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Reconstitution of rabbit thrombomodulin into phospholipid vesicles   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The influence of phospholipid on thrombin-thrombomodulin-catalyzed activation of protein C has been studied by incorporating thrombomodulin into vesicles by dialysis from octyl glucoside-phospholipid mixtures. Thrombomodulin was incorporated into vesicles ranging from neutral (100% phosphatidylcholine) to highly charged (30% phosphatidylserine and 70% phosphatidylcholine). Thrombomodulin is randomly oriented in vesicles of different phospholipid composition. Incorporation of thrombomodulin into phosphatidylcholine, with or without phosphatidylserine, alters the Ca2+ concentration dependence of protein C activation. Soluble thrombomodulin showed a half-maximal rate of activation at 580 microM Ca2+, whereas half-maximal rates of activation of liposome-reconstituted thrombomodulin were obtained between 500 microM Ca2+ and 2 mM Ca2+, depending on the composition (protein:phospholipid) of the liposomes. The Ca2+ dependence of protein C activation fits a simple hyperbola for the soluble activator, while the Ca2+ dependence of the membrane-associated complex is distinctly sigmoidal with a Hill coefficient greater than 2.4. In contrast, the Ca2+ dependence of gamma-carboxyglutamic acid (Gla) domainless protein C activation is unchanged by membrane reconstitution (1/2 max = 53 +/- 10 microM) and fits a simple rectangular hyperbola. Incorporation of thrombomodulin into pure phosphatidylcholine vesicles reduces the Km for protein C from 7.6 +/- 2 to 0.7 +/- 0.2 microM. Increasing phosphatidylserine to 20% decreased the Km for protein C further to 0.1 +/- 0.02 microM. Membrane incorporation has no influence on the activation of protein C from which the Gla residues are removed proteolytically (Km = 6.4 +/- 0.5 microM). The Km for protein C observed on endothelial cells is more similar to the Km observed when thrombomodulin (TM) is incorporated into pure phosphatidylcholine vesicles than into negatively charged vesicles, suggesting that the protein C-binding site on endothelial cells does not involve negatively charged phospholipids. In support of this concept, we observed that prothrombin and fragment 1, which bind to negatively charged phospholipids, do not inhibit protein C activation on endothelial cells or TM incorporated into phosphatidylcholine vesicles, but do inhibit when TM is incorporated into phosphatidylcholine:phosphatidylserine vesicles. These studies suggest that neutral phospholipids lead to exposure of a site, probably on thrombomodulin, capable of recognizing the Gla domain of protein C.  相似文献   

Previously we have shown that the measurable soluble sialyltransferase (STase) activity released into the medium during the incubation of rat jejunal slices was dependent upon the presence of a heparin-binding fraction (HBF) from heat-inactivated serum or a trypsin-binding protein (TBP) isolated from HBF. Both HBF and TBP were able to inhibit trypsin and plasmin. The measurement of galactosyltransferase (GTase) activity which was also released in incubations was not dependent on HBF or TBP. The present study is directed towards further exploring the relationship between STase activity and protease inhibitory activity. Heat-inactivated serum from turpentine-treated rats (HTS), had higher plasmin-trypsin-inhibitory (HTS) activities compared to heat-inactivated serum from control rats (HCS). When HTS was used to supplement jejunal incubations, there was a 25–40% increase in the measurable STase activity in the incubation medium compared to similar incubations carried out in buffer alone. In contrast, with HCS the increase was 10–15%. During incubations with hepatocytes, STase activity detected in the incubation medium was increased with the incubation buffer was supplemented with HTS compared to incubations supplemented with HCS. Serum antiproteolytic activity was higher in turpentine rats compared to controls. Incubation of serum at 37°C led to a progressive decrease in plasmin-trypsin-inhibitory and STase activities. TBP a plasmin and trypsin inhibitor was able to prevent the decrease in STase activity. Overall, serum STase activity was higher in the turpentine treated rats. In contrast, GTase activity in serum as well as that detected in the medium during jejunal and hepatocyte incubations was not dependent on protease inhibitory activity. The results show that there is a relationship between soluble STase and plasmin-trypsin-inhibitory activities.  相似文献   

