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We have used fluorescent latex beads to label membrane receptors on cultured NRK cells. Movement of individual beads during cell division was recorded with digital imaging techniques. Surface-bound beads showed no organized movement during metaphase but started to migrate toward the equator approximately 1 min after anaphase onset, when chromosomes moved out of the equatorial region to create the interzone. The movement was most active in the central region of the cell near separating chromosomes, while beads located near the poles of the cell underwent primarily random motion. Most beads showed a surge in speed upon the passage of chromosomes, suggesting a possible link between chromosome separation and cortical reorganization. Furthermore, treatment of anaphase cells with cytochalasin D induced a rapid, simultaneous collapse of beads and cortical actin filaments into aggregates, indicating that the movement of beads was closely related to the reorganization of the actin cortex. In contrast to normal directional movement, cytochalasin-induced movement occurred in random directions and caused some beads in the equatorial region to move toward poles. Our results indicate that cytokinesis involves contractile activities, not only along the equator, but over a wide area of the actin-containing cortex. In addition, organized cortical activities appear to be temporally activated at anaphase onset, and spatially modulated by the spindle interzone or separating chromosomes.  相似文献   

Equatorial organization of myosin II and actin has been recognized as a universal event in cytokinesis of animal cells. Current models for the formation of equatorial cortex favor either directional cortical transport toward the equator or localized de novo assembly. However, this process has never been analyzed directly in dividing mammalian cells at a high resolution. Here we applied total internal reflection fluorescence microscope (TIRF-M), coupled with spatial temporal image correlation spectroscopy (STICS) and a new analytical approach termed temporal differential microscopy (TDM), to image the dynamics of myosin II and actin during the assembly of equatorial cortex. Our results indicated distinct and at least partially independent mechanisms for the early equatorial recruitment of myosin and actin filaments. Cortical myosin showed no detectable directional flow during early cytokinesis. In addition to equatorial assembly, we showed that localized inhibition of disassembly contributed to the formation of the equatorial myosin band. In contrast to myosin, actin filaments underwent a striking flux toward the equator. Myosin motor activity was required for the actin flux, but not for actin concentration in the furrow, suggesting that there was a flux-independent, de novo mechanism for actin recruitment along the equator. Our results indicate that cytokinesis involves signals that regulate both assembly and disassembly activities and argue against mechanisms that are coupled to global cortical movements.  相似文献   

The current hypothesis of cytokinesis suggests that contractile forces in the cleavage furrow are generated by a circumferential band of actin filaments. However, relatively little is known about the global organization of actin filaments in dividing cells. To approach this problem we have used fluorescence-detected linear dichroism (FDLD) microscopy to measure filament orientation, and digital optical sectioning microscopy to perform three-dimensional reconstructions of dividing NRK cells stained with rhodamine-phalloidin. During metaphase, actin filaments in the equatorial region show a slight orientation along the spindle axis, while those in adjacent regions appear to be randomly distributed. Upon anaphase onset and through cytokinesis, the filaments become oriented along the equator in the furrow region, and along the spindle axis in adjacent regions. The degree of orientation appears to be dependent on cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesions. By performing digital optical sectioning microscopy on a highly spread NRK subclone, we show that actin filaments organize as a largely isotropic cortical meshwork in metaphase cells and convert into an anisotropic network shortly after anaphase onset, becoming more organized as cytokinesis proceeds. The conversion is most dramatic on the adhering ventral surface which shows little or no cleavage activity, and results in the formation of large bundles along the equator. On the dorsal surface, where cleavage occurs actively, actin filaments remain isotropic, showing only subtle alignment late in cytokinesis. In addition, stereo imaging has led to the discovery of a novel set of filaments that are associated with the cortex and traverse through the cytoplasm. Together, these studies provide important insights into the process of actin remodeling during cell division and point to possible additional mechanisms for force generation.  相似文献   

Dynamics of membrane clathrin-coated structures during cytokinesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Remodeling of cell membranes takes place during motile processes such as cell migration and cell division. Defects of proteins involved in membrane dynamics, including clathrin and dynamin, disrupt cytokinesis. To understand the function of clathrin-containing structures (CCS) in cytokinesis, we have expressed a green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein of clathrin light chain a (GFP-clathrin) in NRK epithelial cells and recorded images of dividing cells near the ventral surface with a spinning disk confocal microscope. Punctate GFP-CCS underwent dynamic appearance and disappearance throughout the ventral surface. Following anaphase onset, GFP-CCS between separated chromosomes migrated toward the equator and subsequently disappeared in the equatorial region. Movements outside separating chromosomes were mostly random, similar to what was observed in interphase cells. Directional movements toward the furrow were dependent on both actin filaments and microtubules, while the appearance/disappearance of CCS was dependent on actin filaments but not on microtubules. These results suggest that CCS are involved in remodeling the plasma membrane along the equator during cytokinesis. Clathrin-containing structures may also play a role in transporting signaling or structural components into the cleavage furrow.  相似文献   

