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森林损失和破碎化一直是国际社会普遍关注的重大环境问题之一。根据Forman景观变化包括穿孔、分割、破碎化、收缩和消失5种空间过程的理论,利用ArcGIS Modeler建立森林破碎化过程模型用以明确描述森林景观破碎化的空间过程和生态进程。基于NLCD2001、2006、2011 3期数据,以美国华盛顿州和密西西比州为研究区,利用森林破碎化过程模型,将森林损失斑块分为4种破碎化过程(分割类型因其线状特征被归入破碎化类型),对比分析天然林和人工林的破碎化过程在时空上的差异性。研究表明天然林破碎化斑块多分布于城市/森林、耕地/森林、以及灌木/森林的交界处,而人工林破碎化斑块分布格局较为零散;天然林中破碎化斑块和收缩斑块大多发生在上阶段收缩、破碎化以及穿孔斑块的边缘,而人工林中4种空间过程的承接关系不像天然林那么明显,但两者整体上都呈现相似的"收缩-消失-穿孔/破碎化"变化规律,主要表现为收缩类型占主导然后慢慢消退,穿孔和破碎化逐渐增多占据新的主导。  相似文献   

熊畅  吴卓  曾梓瑶  龚建周  李江涛 《生态学报》2023,43(8):3032-3044
森林景观格局的时空演变研究能够帮助理解区域森林变化过程。传统的景观指数方法多以均值为计算结果且空间信息表达不足,基于形态学方法能够从空间上直观辨别景观类型,综合破碎化和聚集度的定量分析有助于进一步认识森林景观格局的演变特征。以1990、2000、2010、2020年粤港澳大湾区土地利用数据为基础,建立基于“空间形态-破碎化-聚集度”的综合研究框架,开展大湾区森林景观格局的时空演变研究。结果表明:(1)近30年大湾区森林形态以核心区为主,森林面积逐渐减少,而2010—2020年减少速率降低,各类型森林斑块均有所恢复;(2)整体破碎化程度较低,中部破碎化地区表现为先上升后下降的变化趋势;(3)聚集度结果表明,距离森林边界500 m内的森林斑块面积最大,约占研究区总面积的30%,而距离大于4.5 km的非森林斑块面积几乎翻倍增加,应重点关注该区域的森林损失。研究有助于全面理解森林景观格局的变化特征,相关结果可为粤港澳大湾区的森林生态修复工程、国土空间规划以及城市可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

北京东灵山地区景观格局及破碎化评价   总被引:93,自引:2,他引:91       下载免费PDF全文
 人类活动已将北京东灵山地区地带性原生暖温带落叶阔叶林破坏殆尽。本项研究基于植被图,在地理信息系统(GIS)支持下,选择多种景观格局指数,从斑块面积、斑块数、斑块周长、分形维数和多样性的角度进行了格局分析和破碎化评价。结果表明,该区景观类型以次生林和灌丛为主,面积分布极不均衡,且多呈小面积零散分布。各森林类型的分布面积、周长和斑块数一般小于灌丛、草地和农田,且边界密度和斑块密度较高,显示出较高程度的破碎化。各景观类型的平均斑块面积和周长遵从分形规律,分形维数1.30,景观整体的斑块边界的褶皱程度较低。景观多样性的Shannon指数,景观组分的类型面积(2.262)<类型周长(2.435)<类型斑块数(2.675),均小于等概率情形(2.940)。上述结果均显示,该区森林景观破碎化程度较高。  相似文献   

