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Tuber indicum, an endemic truffle species in eastern Asian, is an edible mushroom that is both an important export and widely distributed across China. Many existing studies on truffles focus on analyzing their taxonomy, population genetics, volatile organic compounds and artificial cultivation of the truffles, while little information is available about their nutrient composition and pharmacological activity, especially the relationship between chemical composition in ascocarps and their geographic distributions. This study presents a comprehensive investigation of the chemical composition of T. indicum, including free sugars, fatty acids, organic acids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, and polysaccharides, and tracks the antioxidant activity of T. indicum ascocarps collected from five geographical regions of four provinces in P. R. China: Hebei, Tibet, Yunnan, and Liaoning province. Our results showed that T. indicum collected from Qujing, Yunnan province, possessed the highest amount of free sugars (23.67 mg/g dw), total flavonoids (2.31 mg/g dw), total phenolics (4.46 mg/g dw) and the highest DPPH and ABTS radical‐scavenging activities. The amount of water‐soluble polysaccharides was the highest (115.24 mg/g dw) in ascocarps from Tibet, the total organic acids was the highest (22.073 mg/g dw) in ascocarps from Gongshan, and polyunsaturated fatty acids were most abundant in those from Hebei province. This study reveals that the quantity of chemical compounds in T. indicum varies by geographical origin. Detecting differences in chemical composition may provide important data for understanding the relationship between environmental factors and truffle formation, as well as quality evaluation of the commercial species T. indicum throughout China.  相似文献   

Truffles are one of the most valuable edible fungi and have drawn extensive research interests worldwide. In Taiwan, two species of truffle, Tuber formosanum and Tuber furfuraceum , have been identified and reported. Although the morphological features of these two truffles have been described, lack of molecular identification has led to difficulties with firmly establishing their relatedness to other truffles. In this study, we utilized the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and β-tubulin gene sequences to generate the phylogenetic relationship of T. formosanum and T. furfuraceum with other taxonomic relatives. Our analysis revealed five/three major phylogenetic clades according to the 5.8S-ITS2/β-tubulin gene sequences and corroborated with their morphological characterization. Tuber formosanum highly resembles the Tuber indicum B complex, while T. furfuraceum is most similar to Tuber huidongense . Based on a molecular clock, we estimated that T. furfuraceum and T. formosanum would have diverged from their close relatives in mainland China between 10.2 and 4.1 Ma, respectively. Based on the results, we propose that these two Tuber species found in Taiwan might originate from the common ancestors with some truffle species in China. However, due to a long divergence time and geographical separation, they have evolved into indigenous species of Taiwan.  相似文献   

块菌是指Tuber属的真菌种类,属于子囊菌门(Ascomycota),生在地下,其中包含着世界上最美味和价值最昂贵的食用菌.中国食与药用真菌文化悠久,历代本草都不乏各种菌类的记载,但在本草中记载的与块菌有关系的菌类唯有1245年陈仁玉编撰的“菌谱”中称之为“麦蕈”和俗名为“麦丹蕈”的一种地下真菌.日本本草对“麦蕈”也屡有记载,并把“麦蕈”叫“地肾”和“松露”.这是“松露”一名的最早记载,“麦蕈”或“松露”可能是被现代菌物学称之为须腹菌(Rhizopogon spp.)的真菌种类.因而,“松露”一名虽是汉字,但是所指并非真正的块菌,应是须腹菌(Rhizopogon spp.),也称“假块菌”(false truffle),所以松露和块菌寓意各异.产于我国西南地区的食用黑块菌主要是印度块菌(Tuber indi-cum)或中华块菌(T.sinernse)、夏块菌(T.aestivum=T.uncinatu)和拟喜马拉雅块菌(T.pseudohimalayense=T.pseudoexcavatum),近年来身价倍增,成为中国野生食用菌出口种类中名列前三甲的菌类,在世界块菌市场上也颇受欢迎.喜马拉雅块菌(T.himalayense)在我国尚未发现它的踪迹.印度块菌和中华块菌形态上有差异,若把中国产的类似黑孢块菌的黑块菌统称为印度块菌(T.indicum)尚值得商榷.中华块菌或印度块菌形态和遗传变异多样,尚需进一步研究.2010年在云南和四川相继发现的大型香味浓郁的白块菌,近似于波氏块菌(T.borchii)组的块菌,颇具研究和巨大的商业价值,表明我国块菌资源比原有记载的要丰富的多.由于利益之驱动和疏于管理,掠夺式的采收方法造成了块菌产区生态环境毁灭性的破坏,一些商业化采集区的块菌已濒临灭绝,中国西南地区的块菌资源的保护问题迫在眉睫.本文对产自欧洲、美洲的块菌、沙漠块菌,以及块菌的生态意义和种植作了简要介绍和讨论.  相似文献   

