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In the CNS, oligodendrocyte precursor cells differentiate into oligodendrocytes to wrap their plasma membranes around neuronal axons, generating mature neural networks with myelin sheaths according to spatial and temporal patterns. While myelination is known to be one of the most dynamic cell morphological changes, the overall intrinsic and extrinsic molecular cues controlling myelination remain to be fully clarified. Here, we describe the biphasic roles of Rnd2, an atypical branch of the Rho family GTPase, in oligodendrocyte myelination during development and after maturation in mice. Compared with littermate controls, oligodendrocyte-specific Rnd2 knockout mice exhibit decreased myelin thickness at the onset of myelination but increased myelin thickness in the later period. Larger proportions of Rho kinase and its substrate Mbs, the signaling unit that negatively regulates oligodendrocyte myelination, are phosphorylated at the onset of myelination, while their smaller proportions are phosphorylated in the later period. In addition, we confirm the biphasic role of Rnd2 through experiments with oligodendrocyte-specific Rnd2 transgenic mice. We conclude that Rnd2 positively regulates myelination in the early myelinating period and negatively regulates myelination in the later period. This unique modulator thus plays different roles depending on the myelination period.  相似文献   

Oligodendrocytes are neuroglial cells responsible, within the central nervous system, for myelin sheath formation that provides an electric insulation of axons and accelerate the transmission of electrical signals. In order to be able to produce myelin, oligodendrocytes progress through a series of differentiation steps from oligodendrocyte precursor cells to mature oligodendrocytes (migration, increase in morphologic complexity and expression pattern of specific markers), which are modulated by cross talk with other nerve cells. If during the developmental stage any of these mechanisms is affected by toxic or external stimuli it may result into impaired myelination leading to neurological deficits. Such being the case, several approaches have been developed to evaluate how oligodendrocyte development and myelination may be impaired. The present review aims to summarize changes that oligodendrocytes suffer from precursor cells to mature ones, and to describe and discuss the different in vitro models used to evaluate not only oligodendrocyte development (proliferation, migration, differentiation and ability to myelinate), but also their interaction with neurons and other glial cells. First we discuss the temporal oligodendrocyte lineage progression, highlighting the differences between human and rodent, usually used as tissue supply for in vitro cultures. Second we describe how to perform and characterize the different in vitro cultures, as well as the methodologies to evaluate oligodendrocyte functionality in each culture system, discussing their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we briefly discuss the current status of in vivo models for oligodendrocyte development and myelination.  相似文献   

Iron deficiency in children is associated with a number of neural defects including hypomyelination. It has been hypothesized by others that this hypomyelination is due to a failure in myelin production. Other possibilities include failure in the generation of oligodendrocytes from their precursor cells or an interruption in oligodendrocyte maturation. These hypotheses are based on the observations that there is a peak in brain iron uptake in vivo that coincides with the period of greatest myelination and that a shortage of iron leads to myelination deficiency. We now demonstrate that iron availability modulates the generation of oligodendrocytes from tripotential-glial restricted precursor (GRP) cells isolated from the embryonic day 13.5 rat spinal cord. In contrast, we found no effects of iron on oligodendrocyte maturation or survival in vitro, nor did we find that increasing iron availability above basal levels increases oligodendrocyte generation from bipotential oligodendrocyte-type-2 astrocyte/oligodendrocyte precursor cells (O-2A/OPCs). Our results raise the possibility that iron may affect oligodendrocyte development at stages during early embryogenesis rather than during later development.  相似文献   

