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Long-chain fatty acids and their acyl-CoA esters are potent inhibitors of nuclear thyroid hormone (T3) receptor in vitro. In the present study, we obtained evidence for acyl-CoA binding activity in the nuclear extract from rat liver. The activity sedimented at a position (3.5 S) identical with that of the T3 receptor, and the two activities sedimented together. Similarly, they coeluted on DEAE-Sephadex. After partial purification of the receptor, it was again inhibited strongly by acyl-CoAs. Heat stability and a partial trypsin digestion of the receptor both suggested that the action site of oleoyl-CoA overlapped the T3-binding domain of the receptor. In addition, thyroid hormone receptor β1, synthesized in vitro, bound oleoyl-CoA specifically and its T3-binding activity was inhibited. The dissociation constant for oleoyl-CoA binding to the partially purified receptor was 1.2 × 10?7 M. This value as well as its molecular size distinguished the nuclear binding sites from the cytoplasmic fatty acid/acyl-CoA binding proteins. Oleoyl-CoA had no effect on the glucocorticoid receptor, another member of the nuclear hormone-receptor superfamily. From these results, we propose that thyroid hormone receptor is a specific acyl-CoA binding protein of the cell nucleus.  相似文献   

Molecular size of the nuclear thyroid hormone receptor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among the previously reported putative nuclear thyroid hormone receptor forms having molecular masses of 56-59 kDa and 45-49 kDa, respectively, only the former can be the endogenous receptor. The latter must be a degradation product because it is virtually absent in rat liver nuclear extracts prepared in the presence of 20% glycerol and 5 mM Mg2+, which inhibit degradation. In the absence of glycerol, the receptor form of lower mass was present in large amounts in nuclear extracts. Sucrose could not replace glycerol as a protective agent, even in the presence of Mg2+. Thus, the endogenous nuclear thyroid hormone receptor appears to be labile under the experimental conditions used in preparing nuclear extracts. The molecular mass of the nuclear receptor was determined to be 57 kDa on the basis of SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after photoaffinity labeling of nuclear proteins with (3,5-125I)-labeled thyroxine.  相似文献   

The thyroid hormone receptor (TR) recruits the nuclear corepressors, nuclear receptor corepressor (NCoR) and silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone receptors (SMRT), to target DNA elements in the absence of ligand. While the TR preferentially recruits NCoR, the mechanism remains unclear. The corepressors interact with the TR via interacting domains (IDs) present in their C terminus which contain a conserved motif termed a CoRNR box. Despite their similarity, the corepressor IDs allow for nuclear receptor specificity. Here we demonstrate that NCoR stabilizes the TR homodimer when bound to DNA by preventing its dissociation from thyroid hormone response elements. This suggests that NCoR acts to hold the repression complex in place on target elements. The TR homodimer recruits NCoR through two of its three IDs, one of which is not present in SMRT. This unique ID, N3, contains a CoRNR box but lacks the extended helical motif present in each of the other IDs. Instead, N3 contains an isoleucine just proximal to this motif. This isoleucine is also conserved in N2 but not in the corresponding S2 domain in SMRT. On thyroid hormone response elements and in mammalian cells this residue is critical in both N3 and N2 for high-affinity TR binding. In addition, this residue also controls specificity for the interactions of TR with NCoR. Together these data suggest that the specific recruitment of NCoR by the TR through a unique motif allows for stabilization of the repression complex on target elements.  相似文献   

Interactions of the nuclear thyroid hormone receptor with core histones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
These studies concern the interactions of the rat liver thyroid hormone nuclear receptor with histones and factors influencing the receptor's assay and stability. Heating certain crude receptor preparations at 50 degrees C produces a selective loss of triiodothyronine (T3) but not thyroxine (T4) binding activity, whereas, with more purified preparations, such heating decreases both T3 and T4 binding. The selective T3-binding loss in crude preparations was found to be due to the simultaneous denaturation of the receptor's high-affinity hormone-binding activity for both T3 and T4 and generation of new low-affinity T4-binding sites. The fraction in which T4 binding can be activated could be separated from the receptors by Sephadex G-100 chromatography. Core histones stimulated both T3- and T4-binding activity of 6-fold-purified receptor preparations, and data from several different experimental approaches suggest that this stimulation is due to the capability of the core histones to prevent the receptor from binding to or being denatured by Sephadex G-25 assay columns. The core histones were also found to stabilize 500-fold-purified but not 6-fold-purified or crude receptor preparations. A number of other acidic or basic proteins had little or none of these stimulatory effects, whereas a few proteins (such as the insulin B chain and histone H1) did have activity, although it was less than that of the core histones. There were no significant differences between the purified core histone subfractions (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4). That core histones can interact with the thyroid hormone receptors was demonstrated more directly by the finding that the receptors bind to histone-Sepharose but not Sepharose or insulin- or ovalbumin-Sepharose columns and that this binding was blocked by core histones at concentrations suggestive of an affinity for the receptor-core histone interaction of around 3 microM at 0.15 M salt concentration. The results demonstrate the utility of the histones in the assay and stabilization of purified thyroid hormone receptors, but they fail to support our previous hypothesis of a receptor subunit where T3- but not T4-binding activity is regulated selectively by histones. However, the results indicate that histones may interact with the receptors with some degree of specificity, and they raise the possibility that the histones participate in the nuclear localization of the receptors.  相似文献   