The interaction between the mitotic spindle and the cellular cortex is thought to play a critical role in stimulating cell cleavage. However, little is understood about the nature of such interactions, particularly in tissue culture cells. We have investigated the role of the spindle midzone in signaling cytokinesis by creating a barrier in cultured epithelial cells with a blunted needle, to block signals that may emanate from this region. When the barrier was created during metaphase or early anaphase, cleavage took place only on the sides of the cortex facing the mitotic spindle. Microtubules on the cleaving side showed organization typical of that in normal dividing cells. On the noncleaving side, most microtubules passed from one side of the equator into the other without any apparent organization, and actin filaments failed to organize in the equatorial region. When the barrier was created after the first minute of anaphase, cells showed successful cytokinesis, with normal organization of microtubules and actin filaments on both sides of the barrier. Our study suggests that transient signals from the midzone of early anaphase spindles are required for equatorial contraction in cultured cells and that such signaling may involve the organization of microtubules near the equator.  相似文献   

Signals from the mitotic spindle during anaphase specify the location of the actomyosin contractile ring during cytokinesis, but the detailed mechanism remains unresolved. Here, we have imaged the dynamics of green fluorescent protein–tagged myosin filaments, microtubules, and Kinesin-6 (which carries activators of Rho guanosine triphosphatase) at the cell cortex using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy in flattened Drosophila S2 cells. At anaphase onset, Kinesin-6 relocalizes to microtubule plus ends that grow toward the cortex, but refines its localization over time so that it concentrates on a subset of stable microtubules and along a diffuse cortical band at the equator. The pattern of Kinesin-6 localization closely resembles where new myosin filaments appear at the cortex by de novo assembly. While accumulating at the equator, myosin filaments disappear from the poles of the cell, a process that also requires Kinesin-6 as well as possibly other signals that emanate from the elongating spindle. These results suggest models for how Kinesin-6 might define the position of cortical myosin during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis of animal cells involves the formation of the circumferential actin filament bundle (contractile ring) along the equatorial plane. To analyze the assembly mechanism of the contractile ring, we microinjected a small amount of rhodamine-labeled phalloidin (rh-pha) or rhodamine-labeled actin (rh-actin) into dividing normal rat kidney cells. rh-pha was microinjected during prometaphase or metaphase to label actin filaments that were present at that stage. As mitosis proceeded into anaphase, the labeled filaments became associated with the cortex of the cell. During cytokinesis, rh-pha was depleted from polar regions and became highly concentrated into the equatorial region. The distribution of total actin filaments, as revealed by staining the whole cell with fluorescein phalloidin, showed a much less pronounced difference between the polar and the equatorial regions. The sites of de novo assembly of actin filaments during the formation of the contractile ring were determined by microinjecting rh-actin shortly before cytokinesis, and then extracting and fixing the cell during mid-cytokinesis. Injected rhodamine actin was only slightly concentrated in the contractile ring, as compared to the distribution of total actin filaments. Our results indicate that preexisting actin filaments, probably through movement and reorganization, are used preferentially for the formation of the contractile ring. De novo assembly of filaments, on the other hand, appears to take place preferentially outside the cleavage furrow.  相似文献   

Following the second polar body formation (PBF), the Tubifex egg undergoes ooplasmic segregation consisting of two steps, i.e., centrifugal migration of membranous organelles forming a subcortical ooplasmic layer and then movements of these organelles along the egg surface. The present investigation was undertaken to examine the microfilament organization in eggs during these ooplasmic rearrangements. Microfilaments throughout the egg are identified as actin by their reversible heavy meromyosin binding. Before the second PBF, a distinct network of actin filaments is present in the endoplasmic region. It is disorganized during the second PBF; short actin filaments are caused to aggregate with membranous organelles. Following the second PBF, similar short filaments become localized in the subcortical layer but not in the underlying yolky region. However, it is not until 50-60 min after the second PBF that an elaborate actin network is established in the subcortical layer. The cortex contains a sheet-like lattice of actin filaments. It is thickest around the animal pole, and tapes toward the equator of the egg. At about 90 min after the second PBF, this polarized distribution of cortical filaments becomes more pronounced as the result of their movements. Chronologically, subcortical actin network formation and cortical reorganization correspond to the later portion of the first step and the earlier portion of the second step of ooplasmic segregation, respectively. These findings are discussed in terms of ooplasmic movements and rearrangements.  相似文献   