减少发展中国家因森林砍伐与森林退化导致的碳排放和保持碳储量(REDD+),不仅能减少因森林砍伐和森林退化造成的碳排放,而且还可以带来其它生态效益,如减缓森林破碎化、保护生物多样性和增强水土保持功能等。以中国的西双版纳地区为研究区域,以毁林最严重的1976—2007年为REDD+基线,基于卫星影像,并结合植被指数,提取了研究区的土地利用变化信息。基于IPCC温室气体清单方法,计算了研究区的森林碳储量变化。在此基础上,对REDD+的碳汇效益和生态效益进行了系统综合评估。结果显示:(1)1976—2007年间天然林碳储量从占总碳储量的78.24%减少至50.52%,这是造成西双版纳地区碳储量减少的主要原因。(2)1976—2007年,天然林的斑块数量和平均最近邻距离分别增加了120.00%和25.21%,平均斑块面积下降了71.98%,说明天然林的破碎化程度加剧。从研究区整体景观格局来看,斑块数量、Shannon多样性指数和Shannon均一性指数分别增加了8.16%、51.39%和34.07%;与此同时,平均斑块面积和景观内聚力指数分别下降了26.26%和2.13%,表明研究区整体景观格局...  相似文献   

黑龙江省森林景观多样性动态   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
讨论了1949—1981年黑龙江省森林景观多样性的动态。利用1949年和1981年森林资源分布图,选取7个有代表性的度量景观多样性的定量指标:斑块密度、周长-面积分数维、聚集度、斑块散布与毗连指数、Shannon多样性指数、优势度、均匀度,在ESRI’S ARCGIS 8和FRAGSTATS 3.3软件支持下,系统研究了景观元素空间格局的变化。结果表明在近32年的时间进程中,区域森林景观破碎化现象加剧,其中以红松(Pinus koraiensis)林的破碎化最为严重。从斑块多样性、格局多样性和类型多样性的动态变化分析看出,原生的景观斑块类型在数量上不断减少或被异类景观所代替,即景观类型所占景观表面的百分比发生了变化,从而引起景观内部空间格局的改变。整个森林的景观多样性和景观类型分布的均匀性降低,优势度增加。人类不合理的经济活动,如毁林开荒、乱砍滥伐等,改变了景观异质性,从而造成景观多样性的变化。现在应该把对森林的保护和经营提到日程上来。天然林保护工程的实施对于促进林业部门休养生息、培育与保护森林资源,保护生物多样性和改善生态环境等具有重要意义。保护现有森林资源,实行采育结合,实施天然林保护工程,使森林的经营走可持续发展的道路是切实可行的解决办法.  相似文献   

社区水平森林景观格局动态特征与驱动因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐利  邵景安  郭跃  邓华  薛沛沛 《生态学报》2017,37(6):2101-2117
基于高分辨率SPOT-5影像、TM影像和农户调查数据,以及相关辅助数据,选取三峡库区典型森林大县石柱县三星乡石星村为样区,利用景观格局指数与Logistic回归分析法,对1994—2014年间的森林景观格局的动态特征及其影响因素进行分析,旨在丰富人们对社区水平森林景观格局动态的理解和认识,为森林景观恢复和可持续经营策略的制定提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)样区森林景观一直占据20年间景观基质的主导地位,空间分布上退化原始林主要集中分布在中东部低山、深丘区,次生林、退化林地和人工林呈镶嵌格局,分散于主要基质性景观中;(2)20年间样区森林景观整体呈先减少后增加的"U"型格局,表现为1994—2004年间的退化与2004—2014年间的恢复两个截然相反的过程,且这一过程主要发生在森林景观与水田、旱地、居民点、道路等接壤区;(3)2004—2014年间森林景观的演化趋势与1994—2004年间整体上呈反向趋势,空间格局上,这一阶段森林景观的恢复主要出现在1994—2004年间森林景观所发生退化的区域;(4)20年间样区森林景观在斑块水平上呈明显异质性分布,3个截面年份不同森林景观破碎化程度的总排序均为退化林地人工林次生林退化原始林,且退化原始林、次生林和退化林地的破碎度变化趋势相同,均为先增后减;(5)20年间样区森林景观在景观水平上的破碎度呈现先增强后减弱趋势,且2014年的破碎化程度恢复至低于1994年的水平,进一步说明在退化后的森林景观恢复过程中,生态完整性的恢复速度远低于破碎速度;(6)社会经济因素对20年间样区森林景观变化的影响最突出,其中,最主要的影响因素是人口密度变化,先增后减的变化使生态压力随之增减,进而导致森林景观的退化与恢复。其次是农民人均纯收入变化,特别是2004—2014年农民人均纯收入的增加,促进能源结构的转型,减少了对森林景观的依赖和干扰。空间距离对森林景观的影响具有稳定的持续作用,居民对森林景观的干扰多经由距离因素而实现。自然因素控制大地貌格局,中短时期内对森林景观变化影响不大,次生林和退化林地因处于适宜开发的边缘地带,受自然环境影响较大。  相似文献   

