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The Iberomaurusian necropolis of Taforalt (Morocco, 11-12000 BP), excavated by Roche in the 1950s, contains 28 multiple graves. The funerary practices of the Taforalt population have been the focus of a previous work (Mariotti et al., 2009). In the absence of the excavation records of the necropolis, these funerary practices were investigated through the analysis of the contents of each grave and the distribution of intentionally modified specimens (ochre-dyeing, cut marks). Previous research has drawn particular attention to Grave XII (containing three male adults and two juveniles), where many intentionally modified specimens were identified. The present study focused specifically on the human remains recovered from Grave XII. Analysis of these remains has provided evidence of interventions, such as dismemberment and defleshing of the cadaver, and the use of ochre to colour the bones. Furthermore, the presence of lesions on two skulls suggests the possibility of intentional killing and cannibalism among the Taforalt population. This study further supports our previous impression of the complex and diversified funerary practices, characterising the social life of the Iberomaurusian population of Taforalt.  相似文献   

Located on the Iberian Mediterranean coast, El Collado is an open-air site where a rescue excavation was conducted over two seasons in 1987 and 1988. The archaeological work excavated a surface area of 143m2 where 14 burials were discovered, providing skeletal remains from 15 individuals. We have obtained AMS dates for 10 of the 15 individuals by means of the direct dating of human bones. The ranges of the probability distribution of the calibrated dates suggest that the cemetery was used during a long period of time (781–1020 years at a probability of 95.4%). The new dates consequently set back the chrono-cultural attribution of the cemetery from the initial proposal of Late Mesolithic to an older date in the Early Mesolithic. Therefore, El Collado becomes the oldest known cemetery in the Iberian Peninsula, earlier than the numerous Mesolithic funerary contexts documented on the Atlantic façade such as the Portuguese shell-middens in the Muge and Sado Estuaries or the funerary sites on the northern Iberian coast.  相似文献   

Collective burials were the main and most widespread funerary practice at the end of the Neolithic, beginning of the Bronze Age in the south of France. Megalithic monuments required a huge investment of time and labor. According to ethnographic studies, these monumental tombs are generally built and managed collectively. One can therefore wonder who was buried inside these structures because several archaeological studies indicate that access to these tombs can sometimes be restricted to certain members of the population. Indeed, ethnography highlights that access to certain tombs can be structured by variables such as kinship, social status, etc. While previous studies have mainly focused on the architecture and function of these monuments, this article focuses on the process of deposition of human remains and the characterization of the population buried inside these monuments. Since 2012, a project has been undertaken on the dolmens of the south of France in order to discuss funerary practices and to compare them with data from other archaeosciences to rediscuss the funerary traditions in place at the end of the Neolithic, the beginning of the Bronze Age.  相似文献   

Los Canes is a small cave situated half way up the abrupt southern slope of Cuera range, near the village of Arangas (Eastern Asturias, Spain). Three funerary structures have been discovered in the entrance of that cave. They consisted of burials (one of them, number II, reused) where the corpses of three individuals had been placed in different positions, with the legs strongly bent. Various grave goods (animal bones, pierced teeth, a perforated antler, etc.) accompanied them. The individuals found in these burials have been directly dated by AMS. Their age ranges between 6930±95 and 6265±75 BP (5930–5680 and 5330–5010 cal. BC). The present paper describes in detail the burials and discusses the questions raised by their datations and characteristics. Fourthermore the authors compare them with other Cantabrian funerary structures, taken into account the different mesoecological factors and living conditions of these last hunter-gatherer populations. Some preliminary anthropological data about Los Canes individual noI are also considered.  相似文献   

M. Mussi 《Human Evolution》1986,1(6):545-555
More than 50 skeletons have been found in Italy in Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic burials, most of them being of Pleistocene age. As for as Upper Palaeolithic is concerned, two distinct phases are recognized, with a gap in records between them of several millennia: 1) a first phase, in which rich burials, generally of adult or adolescent males, are found. Associated industries are of Gravettian — Early Epigravettian type. Strict rules are followed in funerary practices. Sites of this period are only a few in Italy, but most of them yelded burials; 2) a second phase, of late Würm IV age, with burials found in several sites all over Italy, associated with Final Epigravettian industries. Women as well as children are now buried in single graves, but men still outnumber women. Grave goods are scarce or lacking, except at Arene Candide, where very rich burials, customarily attributed to Mesolithic, but actually of Dryas III age, were found. Truly Mesolithic sepultures are only a few, and burial goods are scarce or lacking.  相似文献   