The splice site mutation in the IKBKAP gene coding for IKAP protein leads to the tissue-specific skipping of exon 20, with concomitant reduction in IKAP protein production. This causes the neurodevelopmental, autosomal-recessive genetic disorder - Familial Dysautonomia (FD). The molecular hallmark of FD is the severe reduction of IKAP protein in the nervous system that is believed to be the main reason for the devastating symptoms of this disease. Our recent studies showed that in the brain of two FD patients, genes linked to oligodendrocyte differentiation and/or myelin formation are significantly downregulated, implicating IKAP in the process of myelination. However, due to the scarcity of FD patient tissues, these results awaited further validation in other models. Recently, two FD mouse models that faithfully recapitulate FD were generated, with two types of mutations resulting in severely low levels of IKAP expression. Here we demonstrate that IKAP deficiency in these FD mouse models affects a similar set of genes as in FD patients'' brains. In addition, we identified two new IKAP target genes involved in oligodendrocyte cells differentiation and myelination, further underscoring the essential role of IKAP in this process. We also provide proof that IKAP expression is needed cell-autonomously for the regulation of expression of genes involved in myelin formation since knockdown of IKAP in the Oli-neu oligodendrocyte precursor cell line results in similar deficiencies. Further analyses of these two experimental models will compensate for the lack of human postmortem tissues and will advance our understanding of the role of IKAP in myelination and the disease pathology.  相似文献   

The formation of CNS myelin is dependent on the differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) and oligodendrocyte maturation. How the initiation of myelination is regulated is unclear, but it is likely to depend on the development of competence by oligodendrocytes and receptivity by target axons. Here we identify an additional level of control of oligodendrocyte maturation mediated by interactions between the different cellular components of the oligodendrocyte lineage. During development oligodendrocyte precursors mature through a series of stages defined by labeling with monoclonal antibodies A2B5 and O4. Newly differentiated oligodendrocytes begin to express galactocerebroside recognized by O1 antibodies and subsequently mature to myelin basic protein (MBP)-positive cells prior to formation of compact myelin. Using an in vitro brain slice culture system that supports robust myelination, the consequences of ablating cells at different stages of the oligodendrocyte lineage on myelination have been assayed. Elimination of all OPC lineage cells through A2B5+, O4+, and O1+ complement-mediated cell lysis resulted in a delay in development of MBP cells and myelination. Selective elimination of early OPCs (A2B5+) also unexpectedly resulted in delayed MBP expression compared to controls suggesting that early OPCs contribute to the timing of myelination onset. By contrast, elimination of differentiated (O1+) immature oligodendrocytes permanently inhibited the appearance of MBP+ cells suggesting that oligodendrocytes are critical to facilitate the maturation of OPCs. These data illuminate that the presence of intra-lineage feed-forward and feedback cues are important for timely myelination by oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) like cells-derived testis represents a possible alternative to replace of neurons and glia. Here, we differentiated spermatogonia cells to oligoprogenitor (OP) like cells and transplanted them to demyelination model and assess their recovery potential in a demyelinated corpus callosum model in rats. ES like cells were differentiated to OP like cells using appropriate inducers and were transplanted in situ to demyelinated corpus callosum. Cell integration as well as demyelination extension and myelination intensity changes were evaluated using histologic studies and immunocytochemistry after 2 and 4 weeks post transplantation. Investigation of Nestin, NF68, Olig2, and NG2 by immunocytochemical technique indicated the differentiation of ES like cells to neuroprogenitor and oligodendrocyte like cells in each induction stage. Histologic findings showed a significant decrease in demyelination extension and a significant increase in remyelination intensity in cell transplanted groups. Also on the base of PLP expression, differentiation of transplanted cells was confirmed to myelinogenic cells using immunocytochemistry technique. We conclude that ES like cells derived from spermatogonia cells can be differentiated to OP like cells that can form myelin after transplantation into the demyelination model in rat, this represents recovery potential of spermatogonia cells which opens new window for cell therapeutic approaches using spermatogonial stem cells.  相似文献   

