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武昌的秀体溞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋燮治 《水生生物学集刊》1956,(2):i054-i055,313
秀体溞(Diaphanosoma)是枝角类栉足族仙达溞科(Sididae)中包括种类最多的一个属,根据已往的记录,共计约有20种。关于我国秀体溞的计载,总共只有7种。最早是由Spandl在广东记述了镰角秀体溞(D.excisum Sars)一种。上野益三曾发表过有关我国枝角类的文章多篇,  相似文献   

本文报道了南京玄武湖微型裸腹溞和短尾秀体溞的种群变动和生产量的研究结果,并分析了影响它们的生态因子。计算了种群的瞬时出生率(b),瞬时增长率(r)和瞬时死亡率(d)。观察了微型裸腹溞怀卵量的季节变化。微型裸腹溞生长季节平均生物量为87.51μg/L(干重),生产量为8292.36μg/L(干重),P/B系数为94.76;短尾秀体溞生长季节平均生物量为9.58μg/L(干重),生产量为480.02μg/L(干重),P/B系数为50.52。  相似文献   

武汉东湖短尾秀体溞的种群变动和生产量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄祥飞 《生态学报》1989,9(2):132-138
测定浮游动物的生产量是水生态系统结构、功能和生物生产力研究中的一个重要环节,通过生产量的测算可客观地评价不同种群对系统作用的大小。短尾秀体溞在我国广为分布,但其生产量在我国尚未见报道,为此笔者测定研究了东湖麦秋季的优势枝角类——短尾秀体溞(Diaphanosoma brachyurum)的种群变化和生产量。在1983—1985年间,这种秀体搔在Ⅰ站的平均种群密度依次为7.67±12.39,11.15±20.58和10.14±11.19个/升;Ⅱ站则分别为7.36±11.07,7.37±16.16和9.69±14.65个/升。最高种群密度Ⅰ站可达95.7个/升,Ⅱ站为70.6个/升。 短尾秀体溞体长与体重(干重)的回归方程为:log W=2.0411logL 0.6462 用累计总增长法测定了这种溞在1983—1985年5—10月的总生产量。Ⅰ站依次为1.193,1.120和1.692毫克/升·年;Ⅱ站则分别为1.029,0.978和1.602毫克/升·年。 短尾秀体溞(5—10月)的P/B系数,1983年Ⅰ站为77.54,Ⅱ站为59.37;1984年Ⅰ、Ⅱ站分别为63.20和50.17;1985年Ⅰ站达78.29,Ⅱ站为71.59。  相似文献   

本文记述中国襟Ji属Togoperla Klapalek昆虫6种,其中包括3新种,即无色襟JiTogoperla noncoloris sp.nov.;全黑襟JiTogoperla togtanigra,sp.nov.和三角襟JiTogoperlatriangulata,sp.nov.。模式标本2保存在浙江大学植物系昆虫标本室(ZU)和西北农业大学昆虫博物馆(NWAU)。  相似文献   

记录了目前分布在中国的中剑水蚤属共计10个种:刘氏中剑水蚤Mesocyclops leuckarti(Claus,1857)、温中剑水蚤M.thermocyclopoides Harada,1931、特异中剑水蚤M.dissimilis Defaye&Kawabata,1993、北碚中剑水蚤M.pehpeiensis Hu,1943、奥贡中剑水蚤M.ogunnus Onabamiro,1957、邬氏中剑水蚤M.woutersi Van de Velde,1987、糙角中剑水蚤M.aspericornis(Daday,1906)、玛丽中剑水蚤M.mariae Guo,2000、深圳中剑水蚤M.shenzhenensis Guo,2000、蒙古中剑水蚤M.mongoliensis Kiefer,1981。对每一种的主要形态特征和地理分布分别做了详尽描述,给出了如何鉴定这10个种的检索表。同时还讨论和更正了过去一些学者对分布在中国的中剑水蚤属个别种诸如同物异名或同名异物的错误。  相似文献   

本文绘图描述了中国枝角类盘肠溞科盘肠溞属的三个新种:1.腹针盘肠溞Chydorus aciculaius sp.nov.的主要特征为壳瓣腹缘中部有一向后的针刺;2.多刺盘肠溞Chydorus spinosus sp.nov.的主要特征为整个壳瓣表面密布细刺;3.断壳盘肠溞Chydorus mutilatus sp.nov.的主要特征为壳瓣背缘后部平截内陷,有如断缺。  相似文献   

本文描述了中国枝角类科低额属的两个新种:黑龙江低额Simocephalusheiongjiangensissp.nov.和北安低额Simocephalusbeianensisbeianensissp.nov.及两个中国新记录种.  相似文献   