为了解中亚热带森林转换对森林生态系统碳及养分循环的影响,以中亚热带米槠天然林、森林转换后的米槠次生林和杉木人工林为对象,对3种林分的凋落物量、养分归还量和养分利用效率进行4年研究.结果 表明:米槠天然林转换为米槠次生林和杉木人工林后,年凋落物量分别下降29.0%和45.7%,凋落物氮归还量分别下降34.0%和72.7%...  相似文献   

基于模拟景观的城市森林景观格局指数选取   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于现实的沈阳城市森林景观,模拟了4个景观格局梯度,并选取了1个与之相应的现实景观格局梯度,分析了28个景观格局指数在各梯度对景观破碎化和景观斑块形状复杂性的反映,从而筛选出描述这两种景观格局特征的适宜景观格局指数.结果表明:斑块密度(PD)和平均斑块面积(AREA_MN)在城市森林景观破碎化方面表现出较规律的变化趋势,斑块密度随破碎化程度的增加而增加,平均斑块面积随破碎化程度的增加而减小;面积加权平均周长面积比(PARA_AM)在描述景观斑块形状复杂性方面与景观格局梯度相吻合,且随斑块形状复杂性的增加而增加,能够较为准确地描述景观斑块形状的复杂性.  相似文献   

庐山森林景观空间分布格局及多尺度特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
森林景观是区域整体景观的重要组成部分,研究其空间分布格局对于优化区域景观整体结构和发挥生态经济效益具有重要意义。基于庐山2010年植被斑块数据,将森林景观划分为常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林、松类、杉类和竹类等5类景观,从森林景观的不同发育阶段和林分类型角度出发,运用点格局分析法分析5类森林景观空间分布格局特征。最邻近距离分析表明:5类森林景观空间分布类型均服从集聚分布但聚集强弱有变化;不同发育阶段的森林景观空间分布类型以集聚分布为主,随机分布为辅,尤其幼龄林比较显著,中龄林和老龄林次之;5类森林景观的天然林均服从集聚分布,人工林大多趋于随机分布,只有松类和杉类呈显著集聚分布。Ripley's K函数揭示了不同发育阶段和林分类型的森林景观的多尺度集聚特征,即在小尺度范围内服从随机分布,随着空间距离的增大,以空间特征尺度为分界线,空间聚集强度先逐渐增强,随后不断减弱。总体来看,庐山森林景观的发育阶段主要处于幼年时期,原始植被遭到人类大肆破坏,幼龄林大片分布,属于典型的恢复性植被,未来要重点保护好天然林,减少人为干扰,实现森林景观适度集聚。研究庐山森林景观的空间分布和多尺度特征可以为生态环境保护和实现森林可持续经营提供理论指导。  相似文献   

泰山风景区景观格局时空变化的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用1986年和2001年两期遥感数据,结合野外调查,研究了泰山20世纪80年代中期以来景观格局的时空变化特征及成因,并探讨了相关人类活动对景观格局的影响.结果表明,过去15年的人为干扰是研究时段内景观格局显著变化的主要成因.80年代后期大规模纯林改造和景区建设活动,使大范围的景观斑块被分割,景观类型优势度降低.研究还表明,森林景观要素中松林面积减少最明显,大部分松林变为刺槐林和混交林.研究区景观斑块数量增加,导致部分区域景观格局破碎化程度加剧,特别是裸岩面积增加对山地生态系统的健康造成潜在危害.  相似文献   