O'leary  M. T  Blakemore  W. F 《Brain Cell Biology》1997,26(4):191-206
A lack of suitable markers for cells which undergo division following transplantation has hindered studies assessing the long-term survival of glial cell grafts in the CNS. A probe specific to the rat Y chromosome was used to identify male glial cells grafted into an area of ethidium bromide-induced demyelination in syngeneic adult female rat spinal cord 4 weeks, 6 months and 12 months post-transplantation. At all time points there was extensive oligodendrocyte remyelination of transplanted lesions, and graft-derived cells were present within the lesion up to 12 months post-transplantation. In order to demonstrate graft-derived oligodendrocytes in the remyelinated region at 6 and 12 months, double-labelling studies were performed using the oligodendrocyte-specific antibodies carbonic anhydrase II or phosphatidyl ethanolamine-binding protein in combination with the Y chromosome probe. It was found that the majority of oligodendrocytes in the transplanted region were graft-derived. Graft-mediated remyelination was associated with a reduction in myelin sheath thickness and increase in nodal frequency similar to that observed in spontaneous remyelination, suggesting that, like axons remyelinated spontaneously, axons remyelinated by grafted cells will be capable of secure conduction. An alteration in the immunoreactivity of oligodendrocytes from carbonic anhydrase II-negative in the unlesioned dorsal funiculus to carbonic anhydrase II-positive in the remyelinated dorsal funiculus was considered to reflect a reduction in the amount of myelin supported by each oligodendrocyte, leading to the proposal that carbonic anhydrase II immunoreactivity may provide a means of identifying areas of remyelination in normally carbonic anhydrase II-negative white matter tracts.  相似文献   

Oligodendrocyte precursor cells modify the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) by the attachment of polysialic acid (PSA). Upon further differentiation into mature myelinating oligodendrocytes, however, oligodendrocyte precursor cells down-regulate PSA synthesis. In order to address the question of whether this down-regulation is a necessary prerequisite for the myelination process, transgenic mice expressing the polysialyltransferase ST8SiaIV under the control of the proteolipid protein promoter were generated. In these mice, postnatal down-regulation of PSA in oligodendrocytes was abolished. Most NCAM-120, the characteristic NCAM isoform in oligodendrocytes, carried PSA in the transgenic mice at all stages of postnatal development. Polysialylated NCAM-120 partially co-localized with myelin basic protein and was present in purified myelin. The permanent expression of PSA-NCAM in oligodendrocytes led to a reduced myelin content in the forebrains of transgenic mice during the period of active myelination and in the adult animal. In situ hybridizations indicated a significant decrease in the number of mature oligodendrocytes in the forebrain. Thus, down-regulation of PSA during oligodendrocyte differentiation is a prerequisite for efficient myelination by mature oligodendrocytes. Furthermore, myelin of transgenic mice exhibited structural abnormalities like redundant myelin and axonal degeneration, indicating that the down-regulation of PSA is also necessary for myelin maintenance.  相似文献   

When disrupted, iron homeostasis negatively impacts oligodendrocyte (OLG) differentiation and impairs myelination. To better understand myelin formation and OLG maturation, in vivo and in vitro studies were conducted to evaluate the effect of iron deficiency (ID) not only on OLG maturation but also on astrocytes (AST) and microglial cells (MG). In vivo experiments in an ID model were carried out to describe maturational events during OLG and AST development and the reactive profile of MG during myelination when iron availability is lower than normal. In turn, in vitro assays were conducted to explore proliferating and maturational states of each glial cell type derived from control or ID conditions. Studies targeted NG2, PDGFRα, CNPAse, CC1, and MBP expression in OLG, GFAP and S100 expression in AST, and CD11b, ED1, and cytokine expression in MG, as well as BrDU incorporation in the three cell types. Our results show that ID affected OLG development at early stages, not only reducing their maturation capacity but also increasing their proliferation and affecting their morphological complexity. AST ID proliferated more than control ones and were more immature, much like OLG. Cytokine expression in ID animals reflected an anti-inflammatory state which probably influenced OLG maturation. These results show that ID conditions alter all glial cells and may impact myelin formation, which could be regulated by a mechanism involving a cross talk between AST, MG, and oligodendrocyte progenitors (OPC).  相似文献   

The cerebellum is one of the most affected brain regions in the course of bilirubin-induced neurological dysfunction. We recently demonstrated that unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) reduces oligodendrocyte progenitor cell (OPC) survival and impairs oligodendrocyte (OL) differentiation and myelination in co-cultures of dorsal root ganglia neurons and OL. Here, we used organotypic cerebellar slice cultures, which replicate many aspects of the in vivo system, to dissect myelination defects by UCB in the presence of neuroimmune-related glial cells. Our results demonstrate that treatment of cerebellar slices with UCB reduces the number of myelinated fibres and myelin basic protein mRNA expression. Interestingly, UCB addition to slices increased the percentage of OPC and decreased mature OL content, whereas it decreased Olig1 and increased Olig2 mRNA expression. These UCB effects were associated with enhanced gliosis, revealed by an increased burden of both microglia and astrocytes. Additionally, UCB treatment led to a marked increase of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and glutamate release, in parallel with a decrease of interleukin (IL)-6. No changes were observed relatively to IL-1β and S100B secretion. Curiously, both α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor antagonist and TNF-α antibody partially prevented the myelination defects that followed UCB exposure. These data point to a detrimental role of UCB in OL maturation and myelination together with astrocytosis, microgliosis, and both inflammatory and excitotoxic responses, which collectively may account for myelin deficits following moderate to severe neonatal jaundice.  相似文献   