F-actin and microtubule co-distribution and interaction were studied during anaphase-telophase. Rapid and drastic changes in the cytoskeleton during these particular stages were studied in isolated plant endosperm cells of the blood lily. These wall-free cells can be considered as natural dividing protoplasts. As identified previously, an F-actin cytoskeletal network characterized the plant cortex and formed an elastic cage around the spindle, remaining throughout interphase, mitosis and cytokinesis. Actin was specifically labeled by fluorescent phalloidin and/or monoclonal antibodies. Gold-labelled secondary antibodies were used for ultrastructural observations and silver-enhancement was applied for video-enhanced microscopy. Microtubule and microfilament dynamics and interaction were studied using drug antagonists to actin (cytochalasins B, D) and to tubulin (colchicine). This permitted precise correlations to be made between chromosome movement inhibition and alteration in the actin/tubulin cytoskeleton. During anaphase chromosome migration, the cortical actin network was stretched along the microtubular spindle, while it remained homogeneous when anaphase was inhibited by colchicine. Cytochalasins did not inhibit chromosome movement but altered actin distribution. A new population of actin filaments appeared at the equator in late anaphase before the microtubular phragmoplast was formed and contributed to cell plate formation. Our conclusion is that F-actin-microtubule interaction may contribute to the regulatory mechanism of plant cytokinesis.  相似文献   

用荧光标记的鬼笔碱染色,对离体的黄蝉和姜花的生殖细胞内肌动蛋白微丝的分布进行了研究,结果证明两种植物的生殖细胞内部都存在一个微丝网络,黄蝉生殖细胞的比姜花的简单,微丝束较粗。但姜花生殖细胞的网络微丝束比黄蝉的更紧密地环绕着核。用免疫荧光技术在黄蝉生殖细胞的分裂前期和中期,可以观察到一些微丝束的存在,但在分裂后期和末期细胞内的肌动蛋白则变为颗粒状。  相似文献   

Cytokinesis is powered by the contraction of actomyosin filaments within the newly assembled contractile ring. Microtubules are a spindle component that is essential for the induction of cytokinesis. This induction could use central spindle and/or astral microtubules to stimulate cortical contraction around the spindle equator (equatorial stimulation). Alternatively, or in addition, induction could rely on astral microtubules to relax the polar cortex (polar relaxation). To investigate the relationship between microtubules, cortical stiffness, and contractile ring assembly, we used different configurations of microtubules to manipulate the distribution of actin in living silkworm spermatocytes. Mechanically repositioned, noninterdigitating microtubules can induce redistribution of actin at any region of the cortex by locally excluding cortical actin filaments. This cortical flow of actin promotes regional relaxation while increasing tension elsewhere (normally at the equatorial cortex). In contrast, repositioned interdigitating microtubule bundles use a novel mechanism to induce local stimulation of contractility anywhere within the cortex; at the antiparallel plus ends of central spindle microtubules, actin aggregates are rapidly assembled de novo and transported laterally to the equatorial cortex. Relaxation depends on microtubule dynamics but not on RhoA activity, whereas stimulation depends on RhoA activity but is largely independent of microtubule dynamics. We conclude that polar relaxation and equatorial stimulation mechanisms redundantly supply actin for contractile ring assembly, thus increasing the fidelity of cleavage.  相似文献   

Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy revealed how individual bipolar myosin II filaments accumulate at the equatorial region in dividing Dictyostelium cells. Direct observation of individual filaments in live cells provided us with much convincing information. Myosin II filaments accumulated at the equatorial region by at least two independent mechanisms: (i) cortical flow, which is driven by myosin II motor activities and (ii) de novo association to the equatorial cortex. These two mechanisms were mutually redundant. At the same time, myosin II filaments underwent rapid turnover, repeating their association and dissociation with the actin cortex. Examination of the lifetime of mutant myosin filaments in the cortex revealed that the turnover mainly depended on heavy chain phosphorylation and that myosin motor activity accelerated the turnover. Double mutant myosin II deficient in both motor and phosphorylation still accumulated at the equatorial region, although they displayed no cortical flow and considerably slow turnover. Under this condition, the filaments stayed for a significantly longer time at the equatorial region than at the polar regions, indicating that there are still other mechanisms for myosin II accumulation such as binding partners or stabilizing activity of filaments in the equatorial cortex.  相似文献   