Cultured rabbit endothelial cells have significant but variable amounts of thrombomodulin (TM), both on their surface as well as inside the cell. To determine if variations in TM antigen is cell cycle related, cells with very high levels of TM antigen were identified and staged according to the intracellular distribution and relative amounts of the antigen, using immunofluorescence techniques. After staging, the nuclear DNA content of each of these cells was determined by measuring the propidium iodide (PI) fluorescence intensity cytophotometrically. Stages 1, 2, and 3, which exhibited TM immunofluorescence in the golgi area, clustered to the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Cells without discernible golgi fluorescence (stages 4 and 5) but with variable amounts of cytoplasmic and surface fluorescence appeared to have little or no relationship to the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Human thrombomodulin (TM) was for the first time immobilized on glass beads by the reaction between the carboxyl group of TM and the amino group of glass beads using water-soluble carbodiimide. Immobilized human TM exhibited both anticoagulant activity and inhibition of platelet aggregation of human blood.  相似文献   

Previous studies on rabbit thrombomodulin (TM) revealed that certain anticoagulant activities expressed by TM depend on the presence of an acidic domain tentatively identified as a sulfated galactosaminoglycan (Bourin, M.-C., Ohlin, A.-K., Lane, D., Stenflo, J., and Lindahl, U. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 8044-8052). The glycan was released by alkaline beta-elimination, isolated by ion-exchange chromatography, and radiolabeled by partial N-deacetylation (hydrazinolysis) followed by re-N-[3H]acetylation. The labeled product behaved like standard chondroitin sulfate on ion-exchange chromatography, exhibited a Mr of 10-12 x 10(3) on gel chromatography, and was susceptible to degradation by chondroitinase and testicular hyaluronidase. The major labeled degradation products following digestion of the glycosaminoglycan with chondroitinase were identified, depending on the incubation conditions, either as 4/6-mono-O-sulfated, 4,5-unsaturated disaccharides (delta HexA-GalNAc(S] and N-acetylgalactosamine 4,6-di-O-sulfate (GalcNAc (diS], the latter component accounting for approximately 25% of the total label, or as a major fraction of labeled trisaccharide, with the predominant structure GalNAc(diS)-GlcA-GalNAc(diS). The terminal GalNAc(diS) unit (not substituted at C3) was shown to be more susceptible to N-deacetylation during hydrazinolysis than were the internal GalNAc units (substituted at C3), and thus was more extensively labeled, resulting in over-representation of this unit. It is concluded that rabbit TM is a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan, which carries a single glycan side chain characterized by an unusual accumulation of sulfate groups at the nonreducing terminus. Metabolically 35S-labeled TM was isolated from cultured rabbit heart endothelial cells and characterized as a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan which accounted for 1-2% of the total 35S-labeled cell-associated macromolecules. The isolated chondroitin sulfate showed weaker antithrombin-dependent anticoagulant activity, on a molar basis, than the intact TM proteoglycan. The anticoagulant action of TM thus depends on a unique form of functional collaboration between the different constituents of a glycoconjugate.  相似文献   

Rabbit transferrin (Tf) was studied electrophoretically using 1141 blood samples from individuals belonging to seven populations (Spanish Common, Spanish Giant, Butterfly, Lyoné de Bourgogne, New Zealand White, Californian and New Zealand White X Californian hybrids). No Tf polymorphism was found by starch gel electrophoresis, but six patterns, differing in the presence and/or intensity of three bands ('a', anodic; 'b', intermediate; and 'c', cathodic) were observed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. No genetic model could explain these patterns, since they reflect differences in plasma Tf iron content. The electrophoretic test allowed a direct observation of the relative in vivo levels of the different Tf molecular species; saturated (band 'a', Fe2Tf); semi-saturated (band 'b', Fe1Tf); and without iron (band 'c' Fe0Tf, apotransferrin). The degree of iron saturation of Tf varied among individuals and throughout the individual's life. Specifically, in pregnant females, Fe2Tf and Fe1Tf are generally observed, except in late pregnancy (from day 25 to parturition), when mainly apotransferrin is observed. Significantly, within 24 h post-partum, high levels of Fe2Tf are reached in the female's serum.  相似文献   

