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In naturally cycling women, Roney and Simmons (2013) examined hormonal correlates of their desire for sexual contact. Estradiol was positively associated, and progesterone negatively associated, with self-reported desire. The current study extended these findings by examining, within a sample of 33 naturally cycling women involved in romantic relationships, hormonal correlates of sexual attraction to or interests in specific targets: women's own primary partner or men other than women's primary partner. Women's sexual interests and hormone (estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone) levels were assessed at two different time points. Whereas estradiol levels were associated with relatively greater extra-pair sexual interests than in-pair sexual interests, progesterone levels were associated with relatively greater in-pair sexual interests. Both hormones specifically predicted in-pair sexual desire, estradiol negatively and progesterone positively. These findings have implications for understanding the function of women's extended sexuality — their sexual proceptivity and receptivity outside the fertile phase, especially during the luteal phase.  相似文献   

Although many studies have reported that women's preferences for masculine physical characteristics in men change systematically during the menstrual cycle, the hormonal mechanisms underpinning these changes are currently poorly understood. Previous studies investigating the relationships between measured hormone levels and women's masculinity preferences tested only judgments of men's facial attractiveness. Results of these studies suggested that preferences for masculine characteristics in men's faces were related to either women's estradiol or testosterone levels. To investigate the hormonal correlates of within-woman variation in masculinity preferences further, here we measured 62 women's salivary estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone levels and their preferences for masculine characteristics in men's voices in five weekly test sessions. Multilevel modeling of these data showed that changes in salivary estradiol were the best predictor of changes in women's preferences for vocal masculinity. These results complement other recent research implicating estradiol in women's mate preferences, attention to courtship signals, sexual motivation, and sexual strategies, and are the first to link women's voice preferences directly to measured hormone levels.  相似文献   

Grebe et al. (2016) argued that women's sexual interest in their own partners may be under different hormonal regulation than their sexual desire for other men. They measured partnered women's salivary hormones and reports of attraction to different categories of men at two time points separated by one week. Change in progesterone positively predicted change in women's desire for their own partners, whereas change in estradiol was a negative predictor. These results are opposite to those we previously reported for the hormonal prediction of general sexual desire in a study that employed frequent hormone sampling across multiple menstrual cycles (Roney and Simmons, 2013). Here, to test replication of the Grebe et al. findings, we assessed hormonal predictors of targeted in-pair and extra-pair desire among the subset of the sample from our 2013 paper who reported being in romantic relationships. Contrary to Grebe et al. (2016), we found that within-cycle fluctuations in progesterone were negatively correlated with changes in women's desire for both their own partners and other men. In addition, both in-pair and extra-pair desire were elevated within the fertile window and lowest during the luteal phase. Our findings contradict the idea that partner-specific desire has a unique form of hormonal regulation, and instead support a general elevation of sexual motivation associated with hormonal indices of fecundity. Discussion focuses on possible reasons for the discrepancies in findings between our study and that of Grebe et al. (2016), and on the evolved functions of women's sexual motivation.  相似文献   

A series of three experiments compared the inhibitory effects of progesterone on estrogen- or androgen-induced sexual behavior in male and female hamsters. In the first experiment chronic progesterone treatment was found to have no effect on male copulatory behavior maintained after castration with testosterone propionate or estradiol benzoate. However, testosterone propionate was more effective at maintaining male behavior than estradiol benzoate. In the second experiment progesterone was found to have a slight inhibitory effect on the rate of the restoration of the intromission response after androgen treatment in males which had been castrated for 8 weeks. In the final experiment, chronic progesterone treatment markedly inhibited sexual receptivity in male and female hamsters which had been given 4 weeks of androgen or estrogen treatment and a single pretest injection of progesterone. Thus, progesterone was shown to be a potent inhibitor of androgen- or estrogen-induced estrus in both male and female hamsters. Due to the large difference in effectiveness on these two behavioral systems, we suggest that progesterone affects steroid-induced male copulatory behavior and female receptivity by different mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