Du  Weihong  Deng  Yongbing  Jiang  Rong  Tong  Luyao  Li  Ruixue  Jiang  Xue 《Neurochemical research》2022,47(2):503-515

Recent evidence has shown that demyelination occurs along with axonal degeneration in spinal cord injury (SCI) during the secondary injury phase. Oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC) are present in the lesions but fail to differentiate into mature oligodendrocytes and form new myelin. Given the limited recovery of neuronal functions after SCI in adults without effective treatment available so far, it remains unknown whether enhancing OPC differentiation and myelination could benefit the recovery of SCI. To show the significance of myelin regeneration after SCI, the injury was treated with clemastine in the rat model. Clemastine is an FDA-approved drug that is potent in promoting oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination in vivo, for four weeks following SCI. Motor function was assessed using sloping boards and grid walking tests and scored according to the Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan protocol. The myelin integrity and protein expression were evaluated using transmission electron microscopy and immunofluorescence, respectively. The results indicated that clemastine treatment preserves myelin integrity, decreases loss of axons and improves functional recovery in the rat SCI model. The presented data suggest that myelination-enhancing strategies may serve as a potential therapeutic approach for the functional recovery in SCI.


Oligodendrocyte development and thyroid hormone.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The function and origin of NG2+ cells in the adult brain are still controversial. A large amount of data is available which strongly indicates that adult NG2-expressing cells form a heterogeneous population, constituted by oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) and a fourth novel type of glial cells named the synantocytes. Whether these two populations derive from the progressive maturation of perinatal NG2+ OPCs or are generated as separate populations is not known. We used organotypic cultures of newborn mouse cerebellum depleted, by anti-mitotic drug treatment, of their NG2+ cells with perinatal features (high proliferating rate and high oligodendrocytic differentiation ability). In these cultures, despite the lack of myelin after 14 days in vitro, numerous NG2+ cells remained. We show that these BrdU-resistant cells were able to slowly divide, as adult NG2+ cells do. Although many of these cells expressed O4, only a very small fraction of them was further engaged in oligodendrocyte lineage, as they had an extremely poor capacity to generate myelin sheaths to the Purkinje cell axons. These results support the view that at least two distinct populations of NG2+ cells coexist in the cerebellum from birth: one with the young OPC characteristics, another with adult NG2+ cell characteristics. Thus, a fraction of adult NG2+ cells do not derive from the maturation of perinatal OPCs.  相似文献   

LINGO-1 is selectively expressed in the CNS on both oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) and neurons. Its expression is developmentally regulated in the normal CNS, as well as up-regulated in human or rat models of neuropathologies. LINGO-1 functions as a negative regulator of oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination, neuronal survival and axonal regeneration. Across diverse animal CNS disease models, targeted LINGO-1 inhibition was found to promote neuron and oligodendrocyte survival, axon regeneration, oligodendrocyte differentiation, remyelination and improved functional recovery. The targeted inhibition of LINGO-1 therefore presents a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of neurological diseases.  相似文献   

Current methods for studying central nervous system myelination necessitate permissive axonal substrates conducive to myelin wrapping by oligodendrocytes. We have developed a neuron-free culture system in which electron-spun nanofibers of varying sizes substitute for axons as a substrate for oligodendrocyte myelination, thereby allowing manipulation of the biophysical elements of axonal-oligodendroglial interactions. To investigate axonal regulation of myelination, this system effectively uncouples the role of molecular (inductive) cues from that of biophysical properties of the axon. We use this method to uncover the causation and sufficiency of fiber diameter in the initiation of concentric wrapping by rat oligodendrocytes. We also show that oligodendrocyte precursor cells display sensitivity to the biophysical properties of fiber diameter and initiate membrane ensheathment before differentiation. The use of nanofiber scaffolds will enable screening for potential therapeutic agents that promote oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination and will also provide valuable insight into the processes involved in remyelination.  相似文献   