The malate dehydrogenase (MDH; EC; L-malate-NAD(+)-oxidoreductase) activities of truffles of the genus Tuber (Tuber melanosporum Vittad., Tuber brumale Vittad., Tuber aestivum Vittad., Tuber magnatum Pico, Tuber rufum Pico) have been characterized with regard to the K(m) and V(max) values in the direct and reverse reactions. The isoelectrofocusing has revealed bands showing pI values ranging from pH 5.85 to 7.8. The MDH of T. melanosporum has been partially purified by hydroxyapatite treatment, DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-75 columns. With the partially purified T. melanosporum MDH activity polyclonal anti-T. melanosporum MDH antibodies have been prepared and used to localize MDH in the mycorrhizae and ascocarps of T. melanosporum. These antibodies inhibit T. melanosporum MDH activity as well as that of T. magnatum but not that of rabbit liver; this supports the specificity of the MDH antibodies used to localize MDH in truffle tissues.  相似文献   

The present work uses histochemical techniques to investigate the correlation between reproductive differentiation and age of truffles (Tuber aestivum and Tuber melanosporum) with melanin synthesis. The dopa oxidase and tyrosine hydroxylase activities of tyrosinase have been localized within the ascocarp and melanin localization was performed by the Schmorl's reaction. A true tyrosinase is present in truffles, able to oxidize both 1-tyrosine and 1-dopa. The tyrosinase activity is on in the young ascocarps (in the peridium, hypothecium, and fertile veins) and off in the ripe ones, thus it appears correlated with the age and differentiation of the sporogenic hyphae that arise from the hypothecium; a similar correlation has been previously described in Neurospora crassa which is an ascomycete as well as the truffles.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among truffle species from Europe and China were investigated through parsimony analysis of the ITS sequences. Three major clades were obtained among the species analysed. The so-called white truffles appeared polyphyletic since Tuber magnatum was grouped with brown truffles and not with the other white species (T. maculatum, T. borchii, T. dryophilum, T. puberulum). The black truffles investigated in this study, T. brumale, T. melanosporum, T. indicum and T. himalayense, were grouped in an independent clade. The Périgord black truffle T. melanosporum and the Chinese black truffles T. indicum and T. himalayense, were very closely related. The delimitation of these species was estimated by a distance analysis on several isolates collected from different geographic areas. In spite of intraspecific variations of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) sequences, T. melanosporum and the Chinese black truffles can be unambiguously attributed to distinct taxa.  相似文献   

Soil fungi of areas in the North-Eastern region of Saudi Arabia where truffles are native were surveyed. Forty-three species of fungi belonging to twenty genera were isolated. Most were recovered from soils underneath or around truffle ascocarps: thirty species from soil under the surface of Tirmania nivea ascocarps, twenty-four from Terfezia boudieri soil and twenty species each from Tirmania pinoyi and Terfezia claveryi soils. Rhizosphere soil of Helianthemum lippi, on the other hand, yielded twenty-four fungal species while only fourteen fungal species were found in soil without vegetation. The total counts of fungi/g soil were highest in soils from the under surface of truffles, followed by rhizosphere soil, with the lowest in soils without vegetation.  相似文献   

Based on an assessment of soil and climatic conditions in British Columbia (BC), the Truffle Association of British Columbia (TABC) determined that the cultivation of Mediterranean Tuber melanosporum and Tuber aestivum might be possible in the warmer parts of the province. With the cooperation of independent truffle growers, TABC assessed the colonization of host tree roots collected from eight truffle orchards planted 2–7 years earlier using morphological and molecular criteria. Both Tuber species persisted on the roots of inoculated trees in six of the eight truffle orchards studied. The identity of Tuber ectomycorrhizas that had been characterized morphologically as differing from those of T. melanosporum and T. aestivum were determined using DNA sequence analysis to belong to three species of truffles native to the Pacific Northwest. One of those species, Tuber anniae, had been previously reported from BC, but the other two, Tuber menseri nom. prov. and Tuber beyerlei, are reported here from BC for the first time. Recently, production of three Périgord black truffles in one truffle orchard and one Burgundy truffle in another orchard demonstrates that these truffles are able to fruit in BC.  相似文献   