中国淡水微囊藻属常见种类的分类学讨论——以滇池为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据中国云南滇池藻类样品的观察结果,对中国分布的淡水微囊藻属Microcystis10个常见种的形态特征进行了描述,同时对它们的分类学进行了讨论,并整理出分类检索表。这10种微囊藻是铜绿微囊藻M.aeruginosa、放射微囊藻M.botrys、坚实微囊藻M.firma、水华微囊藻M.flos-aquae、鱼害微囊藻M.ichthyoblabe、挪氏微囊藻M.novacekii、假丝微囊藻M.pseudofilamentosa、史密斯微囊藻M.smithii、绿色微囊藻M.viridis、惠氏微囊藻M.wesenbergii。最后还讨论了中国报道的其它微囊藻种类的分类学状况。  相似文献   

中国虫草属已知种类及其分布   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对中国虫草属(Cordyceps(Fr.)Link)真菌进行了整理、修订,对有关分类学问题进行了简要讨论。文献记载我国该属有139个名称,分布于29个省区。其中,有效名称130个(包括125种、3变种和2变型),无效或不合格名称3种,错拼名称2种,存疑种4种,有无性型报道的种类38种,中国特有种46个。  相似文献   

中国全肿腿蜂属种类记述(膜翅目,肿腿蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统研究了我国全肿腿蜂属HolepyrisKieffer,190 4的种类 ,记录 7新种中国 2新纪录种和 1已知种共 10种 ,包括采自山东、浙江、福建、台湾和贵州的热海全肿腿蜂H .atamiensis (Ashmead) ,采自河南的瘦全肿腿蜂H .macilentussp .nov .,采自福建的角唇全肿腿蜂H .angulatussp .nov .,采自山东的黄足全肿腿蜂H .fulvussp .nov .,采自浙江和甘肃的褐足全肿腿蜂H .fuscussp .nov .,采自浙江和福建的惹全肿腿蜂H .yambaruTerayama ,采自浙江的古田山全肿腿蜂H .gutianshanensissp .nov .,采自浙江和福建的中华全肿腿蜂H .sinensissp .nov .,采自山东的细胸全肿腿蜂H .susanowoTerayama和采自浙江的伊文思全肿腿蜂H .evansisp .nov .。全部模式标本保存于浙江大学植物保护系寄生蜂标本室。热海全肿腿蜂Holepyrisatamiensis (Ashmead ,190 4)(图 1~ 2 )分布 :中国 (山东 ,浙江 ,福建 ,台湾 ,贵州 ) ;日本。瘦全肿腿蜂 ,新种Holepyrismacilentussp .nov .(图 3~ 4,9)分布 :中国 (河南 )。鉴定标本 :正模♀ ,1998 0 7 14,河南内乡宝天曼 ,陈学新采 ,编号 98873 1。角唇全肿腿蜂 ,新种Holepyrisangulatussp .nov.(图 5~ 6)分布 :中国 (福建 )。鉴定标本 :正模♂ ,1994 0 7 14,福建武夷山桐木 ,陈学新采 ,编号 94  相似文献   

Korovchinsky  N. M. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,441(1):73-92
The poorly known D. dubium Manuilova is redescribed on extensive material from more than 80 populations from the Russian Far East, Central Asia, Mongolia, China, Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka. Its morphological variability and geographical distribution are analysed and supplemented by notes on biology. The conspecificity of morphologically different distant populations is discussed. In the northern part of its range, D. dubium was long confused with D. brachyurum or D. leuchtenbergianum, and in the south with D. modigliani. It seems that the recent appearance of D. dubium in fish ponds of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan was an introduction, together with Far Eastern fish. D. pseudodubium sp.nov., close to but markedly different, is described from two lakes in the lower Amur river system. D. dubium, D. pseudodubium, D. tropicum and D. modigliani s. str. form a group of related species, widely distributed in Eastern and Southern Asia.  相似文献   