Pilapa Esara 《Ethnos》2013,78(3):403-426
This article examines a group of Thai women's perceptions of western Caucasian men as ideal marriage partners and its impact on their sexual practices and relationship decisions. Based on conversations with women living in a ‘slum’ community in Bangkok, I argue that women who do not fit local ideals of light skin color, economic success and urban origins face obstacles among potential Thai suitors. Some of these women strategically prefer western suitors to local men. Through their relationship choices, these women upset local hierarchies of desire as they attempt to subvert skin color-bias and pose challenges to Thai marital traditions. At the same time, their relationship pursuits conform to gender expectations of the male breadwinner and female caretaker and may unintentionally reproduce skin color and status hierarchies. Although Thai women's sexual relationships with western men are not a new phenomena, they underscore the transnational nature of sexual desire and contemporary social change.  相似文献   

In women, sexual function, hormones and aging are inextricably related. Sexual activity in women involves interest and motivation, the ability to become aroused and achieve orgasm, the pleasure of the experience and subsequent personal satisfaction. Androgens, as endogenous hormones or given as a therapy, potentially influence female sexual function, with research into the effects of exogenous androgens in women mostly devoted to effects on sexual desire. Some studies have been conducted to delineate the effects of testosterone on arousal, however arousal determined by laboratory measures does not always correlate with subjective reporting of a sensation of arousal. Overall large randomised controlled trials of exogenous testosterone show benefits over placebo on sexual desire, arousal, orgasm, pleasure and satisfaction. The aspects of consideration of androgen therapy for women that continue to stimulate debate in this therapeutic area include whether female sexual dysfunction is a condition that merits pharmacotherapy, how effective is such treatment and whether testosterone therapy is safe.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of ovarian hormones on the behavior of female Macaca fascicularis and their male partners, daily 1-hr behavior tests were conducted while ovariectomized females were (1) untreated, (2) given estradiol benzoate (EB) (5 μg subcutaneously [s.c.]/day), (3) given estradiol benzoate together with increasing doses of progesterone (P) (5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg. s.c./day), and (4) given testosterone propionate (TP) (0.25 mg s.c./day) (six pairs, 540 tests). Weekly blood samples were analyzed by radioimmunoassay for plasma hormone levels (81 samples). Estrogen treatment produced plasma estradiol levels similar to those of intact females during the late follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Additional progesterone at the lowest dose produced plasma progesterone levels similar to or somewhat higher than those during the midluteal phase, while higher doses produced supraphysiological levels. Androgen treatment resulted in plasma levels well above the physiological range. Hormone treatments produced highly significant effects on the sexual, social, and aggressive interactions of the pairs. As in rhesus monkeys, estrogen increased male and female sexual activity, and increasing doses of additional progesterone reversed these effects. Unlike in rhesus monkeys, testosterone propionate increased both female sexual motivation (invitations) and also male sexual activity and ejaculatory performance. The direction of the hormone-dependent changes in grooming and aggressive interactions confirmed earlier results with intact females and indicated that aggressive interactions and male grooming times were highest, and female grooming times were lowest, when copulatory activity was at its height.  相似文献   

Humans exhibit an unusual pattern of sexual behavior compared to other mammalian females. Women's extended sexuality has been hypothesized to be related to a variety of possible benefits, especially non-genetic reproductive benefits, such as securing male investment via reinforced pairbonds or paternity confusion. But sexual behavior also comes at a cost, particularly for pregnant women, in terms of energetic costs, potential disease, and possible harm to the fetus. We hypothesize, therefore, that sexual behavior in pregnant women should reflect adaptive strategies and that pregnant women will be particularly strategic about their sexual behavior in order to maximize potential benefits while minimizing potential costs. One hundred twelve pregnant women completed a survey of their partners' qualities and their sexual desires toward their primary partners and men other than their primary partners. Results showed that women's perceptions of relationship threat positively predicted sexual desire for primary partners, while their perceptions of their partner's investing qualities negatively predicted sexual desire for extra-pair mates. These qualities, as well as cues to partner's genetic quality and gestation age, also interacted in ways that suggest that pregnant women's sexual desires are sensitive to cues of future investment and relationship stability.  相似文献   