Truffles are edible hypogeous ectomycorrhizal fungi which have great economic importance for their organoleptic properties and have significant ecological interests for forestry. Although some new precious Chinese white truffle have been described constantly, the molecular mechanisms that control truffle body formation are largely unknown. It has been hypothesized that ectomycorrhizosphere soil communities may have influences on truffle production. Thus, isolation and molecular characterisation of culturable bacteria were carried out to investigate the bacteria diversity in mycorrhizosphere soil of Tuber panzhihuanense Pinus armandii in this work. Sequencing results showed a significant presence mostly affiliated with Burkholderia was β Proteobacteria (3098%). The second culturable fraction which dominated by Pseudomonas was γ Proteobacteria (288%) other isolates were mostly Phyllobacterium and Rhizobium, members of α Proteobacteria (1467%), actinobacteria (125%) and Firmicutes (76%) represented by Arthrobacter and Bacillus, respectively. Chryseobacterium ureilyticum was the only bacterial strain belonging to Bacteroidetes. Similarities and differences of culturable bacterial community of ascocarps and ectomycorrhizosphere soil associated with Tuber were discussed.  相似文献   

Tuber spp. are fungi that establish symbiosis with several trees and shrubs. Some of these fungal species produce edible ascomata, also known as truffles, which are highly appreciated for their taste and odour. We isolated and characterized eight polymorphic microsatellite loci from Tuber magnatum, the finest white truffle species, and assessed their variability in 370 individuals collected from all over the species range of distribution. Although two to 18 alleles per locus were found, no heterozygous individuals were observed. The availability of simple sequence repeat loci provides valuable tools for assessment of the genetic structure and population dynamics in this species.  相似文献   

Chinese truffles serve as a good complement to the market for Tuber melanosporum (Périgord black truffle). However, Chinese truffles could be introduced accidentally or fraudulently into the plantations of Mediterranean truffles, and they could have a negative effect on truffle production and natural ecosystems. The study of Tuber species from China which are commercialized in Europe began 14 years ago. Tuber pseudoexcavatum was proposed as a new species, and this has been validated by some authors based on molecular and phylogenetic studies. We synthesize their ectomycorrhizae using samples from the type collection, and we compare T. pseudoexcavatum and Tuber indicum ectomycorrhizae. The ectomycorrhizae of these species have a morphology which is related to the ectomycorrhizae of T. melanosporum. We provide useful information for the rapid screening of the above-mentioned Chinese truffles ectomycorrhizae, for the quality control of commercial plants mycorrhized with Tuber. Moreover, we analyze the soil tolerance and the host plant affinity of T. pseudoexcavatum and T. indicum, in order to assess the capacity of both Chinese truffles to penetrate T. melanosporum plantations and habitats.  相似文献   

During their symbiotic phase, white truffles are barely distinguishable morphologically, and molecular probes are needed for their identification. Here we report the design of species-specific primers for two white truffles ( Tuber magnatum and T. borchii ) on the basis of their ITS sequence. Their efficiency has been successfully tested on fruit bodies of the same species, many related and unrelated fungal species, as well as mycorrhizal roots in direct, nested and multiplex PCR experiments. They have allowed us to identify T. magnatum mycorrhizas for the first time.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships between Tuber pseudoexcavatum and other Tuber species were investigated by studying the sequences of four genes: 5.8S-ITS2, beta-tubulin, protein kinase C and elongation factor 1alpha. The four phylogenetic trees allowed to differentiate the black truffle clade, composed of two subclades, one comprising the Asian black truffles (T. indicum, T. sinense, T. himalayense) and the Perigord black truffle (T. melanosporum), the second comprising T. pseudoexcavatum and T. brumale. These two subclades diverged relatively early. We propose a common ancestor, located between Europe and China, to all the black truffles. The T. brumale/pseudoexcavatum subclade would have started to diverge and migrate first, T. brumale towards Europe through a northern route and T. pseudoexcavatum towards China. Later the T. melanosporum subclade would have started to migrate through the same route, T. melanosporum towards Europe and T. indicum towards China, leading to vicariant species.  相似文献   

Truffles are hypogeous ectomycorrhizal fungi. They belong to the genus Tuber and are currently considered a hot spot in fungal biology due to their ecological and economic relevance. Among all the species, Tuber magnatum is the most appreciated because of its special taste and aroma. The aim of this work was to set up a protocol to detect T. magnatum in soil and to assess its distribution in a natural truffle-ground. We used the β-tubulin gene as a marker to identify T. magnatum in the soil. This gene allowed us to trace the distribution of the fungus over the entire truffle-ground. Tuber magnatum was found, in one case, 100 m from the productive host plant. This study highlights that T. magnatum mycelium is more widespread than can be inferred from the distribution of truffles and ectomycorrhizas. Interestingly, a new haplotype – never described from fruiting body material – was identified. The specific detection of T. magnatum in the soil will allow to unravel the ecology of this fungus, following its mycelial network. Moreover, this new tool may have practical importance in projects aimed to increase large-scale truffle production, checking for T. magnatum persistence in plantations.  相似文献   