Using a gel shift assay, we analyzed the binding of in vitro translated alpha- and beta-thyroid hormone (T3) receptors to a T3-response element (TRE) derived from the rat GH gene. No receptor-TRE complexes were observed when translated receptor alone was incubated with the TRE. However, addition of a nuclear extract from liver to the translational products resulted in the formation of two receptor-DNA complexes for both the alpha- and beta-receptors. These complexes were shown to contain translated receptor by comigration of 32P-labeled TRE and 35S-labeled receptor in the gel shift assay. A competition experiment demonstrated that formation of the complexes was sequence specific. Preincubation of the liver nuclear extract at 60 C abolished formation of both complexes indicating that receptor-TRE binding required a heat-labile nuclear factor. Phosphocellulose chromatography of the nuclear extract resulted in separation of the activities required for formation of the two complexes. Analysis of nuclear extracts from different tissues revealed that one complex formed in the presence of all extracts, whereas the second complex appeared predominantly with a nuclear extract from liver. Addition of T3 to the binding reaction had no effect on receptor-TRE complex formation. We suggest that nuclear factors interact with the T3 receptor to enhance hormone-independent binding to a TRE.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous serine endoprotease furin has been implicated in the activation of bacterial toxins and viral glycoproteins as well as in the metastatic progression of certain tumors. Although high molecular mass bioengineered serpin inhibitors have been well characterized, no small nontoxic nanomolar inhibitors have been reported to date. Here we describe the identification of such inhibitors using positional scanning amidated and acetylated synthetic l- and d-hexapeptide combinatorial libraries. The results indicated that l-Arg or l-Lys in all positions generated the most potent inhibitors. However, further investigation revealed that the peptide terminating groups hindered inhibition. Consequently, a series of non-amidated and acetylated polyarginines was synthesized. The most potent inhibitor identified, nona-l-arginine, had a K(i) for furin of 40 nm. The K(i) values for the related convertases PACE4 and prohormone convertase-1 (PC1) were 110 nm and 2.5 microm, respectively. Although nona-l-arginine was cleaved by furin, the major products after a 6-h incubation at 37 degrees C were hexa- and hepta-l-arginines, both of which retained the great majority of their potency and specificity against furin. Hexa-d-arginine was as potent and specific a furin inhibitor as hexa-l-arginine (K(i) values of hexa-d-arginine: 106 nm, 580 nm, and 13.2 microm for furin, PACE4, and PC1, respectively). PC2 was not inhibited by any polyarginine tested; indeed, PC2 showed an increase in activity of up to 140% of the control in the presence of l-polyarginines. Data are also presented that show extended subsite recognition by furin and PC2. Whereas N-terminal acetylation was found to reduce the inhibitory potency of the l-hexapeptide LLRVKR against furin 8-fold, C-terminal amidation reduced the potency < 2-fold. Conversely, N-terminal acetylation increased the potency against PC2 nearly 3-fold, whereas C-terminal amidation of the same peptide increased the potency by a factor of 1.6. Our data indicate that non-acetylated, poly-d-arginine-derived molecules may represent excellent lead compounds for the development of therapeutically useful furin inhibitors.  相似文献   