Based on the idea that women are especially attracted to ancestral markers of male genetic quality when conceptive in their cycle, scholars have conjectured that increases in women's extra-pair sexual interests during the conceptive phase of the cycle are moderated by their primary partners' sexual attractiveness. Multiple studies have examined this prediction, with largely supportive but mixed results. The current study is the first to examine whether hormonal influences—thought to mediate cycle shifts—on women's extra-pair sexual interests are moderated by partner attractiveness. 213 naturally cycling, romantically involved women (181 attending multiple sessions) participated in up to four sessions over about a month. Estrogen and progesterone levels were measured multiple times across women's cycles. Male partner attractiveness moderated associations between progesterone levels (though not estrogen levels) and women's extra-pair sexual interests. A negative association between progesterone levels and extra-pair sexual interests, a composite measure, was observed for women with relatively unattractive partners. For women with relatively attractive partners, no clear association emerged. The interaction between progesterone and partner attractiveness was robust for women's interest in extra-pair sex, a component preregistered as exploratory. The interaction effect was also significant for the absolute intensity of women's extra-pair attraction (a component item referenced in the preregistration) but was non-significant for the frequency of women's extra-pair attraction relative to typical days (a composite component specified in the preregistration). These findings inform theoretical understandings of women's sexuality.  相似文献   

The article explores how young Mozambican women's migratory trajectories towards Europe are shaped by sexual relationships with older white men and obligations towards female kin. Triads of exchange between young women known as curtidoras (women enjoying life) and their partners and kin in Maputo are understood through theories of patronage and exchange moralities. Searching for respect, adventure, and consumption in the sexual economy, young women at the same time struggle to ensure their families' well‐being by redistributing the money they extract from white men. Sexual‐monetary transactions, love, and desire must be understood as part of broader moralities of exchange in which migration to Europe and sending of remittances is also a kinship project. The forms of patronage available in Maputo's sexual economy become stepping stones as well as obstacles to migration northwards.  相似文献   

Does women’s body attractiveness predict indices of reproductive capacity? Prior research has provided evidence that large breast size and low waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) are positively associated with women’s estrogen and progesterone concentrations, but no previous studies appear to have directly tested whether ratings of women's body attractiveness are predicted by higher concentrations of ovarian hormones measured across broad regions of the menstrual cycle. Here, we collected daily saliva samples across 1–2 menstrual cycles from a sample of young women; assayed the samples for estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone; obtained anthropometric measurements of the women’s bodies; and also obtained attractiveness ratings of the women’s bodies from photographs of them taken in standardized clothing with faces obscured. Contrary to previous research, mean hormone concentrations were uncorrelated with breast size and WHR. Body mass index (BMI) was a very strong negative predictor of body attractiveness ratings, similar to previous findings. Zero-order associations between women’s mean hormone concentrations and mean attractiveness ratings were not significant; however, after controlling for BMI, attractiveness ratings were independently and positively associated with both estradiol and testosterone concentrations. Discussion focuses on the implications of these findings for whether attractiveness assessment mechanisms are specialized for the detection of cues of differential fecundity in young women’s bodies.  相似文献   