The involvement of myosin II in cytokinesis has been demonstrated with microinjection, genetic, and pharmacological approaches; however, the exact role of myosin II in cell division remains poorly understood. To address this question, we treated dividing normal rat kidney (NRK) cells with blebbistatin, a potent inhibitor of the nonmuscle myosin II ATPase. Blebbistatin caused a strong inhibition of cytokinesis but no detectable effect on the equatorial localization of actin or myosin. However, whereas these filaments dissociated from the equator in control cells during late cytokinesis, they persisted in blebbistatin-treated cells over an extended period of time. The accumulation of equatorial actin was caused by the inhibition of actin filament turnover, as suggested by a 2-fold increase in recovery half-time after fluorescence photobleaching. Local release of blebbistatin at the equator caused localized accumulation of equatorial actin and inhibition of cytokinesis, consistent with the function of myosin II along the furrow. However, treatment of the polar region also caused a high frequency of abnormal cytokinesis, suggesting that myosin II may play a second, global role. Our observations indicate that myosin II ATPase is not required for the assembly of equatorial cortex during cytokinesis but is essential for its subsequent turnover and remodeling.  相似文献   

To address the mechanism that coordinates cytokinesis with mitosis, we have studied the dynamics of aurora B, a chromosomal passenger protein involved in signaling cytokinesis. Photobleaching analyses indicated dynamic exchange of aurora B between a centromeric and a cytoplasmic pool before anaphase onset, and stable associations with microtubules after anaphase onset. Bleaching near centromeres upon anaphase onset affected the subsequent appearance of fluorescence along midzone microtubules, but not that near the lateral equatorial cortex, suggesting that there were centromeric-dependent and -independent pathways that transported aurora B to the equator. The former delivered centromeric aurora B along midzone microtubules, whereas the latter delivered cytoplasmic aurora B along astral microtubules. We suggest that cultured cells use midzone microtubules as the primary signaling pathway for cytokinesis, whereas embryos, with their stockpile of cytoplasmic proteins and large sizes, rely primarily on astral microtubules.  相似文献   

Mobility of filamentous actin in living cytoplasm   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1987,105(6):2811-2816
Filamentous actin in living cultured cells was labeled by microinjecting trace amounts of rhodamine-phalloidin (rh-pha) as a specific, high-affinity probe. The microinjection caused no detectable effect on cell morphology or cell division. The distribution of rh-pha- labeled filaments was then examined in dividing cells using image- intensified fluorescence microscopy, and the exchangeability of labeled filaments along stress fibers was studied during interphase using fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. rh-pha showed a rapid concentration at the contractile ring during cell division. In addition, recovery of fluorescence after photobleaching occurred along stress fibers with a halftime as short as 8 min. These observations suggest that at least some actin filaments undergo continuous movement and reorganization in living cells. This dynamic process may play an important role in various cellular functions.  相似文献   

The cytokinetic cleavage furrow is typically positioned symmetrically relative to the cortical cell boundaries, but it can also be asymmetric. The mechanisms that control furrow site specification have been intensively studied, but how polar cortex movements influence ultimate furrow position remains poorly understood. We measured the position of the apical and the basal cortex in asymmetrically dividing Drosophila neuroblasts and observed preferential displacement of the apical cortex that becomes the larger daughter cell during anaphase, effectively shifting the cleavage furrow toward the smaller daughter cell. Asymmetric cortical extension is correlated with the presence of cortical myosin II, which is polarized in neuroblasts. Loss of myosin II asymmetry by perturbing heterotrimeric G-protein signaling results in symmetric extension and equal-sized daughter cells. We propose a model in which contraction-driven asymmetric polar extension of the neuroblast cortex during anaphase contributes to asymmetric furrow position and daughter cell size.  相似文献   