The human thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (hTSHR) belongs to the glycoprotein hormone receptors that bind the hormones at their large extracellular domain. The extracellular hinge region of the TSHR connects the N-terminal leucine-rich repeat domain with the membrane-spanning serpentine domain. From previous studies we reasoned that apart from hormone binding at the leucine-rich repeat domain, additional multiple hormone contacts might exist at the hinge region of the TSHR by complementary charge-charge recognition. Here we investigated highly conserved charged residues in the hinge region of the TSHR by site-directed mutagenesis to identify amino acids interacting with bovine TSH (bTSH). Indeed, the residues Glu-297, Glu-303, and Asp-382 in the TSHR hinge region are essential for bTSH binding and partially for signal transduction. Side chain substitutions showed that the negative charge of Glu-297 and Asp-382 is necessary for recognition of bTSH by the hTSHR. Multiple combinations of alanine mutants of the identified positions revealed an increased negative effect on hormone binding. An assembled model suggests that the deciphered acidic residues form negatively charged patches at the hinge region resulting in an extended binding mode for bTSH on the hTSHR. Our data indicate that certain positively charged residues of bTSH might be involved in interaction with the identified negatively charged amino acids of the hTSHR hinge region. We demonstrate that the hinge region represents an extracellular intermediate connector for both hormone binding and signal transduction of the hTSHR.  相似文献   

Rifamycin AF/013, a potent inhibitor of nucleic acid polymerizing enzymes and of some hormone receptors, strongly inhibited thyroid hormone-binding to the isolated nuclear receptor. Fifty percent inhibition was obtained at AF/013 concentration of as low as 8 micrograms/ml. AF/013, however, only weakly promoted dissociation of the bound hormone from the receptor. The inhibitory action of AF/013 was competitive with respect to and reduced the receptor's affinity for the hormone.  相似文献   

The thyroid hormone receptor is a chromatin-associated protein which appears to mediate the actions of the thyroid hormones in mammalian cells. Unlike steroid hormone receptors, a cytoplasmic form of the receptor has not been identified, and the factors which govern the nuclear concentrations of the receptor are poorly understood. Using cultured GH1 cells, a rat pituitary cell line, we having previously demonstrated that thyroid hormones reduces the concentration of its receptor by a mechanism which involves the association of the ligand with the receptor binding site (Samuels, H.H., Stanley, F., and Shapiro, L.E. (1977) J. Biol. Chem. 252, 6052-6060). In this study, we demonstrate that n-butyrate and other aliphatic carboxylic acids elicit a reduction of thyroid hormone nuclear receptor levels without altering total cell protein synthetic rates. In contrast, the nuclear association and total cell level of the glucocorticoid receptor is not altered by n-butyrate. Evidence is presented that the aliphatic carboxylic acid-mediated reduction of thyroid hormone nuclear receptor levels is secondary to the inhibitory effect of these compounds on chromatin-associated deacetylases which is reflected as an increase in the acetylation of the nucleosome core histones. Isokinetic gradient centrifugation of chromatin solubilized from GH1 cell nuclei by micrococcal nuclease indicates that the receptor exists as a form associated with high molecular weight chromatin, as a 12.5 S form that sediments slightly faster than the bulk of the mononucleosomes, and as a 6.5 S form which appears to remain associated with low molecular weight chromatin components. Exclusive of the receptor associated with the high molecular weight chromatin, the 6.5 S form represents 80% and the 12.5 S form 10% of the receptor resolved in the gradient. n-Butyrate decreases both forms to the same degree suggesting that they are generated from the same "entity" of chromatin structure. Studies on the reappearance of receptor after restoration of the chromatin to the "normal" acetylated state are consistent with a model in which the affinity of chromatin for newly synthesized receptor is diminished in the "hyperacetylated" state.  相似文献   

Mammalian secreted phospholipases A(2) (sPLA(2)s) constitute a family of structurally related enzymes that are likely to play numerous biological roles because of their phospholipid hydrolyzing activity and binding to soluble and membrane-bound proteins, including the M-type receptor. Over the past decade, a number of competitive inhibitors have been developed against the inflammatory-type human group IIA (hGIIA) sPLA(2) with the aim of specifically blocking its catalytic activity and pathophysiological functions. The fact that many of these inhibitors, including the indole analogue Me-Indoxam, inhibit several other sPLA(2)s that bind to the M-type receptor prompted us to investigate the impact of Me-Indoxam and other inhibitors on the sPLA(2)-receptor interaction. By using a Ca(2+) loop mutant derived from a venom sPLA(2) which is insensitive to hGIIA inhibitors but still binds to the M-type receptor, we demonstrate that Me-Indoxam dramatically decreases the affinity of various sPLA(2)s for the receptor, yet an sPLA(2)-Me-Indoxam-receptor complex can form at very high sPLA(2) concentrations. Me-Indoxam inhibits the binding of iodinated mouse sPLA(2)s to the mouse M-type receptor expressed on live cells but also enhances binding of sPLA(2) to phospholipids. Because Me-Indoxam and other competitive inhibitors protrude out of the sPLA(2) catalytic groove, it is likely that the inhibitors interfere with the sPLA(2)-receptor interaction by steric hindrance and to different extents that depend on the type of sPLA(2) and inhibitor. Our finding suggests that the various anti-inflammatory therapeutic effects of sPLA(2) inhibitors may be due not only to inhibition of enzymatic activity but also to modulation of binding of sPLA(2) to the M-type receptor or other as yet unknown protein targets.  相似文献   