The role of reproductive hormones in mediating sexual desire in healthy women is still unclear. Elucidation was sought in this study by comparing the hormonal milieu of two groups of subjects with markedly different levels of sexual desire. Seventeen women ages 27-39 who met DSM III-R criteria for severe, persistent, and generalized loss of desire (hypoactive sexual desire disorder, HSD), but had no other current psychological or medical problem, were compared to 13 healthy, sexually active women. All subjects and spouses were interviewed extensively to determine the women's sexual desire and responsiveness. Blood samples were drawn every 3 to 4 days for one menstrual cycle and were analyzed by RIA for testosterone, SHBG, estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, and luteinizing hormone. Results indicated that the HSD women's gonadal hormones fluctuated normally over the menstrual cycle, were within normal limits for each cycle phase, and were never significantly different from those of controls. Neither testosterone, non-SHBG bound testosterone, nor prolactin differentiated between the HSD women with the most and least severe HSD parameters (e.g., frequency of fantasy, masturbation, or female-initiated coitus), nor between women with lifelong and acquired HSD. The present findings did not provide evidence that reproductive hormones are important determinants of individual differences in the sexual desire of these eugonadal women.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that human scent works as a signal in mate selection, but the empirical evidence is scarce. Here, we examined whether women's olfactory preferences for a man's scent could be correlated with his testosterone, estradiol, or cortisol concentrations, and whether these preferences change along with the menstrual cycle. In line with previous studies, women in their most fertile period gave the highest attractiveness ratings to all men. However, the intensity ratings by women at different menstrual phases did not significantly differ statistically. Interestingly, we found that cortisol concentration in saliva correlated positively with the attractiveness but not with the intensity ratings of male T-shirt odor by all women's groups. However, neither testosterone nor estradiol was significantly associated with the ratings of attractiveness or intensity. Thus, our study suggests that there could be a novel mechanism for odor-based selection in humans.  相似文献   

The interaction between women's hormonal condition and subjective, physiological, and behavioral indices of desire or arousal remains only partially explored, in spite of frequent reports from women about problems with a lack of sexual desire. The present study recruited premenopausal women at two sites, one in the United States and the other in the Netherlands, and incorporated various measures of acute changes in sexual desire and arousal. A sample of 46 women who met criteria for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) was compared to 47 women who experienced no sexual problems (SF). Half of each group used oral contraceptives (OCs). The specific goal was to investigate whether there is a relationship between women's hormone levels and their genital and subjective sexual responsiveness. Background demographics and health variables, including oral contraceptive (OC) use, were recorded and hormones (total testosterone (T), free testosterone (FT), SHBG, and estradiol) were analyzed along with vaginal pulse amplitude and self-report measures of desire and arousal in response to sexual fantasy, visual sexual stimuli, and photos of men's faces. Self-reported arousal and desire were lower in the HSDD than the SF group, but only for women who were not using oral contraceptives. Relationships between hormones and sexual function differed depending on whether a woman was HSDD or not. In line with prior literature, FT was positively associated with physiological and subjective sexual arousal in the SF group. The HSDD women demonstrated the opposite pattern, in that FT was negatively associated with subjective sexual responsiveness. The findings suggest a possible alternative relationship between hormones and sexual responsiveness in women with HSDD who have characteristics similar to those in the present study.  相似文献   

Experiments in which avian embryos are treated with sex steroidsor steroid antagonists suggest that sexual differentiation ofreproductive behavior (and thus differentiation of the brainmechanisms for such behavior) is controlled by steroids producedby the embryonic gonads. In chickens and Japanese quail, maleshatched from eggs treated with estradiol or testosterone duringincubation are feminized (demasculinized); they fail to exhibitmasculine sexual behavior as adults, and no longer are behaviorallydistinguishable from females. Some evidence suggests that testosteronemay mimic the feminizing action of estradiol by being convertedto an estrogen in the embryonic brain. Genetic female quailexposed to an antiestrogen during embryonic development aremasculinized; they exhibit an increased ability to display themasculine copulatory pattern. Thus the behavior of these speciesis feminized by embryonic exposure to sex steroids, the anhormonal(neutral) sex for behavioral differentiation appears to be themale, and females appear to result from estrogen produced bythe embryonic ovaries. In contrast, sex steroid treatment ofmammals early in development masculinizes behavior, the femaleis the neutral sex, and males result from fetal androgen secretion.These opposite patterns of psychosexual differentiation in birdsand mammals are correlated with a major difference between theavian and mammalian sex-determining mechanism. Implicationsfor other vertebrates are discussed.  相似文献   

