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Agricultural research is increasingly a global effort. No country can remain isolated in agricultural research without damaging its capacity to respond to challenges to agricultural productivity. In this paper, we explore the role of botany in the international effort to raise and stabilize farm yields. Given the importance of wild species in crop breeding and the increasing use of wild species to upgrade crops, the value of systematics is underlined. The contribution of plant physiology is also discussed, particularly with reference to mechanisms of resistance to pests and diseases and tolerance to adverse soils and climates. The crucial role of ecological studies based on field work is also underscored, particularly as it applies to wild plants and natural genepools, as well as crop protection. The necessity for continued support of botanical studies and gardens is emphasized in the light of the global effort to conserve and utilize crop genetic diversity. Finally, we examine some developments in mycology and biotechnology that have implications for agriculture and pinpoint opportunities for increased collaboration between botanists and agricultural scientists.  相似文献   

Established with the personal participation of O.G. Gazenko, the Russian system of medical care for cosmonauts has been largely preserved to this day. The system was fully functional on board the orbital complex Mir and, with appropriate modifications, has been adopted as the core of the medical care for Russian members of ISS crews. In 2000–2008, 22 cosmonauts were members of 17 ISS missions lasting from 140 to 216 days. The main functions of the medical care system were to control health, physical, and mental performance, and to support space research. Readaptation to normal gravity was, in most cases, similar to what has been typical on the return from Russian orbital stations; some deviations are accounted for by the use of in-flight countermeasures. The paper presents some aspects of the theoretical work of Academician Gazenko in the field of medical care in space flights. It outlines the principles of ISS medical management. The integrated medical support system combines medical equipment and items available in the Russian and U.S. segments; the integrated medical group consists of flight surgeons, medical experts, and biomedical engineers of international partners and coordinates the planning and implementation of medical operations. In addition, challenges of health care in the phase of ISS operation are defined.  相似文献   

The future prospects of microbial cellulose in biomedical applications   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Microbial cellulose has proven to be a remarkably versatile biomaterial and can be used in wide variety of applied scientific endeavors, such as paper products, electronics, acoustics, and biomedical devices. In fact, biomedical devices recently have gained a significant amount of attention because of an increased interest in tissue-engineered products for both wound care and the regeneration of damaged or diseased organs. Due to its unique nanostructure and properties, microbial cellulose is a natural candidate for numerous medical and tissue-engineered applications. For example, a microbial cellulose membrane has been successfully used as a wound-healing device for severely damaged skin and as a small-diameter blood vessel replacement. The nonwoven ribbons of microbial cellulose microfibrils closely resemble the structure of native extracellular matrices, suggesting that it could function as a scaffold for the production of many tissue-engineered constructs. In addition, microbial cellulose membranes, having a unique nanostructure, could have many other uses in wound healing and regenerative medicine, such as guided tissue regeneration (GTR), periodontal treatments, or as a replacement for dura mater (a membrane that surrounds brain tissue). In effect, microbial cellulose could function as a scaffold material for the regeneration of a wide variety of tissues, showing that it could eventually become an excellent platform technology for medicine. If microbial cellulose can be successfully mass produced, it will eventually become a vital biomaterial and will be used in the creation of a wide variety of medical devices and consumer products.  相似文献   

The rat in biomedical research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Muskrats are aquatic rodents of moderate size which are plentiful throughout North America, but are not used commonly in the laboratory. Recently, we tested the feasibility of muskrats as experimental models and have found them to be acquired and cared for easily in conventional laboratory animal facilities. Some of their natural characteristics and diseases are described. The husbandry techniques that we used are presented and form a base for the preparation of future guidelines for the maintenance and use of feral animals in research. The results of some initial experiments testing the muskrat's utility for investigations of cardiorespiratory control mechanisms also are presented. Our data show that even anesthetized muskrats possess brisk and dramatic cardiovascular and respiratory reflexes. Our findings that their brains possess the cytoarchitectural and myeloarchitectural features comparable to other mammals, combined with their relative uniformity in size, has allowed us to locate specific neuronal loci stereotaxically. We suggest that the muskrat be considered as an experimental animal model for studies of the neural control of cardiorespiratory systems.  相似文献   

