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The sigma S subunit of RNA polymerase is the master regulator of a regulatory network that controls stationary-phase induction as well as osmotic regulation of many genes in Escherichia coli. In an attempt to identify additional regulatory components in this network, we have isolated Tn10 insertion mutations that in trans alter the expression of osmY and other sigma S-dependent genes. One of these mutations conferred glucose sensitivity and was localized in pgi (encoding phosphoglucose isomerase). pgi::Tn10 strains exhibit increased basal levels of expression of osmY and otsBA in exponentially growing cells and reduced osmotic inducibility of these genes. A similar phenotype was also observed for pgm and galU mutants, which are deficient in phosphoglucomutase and UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, respectively. This indicates that the observed effects on gene expression are related to the lack of UDP-glucose (or a derivative thereof), which is common to all three mutants. Mutants deficient in UDP-galactose epimerase (galE mutants) and trehalose-6-phosphate synthase (otsA mutants) do not exhibit such an effect on gene expression, and an mdoA mutant that is deficient in the first step of the synthesis of membrane-derived oligosaccharides, shows only a partial increase in the expression of osmY. We therefore propose that the cellular content of UDP-glucose serves as an internal signal that controls expression of osmY and other sigma S-dependent genes. In addition, we demonstrate that pgi, pgm, and galU mutants contain increased levels of sigma S during steady-state growth, indicating that UDP-glucose interferes with the expression of sigma S itself.  相似文献   

A family of kinetic models has been developed that takes into account available experimental information on the regulation of ace operon expression in Escherichia coli. This has allowed us to study and analyze possible versions of regulation of the ace operon and to test their possibilities. Based on literature analysis, we found that there is an ambiguity of properties of IclR (main repressor of ace operon). The main aspect of this ambiguity are two different forms of IclR purified from E. coli K strain and different coeffector sets for IclR purified from E. coli K and B strains. It has been shown that the full-length form of IclR is physiologically relevant and that IclR truncation is a result of purification of the protein from E. coli K strains. We also found that the IclR protein purified from E. coli B strain carries two coeffector binding sites. Using model-developed levels of steady state aceBAK expression against physiological ranges of coeffectors, concentration has been predicted.  相似文献   

Expression of the histidine operon in Escherichia coli cells in contrast to the one in Salmonella typhimurium is changed proportionally to cells growth rate on the different carbon sources. The specific activity of histidinol-dehydrogenase is repressed by addition of 19 amino acids both in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium independent of the growth medium used. Using of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium strains containing the heterologous histidine operons made possible to demonstrate the dependence of the histidine operon metabolic regulation to be determined by the operon itself but not by the specificity of the recipient cells. ppGpp was shown to be a positive regulator of the histidine operon expression in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

Regulation of the pap operon in uropathogenic Escherichia coli is phase variable. This phase variation arises from competition between regulatory proteins at two sites within the regulatory region, GATC(dist) and GATC(prox). We have used the available literature data to design a stochastic model of the molecular interactions of pap regulation and expression during growth in a non-glucose environment at 37 degrees C. The resulting wild-type model is consistent with reported data. The wild-type model served as a basis for two "in silico" mutant models for investigating the role of key regulatory components, the GATC(dist) binding site and the PapI interaction with Lrp at the GATC(prox) site. Our results show that competition at GATC(dist) is required for phase variation, as previously reported. However, our results suggest that removal of competition at GATC(dist) does not affect initial state dependence. Additionally, the PapI involvement in Lrp translocation from GATC(prox) to GATC(dist) is required for the initial state dependence but not for phase variation. Our results also predict that pap expression is maximized at low growth rates and minimized at high growth rates. These predictions provide a basis for further experimental investigation.  相似文献   

