane were moved into low-density microsomes (LDM), while 90% of the HEGT that were inserted in the wrong, cytoplasmic side-out orientation were retained in the plasma membrane. Furthermore, more than 70% of the LDM-associated HEGT were found in a small subset of LDM that also contained 80% of the LDM-associated GLUT-4, the insulin-regulatable, native adipocyte glucose transporter. However, insulin did not cause redistribution of HEGT from LDM to the plasma membrane under the condition where it recruited GLUT-4 from LDM to increase the plasma membrane GLUT-4 content 4–5-fold. These results demonstrate that the erythrocyte GLUT-1 introduced in adipocytes transports glucose with an intrinsic activity similar to that of the adipocyte GLUT-1 and/or GLUT-4, and enters the constitutive GLUT-4 translocation pathway of the host cell provided it is in physiological transmembrane orientation, but fails to enter the insulin-dependent GLUT-4 recruitment pathway. We suggested that the adipocyte plasma membrane glucose transporter concentration is constitutively kept low by a mechanism where a cell-specific constitutent interacts with a cytoplasmic domain common to GLUT-1 and GLUT-4, while the insulin-dependent recruitment requires a cytoplasmic domain specific to GLUT-4.  相似文献   

Arterial wall sphingomyelinase (SMase) has been proposed to be involved in atherogenesis. SMase modification of lipoproteins has been shown to occur in atherosclerotic lesions and to facilitate their uptake by macrophages and foam cell formation. To investigate the mechanism of macrophage uptake enhanced by SMase, we prepared lipid emulsions containing sphingomyelin (SM) or ceramide (CER) as model particles of lipoproteins. SMase remarkably increased the uptake of SM-containing emulsions by J774 macrophages without apolipoproteins. The emulsion uptake was negatively correlated with the degree of particle aggregation by pretreatment with SMase, whereas the uptake of CER-containing emulsions was significantly larger than SM-containing emulsions, indicating that enhancement of uptake is due to the generation of CER molecules in particles but not to the aggregation by SMase. Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) and low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) were crucial for CER-enhanced emulsion uptake, because heparin or lactoferrin inhibited the emulsion uptake. Confocal microscopy also showed that SMase promoted both binding and internalization of emulsions by J774 macrophages, which were almost abolished by lactoferrin. Apolipoprotein E further increased the uptake of CER-containing emulsions compared with SM-containing emulsions. These findings suggest the generation of CER in lipoproteins by SMase facilitates the macrophage uptake via HSPG and LRP pathways and plays a crucial role in foam cell formation. Thus, CER may act as an important atherogenic molecule.  相似文献   

HDLs have been proposed to have antiatherogenic properties because of their role in reverse cholesterol transport as lipid acceptors. To elucidate the phospholipid profile of these particles, we used electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to examine the phosphatidylcholine (PC) and sphingomyelin (SM) composition of HDLs purified from plasma and nascently generated in vitro from fibroblasts. We also quantitatively compared the phospholipids present in these lipoproteins between normal and Niemann-Pick disease type B (NPD-B) subjects characterized by sphingomyelinase (SMase) deficiency. We demonstrated that plasma HDLs from NPD-B were significantly enriched in SM by an average of 28%, particularly the palmitoyl SM (with an increase of 95%), which accounted for approximately 25-44% of total SM molecular species. Similarly, we observed an increase of approximately 63% in total SM levels in nascent HDLs prepared from NPD-B fibroblasts. Although PC levels in nascent HDLs were comparable between control and NPD-B cells, there was a 95% increase in total PC levels similar to that of SM in plasma HDLs extracted from NPD-B subjects. These data provide insight into the structure of HDLs and identify potential new roles for SMase in lipoprotein metabolism.  相似文献   

The precise mechanisms underlying insulin-stimulated glucose transport still require investigation. Here we assessed the effect of SB203580, an inhibitor of the p38 MAP kinase family, on insulin-stimulated glucose transport in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and L6 myotubes. We found that SB203580, but not its inactive analogue (SB202474), prevented insulin-stimulated glucose transport in both cell types with an IC50 similar to that for inhibition of p38 MAP kinase (0.6 microM). Basal glucose uptake was not affected. Moreover, SB203580 added only during the transport assay did not inhibit basal or insulin-stimulated transport. SB203580 did not inhibit insulin-stimulated translocation of the glucose transporters GLUT1 or GLUT4 in 3T3-L1 adipocytes as assessed by immunoblotting of subcellular fractions or by immunofluorescence of membrane lawns. L6 muscle cells expressing GLUT4 tagged on an extracellular domain with a Myc epitope (GLUT4myc) were used to assess the functional insertion of GLUT4 into the plasma membrane. SB203580 did not affect the insulin-induced gain in GLUT4myc exposure at the cell surface but largely reduced the stimulation of glucose uptake. SB203580 had no effect on insulin-dependent insulin receptor substrate-1 phosphorylation, association of the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase with insulin receptor substrate-1, nor on phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, Akt1, Akt2, or Akt3 activities in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In conclusion, in the presence of SB203580, insulin caused normal translocation and cell surface membrane insertion of glucose transporters without stimulating glucose transport. We propose that insulin stimulates two independent signals contributing to stimulation of glucose transport: phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase leads to glucose transporter translocation and a pathway involving p38 MAP kinase leads to activation of the recruited glucose transporter at the membrane.  相似文献   

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