Limitations in the use of morphological traits to identify ectomycorrhizae have led to the development of species‐specific molecular markers. Herein, we report a PCR‐based technique for the reliable molecular identification of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Tuber macrosporum Vittad. Species‐specific primers were designed from an alignment of internal transcribed spacer rDNA sequences from Tuber spp. and from the most common ectomycorrhizal contaminants found in the root systems of truffle‐infected plants. The primers were tested for selective amplification using both different truffles and different ectomycorrhizae and were found to identify T. macrosporum successfully. The application of the primers in certifying the quality of truffle‐inoculated seedlings is discussed.  相似文献   

Truffles are hypogeous Ascomycete fungi belonging to the genus Tuber and forming fruiting bodies highly prized for their taste and aroma. The identification of the genus Tuber and its species is important to investigate their ecology and avoid fraud in the food market. As genus-specific primers are not available, the aims of this work were (1) to assess the usefulness of the β-tubulin gene as a DNA barcoding region for designing Tuber genus-specific primers, (2) to test the primers on a range of fruiting bodies, representing a large part of truffle biodiversity and (3) to check their ecological usefulness, applying them to truffle-ground soil. The new primers designed on the β-tubulin gene were specific to the Tuber genus in nested PCR. When applied to DNA from soils, they gave a positive signal for 23 of 32 soils. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that the bands corresponded to Tuber and that at least five Tuber species were present in the truffle-ground. β-tubulin was found to be a good barcoding region for designing Tuber genus-specific primers, detecting a high Tuber diversity in a natural environment. These primers will be useful for understanding truffle ecology and for practical needs in plantation management.  相似文献   

Tuber borchii (the Bianchetto truffle) is a heterothallic Ascomycete living in symbiotic association with trees and shrubs. Maternal and paternal genotype dynamics have already been studied for the black truffles Tuber melanosporum and Tuber aestivum but not yet for T. borchii. In this study, we analysed maternal and paternal genotypes in the first truffle orchard realized with plants inoculated with five different T. borchii mycelia. Our aims were to test the persistence of the inoculated mycelia, if maternal and/or paternal genotypes correspond to inoculated mycelia and to assess the hermaphroditism of T. borchii. The mating type of each isolate as well as those of mycorrhizas, ascomata and extraradical soil mycelia was determined. Moreover, simple sequence repeat (SSR) profiles of maternal and paternal genotypes were assessed in 18 fruiting bodies to investigate the sexual behaviour of this truffle. The maternal genotypes of the fruiting bodies corresponded to those of the inoculated mycelia with only two exceptions. This confirmed that the inoculated mycelia persisted 9 years after plantation. As regards paternal partner, only two had the same genotype as those of the inoculated mycelia, suggesting hermaphroditism. Most of the new paternal genotypes originated from a recombination of those of inoculated mycelia.  相似文献   

Although the truffle beetle, Leiodes cinnamomea, inflicts substantial damage to the ripe stage of fruiting bodies of the economically important black truffle (Tuber melanosporum), it is not attracted by ripe truffle odours. Rather, male beetles are attracted to infested truffles only in the presence of female beetles, suggesting that the former employ a pheromone to locate truffles over short distances. In contrast, female beetles show no attraction to infested or uninfested truffles, suggesting that they employ other cues, possibly linked to odours emitted by truffles prior to the ripe stage. We hypothesize that the chemical composition of truffle volatiles changes over the life of the truffle fruiting body, being attractive to insects early on and to mammals just prior to decomposition.  相似文献   

Truffle harvests are declining in Europe, due to droughts, and this offers an opportunity for production to be developed in countries such as the UK and Poland, where rainfall tends to be higher. Drier Mediterranean summers seem to be associated with a decrease in the harvest of the Périgord truffle (Tuber melanosporum) in Spain, France and Italy. However, other species, for example the Burgundy truffle (Tuber aestivum) offer opportunities for production in the more temperate environments north of the Alps. Truffles across Europe can be infested by insect larvae, seriously reducing their economic and culinary quality. Here, using a combination of literature sources and a field survey, we present a commentary on insects attacking truffles, aiming to highlight those species that could be potential pests in the British and Polish emergent industries. There is a remarkable disparity in coincidence of records of insects and truffles in these countries, yet a survey in Poland confirms that insects can be abundant. We discuss reasons for this disparity and suggest that biochemical methods could easily be developed for detection of the truffles and their attackers.  相似文献   

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