Material from 49 localities in Europe, Asia and Africa is used to study two similar Diaphanosoma species, viz. D. mongolianum UENO, 1938, and D. lacustris KORINEK, 1981, both of which were described earlier under other names, the most common of which were “D. brachyurum”, “D. leuchtenbergianum” and “D. birgei lacustris”. These species are redescribed in detail, consideration being given to interpopulational and individual morphological variability, the type material, and material from type localities. The morphology of the setae of the swimming antennae is studied in detail, and the author concludes that some of them are not only used for swimming but also perform a sensory function. Some aspects of the biology of the species are described. They inhabit water bodies of different types, are often so abundant that they constitute the main component of zooplankton communities, and are an important link in the trophic chain. Little known cases of the co-occurrence of Diaphanosoma species in a water body are described. Localities known for D. mongolianum and D. lacustris are situated mainly in the temperate and subtropical zones, the former species penetrating farther north than the latter. However, they are also found in the White Nile (Sudan) and Ethiopian lakes. This southward penetration may be connected with the azonal distribution of fluviatile fauna and with the altitude of Ethiopian lakes.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Diaphanosoma, D. oligosetum and D. dorotheae, from Louisiana and North Carolina respectively, are described. The former species has large head with protruding dorsal part, large lanceolate spine on the basipodite's distal outer end, an extremely reduced number of antennal setae, up to six in adult specimens, and unique armament of valve margin. On the whole, it shows the pronounced combination of primitive and specialized morphological traits. D. dorotheae is a member of D. brachyurum species group differing from its other known representatives in presence of a small but very conspicuous spine on the end of proximal segment of antennal exopodite and a variable number of setae (seven or eight) on the distal segment of the branch. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A rare species, Diaphanosoma celebensis (Stingelin, 1900) is redescribed from type material and material from the South of Vietnam. In comparative morphological aspect it is close to D. volzi, but it is relatively less specialized. D. celebensis is known from single locations in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam. It probably also occurs in Malaysia. The size frequency and sex structure of a population from Vietnam is described.  相似文献   

Postembryonic females and males Diaphanosoma brachyurum from Lake Glubokoe (Moscow) have 3–4 and 3 juvenile instars, respectively. Females and males of the first three postembryonic instars can be identified by the different number of setae and setal rudiments on the proximal and distal segments of the exopodite of the swimming antennae: 3 + 7; (i + 3) + 7; 4 + (i + 7), respectively (i = rudiment of seta). The subsequent instars have 4 + 8 long plumose setae on these segments, but the fourth instar has the proximal lateral seta of the distal exopod segment slightly shorter and thinner than the others. The antennules and copulatory appendages of males are instar-specific. Diaphanosomas show small increments in body length during the postembryonic molts. The largest increments (about 115 m) occur during the first or second molts. The allometric equation of Huxley (1924) was used for a comparison of the relative growth rate of different body parts. In the middle of summer, the head and swimming antennae with the body and the antennal exopodite with the antennal basipodite grow in isometry. At the same time, the branches of the swimming antennae and their setae show allometric growth: the exopodite and distal setae grow faster than the endopodite and the lateral setae, respectively.  相似文献   

The rareDiaphanosoma volzi Stingelin, long confused withD. sarsi Richard andD. celebensis Stingelin, is redescribed, based on extensive material of parthenogenetic and gamogenetic females and males from Thailand. Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Australia and Sudan, and a study of intra- and interpopulation morphological variability. Compared with otherDiaphanosoma species, it shows the greatest degree of oligomerization and specialization. It is widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics of the Eastern hemisphere, and mostly occurs in shallow, vegetated habitats.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Diaphanosoma excisum (Sars), a freshwater cladoceran, in benthic samples of an intertidal sandy beach is reported. Population density was seasonal. A relatively high density was recorded from June to September (south-west monsoon season) with a maximum (46 ind 10 cm–2) in September at a depth of 10–15 cm of sediment. A sudden decline occurred during north-east monsoon (October to January), and in the fair season (February to May), the cladocerans disappeared. Mean density varied (P<0.001) with sediment depth and season and showed a contagious dispersion. Abundance was negatively correlated with salinity (r = –0.76) but positively with POC (r =0.79) and mean grain size of the sediment (r = 0.93). The density of D. excisum was highest in fine sand.  相似文献   

Diaphanosoma macrophthalma sp.nov. is described based on material (parthenogenetic females and males) obtained from a number of water bodies of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and China. Intra- and interpopulation morphological variability, size range, sex structure and geographical distribution are analyzed.  相似文献   

Ling Qu  Ren-Huai Dai 《ZooKeys》2014,(434):47-55
Three new species, Tambocerus dentatus, T. longicaudatus and T. robustispinus spp. n. from southern China, are described and illustrated. A checklist and distribution to the Tambocerus species from China is provided together with a key for their separation.  相似文献   

Li YJ  Li ZZ 《ZooKeys》2011,(120):1-8
The paper deals with the species of the Oriental leafhopper genus Taperus Li & Wang. A new species, Taperus daozhenensissp. n., from Guizhou Province, China is described and new records for other Chinese species are given together with a key for their separation. The type specimens of the new species are deposited in the Institute of Entomology, Guizhou University (GUGC).  相似文献   

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