Archaeological excavations were carried out in 1990 in prehistorically inhabited caves sites in the Taza locality along the eastern Algerian coast. Recovered materials included stone and bone artifacts, faunal remains and a single human skull (Taza 1). A radiocarbon date for the upper cave level from which the skull was found was 16,100 B.P. While the skull, which is likely female, is very small overall, its shape compared closely with other North African cranial series. The obtained date and archaeological materials are characteristic of the Iberomaurusian industry of the Late Paleolithic period of North Africa.  相似文献   

In 1994 and 1995, a 7 m(2)area was excavated at Level 6 of the Gran Dolina site, Atapuerca. A 25 cm deep sub-level, named Aurora Stratum, contained a large number of human fossils, stone tools and faunal remains. The appearance of human remains as part of a butchered faunal assemblage in association with stone tools raises an interesting question relating to human behaviour. The main aim of this paper, therefore, is to evaluate the nature and function of the human occupation at this cave site with a view to understanding the purposes of cannibalism. The zooarchaeological and taphonomic analyses of the macrovertebrate remains focus on species composition, weight and anatomic groups, as well as breakage intensity, type of fragmentation, and surface damage (particularly tool-induced damage) in order to evaluate the faunal source, butchering techniques and economic strategies of the human groups involved. We also studied the distribution and fossil refitting at the site to establish depositional and postdepositional disturbance. Diagenetic breakage due to sediment compression plays an important role in the assemblage, but the most extensive modifications are those produced by human activity for nutritional purposes.  相似文献   

The El Harhoura 2 cave is situated in the commune of El Harhoura in the Temara region (Morocco). The entrance faces west, towards the ocean, around 200 m away from the current shoreline and about 16 m above sea level. The stratigraphy has currently 11 levels numbered from top to bottom. Level 1 is attributed to the early Neolithic. The archaeological material from level 2 places it within the Upper Palaeolithic (Iberomaurusian). Levels 3 to 11 are assigned to the Middle Palaeolithic (Aterian). Since 1977, a surface of 37 m2 has been excavated, yielding particularly abundant remains of a large mammal fauna study in this paper.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a functional study of the stone tools found with the burials at the Neolithic necropolis of Can Gambús-1 (Sabadell, Spain). In this study we aim to reconstruct the activities carried out with the stone tools, made from several raw materials, among which the so-called “honey flint” is especially important at this site. Although this is an interim report, we identify a double trend in the preparation of the grave goods for the buried individuals. Whereas in some cases tools were specifically produced to be deposited as offerings without any previous use, on other occasions implements that had been used in everyday activities were recycled and given a final funerary function.  相似文献   

The best evidence for identifying the inhabitants of northeast Asia in the terminal Pleistocene or early Holocene periods is provided by the human burials from the Upper Cave at Zhoukoudian, and in particular the “Old Man”. Apart from the Minatogawa finds on Okinawa, all Late Pleistocene human remains from East Asia that are reasonably well published are poorly preserved and often have equivocal dates. Since the time the Upper Cave was excavated it has been supposed that the human remains were the link between “Peking Man” and the modern Mongoloid complex. We have carried out multivariate analyses of the “Old Man” cranium employing new measurements of Weidenreich's cast of the skull and comparative data from Howells' survey of modern human groups. Despite our expectations the analyses have not shown the “Old Man” to be closely linked with the Mongoloids. Considering all the evidence available we conclude that the common belief of a close biological relationship between the people buried in the Upper Cave and the modern Mongoloids is not yet adequately demonstrated. Of crucial importance in interpreting the Upper Cave burials is their antiquity, which is still commonly thought to be in the order of at least 18 000 years. We believe that recent C-14 dates of about 11 000 years, determined from animal bones, indicate the earliest possible date for the burials. The time span between the Upper Cave burials and the earliest known modern Mongoloids in north China is in the order of about 4–5000 years. It is possible that a major population shift has occurred in north China between the terminal Pleistocene and the mid Holocene, when farming first appears. If this is so, the Upper Cave people may not have been closely allied to the Mongoloid groups that now inhabit East Asia and the Americas.  相似文献   