The European Physiology Modules (EPM) Facility is one of the four major Space Station facilities being developed within the framework of ESA's Microgravity Facilities for Columbus (MFC) programme. In order to allow a wide spectrum of physiological studies in weightlessness conditions, the facility provides the infrastructure to accommodate a variable set of scientific equipment. The initial EPM configuration supports experiments in the fields of neuroscience, bone & muscle research, cardiovascular research and metabolism. The International Space Life Science Working Group (ISLSWG) has recommended co-locating EPM with the 2 NASA Human Research Facility racks.  相似文献   

Matthews KR  Calhoun KM  Lo N  Ho V 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e29738
In the past 30 years, the average age of biomedical researchers has steadily increased. The average age of an investigator at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) rose from 39 to 51 between 1980 and 2008. The aging of the biomedical workforce was even more apparent when looking at first-time NIH grantees. The average age of a new investigator was 42 in 2008, compared to 36 in 1980. To determine if the rising barriers at NIH for entry in biomedical research might impact innovative ideas and research, we analyzed the research and publications of Nobel Prize winners from 1980 to 2010 to assess the age at which their pioneering research occurred. We established that in the 30-year period, 96 scientists won the Nobel Prize in medicine or chemistry for work related to biomedicine, and that their groundbreaking research was conducted at an average age of 41-one year younger than the average age of a new investigator at NIH. Furthermore, 78% of the Nobel Prize winners conducted their research before the age of 51, the average age of an NIH principal investigator. This suggested that limited access to NIH might inhibit research potential and novel projects, and could impact biomedicine and the next generation scientists in the United States.  相似文献   

The baboon (Papio cynocephalus) has been used extensively for biomedical research at the Southwest Foundation for Research and Education (SFRE) since 1958. This animal model has adapted well to captivity, has reproduced efficiently, and has proved to be very useful in many areas of medical research. Reproductive data from the SFRE baboon colony, the establishment of a breeding colony from imported animals, the present use of baboons as research models, and the predicted availability and use of these animals were discussed.  相似文献   

Tramontano A 《FEBS letters》2006,580(12):2928-2934
The synergy between experimental and computational biology has greatly benefited both fields, providing invaluable information in many different areas of the life sciences. This minireview will focus on one specific aspect of computational biology, molecular modelling, and describe a few examples highlighting the effectiveness of protein structural analysis and modelling in providing relevant information about systems of biomedical interest.  相似文献   

The application of stable isotopes in biomedical research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many of the ways in which isotopes are used in biomedical research are reviewed. The use of stable isotopes in stable isotope dilution assays, for metabolite identification and in pharmacokinetic studies, is discussed and relevant examples are given to illustrate the various points made. Isotope effects and their implications for future drug design are considered. Some of the toxicity problems associated with the use of stable isotopes are also considered. Finally, a brief subjective view of possible future advances is made.  相似文献   

Ferrets have become an increasingly important animal in biological research. This paper discusses unique aspects of the ferret's anatomy, reproductive behavior, husbandry, and diseases as they relate to the research use of this animal.  相似文献   

Summary Biomedical research is characterized by a tremendous expansion of knowledge in recent years. Alongside, biomedical research is in the focus of public inerest. Hence, highest quality standards are required to meet the expectations of the scientific community and of the public. A panel of instruments of quality management helps to strenghthen productivity of biomedical research, i.e. 1. improved institutionalization of research; 2. productivity-oriented distribution of ressources; 3. evaluations and 4. quality standards for the performance of research. Quality management is a matter of a vivid discussion in Germany and professors and junior faculty members alike are generally open-minded towards quality management activities to improve output-oriented research. Contents of this paper have been given as lecture at the symposium “Quality management in phoniatries and pedaudiology” on the occasion of the 75th birthday of Prof. G. Kittel at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (organization: Prof. U. Eysholdt and Asst. Prof. F. Rosanowski).  相似文献   

Currently, there is the potential to generate over 200,000 mutant mouse strains between existing mouse strains (over 24,000) and genetically modified mouse embryonic stem cells (over 209,000) that have been entered into the International Mouse Strain Resource Center (IMSR) from laboratories and repositories all over the world. The number of rat strains is also increasing exponentially. These mouse and rat mutants are a tremendous genetic resource; however, the awareness of their genetic integrity such as genetic background and genotyping of these models is not always carefully monitored. In this review, we make a case for the International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS), which is interested in promoting and helping academic institutions develop a genetic monitoring program to bring a level of genetic quality assurance into the scientific interchange and use of mouse and rat genetically mutant models.  相似文献   

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