Both late-gestation and adult human forebrain contain large numbers of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs). These cells may be identified by their A2B5(+)PSA-NCAM(-) phenotype (positive for the early oligodendrocyte marker A2B5 and negative for the polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule). We used dual-color fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) to extract OPCs from 21- to 23-week-old fetal human forebrain, and A2B5 selection to extract these cells from adult white matter. When xenografted to the forebrains of newborn shiverer mice, fetal OPCs dispersed throughout the white matter and developed into oligodendrocytes and astrocytes. By 12 weeks, the host brains showed extensive myelin production, compaction and axonal myelination. Isolates of OPCs derived from adult human white matter also myelinated shiverer mouse brain, but much more rapidly than their fetal counterparts, achieving widespread and dense myelin basic protein (MBP) expression by 4 weeks after grafting. Adult OPCs generated oligodendrocytes more efficiently than fetal OPCs, and ensheathed more host axons per donor cell than fetal cells. Both fetal and adult OPC phenotypes mediated the extensive and robust myelination of congenitally dysmyelinated host brain, although their differences suggested their use for different disease targets.  相似文献   

J. Neurochem. (2012) 122, 1167-1180. ABSTRACT: Multiple extracellular factors have been implicated in orchestrating myelination of the CNS; however, less is known about the intracellular signaling cascades that regulate this process. We have previously shown that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) promotes oligodendrocyte myelination. Here, we screened for the activation of candidate signaling pathways in in vitro myelination assays and found that extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk) signaling positively correlated with basal levels of oligodendrocyte myelination as well as BDNF-induced myelination in vitro. By selectively manipulating Erk1/2 activation in oligodendrocytes in vitro, we found that constitutive activation of Erk1/2 significantly increased myelination, mimicking the promyelinating effect of BDNF, and also caused myelination to occur earlier. Conversely, selective inhibition of Erk1/2 in oligodendrocytes significantly reduced the basal level of myelination and blocked the promyelinating effect of BDNF. Analysis of myelinating spinal cord and corpus callosum white matter tracts revealed that the majority of mature oligodendrocytes are co-labeled with phospho-Erk1/2, whereas phospho-Erk1/2 was rarely observed in oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. Finally, the total level of phospho-Erk1/2 correlated with myelin formation during the early postnatal period. Collectively, these data identify that Erk1/2 signaling within oligodendrocytes exerts an important and direct effect to promote myelination.  相似文献   

Myelination represents a remarkable example of cell specialization and cell-cell interaction in development. During this process, axons are wrapped by concentric layers of cell membrane derived either from central nervous system (CNS) oligodendrocytes or peripheral nervous system Schwann cells. In the CNS, oligodendrocytes elaborate a membranous extension with an area of more than 1000 times that of the cell body. The mechanisms regulating this change in cell shape remain poorly understood. Signaling mechanisms regulated by cell surface adhesion receptors of the integrin family represent likely candidates. Integrins link the extracellular environment of the cell with both intracellular signaling molecules and the cytoskeleton and have been shown to regulate the activity of GTPases implicated in the control of cell shape. Our previous work has established that oligodendrocytes and their precursors express a limited repertoire of integrins. One of these, the alpha6beta1 laminin receptor, can interact with laminin-2 substrates to enhance oligodendrocyte myelin membrane formation in cell culture. However, these experiments do not address the important question of integrin function during myelination in vivo, nor do they define the respective roles of the alpha and beta subunits in the signaling pathways involved. Here, we use a dominant-negative approach to provide, for the first time, evidence that beta1 integrin function is required for myelination in vivo and use chimeric integrins to dissect apart the roles of the extracellular and cytoplasmic domains of the alpha6 subunit in the signaling pathways of myelination.  相似文献   

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