Owing to the rapid advances in genomic, proteomic and imaging technologies, the field of cytokinesis has seen rapid advances during the past decade. However, the basic model for the early stage of ingression, known as the contractile ring hypothesis, remains largely unchanged. From recent observations, it is becoming clear that early cytokinesis of animal cells involves a more extensive set of events, both temporally and spatially, than what is encompassed by the original contractile ring hypothesis. Activities relevant to cytokinesis, such as cortical contraction, can initiate well before onset of anaphase. Furthermore, equatorial ingression can involve multiple events in different regions of the cortex, including the establishment of anterior-posterior polarity, the modulation of cortical deformability, the expansion and compression of the cell cortex, and forces directed towards the interior of the cell or away from the equator. In this article (which is part of the Cytokinesis series), I evaluate critically key observations on when, where and how early ingression of animal cells takes place.  相似文献   

Synchronized cultures of Dictyostelium discoideum were used to study organizational changes of the cytoskeleton during mitotic cell division. The agar-overlay technique (Yumura et al.: J. Cell Biol. 99:894-899, 1984) was employed for immunofluorescence localization and video microscopic observation of living mitotic cells. The mitotic phase was defined by changes in chromosome configuration by using a double stain with the fluorescent dye DAPI. This study showed that the actin- and myosin-containing cytoskeleton was reversibly redistributed between the cortical ectoplasm and the endoplasm during prophase and telophase. Both actin and myosin filaments were dissociated from the cell cortex in prophase. Most of the actin and myosin was filamentous and remained in the endoplasm until telophase. Saltatory movements of organelles stopped suddenly, coincident with the breakdown of the cytoplasmic microtubule network. This change in the microtubule system was temporally coupled with the disappearance of actomyosin from the cortex. At the same time, the local vibrating movement of particles almost stopped, suggesting that the viscoelastic nature of the endoplasm was altered. In the late anaphase, actin and myosin relocalized to the cortical ectoplasm. Early in this phase, myosin filaments were localized specifically at the anticipated cleavage furrow region of the cleavage furrow, whereas actin filaments were redistributed more uniformly in the cell cortex, with an extremely large accumulation in the polar pseudopods. Subsequently the actin formed an orderly parallel array of cables along with myosin filaments in the contractile ring. The spatial segregation of actin and myosin in late anaphase was clearly demonstrated by multipolar cell division of artificially induced giant cells. Actin was relocalized in both the polar and the proximal constricting regions whereas myosin was only localized in the center of each pair of daughter microtubule networks where the cleavage furrow was formed. This study demonstrates that actin and myosin are reorganized by a temporally coordinated but spatially different mechanism during cytokinesis of Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

Actin and the light chains of myosin were labeled with fluorescent dyes and injected into interphase PtK2 cells in order to study the changes in distribution of actin and myosin that occurred when the injected cells subsequently entered mitosis and divided. The first changes occurred when stress fibers in prophase cells began to disassemble. During this process, which began in the center of the cell, individual fibers shortened, and in a few fibers, adjacent bands of fluorescent myosin could be seen to move closer together. In most cells, stress fiber disassembly was complete by metaphase, resulting in a diffuse distribution of the fluorescent proteins throughout the cytoplasm with the greatest concentration present in the mitotic spindle. The first evidence of actin and myosin concentration in a cleavage ring occurred at late anaphase, just before furrowing could be detected. Initially, the intensity of fluorescence and the width of the fluorescent ring increased as the ring constricted. In cells with asymmetrically positioned mitotic spindles, both protein concentration and furrowing were first evident in the cortical regions closest to the equator of the mitotic spindle. As cytokinesis progressed in such asymmetrically dividing cells, fluorescent actin and myosin appeared at the opposite side of the cell just before furrowing activity could be seen there. At the end of cytokinesis, myosin and actin were concentrated beneath the membrane of the midbody and subsequently became organized in two rings at either end of the midbody.  相似文献   

The widely held models of cytokinesis contend that signals for cleavage are transmitted by astral microtubules, and that such signals elicit the assembly and contraction of an equatorial band of actin-myosin II filaments. However, experiments during the past decade have painted an increasingly complex picture, including strong evidence for the involvement of chromosomal passenger proteins and interzonal microtubules, and the involvement of not only cortical contraction but also cytoskeletal disintegration. The purpose of this article is to consider alternative models that might better accommodate both old and new observations. It is proposed that chromosomal passenger proteins undergo dynamic associations at centromeres during metaphase and are recruited from the cytoplasm to both astral and interzonal microtubules during anaphase. In addition, cytokinesis may be driven by global inward contractions coupled to a localized collapse of the equatorial cortex.  相似文献   

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