The thrombin binding aptamer (TBA) possesses promising antiproliferative properties. However, its development as an anticancer agent is drastically impaired by its concomitant anticoagulant activity. Therefore, suitable chemical modifications in the TBA sequence would be required in order to preserve its antiproliferative over anticoagulant activity. In this paper, we report structural investigations, based on circular dichroism (CD) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), and biological evaluation of four pairs of enantiomeric heterochiral TBA analogues. The four TBA derivatives of the d-series are composed by d-residues except for one l-thymidine in the small TT loops, while their four enantiomers are composed by l-residues except for one d-thymidine in the same TT loop region. Apart from the left-handedness for the l-series TBA derivatives, CD and NMR measurements have shown that all TBA analogues are able to adopt the antiparallel, monomolecular, ‘chair-like’ G-quadruplex structure characteristic of the natural D-TBA. However, although all eight TBA derivatives are endowed with remarkable cytotoxic activities against colon and lung cancer cell lines, only TBA derivatives of the l-series show no anticoagulant activity and are considerably resistant in biological environments.  相似文献   

Lubrol-solubilized rabbit thrombomodulin has been examined by equilibrium sedimentation in buffers that include sufficient D2O to make the detergent neutrally buoyant. Data were acquired at rotor speeds from 12,000 to 28,000 rpm from two thrombomodulin preparations, at protein concentrations from 0.01 to 0.07%, and in buffer containing 0.01 to 0.23% Lubrol. Examination of the data from different rotor speeds shows that the thrombomodulin exists as a heterogeneous mixture containing monomer (Mr 65,000), trimer, and higher oligomers. The oligomers do not equilibrate over the time scale of the experiment. The weight fraction as monomer varies from preparation to preparation, and appears to be independent of detergent concentration. Thus, experimenters should be cautious when interpreting binding or kinetic results obtained under similar buffer conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of ovalbumin (OVA) denaturation using urea, guanidinium chloride (GdnHCl), sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl) dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS), and 5 different cationic detergents with various side chains, HCl, and CH3COOH were observed. Progressive unfolding in ovalbumin was measured as a function of fluorescent light intensity, peak response and shift in the maximum of emission. Kinetic measurements demonstrated that the rate of denaturation usually followed a double exponential decay pattern, but at small concentrations of urea and acids first-order reaction was indicated. The reversibility of the unfolding-folding transitions was confirmed from tryptophan fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) measurements. Differences in secondary structure were observed and changes of-helical content were calculated. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) with and without sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS-PAGE) showed differences in the structure of native and denatured ovalbumin. Native protein samples in PAGE demonstrated smaller number and larger mobilities of subunits than denatured ones with different reductants, such as SDS and 2-mercaptoethanol (2 ME). Scanning of SDS protein patterns showed the appearance of aggregated forms in region of 45 kD.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed using chronically implanted electrodes on the dog smooth muscle wall of the stomach and of the small and large intestines. Electrical activity of the muscle wall was recorded before and after feeding. When reaching the terminal ileum the active part of the migrating myoelectrical complex (MMC) continuously induced bursts of spike potentials superimposed on the slow waves. This electrical activity spread to the ascending colon. We also showed the existence of a spike activity on the terminal ileum independent of the MMC (appearing during the phase 1) and propagating to the colon. A relationship between the spike activities of the small and large intestines was also present after feeding. Beside the well-known gastro-colic reflex, we observed an increase in the spike activity of the terminal ileum and ascending colon between the 4th-5th hours after feeding. This probably corresponds to the arrival of the first portions of contents, evacuated from the arrival of the first portions of contents, evacuated from the stomach, and of the last portions of small intestinal contents. In conclusion, there is a relationship between the spike activities of the small and large intestines in starving animals and after feeding, and the terminal ileum plays a substantial role in this relationship.  相似文献   

Acidic and non-acidic forms of rabbit thrombomodulin were studied with regard to their effects on the inhibition of thrombin by antithrombin in the presence of exogenous heparin. The non acidic form was obtained by proteolytic cleavage of a polyanionic component (presumably a sulfated polysaccharide) from the parent acidic form of thrombomodulin, and purified by ion-exchange chromatography. It was previously found that the acidic form of thrombomodulin increases the rate of thrombin inactivation by antithrombin. The present study showed that thrombin bound to acidic thrombomodulin was inactivated at a lower rate by antithrombin in the presence of exogenous heparin than was free thrombin or thrombin bound to the non-acidic form of thrombomodulin. The data suggest that the acidic component of thrombomodulin is primarily responsible for the retardation of thrombin-antithrombin complex formation in the presence of exogenous heparin. It is proposed that the polyanionic component of thrombomodulin blocks a site on thrombin required for heparin binding, thus rendering the antithrombin-heparin complex ineffective.  相似文献   

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