长白山典型林区森林资源景观格局变化分析   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
利用研究区1985年及1999年遥感影像作为数据源,在GIS支持下并结合地面资料对森林资源景观格局及其变化进行研究.从两期地物斑块面积标准偏差来看,成熟针叶林(1985年为279.3,1999年为98.64)、成熟阔叶林(1985年为162.94,1999年为68.54)、中龄阔叶林(1985年为113.14)、中龄针叶林(1999年为160.71)斑块面积分布均匀程度均较同期其它地物类型小,这也说明这些地物组成中景观类型多样性及物种多样性.从景观相似性指数分析来看,中龄阔叶林(1985年为0.118,1999年为0.116)、中龄针叶林(1985年为0.07,1999年为0.336)、成熟阔叶林(1985年为0.312,1999年为0.228)、成熟针叶林(1985年为0.237,1999年为0.174)4类植被在15年间较同期其它地物类型稳定,是研究区景观的主要组成部分.湿地在两期的孔隙度都较大,湿地的均质化程度很小,形成了更多的斑块镶嵌体,湿地破碎化程度较高.  相似文献   

The Landscape Ecology of Tropical Secondary Forest in Montane Costa Rica   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
E. H. Helmer 《Ecosystems》2000,3(1):98-114
Multinomial logistic models of land use/land cover in montane Costa Rica and landscape pattern analysis showed that relative to agriculture, secondary forest occurred closer to old-growth forest, further from roads, in forest reserves, and at higher elevations. Collinearity between explanatory variables yielded simple multivariate models; proportion of surrounding old growth predicted secondary forest most accurately. An old-growth matrix [mean patch size (MPS) 24.5 ha], located mainly within protected areas, dominated elevations greater than 2500 m. A matrix of agriculture (MPS 23.5 ha), with smaller patches (approximately 9 ha) of secondary forest and old growth, dominated elevations from 1500 to 2500 m. Combining secondary forest with old growth decreased forest patch number and increased MPS from 7.3 to 37.1 ha. I concluded that: (a) secondary forest pattern is nonrandom, so ancillary data will aid its mapping with satellite imagery. The variables elevation, agriculture distance, road distance, and population density distinguished secondary forest from old growth with 74% accuracy; (b) socioeconomic and biological forces probably interact to create these secondary forest patterns; and (c) the strong association between secondary forest and old growth supports the concept that tropical forest recovery depends on the landscape structure of remnant forest. Received 16 February 1999; accepted 20 August 1999.  相似文献   

长白山露水河林业局森林景观格局动态   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于1987、1995、2003年长白山露水河林业局森林资源二类调查资料,利用ArcGIS和FRAGSTATS等软件,在景观水平和斑块水平上分析了1987-2003年该区景观格局变化及其与森林经营机制之间的关系.结果表明:研究期间,研究区森林景观破碎化程度加剧、景观异质性程度加大;1987-2003年,研究区斑块数增加979块,最大斑块面积比例逐渐下降,由1987年的28.7%降至2003年的12.7%;由于经营方式的转变,该区景观基质由1987年的阔叶混交林转变为1995年后的混合景观基质;景观破碎化程度在1995-2003年的变化趋势较1987-1995年有所减缓;期间,该区阔叶混交林的平均斑块面积下降最多、边界分割程度最高,表明天然次生林受人类干扰最大.  相似文献   

A theoretical framework and conceptual model for temporal stability of forest tree-species composition was developed based on a synthesis of existing studies. The model pertains primarily to time periods of several tree lifetimes (several hundred to a few thousand years) at the neighborhood and stand spatial scales (0.01–10 ha), although a few extensions to the landscape scale are also made. The cusp catastrophe was chosen to illustrate compositional dynamics at the stand level for jack pine, northern hardwood, and white pine forests in the Great Lakes Region of the United States and for tropical rainforests in the northern Amazon basin. The models feature a response surface (degree of dominance by late-successional species) that depends on two variables: type of neighborhood effects of the dominant tree species and severity of disturbances. Neighborhood effects are processes that affect the chance of a species replacing itself at the time of disturbance (they can be positive, neutral, or negative) and are of two types: overstory–undestory effects, such as the presence of advanced reproduction; and disturbance-activated effects, such as serotinous seed rain. Disturbance severity is the proportion of trees killed during a disturbance. Interactions between neighborhood effects and disturbance severity can lead to either punctuated stability (dramatic but infrequent change in composition, in those forests dominated by species with positive neighborhood effects) or succession (continuous change, in those forests dominated by species with neutral-negative neighborhood effects). We propose that neighborhood effects are a major organizing factor in forest dynamics that provide a link across spatial scales between individual trees and disturbance/patch dynamics at the stand and landscape scales. Received 23 June 1998; accepted 16 December 1998.  相似文献   