We have isolated the ypfP gene (accession number P54166) from genomic DNA of Bacillus subtilis Marburg strain 60015 ( Freese and Fortnagel, 1967 ) using PCR. After cloning and expression in E. coli , SDS–PAGE showed strong expression of a protein that had the predicted size of 43.6 kDa. Chromatographic analysis of the lipids extracted from the transformed E. coli revealed several new glycolipids. These glycolipids were isolated and their structures determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry. They were identified as 3-[ O -β- D -glucopyranosyl-(1→6)- O -β- D -glucopyranosyl]-1,2-diacylglycerol, 3-[ O -β- D -glucopyranosyl-(1→6)- O -β- D -glucopyranosyl-(1→6)- O -β- D -glucopyranosyl]-1,2-diacylglycerol and 3-[ O -β- D -glucopyranosyl-(1→6)- O -β- D -glucopyranosyl-(1→6)- O -β- D -glucopyranosyl-(1→6)- O -β- D -glucopyranosyl]-1,2-diacylglycerol. The enzymatic activity expected to catalyse the synthesis of these compounds was confirmed by in vitro assays with radioactive substrates. In these assays, one additional glycolipid was formed and tentatively identified as 3-[ O -β- D -glucopyranosyl]-1,2-diacylglycerol, which was not detected in the lipid extract of transformed cells. Experiments with some of the above-described glycolipids as 14C-labelled sugar acceptors and unlabelled UDP-glucose as glucose donor suggest that the ypfP gene codes for a new processive UDP-glucose: 1,2-diacylglycerol-3-β- D -glucosyl transferase. This glucosyltransferase can use diacylglycerol, monoglucosyl-diacylglycerol, diglucosyldiacylglycerol or triglucosyldiacylglycerol as sugar acceptor, which, apart from the first member, are formed by repetitive addition of a glucopyranosyl residue in β (1→6) linkage to the product of the preceding reaction.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that nonsense mutations in either of two genes (capR or capS) or an undefined mutation in a third gene (capT) led to pleiotropic effects: (i) increased capsular polysaccharide synthesis (mucoid phenotype); (ii) increased synthesis of enzymes specified by at least four spatially separated operons involved in synthesis of capsular polysaccharide including the product of the galE gene, UDP-galactose-4-epimerase (EC in capR mutants. The present study demonstrated that the entire galactose (gal) operon (galE, galT, and galK) is derepressed by mutations in either the capR or the capT genes, but not by mutation in capS. Double mutants (capR9 capT) were no more derepressed than the capR9 mutant, indicating that capR9 and capT regulate the gal operon via a common pathway. Isogenic double mutants containing either galR(+), galR(-), galR(s), or galO(c) in combination with either capR(+) or capR9 were prepared and analyzed for enzymes of the gal operon. The results demonstrated that capR9 caused derepression as compared to capR(+) in all of the combinations. Strains with a galR(s) mutation are not induced, for the gal operon, by any galactose compound including d-fucose, and this was confirmed in the present study using d-fucose. Nevertheless, the derepression of galR(s) capR9 compared to galR(s) capR(+) was four- to sixfold. The same derepression was observed when galR(+)capR9 was compared to galR(+)capR(+). The data eliminate the explanation that internal induction of the gal operon by a galactose derivative was causing increased gal operon enzyme synthesis in capR or capT mutants. Furthermore, the same data suggest that the galR and capR genes are acting independently to derepress the gal operon. A modified model for the structure of the gal operon is proposed to explain these results. The new feature of the model is that two operator sites are suggested, one to combine with the galR repressor and one to combine with the capR repressor.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli expresses a specific ammonium (methylammonium) transport system (Amt) when cultured with glutamate or glutamine as the nitrogen source. Over 95% of this Amt activity is repressed by growth of wild-type cells on media containing ammonia. The control of Amt expression was studied with strains containing specific mutations in the glnALG operon. GlnA- (glutamine synthetase deficient) mutants, which contain polar mutations on glnL and glnG genes and therefore have the Reg- phenotype (fail to turn on nitrogen-regulated operons such as histidase), expressed less than 10% of the Amt activity observed for the parental strain. Similarly, low levels of Amt were found in GlnG mutants having the GlnA+ Reg- phenotype. However, GlnA- RegC mutants (a phenotype constitutive for histidase) contained over 70% of the parental Amt activity. At steady-state levels, GlnA- RegC mutants accumulated chemically unaltered [14C]methylammonium against a 60- to 80-fold concentration gradient, whereas the labeled substrate was trapped within parental cells as gamma-glutamylmethylamide. GlnL Reg- mutants (normal glutamine synthetase regulation) had less than 4% of the Amt activity observed for the parental strain. However, the Amt activity of GlnL RegC mutants was slightly higher than that of the parental strain and was not repressed during growth of cells in media containing ammonia. These findings demonstrate that glutamine synthetase is not required for Amt in E. coli. The loss of Amt in certain GlnA- strains is due to polar effects on glnL and glnG genes, whose products are involved in expression of nitrogen-regulated genes, including that for Amt.  相似文献   

Operon fusions were isolated between Mu dX (lac CmR ApR) and btuB, the gene encoding the multivalent vitamin B12 outer membrane receptor. Using these fusions, vitamin B12-mediated repression of btuB in Escherichia coli was demonstrated. Mutations in metH, metE and ompR as well as exogenous methionine, membrane pertubants, high osmolar conditions and temperature had no major effect on the expression of the btuB gene.  相似文献   

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