Leprosy was a common and dreaded disease in the Danish Middle Ages (AD 1050-1536). Starting in the second half of the 13th century, leprosaria were established in many Danish towns and cities. In the city of Odense (on the island of Funen, Denmark), the cemetery of the leprosarium was totally excavated, and four nonleprosarium medieval and early modern cemeteries have been partly excavated. This paper explores the frequency of leprosy in the nonleprosarium cemeteries in Odense, and looks for evidence of selective exclusion from the ordinary population. The analyses are based on 733 skeletons from four cemeteries in Odense: the Gray Friars monastery, St. Albani parish church, St. Knuds cathedral, and Black Friars monastery. Seven lesions are scored and, based on known epidemiological properties (i.e., specificity and sensitivity) of these lesions, scores were transformed to statistics characterizing an individual's risk of having suffered from leprosy. This statistical approach remains of primary theoretical value, pending confirmation by independent research groups at other sites. Prevalence of the skeletal manifestation of leprosy at death varied between 0-17% among the different cemeteries in Odense. The highest prevalence was seen in cemeteries with many burials before AD 1400. It is estimated that before AD 1400, between 14-17% of those buried in the nonleprosarium cemeteries suffered from leprosy. In all nonleprosarium cemeteries, there was evidence for selective exclusion of people with facial leprosy lesions. For a short period just up to AD 1300, the cemetery of the Odense leprosarium had, on average, more than 20 yearly burials. The establishment of the leprosarium was followed within a relatively short period by a dramatic decline in the number of sufferers of leprosy in the nonleprosarium cemeteries. The number of yearly burials in the leprosarium cemetery also declined rapidly during the 14th century. The present analyses do not permit conclusions about the reasons for this decline in leprosy prevalence.  相似文献   

高坪位于湖北省建始县东北部, 长江支流清江流域上游。该区域地处扬子地台中段北缘,区内中生界灰岩发育,新生代以来的构造运动和气候条件有利于岩溶的发育和洞穴形成,山盆期夷平面保存完好。2008年4—5月间, 考察队对该区域进行了为期近一个月的洞穴调查和试掘。对16处洞穴的调查表明,该区域在700m—950m高度发育有较多的更新世洞穴堆积物, 其中洞槽、神牛洞、响水寨洞和左家硝洞等洞穴工作条件较好, 是下一步发掘工作的重点。对巨猿洞东洞口外和大岩洞的试掘表明, 这里蕴藏着较多的动物化石和早期人类活动的遗物, 可进一步发掘和研究。  相似文献   

El Harhoura 2 cave (Témara, Morocco) has yielded Aterian and Iberomaurusian lithic artifacts associated with faunal remains. Both humans and carnivores occupied this cave and non-human predator modifications occurred mainly at the end of the Late Pleistocene. Diverse faunal taxa have been identified, with a predominance of gazelles and various carnivores, particularly canids. The location of the cave and of the excavation area, at the bottom of a cliff of low elevation and in the entrance of the cave, does not correspond to a protected area for large raptor nests or a natural trap. Considering the consumed species, the type of carnivore remains, the skeletal representation of prey, taphonomic alterations such as tooth marks, semi-digested bones and destruction sequences, large canids would be the main cause for faunal modifications. However, North African fossil data attributed to hyena activities present similar results. This paper highlights the difficulty of discriminating between potential accumulators/consumers due to a lack of taphonomic reference data. This study thus demonstrates the necessity of compiling fossil records and neotaphonomic reference data for North African medium-large predators in order to better understand the taphonomic history of North African archaeological and paleontological sites.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(5):537-554
The excavations carried out from 1983 to 1985 on an Andorran hillside by the former Andorra National Artistic Heritage Archaeological Research Service revealed one of the most important Neolithic sites in the Pyrenees. Directed by Xavier Llovera and Pere Canturri, the excavations uncovered a settlement with two interesting features: 1) it was located in a high mountain area, and 2) the same place possessed numerous domestic and funerary structures. Both factors have made La Feixa del Moro a key site in the prehistory of both the Pyrenees and the western Mediterranean in general. Three decades later, a pluridisciplinary team has begun a careful review of the documentation, studied the human remains and artefacts in the graves, carried out several forms of biochemical analysis and obtained new radiocarbon determinations for the individuals exhumed in two of the three burials in stone boxes (or cists). The objective is a better understanding of the first farming communities that settled in the Pyrenees.  相似文献   