Concomitant with the rapid loss of tropical mature forests, the relative abundance of secondary forests is increasing steadily and the latter are therefore of growing interest for conservation. We analysed species richness of fruit-feeding nymphalid butterflies in secondary forest fragments of different age and isolation and in mature forest at the eastern margin of the Lore Lindu National Park in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. From April to August 2001 we collected 2322 individuals of fruit-feeding butterflies, belonging to 33 species. Butterfly species richness increased with succession, but was significantly higher in mature forests than in all types of secondary forest. Isolation of the forest fragments did not have a significant effect on butterfly species richness in the range of distances (up to 1700 m) studied. Rather it appeared to affect only a few species. Species richness of endemic species was higher than of non-endemic species. Although endemic species were most diverse in mature forests, many species captured were restricted to secondary forests. Our results show that mature forest is essential for the conservation of nymphalid butterflies and for the endemic species in this area. However, considering the relatively large number of species found in these rather small habitat islands, secondary forest fragments, especially older successional stages, can be taken into account in conservation efforts and thus contribute to the preservation of tropical biodiversity on a landscape scale.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigated dynamics of forest landscape along the main roads in Xishuangbanna from 1976 to 1988, and from 1988 to 2003, using FRAGSTATS software and the GIS technology, based on the results interpreted from the Landsat MSS TM ETM imageries in 1976, 1988, 2003. Some representative quantitative indices of landscape diversity, including mean patch area, percent of landscape , perimeter-area fractal dimension , aggregation , Shannon′s diversity index , and Shannon′s equality index were used to describe the changes in the spatial pattern of landscape elements. Comparing with whole region of Xishuangbanna during last 27 years , the results showed that the man-made landscape (rubber plantation) and non-forested landscape along the main road expanded faster and their percentage were greater, whereas the natural landscape ( primitive forest patches) reduced faster and its percentage was smaller . There were obviouseffects of road on landscape which the forest coverage was decreased , and rubber plantation landscape was increased with the distance from the road . The natural forest landscape had been fragmented. Especially, the tropical seasonal rain forest was affected severely, while the area and contagion of rubber plantation and shrub increased. The whole landscape pattern along the main road tended to be diversiform, equal and fragmented. The landscape was still dominated by natural landscapes but this dominance was weakening . A case study about the displacement of landscape patch centroids showed that the spatial centroids of many types of landscape, including rubber plantation, tropical seasonal rain forest, mountain rain forest, shrub and non-forested land had moved away from the road. All of these changes in landscape pattern would lead the deterioration of these region environments.  相似文献   

根据森林循环理论, 森林群落的动态是处于不同发育阶段的镶嵌系统。通过调查太白山亚高山针叶林带太白红杉 (Larix chinensis) 林的结构, 确定出4种斑块阶段 (林窗阶段、建立阶段、成熟阶段和衰退阶段), 研究了森林斑块动态变化和生物多样性变化规律, 并测定分析了不同斑块类型内光照和温度的日变化规律。结果表明:1) 群落内不同斑块类型的比例分别是:林窗阶段40.3%, 建立阶段34.0%, 成熟阶段17.2%, 退化阶段8.5%。2) 不同斑块类型内, 环境因子 (光照和温度等) 的日变化差异明显。其中, 在林窗阶段的光照强度和土壤表面温度要比其他3个阶段变化更大。3) 森林循环过程中, 不同高度和不同径级个体的密度存在着明显差异。4) 平均胸径、高度和平均基面积、个体平均体积和立地材积均随着森林的循环而增加。5) 森林循环过程中, 生物多样性的变化为波形的。运用自然干扰与斑块动态理论, 解释了太白红杉林循环过程中不同斑块之间生物多样性存在差异的可能原因。  相似文献   