Metalloporphyrins are potent inhibitors of lipid peroxidation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The objectives of these studies were to determine whether metalloporphyrins could inhibit lipid peroxidation, characterize factors that influence their potency and compare their potency to prototypical antioxidants. Lipid peroxidation was initiated with iron and ascorbate in rat brain homogenates and the formation of thiobarbituric acid reactive species was used as an index of lipid peroxidation. Metalloporphyrins were found to be a novel and potent class of lipid peroxidation inhibitors. Inhibition of lipid peroxidation by metalloporphyrins was dependent on the transition metal ligated to the porphyrin, indicating that metal centered redox chemistry was important to the mechanism of their antioxidant activities. Manganese porphyrins with the highest superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities, MnOBTM-4-PyP and MnTM-2-PyP (charges are omitted throughout text for clarity), were the most potent inhibitors of lipid peroxidation with calculated IC50s of 1.3 and 1.0 microM, respectively. These manganese porphyrins were 2 orders of magnitude more potent than either trolox (IC50 = 204 microM) or rutin (IC50 = 112 microM). The potencies of the manganese porphyrins were related not only to their redox potentials and SOD activities, but also to other factors that may contribute to their ability to act as electron acceptors. The broad array of antioxidant activities possessed by metalloporphyrins make them attractive therapeutic agents in disease states that involve the overproduction of reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

Unesterified long-chain fatty acids strongly inhibited thyroid hormone (T3) binding to nuclear receptors extracted from rat liver, kidney, spleen, brain, testis and heart. Oleic acid was the most potent inhibitor, attaining 50% inhibition at 2.8 microM. Oleic acid similarly inhibited the partially purified receptor and enhanced dissociation of the preformed T3-receptor complex. The fatty acid acted in a soluble form and in a competitive manner for the T3-binding sites, thereby reducing the affinity of the receptor for T3. The affinity of the receptor for oleic acid (Ki) was 1.0 microM. In HTC rat hepatoma cells in culture, fatty acids added to the medium reached the nucleus and inhibited nuclear T3 binding; oleic acid being the most potent. T3 binding of the cells was reversibly restored in fresh medium free of added fatty acids. Oleic acid did not affect all the T3-binding sites in the HTC cells: one form (80%) was inhibited and the other was not and these two forms were commonly present in all rat tissues examined. Thus, fatty acids inhibited the solubilized nuclear receptor as well as a class of nuclear T3-binding sites in cells in culture.  相似文献   

N-acylethanolamines (NAEs) are bioactive lipids that engage diverse receptor systems. Recently, we identified fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) as intracellular NAE carriers. Here, we provide two new functions for FABPs in NAE signaling. We demonstrate that FABPs mediate the nuclear translocation of the NAE oleoylethanolamide, an agonist of nuclear peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα). Antagonism of FABP function through chemical inhibition, dominant-negative approaches, or shRNA-mediated knockdown reduced PPARα activation, confirming a requisite role for FABPs in this process. In addition, we show that NAE analogs, traditionally employed as inhibitors of the putative endocannabinoid transmembrane transporter, target FABPs. Support for the existence of the putative membrane transporter stems primarily from pharmacological inhibition of endocannabinoid uptake by such transport inhibitors, which are widely employed in endocannabinoid research despite lacking a known cellular target(s). Our approach adapted FABP-mediated PPARα signaling and employed in vitro binding, arachidonoyl-[1-(14)C]ethanolamide ([(14)C]AEA) uptake, and FABP knockdown to demonstrate that transport inhibitors exert their effects through inhibition of FABPs, thereby providing a molecular rationale for the underlying physiological effects of these compounds. Identification of FABPs as targets of transport inhibitors undermines the central pharmacological support for the existence of an endocannabinoid transmembrane transporter.  相似文献   

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