The objectives of these studies were to evaluate the influence of testosterone propionate (TP), estradiol cypionate (EC), dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP), EC + TP, EC + DHTP, and TP + DHTP on traits of masculine sexual behavior in castrated adult male pigs of different breeds. Masculine sexual behavior was restored and maintained by TP, whereas EC initially activated sexual behavior, including copulation and ejaculation, but was unable to sustain copulatory behavior for the 8- to 18-week periods that were evaluated. Treatment with DHTP was ineffective for stimulation of sexual behavior; thus, it is suggested that testosterone promotes some aspects of masculine sexual behavior in male pigs via aromatization to estrogen, but both androgen and estrogen are required for maintenance of the full complement of masculine sexual behavior traits.  相似文献   

Objective: Levels of estrogen, androgen, and prolactin have been related to risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. However, the determinants of these hormone concentrations are not established. The purpose of this study was to examine correlates of endogenous sex hormones. Research Methods and Procedures: Associations among adiposity, physical activity, and diet and concentrations of estradiol, free estradiol, estrone, testosterone, free testosterone, sex hormone‐binding globulin (SHBG), androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and prolactin were evaluated in 267 postmenopausal women randomly selected from the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial. Results: In multiple regression analyses on log‐transformed hormones, BMI was positively associated with estrone (β = 0.031, p < 0.001), estradiol (β = 0.048, p < 0.001), free estradiol (β = 0.062, p < 0.001), free testosterone (β = 0.017, p = 0.02), and prolactin (β = 0.012, p = 0.02) and negatively associated with SHBG (β = ?0.02, p = 0.001). Total physical activity (metabolic equivalent tasks per week) was negatively associated with concentrations of estrone, estradiol, and androstenedione (β = ?0.006, ?0.007, and ?0.005, respectively, all p ≤ 0.05). Using a composite variable of BMI and physical activity dichotomized by median values, women with high BMI/low physical activity had a mean estrone concentration of 28.8 pg/mL, compared with 24.1, 19.9, and 18.4 pg/mL for women with high BMI/high physical activity, low BMI/low physical activity, and low BMI/high physical activity, respectively (p trend < 0.001). Similar trends were observed for estradiol and free estradiol and, in inverse, for SHBG. Discussion: These associations may, in part, explain the positive associations between overweight/obesity and a sedentary lifestyle on breast cancer risk.  相似文献   