During the 1998 field season, the Western Aleutians Archaeological and Paleobiological Project (WAAPP) team located a cave in the Near Islands, Alaska. Near the entrance of the cave, the team identified work areas and sleeping/sitting areas surrounded by cultural debris and animal bones. Human burials were found in the cave interior. In 2000, with permission from The Aleut Corporation, archaeologists revisited the site. Current research suggests three distinct occupations or uses for this cave. Aleuts buried their dead in shallow graves at the rear of the cave circa 1,200 to 800 years ago. Aleuts used the front of the cave as a temporary hunting camp as early as 390 years ago. Finally, Japanese and American military debris and graffiti reveal that the cave was visited during and after World War II. Russian trappers may have also taken shelter there 150 to 200 years ago. This is the first report of Aleut cave burials west of the Delarof Islands in the central Aleutians.  相似文献   

《Plains anthropologist》2013,58(40):132-145

The Spawn Mound, 39LK201, overlooking Brant Lake in eastern South Dakota, appears to be a Plains Woodland burial mound later used by historic Dakota for secondary interments. The 1966 excavations revealed two burial pits believed to be contemporaneous with the erection of the mound, which were assigned to the Plains Woodland component, and a third pit at the center of the mound which has been assigned to the historic Dakota. Each of the Woodland burial pits contained at least three individuals buried in the flexed position. The intrusive pit contained the remains of at least two individuals, apparently “bundle” burials. These intrusive burials were accompanied by European trade items.

On the basis of the limited ceramic material from the mound, including one rim sherd of the Ellis Cord Impressed type, as well as various lithic materials recovered in the mound fill, the Plains Woodland component has been tentatively assigned to the Loseke Focus. The historic burials would appear to date between A. D. 1800-1850.  相似文献   

The ‘Autours’ rockshelter (province of Namur, Belgium) excavated in 1992–1993 revealed three burials dated to different periods. Two of them are collective and belong to cultural contexts for which funerary practices were until then unknown. The first belongs to the Middle Neolithic and contained the remains of three adults and six children. In the second burial dated to the Early Mesolithic, six adults (one of them was cremated) and six children were discovered. The most ancient burial corresponds to a single interment. It is also dated to the Early Mesolithic and it contained the skeleton of a mature woman. The biometrical study of the fossils shows the presence of archaic morphological features. To cite this article: C. Polet, N. Cauwe, C. R. Palevol 1 (2002) 43–50.  相似文献   

湖北郧西黄龙洞古人类遗址2006年发掘报告   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
2004—2005年,在湖北省郧西县境内的黄龙洞的两次发掘中,发现了5枚人类牙齿化石、20余件石制品及大量的动物化石。初步分析显示这是一处重要的更新世晚期的人类遗址。我们在2006年对该遗址进行了第三次发掘,又发现了2枚人类牙齿化石、11件古人类打制的石制品与6件骨制工具、1500余件动物化石以及其它古人类活动证据。野外工作期间我们还对黄龙洞洞穴堆积及山体地貌的考察,在此基础上对该洞穴发育及古人类在洞穴内的生活状况进行了初步推测。本文介绍了2006年的野外工作情况。  相似文献   

The rapid Arab-Islamic conquest during the early Middle Ages led to major political and cultural changes in the Mediterranean world. Although the early medieval Muslim presence in the Iberian Peninsula is now well documented, based in the evaluation of archeological and historical sources, the Muslim expansion in the area north of the Pyrenees has only been documented so far through textual sources or rare archaeological data. Our study provides the first archaeo-anthropological testimony of the Muslim establishment in South of France through the multidisciplinary analysis of three graves excavated at Nimes. First, we argue in favor of burials that followed Islamic rites and then note the presence of a community practicing Muslim traditions in Nimes. Second, the radiometric dates obtained from all three human skeletons (between the 7th and the 9th centuries AD) echo historical sources documenting an early Muslim presence in southern Gaul (i.e., the first half of 8th century AD). Finally, palaeogenomic analyses conducted on the human remains provide arguments in favor of a North African ancestry of the three individuals, at least considering the paternal lineages. Given all of these data, we propose that the skeletons from the Nimes burials belonged to Berbers integrated into the Umayyad army during the Arab expansion in North Africa. Our discovery not only discusses the first anthropological and genetic data concerning the Muslim occupation of the Visigothic territory of Septimania but also highlights the complexity of the relationship between the two communities during this period.  相似文献   

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