以长白山自然保护区内的由1986年台风形成的风灾景观为研究对象。选取1987年、1993年、1999年、2004年、2010年和2016年遥感影像进行解译。利用Fragstats 4.2软件对景观格局指数进行定量分析,并用主成分分析法与景观综合评价指数相结合的方法对景观格局变化做出综合评价,揭示风灾后30年景观格局变化过程。结果表明:(1)草本-灌木的优势度不断下降;阔叶林和针叶林在恢复过程中先以增加大斑块为主,后期面积增加主要是以小斑块为主;岳桦林恢复过程中先以增加小斑块为主,后期以大斑块连片生长。(2)小而分散的斑块在恢复过程中转换为大而集中的斑块,景观趋于均质化。(3)草本-灌木,阔叶林,针叶林,岳桦林四种斑块类型在恢复过程中呈现一种演替关系。(4)确定了分别与景观规模、形状和景观聚散度相关的两个主成分,作为表征景观恢复性的关键指标。(5)在30年的恢复期中,研究区整体景观格局质量得到提升,但恢复缓慢,与风灾前依然相差较大。(6)多次强风干扰可以形成长白山西、南坡非标准的垂直带谱。  相似文献   

In tropical regions, many studies have focused on how vegetation and ecosystem processes recover following the abandonment of anthropogenic activities, but less attention has been given to the recovery patterns of vertebrates. Here we conduct a meta‐analysis (n = 147 studies) of amphibian, reptile, bird and mammal recovery during tropical secondary forest succession (i.e. natural regeneration). For each taxonomic group, we compared changes in species richness and compositional similarity during natural secondary succession to reference forests (mature or old growth forest). In addition, we evaluated the response of forest specialists and the change in bird and mammal functional groups during natural secondary succession in the tropical moist forest biome. Overall, species richness of all groups reached levels of the reference forests during natural secondary succession, but this was not the case for species compositional similarity. The delay in recovery of forest specialists may be the reason for the delay in recovery of species compositional similarity. Overall, vertebrate recovery increased with successional stage, but other potential predictors of diversity recovery, such as, the geographical setting (amphibian and reptile species compositional similarity recovered more rapidly on islands), rainfall (mammal species richness and compositional similarity recovered faster in regions of low rainfall), and the landscape context (amphibian, reptile and mammal species compositional similarity recovered faster in regions with more forest patches) influenced vertebrate recovery. These results demonstrate the important role of secondary forests in providing habitat for many vertebrates, but the slow recovery of species compositional similarity, forest specialists and some functional groups (e.g. insectivorous birds) highlighted the challenge of secondary forest persistence, and strongly argues for the continued protection of old growth/mature forest as habitat for forest specialists and as sources for secondary forest sites.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern of vegetation changes during ecological restoration, and these changes are affected by the process of restoration. The objective of this study was to integrate the pattern and mechanism of forest restoration in the Dinghushan Nature Reserve (DNR), Guangdong, China, based on data from remote sensing and long‐term field observations. We studied the pattern dynamics of three main forest types and their underlying mechanisms during restoration following a multiscale, hierarchical patch dynamics framework that integrates population, community, and landscape processes. Remote sensing data were used to determine the changes in landscape pattern during different periods of forest restoration from 1978 to 2006. At the landscape scale, the number, area, and perimeter of the needle/broad‐leaved mixed forest (MF) and the evergreen broad‐leaved forest (BF) increased, whereas those of the tropical needle‐leaved forest (NF) decreased during succession. Our analysis based on long‐term field observations indicated that the change rate of NF was lower than that of MF during 1981–1996, but became much higher during 1996–2007. The rate of change in landscape pattern and the progression of succession stages were consistent with each other. Our results also showed that species regeneration and community succession are the biological basis of forest landscape dynamics during vegetation restoration. Landscape pattern analysis allowed us to show “what” happened during vegetation restoration and “where,” and population and community analysis indicated “why” and “how” it happened.  相似文献   

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