Rosemary Basson 《CMAJ》2005,172(10):1327-1333
ACCEPTANCE OF AN EVIDENCE-BASED CONCEPTUALIZATION OF WOMEN''S SEXUAL RESPONSE combining interpersonal, contextual, personal psychological and biological factors has led to recently published recommendations for revision of definitions of women''s sexual disorders found in the American Psychiatric Association''s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM–IV-TR). DSM-IV definitions have focused on absence of sexual fantasies and sexual desire prior to sexual activity and arousal, even though the frequency of this type of desire is known to vary greatly among women without sexual complaints. DSM-IV definitions also focus on genital swelling and lubrication, entities known to correlate poorly with subjective sexual arousal and pleasure. The revised definitions consider the many reasons women agree to or instigate sexual activity, and reflect the importance of subjective sexual arousal. The underlying conceptualization of a circular sex-response cycle of overlapping phases in a variable order may facilitate not only the assessment but also the management of dysfunction, the principles of which are briefly recounted.Sexual difficulties are common among women, but whether a problem causing distress is a “dysfunction” as opposed to a normal or logical response to difficult circumstances (e.g., a problem with the relationship, sexual context or cultural factors) remains controversial. Surveys of patients in physicians'' offices suggest that each year, family practitioners will see several women or couples who present with sexual problems, and even more if the physician inquires about patients'' sexual health.1Sexual difficulties are particularly prevalent among women seeking routine gynecological care.2 In population surveys, some 30%–35% of women aged 18–70 have reported a lack of sexual desire during the previous 1–12 months.3,4Research into women''s sexual function over the past 2 decades has brought into question previous views, definitions and diagnostic labels such as those still found in DSM–IV-TR.5 Previous definitions of women''s sexual dysfunction were based on the linear model of human sex response of Masters and Johnson,6 as revised by Kaplan.7 The model assumes a linear progression from an initial awareness of sexual desire to one of arousal with a focus on genital swelling and lubrication, to orgasmic release and resolution. The resulting diagnostic categories such as hypoactive sexual desire disorder, female sexual arousal disorder and female orgasmic disorder reflected this linear and rather genitally focused model of sexual function. Thus, relatively discrete, non-overlapping phases of sexual response were portrayed and discrete dysfunctions defined.The evidence to date shows that many facets of women''s sexual function are at variance with this model. This review is based on the recent report of an international committee convened by the American Foundation of Urological Disease to revise and expand definitions of women''s sexual dysfunction.8 The committee relied on empirical and clinical research as well as clinical experience. Literature searches provided the background to extensive collaboration from September 2002 to February 2003. Informal pilot testing of the committee''s conclusions in clinical practice, plus presentation to a large international audience, led to further revisions over the next 6 months, acceptance by the Second International Consensus of Sexual Medicine9 and subsequent publication.9,10After a review of normal characteristics of women''s sexual motivation and interest, sexual arousability and response, this article presents recommended expanded and revised definitions of women''s sexual dysfunction, along with suggested approaches to diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to study the effects of homologous and heterologous gonadal hormones on sexual and aggressive behavior in a reptilian species. Thirty adult male and thirty adult female lizards (Anolis carolinensis) were divided into 10 groups of six each (five groups per sex) and each group was given one of five treatments: either left intact, sham-castrated and injected with the hormone vehicle, castrated and injected with the hormone vehicle, castrated and injected with estradiol benzoate, or castrated and injected with testosterone propionate. After a week of visual isolation and daily hormone injection, animals were tested four times, twice with a stimulus animal of each sex. Females treated with estrogen were receptive, but did not court. Females treated with androgen were receptive and also courted and pursued stimulus females as frequently as males given androgen. No males in any group were receptive, and thus the female appears to be more capable of heterotypical sexual behavior than the male. Castrated males failed to court. Courtship and pursuit of stimulus females was readily stimulated in males with testosterone, and weakly stimulated by estrogen. Intact males were very aggressive, but lower levels of aggression were independent of gonadal hormones, as was subordination (head-nodding). The results for aggression and subordination are interpreted with reference to naturally-occurring Anolis behavior, and the results for sexual behavior are compared with similar experiments with mammals and birds.  相似文献   

Transdermal testosterone supplementation is a treatment option for postmenopausal women with distressful decreased libido. Side effects are minor, but there is a long-term safety concern with respect to breast cancer, as women with high testosterone serum levels appear to be at a significantly increased risk to have or to develop breast cancer within a few years. Epidemiological studies of sufficient duration to study long-term effects of testosterone supplementation are limited, both in number and in methodological quality and are, therefore, inconclusive. Preclinical studies do not provide evidence for an androgen receptor-mediated stimulating effect of androgens on breast epithelium. However, one biologically plausible possibility, which cannot be ruled out, is that exogenous androgens become mitogenic after aromatization into bioactive oestradiol, either in peripheral fat or within the breast or even within small occult tumours. The evidence available so far makes counselling women interested in testosterone supplementation for distressful low sexual desire, more of an art than science.  相似文献   

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